Small business organization technology introduction. Features of organizing a small business. Comparative assessment of competitors' activities

Any owner of a more or less large account sooner or later begins to think about what advantages and money can be obtained from this popularity. And the simplest answer is that the most effective way making money on social networks - advertising. But how can a person who has never made money on social networks competently organize an advertising campaign? How to advertise on Instagram, when can you start making money from advertising and what can you advertise: this is exactly what we will talk about today.

The stage at which you can start making money from advertising

If you have 250 subscribers and you think that is a lot, I may upset you. In order for people to buy advertising from you, you must have at least 1000-1500 subscribers. And, of course, they must be very active: they must like you, comment on you and participate in surveys. Therefore, simply increasing the number will not work, alas. You really need to promote your page. But if you have at least 1000 live subscribers who are interested in your account and updates in it, feel free to go to advertising exchanges. And if you have more than a million subscribers, and you still haven’t started making money from marketing integrations, I don’t know what’s wrong with you.

I'll attach it here small instructions for effective promotion:

  1. Activity. Constantly like and comment on posts, engage in dialogue in the comments, and follow people. They need to see you all the time.
  2. Post photos and videos regularly. At least a couple of times a day. You shouldn’t spam at all, of course, but you shouldn’t regularly appear in news feed you need your subscribers.
  3. I recommend using comprehensive promotion services like ,. This will simplify promotion and minimize wasted time.

How to make money from advertising on Instagram?

In order to make money from advertising on Insta, you need to find an advertiser. Logical. First of all, I advise you to fill out the contacts section in your profile as much as possible. This will speed up the process of contacting you as much as possible. Believe me, advertisers are not rabbits that need to be hunted, they themselves are looking for advertising platforms and write to the owners of prominent pages with various proposals. Secondly, I advise you to contact advertising exchanges. There you can post yours marketing offer and potential buyers of this offer will easily contact you. And the exchanges themselves act as an intermediary and guarantor of reliability.

What can you advertise on Instagram?

In fact, a person with a loose tongue will be able to link an advertisement for faucets to an account about photography. But this does not mean that this can be done. You create content that should be of interest to your subscribers. And creating advertising on Instagram should be approached in the same way. If people come to you for memes, don't try to sell them a hearing aid. This may be interesting to some percentage, but not to everyone. Therefore, I advise you to promote only products that correspond to the theme of your account or the age category of subscribers, or neutral ones.

Let me give you a couple of examples:

  1. A person has a culinary page, and one of his general sponsors is a company that produces knives. Great, fits the topic.
  2. Same culinary page. People often post recipes with meat and expensive ingredients. And inserts advertisements for the YouDo assistant search application. It’s also suitable because its target audience is men 30-40 years old who have money, but don’t have the time or energy for basic household chores.
  3. The person who runs the page with political news posts advertisements for the same knives. This is, of course, ironic, but there is no correspondence.

I think you got what I wanted to tell you. Don't scare your audience away with inappropriate advertising.

To create an effective PR campaign:

How much can you earn by advertising products on Instagram?

Don't expect that you can get 1,500 subscribers and start making good money right away. People who want to advertise are not fools - they want maximum efficiency. Therefore, in the beginning, do not expect to be able to switch to marketing income only. Let me give you an example from one of the advertising exchanges, .

I set the proposals to be sorted by the number of subscribers and the minimum indicator is 1000. The cost of publication is 50 rubles.

And the price at this level of popularity is approximately the same. The maximum jumps only to 200 with a thousand subscribers. And here keep in mind that people also want to save money and are not going to spend a lot of money if they can spend less.

However, an advertising post can cost hundreds of thousands of rubles. To do this you need to have a huge audience and involvement. Most often, this level is reached by those who first became famous on television, for example. Not on social networks. Otherwise, having a public page with a couple of hundred thousand subscribers, you can already earn a couple of tens of thousands a month from advertising.

How to advertise on Instagram? It’s very simple - you need to take into account the topic of the account and advertising, the target audience and its interests, the time of publication, a reliable advertiser, the amount that needs to be requested for the publication, that’s all... But it’s worth it - you can live on money that comes out of thin air. You can say that you will be paid simply for being you. And don’t forget to constantly work on your own promotion in order to have the right to claim for publication more money and reach a new level of earnings.

Instagram currently has 130 million active users, with billions of new likes added every hour. If you work with this service correctly, you can ensure instant viral marketing success. But if it’s the other way around, then failure is inevitable. For those who have just started promoting a brand on Instagram, has collected 52 useful tips on how to successfully run an advertising campaign using this social platform.

Account Settings

1. Create a business account on Instagram - it's very easy.

2. Use the name of the company or brand as the name. If it is taken, then choose a name that is most associated with the brand.

3. Fill out your profile information: upload a beautiful branded photo, add short information about yourself, post a link to the company website.

4. Integrate your account with Facebook.

5. Set up automatic integration of photos from Instagram to Facebook, this will increase the number of reposts. Companies like Mercedes Benz get a lot of likes through cross-posting:

6. Come up with a unique brand strategy, rely on it in all aspects of promotion, show people your company’s view of the world, focus all content around a bright, unique idea.

Advertise your account

7. Use tools to promote your Instagram account. For example, in Russia big brands use - just come up with creative content and an image, and then select the accounts in which you are going to advertise. The average cost of one organic subscriber is from 1 to 3 rubles.


8. Hashtags in updates are one of the key components of the service. It is with the help of hashtags that the user can find photos the right brand. Unlike Twitter, there is no limit on the number of characters, but don't overdo it, it looks intrusive.

9. Include your brand name in your hashtag. Write unique hashtags for individual advertising campaigns. For example, if you decide to hold a photo contest, come up with a special hashtag for this. This tactic will not only be a good advertisement for the brand, but will also allow users to establish a connection with each other, thus the competition participants will see who they are competing with. Here's how Dry Soda used #fridayDRYday to engage users and share photos:

10. Use common hashtags in every post. For example, if you own a coffee shop and post a photo of a latte, add the hashtags #latte or #coffee.

11. Use popular hashtags. Trends on Instagram change very quickly, so if you managed to join the fashion movement in time, add a suitable hashtag. This way, your post will be among the most famous, and the number of views will be measured in the thousands.

12. Be sure to follow new and relevant hashtags on Instagram. Add them to your posts. Take a moment to connect with the users adding these hashtags and comment and like their posts. Your activity will not go unnoticed.

13. Monitor the Web and look for users adding your brand name as a hashtag. This is how subscribers use feedback to tell you something important. Track all mentions just like you do on Facebook and Twitter. Reply quickly to ensure a good and long-lasting relationship with buyers.


14. Prove to your subscribers how much you value them: publish and share their most important messages on social networks. best photos. But remember, before you leave a post, be sure to ask permission. Starbucks, one of the top three successful brands on Instagram, uses similar tactics very often. Every few weeks, they dedicate a post to one of their followers, featuring their creation of one of the Starbucks products.

15. With a new feature on Instagram that allows you to embed Instagram photos on other sites, you have the opportunity to host full-fledged fan posts. Make sure the user is aware that their post will appear on your site.

16. Like your followers’ photos, especially if they feature your brand.

17. Comment on followers’ photos.

18.Reply to all comments that are left on your photos/videos, even if they are negative.

19. Use @ mentions. Users love to be addressed personally. For example, Coca-Cola highlighted a subscriber who won a photo contest:

20. Use @mentions and tag celebrities. If your image is somehow related to the figure of a famous person, then you should not be afraid to mark the star. Perhaps the photo will interest him/her so much that a repost will follow.

21. Focus on attracting customers, create publications with customers always in mind. An Instagram business should be tailored to the lifestyle your customers lead.

Prove yourself

22. Don’t forget to be creative: use different filters, interesting angles, lighting effects and other photography tricks. Add variety with programs like Photoshop, Diptic or Photoshake. Combine multiple images into one. Here's a great example of how you can combine three photos:

25. Show users how to use your company's products in their lives. Here's an example where Whistler Water showed fans drinking their water at a concert:

26. Always maintain an ideal image: subscribers like cool brands. For example, Pilot Pen USA, which sells pens, is an example of successful marketing. Their Instagram is full stylish photos notes and pens:

27. Colorfully illustrate your brand story: publish beautiful photos and videos to show users the fundamental principles and values ​​on which the company lives and works.

28. Open up to the world: post photos of your employees, tell us who is behind the success of your brand. Shoot videos from behind the scenes and share what a typical working day is like in your company. This will strengthen the brand image and the perception of subscribers. Williams Sonoma uses a similar technique:

29. Post funny, entertaining videos about general director companies to be “closer to the people.” For example, make short, funny videos of him talking about what he likes to do outside of work hours.

30. Post unique content to make users feel special. Share photos that cannot be found on other social networks.

31. If you're launching a product, organizing a band's first concert, or opening new store– do it on Instagram. For example, on the day of the premiere, make a video of the staff preparing for official moment, and customers wait in anticipation.

32. Create a teaser that shows the preparation of a product for a market launch or an opening event. But don't give away the secret of what exactly we're talking about.

33. Post a report on Instagram about an event that has already taken place. Feel free to show how company employees work in real life.

34. Build partnerships with other brands, no matter what business you represent: small store or an international holding. You can achieve ideal cooperation - mutually advertise the companies’ products in the feed. For example, Wimbledon and Nike:

Be more creative

35. Ask users to write comments. If you want maximum engagement, don't be silent. Questions give rise to discussions. Ask what readers think of a recently published post or image.

36. Ask questions about the company or product, get users to talk about them. Ask if they have used the brand's product today, create a hashtag where followers can post photos on this topic. Target, for example, asks questions like “What flavor of popsicles do you like?”, and users, in turn, begin to discuss the brand online.

38. Create interactive fill-in-the-blank posts. For example, if your business is a grocery store, post a picture of a cereal breakfast and caption, “I like to start my day with a plate of _____.” People will discuss your product and express their opinions.

39. Another one original way Capture the attention of users - ask them to come up with a caption for the image. Be original and publish unusual photo one of your products. Announce a competition for the best signature and don't forget to come up with a small prize for the winner.

40. Use crowdsourcing: Ask users to post photos of how your brand plays a role in their lives. This will help you understand your target audience and will also be useful for further research aimed at business development. But in order to attract the maximum number of users, you will have to launch a photo competition.

Competitions inInstagram

41. Photo competition on Instagram is an opportunity to get huge amount user-generated content and new ideas, or simply bring all the attention to your company. Set the competition topic you need and give clients the opportunity to express their creativity. Here's an example of what you can do if you sell mocha:

42. If you're running an Instagram contest, make sure the prize is good enough to motivate participation as well as further sharing online. Sometimes it’s the prize that can cause a photo contest to go viral.

Don't forget about mobile users

44. Use geotagging - linking photos to a map. Add your location to the post and target local users with these images.

45. Stop separating online and offline reality. Place QR codes on Instagram so that users can scan them to receive, for example, discount coupons.

46. ​​If you are organizing an event, create a suitable hashtag where people can post their photos and check out others.

47. Organize an online meeting for active users who may be potential buyers.


48. Regardless of your follower count, post content consistently. Users will specifically browse a brand's account, knowing they will find interesting updates.

49. Decide on the frequency of publications. Some brands post 2-3 times a day, others 2-3 times a week. Use analytics to determine the frequency that suits you.

50. Find out what is the best time to publish content. Each brand is individual. Therefore, you should resort to analytics to find out when photos are gaining greatest number likes, or how many times followers actively use hashtags.

51. Analyze the results: track activity by all indicators (hashtags, likes, reposts, etc.)

52. Improve yourself. Based on the results obtained, draw conclusions and improve the content.

Today, there are many services for automated promotion of an Instagram account, which for a small fee will help you attract subscribers and increase brand awareness.

53. The Zengram online service combines in its functionality a wide range of advantages and opportunities related to the promotion of Instagram accounts.

Its main advantages:

  • simultaneous maintenance of an unlimited number of accounts from one personal account;
  • complete control over actions;
  • advanced targeting settings;
  • mutual liking of your subscribers;
  • sending welcome messages to new users in direct messages;
  • instaspy;
  • attentive and responsive tech. support;
  • full analytics;
  • work through a proxy;
  • cleaning from bots and commercial accounts;
  • parser and comment likes.

The cost of the service depends on the number of days of subscription than more days you buy, the more you save. Every new user gets the first 7 days free of charge.

The Zengram blog regularly publishes useful informational articles about promotion. If you have not yet decided how to create an account for a business on Instagram, pay attention to the article “What to write about yourself on Instagram: creating a business profile.” In it you will find a guide to choosing a name for promoting a small/large business or personal brand, Tips on designing a profile header and maintaining an account.

54. The innovative SMM tool for promotion Instapromo occupies one of the leading positions in all areas of Insta promotion. The service offers a full range of services:

  • promotion (massalaiking, masscommenting, massfollowing)
  • delayed posting

An interesting fact: many people know how to sell on the World Wide Web, but only a few can fully use social platforms for this purpose.

Every businessman understands that social platforms are confidently and quickly becoming a place active sales and brand promotion. So why doesn’t everyone take advantage of such a chic and affordable opportunity to expand and promote their business? Today we will share the secrets of online promotion and useful tips on how to effectively sell on Instagram. You will find out what the most people use on this social network in great demand, how to properly promote your brand and create selling ads.

First, let's look at what products and services are used most in demand on instagram Are you ready? Then let's go.

What is profitable to sell?

Instagram is a unique platform for promoting brands and services. In demand here various courses and seminars, original handmade gizmos, entertainment programs and much more. It should be noted that different product categories require different approaches when preparing for advertising campaign. For example, in some cases you need a beautiful picture, and in others you need a correctly composed sentence describing the service.

According to statistics, the most purchased goods and services on Instagram are as follows:

  • cosmetics, especially those made from natural ingredients;
  • stylish and inexpensive wardrobe items (many people are happy to buy fashionable items at reasonable prices via the Internet and social networks);
  • everything that is made with one’s own hands, or “handmade”;
  • original and elegant accessories;
  • offers from shopping and entertainment centers;
  • show rooms services;
  • Cafes and restaurants are also successful;
  • Recently, food delivery services have been actively promoted;
  • and, of course, all kinds of services from cosmetologists and dentists.

Note that these are only the most appetizing positions that statistics indicate. In fact, you can successfully promote any goods and services on Instagram. The main thing is to do it wisely.

What other alternatives are there for promoting on Instagram:

  • Don't be discouraged if you don't have any products to hold in your hands. On Instagram you can offer high-quality services at an adequate cost. This is an excellent opportunity to realize yourself as an expert in style, business, translation, tutoring, etc. In order for people to know about you, you need to tell your subscribers what you do, what you can do and how you can be useful. Then people will know who to turn to if necessary. Believe me, it’s easier for a person to write to a friend online than to look for ads on the Internet. What works here is reliability and consistency.
  • You need to understand the main thing - the Insta space is open to any endeavors. If you have something to offer and something to surprise and intrigue the audience, do it. For example, if you are a cool photographer, use photo purchasing services. Offer your services online, develop, expand your target audience.
  • The service of writing essays, tests and tests is also in demand. theses. In this case, it is also easier for students to choose from potentially familiar performers who will not disappear or fail the order.
  • Interestingly, it’s not only new products that can be successfully sold on social platforms. Used goods are also in demand. You can create a store and make real profit on anything. Even sold household chemicals. And that's a fact.

The list is far from final. It can be continued and expanded for a long time. But the point is clear. Use your imagination, find your own original niche that will interest potential buyers and go ahead to win.

The main rules for successful sales on Instagram: short and to the point

Now let's talk about how to act correctly to achieve a high level of online sales.

1. An image that will attract customers

The peculiarity of sales on Instagram is that pictures here are the main content. Video is one step behind and is not particularly popular among system users. However, when choosing images you should adhere to some rules:

  • The photo must be unique and original.
  • Visualize your products and services in at its best, and orders will not keep you waiting. Think about how best to present the product. For example, if you are selling exclusive handmade soap, then create an original wrapper or box for it.
  • Don't skimp on the details. Nuances are more important than ever.
  • Add fresh emotions and sensuality. You won't attract anyone with boring posts.

The right approach to product design for advertising on Instagram

2. Prioritize

3. A healthy lifestyle is in fashion

So promote “healthy” brands. How? For example, remove harmful components from products and tell your potential and current customers about it. This is promising and modern direction, which is in great demand.

4. Design and promote entire collections of products

For example, if you are in the candy business self made, then develop sweet sets for different holidays and occasions (wedding, anniversary, international women's day, Valentine's Day and others). If your business is cosmetic services, then offer different complexes and combinations: for one or several girlfriends, for couples in love. You can come up with interesting combinations: facial cleansing + neckline massage as a gift or eyelash extensions + eyebrow art for free.

5. Gain experience from competitors

You can find a lot of useful information there.

There are many variations on the theme, but this does not mean that you will succeed right away and you will start receiving a huge number of orders. The main thing is to start, and then through trial and error you will strive for perfection.

  1. Let us immediately note that you will have to be patient. There will be no return or profit right away. At least this is what practice shows. Only after a few months will mass orders begin to arrive.
  2. Don’t forget about the first rule of selling on Instagram - offers that attract attention are successful.
  3. Another interesting point. Social platforms are unique in their viral properties or... Essentially, this is "". What are we talking about? For example, someone famous and popular liked your publication. This person takes and recommends your product to his many subscribers. This is already a guarantee of future success.
  4. Pay attention to the text advertisement. Correct description is also the key to successful brand promotion. By the way, which is typical for Instagram, the system often shows the most commented posts in the feed. Please note that posts on Instagram are not shown in the order they were posted. There exists own algorithm impressions
  5. Communication is everything to us. Meet new people, maintain connections, exchange opinions. Do everything you can to get people to write, ask questions, and comment on your posts. Dialogue is a step towards success. On initial stage You can independently comment on advertising posts from different accounts, creating the appearance of activity and interest.
  6. When you are promoting a blog for commercial purposes, you should not display personal photographs. Are you promoting a brand? Then position yourself accordingly. Publish meaningful and colorful information about the company and the services and products it provides. And also don’t forget to place a link to a mobile landing page created specifically for visitors from Instagram for each of your campaigns or products. If you don't have it yet, choose ready-made template and personalize it for yourself with .
  7. When posting images, use photo filters. Warm filters are popular on Instagram, creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.
  8. Before publishing a post, mark thematic #hashtags. You can also immediately come up with and add your own exclusive hashtag to each publication, by which your brand will be recognized. For example, if you are selling things, you can use the tags #fashiondresskiev or #crazywomanfashion. Experts recommend adding no more than 10 hashtags to one post and only on the topic. Choose the most popular ones. For example, #I love fashion, #women's clothing Ukraine, etc. You can read about how to choose hashtags correctly here.
  9. Check in the settings that the account is open. Otherwise, no one will see your publications.
  10. Constantly expand your target audience, add subscribers.
  11. Don't skimp on advertising. You can also read about how to launch it correctly on Instagram in the Ecwid thematic blog about promotion in social networks (link at the end of the article).
  12. Make sure your customers can pay for goods and services in different ways. To do this, you need to open various online wallets. Due to inconvenience with payment, people often refuse to purchase.
  13. Don't overdo it with the number of posts. Nobody likes spam. Post on a schedule and not too often. For example, one or two posts a day.
  14. Publish materials at the hottest time. Details about the choice.
  15. And the last one practical advice for today - do not forget to create the effect of scarcity. In your posts, add the phrases “hurry up, the promotion ends tomorrow”, “limited quantity of goods”, etc.


From all that has been said, we can conclude: in order to successfully promote goods and services through Instagram, you need to have a desire and an idea. If there are any, then go ahead and implement your ideas.

Greetings to all Instagrammers! Let's get to know each other a little and I'll get started.

My name is Vasily Blinov, I am the author of this blog about remote work and everything connected with it. Instagram too! I myself have been working remotely since 2015 and traveling around the world. I am promoting my account on Instagram and other social networks, which will also be discussed on my blog.

I could have made a paid course on Instagram promotion and promotion, but I decided that I would post all my experience and knowledge for free, let those who make money from such training execute me for it :)

I think today’s article will be long but interesting, so I recommend reading it carefully to the end. And at the end, leave your reviews and comments about what you read.

So, let's go?

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

In terms of audience activity, it is in first place for me.

Because there is not as much garbage there as there is, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. News and update feeds that are teeming with advertising and all sorts of entertaining nonsense. People still strive to use Instagram for its intended purpose, to add photos from their lives there.

And the audience there, thanks to live content, is more open and adequate.

Therefore, I recommend that everyone who is promoting their brand, looking for clients, selling their services and products, should start promoting their business accounts on Instagram or personal page. Moreover, you can promote Instagram yourself, learn everything from scratch, using free and paid methods, which I will talk about today.

Some specialists who offer to quickly promote an Instagram account do the same thing only at 5-10 times the price. My friends, freelancers and online entrepreneurs have ordered similar services, and the results are the same with what I do myself.

Instagram promotion is a constant process, you shouldn’t hire guys who promise you short term get a lot of subscribers.

If you don’t have time to promote yourself, then it’s better to hire a permanent remote employee - an Instagram manager who will do all the work for you, retain your audience and bring new clients.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

I’ll say right away that I’m not interested in inflated numbers (subscribers), which are usually of no use. I try to gather only a live and active audience.

Where to start?

Ahh? A! - Audience! First step.

Why the hell are you going to promote Instagram? Earn? I think that is why 95% are interested in this issue.

Then how are you going to make money? What does your client look like? What will he be interested in? What will help solve his problem, NEED? If I can put it that way.

For example, my goal is to convey to people how, thanks to it, you can make your life more interesting, free, and start traveling. Help them take the first step - master the promising Internet profession of the future.

They often write to me, ask questions, give feedback. I know that I have a large audience ranging from 17 to 70 years old. But the target group is guys aged 21-35 who want to develop, learn, master something new and dream of traveling the world.

Knowing your audience, it’s easier to create useful and interesting content for them, look for places where they live, and attract them from there through your own activity or advertising.

Next 3 simple steps - This:

  1. Profile design.
  2. Content plan creation and publication.
  3. PR and advertising.

Today I will look at them briefly, more detailed information and instructions will be in separate articles.

How to create a profile?

A photo and information about you or your product is the first thing a person who visits the page will see. For me personally, these two indicators play an important role in whether to subscribe or not.

For example, this is what my profile looks like, SUBSCRIBE -

  1. Profile photo is a live photo that is used on all my social networks. This makes it easier to find and remember me.
  2. First and last name. It is better to write in Russian as it is, and not in transliteration. Translit, firstly, not everyone will decide to make out what is written there, and secondly, they may read and remember it incorrectly.
  3. Where are you from? Increases the loyalty of your fellow countrymen.
  4. Who are you and what do you do? Let the person know right away what you do and on what issue you can be useful. To make it clear why I should subscribe to you.
  5. Active link in profile. The only place on Instagram where you can put an active link. It can lead to your website or another social network. In my case, there is a link (), which leads to an article about the online marathon in our Knowledge base.

Almost all traffic from Instagram comes through this link in the profile. Posts usually simply write a “call to action” - click on it. Because there is no point in inserting links in posts, they are inactive there, and no one will click on them.

How to publish posts?

As they say: CONTENT IS KING!

Your posts are the main factor which will hook a person, turn a visitor into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a friend or client, and will retain him for many years.

If you want to promote Instagram, gain live and active followers, then publish only your photos and thoughts. Sometimes, not often, you can dilute them with some pictures or infographics with something useful.

Instagram - this is your photo album , only on the Internet and open access. Make it so that you yourself would be pleased to enter it and look at your photos.

  1. Take great photos.
    Beautiful pictures from the Internet, jokes, demotivators, photos of food, etc. Nowadays, few people are interested anymore. People need your photos! It’s cool when Instagram is done in real time.
  2. Sign your photos.
    Create useful and entertaining content. Write your stories, what you think about, where you go, what you do, let's useful tips. Encourage your opinion in the comments or like.
  3. Post more often.
    But not too often, 1-2 photos a day will be enough.
  4. Reply to comments.
    When you publish a new post, try to respond to comments immediately. Active discussions attract the most attention from other subscribers, and they also begin to comment. Live communication with your subscribers in person will create more trust in you. On Instagram, it is not very convenient to track comments when subscribers are very active. That's why the service helps me StarComment in controlling comments under all posts.

To properly maintain contact with your audience, you need a content plan or at least a simple plan based on your interests. target audience. In a separate article we will talk about how to draw up such a plan (link will come later).

How to attract new subscribers?

Now let's move on to methods that will allow you to be noticed and interest real people.

Free actions:

  1. Conduct live broadcasts.
  2. Make Stories.
  3. Use #HASHTAGS. Using hashtags, your photos can be seen by other Instagram users. Here's an article about
  4. Mark the places where the photo was taken. Other users can also notice you using geolocation tags.
  5. Give it a like. The person you liked may want to know who liked their photo, and they will go to your profile.
