Business plan for a body repair service. Body shop and its opening according to a business plan. Analysis of competitors' prices and pricing policy

G The main feature of the organization of paint and body shops is that painting and repair work are inextricably linked with each other, being links of the same technological chain, which cannot be separated. After all, the painting of the car itself begins and ends at the body repair site.

Before painting the car body, you must first remove from it all elements that may interfere with the work. Then it is necessary to correct the damage and make thorough preparations for directly painting the body itself. After finishing the painting work, you need to reinstall the removed parts in their places.

Thus, to organize a paint and body repair shop, it is necessary to carefully consider the layout of the premises, since constant movement of the car between the paint and repair areas is inevitable.

Minimal movements of the vehicle, equipment and personnel will lead to increased efficiency of use labor resources and, as a result, increase the profit of the enterprise.

At the very beginning of organizing this type of work, managers do not pay due attention to the planning process. After all, when the paint and body shop is lightly loaded, there is no need to plan its work. With the growth of the flow of clients, the situation changes dramatically, since this happens unexpectedly, and the company was not ready for this. As a result, some clients who want to receive quality service and on time are lost.

Planning the workload of the paint and body shop.

Load planning for a paint and body shop refers to the optimal use of available resources, such as personnel, equipment and premises, which must be carried out at the very beginning of the activity, even in the absence of the real effect of such a plan. In this case, as the number of clients grows, the enterprise will be ready to accept their maximum number in order to ensure that all production areas are loaded.

For the successful development of the paint and body shop of an enterprise, it is necessary to draw up a business plan that will serve as the basis for the development of further activities. According to it, the enterprise will implement specifically planned activities in a certain period, based on real numbers.

Equipment for body repair.

With the increase in the number of cars on the roads, with the deterioration of the quality of the road surface, and with the time of year, calls to the auto repair shop invariably increase. To carry out car body repairs, you need special equipment: welding machine, set of keys, grinder, grinding machine, body slipway, car lift and other equipment.

The body repair itself involves stretching and straightening the broken body on a slipway, repairing and removing cracks, dents, chips and scratches.

As practice shows, at least four body repair bays should be provided for one paint booth. On one, a hydraulic electric lift is installed for removing and installing car parts. The second one houses a body slipway - for restoring the body after a serious car accident. Previously, this type of work was carried out manually, which did not make it possible to restore the exact geometry of the body, as a result of which the car seemed to drive sideways. Using a slipway allows you to avoid this.

The third box is installed for straightening and puttying parts and the car body. Here you will need a mallet, spatula and other tools. The fourth box will be intended for polishing the body before sending it to the paint booth. This process is carried out manually or using a polishing machine, which creates increased dust levels during such work. Personnel must be equipped with personal protective equipment against dust. The body stripping box should not be adjacent to others, as this will interfere with the work of other employees.

Equipment for painting work.

The basis of the entire paint shop is the presence of a painting booth, which is an insulated box equipped with a temperature control mode, air exhaust and good lighting. All spray booths operate in painting and drying modes. During paint application, warm air (about 25°C) is automatically pumped into the chamber from the ceiling, which promotes the deposition of suspension. After painting, the chamber is ventilated and it’s time to dry. This process is possible by raising the temperature in the chamber to 70°C and lasts from 1 to 2 hours. The operation of this system begins in recirculation mode, while air intake from the street is reduced several times, which significantly saves energy. This is often done by burning natural gas or diesel fuel.

Manufacturers today offer many different spray booths, the choice of which depends on the purpose of its purchase, technical characteristics and climatic conditions of the location where the camera is installed. The main role is played by equipment that provides air supply, exhaust and heating. In this case, excess pressure is formed in the chamber, which is achieved by a disproportion between the air injection and its exhaust. Choosing cheaper cameras when working in harsh climates will reduce the quality of service. For such conditions, you need a chamber with a powerful burner and good thermal insulation, savings on which will affect additional energy consumption.

About 15% of body painting work involves painting the entire car, but in most cases minor and medium repairs of individual parts are required. In order not to waste energy resources on the operation of the entire chamber, special truncated type painting boxes are used. When drawing up a business plan, you need to take all these circumstances into account.

Calculation of labor resource requirements.

The business plan for a body repair and painting shop must also include expenses for employee salaries, deductions and the purchase of work clothing. To do this, we will calculate the need for specialists in each area. We have four boxes for preparatory work and one paint booth. The labor intensity of work at each site is different. To replace car parts that cannot be restored, one specialist is enough. He needs a workplace equipped with an electric lift.

Further pre-painting work (straightening, puttying, sanding) requires certain qualifications and thoroughness. For these works, it is necessary to recruit three generalist specialists who will be able to carry out work in the painting booth. The process of completely painting a car takes no more than two hours, so it is not advisable to invite a specific painter to paint it. A separate person will be required to accept and issue the vehicle, make payments, purchase spare parts and other materials. In the field of small business, this could be the entrepreneur himself or the director of the company. He can also take on responsibilities

Business plan for a paint and body repair shop.

In addition to the above costs, the business plan must include the costs of purchasing a cash register, legal services for those citizens who are starting work for the first time, and services for opening a bank account. This business plan is designed under the condition that an individual entrepreneur in Russia works only with individuals for cash payments, who are already registered with the tax office and have a cash register for accepting cash. The expenditure part of the business plan is presented in tables 1 and 2.

Basic equipment and materials for organizing a workshop (in rubles):

1. Welding machine 1 pc. - 15000

2. Compressor 1 pc. - 12000

3. Stand for establishing body geometry (slipway) 1 pc. - 163000

4. Spray booth 1 pc. - 410000

5. Washing the spray gun 1 pc. - 24490

6. Spray gun (priming and finishing) 2 pcs. - 5400

7. Infrared drying 1 pc. - 4900

8. Dust removal system 1 pc. - 48000

9. Rotary painting table 1 pc. - 8700

10. Extendable stand 1 pc. - 2635

11. Grinding machine 2 pcs. - 14000

12. Grinder 2 pcs. - 10000

13. Overalls 4 sets. - 10000

14. Other tools 1 set - 20000

TOTAL: 748,000 rubles.

Dear site visitors, below is an example of a car service business plan with calculations, which you can safely use to draw up your own version. The sample is easily adapted to any city, has a file with calculations into which you can enter your own data and get results for your situation.

This sample was prepared by specialists with extensive experience. If you have any questions about this business plan or about writing business plans in general, you can always ask them by mail, below in the comments or in our VKontakte group.


The goal of the business plan is to open a car service center, the main focus of which will be the repair of Japanese-made cars.


The opening of a car service is planned in Kazan, in the industrial zone of the city. The advantage of such a location is that, on the one hand, it provides good visibility from the road and an additional influx of customers, and, on the other hand, the rental of premises in such places is quite low, which will reduce the cost of the enterprise.

Volume of investments and sources of financing

The volume of investment in the project will be 1,500 thousand rubles, 70% of which will be financed through loan funds. The loan will be received for three years at 20% per annum with a differentiated repayment schedule.

Payback indicators

Based on the car service business plan model, the project’s payback indicators were calculated, which were:

  • planning period - 10 years;
  • NPV - 3,107 thousand rubles;
  • simple payback period - 3.6 years;
  • discounted payback period - 4.3 years;


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan


The car service is planned to be located in an existing premises located near the highway. To rent the premises, an appropriate agreement will be concluded, which will also include additional utility bills on the meters (electricity, water, sewerage).

There was no car service center in the premises previously, so additional costs will be incurred to retrofit the premises for the provision of car service services. The cost of these works will be about 100,000 rubles.

It is planned that the company will provide the following list of services:

  • suspension repair;
  • brake system repair;
  • cooling system repair;
  • tire work;
  • diagnostics;
  • steering repair.

Due to the need to purchase additional expensive equipment, the lack of qualified personnel and space, the service station will not be able to provide the following services:

  • electrical repair;
  • auto painting works.

Investment volume

To ensure the services provided, the car service will purchase the following equipment:

  • Repair equipment
    • lift (2 pcs.) - 500,000 rub.
    • wheel alignment stand (1 piece) - RUB 300,000.
    • sets of keys and tools - 100,000 rubles.
    • equipment for tire fitting - RUB 250,000.
  • Office equipment and software
    • office equipment - 40,000 rubles.
    • software (accounting program) - 20,000 rub.
  • Furniture
    • furniture for clients - 100,000 rubles.
    • furniture for employees (lockers, lounge sofa, dining set) - RUB 30,000.
  • Promotional materials
    • Signboard - 60,000 rub.

The total investment in opening a point will be 1,500,000 rubles.

Investment work plan

The progress of work on arranging the premises, purchasing equipment and furniture is presented below on the Gantt chart:

I would like to note that the equipment will be purchased on credit. Repayment terms and interest rates will be discussed further in the financial section.

Production plan

Room layout

The rented premises have the following rooms:

  • the main hall where car repairs will be carried out - 100 m2 (the room is divided into three parts, each with its own entrance;
  • client reception room - 20 m2;
  • customer waiting room - 15 m2;
  • room for staff meals and rest - 15 m2;
  • management staff room - 15 m2;
  • tool storage room - 3 m2;
  • spare parts storage room - 4 m2.

The layout of the car service center is presented below:

The presence of all these premises will allow us to provide high-quality services, safely store expensive equipment and spare parts, and also allow customers to calmly wait for the work on their car to be completed.

In addition, the room has a ceiling height of 4 meters, which will allow repairing not only cars, but also jeeps and minibuses. The purchased equipment will also comply with these conditions.

Description of the production process

The production process will not differ from others provided by other services and will be approximately as follows:

  1. The client arrives at the service station and reports any problems with the vehicle;
  2. The service station administrator offers the client to drive to any free place and leave the car, at which time he transfers all the information to the technician;
  3. The technician diagnoses the car and informs the administrator and the client about existing problems in the car and necessary work. The administrator evaluates the work according to the price tag and program and announces the preliminary cost of services and the cost of purchased spare parts to the client.
  4. If the client agrees, the administrator orders spare parts and the master begins work.
  5. After completion of work (if there is no additional work) the client pays for the work performed, picks up the car and leaves.
  6. If there are hidden defects, the technician again announces the cost of correcting them and the administrator estimates their cost.

Cost of services

The cost of the work is only the wages of the service station employees. To motivate staff to increase the work performed, it is planned to introduce piecework wages, when the employee is given 40% of the cost of work performed. This will increase productivity and reduce the required number of employees (in order to earn more, craftsmen will stay even after working hours to finish the job and increase their earnings).

Opening hours

It is planned that the service station will work from 8-00 to 20-00, seven days a week. The work will be carried out by 6 craftsmen, who will work three of them with a schedule of 2 every 2 (two days work, two days rest).

Marketing plan


The car service is located in the industrial zone of a large city with a population of over 1 million people. There is a road with a medium flow of cars nearby. The service station is clearly visible from the road; there will be a sign pointing to it, and there will also be an illuminated sign that will be visible both day and night.

Market analysis

The economic downturn leads to people purchasing fewer new cars and more repairing their existing ones. In addition, even those who bought a new car will be more focused on repairs in private workshops than in service centers of car dealerships due to the high cost in the latter. All these factors will help attract new customers to our service.

Services provided

Due to the large differences in the repair of cars of different brands and, in connection with this, the need to purchase a large amount of specialized equipment, our service station will focus on owners of Japanese-made cars - Toyota, Nissan, Mazda and others. As was said earlier in the production plan of our business plan, our enterprise, due to high ceilings and gates, will be able to service both cars and jeeps with minibuses, which may not fit into a regular small service, which will be an additional advantage of our enterprise.

Of course, when citizens contact us, the service station will also service domestically produced cars due to the fact that repairing these cars does not require additional special training. But, if the car service load is close to 100%, when choosing between a Japanese car and a domestic one, preference will be given to the first.

Analysis of competitors' prices and pricing policy

There are service stations in the city, which can be divided into the following types:

  • Service stations at car dealerships that carry out repairs both under warranty and for money - the cost of a standard hour is approximately 1,200 rubles.
  • Large service stations that do not belong to a car dealership of any brand, but provide services at a high level - the cost of a standard hour is approximately 1,000 rubles.
  • Medium-sized service stations (which our car service will belong to) - the cost of a standard hour is approximately 800 rubles.
  • small and garage services where single workers work - the cost of a standard hour is from 600 rubles. and below.

As stated earlier, our car service is located in the niche of medium-sized service stations, and we will try to keep the price of a standard hour at the level of 800 rubles.

For the first 3 months after opening, there will be a promotion that will allow new clients to make repairs for 20% of the cost. This will attract new customers to the car service and increase cash flow.

SWOT analysis of the enterprise

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Advantageous location (located next to the road)
  • Availability of a bright, attractive sign visible from the road
  • More low prices which will allow you to attract additional customers
  • The presence of high ceilings, which will allow the repair of large vehicles
  • Lack of established client base
  • Lack of recruited qualified specialists
Possibilities Threats
  • The emergence of competitors in a given location
  • Further development of the crisis

Sales structure and revenue

First of all, we note that the demand for car service services has some seasonality. By different types It differs between works, but on average for our selected works the seasonality is as follows:

It is planned that the structure of services provided in revenue will be as follows:

  • car maintenance (changing oil, spark plugs, filters and other minor work);
  • suspension repair;
  • brake system repair;
  • cooling system repair;
  • tire work;
  • diagnostics;
  • air conditioning system repair:
  • steering repair.
Name of work share in revenue
car maintenance 10%
suspension repair 20%
brake system repair 15%
cooling system repair 10%
tire work 15%
diagnostics 10%
air conditioning system repair 10%
steering repair 10%
TOTAL 100%

The distribution of revenue by service is presented in the graph below:

Due to the fact that it is planned to purchase 2 lifts and 1 wheel alignment stand, the car service center will have only three stations for car repairs. Based on this, the maximum amount of work that will be performed in a car service can be 1,080 hours (3 posts X 12 hours of work per day X 30 days in a month). Taking into account the fact that the cost of work is 800 rubles/standard hour, the maximum revenue of the enterprise per month can be 864,000 rubles.

It is planned that the optimal load of the enterprise will be about 70% or 604.8 thousand rubles, which we will reach in 2.5 years after the start of financing. The schedule for reaching the optimal revenue volume is presented below:

based on seasonality indices, optimal plan sales, schedule for achieving this sales volume and inflation of 10% included in the calculation, we predicted revenue for 10 years in advance, which is presented in the table below (thousand rubles):

Indicator 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year 10 year
Car service revenue 3 696 8 012 8 813 9 694 10 663 11 730 12 903 14 193 15 612 17 174

Organizational plan

Organizational form

For the purpose of doing business, it is planned to register an individual entrepreneur. Payment of taxes is planned according to the UTII system.

Staff structure

Staffing structure of car service and salary parts wages are presented in the following table:

Job title Salary Qty Total costs Prize
General manager 25 000 1 25 000 20% of profits
Administrator 20 000 2 40 000 10% of the cost of work performed during his shift
Auto mechanic 20 000 4 80 000 40% of the cost of work performed
Chief accountant 20 000 1 20 000

The total monthly deductions for the salary portion of the salary are: 165,000 rubles.

The total number of personnel is 8 people. Today there is a candidate for the position of General Director. The applicant has 25 years of experience in car repair, has experience in management and business, why was he chosen for this position.

Financial plan


The work of a car service is possible on UTII, therefore, when planning financial indicators, we will use this taxation system. Tax payment is carried out from one working enterprise, the amount per person is 12,000 rubles / year.


It is planned that the investment costs that we plan to spend on purchasing equipment and opening a car service center will be financed by 70% through a loan. The amount will be 1,050 thousand rubles, repayment period - 3 years in differentiated payments (repayment of the principal debt is carried out in equal payments, interest accrued), interest rate - 20% per annum.

Prerequisites for planning

The following premises were used to build the model:

  • annual inflation - 10%;
  • discount rate - 11%;
  • personal income tax rate - 13%;
  • contributions to social funds - 34.2.

Income and expenses

Expected annual turnover of the enterprise

Indicator 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year 10 year
Car service revenue 3 696 8 012 8 813 9 694 10 663 11 730 12 903 14 193 15 612 17 174

Costs for consolidated items, taking into account the inflation rate for the planned 10 years, will be:

Indicator 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year 10 year
Salary with accruals 3 306 6 616 7 153 7 745 8 395 9 111 9 898 10 764 11 716 12 763
Business expenses 214 310 341 375 412 454 499 549 604 664
Production costs 132 215 237 261 287 315 347 381 420 462
Administrative expenses 229 373 411 452 497 546 601 661 727 800

Project performance indicators

Based on the previously described income, expenses, taxes and inflation with a discount rate, a model was built, with the help of which the payback indicators for a car service business plan were calculated:

The break-even point of the enterprise, which amounted to 2,024 thousand rubles. per year. This suggests that the planned business has a sufficient margin of safety.

Project sustainability

In order to test the stability of the model to changes in various factors, a model was built taking into account changes in prices and expenses. The table below reflects the change in the NPV indicator when prices and expenses of the enterprise increase by the values ​​​​corresponding to the table:

As we see, the prices for services have the greatest impact on the payback of a car service. Thus, when prices decrease by 20%, the project becomes negative.

Risk analysis

Below we look at the risks that may have negative impact for car service activities:

  • decrease in income of the population - may lead to a decrease in planned revenue;
  • the introduction of additional tax levies, which can reduce the profit of the enterprise despite the fact that the revenue will not change;
  • imposing sanctions on imported cars, which will lead to a large decrease in customers.

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of this project is to open a car painting service to provide a range of affordable and high-quality car service services to customers in Rostov-on-Don.

Currently, statistics indicate an increase in the domestic vehicle fleet and an increase in car sales. Due to this, the demand for the services of car service stations is increasing. Thus, opening a car painting workshop is a promising line of business. The advantages include stable demand for services, high income levels and simple business conditions.

To implement the project, a premises is rented that meets all the requirements, located in close proximity to a busy section of the road. The total area of ​​the premises is 60 sq. m. m.

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The target audience of the car painting service is the owners of passenger cars, of which 60% are men aged 20 to 50 years.

The volume of initial investment is 2,100,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at purchasing equipment, renovating premises, advertising, purchasing consumables and forming a working capital fund until the project reaches payback. The bulk of the required investment falls on the purchase of equipment, the share of which is 74%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations take into account all income and expenses of the car service; the planning horizon is 3 years. It is expected that business expansion will be required after this period. According to calculations, the initial investment will pay off after 16 months of operation. Reaching the planned sales volume is planned for the 8th month of operation. Net profit will be 158,000 rubles/month, and the annual volume net profit for the first year of work will be more than 1,000,000 rubles. Return on sales in the first year of operation is 18.15%.


According to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, over the past 10 years, the vehicle fleet of Russians has increased by 65%, and the annual increase in the number of cars is 1.5 million units. In this regard, the need for the provision of various auto services is growing. One of these services is car painting. Car painting services are required daily by a large number of car owners: during pre-sale preparation, after mechanical damage, to improve appearance vehicle.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of the Russian passenger car fleet

In addition, the peak of the crisis in the Russian car market has passed. According to forecasts, sales of passenger cars in the country at the end of 2017 will increase by 4-5%. In absolute terms, this means that 1.48 million new cars will be sold by official dealers in Russia this year. The probability of a driver whose driving experience is less than 1 year getting into an accident is up to 95%. Almost 50% of drivers with less than 3 years of experience are responsible for all accidents on the country’s roads. According to statistics, we can expect an increase in demand for painting and body painting services in the next few years.

These circumstances make this type of business, such as car painting, promising. Such a service can bring stable, high income, since the cost of painting one car part is 3000-8000 rubles.

According to 2GIS, there are currently 177 companies operating in Rostov-on-Don that offer painting and body services. The volume of the city's vehicle fleet is more than 300 thousand vehicles, and there are 1.3 million vehicles in the region. Comparing the number of service centers and cars in the city, we can conclude that the market is not yet saturated and has prospects for growth. Rostov-on-Don is among the TOP 10 cities in terms of passenger car fleet volume, and every year the quantitative indicator increases, which opens up new prospects for business development in the city.

To assess competition in the car maintenance market, consider its structure. It includes:

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1) Network car services with their representative offices in various regions. It is quite difficult to compete with this group, since networkers have a client base and a certain business reputation. In addition, large car services can combine a whole range of car maintenance services. In this case, small services are at a disadvantage.

2) Authorized car services, specializing mainly in servicing a specific car brand. The main difficulty here is to enter the niche, because... official dealers and car manufacturers choose their partners very carefully.

3) Single car services are the largest group. Such services do not have accreditation, but are in high demand among car owners, since the price of services is usually 20-30% lower than that of authorized network car services. Representatives of this group are the main competitors of this project.

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4) Individual car maintenance services are difficult to classify as a business, but they should be considered as a competitive force, because such services are currently in demand.

Despite large number various car services, competition in the market cannot be called tough. In the auto repair industry, only 10% of workshops belong to official dealers, and 90% are independent workshops with which you can compete.

Thus, opening a car painting workshop is a promising line of business. Business benefits include:

Stable profit;

Suitable for the “business in a garage” format;

Current and promising direction, in demand;

High level of income;

Possibility of expanding the range of services;

Simple conditions for organizing a business.

However, the disadvantages should also be taken into account of this business. Firstly, organizing a car painting service requires a large amount of initial investment, since the implementation of these services involves the use of high-quality and expensive equipment. Secondly, painting a car is a labor-intensive process that must be performed by experienced professionals. Thirdly, the payback period for car painting services is 1.5-2 years.


This business plan for a car painting service involves opening a car painting workshop. The success of this type of business directly depends on the quality of the work performed. The client sees the quality of the painting immediately, so it is necessary to hire only experienced craftsmen and use high-quality materials and equipment.

The car painting process includes the following steps:

    removal of rust, dirt and dust;


    sanding and preparing the surface for painting;

    selection of paint colors;

    applying paint;

    applying transparent varnish to the dried surface and drying again;

    polishing the painted surface.

Thus, painting a car is a long and painstaking process, each stage of which requires high-quality execution.

There are two types of car painting - partial and complete. In more than 50% of cases, car owners seek partial painting services. An important problem is the correct selection of enamel color for painting cars. If there is a tinting error, the painted area will stand out noticeably against the background of the overall color of the car. Choosing the right paint tone takes into account the age of the car, lighting and the code of the paint originally applied to the car. Also plays an important role individual perception and colorist experience.

Therefore, special attention must be paid to the methods of selecting paint. There are several methods that differ in price and complexity of the selection process itself:

    Selecting paint using a computer allows you to minimize the human factor in color perception. To do this, the indicators of a spectrophotometer are used - a device that measures reflection and is responsible for applying light to the sample. A computer program analyzes the received data and, based on it, selects the appropriate color.

    Selection of enamel by VIN code. Today, VIN codes are the international standard for car enamels and include 17 characters. In accordance with them, a shade code is selected from the catalog of car paint colors. The VIN code is indicated in each car - on the inside of the hood and is presented in the form of a regular sticker. This method can be used if the car has not been repainted before.

In addition to car painting, it is rational to add body repair to the list of services, since usually before painting a damaged car part, it is necessary to eliminate scratches, chips, deformation, etc. Body repair includes:

    Tin work (straightening, removing dents) eliminates minor damage to the body. Recently, the service of vacuum removal of small dents has become popular. More serious damage requires full cycle tin works.

    Slipworks (restoration of geometry) are one of the most labor-intensive and complex processes. Restoring the geometry of the car is carried out using a high-tech device - a slipway.

    Reinforcement work includes the entire range of operations for dismantling and installing various vehicle parts.

    Local repairs. It includes the elimination of minor damage, such as scratches, chips, dents, abrasions, etc. Technologies in local body repair are becoming increasingly popular, as they allow damage to be repaired quickly and at minimal cost. In this case, repairs are carried out exclusively on the damaged area, maintaining the integrity of the factory paint. At the end of the work, the surface is polished to give it shine and protect it from negative influences.

In accordance with this, an approximate list of services that are planned to be provided in the workshop was compiled (Table 1). Prices are approximate and can be adjusted depending on the chosen pricing policy of the organization.

Table 1. Price of car painting service

In the future, it is possible to expand the list of car painting services with additional services:


Body lamination;

Painting a car with liquid rubber;

Glass replacement;

Anti-corrosion treatment of the car;

Dry cleaning.

Registration for the service is carried out by phone or through the online application form on the service website.


Great competition in the automotive service market determines the important role of reputation and advertising of the workshop. Therefore, the basis of the marketing plan is a careful study of the level of service and advertising campaign. The main task of marketing in the car service business is the transition of one-time customers to the status of regular ones. It is possible to gain consumer trust with the help of high-quality service and a convenient location of the workshop.

The target audience for car painting is car owners, of which 60% are men aged 20 to 50 years.

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A car owner who is faced with the need to paint a car or body repair for the first time looks for a workshop personally or follows the advice of friends. Car owners willingly share the coordinates of good car services, so word of mouth in this case is one of the most effective methods promotion. In order for the client to return to the workshop and recommend it to friends, it is necessary to create comfortable service conditions - duration of work, convenient location of the workshop, quality of service, cost of services, etc. To do this, you can use various marketing techniques:

Setting prices for services slightly lower than competitors;

Concluding agreements with car mechanics and non-competitive related services. The agreement is established on the terms of deduction of a certain% from each client who came on their recommendation;

Posting information about car painting services on thematic websites and forums in your region;

Introduction of a system of discounts when providing several services at once;

Organizing a convenient place to wait for quick work.

Advertising on billboards and signs. The most effective advertising for a car service center is outdoor advertising. Manufacturing and installation of one sign next to road signs costs on average 15,000 rubles. To improve efficiency outdoor advertising It is planned to produce two signs capable of attracting the required number of customers. The billboard should serve not only as a pointer, but also as an information field where it is recommended to reflect the specific features of the offer, for example, you can indicate the working hours or current promotions.

Business cards and flyers. It is best to distribute printed material in crowded places target audience. This could be the territory of a gas station, auto parts stores, car washes, tire shops, etc. The main offer for the client will be a discount upon presentation of the flyer. This tool It is more rational to use it at the initial stage of a car service. The cost of this type of advertising is about 10,000 rubles.

Formation of customer loyalty. To form your customer base, you need to provide bonus programs for regular customers. To achieve this, it is planned to create a cumulative system of discounts. For example, you can accrue 2% bonuses from each purchase, which the client can use to pay next time. For record keeping bonus program You will need a computer with the appropriate software.

Advertising in the media. You can place an ad in a newspaper or order an advertisement on the radio. A classic radio advertisement is a 30-second video, the advertising text consists of 60-75 words, excluding prepositions. The cost of radio advertising depends on the selected radio, the time the video is broadcast, its duration and the number of repetitions. On average, the cost of 1 minute of a commercial is about 4,000 thousand during the period 7:00 to 22:00. The approximate budget for advertising promotion through the media is 15,000-20,000 rubles.

Creating your own website for a car painting service. Firstly, this tool allows you to promote services via the Internet, and secondly, it simplifies the process of interaction with potential clients. The car service website should indicate a list of services provided and a price list for them, contacts, directions, information about promotions and special offers. It is also recommended to create a form on the website to quickly place an order. For a car service website you only need a couple of web pages and a simple interface. The cost of such a site is about 20,000 rubles.

However, the best advertisement for a car service center is its favorable location. If you choose the right site, you can ensure a sufficient flow of customers. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to choosing a suitable site.

The approximate plan for promoting a car service in the city of Rostov-on-Don is presented in Table 2. In accordance with calculations, it is planned to spend 91,000 rubles on promoting a car service. The bulk of promotional events are planned for the first months of the car service opening.


Description of car painting service

Costs, rub.

To attract the attention of potential customers, it is necessary to place banner signs near the car service center. Costs include creating signs as well as installing them.

This involves creating advertising material (flyers/booklets) and distributing it in places where the target audience gathers. Costs include the costs of creating and printing flyers, as well as salaries for promoters. The promotional material contains a 10% discount coupon for your first visit

Creating your own website

Creation and promotion of your own business card website on the Internet. The website should contain contact information, directions, price list for services, and an online application form.

The plan is to select a radio station that the target audience listens to. The cost of creating a 15-second video is 3,000 rubles.

1 min./day * 4000 rub./min. * 7 days = 28,000 rub.

Experience shows that the most effective advertising for a car painting service is a job done perfectly. Qualified employees, thoughtful pricing policy and warranty service will help attract and retain customers.

An active marketing strategy allows you to speed up the process of recoupment of funds invested in opening a car repair shop. For a car service to pay off, it is necessary to serve at least one client per day. Profit will appear if you serve two or more clients daily. It is important to consider that even the most modern infrared drying will not allow painting more than five cars per day.

How much can you earn painting cars? To answer the question, let's determine the amount of revenue. To do this, we calculate the average bill and the number of orders per month. Average check for a car paint shop we take it to be 10,000 rubles (based on the fact that the cost of a full car paint job is about 30,000 rubles, and the cost of other services, which are provided much more often, is 3,000 rubles). The number of orders completed per day of work is 2. Therefore, the volume of work per month is 60 orders. Then the monthly revenue from the main activity will be: 10,000*60=600,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the 8th month of operation thanks to an active advertising campaign.

The payback of a car paint shop depends on competition and customer flow. If circumstances are favorable, a business can pay for itself within six months. If competition in the city is tough, then the payback of the business will be 12-18 months.


How to open a car service center from scratch? The algorithm for opening a project involves the following stages:

    Register your business as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

    Decide on a site and premises for a car service.

    Purchase specialized equipment.

    Hire qualified workers.

    Select suppliers and purchase consumables for the car service.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

1) Selecting a site and room for painting cars. When opening a car service center, two key parameters should be considered - geographical location and equipment that provides a range of services. The profitability of a business depends on these two parameters.

The most significant issue when organizing a car repair shop is finding a suitable site. When choosing a location, you should pay attention to the presence of competitors nearby. This will allow you to assess the level of consumer demand and make a decision on choosing a site.

The car service building should be clearly visible from the road and have convenient access. According to the requirements of the SES, a car service center cannot be located in close proximity to residential buildings and bodies of water. The distance between the service station and these objects must be at least 50 meters.

In addition to the characteristics of the site, it is necessary to take into account the room in which the workshop with all the equipment will be located, since the layout of any automobile workshop requires compliance certain rules. The layout of the paint shop should ensure quick and consistent movement of the vehicle being repaired from the repair shop to the paint booth.

A car painting service needs a room with an area of ​​at least 30 sq.m. In order to accommodate two cars at the same time, you will need at least 60 sq.m. Any non-residential buildings are suitable for a car service: garages, hangars, etc. Mandatory requirements for a car paint shop are the installation of a hood or good ventilation, good lighting (it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps), and a powerful power supply. In addition, an air duct and a thermal cushion with heating elements must be installed in the upper part of the room. The floor of the room where the drying chamber for painting cars will be installed must be raised by 10-15 cm in order to install a fan that sucks air from the chamber. To speed up the drying process, it is recommended to equip the room with infrared lamps.

Summarizing all of the above, we can determine the following requirements for the premises of a car service center:

Availability of ventilation, plumbing, heating and at least one window;

Separate premises (i.e. outside residential buildings and public buildings);

Finishing floors and walls with moisture-resistant and explosion-proof materials;

Explosion-proof lamps and devices;

Availability of a bathroom and shower for staff.

You can choose a car painting facility that meets all the requirements, or build a building. The market offers many options for the construction of turnkey car service centers. The car service building is a prefabricated frame building made of element-by-element assembly sandwich panels. The full cost of a turnkey car service starts from 1.5 million rubles. (for boxing with 2 posts).

To implement the project, it is planned to rent a plot of 60 square meters. m. The rent is 50,000 rubles per month. The cost of repairing and finishing the premises is 80,000 rubles.

2) Purchase of equipment for painting cars. To ensure production, it is necessary to purchase equipment. Modern multifunctional equipment is the key to quality work. The standard list of equipment required to equip a paint and body shop includes:

Straightening stocks (platform, frame, rolling and floor);

Set of straightening tools;

Detectors for determining types of steel;

Hydraulic kits for body straightening;

Two post car lift;

Measuring rulers, two- and three-dimensional measuring systems;

Kit for straightening dents on the body without painting;

Welding machine;

Polishing machine;

Set of spray guns;

Painting and drying chamber;

Special colorist lamp;

Mini-chamber for conducting sputtering tests;

Rotary painting tables for painting body parts;

Infrared emitter for drying parts and small surfaces;

Surface grinding tools.

Dust removal equipment.


This list is not exhaustive, so additional costs are included in the total cost of car painting equipment. The purchase of equipment for a paint shop will cost an average of 1.5 million rubles, of which about 700 thousand are for the drying chamber.

In a paint shop, this equipment is the most important, so you should pay special attention to its selection. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters: the internal size of the chamber, the pumping and pulling characteristics, the thermal insulation of the chamber and the lighting of the chamber. The most popular camera manufacturers are: Termomeccanica, ColorTech, Saico. Manufacturers often offer equipment under a leasing agreement, which is a profitable way for a beginning entrepreneur to purchase expensive equipment.

In addition to the equipment to equip the car painting service, you need to purchase:

Consumables (sanding papers, drill attachments, etc.);

Chemicals (varnishes, paints, etc.);

Uniforms for employees.

3) Personnel selection. For the operation of the car service, it is planned to hire three craftsmen: 2 tinsmiths-body workers and 1 car painter. It is planned that after the first year of work, it will be necessary to hire another team of craftsmen.

It is worth paying special attention to the qualifications and practical skills of potential employees, since the reputation of the car service depends on the quality of their work.

There are no special requirements for personnel: secondary technical or higher education in the field, experience in repairing and painting cars, knowledge of the structure of cars.

4) Purchase of consumables. A car service center uses a lot of consumables. It is important that the workshop is always provided with the necessary amount of materials. In this regard, it is necessary to draw up a list of bona fide suppliers in advance and establish cooperation with them.


The initial stage of opening a car painting workshop is registering the business with government agencies. For reference commercial activities An LLC is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

45.20 “Services for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.”

The SES requirements require the preparation of the following documents to open a car service center:

Production control program;

Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on compliance of the premises with standards;

Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities;

Agreements for the removal of waste, hazardous substances, disinfection and washing of work clothes.

You can prepare the documents yourself, but to reduce the processing time, you can contact a specialized law firm, whose services will cost approximately 30,000 rubles. This project provides that the entrepreneur independently prepares all the necessary documentation.

The workshop's opening hours are from 10:00 to 20:00, weekends are Sunday and Monday. Based on this, the staffing table is formed. The staff consists of 4 people, including an entrepreneur who performs managerial functions, maintains accounting and works with suppliers.

Tinsmith-bodyworker carries out car body repairs. A car painter performs all work related to painting cars. Employees' wages can be calculated either as a fixed monthly amount or according to the formula “salary + % of sales.” The latter system is preferable, since this method of remuneration will serve as motivation for employees. To simplify financial calculations, this business plan takes into account a fixed salary amount. The total wage fund is 163,800 rubles.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund for car painting service


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the car service; the planning horizon is 3 years. It is anticipated that business expansion will be required after this period. It is possible to open a full-fledged automobile workshop.

The project requires raising funds in the amount of RUB 2,100,000. The bulk of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 71%, the share of expenses for renovation of the premises and the first month of rent - 6%, working capital– 12%, for advertising – 4%, and for the purchase of consumables – 7%. The project is financed from own capital. The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Starting investments

The variable costs of car painting include the cost of purchasing consumables for repairs and the utility capacity expended. To simplify financial calculations, the amount of variable costs is calculated based on the average cost of workshop services and a fixed trade margin of 300%.

Fixed costs of car painting include rent, advertising, depreciation, wages and other expenses (Table 5). The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the useful life of fixed assets of 5 years. TO fixed costs Tax deductions also include, but they are not taken into account in the table, since their size is not fixed and depends on the amount of revenue.

Table 5. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses for painting cars were determined in the amount of 263,800 rubles. A detailed financial plan is given below.


The investment attractiveness of a car painting service can be judged on the basis of simple and integral performance indicators. Changes in the value of money over time are taken into account using the discounted cash flow method.

The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 2,100,000 rubles is 16-17 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching planned sales volumes will be 158,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the eighth month of operation.

The annual net profit for the first year of car painting will be more than 1,000,000 rubles. The return on sales in the first year of operation will be 18.15%. The return on investment ratio is 10.7%, and internal norm profit exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 8%. The net present value is positive and amounts to 1,693,232 rubles, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.

The financial plan for car painting takes into account the optimistic sales forecast that can be expected due to the favorable location of the workshop and the high effectiveness of the advertising campaign.


To assess the risks in the operation of a car painting service, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

External risks include:

Poor choice of workshop location. It is possible to eliminate the wrong decision using a high-quality geomarketing analysis of the area, infrastructure, and traffic flows, which will allow a more accurate assessment of the level of sales taking into account the density of potential consumers.

High competition in the market, opening of new points in relative proximity, dumping of direct competitors. The emergence of new auto repair shops will lead to a redistribution of the customer base and profits. Often, large auto repair shops provide painting and repair services, which negatively affects the customer base of small workshops. Reducing this risk is possible by creating your own client base, developing a unique trade offer, competent pricing policy and stimulating consumer loyalty.

Increased rental costs, which will increase fixed costs and may affect financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor.

Internal risks include:

Technological risks, which include incorrectly selected equipment, breakdowns, inappropriate use of technological capacities, which can lead to the stoppage of business processes. This risk can be reduced with regular monitoring of equipment serviceability, high-quality after-sales service, and proper selection of equipment.

Low level of employee competence. Irresponsible attitude towards property and poor quality of service can lead to serious financial losses and reduction business reputation. To avoid this, systematic control, financial motivation, and standardization of personnel work are necessary. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the recruitment stage. It is necessary to carefully select employees and offer them favorable conditions jobs that can attract experienced employees.

Failure to achieve the planned sales volume. This risk can be reduced with an effective advertising campaign and a competent marketing policy, which includes various promotions and bonuses;

A decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, receiving feedback from car service clients and taking corrective measures.

Summarized data on the analysis of the risk component of the project are shown in Table 6. Thanks to a quantitative assessment of risks, it is possible to determine what managers should focus on and what measures should be taken to minimize losses.

Table 6. Quantitative Analysis risks of car painting business

In accordance with the above calculations, the most serious risks of a car painting service are technological risks and the risk of competitors’ reaction. In the first direction, you need to carefully approach the choice of equipment, study various offers on the market and the experience of other entrepreneurs. In the second direction, special attention should be paid to the formation competitive advantages, especially pricing policy, marketing strategy, as well as the creation of a flexible system of working with clients.

The body repair business will always exist as long as cars roam our roads. The global vehicle fleet is constantly growing, cars get into accidents every day, so there will always be customers. Good service is in great demand, especially if it has excellent craftsmen and modern equipment...

Such services can provide the following types of services:

  • local body repair,
  • repair of chips on the body,
  • complex body repairs,
  • restoration of body geometry,
  • removing dents without painting the car,
  • car polishing,
  • pre-sale preparation of the car,
  • car painting,
  • bumper repair.

Body repair is a complex job that often takes from several hours (for local repairs) to several days (for a heavily damaged car). Hence the high price of the service. Thus, repairing and painting the front wing will cost the customer around 5 thousand rubles (budget car), roof repair - from 8 thousand rubles. Restoring a badly damaged car, especially if it is an expensive SUV, will cost the client from 50 thousand rubles.

It becomes clear that a popular service cannot earn little. Monthly profits can reach up to 200 thousand rubles or more. This is despite the fact that the service employs only 2-3 employees.

However, opening a car business promises a lot of trouble for its organizer. And the first difficulty lies in the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. Depending on the size of the investment, a business can be opened on different scales.

  1. A spacious garage (decorated) is used as a room. Buying a garage of 10-12 square meters. m will cost from 400 thousand rubles. You don’t have to buy a garage, but simply rent it. Rent will cost 5 – 10 thousand rubles. per month. The disadvantage of this option is that it is difficult to convert the garage into a permitted use, but such a business cannot be called serious. This makes it difficult to attract paying customers with expensive cars. Most likely, you will be servicing all kinds of classics and budget foreign cars.
  2. You rent or build a prefabricated box from metal structures. This option is much more expensive than the first. Construction of a turnkey box with an area of ​​100 - 150 sq. m. will cost from 1.5 million rubles. In addition, you will have to spend money on purchasing or renting a land plot, installing communications, commissioning, etc. Total costs can range from 3 million rubles. But this option can rightfully be considered a serious approach to the matter. There is no shame in inviting rich clients to such a service, who will leave tens of thousands of rubles in profit. Another advantage is the size of the room. The box is built with at least two parking spaces, in contrast to garage conditions, where it is often difficult to accommodate even one car. Large areas increase service turnover and make it possible to serve more than 2 clients at the same time

You will also have to spend a lot on purchasing equipment for body repair. You can, of course, limit yourself to hammers and hooks, but you won’t be able to do quality work with such a tool. No normal client would trust his car to a poorly equipped service center. Therefore, you cannot do without professional equipment.

According to various estimates, the purchase of equipment can cost from 500 thousand rubles. The “Sivik MASTER” body repair stand will cost from 120 thousand rubles, the “SIVER C” straightening stand – from 300 thousand rubles, a professional straightening set – from 20 thousand rubles. A set of painting equipment will cost from 30 thousand rubles.

Business registration

The easiest step in starting a business is registering a business activity. Registration of an individual entrepreneur takes a minimum of time (5 working days) and costs only 800 state rubles. duties and requires a small package of documents (passport, TIN, application). When filling out the application, indicate OKVED code 50.20.1 “Maintenance and repair of passenger cars.”

No licenses for this type activities are not needed. As a taxation system, you can use the simplified system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of the organization’s profit. Cash register installation is not necessary - at the client’s request, a sales receipt can be issued.


Some difficulties may arise with the selection of personnel, because 50% of the success of the entire business depends on the professionalism of employees. You will need to find good painters and tinsmiths who are fluent in the art of body repair. You can only attract professionals with high wages, which in this case are piecework. The salary the employee receives ranges from 15 to 30% of the cost of the work.

There has always been a demand for car body repair, but soon this business will become even more attractive. Starting next year, the Law on Compulsory Liability Insurance of Car Owners will come into force, and service centers will have regular, reputable clients - insurance companies. There is something to think about.

According to the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation, last year the number of major car accidents in the country increased by 4.3% and amounted to 164.4 thousand (statistics are silent about less significant incidents - it is only known that there are an order of magnitude more of them). The damage from these accidents, according to the Ministry of Transport, reached 200 billion rubles, that is, $6 billion. Almost a third of this amount - about $1.7 billion - is due to damage to vehicles.

Most of this money was earned by companies specializing in restoring broken cars (in common parlance - “tin can”). And this is not all the income of service organizations. They also carried out body repairs on cars damaged in minor accidents, data on which are not included in official statistics, as well as those that required body repairs for reasons other than an accident.

There is no doubt that the tin market will only grow in the future. This is explained by the fact that from next year the law on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance will come into force. This means that the number of cars undergoing body repair not in handicraft, but in full-fledged service centers will increase significantly. And the centers themselves will have a significant increase in both work and money.

Formal deficit
How large is the supply to satisfy the demand for the “tin”? There is no reliable answer to this question on a national scale. Some quantitative data, and even then not the most complete, exist only for Moscow - we will build on them.

So, the number of metropolitan car services - of course, legal, that is, amenable to official registration - fluctuates, according to the Moscow government, in the range of 2.2-2.6 thousand. At the same time, the head of the transport and communications department of the capital's mayor's office Alexander Belyaev, Based on the experience of developed countries, he believes that Moscow needs about 10 thousand car services. It turns out that there is a terrible shortage of them in the capital - there are four times less of them than is required. But this is not entirely true: the vast majority of car enthusiasts prefer to restore their cars at makeshift repair points created by lone mechanics, who are not reflected in any way in official statistics. Apparently, handicraftsmen are successfully covering the needs of capital car owners for “tin” - at least there are no long queues at car services.

However, as incomes grow, an increasing number of car enthusiasts are inclined to believe that it is better to maintain and repair cars in well-organized services - albeit more expensive, but providing a higher level of service. So “tin can” enterprises, whose share in the total mass of car services is approximately a quarter, have very good prospects.

Balance of price and quality
The most widespread and least promising type of body shops are “garage” type points. The owner of such a service, as a rule, acts as the main and often the only specialist in it. Such enterprises are not created in order to build a sustainable and profitable business, – it’s just that a person “with hands” does not know the best way to find a use for them. Accordingly, pricing in such a business is based on the principle “if only someone would buy it.” The first clients of a handicraft service are relatives, colleagues and familiar craftsmen, who subsequently recommend its services to their friends, etc. Competing with automobile kulibins in their field is a hopeless matter. It's like a taxi fleet trying to compete with private owners - latest services they will still be cheaper.

In general, the low-end segment of the “tin can” market is absolutely unattractive from a business point of view. To be fair, we note that this segment covers body repair services for domestic cars almost entirely: owners of Zhiguli and Moskvich cars, accustomed to the fact that servicing their cars is inexpensive, resort to the services of well-equipped services extremely rarely. A “properly” organized body shop can only deal with foreign cars. By the way, the market segment associated with foreign cars is not so small: according to traffic police, in 2000 the share of foreign-made cars among passenger cars in Russia was 14.8%.

Poor and rich
Car body repair services can be divided into two groups. Firms of the first group grow from a small painting production without large initial investments, using the profits received from their activities. The minimum amount of funds required to open such a production was estimated by Arthur Dzhabiev, a master of the Predtecha and Co. body shop, who once had to draw up a detailed business plan for a body shop, at $35 thousand. This amount includes a minimum of equipment sufficient for in order to start full-fledged work: a painting booth (often homemade) and an inexpensive stand for straightening Russian-made bodies. The quality of repairs with such a service can be achieved as high as desired. Mikhail Yanushkin, head of the Kar-Systems body shop: “We can provide an excellent level of work, but its cost will be so high that it will go beyond consumer demand - there is simply no client who will agree to spend that amount of money on repairing his car. Through trial and error, we have reached a level of service that allows the client to be satisfied with both its quality and cost.” Artur Dzhabiev shares a similar point of view: “It turns out this way: the more carefully they monitor quality in production, the better they follow technology at all stages, the lower the profitability of production.”

It is very difficult to plan the business of such workshops. In large car repair shops, the repair period is determined based on the standard hours required to carry out certain work (for this, there are special reference books that indicate the time required for each operation if it is performed using standard equipment). In small workshops, owners determine these deadlines solely on the basis of their own experience. In addition, here, as a rule, there is no supplier, and the search for materials and paints needed for repairs is carried out by the painter or tinsmith himself. The most unpleasant property of such companies from the point of view of business organization is the unpredictability of workload. They do not conduct a targeted advertising campaign - there are no funds for this, and the growth of volumes is limited " throughput"The specialists working there. Vladimir Akimov, owner small company for body repair: “I’ve been working in this business for so many years, but I still haven’t learned to predict when a client will come. You can even be without work on “tinsmith’s day,” and sometimes even in what seems like a dead season, car owners are out in droves.”

Such enterprises earn income mainly by selling the labor of craftsmen. Service managers do not dare to make money by selling spare parts or paints, fearing that the markup will scare away customers. Accordingly, consumables go to car owners at virtually the same price at which repairmen purchased them.

In enterprises of the second type (when money is initially invested in a business with the aim of making a profit), the business is put on a grand scale from the very beginning. Before such a car service starts working, it is equipped with modern imported equipment. Oleg Boroda, An independent consultant determines the amount of initial investment in a paint production at $50-70 thousand, approximately the same amount is needed to organize a body shop - that is, the total investment is $100-140 thousand. But such companies have significantly more earning opportunities. Firstly, they manage to “increase” 100% on the cost of paints and varnishes. The fact is that such enterprises have a mixer for making paints, and the cost of raw materials for them is approximately half the price of the final product - the actual paint needed to repair a particular car. Secondly, the service earns at least 10% thanks to a markup on the cost of spare parts. Plus, of course, the workshop receives income from direct activities - that is, the labor of working painters and tinsmiths. And the flow of customers in such services is more stable than in small firms due to the greater popularity of the company: large car services advertise in the press, and also advertise themselves with the help of billboards and banners.

Two hours for the price of one
By confession independent consultant Oleg Boroda, during his work he visited five hundred services. And only in one of them, in his opinion, production process can be considered optimally organized.

In conditions where a workshop with one spray booth can potentially service 5-6 cars per day, but in reality no more than two pass through it, it makes no sense to organize the work correctly. But Oleg Boroda has his own solution to the problem of lack of clients: It is not difficult to achieve a full, predictable and regulated (without unexpected surges and drops) load of a car service - you need to conclude an agreement with an insurance company. Of course, insurers have special requirements for partner service companies - however, it is quite possible to find out these requirements and satisfy them.

The second secret of the successful operation of the service from Oleg Boroda is this: “Selling every hour!” Any self-respecting service calculates the cost of the work carried out based on the list of standards for the time required to repair a particular part, given in special reference books (the most famous of them is Eurotax). So, on average, every standard hour in Russian services is completed in only two - in other words, labor productivity here is half as low as it should and can be. Of course, as long as the repair enterprise is not fully loaded, increasing labor productivity will not have any financial effect. However, if you apply both of Oleg Boroda’s advice at the same time, the service will significantly gain in revenue.

Another piece of advice: set up a trade in spare parts. According to Oleg Boroda’s observations, their purchase and delivery from Germany will cost 1.1-1.25 of the wholesale cost of components, and they can be sold at retail with a coefficient of 1.5-1.7 - that is, the profit will be from 20% to 50 %. By the way, foreign car services receive up to a third of their profits from the sale of spare parts.

Currently, Oleg Boroda is trying to implement his ideas on the basis of the Bosch-Service-Fili universal service center. The center's director, Alexander Medved, who eight months ago decided to invest in modernizing the paint shop, is convinced that this shop will soon provide the center with half of its total profit.

Opening a service inevitably involves a number of formal procedures, which will take several months. According to Mikhail Yanushkin, the entire process - from completing the necessary formalities up to the moment when regular orders are received - takes from 9 months to a year.

The de-bureaucratization of the Russian economy, announced by the department of German Gref, resulted in one relaxation for the “tin can”: since February 2002, car repair services no longer need to obtain a license from the transport inspectorate. However, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity issued by the local Gosstandart authority. The document is issued after checking whether the service can carry out the requested repair work.

Previously, both painting and tin-welding work were subject to mandatory certification. However, since May of this year, certification of the “tin” itself has become voluntary (you may or may not receive paper; however, repairmen say that it’s better to still have it - it makes working easier). "Malyarka" in mandatory needs to be certified legal entities– for individual entrepreneurs it is also voluntary. It is necessary to submit an application for certification and conclude an agreement with an authorized organization (there are more than a dozen of them in Moscow - for example, Rostest, MADI-TES, NAMI). To obtain a certificate, it is necessary that the service is equipped with certified equipment, and its employees are certified in the relevant specialties (the work manager must have at least a secondary technical education).

The cost of the certification services themselves is about $100, and the procedure must be repeated every three years. According to the current rules, representatives of the certification body can be present during the work and carry out inspections at least once a year. However, these organizations simply do not have enough people to make such frequent visits to the “sponsored” companies, so it is possible that they will not appear in the service at all in three years.

Welding work does not need to be certified, but a representative of the State Fire Inspectorate will certainly show interest in organizing it. Most likely, he will recommend purchasing fire extinguishers and installing a fire alarm at the repair point - this will cost about $1 thousand. Of course, you don’t have to follow the firefighters’ recommendations, but none of the SF’s interlocutors advised doing this.

Another mandatory permit must be obtained from the SES. The sanitary inspector must make sure that the building in which the car service is located is equipped with heating and ventilation systems, and that water and sewerage are supplied to it. He will also check the availability of a shower, a toilet, the condition of the water purification unit at the sink, and the storage conditions for the generated waste. In the capital, in addition, it is mandatory for work to conclude a waste removal agreement with the Promotkhody enterprise.

Informal rental
Selecting premises for a car service center is a whole science. Ideally, it should be located on a busy highway or in close proximity to garage cooperatives - proximity to consumers is the key to the success of the enterprise. Finding a place for a body station - which is at least 200 square meters - can take a lot of time, since there are not so many suitable premises. Vladimir Akimov, who last year was faced with the problem of finding premises, spent several months on this: I don’t trust realtors, especially small ones. This is a "scam". “I visited five companies - it was the same everywhere. You find suitable conditions in the ad, call - everything is fine, come and look. And when you arrive, it turns out that the box has already been rented out. Then they offer to conclude an agreement to search for premises, asking about $100 for this. If after that they call at least once and offer some option, consider yourself lucky. Usually such companies forget about you as soon as you close the door behind you.”

Often, a problem with a premises can be solved only by making the “necessary” contacts with representatives of the future landlord. By the way, experience shows that it is important to maintain such informal relationships even after the transaction has taken place. Arthur Dzhabiev:“You need to build relationships with landlords very carefully. Otherwise, you risk hearing one day: “You’re a good guy, so I’ll give you two days to remove the equipment.” This happens very often.” You can try to insure against such developments by concluding a lease agreement for a long term - at least three years. Some renovators even advise taking landlords' share.

The rent range is wide - from $500 to $4000 per month for a premises of 250-300 square meters. The price depends on the location of the car service building and the degree of informality of the relationship with the landlord.

Main expense item
The most significant costs when opening a car service center are the costs of purchasing equipment. You will need a painting booth (if it is made in the West, it will cost $25 thousand) and a straightening stand for straightening bodies (the same amount).

The cost of purchasing a stand can be radically reduced if you use products from domestic manufacturers. The most common Russian stand, SIV 10, costs about $3 thousand, and its imported analogue, Car-O-Liner, is five times more expensive. True, the productivity of the domestic stand is lower - it takes more time to perform similar work. But if the forecast of demand for workshop services is optimistic and the owner of the service expects a large flow of clients, it makes sense to immediately buy expensive stands from foreign companies Car-O-Liner, Celette, Blackhawk, Autorobot. This equipment allows for computer diagnostics of the condition of the body, which significantly speeds up work. But it is unlikely that you will be able to purchase such stands for less than $25 thousand.

You can also save on painting booths. For example, the camera he made himself cost Vladimir Akimov $4 thousand. Now he is installing a filter-ventilation unit on it costing $7 thousand - thus, a full-fledged camera will cost him only $11 thousand. In general, Vladimir Akimov advises to be careful when choosing a camera : a cheap Western model, according to him, may not provide normal operation in winter (painting work requires a temperature of at least 20°C). The most common brands in Russia are cameras of the Saico, Nova Verta, Termomeccanica, and Blowterm brands.

For larger companies, it makes sense to purchase a painting system. It includes a paint mixer and color matching equipment: the paint components are mixed in the mixer, and the color matching system allows you to determine the required set of components to create paint for a specific car. The mixer costs an average of $5 thousand, but with a large volume of work, this money is returned a hundredfold - the raw materials are half the price of the finished paint. A painting system is not just a technique. Companies that supply such systems sell a lot of other necessary materials (putties, plasticizers, etc. - 50-60 items in total), which are sold to buyers of their systems at a discount and, no less important, are optimized for working with car enamels from this particular manufacturer. Among the elite brands of painting systems, experts mention Standox, Glasurit, Sikkens, Spies Hecker, DuPont, PPG. More economical brands are Motip, Sadolin, Mobihel.

In order for paint to be applied to the surface of the body, you will need paint guns (Sata, Iwata, DeVilbiss, Kremlin, Optima, Sharpe) - $250-300 apiece. It will cost about $2,000 for guns, as well as hoses and filters for them, and about the same amount for a machine for washing them.

In addition to all this, it remains to purchase: welding equipment (at least $7 thousand), a car wash ($2-9 thousand), a powerful compressor (up to $5 thousand), a dry grinding kit (up to $5 thousand).

Thus, it is not difficult to calculate how much money it will take to open a body repair service. The minimum cost for organizing a “low-budget” service is $38 thousand for equipment and settling all formalities, and at least another $6 thousand for renting premises for a year. Total $44 thousand. And organizing a relatively large service will cost $80-90 thousand in the form of costs for equipment and paperwork plus the cost of renting a building (up to $50 thousand per year).

By the way, in the capital there are companies that provide installation services for turnkey body repair services, for example, Barclay-Auto, Guardia, Scorpion, Transtechservice, Sfera-Service. The station can be organized with their help.

Self-taught business
However, no third-party contractors will solve the main problem of a body repair shop - finding qualified employees. It is equally difficult to select both smart managers and the craftsmen themselves. According to Artur Dzhabiev, MADI and MAMI began to produce managers for car service centers only in recent years. There are still few of them, and the level of training of these specialists is unknown to anyone. Managers of old-school car service centers, as a rule, do not know how to organize work correctly. Here is how one of the market participants, who wished to remain anonymous, speaks about them: Who opened them before, services? Cops and bandits are people who are very poorly suited for normal business.

It is no easier with painters and tinsmiths - there are simply no training centers that train such specialists and are recognized as professionals. Courses for painters offered largest producers paints cannot be considered full-fledged preparation - they benefit primarily those specialists who already have practical experience. For beginners, there is only one way to learn the craft of a tinsmith and painter - to watch the work of more experienced colleagues.

Due to the lack of a personnel training system, their selection turns into an extremely complex process for the owner of a car service center. Mikhail Yanushkin:“I always communicate with applicants myself. If you entrust this to another person, he will select people for himself. If a specialist’s skills are not formalized, then selection cannot be formalized. One simple test is to ask the master whether he has his own tools, and if not, whether he plans to acquire them. A good specialist always works with his tool. When an old tinsmith changes jobs, his tools—all kinds of hammers, supports and mandrels—sometimes have to be hauled away by truck.” But communication with a candidate does not always allow you to avoid mistakes. As paint station managers say, applicants' stories about what they can do often diverge from reality. Therefore, a lot of applicants are eliminated during the probationary period.

How many such workers are required? For the smallest service, two painters and three or four tinsmiths are needed. You also cannot do without a foreman (technical director), supplier and accountant. As a rule, the most experienced specialist becomes the technical director - he evaluates the repair and determines the technologies that will be used in the work. The task of the supplier is to provide enterprises with the necessary consumables, body parts and other spare parts. In a larger service where it is used complex equipment, new positions appear - for example, a colorist who will work with the color matching system.

The issue of remuneration is resolved in different ways. In small car repair shops, employees almost always receive income as a percentage of the cost of work performed. As a result, during periods when the service is idle, its owner does not lose money on paying salaries to employees. Thus, the painter usually receives 40% of the cost of the order he completes. Large companies usually use a combined payment system - not only a percentage, but also a certain guaranteed minimum. Since the work here is more expensive, specialists receive up to 30% of the cost of the work done. The average salary for a professional painter or tinsmith is $500-1200 per month; a paint selection specialist receives from $500 to $900.

If an auto body repair business is properly run, it can achieve a profit margin of 15%. However, on a large turnover you can earn completely different money. Those who want to enter this market need to hurry. After the Law on Compulsory Liability Insurance of Car Owners comes into force, insurers will begin to look for repair companies with which to establish long-term cooperation. It is important that by this time the new outlet has time to declare itself and has an impeccable reputation.

Sergey Rusakovsky
