Burger shop as one of the types of business in the catering industry. Real cost of a burger

Burger lovers have been discussing McDonald's burgers for decades - some criticize them for their quality, others for their taste, and many believe that a normal burger cannot be worth the 48 rubles that we pay for this item on the menu, but come on, Finally, let's calculate what the real cost of a burger at McDonald's is.

I will not talk about quality now and refer to the video of the same chef Jamie Oliver, who harshly criticizes the quality of burger patties, saying that it is made from those parts of the cow that are not intended for human consumption. In our calculations we will rely on store prices of products good quality It's like we're making these burgers ourselves at home.

Here is the same burger from McDonald's

We break it into parts - a bun, a beef patty, a piece of lightly salted cucumber, tomato sauce with pieces of silver onion - that's the whole composition of a McDonald's burger.

Everything is clear with the bun, we weigh what can be weighed

The burger patty weighs approximately 72 grams. When frying, minced beef loses from 27 to 30%, which means that the initial consumption of minced meat per cutlet was only 100 grams, which were fried to 72. If you add crackers, cereals to the minced meat or use a lot of veins and various connective tissues in the minced meat, then there is practically no frying will.

A kilogram of regular beef in our store costs from 450 to 550 on average. Therefore, 100 grams of minced meat will cost 45-55 rubles.

A piece of cucumber 8 grams. A kilogram of lightly salted cucumbers in a jar costs about 100 rubles. 8 grams - 80 kopecks.

Now we consider the bun; imported bread is usually used, for example, from Poland. A bun like this costs 10-15 rubles in the store.

As a result, the cost starts from 60 rubles. That is, the price of a burger at McDonald's is now below cost. But taking into account the fact that the products are purchased in bulk and not in the store, but from manufacturers, the price of the products included in the burger can be safely cut by 30-40 percent. As a result, we will receive 35-40 rubles. The real cost of a burger at McDonald's. There is enough for salaries, logistics and electricity. But if you take worse raw materials, because the main costs are associated with meat, then you can good profit get on this dish on the menu.

UPD. Important addition. One of the commentators noticed that on my scales the weighing was carried out not in grams, but in pounds, which means that the actual weight of the minced meat in the original product was more than 2 times less, that is, no more than 45 grams of meat per cutlet. Thus, the cost of a burger made from quality ingredients should not exceed 20-25 rubles!

The hungry Russian market is attacking Western trends. Burger restaurants generate millions in profit for their owners every year. This is a niche in which you can maintain profitability at 45% by investing only 20,000 rubles. into business. Payback - from 1 month, hundreds of hungry customers, cooking speed - no more than 10 minutes, and there are only 5 items on the menu and all of them are burgers.


McDonald's is the biggest example of what a burger business can be. Millions of employees around the world who dress the same and are equally friendly. $4.8 billion per year in net profit. 1,400 new restaurants per year through the franchise system.

Its success forces many to choose a niche fast food, which is both rich in earning opportunities and chances of failure.

The essence of the business model

Careful planning is required before opening your own burger shop. Each business can be divided into 9 aspects that are difficult to keep in mind, so A. Osterwald’s work is used for visualization.

A business model is a capacious concept that includes all aspects of a business project from market analysis to after-sales service. If you formulate a business model according to Osterwald, the result will be a carefully calibrated project.

Reference. Alexander Osterwald and Yves Pigneur are the authors and creators of a business modeling tool - Canvas Business Model.

When working with a model, you must sequentially fill out the blocks, briefly recording your thoughts. It is customary to start with the rightmost block - “customers” and move to the lower left - “costs”.

The result will be a completed map that will contain all the answers to possible questions related to the future business. This method will protect the novice entrepreneur from serious planning mistakes, as it affects all stages of the process.

So, Ivan decided to open a burger shop in his city. He came across a piece of paper with Osterwald’s business model. Here's an example of what he might write on it:

  1. Clients. Who are they?

    The main clients and target audience are young people and middle-aged city residents. Often busy people who want to eat quickly and tasty. Sometimes these are companies that find it convenient to meet in one place and spend 1-2 hours there. They are not concerned about healthy eating or are ready to easily break the promise they made to themselves - not to eat fast food. What is important for them is the design of the burger shop, the availability of entertainment (Wi-Fi, TVs, background music), and a convenient location: close to work or study.

  2. Relationships with the client.

    Guests buy burgers, drinks and other food. They can eat on the spot or ask you to pack food with you. Some people prefer to pre-order by phone or through an app to save time. For those wishing to order at home, there is a delivery service (one of the multifunctional employees or an arrangement with a taxi).

  3. Sales channel.

    Customers see a bright sign at the entrance to the diner. Take-out stands with tempting menus are located at nearby intersections on both sides of the burger shop. There are 2 bright banners in the city inviting you to visit the restaurant and get a discount on burgers with cheese and cappuccino. Groups have been created in three social networks. They are promoted and filled by a hired freelancer. Subscribers receive a 5% discount. When customer flow is low, free employees distribute leaflets to nearby schools, universities and companies inviting them to try a business combo consisting of a burger, a portion of potatoes and lemonade at a special price at lunchtime.

  4. Income.

    It's simple - revenue from sales of food and drinks.

  5. Value provided.

    This is the central and most important block in the business model. What exactly distinguishes Ivan’s burger shop from a McDonald’s 3 kilometers away, a Subway in a nearby shopping center or a Ravshan shawarma stand at the nearest intersection. Why will a new client come to Ivan’s diner, and the one who has already visited will want to return with friends?

    This is the most difficult question, to which there is no universal answer. In the case of a burger joint: delicious food, helpful staff, comfortable surroundings, reasonable price. In a word - quality service.

  6. Key species activities.

    The burger joint supplies the food. There are four on the menu classic look burgers, two signature ones. Snacks - potatoes, nuggets. Drinks - coffee, tea, juices and soda.

  7. Key resources.

    Ivan's Snack Bar is located in the center small town. The premises for it are for rent. Client room - 40 sq. m., kitchen and utility rooms - 24 sq. m. In front of the building there is free parking for 6 spaces. There is a company car for delivery of orders. The hall is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable meal. The kitchen equipment is used, but does the job. Employees are also a human resource.

  8. Key partners.

    Suppliers of ingredients, taxi service organizing delivery. Service company for servicing kitchen equipment. In general, all related contacts that allow assets to uninterruptedly generate profits.

  9. Costs.

    Rent expenses, employee salaries, utility bills, transportation costs, product costs, loan repayments for an electric frying pan, advertising and marketing.

By the end of filling out the map should look like this. Each block is filled with detailed measurable indicators. A minimum of streamlined wording, such as “several”, “many”, “few”. The more precisely the plan is formulated at this stage, the fewer questions will arise during its implementation.

A map is not a static tool. It is convenient to carry it into electronic form, periodically adjusting based on feedback from processes and clients.

Business formats

Starting a business in one of the formats depends on the experience of the future entrepreneur and the amount of funds. The convenience of the niche is that you can start even with 20,000 rubles, provided, of course, that all the equipment and point of sale are rented. And the businessman himself will be the seller, cashier and cook rolled into one.

High-speed turnover in this case - the path from buying groceries to a freshly sold hot burger - provides a quick influx of money. So, in a couple of months, a novice entrepreneur can already buy out equipment.

Option 1. Mobile snack bar

A trailer worth 250,000 rubles. with one employee. The main advantage is mobility. If you analyze the time and place of crowds, you can literally “follow demand.”

Lunch time near educational institutions and administrative buildings, evening time close shopping centers and parks, morning at markets and train stations. If you move around these points, you can catch the peak of sales throughout the day. And it’s convenient to replenish running out supplies in the nearest supermarkets.

Minimum contents for a trailer:


Cost in rubles

Gastrorag CPP-40 frying pan with lid

Deep fryer CZG-40-2 Gastrorag

Meat grinder HM-12 Gastrorag

Hamburger forming machine

Cutting table SR-2/530/600-E

Refrigerator cabinet Polair DM105-S

You can, of course, do without all this; for example, you can form raw cutlets using a manual mold for 200 rubles.

If there are no difficulties with starting capital, a businessman can afford the Apple of the world of cooking - BLANCO COOK.

This is a full-fledged mobile kitchen that can be powered by a generator. Advantages - versatility and pleasure from work. Cons - price. The average configuration costs 1.2 million rubles.

Option 2. Tent or stationary stall

Customers of a burger restaurant of this format can also count on a quick snack “on the go” for a reasonable price. The static point increases the comfort for the worker, because With this option, you can install a hood and organize your workspace.

This also includes islands in shopping centers. The costs of a trailer or tent are replaced by payment for a design project and an “island” according to the requirements of the shopping center (costs will be 70-100 thousand rubles)

The set of equipment depends on the capabilities and planned tasks.

Option 3. Restaurant

Lucky point for a businessman, you can call a room that has already been used as a cafe. In this case, it will already comply with fire safety and sanitary standards.

Important. In the case of a trailer, the SES and Rospotrebnadzor will not be so vigilant. The restaurant will attract the attention of supervisory services. The premises must be brought in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02-89.

Why is this relevant?

There will always be a lot of people wanting to eat, so the fast food niche is eternal. The owner can expect profit in the first month after opening because:

  1. The choice of Russian consumers is influenced by Western culture, in which the burger is the crowning achievement of “fast food”.
  2. The burger business offers the buyer a specialized assortment. At the initial stages, it is not necessary to develop a menu with a dozen items. A few burger recipes are enough. In the future, the offers can be expanded with drinks, side dishes or desserts.
  3. Hamburgers are easy to prepare. The high speed of processing one order allows you to serve quickly and without queues.
  4. In Russia, meat costs 33-45% cheaper than, for example, in America.
  5. Low barrier to entry into business. You can start by purchasing a day's supply of food. If, of course, you rent all the equipment or prepare it manually.

How much money do you need to start?

The cost of some elements of the hamburger business has already been mentioned above. Below is a starting spending plan using Ivan’s burger shop as an example.

By the way. Are hamburgers and burgers different from each other? So, a burger is the general name for two buns, between which are meat, vegetables and other products. Hamburger is one of the varieties of burger, which is assembled from a grilled meat cutlet, tomato, lettuce and special sauce.

Is it possible to open a franchise business?

A franchise business is a way of highly profitable investment of available funds, because... after 3-4 months of hard work, the process can be fully automated by hiring a manager.

However, there are also disadvantages; by the way, they also apply to the acquisition of any ready-made business. The project was not created by the buyer, which means that if the business process breaks down, it will be difficult for the new owner to fix it.

Comparative analysis four successful franchises


Ketch Up Burgers

Franchising with

Open points

Entry threshold, thousand rubles.

The price includes all possible expenses.

All inclusive + additional costs for repairs and inventory (400 thousand rubles).

Purchasing uniforms and repairs.

All inclusive + additional costs for repairs and inventory.

Lump sum payment, thousand rubles

5 thousand rubles/month.

2.5% of monthly turnover.

2% of income.

Opening time

Projected payback

Average check, rub.

Net profit, thousand rubles.

Minimum area, sq. m.

Island in a shopping center shopping pavilion, a full-fledged cafe.

Food court in the shopping center, cafe.

An island in a shopping center, a kiosk, a food court, a cafe.

Cafe in a designer loft style.

Detailed video review of the burger franchise Ketch Up Burgers

Before you start preparing documents and purchasing equipment, you need to draw up a competent business plan. Here, as in any other commercial plan, you will need to present an idea, describe the procedure and production technology, and analyze the market for demand and competition.

Also, the business plan must include a description of the selected location, an analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, financial plan enterprises, risk assessment and summing up.

When planning a burger joint, it is important to create a cohesive and interesting concept that will help guests choose your establishment over the eatery across the street.

Burger concept

When developing the concept of your establishment and choosing a place to open a burger shop, remember the future consumer. If you want to open a burger shop in your city in industrial zone, then mostly workers from nearby factories and production facilities will drop by. If the choice falls on the central area of ​​the city, then you should expect schoolchildren and students to visit here.

Depending on these factors, the burger restaurant concept, pricing policy, menu design and guest room should be built.

Take care of the uniform of your staff - this is also part of the concept of a good enterprise catering.

As a rule, such establishments focus on speed and low price. The quality and taste of the final product also play a significant role in attracting regular guests. Consumers expect fast, tasty and inexpensive food from such organizations. Try to meet these expectations, and your enterprise will be successful and profitable.

Organization of a burger shop

What does it take to organize a small fashionable catering restaurant? You will need to find and rent premises, register your activities as Individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next comes the renovation of the premises, the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment and furniture. The room must correspond to the purposes of use, it will include such areas as:

  • Toilets for guests and staff;
  • Warehouse;
  • Reception area;
  • Kitchen, divided into “hot” and “cold” zones;
  • Distribution area;
  • Guest room;
  • Staff room.

When planning a space for a burger restaurant, take care of organizing the procedure for disposal of garbage and industrial waste.

What does it take to open a burger shop when the location has already been chosen, renovated and equipped? After preparing the premises, it’s time to search and conclude contracts with suppliers. Next, you need to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate, as well as obtain certificates authorizing the use of food and your equipment.

To pass the firefighter inspection, you will need to purchase fire extinguishers, draw up and post an evacuation plan, as well as appropriate signs. This is followed by purchase and registration cash registers, installation of a fucking alarm system.

Don't forget to make cleaning plan for the kitchen, living room, toilets and other work areas. Toilets must be cleaned at least once every two hours, and the employee responsible for this must write the cleaning time, his last name, initials and signature on a specially drawn up schedule.

Burger equipment

Let's talk about how to equip a burger bar. The technology and equipment of your fast food kitchen must meet the requirements of the compiled menu. For the full operation of catering, The minimum set of equipment consists of the following units of equipment:

  1. Deep frying;
  2. Freezers and refrigeration units, as well as small refrigerators for storing salads, drinks and sauces for distribution;
  3. Grill;
  4. Plates or frying panel;
  5. Coffee machine;
  6. Automatic machine for the production of ice cream.

You will also need display cases for transferring burgers from the kitchen to distribution and scales. Because French fries have a very short shelf life, small organizations always prepare it only after receiving an order.

For greater convenience and speed of work, you can purchase a small bain-marie for French fries. This device will slightly extend the shelf life of the product, provide ease of selection and speed of delivery of potatoes to your guests.

The cost of equipment can vary from $3,000 to $6,000 - it all depends on the planned flow of guests and the required speed of food preparation.

Burger staff

To open a hamburger shop, you will need staff. Employees must be well trained and must have health certificates.

According to the labor and tax codes, each of them must be admitted to the staff and have work book, INN and SNILS. This is necessary so that the accounting department can make contributions to the pension fund and pay personal income tax.

Who will you need to hire?

  1. Kitchen workers;
  2. Cashiers;
  3. Administrator;
  4. Hall workers.

When training staff, try to make sure that employees are interchangeable. If everyone knows the operating principles of all areas of the burger restaurant, from the kitchen to the cash register, then you will have much less problems with forming shifts and continuing work in case of unforeseen situations.

Don't forget Conduct detailed safety training in the workplace. Employees must read it, sign and date it, which will confirm that you have provided timely and complete staff training.

The book of signatures will be kept by the administrator and must be ready for presentation upon request by security personnel.

How much does it cost to open a burger shop?

Opening a burger shop from scratch will require investment. Let's calculate how much it costs to open a small fast food restaurant in small town and is it profitable?

  • Renovation of the premises - $17,000;
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$5,500;
  • Purchase of furniture for the hall and staff room - $3,700;
  • Registration of documents and obtaining permits – $300;
  • Development, printing of menus and packaging for burgers, uniforms for employees, trays and other expenses - $2,500.

Total: 29 000$.

Hamburger profitability

Let's calculate the payback period of a small fast food restaurant, provided that the average monthly flow of guests is 50 people per day. The average check will be $6, and the price of products sold for it will be $2.5.

Investments – $29,000

Monthly costs

  • Employee salaries – $2,500;
  • Products for making goods – $3,750;
  • Utilities – $300;
  • Rent – ​​$600;
  • Accounting and technical support of equipment – ​​$300.

Total: Costs will be $7,450/month.

Sales income: $9,000. The gross profit will be $1,550, and the investment made will pay off after a year and a half of intensive work. Please note that at first you will not have regular customers and a large flow of guests, so the payback period may extend for another six months.

Public catering enterprises regularly open and conduct successful activities in Russia.

Entrepreneurs often make mistakes in their professional activities, but the accumulated experience allows us to take into account shortcomings in the work and share advice with novice founders of fast food enterprises.

Recipes for hamburgers and salads require precise dosage and preparation technology. All this is difficult to remember, especially for those employees who have just started their internship. Large enterprises Catering places laminated manuals for preparing food and sauces on the kitchen walls. It is worth adopting this method of staff training, because if necessary, it helps quickly, without interrupting production process, recover forgotten information.

Cleanliness is the most important component any successful enterprise public catering. Every working day in your burger shop should end with cleaning the kitchen, hall and serving area. Train employees responsible for a specific area to thoroughly clean and tidy workplace after the end of the shift. Be sure to check the quality of cleaning or entrust this to the administrator.

To make the burger joint successful, Do not neglect labeling rules, as well as monitoring the freshness of products, brought from the supplier. Purchase a portable labeling printer and train your employees on the rules for storing and labeling products. This work is quite painstaking and is not visible to guests, but it will become a reliable foundation for your positive reputation in the future.

Think it over organizing the sale of takeaway burgers. To do this, you need to order disposable cup holders and special bags with your logo. It is also important to train staff on the rules for forming a take-out order, according to which hot items should not come into contact with cold ones, and fries should always be placed in the bag last.

Opening a mini burger shop is not an easy, but very interesting undertaking. To implement this project, you will need to make a lot of effort and make certain investments. However, once your business pays off, you will realize that it was a good investment for a brighter future.

Burger business plan: business relevance + main components of the plan + registration entrepreneurial activity+ market analysis + choice of establishment concept + selection of premises, equipment and personnel + advertising and promotion of a burger restaurant + calculation of costs and return on business.

The catering business has been one of the most profitable areas of entrepreneurial activity for many years. But time does not stand still, new types of establishments appear day by day, which become much more popular than the restaurants and fast food cafes we are already familiar with.

Such enterprises include burger joints - restaurants and cafes of the “new” generation, which have a narrow specialization and offer their visitors a wide range of burgers.

This kind of business in Russia is not yet very developed, but it can rightfully be called one of the most promising. If the opportunity to launch such an enterprise has attracted your attention, there is no doubt that such a business will definitely bring good profits.

In this article we will analyze detailed business burger shop plan so you can see step by step how to open such an establishment and make it popular.

Opening a burger shop: the relevance of a business idea

There is no point in talking a lot about the fact that all kinds of restaurants and cafes are very popular among the population.

This is mainly due to the fact that the rhythm of life modern man accelerated a lot. Every second person, working a lot, simply cannot allocate enough time to spend several hours every day preparing food.

This is especially true for those citizens who spend almost 24 hours in offices or educational institutions.

A simple diagram allows you to compare the attendance of various types of establishments in 2014 and 2017:

From the statistics it follows that the attendance of restaurants and fast food cafes is in the leading position. And this, in turn, suggests that the catering business in Russia is very relevant.

Moreover, this statement applies to all catering establishments, and especially to still underdeveloped, new areas, which undoubtedly include burger restaurants.

On the one hand, it may seem that a burger shop, as an establishment with a limited range of dishes and a small area, is not a very attractive business idea.

But in reality everything is completely different.

Burgers have many advantages and advantages compared to regular ones:

  • An unusual culinary trend.
  • Different style.
  • Affordable pricing policy.
  • Fast preparation of dishes combined with high quality products and service.
  • Pleasant atmosphere without unnecessary noise and fuss.

All these characteristics, as well as many others, make burger joints popular establishments for visitors and a very profitable business for entrepreneurs.

Therefore, regardless of whether you are a novice businessman or an already established entrepreneur in the field restaurant business, know that burger joints are a very relevant and promising type of activity.

The main components for writing a business plan for a burger restaurant

Today, to start any type of business, drawing up a business plan for opening an enterprise will be an advisable solution and even a necessity.

On initial stage conducting business, a business plan will help you correctly calculate the necessary capital investments, think through the concept of the establishment, select premises and equipment for it, and also develop a marketing strategy.

In total, all this will allow you to avoid numerous mistakes and risks, and will also help you calculate your own strengths.

A business plan is a very broad concept. The document consists of a large number of sections, each of which is needed to think through all the details of the project.

As for the burger business plan, it will consist of the following mandatory sections:

  • Analytical plan– market analysis, definition target audience and competitors, business relevance.
  • Organizational plan– registration of business, approval of strategy, concept and product range.
  • Production plan– selection of premises, organization of space, development of interior design, purchase of equipment, hiring staff.
  • Marketing plan– developing ways to promote a burger shop, options for attracting visitors, creating a list of additional services.
  • Financial plan– calculation of profitability and payback, analysis of opening costs and expected future income.

And now, in order to tell you as accurately as possible about the stages of opening a burger shop in Russia, we will analyze separately each of the points of the business plan. Let's start with how to legitimize your business.

How to register a business activity if you decide to open a burger shop?

Business registration is undoubtedly one of the most important stages a business plan, without the implementation of which all further steps in starting a business will be illegal.

Most often at startup own business beginning businessmen register their activities as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a company with limited liability(OOO).

Which option should you choose when opening a burger shop?

Considering that the burger joint is a small establishment, in order to legitimize its activities, it is still better to choose. To do this, you will need a very small package of documents, and running an individual business is much simpler than organizing an LLC.

To start the registration process you need to collect everything necessary documents and go to the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration. The official website of the Federal Federal Service will help you find the address. tax service: https://service.nalog.ru/addrno.do

From the documentation list you will need:

  • Passport.
  • TIN code.
  • Application (you can fill it out directly at the inspection).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (currently 800 rubles).

After submitting the application and the relevant documents, you will have to wait a few days, after which you will receive a OGRN certificate. It will confirm that you are now a businessman, and on a legal level.

In addition, you will need to determine the taxation system that the state will apply to you and indicate the activity codes according to OKVED.

As for taxation, it is best to choose the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system) or UTII (unified tax on imputed income).

You can specify the following codes:

But since we are talking about the legal side of opening a burger shop, it should also be noted that burger shops and other establishments in the restaurant business are subject to high requirements - both from the sanitary-epidemiological service and the fire inspectorate.

Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts and problems in the future, you should definitely make sure that your burger joint complies with the standards of SNiP 2.08.02-89.

In addition, at any time you must be ready to provide the inspection commission with a number of documents, which include the following:

Document name
1 OGRN and TIN certificates.
2 Safety magazine.
3 Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
4 Instrument inspection report.
5 Agreement with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.
6 An agreement with an organization that carries out disinfection, disinfestation and deratization.
7 Agreement with the energy supply service.
8 Agreement with the water supply service.
9 Agreement with housing and communal services.
10 Agreement with the sewer service.
11 Agreement with the fire service.
12 Agreement with the city administration.
13 Agreement with the landlord of the premises.
14 Agreement with the equipment service center.
15 Employment contracts with hired employees.

Another important nuance of opening a burger shop is that each of your employees has a medical book confirming their satisfactory state of health.

Why do you need market analysis and how will it influence the choice of burger format?

Another important element of a burger business plan is market analysis and determining the target audience of the future burger shop.

Why is such an analysis needed?

Having analyzed the market and found out which public catering establishments already exist in your city, you can easily understand which establishment your locality lacks.

Thus, you will immediately solve two problems: you will be able to avoid the risks of your burger joint being unpopular, and create exactly the kind of establishment that city residents need.

But market analysis consists not only of determining the number and format of various types of establishments.

Monitoring includes, at a minimum, the identification of three main factors:

  1. The number of competitors and their offers on the market.
  2. The target audience can be both young people and older clients.
  3. The solvency of citizens, on which the future pricing policy of the burger joint will largely depend.

Based on determining all the data in your business plan, you will be able to more accurately define your own offer in the catering services market by developing the format and concept of the establishment.

Despite the fact that all burger joints are catering establishments that specialize in preparing burgers, each outlet has its own style, menu and method of service.

Therefore, in a business plan, even at the stage of developing your business idea, you must think through the concept to the smallest detail.

What specific points should be decided in the process of determining your own format:

    Burger concept and style.

    Based on the data obtained on the analysis of the market and target audience, you can accurately determine what your establishment should be like.

    If the main audience of visitors is young people aged 19 to 29 years, it would be a good idea to decorate the burger shop in a bright, youthful style and develop a corresponding catchy menu with unusual names of dishes.

    If the main visitors are office workers or married couples, then it is worth developing a more family-friendly and relaxed style in your burger shop.

    Type of establishment.

    All burger joints are establishments that in many ways resemble snack bars or fast food restaurants. But there is no clear concept of what an ideal burger shop should look like, so you can position your establishment as a highly specialized restaurant or as fast food.

    The choice of type will mainly depend on the saturation of your market with similar establishments and the preferences of the residents themselves, as well as their ability to pay.

    Service method.

    Depending on what type of burger joint you will have, you must determine how you will serve your customers.

    Having chosen by type of restaurant, it is best to hire more waiters to organize full or partial service. And if you want to open a fast food burger joint, develop a self-service system.

    Burger menu.

    As already mentioned, there is no exact definition of the concept of a burger joint, and, accordingly, there is no specific list dishes that should be served in it. Therefore, developing a menu and determining the list of dishes at the business plan stage falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner.

    The only thing that can be said for sure is that the burger shop in any case should provide a wide range of burgers, because they are, as it were, the “feature” of the establishment. As for the range of other dishes, it should not be too wide, but also not consist of only burgers and fries.

    Ideally, the menu should include 15-20 dishes:

    • 5-7 different types burgers with different buns and cutlets made from different minced meat;
    • 2-3 simple salads;
    • 2-3 side dishes, such as French fries and country potatoes;
    • 2-3 types of meat dishes, for example, chicken wings or fried sausages;
    • 2-3 simple desserts.

    As for drinks, their list should also consist of different categories. This can be a variety of soft drinks, all kinds of teas, several varieties of coffee, freshly squeezed juices.

    Alcohol, as a rule, sold in burger joints is not strong, for example, beer, simple cocktails and wine.

    If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, pay attention to the need to obtain a license.

    Also, don’t lose sight of the opportunity to attract visitors with unusual dishes on the menu, for example, include vegetarian or children’s burgers in the list.

    List of additional services.

    Although we classify burger shops as food establishments, you can organize some additional services to attract more visitors.

    These include organizing the delivery of burgers to your home, holding events (business lunches, corporate events, family holidays), organizing a children's room or playground on the territory of the burger.

By analyzing each of the elements to create a complete format and concept, your business plan will clearly show what kind of burger joint you are going to open. Based on this, it will be much easier to solve other organizational and production issues.

Choosing premises for a burger shop: where and what area is best to rent?

According to the generally accepted rule, all food establishments (including burger joints) are best located in crowded, walkable places.

These can be the central streets of the city, and squares near large shopping centers, and public places near office buildings, universities, large enterprises. In short, it is best to open a burger shop in a place where the establishment will always be in sight, and where there is daily large number people wanting to have a snack.

Also, when choosing a location for a burger shop, consider the size of the city in which you plan to launch it. If it is small, then undoubtedly look for a room closer to the center. And if we are talking about a metropolis, then we can allow the opening of an enterprise in some residential area where many people live.

At the same time, do not forget that the location of the burger joint must correspond to its concept.

Also consider the number of competitors nearby. If there are already several burger joints in the city center, then either look for a place less saturated with competitors, or offer your potential visitors something that others do not have.

As for the space itself for the burger joint, it is best to rent it. But, if you have enough capital to purchase, you can purchase it.

The size of the chosen premises will depend on the size of the burger joint you plan to open, as well as what type of establishment you will have.

If we take average figures, then to organize a burger shop you will need about 100 square meters. m. area, of which 60-70 sq. m. will be used as a hall for guests, and another 30-40 sq. m. m. will be needed to organize bathrooms, kitchens and staff quarters.

Remember: the room should not be very large, but at the same time sufficient to organize a kitchen and a spacious living room.

Burger production business plan: main equipment items

As with any other food establishment, it is not enough to just rent space to open a burger shop. It still needs to be properly equipped so that visitors feel comfortable and food can be prepared in the kitchen.

Since in each case of organizing a burger restaurant, depending on the concept, the menu will change and necessary equipment for preparation, we will give as an example the main names of equipment for production and utility rooms, as well as for arranging a hall for guests.

Equipment nameQuantityPriceSample
Total equipment cost:RUB 1,881,300
Visitor hall
Tables10 9,200 rub.
Chairs40 4,500 rub.
Sofas5 15,500 rub.
Bar counter1 RUB 160,500
Burger press1 14,000 rub.
Electric grill1 10,000 rub.
Frying surface1 14,000 rub.
Refrigerated table for burgers1 165,000 rub.
deep fryer1 700,000 rub.
Vegetable cutter1 35,000 rub.
Thermal showcase1 49,000 rub.
Fridge1 110,000 rub.
Oven1 45,000 rub.
Cutting table2 9,900 rub.
Bathtub for washing dishes and vegetables (3-section)1 29,000 rub.
Rack2 11,500 rub.
Water heater1 16,000 rub.
Toilet3 RUB 3,900
Wash basin3 1,200 rub.
Wall mounted soap dispenser3 800 rub.
Hand dryer3 5,300 rub.
Utility room for workers
Wardrobe1 7,000 rub.
Sofa1 11,000 rub.
Additional equipment
POS computer1 40,000 rub.
Receipt printer1 10,900 rub.
Waiter station1 29,000 rub.

In total, the total cost of equipment for the burger shop will be more than 1.8 million rubles, which, you see, is a very impressive amount. But remember that this figure is approximate. It may be less or more, depending on the type of establishment and the region of the country chosen for doing business.

In addition, the cost can be reduced by purchasing not new, but previously used equipment.

You can also reduce costs a little by concluding a supply agreement with beverage manufacturers. You will buy and sell their products, and in return they will provide you with their refrigerators for cooling and storing water, mineral water, and juices.

Be sure to include all of this during the preparation phase of your business plan. A clear structure of your actions will help you ultimately predict the amount of capital investment as accurately as possible.

Recruitment of personnel and purchase of raw materials: other organizational elements of a business plan for a burger...

Despite the fact that finding future employees and suppliers at first glance does not seem such a difficult task, the business plan must contain all such points.

Thanks to all the data entered into it, you will be able to correctly calculate expenses and understand where you will purchase products for preparing dishes in a burger shop.

So, let's start with personnel selection.

a) How many employees will you need when starting a burger restaurant?

At first, you will need to hire about 7-8 people who will work in shifts:

  • 2 managers
  • 2 cooks
  • 2 waiters
  • 1-2 cleaners

Please note that the number of hired workers may be less if you are planning to organize a self-service line.

But since waiter service is more suitable for a burger restaurant, first hire at least two such employees, and later increase their staff to 4-6 people.

As for other employees, such as an accountant and a marketer, at first you can perform their functions yourself. As a last resort, you can attract workers from outsourcing.

b) Where and from whom is it best to purchase raw materials?

Since when opening a food outlet, not only the price, but also the quality of the product is important, it is best to find trusted manufacturers who can provide you with a quality certificate for each type of product.

To save money, enter into supply agreements only with direct manufacturers, and not resellers.

Regarding products (fruits and vegetables), it would be better to find some small farming, which will always supply only fresh herbs.

Be careful when choosing suppliers of meat and meat products, because their freshness will affect not only the taste of the dishes, but also the reputation of your burger shop.

Also, do not forget in your business plan to allocate funds for the purchase of various cutlery: cutlery, plates, cups and glasses.

To organize a burger bar, you don’t have to buy the most expensive glass or earthenware, but its quality shouldn’t be too bad. By purchasing low-quality, cheap dishes that constantly break, you will only end up at a loss. Therefore, it is better to purchase a more expensive but durable option.

Marketing plan for opening a burger shop: development strategy and advertising

Many people underestimate the need to include a marketing section in a burger business plan, and in vain.

An initially thought-out program, as well as a list of advertising tools, will help to “promote” a new food outlet in the shortest possible time.

Where should you start and what should you focus on?

Due to the fact that the burger joint is a new and modern establishment, the ways of its promotion must be appropriate. Therefore, start with a bright name and a tempting slogan that will quickly interest potential consumers.

The burger joint's website should be his business card, through which future visitors can get acquainted with the concept and offer of your business. Additionally, your website should be functional enough to accept online orders from people who want some specialty burger delivered to their home.

To implement all of the above, it would be better to create a website by contacting a specialist. He will be able to make it functional, interesting and understandable for any user.

Don't forget about others, very effective ways advertising:

  • Hand out flyers and discount coupons.
  • Pay for advertising on TV and radio.
  • Place several advertisements in newspapers and magazines.
  • Offer bonus programs for regular visitors and large companies.
  • Organize a bright opening of the burger joint with a prize draw and a modest tasting of dishes from your menu.

Secrets to success in opening a burger shop.

Calculating expenses and expected profits: the financial component of a burger business plan

Expense categoryName of costsCost (RUB)
Total: 3,202,100 rubles
Registration of business activitiesIndividual entrepreneur registration800
Obtaining permits and obtaining seals5 000
Rent and arrangement of premisesRent of space (for the first six months)240 000
Room renovation550 000
Arrangement of premises for visitors510 000
Arrangement of utility rooms and bathrooms1 371 300
Salaries for staffManagers (2 people)70 000
Cooks (2 people)70 000
Waiters (2 people)40 000
Cleaners (2 people)20 000
Additional expensesPurchasing dishes and cutlery90 000
Purchase of products necessary for opening100 000
Design and ordering of printed materials (menus, business cards, etc.)40 000
AdvertisingWebsite development40 000
Printing handouts20 000
Paid ads35 000

As a result, the amount of initial investment for opening a burger shop will be about 3-3.5 million rubles. The amount, of course, is not small, but let us remind you that it is approximate and may be less depending on the city of your residence and the number of seats in a burger shop.

Now let's talk about payback.

The cost of one burger is about 180 rubles. , to which you also need to add some money for a portion of fries and ketchup, which are served with the burger.

The selling price of such a set will be about 300-600 rubles. The average bill in this case will be from 600 to 800 rubles.

If we consider that every day from 50 to 80 people will visit your burger shop, we can calculate that at first net profit per month will be from 50 thousand rubles. And in just six months this figure may increase to 300 thousand rubles.

Thus, this the enterprise will pay for itself after 1.5 – 2 years.

Let's sum it up. We have examined in detail the business plan for a burger restaurant, strict adherence to which will help you open your own profitable business.

Burger shops are not unique, but they are still very fresh and relevant food establishments that can bring their owner good returns and wide popularity. Therefore, weigh the pros and cons, calculate the amount of investment in your case and join the ranks of successful businessmen.

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– one of the most dynamically developing and popular areas today.

If you are thinking about opening a catering establishment without a lot of capital to open a good restaurant, we advise you to pay attention to the burger restaurant format.

Why burgers? Let's figure it out.

The high pace of life of a modern person in a metropolis creates a demand for food in all kinds of eateries.

But not all residents of big cities would be happy to go to McDonald's or KFC for lunch, however, they would not refuse to have a snack of this type of food on the go.

Establishments where the main focus is the preparation of burgers - cutlets made from good meat on a special bun, with the addition of various sauces and toppings, are in great demand today, and in terms of the quality of preparation and taste they surpass the well-known economy class fast food.

A burger, French fries, coffee or a sweet carbonated drink is a desirable menu for today's popular catering establishment. Establishments of this nature always have good demand among the population due to its taste appeal, speed of preparation and the ability to have a snack in a convenient place at any time.

Fast food such as burgers, which came from America, until recently evoked associations with McDonald's and other world-famous fast food restaurants, and today establishments of this type are opening on almost every corner.

How to open your own bar from scratch - see the instructions.

Large restaurateurs also saw great potential in burger joints. for example, Arkady Novikov opens FARSH establishments in Moscow, Alexander Rappoport opened Voronezh, the famous rap artist Timati launched BlackStarBurger, and popular coffee shops and restaurants began to increasingly introduce burgers, sandwiches and other dishes into their menus that You can take it with you if you wish.

How to open your own burger shop, watch this video:

Reasons for opening a burger shop and running such a business

Let's look at the advantages of opening a burger shop and answer the question why the popularity of this line of business is growing at a rapid pace:

  1. Easy to prepare. Opening a burger shop is much easier than opening a full-fledged restaurant. There is no need to think through a complex menu including dishes various types and cooking methods.
    All you need is good burger recipes, quality meat, freshly baked buns, fresh ingredients and a relatively small kitchen. The burgers are easy to prepare and take just minutes to prepare.
    In restaurants and sushi bars, it takes 20-30 minutes to prepare hamburgers to order, while in a burger shop during this time many more people will have time to get a portion of fast food.
  1. Availability. Today, getting good marbled beef in Russia has become much easier than before.
    The growth of Russia's own production of high-quality meat allows us to use fresh, high-quality and relatively inexpensive ingredients for preparing hamburgers.
  1. Burger does not require large room for cooking. Opening a single-product restaurant is much more profitable than a restaurant with a full menu, also due to the low number of products written off.

Stages of opening a burger shop

So you've decided to open a burger shop.

Burger cost. Photo: biz360.ru

Let's consider the main stages of opening and all the problems that may arise during the preparation for opening:

  1. The path to creating a burger restaurant should begin with the official registration of the business.. You have to choose...
    Preference, as a rule, is given to the first option. The taxation system for such catering establishments is chosen as UTII.
    To register an individual entrepreneur, you need to visit the Federal Tax Service with a passport, submit an application and pay a state fee (800 rubles).
    If everything is done correctly, you will receive a certificate of individual entrepreneur status in just a few days.
  • workers' medical records;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission from the SES;
  • for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

How to open a popular burger restaurant, tips and ideas, watch this video:

  1. The next step will be recruitment. The work is not particularly difficult and does not require a high degree of professionalism, so it is recommended to hire guys and girls who will be happy to do their job.
    At the initial stage, 2 managers, 2 cooks and 4 hall workers will be enough.
  2. On next stage you need to take care of equipment and raw materials for preparing burgers. Must be purchased refrigeration equipment, tables for preparing dishes, grill, vegetable cutter, slicer and fryer for French fries, dishwasher, oven, food processor.
    Think about who will supply you with quality meat and other ingredients.
  3. Creating an advertising campaign. Best advertising Such a fashionable format as a burger restaurant will become an advertisement on the Internet and on social networks, where most young people spend their time.

It is possible to attract popular bloggers to promote your business. Create promotions, arrange delivery and use all the latest marketing tools.

How to appoint someone responsible for fire safety - read.

Opening a burger franchise

Sometimes it is easier for novice businessmen to open a burger franchise than to create a business from scratch. Many popular chains are interested in expanding and entering the market of other regions by selling their franchises.

If you have a large enough capital, you can consider large restaurants, such as BurgerKing, for example, to purchase a franchise.

In this case, the franchise buyer has at his disposal ready business plan, constant support, ready advertising campaign and a ready-made menu.

The advantage of a franchise is that its buyer can be confident that the idea will work; he does not need to figure out what and how best to do it, where to invest capital.

Among the disadvantages, we can note monthly royalties in the form of a percentage of profits, as well as mandatory compliance with the requirements of the franchisee.

Business plan with calculations

Experts say that opening a burger shop will cost 3.5-9 million rubles. But when purchasing used equipment you can save a lot.

The average price of a burger in such establishments varies from 250 to 600 rubles.

At first, the monthly profit, as a rule, does not exceed 30-50 thousand rubles per month, but with constant development it increases significantly. Payback can be achieved in approximately 2 years.

And this is a good profitability.

Let's calculate the approximate costs that will have to be incurred when opening a burger joint with an area of ​​100 square meters in 2017-2018:

Premises rental – from 40,000 rubles;

Approximate calculation of funds for opening and payback of a burger restaurant. Photo: s0.rbk.ru

The cost of one simple burger is about 180 rubles:

  • Bun – 15 rubles;
  • Cheese – 10 rubles;
  • Sauce – 40 rubles;
  • Minced meat – 75 rubles;
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, salad – 40 rubles.

Costs for equipment and furniture (RUB):

  • Refrigerated table – 164 thousand;
  • Refrigerator compartment – ​​125 thousand;
  • Water heater – 21 thousand;
  • Thermal display – 180 thousand;
  • Grill – 820 thousand;
  • Deep fryer - 700 thousand;
  • Oven – 130 thousand;
  • Libra – 14 thousand;
  • Bathtub for washing dishes - 30 thousand;
  • Walk-through refrigerator – 180 thousand;
  • Food warmer - 60 thousand;
  • Dryer – 10 thousand;
  • Furniture – for bar and kitchen – 800 thousand.

Thus, the purchase of equipment will cost approximately 3,000,000 rubles.

Employee salaries:

  • Manager (2 people) – 35,000 rubles;
  • Hall employee (4 people) – 20,000 rubles;
  • Cook (2 people) – 100 rub./hour;
  • Technical staff (1 person) – 12,000 rubles.

Business profitability

In similar establishments average bill is 250-400 rubles per person. The number of clients per day can reach 600-700 people.

It turns out that in a month you can earn about 700,000 rubles. In this case, the net profit will be 300,000 rubles per month, and the investment will pay off within a year.

How to create your own business for a beginning entrepreneur - tips.

Bottom line

The fast food business is currently experiencing a big boom due to a new fashion trend that is very popular among young people.

Creating a burger joint with effort and constant development will bring good income, and the establishment itself can make thousands of customers fall in love with it.

Well-known restaurateur Arkady Novikov claims that the main thing in this business is quality meat and good buns. In this case, there will be no end to visitors. Good luck!
