"Rosengineering" was strengthened with Japanese ropes. Medvedev's ski instructor became a major entrepreneur Investors returned there

The owner of the Rosengineering company, Dmitry Novikov, can invest about 5 billion rubles in the Okhta Park ski resort that he owns. The funds will be used to create sports, leisure and social facilities on the territory of the complex, as well as to improve the territory. In addition, a development project for the construction of cottages and townhouses will be implemented in Okhta Park. Thanks to the development of the ski complex, the investor expects to increase its attendance from 1 million to 3 million people.

The owner of the complex, Dmitry Novikov, told Kommersant about plans to implement the second stage of the Okhta Park ski resort. Several ice arenas, a tennis academy, a water park, a spa area, swimming pools, a conference hall, social facilities, as well as new ski and biathlon trails. In addition, the project involves landscaping the park area and creating an artificial lake. "It's not so much commercial as social project which will give people the opportunity to relax comfortably," the entrepreneur explained, noting that the capacity of the complex will be doubled. According to Mr. Novikov, this year more than 1 million people visited Okhta Park, and within three years the figure is planned to increase to 3 million Human.

The design and construction of the facilities will be managed by the Rosengineering company owned by Mr. Novikov. As the company explained, to implement the project, the existing territory of the resort, amounting to 146 hectares, will be used, and another 20 hectares will be rented. The construction phase of the project will begin next year and will take five years. The project is currently at the design stage. The volume of investment in the development of the resort is tentatively estimated at 5 billion rubles. The project will be financed from Mr. Novikov’s own funds and attracted credit resources.

In addition to this, it is planned to build a residential complex “Lifestyle” on the territory of Okhta Park, which will include more than 1 thousand households. As part of the project, three villages will be built on an area of ​​30 hectares, which will consist of cottages and townhouses. The investor of the project is Kolos Company JSC, a co-owner of which, according to SPARK-Interfax, is Mr. Novikov. The first stage of the complex will be commissioned in July 2019, the second and third - in 2020. The company did not specify the cost of the project. According to Alexey Fedorov, head of the capital markets and real estate investment department at Maris Management Company, investments in the project could amount to 3-4 billion rubles.

The Okhta Park complex was created on the basis of a ski school opened in 1993. The complex includes ski slopes and lifts, a ski school, an amusement park, a spa center, swimming pools, restaurants and cottage village.

Mr. Novikov's main asset is the Rosengineering company. The company is engaged in the design and construction of industrial and sports facilities. Commissioned by Gazprom, the company acted as a general contractor and designer of Olympic facilities in Sochi, including a biathlon and ski stadium, cable cars and sports tracks. From the moment the contract was signed with Gazprom in 2007 to 2013, the company's revenue increased from 961.8 million rubles to 71.8 billion rubles. At the end of 2017, the company’s revenue amounted to 1 billion rubles, net profit— 43.3 million rubles.

According to the Turstat agency, Okhta Park is one of the most visited resorts in the Leningrad region, along with the Igora and Red Lake projects. According to Rostourism data, in Russia there are 300 ski resorts and bases and about 1,400 ski slopes with a length of more than 1 thousand km.

General Director of the Red Lake resort Viktor Timakov notes that if there is financial opportunities for the investor, the implementation of the project is justified. “Sports complexes by themselves do not pay for themselves, but the presence of real estate as part of the project will contribute to its commercialization,” he believes. According to the expert, the payback of the project will exceed 10 years.

Managing Director of the Asset and Investment Management Department of NAI Becar Olga Sharygina considers plans to triple the attendance of the complex to be realistic. “The project is quite in demand, but it depends on the weather, which can be very problematic in St. Petersburg: lack of snow in winter, cold summer,” she notes.

Konstantin Kurkin

In one of last days January 2008, on a sunny morning, an unusual skier appeared on the slopes of the Gazprom Olympic complex in Krasnaya Polyana. Instructors from the Rosengineering company fenced off part of the simplest, “children’s” ski slope with a net, and in the fence the beginner slid down the slope over and over again. An instructor rode next to him, guiding and backing him up. Having reached the bottom of the slope, the newcomer took off his helmet. This was First Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom Dmitry Medvedev.

“I just organized skiing as the manager responsible for the operation of the slopes,” says Dmitry Novikov, former member USSR national downhill team, and now the president of the Rosengineering (RI) company, which built Gazprom's Olympic facilities. It was on that route that he met Medvedev, Novikov says. However, a government official claims that the “instructor” was the owner of the company himself. And a good instructor. On February 3, Medvedev already skated on a more difficult track with Presidents Putin and Lukashenko, although he admitted that he was “without fanaticism” about this sport.

A month later, Medvedev was elected president of Russia. During his reign, Novikov’s company gained good momentum: if in 2008 its revenue was $74 million, then in 2013 it was $1.5 billion.

“It’s not surprising,” says a top manager of one of the projects in which Novikov participated, “after all, his main asset is Medvedev, who pushed him.”

RI became the general contractor for all Gazprom Olympic facilities worth a total of several tens of billions of rubles. In addition, the company built some facilities at Rosa Khutor (), one of. Novikov, 47, says that he has never had patrons and explains his success differently. “We are a very niche player,” he says, “and, starting with the construction of ski slopes and lifts, we gradually expanded our field of activity.” Vadim Trukhin, Head of Export to Russia and Eastern Europe French company York Neige, one of largest producers snowmaking systems for ski slopes, confirms: “Not only that, apart from Novikov, there are no specialists in Russia who could build slopes and lifts, snowmaking systems, snow rolling, create security services (assistance on the slopes) and manage them, but also I don’t know any examples in the world where such companies also deal with hotels and restaurants - that is, they create a complete resort.”

And yet, won’t the RI business collapse as soon as the Sochi construction ends? “Such a danger threatens any engineering company,” agrees Novikov, “but I will save people, and we can build anything, even a metro.” But no other major ski projects are expected in Russia, and the Republic of Ingushetia has already lost competitions for the construction of football world championship stadiums. What fate awaits the company and its creator?

Profitable "disease"

At the age of 10, Novikov from Leningrad fell ill with alpine skiing. I saw how his classmate was practicing in the slalom section, and fell in love with this sport and began training in the section. “Young people don’t remember that once skis were made of wood, boots were laced, and they climbed the mountain on their own two feet,” he recalls. “And I caught it.” A little over five years later, at major competitions in Almaty, Novikov took sixth place, received an invitation to the CSKA team, and entered the USSR national team. In 1989 and 1990 he won the USSR Cup. And then the country fell apart, and the USSR national team disappeared. Some athletes left sports, others turned to professionals. Until the early 1990s, Novikov went to international competitions and successfully passed testing, but in order to become a pro, he had to invest a lot of money in himself: pay for preparation, fees for participation in competitions, tickets, hotels, but he had no money.

In 1993, as a specialist in alpine skiing, were invited to create the first private ski resort near St. Petersburg - Okhta Park. “Wealthy parents of children involved in alpine skiing invested about $150,000,” says Novikov. “I equipped a track, a small cable car, and made a small club.” And he became the manager of the club with a small salary. And two years later, he said, he realized that there could be a business in this: artificial snow, a new cable car and reconstruction began to attract a flow of vacationers to Okhta Park. In 1997, the owners of the Moscow foreign trade company Volen decided to open a holiday home for employees in the Moscow region. We needed trails and a lift. Novikov, as a person with experience, was called for consultations. There were more and more orders for the development of projects, and in order to establish business, he created the Diana company. She was engaged in consulting and also sold equipment, skis, boots, and suits. Novikov claims that from 1995 to 1997, the company's revenue was about $1 million a year, and this money became his starting capital.

Novikov was in great demand. He was called to build and equip tracks not only near St. Petersburg, but throughout the country. Just like the Moscow Volen, the St. Petersburg concern PO TVEL, which produces insulated pipes for the thermal power industry, decided to create its own mini-resort. The place was found near St. Petersburg. A fan of skiing and snowboarding, the general director of the plant, Oleg Sultanov, says that he met Novikov “on the mountain” and invited him to design a resort and organize rental equipment. In the end, Novikov built the country’s first artificial snowmaking system at “Red Lake” - that’s how the resort was called.

For construction, a specialized subsidiary, TVEL-Resort, was created. Its co-owner, as in TVEL PA, was Nail Kikichev, a well-known St. Petersburg heat power engineer, head of the Lengazteplostroy company. “Lengazteplostroy” was a contractor for the construction of highways, and also, Kikichev says, when customers delayed payments, he helped out young people with “small, several thousand dollars, loans at an interest rate less than bank ones.”

Novikov designed and equipped almost all the resorts around St. Petersburg (“Northern Slope”, “Eagle Mountain”, “Pukhtolova Mountain”). The construction of resorts was not frozen, according to him, even during the crisis, because, having studied imported equipment, he learned to make components in Russia, which greatly reduced the cost of projects. For snow guns, they bought only a nozzle, and pumps, automation, and electrics were assembled in their own workshop; metal structures and rollers for cable cars were distributed to local factories to sharpen. When the Russian economy began to recover, Novikov began purchasing imports, such as cable cars from the Slovak Tatrapoma. But he always assembled the objects himself. At the same time, he met Kikichev’s son Renat at TVEL, with whom he created RI on a parity basis in 2001. “I started doing project management and marketing, and Renat started doing production,” recalls Novikov.


On the night of January 26, 2006, when the guests of the EurAsEC summit had left, a motorcade rushed from the Konstantinovsky Palace along the Priozerskoye Highway. A light flashed above the slope of the still unopened Igora ski resort, the lift started working, and several skiers rushed down the slope. President Vladimir Putin, accompanied by St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko and Plenipotentiary Representative for Northwestern district Ilya Klebanov came to try out the new track.

“Igora” was built and equipped with money from Rossiya Bank and other structures of Yuri Kovalchuk. Investments in the resort in the first place were estimated at $50 million. Supervised the person responsible for the project management company“Investment culture” Kovalchuk’s 28-year-old son Boris, says a former manager of the management company.

“Igora” became for Novikov not only a qualitative leap in technology and business. Thanks to the project, he gained access to contracts on a completely different scale.

In addition to nine slopes with a height difference of 120 m (the longest is 1210 m) and seven ski lifts, RI has built an autonomous power grid at the resort, powered by liquefied gas: several dozen small turbines controlled automatically. Depending on the needs of the objects, all or part of them could be included. " Complex system, - confirms Kikichev Sr. “It could generate not only heat, but also electricity.”

On the opening day, January 28, he says former top manager“Investment Culture” by Alexander Modestov, a line of cars lined up almost from St. Petersburg itself. Everyone wanted to go to the new resort.

The political and business elite had already gathered there, including the head of the presidential administration Vladimir Kozhin (who is also the president of the Winter Sports Association), the presidential envoy, the governors of the city and region, the chairman of the Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev, co-owner of Rossiya Bank, the ex-head of the pub Baltika company Teimuraz Bolloev and other influential people.

“Igor created the first luxury resort in Russia with hotel and restaurant complexes,” says Modestova, “and RI was the only company that could build and equip these tracks, because foreigners need to have special permits here.”

When leaving the project, Novikov took with him a team led by co-owner and general director of Investment Culture Oleg Ivanov.

In 2007, RI General Director Renat Kikichev said in an interview that they reorganized the company into a holding company, separating designers, builders and power engineers, operators and maintenance services for equipment installed at the facilities into separate companies. Their suppliers were the largest Western manufacturers: York Neige (snowmaking systems), Bombardier and Prinoth (snow compaction), Leitner (cable cars). Kikichev could not help but boast about the company’s great victory, which received an order for the design and construction of the Gazprom ski and biathlon complex in the Olympic Sochi. True, in 2007 Renat Kikichev and Novikov broke up. Olympic contracts gave the business a completely different scope: by this time the company's turnover had reached $75 million, and profits exceeded $2 million. Novikov explains that Kikichev decided to build his own heat and power business and he bought out his partner's share for $0.5 million. Kikichev refused to talk to Forbes . His father confirmed that the “divorce” was “civilized,” but did not disclose the amount his son received.

In one hand

Ski resorts began to be created in Krasnaya Polyana long before the Olympic fever. Gazprom built the hotel back in the 1990s, and began building the village and trails of the mountain tourist center in 2002. Potanin conceived the idea of ​​creating a small corporate resort in 2004. Both used the same contractors: the hotels and slopes were made by the Turkish Hazinedaroglu Construction Group, which had been working in Russia since the Yeltsin era, the lifts were made by the Samara-based Skado, a former Soviet manufacturer of mine lifts that started in new Russia production using Austrian Doppelmayr technologies.

How did Novikov, having received Gazprom’s Olympic contracts, manage to squeeze out both the Turkish general contractor and the Russian competitor? According to him, even before Russia received the right to host the Olympics, he was recommended to the Gazprom managers responsible for the project “from Igora.” It was necessary to see the slope made by the Turks, which turned out to be too steep for most vacationers. And, according to his version, RI became the designer and general contractor of Gazprom’s facilities, having won Gazprom’s competitions. Forbes did not find these tenders either on the monopoly website or in the public procurement system. To this Novikov replies: “Gazprom has its own procedure.” Gazprom did not respond to Forbes' request.

RI designed, equipped and built not only its usual ski slopes and lifts, but also a biathlon stadium, hotels, roads, and power lines. What about the competitors? They got the main facilities of Potanin's Rosa Khutor, although Novikov built some lifts there as well.

The general director and co-owner of Skado, Alexander Kozlovsky, believes that it’s all about politics and geography. On the one hand, the general customer from Gazprom, Gazprom Sotsinvest, is located in St. Petersburg, in the same place as “the then little-known Rosengineering, and it was simply more convenient for them.” On the other hand, it was political decision. “We can say that we took away our bread, but we have no resentment, this is competition,” says Kozlovsky. - In addition, with such volumes, it would not be good to concentrate all orders in one hand, and we were busy at Rosa Khutor. He does not disclose the company’s revenue, but, judging by SPARK, after almost doubling in 2009 to 760 million rubles, it fell by more than 200 million by 2011 and has not fully recovered since then.

Novikov believes that he “didn’t take anything from anyone.” “It’s better for any customer to get everything from one source,” he says. “And if I can do it myself, why do I need someone else?”

Special object

The buildings built by the Republic of Ingushetia for the Laura ski and biathlon complex are located at an altitude of more than 1000 m. They have already withstood a magnitude six earthquake once. Strengthening the slopes, installing supports for lifts and power lines was carried out by a unit of industrial climbers, of whom Novikov has more than one and a half hundred. The ski and biathlon stadium and cottage community were commissioned back in 2011. Investments in them amounted to an estimated $1.8 billion (Gazprom does not comment on these figures). The Gazprom mountain tourism center with the “upper” Olympic village was commissioned later, in 2013 ($1.1 billion).

It turned out that RI can even build luxury real estate, like the Psekhako chalet that appeared in Krasnaya Polyana, decorated with valuable types of wood and marble. The press and bloggers dubbed it “Medvedev’s dacha.”

Novikov does not deny that his architects designed this facility and he also built it, but he claims that this is a reception house for official delegations included in the Olympic program. “I don’t know who will use it,” he says.

The construction of the chalet was financed by the Dar Foundation, which also financed the reconstruction of an ancient estate in Plyos, where Medvedev visits. By order of the FSB, the object had to undergo approval by the FSO. In fact, Novikov received permission to construct facilities for specially protected government officials.

Does this prove that Novikov has good relationships at the top, influencing business? “I recently saw him in Krasnaya Polyana in the company of two senior officials, and I think that the country’s leadership knew him much earlier [the start of Olympic construction],” says a manager of a Western company.

No guarantees

In the winter of 2009, President Medvedev went skiing in Krasnaya Polyana. Among those accompanying him was businessman Akhmed Bilalov, owner of the local resort “Mountain Carousel”. When, after a walk, they were relaxing in the Banya-Land complex, Bilalov allegedly shared his idea of ​​​​creating a ski cluster in the republics North Caucasus. Bilalov’s argument boiled down to the fact that “tourism can defeat terrorism,” says a former manager of one of Bilalov’s projects. In other words, awaken the region economic life so that the population has no reason to go to the mountains to join the militants. Around the slopes and lifts, local entrepreneurs would build hotels and restaurants, and surrounding companies would rise in food production and processing.

Another Forbes interlocutor, who worked in the government at that time, does not believe in such circumstances, but confirms that Medvedev was interested in this idea. In December next year Bilalov became chairman of the board of directors of the North Caucasus Resorts (KSK) company, which was to develop $15 billion by 2025, of which $2 billion public funds. Resort designers and builders were needed.

Bilalov was already familiar with Novikov - he invited him to consult on his Sochi project. By that time, Novikov had already managed to work with North Caucasian projects. Back in 2008, he was commissioned by the government of North Ossetia to design a large resort in the Mamison Gorge, investments in which were expected to amount to about $6 billion.

Novikov became involved in the KSK project. “KSK is like five Krasnye Polyana, and our project is a whole strategy, 60,000 sheets of basic engineering, work for many years,” he says with passion. It is noticeable that he is worried: the ending of the project turned out to be sad. At the beginning of last year, after Vladimir Putin checked the readiness of the Sochi facilities, Bilalov, who was responsible for the Russian Coaster ski jump complex, was fired from both his post in the KSK and from the Olympic Committee, where he was vice-president. Soon, the Prosecutor General's Office conducted an inspection of the KSK and accused Bilalov of abuse of power. A criminal case has been opened against Bilalov, and he is hiding abroad. Novikov also had to talk with investigators.

Former top manager of KSK Rostislav Murzagulov believes that this is a “political story.” “If something had really been overpaid, everything would have ended differently, but the business is not progressing,” he sighs. “But the KSK project in its previous form ceased to exist.” Bilalov declined to comment for this article.

Novikov tried to participate in tenders for the construction of stadiums for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, but, although he priced his services cheaper than the winner, he consistently lost in Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don and Samara to two state unitary enterprises, one of which was established by the Ministry of Sports.

From the slopes to the sea

What remains for a specialist in ski resorts and energy? It is impossible to save a large company on projects that are small compared to KSK, which are developing throughout the country. This means that we need to partially re-profile. In February last year, RI launched a gas turbine unit at CHPP-1 of the TGC-11 company (part of Inter RAO UES) in Tomsk. Plans were also announced to build a new port in the Far East for exporting coal to Korea together with one of the largest Korean energy companies KOWEPO, whose top managers Novikov met at the 2011 Sochi Investment Forum. The Koreans were going to invest in KSK and even created a joint venture with Bilalov’s company, Eurasia Energy Holding, and Novikov was interested in their energy developments. In 2013, says the President of the Republic of Ingushetia, the Koreans invited him to the project, which was joined by the Rostec state corporation at the end of the year.

Last December at the international forum “Transport of Russia” it was announced that the capacity of the Vera port will be 20 million tons of coal per year, construction is planned to be completed by 2017, and the volume of investments will be about $650 million. Rosmorport General Director Andrei Tarasenko said at the conference that investors are counting on coal supplies from SUEK.

But it seems that these are just plans for now. KOWEPO's head of resources department, Yoon Joo-Hyun, told Forbes that the port project is "under development." However, SUEK doubts that its investors will be able to find something to load it with. Transport Director Denis Ilatovsky claims that there have not even been negotiations yet. In addition, according to him, existing ports Far East underutilized because throughput Russian Railways do not allow the entire declared volume to be transported from Kuzbass.

However, port loading is a headache for investors. Novikov believes that he can build this project and any other. “We understand the scale of the project, we have contractors, and we can do work worth 15–20 billion rubles a year on our own,” he is confident. “And I don’t need anyone.”

Ksenia Dokukina took part in the preparation of the article

"Rosengineering Project" won the competition for the construction of dormitories on the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus of GSOM St. Petersburg State University. The subsidiary of the Rosengineering company, which belongs to former alpine skier and coach Dmitry Medvedev Dmitry Novikov, will build five buildings for 1.1 billion rubles by the end of the year. Rosengineering's competitor, Maxim Shubarev's Setl Group, dropped out of the race for the tender due to the fact that it did not provide documents on experience of similar work.

(SPbSU) summed up the results of the tender for the construction of five dormitories on the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus High school management at St. Petersburg State University in Strelna. Rosengineering Project LLC won the tender. The company offered to carry out the work for 1.1 billion rubles, that is, it reduced the original price of 1.147 billion rubles by 4%.

"Rosengineering Project" belongs to Dmitry Novikov, president and main owner of the company, which builds and operates ski resorts. Dmitry Novikov is a former athlete; he was a member of the USSR slalom team. He is also called the Prime Minister's Alpine Ski Coach. In addition, he holds the post of president of the St. Petersburg Alpine Skiing and Snowboard Sports Federation.

In business, Novikov's company has clear specialization - Rosengineering was a contractor for the construction of Gazprom's Olympic facilities in Sochi, and the company also built some facilities at the Rosa Khutor resort of Vladimir Potanin. Although Rosengineering Project also participates in other tenders - for the development of planning projects, land surveying, survey work etc.

After concluding a contract with the university Dmitry Novikov’s company will be engaged in the engineering preparation of the territory and the construction of five dormitory buildings with a total area of ​​11.25 thousand m2, designed to accommodate 333 bachelors of GSOM St. Petersburg State University. The contractor must complete work under the contract by the end of 2016. In total, nine 3-story buildings are to be built on the campus, but a competition for the second batch of dormitories will apparently be held next year.

On the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus already The main academic building, the canteen building and the utility building are ready. This is the first stage of the project, which was built by Setl City (part of Maxim Shubarev’s Setl Group). The company also participated in the competition for the construction of dormitories, but its application was rated lower than others. Settle City offered the most high cost works, reducing the price by only 7 million rubles. But according to the “qualification of the participant” criterion, the company laid claim to the most large number points, since it had previously completed similar work for 19.6 billion rubles, while for competitors this figure did not exceed 2.8 billion rubles.

However, when evaluating applications, the experience of Setl Group the commission did not take it into account because “the participant did not provide copies of acts reflecting the volume and cost of the work performed,” according to the documentation posted on the government procurement website. The company did not comment on this situation due to the departure of management.

In addition, the competition included ElTech SPb JSC, which offered the same price as Rosengineering, and Anteres LLC, which was ready to build buildings for 0.9 billion rubles. The latter company was not allowed to participate in the competition due to the fact that it did not provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and documents confirming the payment of the security deposit.

So far, the GSOM campus is the only one an example of the integrated construction of a campus for students, which is currently underway. It was planned to build another campus of St. Petersburg State University on the alluvial territories of Vasilyevsky Island, but there has been no progress on this project yet. The project to create a campus was also frozen by the St. Petersburg State Economic University, which planned to develop 220 hectares in the Gorskaya area.

Another project - "Innograd", which ITMO and Zakhar Smushkin’s Start Development plan to implement on the territory of the satellite city of Yuzhny. Half of the project budget, the cost of which is estimated at 20-30 billion rubles, is planned to be financed from federal budget, but the money has not yet been allocated.

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The tender for laying hot water supply pipelines to the Severnaya Dolina and RiverSide neighborhoods worth 1 billion rubles was won by the Rosengineering Project company of Dmitry Novikov, who was involved in training the prime minister on the mountain slopes

A major tender from the Smolny State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" for laying hot water supply pipelines to the Severnaya Dolina and RiverSide quarters worth 1 billion rubles was won by the Rosengineering Project company. She is part of the Rosengineering group of St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, who, according to Forbes magazine, was Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's alpine skiing instructor. Coincidentally, some media outlets also consider the new director of the State Unitary Enterprise “TEK” Igor Fedorov to be part of Medvedev’s team.

The state enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg has summed up the results of a major tender for the construction of a main pipeline from the Parnas-4 boiler house to the new quarters of the Severnaya Dolina microdistrict of the Glavstroy company. In addition, this tender includes work on connecting Setl City’s RiverSide quarter to the heat supply system near the Chernaya Rechka metro station. Maximum price competition - about 1 billion rubles.

As follows from the protocol published on the government procurement website, three companies submitted applications. Two of them - MegaMade and the Integrated Energy Solutions holding - have long been present in the engineering tenders market of the St. Petersburg government. Thus, back in 2011, KER received a contract for the reconstruction of boiler houses in various areas of the city for 300 million rubles, and in 2013 it was one of the main contractors of the State Unitary Enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex. The third participant, Rosengineering Project LLC, began participating in competitions of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" only this year. Thus, in the spring the company received the right to modernize the sewerage system of the boiler house on Vaneev Street for 2.1 million rubles. And in the summer, she applied for a tender to prepare a project for the reconstruction of the Polytechnicheskaya boiler house for 90 million, but lost.

This time, Rosengineering Project was more successful: the company outscored its competitors in terms of points and received a contract worth almost 1 billion rubles. In particular, the company most seriously reduced the starting price - to 930 million rubles, and also confirmed its experience in similar work. The contractor has no problems with the latter: the company is part of the St. Petersburg group Rosengineering, which was one of Gazprom’s key contractors in Sochi in preparation for the Olympics. In particular, Rosengineering built the combined skiing and biathlon complex “Laura”, the mountain-tourist complex “Laura”, and a cable car. The company also received contracts for the reconstruction and construction of engineering facilities, including the Dzhubginskaya CHPP.

The president and founder of the company is St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, a former winner of the USSR slalom cup. According to Forbes magazine, at the end of winter 2008, Dmitry Novikov taught the then first deputy chairman of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, to ski in Sochi. Soon after this, Medvedev became president, and Rosengineering increased its portfolio of orders: for example, according to the SPARK analytical system, in 2009 the company’s revenue was 2.2 billion rubles, in 2012 - 37.3, in 2013 - 71.8 billion.

Judging by the state order website, Rosengineering is currently involved in the design of the Mountain Air sports and tourism complex in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and is the general designer of the Vera port in the Primorsky Territory. Under these conditions, receiving a large contract in St. Petersburg makes it possible to reach new market. It should be noted that in 2015, Smolny intends to spend about 6 billion rubles on the reconstruction of the facilities of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" (including own funds enterprises). Total volume of targeted investment program relevant committee for energy, according to the draft budget for 2015, will amount to 11.5 billion rubles.

The Rosengineering Project company was unable to promptly comment on its interest in Smolny’s engineering tenders. According to representatives of other companies, Rosengineering Project’s attention to this market became noticeable in the spring of 2014. “They contacted us, gave their presentation, looked for possible subcontractors,” says an interlocutor at one of the enterprises. Let us note one more interesting fact. The company received a large contract after the director of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" became former governor Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug Igor Fedorov. Fedorov was appointed head of the region under Dmitry Medvedev, and before that he served as deputy governor Arkhangelsk region for housing and communal services. As previously stated by journalists of the newspaper “Pro NAO” from Naryan-Mar, Igor Fedorov’s wife allegedly knows the wife of Dmitry Medvedev, which partly predetermined his appointment. He lost the post of governor during the presidency of Vladimir Putin. At the beginning of 2014, his powers expired and he announced his intention to go to the polls, but the head of state appointed another person as acting governor.

The tender for laying hot water supply pipelines to the Severnaya Dolina and RiverSide quarters, worth 1 billion rubles, was won by Dmitry Novikov’s Rosengineering Project company, which was involved in training the prime minister on the mountain slopes. A large tender of the Smolny State Unitary Enterprise TEK for laying hot water supply pipelines to the quarters " Northern Valley" and RiverSide worth 1 billion rubles were won by the Rosengineering Project company.

Medvedev's coach Dmitry Novikov

She is part of the Rosengineering group of St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, who, according to Forbes magazine, was Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's alpine skiing instructor. Coincidentally, some media outlets also consider the new director of the State Unitary Enterprise “TEK” Igor Fedorov to be part of Medvedev’s team.

The state enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg has summed up the results of a major tender for the construction of a main pipeline from the Parnas-4 boiler house to the new quarters of the Severnaya Dolina microdistrict of the Glavstroy company. In addition, this tender includes work on connecting Setl City’s RiverSide quarter to the heat supply system near the Chernaya Rechka metro station. The maximum price of the competition is about 1 billion rubles.

As follows from the protocol published on the government procurement website, three companies submitted applications. Two of them - MegaMade and the Integrated Energy Solutions holding - have long been present in the engineering tenders market of the St. Petersburg government. Thus, back in 2011, KER received a contract for the reconstruction of boiler houses in various areas of the city for 300 million rubles, and in 2013 it was one of the main contractors of the State Unitary Enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex. The third participant, Rosengineering Project LLC, began participating in competitions of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" only this year. Thus, in the spring the company received the right to modernize the sewerage system of the boiler house on Vaneev Street for 2.1 million rubles. And in the summer, she applied for a tender to prepare a project for the reconstruction of the Polytechnicheskaya boiler house for 90 million, but lost.

This time, Rosengineering Project was more successful: the company outscored its competitors in terms of points and received a contract worth almost 1 billion rubles. In particular, the company most seriously reduced the starting price - to 930 million rubles, and also confirmed its experience in similar work. The contractor has no problems with the latter: the company is part of the St. Petersburg group Rosengineering, which was one of Gazprom’s key contractors in Sochi in preparation for the Olympics. In particular, Rosengineering built the combined skiing and biathlon complex “Laura”, the mountain-tourist complex “Laura”, and a cable car. The company also received contracts for the reconstruction and construction of engineering facilities, including the Dzhubginskaya CHPP.

The president and founder of the company is St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, a former winner of the USSR slalom cup. According to Forbes magazine, at the end of winter 2008, Dmitry Novikov taught the then first deputy chairman of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, to ski in Sochi. Soon after this, Medvedev became president, and Rosengineering increased its portfolio of orders: for example, according to the SPARK analytical system, in 2009 the company’s revenue was 2.2 billion rubles, in 2012 - 37.3, in 2013 - 71.8 billion.

Judging by the state order website, Rosengineering is currently involved in the design of the Mountain Air sports and tourism complex in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and is the general designer of the Vera port in the Primorsky Territory. Under these conditions, receiving a large contract in St. Petersburg provides an opportunity to enter a new market. It should be noted that in 2015, Smolny intends to spend about 6 billion rubles (including the company’s own funds) on the reconstruction of the facilities of the State Unitary Enterprise “Fuel and Energy Complex”. The total volume of the targeted investment program of the specialized energy committee, according to the draft budget for 2015, will be 11.5 billion rubles.

The Rosengineering Project company was unable to promptly comment on its interest in Smolny’s engineering tenders. According to representatives of other companies, Rosengineering Project’s attention to this market became noticeable in the spring of 2014. “They contacted us, gave their presentation, looked for possible subcontractors,” says an interlocutor at one of the enterprises. Let us note one more interesting fact. The company received a large contract after the former governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Igor Fedorov, became the director of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK". Fedorov was appointed head of the region under Dmitry Medvedev, and before that he served as deputy governor of the Arkhangelsk region for housing and communal services. As previously stated by journalists of the newspaper “Pro NAO” from Naryan-Mar, Igor Fedorov’s wife allegedly knows the wife of Dmitry Medvedev, which partly predetermined his appointment. He lost the post of governor during the presidency of Vladimir Putin. At the beginning of 2014, his powers expired and he announced his intention to go to the polls, but the head of state appointed another person as acting governor.
