Radial drilling machine model. Radial drilling machines - overview of models. Ukrainian radial drilling machines

You can meet them both at large enterprises and small-scale production. This type of equipment is currently the most popular in industry. One of the most common models of this group today is 2M55.Radial drilling machineit is very productive, reliable and durable.

Design Features

Let's look at the specific characteristics of the 2M55 machines below. First, let's figure out what radial drilling units are. Such machines belong to the group of universal type machines. Their main design features are:

    large spindle speed range;

    the presence of an automatic shutdown mechanism when the specified drilling depth is reached.

Some types of radial drilling equipment may have other design features that increase ease of use. In any case, to The gearbox for speeds and working gears in such machines is located in the drill headstock. Accordingly, all the main components in equipment of this type are located here.

Main structural elements of 2M55

The actual diagram of the 2M55 radial drilling machine includes the following large components:





The base of the unit is used to fix the workpieces.

Modern industry produces radial drilling machines of various configurations:

    stationary desktop;

    with a column moving along the surface of the workpiece;

    large machines moving on rails;

    mounted directly on the workpiece itself near the surface to be processed.

Model 2M55 belongs to the first type of equipment. The layout of the machine part is two-column. This design gives the operator a lot of advantages when working. The fact is that on type machines it is impossible to shift the spindle when clamping the column. That is, the design of the unit is as rigid as possible. This, in turn, among other things, allows the workpieces to be processed with very high quality.

Column clamp of radial drilling machine 2M55(a drawing of it indicating the elements is presented below) a hydraulic one is provided.It is located in the gear housing of the hose lifting mechanism.

St.Erlil grandmaradial drillingmachine2M55 consistsfrom gearboxes and gearboxes. The working tool in such equipment rotates from an electric motor. It is installed, as in all other types of machines, in the spindle. The mounting hole of the latter has a cone-shaped shape.

Scope of use

More oftenradially- drilling machines 2M55(photo of these unitspresented on the page)can be seen in the workshops of metallurgy enterprises. They are used in most cases to work with large parts. For the same purpose, similar equipment is often used in heavy industrial enterprises.mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and aircraft construction. Such machines, despite the fact that they are essentially an outdated model, are quite expensive and at the same time are distinguished by large dimensions and weight. An enterprise can buy a used 2M55 unit at a price of 150 thousand rubles. This figure is, of course, quite large. However, the price of modern new models of radial drilling machines can reach up to a million or more. Therefore, the 2M55 is very suitable as an economical version of such equipment.

What work can be performed

Be usedradial drilling machines2M55 can for:

    creating holes (not only in metal, but also in wood or plastic);

    countersinking and drilling;

    grinding surfaces;

    creating threads inside holes.

Equipment of this type is intended for both roughing and finishing of internal conical, cylindrical, threaded or end surfaces. The following working tools can be used on such machines:




Also, in some cases, various kinds of special tools may be used.

Main technical characteristics of the radial drilling machine 2M55

This model is currently used most often in enterprises.Equipment used2M55, as already mentioned, mainly for processing large parts. Therefore, one of the featuresmodels, like most other radial drilling machines,is high power.Processing of workpieces on such a machine can be carried out at 19 different speeds. Such equipment may be used for different materials. However, most often metal workpieces are processed on radial drilling machines. The largest drilling diameter in 2M55 units on products made of medium-hard steel is 50 mm.

Other characteristics of 2M55

In operation, the 2M55 radial drilling machine, the description of which was given above, as you can see, is quite convenient. This is determined primarily, of course, by its excellent technical characteristics.

Technical hacharacteristics of radial drilling machine 2M55,thus, it has very good ones. This model is equipped witha control system that makes it easy to automate any operation performed.

Of course, it comes complete withradial drilling machine 2M55 and passport.From this document you can learn more about the characteristics of the unit. Also included with the passport are instructions for operating this equipment and safety rules when working on it.

Advantages of the model

In comparison with previously produced modifications, the 2M55 machine has the following advantages:

    the presence of a developed cone that allows you to work at high temperatures;

    increased hose stroke along the column;

    speed of movement of the clamp and sleeve (reduces reinstallation time);

    excellent maintainability;

    the absence of various types of mechanisms on the upper end (provides ease of use).


Since Soviet times, the 2M55 model has been produced by the Odessa Radial Drilling Machines Plant. This company was founded in the century before last - in 1884. IN Soviet times it was called the Lenin Machine-Building Plant. This company began producing machines back in 1928.

The first radial drilling unit, designed to make holes with a diameter of up to 50 mm, was manufactured by the plant in 1946 - immediately after the war. In addition to the popular 2M55 model, this company supplies Russian and Ukrainian markets such high-quality units, well known to many manufacturers, such as 2A55, 2N55, 2A554, etc. Some machines from this manufacturer are designed for drilling holes up to 75 or even 100 mm in diameter. Any machines from the Odessa plant are considered by consumers to be very high quality and reliable products. This also applies, of course, to the 2M55 model.

Radial drilling equipment 2M55 with CNC

To increase the performance of units of this brandto improve the quality of parts processing at metallurgical enterprises and machine-building plants, in addition to them, CNC can be used. INmodificationsCNC(for example, machine 2M55F2) software usually based on movement along three axes, tool number andto the processing mode parameters. In this case, the workpiece can be installed on a table-slab or on the foundation of the unit. The operator changes tools manually.

To ensure smooth operation of the CNC radial drilling machine2M55A rack for 18 tools is usually installed next to it. Each cell of the latter is equipped with a light indicating the order of installation in the spindle. Switches are also mounted here to control the order in which the tools are used.

Modern modifications

The 2M55 model was developed, as already mentioned, back in Soviet times. At that time, this unit was considered innovative equipment. Modern manufacturers also consider the 2M55 to be quite reliable and durable. These machines rarely break down. At the same time, it is very convenient to work for them. But still, this unit is, of course, inferior to modern radial drilling machines in many respects. The 2M55 modification and the addition of CNC can significantly increase its productivity and improve the quality of workpiece processing. However, enterprises still purchase such machines mainly only if they want to save money for some reason.

If the priority task of the plant is to produce high-quality parts in large quantities, its management should, of course, pay attention to more modern views radial drilling equipment. Such modifications of 2M55 include, for example, machines:




Specifications them, for comparison withradial drilling machine2M55,are presented in the table.

Is it being released today?

Despite the fact that engineers have recently developed new, more advanced modifications of the 2M55 machine, its production continues to this day. Many companies supply this equipment to the market and purchase it if necessary. special labor will not amount to. In most cases, the manufacturer of these units provides a 12-month warranty on their products. If necessary, enterprises have the opportunity to order the modernization of the 2M55 machine from almost any plant that produces radial drilling equipment.

The Odessa RCT plant manufactures radial drilling machines of the 2A554 series. This type of equipment is designed for processing large workpieces, the movement of which along the surface of the worktable is difficult. The design of the machine provides maximum access to all edges of the part and allows you to perform a wide range of operations.

Machine design

The main purpose of the 2A554 machine is to form holes by drilling, countersinking and trimming ends. The spindle head has several degrees of freedom and moves relative to the workpiece.

The main difference from similar models is the concentration of the main controls in the design of the drilling head. It is located on the sleeve, which is fixed to the axis of the vertical column. This ensures the displacement of the drilling unit both vertically and horizontally. An advanced control system allows for maximum automation of the processing process.

The 2A554 radial drilling machine has the following components and assemblies:

  • base plate, which has several T-shaped grooves for securely fixing the part;
  • a column rotating around its axis. To perform this function, it is provided with bearings;
  • a sleeve attached to a column;
  • drill head. It moves along the guide sleeves in a horizontal direction.

For the operation of units and components, the machine design has hydraulic clamps that provide fairly easy position changes. The controls are located on the side of the drill head, making it easy to set up the equipment. It is also possible to pre-set operating modes and frequency. This feature improves productivity and accuracy of workpiece processing.

Regardless of the location of the spindle, it will always be balanced. Thanks to this, the range of operations performed on the degree of processing of the part is expanded.

Equipment technical parameters

The competent layout of the 2A554 machine made it possible to achieve optimal performance. This directly affected the characteristics of the equipment. Their review should begin with the main parameters. The weight of the machine is 4700 kg, its dimensions are 266.5 * 103 * 343 cm.

The accuracy class of the equipment corresponds to “N”. The maximum permissible drilling diameter for steel 45 is 50 mm. It is also possible to form holes in cast iron blanks. Their diameter cannot exceed 63 mm. The spindle can move along the hose at a distance from 35 to 160 cm. The maximum height of the hose lift along the column is 75 cm. In this case, the maximum speed is 1.4 m/min.

The dimensions of the desktop are 102*255.5 cm. Additionally, it is possible to install additional tools to improve technical and functionality equipment. Its weight cannot exceed 15 kg.

To understand the performance qualities of the 2A554 machine, you should carefully study the parameters of the spindle head:

  • sleeve diameter – 9 cm;
  • rotation speed limits - from 18 to 2000 rpm;
  • the number of speeds is 24;
  • limits of working feeds that are possible with one spindle revolution – from 0.045 to 5 mm/rev;
  • thread formation parameters. Feed limits per revolution - from 1 to 5 mm;
  • maximum torque, kgf*cm – 7100;
  • permissible feed force, kN – 20.

To control the position of the working head, there are several types of clamps in the design. When the column rotates and the drilling head moves along the sleeve, hydraulic devices are used. The hose is clamped to the column stand using electrical clamps.

The main drive of the 2A554 machine is performed by operating a 5.5 kW electric motor. To move along the hose, the design includes a 2.2 kW electrical installation. Additional devices (5 pcs) are designed to supply coolant and ensure reliable fixation of machine components relative to each other.

To turn off the spindle and change the direction of its rotation, the machine has a friction clutch. It is located between the gearbox and the main electric motor.

Before final installation of the 2A554 machine, you should prepare a working platform for it. It is best to equip a special platform that will be able to support the weight of the equipment. Then you need to check the components and assemblies for hidden and obvious defects.

After installation, connection to the electrical network is carried out. It must be designed for the maximum power of the equipment. Therefore, it is important to study all the characteristics of the machine, changing parameters depending on the current operating modes.

In addition, during operation of the equipment the following factors should be taken into account:

  • when emergency situations(breakdown or malfunction) first a complete shutdown is performed and only then repair work is carried out;
  • While the equipment is operating, it is prohibited to clean it, change the position of the workpiece, or tighten the bolts and nuts of the structure;
  • If drain chips form, the drill should be removed from the hole. Otherwise, there is a high probability of long chips forming. It can stick to the cutting edges of the drill or the ends of the surfaces being processed;
  • control the functionality of the counterweight, which is necessary to adjust the position of the spindle.

The operating personnel must be given safety instructions and the characteristics of the machine are studied in detail.

The video shows an example of the operation of the 2A554 machine:

On radial drilling machines perform the same technological operations as on vertical drilling machines, namely:

  • drilling holes in solid material,
  • drilling and countersinking of pre-drilled holes,
  • countersinking of end surfaces,
  • opening holes,
  • cutting internal threads with taps mainly in medium and large body parts.

Using special tools and devices on radial drilling machines, you can bore holes, cut large diameter holes in disks made of sheet material, grind precise holes in cylinders, valves, etc.

As can be seen from the list of technological operations, radial drilling machines are universal. Their main purpose is to process holes in large parts in single and small-scale production.

Their fundamental difference from vertical drilling machines is that when working on them you have to move the workpiece relative to the spindle; in radial drilling machines, on the contrary, the spindle is moved relative to the workpiece. This was not done by chance, since when processing heavy parts, their installation, alignment and fastening takes more time than bringing the drill in.

The spindle of a radial drilling machine can be easily moved both in the radial direction and along a circle of various radii. This makes it possible to drill holes at any point in a part area limited by two concentric sectors of circles: one of them is formed by the radius of the largest and the other by the smallest spindle overhang during circular rotation of the sleeve relative to the machine column.

The versatility of radial drilling machines allows them to be widely used from repair shops to machine-building shops for large-scale production.

Used in industry various types radial drilling machines. Some of them are shown in Fig. 7.10.

Rice. 7.10. Types of Radial Drilling Machines:

a - stationary general purpose; b - with a column moving along the frame guides; c - mobile on rails, d - portable

General purpose radial drilling machine shown in Fig. 7.10, a. The workpiece to be processed is placed on a stove or table. The machine spindle occupies a vertical position and can move in three directions: around the axis of the column, along the radii of this circle, and vertically along its axis.

In Fig. 7.10, b shows a radial drilling machine with a column moving along the bed guides. Such machines are designed for processing heavy and bulky parts.

A radial drilling machine (Fig. 7.10, c) can be mounted on a self-propelled trolley, which moves using an electric drive along a normal railway track.

In Fig. 7.10, d shown radial drilling machine, used for machining holes in large case steel and cast iron castings. Such machines are widely used in heavy engineering and shipyards.

The movement of the column along the frame, vertical and horizontal movements of the sleeve are carried out mechanically. The column, sleeve and slide are clamped onto the frame hydraulically.

Radial drilling The machines have a wide range of rotation speeds and a large number of spindle speeds and mechanical feeds with high power of the main drive. The auxiliary time when working on radial drilling machines is quite large.

To reduce it, machines are equipped with mechanisms with minimal time for switching spindle speeds and changing feed rates.

The machine controls are concentrated in one place - on the drilling (spindle) head.

Activation and reversal of spindle rotation is carried out by a multi-disc friction clutch, and changes in speeds and feeds are carried out by hydraulic control.

The system of safety devices prevents machine breakdowns due to overload.

The radial drilling machine is one of the rather complex devices that ensures a high level of quality of the work performed. It is necessary for creating a variety of holes and internal threads, drilling and countersinking. Working on a conventional machine requires the operator to have experience and certain skills, ability, attention, concentration and significant physical effort. That is why the use of a CNC radial drilling machine has become an excellent replacement for old equipment and a guarantee of performing work with high precision.

Unit features

Using a radial drilling machine allows you to speed up execution various operations related to the creation of various kinds of holes in parts made of metal. This is a universal equipment that, despite its small size and ease of maintenance, allows you to achieve a high level of quality when performing operations related to drilling.

Equipment with numerical program controlled Designed for creating through or blind holes in metal workpieces and parts. The main components of the machine are:

  • thread taps;
  • drills of various diameters;
  • sweeps;
  • countersink.

In addition to the listed elements, the machine can be installed additional equipment. However, the presence of numerical program control involves the use of a special computer unit, into the memory of which all the nuances of the upcoming planned operation are entered.

The peculiarity of radial drilling machines is the ability to make the required holes at any angle to the surface of the part. In this case, the appearance of each individual hole depends on the angle of its axis.

All necessary data is entered into the computer memory and the planned operation can be performed at a high level of quality and without the use of manual labor operator.

Thanks to the design features of the machine, which the developers took care of, parts with complex geometry and non-standard parameters can be processed.

The holes processed on this machine have a cylindrical or even conical shape. All parts are securely fixed, and tools designed for cutting metal move smoothly in a given direction.

CNC radial drilling machines can be large or small and mounted on a workbench. In any case, they all differ in characteristics, which allows them to work with parts made from a wide variety of metals.

Structural units

There are 4 types of radial drilling machines, differing in their design features and the presence of certain components in the design:

  • Stationary equipment on which general operations are performed.
  • Equipment equipped with a column, the peculiarity of which is the ability to move along guides installed here along the surface of the workpiece.
  • Machines that are particularly large in size move themselves in a given direction. The guides for these models are specially mounted rails.
  • Small-sized machines installed in the work area. They are designed to perform high precision operations.

Working on a machine equipped with numerical control requires special training and availability large quantity knowledge and skills.

Working with numerical control requires certain skills and abilities.

Despite the presence of some design features, each model is equipped with a base characterized by a high degree of reliability.

The part is fixed on it. The cylindrical column of the radial drilling machine, on which the horizontal traverse is fixed, is made in such a way that it can perform rotational movements.

The traverse moves in a horizontal plane, but to perform drilling operations or creating internal threads, it is necessary that the machine is equipped with a drill headstock with a working spindle. It is the spindle that is necessary for reliable fixation of the metal carving tool.

This design is quite simple and the specified work on stationary equipment is carried out in short terms With minimum cost physical strength.

CNC drilling

How does the unit work?

The functionality of a radial drilling machine depends on the quality of its components. For example, the operation of this equipment requires the installation of a gearbox in the drill headstock and adjustment of the working gears.

All manipulations associated with the processing of metal parts are performed thanks to the precise and rhythmic rotation of the cutting tool.

On the front panel there is a kind of control center for the machine and all operations performed. Its power also depends on the quality and features of the electric motor with which the radial drilling machine is equipped. However, the parameters of the processing performed depend on various factors, including:

  • diameter of the hole being created;
  • the greatest distance that the spindle can move;
  • the number of the cone, which is located in the inside of the spindle and attached to the machine;
  • the number of steps with which you can adjust the spindle speed;
  • number of spindle revolutions.

Radial drilling machines are complex, but highly efficient and multifunctional equipment.

Most of these machines are used on large enterprises, and numerical control greatly facilitates the work performed on creating different diameter holes in parts of the most complex shapes.

Advantages of CNC machine

Main feature radial drilling machine with numerical control – lightness and high processing speed. This is possible thanks to the availability of a complex of equipment, which includes the following systems:

  • hydraulic;
  • mechanical;
  • electric.

Various metals are used to create machines. It can be cast iron or high strength steel. The process of creating equipment requires the use of materials that have undergone special processing.

The filler machine is designed to create both through and blind holes. And equipping it with numerical control allows you to significantly speed up the production process without reducing the level of accuracy of the operations performed.

Modern radial drilling machines equipped with numerical control are reliable, ultra-precise, durable, multifunctional equipment.

Advantages of the CNC system

Many machine models have increased the size of the working plate, increased the number of working gears and built-in spindle speeds.

Everything has a huge positive impact on labor productivity, and the CNC unit makes it much easier to control the machine. It is also important how well the cooling system is equipped. For this purpose, the units are equipped with powerful pump motors.

When creating a CNC machine, several schemes were used to ensure effective management and control production process. For example, vertical movement is controlled thanks to the presence of stops and switches, recording a program on punched tape or typing a program on a plug panel.

Today, CNC machines, which have a more complex design, have become widespread in production. Their column is capable of performing a complete rotation around its axis, and the working head is mounted on a traverse that can move vertically.

This proves that modern equipment equipped with numerical control not only simplifies routine operations, but also guarantees a high level of quality of the created parts.

Video: Radial drilling machine

Information about the manufacturer of radial drilling machines 2A554

The manufacturer of radial drilling machines 2A554 is Odessa Radial Drilling Machine Plant, founded in 1884.

Since 1928 State Machine-building plant them. V.I. Lenin began to specialize in the production of metal-cutting machines. The production of vertical drilling machines with a drilling diameter of up to 75 mm was mastered.

In November 1946, the first radial drilling machine with a drilling diameter of 50 mm was produced. Following these machines, the plant began to produce radial drilling machines with drilling diameters of 75 and 100 mm, portable drilling machines with a rotating head with drilling diameters up to 75 mm, honing machines up to a diameter of 600 mm, and deep drilling machines up to a diameter of 50 mm.

Currently, the 2A554 radial drilling machine also produces Orsk Machine Tool Plant, Orsk.
Website address: http://orskstanzavod.ru

2A554 radial drilling machine. Purpose and scope

Radial drilling machine model 2A554 replaced the outdated model of the machine of the same series 2M55.

The general purpose radial drilling machine 2A554 is used for drilling, reaming, countersinking, trimming ends in both directions, reaming, boring holes and tapping large parts, the movement of which on the machine table is difficult, and in some cases impossible.

The 2A554 radial drilling machine is designed for producing through and blind holes in parts using drills, for reaming and finishing holes previously obtained by casting or stamping, and for performing other operations. The main motion and feed motion in the drilling machine are communicated to the tool.

Operating principle and design features of the machine

The use of fixtures and special tools significantly increases the productivity of the machine and expands the range of possible operations, allowing it to drill square holes, turn internal grooves, cut round plates from sheets, etc. With appropriate equipment, the machine can perform many operations typical of boring machines.

The concentration of all controls on the drilling head, the presence of a column hydraulic clamp interlocked with the drilling head clamp, automation of the sleeve clamping, and the presence of a system of safety devices that prevent machine breakdown due to overloads allow you to minimize auxiliary time and achieve high productivity.

The layout of the machines is traditional for radial drilling machines and includes:

  • A stationary plate with T-shaped slots for clamping the workpiece, on which the internal column is fixedly fixed
  • An outer, rotating column is mounted on the inner column on bearings, on which a sleeve with a drilling head is placed.
  • A sleeve with the possibility of vertical movement along the column and with the possibility of rotation around a vertical axis together with the column
  • Drilling head with the ability to move horizontally along the sleeve guides
  • Spindle mounted in a cylindrical sleeve, with the possibility of vertical movement in the drilling head housing
  • The feed is provided by the spindle sleeve. All other movements are positioning
  • All parts of the machines move with minimal effort and are fixed in working position using hydraulic clamps
  • All controls are concentrated on the drill head control panel
  • Preliminary set of spindle speed and feed, as well as hydraulic control of gearboxes and feeds ensures quick change of modes
  • The friction clutch built into the gearbox provides quick reverse when cutting threads and protects the gearbox from overloads
  • The machine spindle is balanced at any point of its movement
  • The steering device for controlling the drilling head has the ability to turn off the mechanical feed when the specified drilling depth is reached

Modifications of the radial drilling machine 2A554

2М55, 2М55-1, 2Н55, 2Ш55,

2A554-2- radial drilling machine with drilling diameter 50 mm

2A554-1- radial drilling machine with drilling diameter 63 mm

2N55F2, 2M55F2- CNC radial drilling machine

2N554F1, 2M554F1-29- radial drilling machine with digital display

Dimensions of the working space of the radial drilling machine 2A554

Dimensions of the working space of the drilling machine 2a554

Landing and connecting bases for radial drilling machine 2A554

Landing and connecting bases for drilling machine 2a554

General view of the radial drilling machine 2A554

Photo of radial drilling machine 2a554

Arrangement of components of the radial drilling machine 2A554

Location components drilling machine 2a554

Specification of components of the radial drilling machine 2A554

  1. Slab - 2M55.00.I0.000
  2. Cooling unit - 2M55.00.12.000
  3. Machine grounding - 2М55.00.86.000
  4. Column electrical equipment - 2M55.00.81.000
  5. Base, column - 2M55.00.11.000
  6. Sleeve clamp - 2М55.00.23.000
  7. Sleeve - 2M55.00.2I.000
  8. Hydraulic clamp - 2М55.00.33.000
  9. Current collector - 2M55.00.I4.000
  10. Hydroelectric station - 2M55.00.32.000
  11. Gearbox - 2M55.00.3I.000
  12. Lifting mechanism - 2М55.00.22.000
  13. Hose electrical equipment - 2A554.00.94.000
  14. Mechanism for manual movement of the head - 2A554.50.28.000
  15. Steering device - 2A554.50.26.000
  16. Spindle - 2A554.50.55.000
  17. Feed mechanism - 2А554.50.25.000
  18. Friction clutch control handle - 2М55.50.48.000
  19. Head electrical equipment - 2A554.50.95.000
  20. Drive for accelerated spindle retraction - 2A554.50.95.000
  21. Counterweight - 2А554.50.37.000
  22. Head clamp - 2M55.50.36.000
  23. Pumping unit - 2A554.50.65.000
  24. Grease - 2М55.50.68.000
  25. Hydrocommunication - 2A554.50.67.000
  26. Main cylinder - 2М55.50.66.000
  27. Hydraulic preselector drive - 2М55.50.46.000
  28. Hydraulic preselector - 2A554.50.45.000
  29. Friction clutch - 2M55.50.I5.000
  30. Gearbox - 2A554.50.I6.000
  31. Feedbox (24 steps) - 2A554.50.I7.000
  32. Feedbox (12 steps) - 2А554.50.18.000
  33. Drilling head - 2А554.50.00.000
  34. Hydropanel - 2A554.50.47.000

Location of controls for radial drilling machine 2A554

Location of controls for drilling machine 2a554

List of controls for radial drilling machine 2A554

  1. The machine is turned on; the machine is turned off
  2. Grounding
  3. Input switch
  4. Cooling pump switch
  1. Coolant valve
  2. Drill head movement flywheel
  3. Handle for manual rapid approach of the spindle and inclusion of mechanical feed
  4. Drill head release button
  5. Column and drill head release button
  6. Column and drill head clamp button
  7. Dial clamp button for adjusting drilling depth
  8. Feed range switch handle
  9. Counterweight spring tension handle
  10. Automatic cycle switch
  11. Spindle fine manual feed flywheel
  12. Button to disconnect the spindle from the gearbox
  13. Pre-speed knob
  14. 26. Main motor start button
  15. Hydraulic system filter warning lamp
  16. Sleeve lowering control button
  17. Pre-feed handle
  18. "General stop" button
  19. Handle for controlling the starting reverse clutch and switching speeds and feeds
  20. Light switch
  21. Sleeve lift control button
  22. Signal lamp for preliminary set of speeds, feeds

Design and operation of the 2A554 radial drilling machine. General layout of the machine

The base of the machine is a foundation plate on which the plinth is fixedly fixed. A rotating column made of steel pipe. The machine arm with the drilling head is placed on the column and moves along it using a lifting mechanism mounted in the housing at the upper end of the column. In the same housing there is a hydromechanical device for clamping the column and a current-carrying device for powering the rotating and moving parts of the machine. The lifting mechanism is connected to the sleeve by a lead screw.

The drilling head is made in the vice of a separate power unit and consists of a gearbox and feeds, feed mechanisms and an accelerated spindle drive, a spindle with a counterweight and other components. It moves along the sleeve guides manually. In the desired position, the head is fixed by a clamping mechanism installed on it.

The foundation slab contains a tank and a pumping unit for supplying coolant to the tool. A table is installed on the stove for processing small parts.

All machine controls are concentrated on the drilling head. The plinth panel contains only buttons for the input switch, which connects the machine to the external power supply, and the cooling pump control switch. To illuminate the working area, electrical fittings are installed at the bottom of the drilling head.

Electrical equipment is mounted in a niche made with reverse side sleeves

Kinematic diagram of the radial drilling machine 2A554

Kinematic diagram th drilling machine 2a554

The kinematic diagram of the machine (Fig. 11) consists of the following kinematic chains:

  • spindle rotation;
  • feed movements;
  • vertical movement of the sleeve;
  • moving the drilling head along the sleeve;
  • accelerated spindle movements.

Mobile speed box blocks (three double and one triple) provide 24 stages of spindle rotation speed, in the range of 18...2000 min-1.

The double block on the spindle sleeve also has a third position when both gears are disengaged. In this case, the spindle can be easily turned by hand.

The feed box receives rotation from the spindle through gears 25-26. One triple and two double blocks provide 12 feed stages in the range of 0.056...2.5 mm/rev. Another 12 feed stages are obtained by turning on the selector gear 42.

Thus, the feed box provides 24 feed steps in the range of 0.045... 5 mm/rev. There is a version of the machine with 12 feeds in the range of 0.056...2.5 mm/rev. The feed box shaft USH is connected by a splined coupling to the vertical shaft of the feed mechanism X, which carries a special adjustable clutch that opens the feed chain when the maximum feed force is reached when cutting, opens the fine manual feed chain when the mechanical feed is turned on, and turns on the fine manual feed when the overload is triggered. devices. The gear coupling of the overload device is connected to a worm 47, which, through a worm wheel 46 using a steering device, is connected to a rack and pinion gear 45, which is engaged with the rack 44 of the spindle quill.

Rough manual feed is carried out by rotating the rack shaft with a 45 gear wheel using steering handles.

The accelerated movement of the spindle is carried out from the electric motor through the gear coupling 67, - gears 69, 68 on the worm, the worm wheel, the gear wheel and the spindle quill gear rack.

The head moves along the sleeve using a flywheel sitting on a shaft passing through the hole in the feed rack shaft. At the other end of the shaft there is a gear 48, which, through a ring gear 49, is connected to a rack 62, fixedly mounted on the sleeve.

The vertical movement of the hose is carried out by a separate electric motor through a gearbox 57, 56, 59, 58 mounted on the top of the column, a lifting screw 60 and a nut 61 located in the hose.

Changing the direction of movement of the sleeve is done by reversing the electric motor.

Table 7 contains a list of gears for the kinematic diagram.

Gearbox for radial drilling machine 2A554

Drilling machine gearbox 2a554

Friction clutch and brake

In the spindle drive circuit, between the main electric motor and the gearbox, there is a friction clutch (Fig. 19), which is designed to turn on and reverse the spindle, as well as to protect the drive elements from overload. The clutch is, in addition, an important link in the system of preselective control of switching speed and feed. The friction clutch assembly consists of two clutches - the upper one, which ensures forward rotation of the spindle, and the lower one, which rotates the spindle in the opposite direction. Both couplings are assembled on one shaft 20.

Rotation from the electric motor is transmitted through the gear coupling to the gear 5. The gear 5, located in the housing 7, is in constant engagement with the gear 6, sitting on the shaft 20 of the friction clutch.

The splines of the shaft 20 are supported by thrust washers 11 and 16 and the drive elements of the coupling 10 and 15, which carry the drive discs. The special design of elements 10 and 15, as well as the drive disks, makes it possible to maintain a guaranteed gap between each pair of disks in the neutral position of the clutch.

Between the driving disks there are driven, smoldering special protrusions, with which they fit into the grooves of the driven cups 12 and 18. The driven disks, as well as the driving ones, are made of hardened alloy steel and ground. The upper driven cup 12 carries gears 8 and 9, and the lower driven cup 18, which is also a brake drum, is fixedly connected to the reverse rotation gear 19.

A pressure element with cups 13 and 14 moves on the shaft 20. When the pressure element moves upward, the drive and driven disks are liquefied between cups 11 and 13, as a result of which the driven cup with gears 8 and 9 begins to rotate at the speed of the drive element. When the pressure element moves downward, the disks between the cups 14 and 16 are compressed - the gear wheel 19 rotates at the speed of the driving element.

The pressure element is driven by a hydraulic cylinder fork (see Fig. 23).

Cup 18 (Fig. 19) is covered by a split brake ring I7 with a nylon liner. The braking effect is achieved by spring 28, which tightens the brake ring. The brake release occurs hydraulically when oil enters the brake cylinder cavity. The control of the brake and clutch is interlocked in such a way that in the neutral position of the clutch the cup 18 is braked, and in the working position (the upper or lower clutch is engaged) the cup 18 is released.

Under the friction clutch there is a hydraulic pump 22 of the drilling head, which receives rotation from the shaft 20 through the clutch 21.


The gearbox (Fig. 19) is located in the upper part of the drilling head and is designed to communicate 24 speed levels to the spindle. Various speeds communicated to the spindle by turning on the corresponding gear blocks moving along the axis of the shafts. A friction clutch is mounted on the first shaft of the gearbox, which serves to close the kinematic chain between the drive motor and the spindle.

The lower supports of shafts II, III, IV, V are mounted directly in the bores of the housing 25 of the drilling head. The axial position of these supports is determined by locking rings. The upper supports of all shafts are placed in special glasses located in the bores of the cover 2 of the drilling head.

Shaft U is a hollow cast-iron sleeve, into the internal spline hole of which the spindle shank fits.

A reflector 26 is installed in the lower part of the liner, which prevents oil from leaking out of the gearbox housing. A gear wheel I is attached to the sleeve, which serves to transmit rotation to the feedbox shafts.

All gears are made of high-quality steel, their teeth are hardened to high hardness and ground, which ensures silent operation and transmission of high loads.


The feed box (Fig. 20) is located between the spindle and the feed mechanism and receives rotation from the spindle through the gear I, through the spline of which shaft UI is passed. The lower supports of the shafts УI and УII are the slots located in the intermediate plate 4. The lower support of the shaft УШ is located in the bore of the gear wheel 2. The upper supports of the shafts are located in the slots installed in the holes of the drill head cover. There is a selector gear 3 located on the UP shaft. In the area of ​​the feed mechanism (under the feed box (see Fig. 21)) there is an additional selector group. All feed box gears are made of high-quality steel, and their gear rims are heat-treated.

Feed mechanism

The feed and feed switching mechanisms are shown in Fig. 21, 22.

The feed mechanism consists of two units: a vertical worm shaft (Fig. 21) and a horizontal feed shaft (Fig. 22).

Shaft I (Fig. 21) is connected to the last gear of the feed box and transmits rotation to the worm 7 through couplings 5,6,8, which have teeth of a triangular profile. The clutch serves to protect the feed chain from overload and turn off the mechanical feed when the specified drilling depth is reached.

The safety clutch of the feed mechanism is adjusted by the manufacturer to transmit a maximum axial force of 20,000 N to the spindle. The clutch ensures normal operation of the machine, so it is advisable for the consumer to adjust its spring only in case of repair.

Clutch 5 is controlled through a lever mechanism by hydraulic cylinder 12, the piston of which acts on gear lever 10. The latter, interacting with rack 9, switches gear clutch 5.

To carry out rapid movements with a non-rotating spindle, an electric motor 4 is installed on the side wall of the drilling head, connected to a worm 7 by a gear train 2 and 3 gear couplings 13; 14" The control of the electric motor and cylinder 12 is interlocked in such a way that the rotation of the electric motor can only occur when feed clutches-5, -6 are open and clutches 13 and 14 are engaged.

Worm I (Fig. 22) is engaged with a worm wheel 25, which rotates freely on bearings located on a fixed hub 19.

A hollow rack and pinion shaft 23 passes through hub 19. The rear support of the gear shaft is a needle bearing located in seat 24.

The rack shaft 23 engages with teeth made directly on the spindle cup 18.

A sleeve 3 is mounted on the splined part of the rack shaft 23, which has two end grooves in which the sliders 26 are located. The teeth of the sliders 26 smolder a special triangular profile, consistent with the profile of the teeth of the coupling 2. Inside the sliders there are springs 28, under the influence of which the sliders 26 always tend to come out out of engagement with the internal teeth of coupling 2.

A switch head 9 is mounted on the bearings of the rack shaft, which has two grooves in which the steering wheel lever 16 is fixed to axes II. The toothed sectors of the steering levers 16 engage with the rack part of the pusher 8, located in the bore of the rack shaft 23.

In the “pull forward” position of the steering wheel, pusher 8 is pushed forward. In this case, the left part of the pusher 8 acts on the sliders 26 through the rollers 27, forcing the sliders with their teeth to enter the cavities of the teeth of the coupling 2. The spindle is given mechanical feed. If you move the steering wheel to the "pull" position, the pusher 8 goes back, and against the rollers 27 there are recesses into which the rollers are pushed under the influence of the springs 28. In this case, the teeth of the sliders disengage with the teeth of the clutch 2. In this position, when the steering wheel is turned, 16 rotates rack shaft 23, imparting manual movement to the spindle (rough manual feed).

On the sleeve 5 there is a loosely mounted dial 6. After adjusting the drilling depth, it is locked with a nut 7. A cam 15 is mounted on the dial 6, which acts on the microswitch 17. The latter turns off the mechanical feed when the specified depth is reached.

Sliders 14 move in the grooves of the sleeve 13, which serve to connect the switching head 99 with the rack shaft. The grooves of the pusher 8 are designed in such a way that in the “pull” position of the steering wheel 16, clutch 2 is closed and at the same time clutch 4 is opened, and in the “pull” position of the steering wheel 16, on the contrary, clutch 2 is opened and clutch 4 is closed.

Thus, with mechanical feed and accelerated return of the spindle (clutch 2 is open), the risk of injury to the operator by the steering handles 16 is eliminated.

A cable tube 21 passes through the gear shaft, at the front end of which there is a push-button station II with buttons for clamping and releasing the drill head and column.

Electrical diagram of the power part of the radial drilling machine 2A554

Electrical diagram drilling machine 2a554

Electric motors of radial drilling machine 2A554

  • M1 - Tool cooling pump drive - XI4-22M; 0.125 kW; 3000 rpm
  • M2 - Drive of the spindle and hydraulic pump of the head - 4A112MChU3; 5.5 kW; 1500 rpm
  • MZ - Accelerated spindle retraction - 4AA63V2U3; 0.55 kW; 3000 rpm
  • M4 - Sleeve drive - 4A90 4У3; 2.2 kW; 1500 rpm
  • M5 - Colony and hose hydraulic pump drive - 4АХ71А4У3; 0.55 kW; 1500 rpm
  • M6 - Speed ​​dial drive - RD-09; 0.015 kW; 9 rpm
  • M7 - Feed set drive - RD-09; 0.0I5 kW; 9 rpm

2A554 radial drilling machine. Video.

Technical characteristics of the drilling machine 2A554

Parameter name 255 2a55 2n55 2m55 2a554
Basic machine parameters
Machine accuracy class N N N N N
The largest nominal drilling diameter in steel is 45, mm 50 50 50 50 50
The largest nominal diameter of drilling in cast iron, mm 63 63 63 63
Range of cut threads in steel 45, mm M52 x 5
Distance from the spindle axis to the guide column (spindle overhang), mm 450...1500 450...1500 400...1600 375...1600 375...1600
Maximum horizontal movement of the drilling head along the sleeve, mm 1125 1050 1200 1225 1225
The smallest and largest distance from the end of the spindle to the plate, mm 470...1500 470...1500 450...1600 450...1600 450...1600
Maximum vertical movement of the hose along the column (installation), mm 680 680 800 750 750
Speed ​​of vertical movement of the hose along the column, m/min 1,4 1,4 1,4
Maximum axial movement of the spindle quill (spindle stroke), mm 350 350 350 400 400
Angle of rotation of the sleeve around the column, degrees 360° 360° 360° 360° 360°
Slab surface size (width length), mm 968 x 2430 1000 x 2530 1000 x 2555 1020 x 2555
Maximum weight of the tool installed on the machine, kg 15
Spindle sleeve diameter, mm 90
Spindle end designation according to GOST 24644-81 Morse 5 Morse 5 Morse 5 Morse 5 Morse 5 AT6
Spindle direct rotation frequency, rpm 30..1700 30...1900 20...2000 20...2000 18...2000
Number of direct rotation spindle speeds 19 19 21 21 24
Spindle reverse rotation frequency, rpm 34..1700 37,4...1900
Number of reverse spindle speeds 18
Limits of working feeds per spindle revolution, mm/rev 0,03..1,2 0,05...2,2 0,056...2,5 0,056...2,5 0,045...5,0
Number of working feed stages 18 12 12 12 24
Limits of working feeds per spindle revolution when cutting threads, mm 1,0...5,0
Spindle movement by one dial division, mm 1 1 1 1
Spindle movement per dial revolution, mm 122 122 120
Maximum permissible torque, kgf*cm 7500 7100 7100 7100
Maximum feed force, kN 20 20 20 20
Column rotation clamp Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro
Column Sleeve Clamp Electr Electr Electr Electr
Drill head clamp on sleeve Hydra Hydra Hydra Hydra
Electrical equipment. Drive
Number of electric motors on the machine 5 7 6 7
Main motion drive electric motor, kW (rpm) 4,3 (1500) 4,5 4 4,5 5,5
Electric motor for hose movement drive, kW (rpm) 1,5 (1500) 1,7 2,2 2,2 2,2
Electric motor for column hydraulic clamping drive, kW (rpm) 0,25 (1500) 0,5 0,5 0,55 0,55
Electric motor for hydraulic clamping of the drilling head, kW (rpm) 0,5 0,5 - -
Coolant pump electric motor, kW (rpm) 0,1 (3000) 0,125 0,125 0,125 0,125
Electric speed set motor, kW (rpm) - - 0,15 0,15 0,15
Feed set electric motor, kW - - 0,15 0,15 0,15
Electric motor for spindle rapid movement drive, kW - - - 0,55
Total power of installed electric motors, kW 8,9
Dimensions and weight of the machine
Machine dimensions (length width height), mm 2500 x 970 x 2250 2625 x 968 x 3265 2545 x 1000 x 3315 2665 x 1020 x 3430 2665 x 1030 x 3430
Machine weight, kg 4300 4100 4100 4700 4700
