Sales role-playing games. Sales training exercises. Group assessment as a starting point

Everyone, without exception, needs stress resistance training. Agree, in modern world There are more and more reasons leading to a stressful state. As a result, today it is almost impossible to meet a completely balanced person, and constant stress has a detrimental effect on the psyche and health. Managing emotions is a lot of work and regular work on oneself, so it is almost impossible to learn this on your own. The strength of the impact of stressors depends on a person’s gender and age, susceptibility to various situations, behavioral characteristics, time of day and time of year. In any case, stressors affect everyone without exception, and each of us requires our own specific ways to protect ourselves from stress.

Everyone tries to eliminate stress in their own way. This could be communication with a loved one, physical activity, embroidery and knitting, massage. But such activities only remove the effect, without eliminating the cause. And the benefits are not always obvious. In this regard, there is a need to use other methods of influencing stressful situations. The most productive and effective is stress resistance training.

Training objectives:

Increasing the level of stress resistance

Developing skills to concentrate in difficult stressful situations

Training objectives:

a) Learn to manage your stress, easily changing its level to suit the current task.

b) Learn to manage your mental state if you still cannot avoid stress.

c) Be able to quickly recover from overload.

d) Increase your resistance to stress - learn to “take a hit.”

Training rules:

    Here and now


    Tactful and friendly attitude towards all group members

    Stop rule

    Sincerity and openness

    Inadmissibility of value judgments by group members

Stage 1.

Most often, stress occurs in a difficult or new situation, in the case of a pronounced risk, a possible or unfolding conflict - i.e. in those situations that almost constantly accompany the life of a modern active person. In addition, recently more and more people are striving for conscious self-knowledge and self-development, and this activity is stressful by its very nature.

Thus, for modern man knowledge of stress management technologies is a necessary condition his effective activities, and especially activities in areas new to him.

Stress tolerance and stress management skills provide a person with the ability to carry out effective activities in a state of stress. To do this, it is necessary to develop the concentration of our attention.

ExerciseNo. 1. Chelps mobilize attention, enables participants to become aware of their regulatory resources, and creates conditions for their training.

Participants sit in a circle. “Now we will count with you, just count: one, two, three, etc. One of us will start counting, and the person sitting next to us (clockwise) will continue, and so on. Let's try to count as quickly as possible. During the counting process, you will need to comply with one condition: if you have to name a number that includes the number 6 (for example, 16), then while pronouncing this number, you will have to stand up (you can complicate the exercise by replacing standing up with a clap without saying the number).

If one of us makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game, but remains seated in a circle. And we all have to be very careful and remember who has already dropped out and who continues to play.”

Stage 2.

So, our training is aimed at developing stress resistance skills. I would like to know from you:

    What is stress?

    What are the first signs of stress in your opinion?

    Who or what will help you overcome stress?

    Do we know how to deal with stress?

    How can we develop a successful style of behavior ourselves, learn to be resistant to stress in conflict, stressful situations and a tense work environment and use the reserves, strengths and capabilities hidden within us in order to overcome stress and turn it to our advantage?

    What do you expect from our training?

Stage 3.

Exercise “Me and Stress”

Target. Helping participants understand and verbalize their ideas about stress and determine their attitude to this phenomenon. Identifying the subjective difficulties currently experienced by group members, and personal resources coping with stressful situations.

Content. The trainer prepares in advance A4 paper (according to the number of participants) and colored markers. The training participants sit comfortably (in a circle or outside the circle). The facilitator warns them that this exercise is confidential, so during the exercise they should not ask each other any questions.

Instructions from the trainer to the group. “Please draw a picture “Me and stress.” It can be made in any form - realistic, abstract, symbolic, artistic. Of greater importance is your degree of sincerity, that is, the desire to portray your thoughts, feelings, images that came to your mind immediately after you heard the topic. This drawing can become the key that throughout the training will help you recognize difficulties, find existing resources, and develop new successful stress management strategies. If necessary, you can use colored markers. You have every right not to show your drawing in the group if you want.” Participants draw for 4-5 minutes. Then the trainer begins to ask questions, which the participants answer independently (mentally), without writing down the answers on paper or saying them out loud. After each question, the trainer gives participants from 15 to 40 seconds to make changes and additions to the drawing.

Questions a coach might ask.

Look carefully at your drawing.

1. Does your drawing use color? See which colors (or which color) predominates in the drawing. What does this particular color mean to you?

2. Where do you picture yourself? Label yourself with the letter “I” in the picture.

3. How did you portray stress? In the form of a living creature, an abstract figure, a specific person?

4. See how much space your image takes up on the sheet and how much is stress. Why?

5. When depicting yourself and stress, did you use similar colors? Which?

6. Mentally divide the sheet in half with horizontal and vertical lines. Where did your figure end up?

7. Is there any barrier between you and stress in the picture? Maybe you are holding a saber, an umbrella or something else? If you feel the need, draw something else that can protect you from stress.

8. Do you have soil under your feet, what do you rely on? Or are you hanging in the air? Who can you rely on in life? If such people exist in your real life, but for some reason they are not in the picture - complete them.

9. What strengths would you note in dealing with a stressful situation? Try to find at least three positions in which you feel confident. Which personal qualities help you succeed?

10. What would you like to change or how would you like to improve your condition in a stressful situation? What personality traits and/or other factors are preventing you from improving it?

11. What other resources of yours do you see in this picture or would you like to add to it? Draw them please.

Discussion. After the participants answer the last question, the trainer asks them to unite into subgroups of 4-5 people. As a rule, groups are created on the basis of the coincidence of any positions related to the perception of the concept of “Stress”, strategies and resources that appear in the drawings. In each formed group, those who wish can speak about their feelings, thoughts, etc., that arose during the drawing process. At the same time, others listen, complement, express their point of view, ask questions, but do not criticize. When talking about what helps and what hinders you from acting effectively in a stressful situation, you can speak about both your personal experience, and based on observations of the behavior of people who know how to overcome stress. Each subgroup then formulates several main points about which they would like to change something in their reactions to stressors.

All participants return to the circle. The trainer invites those who wish to speak about the work done or about their feelings. Representatives from subgroups read out their lists. The trainer explains to the participants what problems can be worked on during the training.

Recommendations for the trainer. Since this test is carried out at the beginning of the training, the trainer can draw the attention of participants to the fact that most of our professional life we ​​use the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical actions. When we draw, we activate our right figurative hemisphere. Therefore, psychologists believe that the process of drawing is healthy in itself, and it is no coincidence that drawing is widely used in psychological practice.

Stage 4.

Stress (from English Stress nonspecific (general) reaction of the body to influence (physical or psychological) that violates it homeostasis, as well as the corresponding state nervous system body (or the body as a whole). IN medicine, physiology, psychology emit positive (eustress ) and negative (distress ) forms of stress. Based on the nature of the impact, they distinguish neuropsychic, heat or cold, light and other stresses.

Symptoms of stress

    A constant feeling of irritation, depression, sometimes for no particular reason.

    Bad, restless sleep.

    Depression, physical weakness, headache, fatigue, reluctance to do anything.

    Decreased concentration, making it difficult to study or work. Memory problems and decreased thinking speed.

    Lack of interest in others, even in best friends, family and friends.

    A constant desire to cry, tearfulness, sometimes turning into sobs, melancholy, pessimism, self-pity for your loved one.

    Decreased appetite - although the opposite can also happen: excessive absorption of food.

    Nervous tics and obsessive habits often appear: a person bites his lips, bites his nails, etc. Fussiness and distrust of everyone appear.

Stages of stress

Until now, scientists use the concept of the Canadian physiologist and distinguish three stages of stress according to Selye:

1. Anxiety reaction.

2. Stage of resistance.

3. Stage of exhaustion.

The duration of each phase of stress development is individual

The first phase of stress is characterized by mobilization of the body. Tensions are rising. For some, it can last days and weeks, while for others, after just a few minutes, they move on to the second stage of stress. People react differently. For some, anxiety speeds up all the body's reactions; they suddenly begin to think quickly and make decisions instantly. For others, on the contrary, reactions slow down, they become as if inhibited. Moderate short-term stress at the first stage is even beneficial. A hormonal surge gives an impetus to the body, trains it, and strengthens it.

The second phase occurs if exposure to stress factors continues. The body has responded to the alarm, mobilized and can overcome the difficulties that have arisen. At the resistance stage, the body may be more resistant to harmful influences than in a calm state. Outwardly, everything also looks fine, the person solves problems constructively, he is active and healthy. The first and second stages of stress development do not yet carry threatening consequences.

The third phase, characterized by exhaustion, begins if the second stage is delayed and the body does not receive rest. Mobilized resources are running out. The body has exhausted its adaptive capabilities, and its stability decreases. At this stage, physical distress manifests itself: sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, weight loss, stool disorders, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, etc. The person feels lethargic and overwhelmed. If you don’t rest now, serious physical illnesses and depression may begin.

Stage 5.

Exercise “Two by two, or the New Julius Caesar”


    effectively train interaction with a partner with maximum concentration and speed of reactions;

    give training participants the opportunity to test themselves and their readiness to act as a leader;

    develop the ability to work effectively in several areas of activity;

    learn to act under stress without losing the ability to concentrate on the problem.

Group size : not important.

Resources : The exercise requires a really large, furniture-free room, two chairs, a flip chart, and a marker to record the results of each round.

Time : depending on the number of participants. Each four players play for 10 minutes.

Progress of the exercise

This exercise takes us back to the story of Emperor Julius Caesar, who had the amazing ability to perform several different actions simultaneously and efficiently. Sometimes a leader must put into practice the remarkable qualities of a noble Roman.

Each round of play will involve four players on the field and two sets of referees. (The number of judges does not matter, so sometimes you can divide all the spectators into two groups of judges, each of which receives a specific task.)

So, the first playing four goes out onto the court and takes two chairs with them. The first and second players sit opposite each other at a distance of 2-2.5 m. The third and fourth players are first located behind the chair of the second participant. This is their starting position, then as the game progresses they can move freely around the room.

Rules of the game . Within two minutes, the first player must repeat all the movements of the second player, performed by him arbitrarily: any movements while sitting, standing, moving around the room... In addition, the first player will have to answer continuous questions from the third and fourth players. The questions can be anything. When the imagination of one of the questioners runs out, the second one immediately gets involved.

Please note that referees also participate in the game. They are the fairest and most considerate arbiters in the world. One group of judges will ensure that the first player does not miss his partner's movements and repeats each of them. For each miss, a penalty point is awarded! The second group monitors the answers to the questions. Answers can be absolutely free, illogical, lacking connection with the question, etc. It is important that the first player has a meaningful reaction to the questions of the two assistants and that in his answers he does not use the forbidden “Yes!”, “No!”, “I don’t know!”

Using each prohibited answer earns a penalty point.

The game continues for two minutes. Then the judges of the first and second groups report the number of penalty points earned by the player. The result is recorded. After this, the players change roles: the second player will now answer and repeat the movements for two minutes.

Again, summing up, recording and changing roles: now the third and fourth participants occupy the playing chairs, and the first and second will ask questions.

This task can be done in turns with the whole group to determine the absolute champion - the one who scored the fewest penalty points.

Completion : discussion of the exercise.

    Which actions were more difficult to perform - repeating your partner’s movements or answering a question?

    Have there ever been moments of crisis during the game when you realized that you were losing control of the situation? What helped you overcome such moments and get back on task?

    What did you take away from the game? What do you think now about the strengths and weaknesses of your behavior in a crisis situation?

Stage 6. Feedback

    Your impressions

    Did your expectations match the final result?

    What skills and abilities did you gain in the training?

Every person wants to be successful and self-confident. However, many people have all sorts of fears, which manifest themselves very clearly during unusual, stressful situations. That is, everything is fine in the comfort zone, but as soon as you leave it, negative emotions immediately appear - fear, stiffness, excitement, anxiety.

In fact, such sensations are only the body’s adaptation to new, unusual situations, so you just need to get used to them and learn to control them. For this reason, people ask the question - how to increase stress resistance?

There are various exercises for stress resistance. For example, as a workout, you can deliberately read a poem in some crowded place. Any cafe or simple stop will do public transport. It is advisable to stand on some chair or bench and read the verse for two or three minutes in a loud, expressive voice.

Your task is to overcome your shyness by going beyond the usual boundaries of behavior accepted in society, because it’s not every day that people read poetry in public places. If you do this exercise in a row for several days, the results will be impressive. Your stress resistance score will become much higher. Or you can also specifically do things that you don’t want to do out of fear.

An excellent stress resistance training is meeting strangers on the street. It is best for men to meet women, for women to meet men. This training is good for developing improvisation skills in extreme communication. This will be very helpful in any stressful situation, when you need to quickly find your bearings and find the most appropriate words so as not to fall flat on your face.

In addition, provocative questions are a great exercise for stress and resilience. The essence of the exercise is as follows - a group of 5-6 people asks the participant any questions, even not quite decent ones. His task is to always answer “yes” and get out of an awkward situation. For example, to the question “Did you really walk around the city without pants yesterday?” you need to answer something like “Yes, I really went without pants. It was warm weather, so I walked around in shorts." Such training will allow a person not to be afraid of any uncomfortable questions. The most important thing is to develop confidence and faith in yourself. Then stress will leave your life forever.

Training "Development of stress resistance or How to accept your Life, relax and move consciously..."

The name speaks for itself. Those who negotiate every day, manage other people, or raise “difficult” children do not need to explain anything about stress; they feel it all the time. The training will present one of the most modern techniques for managing your condition... Developing stress resistance is no longer an opportunity, but a strict necessity... BUT! this program is not like the typical ones: participants do not imagine themselves on a “green lawn” or “under the warm, gentle sun, away from troubles.” Participants in the training will be given a system of techniques that will help them not to “relax by disconnecting from reality,” but to accept this harsh reality and live it consciously, increasing their inner strength.

Purpose of the training: training in the skill of working with stressful conditions, i.e. the ability to change a stressful state to one that is useful in each specific situation. A method will be proposed that allows us to understand what “lesson” a specific stressful situation brings us and what to do so that this “lesson” is not repeated, and life is lived with sufficient flexibility, strength and awareness. This method allows you not to “run away” from stressful situations, but to use them to increase personal strength, gain confidence and more. effective solution available tasks.

We are not talking about individual techniques for relieving tension and deep relaxation. Participants will be introduced to a holistic system of techniques for restoring balance (centering) at the level of bodily, emotional and intellectual activity, necessary to obtain the desired results both in business and in personal life.

Typical “stressful” tasks that training will help solve:

  • Managing yourself in conflict (as in professional field, and in personal);
  • Development of confidence (in conducting “difficult” negotiations, making decisions, building relationships, etc.);
  • Problems of choice when making decisions;
  • Chronic fatigue, dissatisfaction with work, relationships, people around, etc.
  • Loss of emotional control, etc.
  1. "Eastern" approach to understanding stress. The mechanism of formation of mental dead ends, negative emotions and unproductive bodily states.
  2. The influence of internal states on personal effectiveness in life (building relationships, negotiating, interacting with work colleagues). Technologies for transforming (converting) a stressful state into a productive one.
  3. Conflicts (internal and external) as a source of severe stress. "Eastern" approach to conflict management.
  4. Managing your condition before, during and after stress. Prevention: how to build stress immunity.

Results: Participants will gain an understanding of the mechanism of stress formation, and they will also be given a really working technology that will significantly increase personal effectiveness in solving “stressful” problems and build stress immunity.

Training - Developing stress resistance or How to accept your Life, relax and move consciously
Training “Development of stress resistance or How to accept your Life, relax and move consciously...” The name speaks for itself. For those who negotiate every day,

Stress resistance training for students and teachers

Stress resistance training for students and teachers

Everyone, without exception, needs stress resistance training. Agree, in the modern world there are more and more reasons leading to a stressful state. As a result, today it is almost impossible to meet a completely balanced person, and constant stress has a detrimental effect on the psyche and health. Managing emotions is a lot of work and regular work on oneself, so it is almost impossible to learn this on your own. The strength of the impact of stressors depends on a person’s gender and age, susceptibility to various situations, behavioral characteristics, time of day and season. In any case, stressors affect everyone without exception, and each of us requires our own specific ways to protect ourselves from stress.

Everyone tries to eliminate stress in their own way. This could be communication with a loved one, physical activity, embroidery and knitting, massage. But such activities only remove the effect, without eliminating the cause. And the benefits are not always obvious. In this regard, there is a need to use other methods of influencing stressful situations. The most productive and effective is stress resistance training.

Increasing the level of stress resistance

Developing skills to concentrate in difficult stressful situations

a) Learn to manage your stress, easily changing its level to suit the current task.

b) Learn to manage your mental state if you still cannot avoid stress.

c) Be able to quickly recover from overload.

d) Increase your resistance to stress - learn to “take a hit.”

Tactful and friendly attitude towards all group members

Sincerity and openness

Inadmissibility of value judgments by group members

Most often, stress occurs in a difficult or new situation, in the case of a pronounced risk, a possible or unfolding conflict - i.e. in those situations that almost constantly accompany the life of a modern active person. In addition, recently more and more people are striving for conscious self-knowledge and self-development, and this activity is stressful by its very nature.

Thus, for a modern person, mastery of stress management technologies is a necessary condition for his effective activity, and especially activity in areas that are new to him.

Stress tolerance and stress management skills provide a person with the ability to carry out effective activities in a state of stress. To do this, it is necessary to develop the concentration of our attention.

Exercise No. 1. C helps to mobilize attention, allows participants to become aware of their regulatory resources, and creates conditions for their training.

Participants sit in a circle. “Now we will count with you, just count: one, two, three, etc. One of us will start counting, and the person sitting next to us (clockwise) will continue, and so on. Let's try to count as quickly as possible. During the counting process, you will need to comply with one condition: if you have to name a number that includes the number 6 (for example, 16), then while pronouncing this number, you will have to stand up (you can complicate the exercise by replacing standing up with a clap without saying the number).

If one of us makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game, but remains seated in a circle. And we all have to be very careful and remember who has already dropped out and who continues to play.”

So, our training is aimed at developing stress resistance skills. I would like to know from you:

What is stress?

What are the first signs of stress in your opinion?

Who or what will help you overcome stress?

Do we know how to deal with stress?

How can we develop a successful style of behavior ourselves, learn to be resistant to stress in conflict, stressful situations and a tense work environment and use the reserves, strengths and capabilities hidden within us in order to overcome stress and turn it to our advantage?

What do you expect from our training?

Exercise “Me and Stress”

Target. Helping participants understand and verbalize their ideas about stress and determine their attitude to this phenomenon. Identification of subjective difficulties currently experienced by group members and personal resources for coping with stressful situations.

Questions a coach might ask.

Look carefully at your drawing.

1. Does your drawing use color? See which colors (or which color) predominates in the drawing. What does this particular color mean to you?

2. Where do you picture yourself? Label yourself with the letter “I” in the picture.

3. How did you portray stress? In the form of a living creature, an abstract figure, a specific person?

4. See how much space your image takes up on the sheet and how much is stress. Why?

5. When depicting yourself and stress, did you use similar colors? Which?

6. Mentally divide the sheet in half with horizontal and vertical lines. Where did your figure end up?

7. Is there any barrier between you and stress in the picture? Maybe you are holding a saber, an umbrella or something else? If you feel the need, draw something else that can protect you from stress.

8. Do you have soil under your feet, what do you rely on? Or are you hanging in the air? Who can you rely on in life? If such people exist in your real life, but for some reason they are not in the picture, draw them.

9. What strengths would you note in dealing with a stressful situation? Try to find at least three positions in which you feel confident. What personal qualities help you achieve success?

10. What would you like to change or how would you like to improve your condition in a stressful situation? What personality traits and/or other factors are preventing you from improving it?

11. What other resources of yours do you see in this picture or would you like to add to it? Draw them please.

Discussion. After the participants answer the last question, the trainer asks them to unite into subgroups of 4-5 people. As a rule, groups are created on the basis of the coincidence of any positions related to the perception of the concept of “Stress”, strategies and resources that appear in the drawings. In each formed group, those who wish can speak about their feelings, thoughts, etc., that arose during the drawing process. At the same time, others listen, complement, express their point of view, ask questions, but do not criticize. When talking about what helps and what hinders you from acting effectively in a situation of stress, you can speak both about your personal experience and based on observations of the behavior of people who know how to overcome stress. Each subgroup then formulates several main points about which they would like to change something in their reactions to stressors.

All participants return to the circle. The trainer invites those who wish to speak about the work done or about their feelings. Representatives from subgroups read out their lists. The trainer explains to the participants what problems can be worked on during the training.

Recommendations for the trainer. Since this test is carried out at the beginning of the training, the trainer can draw the attention of participants to the fact that most of our professional life we ​​use the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical actions. When we draw, we activate our right figurative hemisphere. Therefore, psychologists believe that the process of drawing is healthy in itself, and it is no coincidence that drawing is widely used in psychological practice.

Stress(from English Stress- pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) - a nonspecific (general) reaction of the body to an impact (physical or psychological) that disrupts its homeostasis, as well as the corresponding state of the nervous system of the body (or the body as a whole). In medicine, physiology, psychology, positive ( eustress) and negative ( distress) forms of stress. Based on the nature of the impact, they distinguish neuropsychic, heat or cold, light and other stresses.

A constant feeling of irritation, depression, sometimes for no particular reason.

Bad, restless sleep.

Depression, physical weakness, headache, fatigue, reluctance to do anything.

Decreased concentration, making it difficult to study or work. Memory problems and decreased thinking speed.

Lack of interest in others, even in best friends, family and friends.

A constant desire to cry, tearfulness, sometimes turning into sobs, melancholy, pessimism, self-pity for your loved one.

Decreased appetite - although the opposite can also happen: excessive absorption of food.

Nervous tics and obsessive habits often appear: a person bites his lips, bites his nails, etc. Fussiness and distrust of everyone appear.

Until now, scientists use the concept of the Canadian physiologist and distinguish three stages of stress according to Selye:

1. Anxiety reaction.

2. Stage of resistance.

3. Stage of exhaustion.

The duration of each phase of stress development is individual

The first phase of stress is characterized by mobilization of the body. Tensions are rising. For some, it can last days and weeks, while for others, after just a few minutes, they move on to the second stage of stress. People react differently. For some, anxiety speeds up all the body's reactions; they suddenly begin to think quickly and make decisions instantly. For others, on the contrary, reactions slow down, they become as if inhibited. Moderate short-term stress at the first stage is even beneficial. A hormonal surge gives an impetus to the body, trains it, and strengthens it.

The second phase occurs if exposure to stress factors continues. The body has responded to the alarm, mobilized and can overcome the difficulties that have arisen. At the resistance stage, the body may be more resistant to harmful influences than in a calm state. Outwardly, everything also looks fine, the person solves problems constructively, he is active and healthy. The first and second stages of stress development do not yet carry threatening consequences.

The third phase, characterized by exhaustion, begins if the second stage is delayed and the body does not receive rest. Mobilized resources are running out. The body has exhausted its adaptive capabilities, and its stability decreases. At this stage, physical distress manifests itself: sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, weight loss, stool disorders, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, etc. The person feels lethargic and overwhelmed. If you don’t rest now, serious physical illnesses and depression may begin.

effectively train interaction with a partner with maximum concentration and speed of reactions;

give training participants the opportunity to test themselves and their readiness to act as a leader;

develop the ability to work effectively in several areas of activity;

learn to act under stress without losing the ability to concentrate on the problem.

Group size: not important.

Resources: The exercise requires a really large, furniture-free room, two chairs, a flip chart, and a marker to record the results of each round.

Time: depending on the number of participants. Each four players play for 10 minutes.

This exercise takes us back to the story of Emperor Julius Caesar, who had the amazing ability to perform several different actions simultaneously and efficiently. Sometimes a leader must put into practice the remarkable qualities of a noble Roman.

Each round of play will involve four players on the field and two sets of referees. (The number of judges does not matter, so sometimes you can divide all the spectators into two groups of judges, each of which receives a specific task.)

So, the first playing four goes out onto the court and takes two chairs with them. The first and second players sit opposite each other at a distance of 2-2.5 m. The third and fourth players are first located behind the chair of the second participant. This is their starting position, then as the game progresses they can move freely around the room.

Rules of the game. Within two minutes, the first player must repeat all the movements of the second player, performed by him voluntarily: any movements while sitting, standing, or moving around the room. In addition, the first player will have to answer continuous questions from the third and fourth players. The questions can be anything. When the imagination of one of the questioners runs out, the second one immediately gets involved.

Please note that referees also participate in the game. They are the fairest and most considerate arbiters in the world. One group of judges will ensure that the first player does not miss his partner's movements and repeats each of them. For each miss, a penalty point is awarded! The second group monitors the answers to the questions. Answers can be absolutely free, illogical, lacking connection with the question, etc. It is important that the first player has a meaningful reaction to the questions of the two assistants and that in his answers he does not use the forbidden “Yes!”, “No!”, “I don’t know!”

Using each prohibited answer earns a penalty point.

The game continues for two minutes. Then the judges of the first and second groups report the number of penalty points earned by the player. The result is recorded. After this, the players change roles: the second player will now answer and repeat the movements for two minutes.

Again, summing up, recording and changing roles: now the third and fourth participants occupy the playing chairs, and the first and second will ask questions.

This task can be done in turns with the whole group to determine the absolute champion - the one who scored the fewest penalty points.

Completion: discussion of the exercise.

Which actions were more difficult to perform - repeating your partner’s movements or answering a question?

Have there ever been moments of crisis during the game when you realized that you were losing control of the situation? What helped you overcome such moments and get back on task?

What did you take away from the game? What do you think now about the strengths and weaknesses of your behavior in a crisis situation?

Stage 6. Feedback

Did your expectations match the final result?

What skills and abilities did you gain in the training?

1. Organizational moment

Introducing the purpose and objectives of the training session, making badges in four colors.

2. Game “SVU (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)”

Purpose: analysis positive aspects participation in the competition.

Instructions. Each event for each participant can be characterized from four sides. Strength- what helps the participant achieve success in the event. Weakness- something that can interfere. Opportunities are what you can get that is good and useful during and as a result of the event. Threats - what unpleasant consequences may arise for us.

Divide into four subgroups based on the color of the badges. Take a sheet of paper with one “side” (strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities) and reveal your side regarding participation in the “Teacher of the Year” competition.

Discussion of the results in sequence: strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities.

3. Exercise “Soap Bubbles”

Goal: developing the skill of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones; increasing self-esteem.

Instructions. Take a pencil and paper. Analyze your thoughts about what is bothering you. Compare how the words relate to your feelings. If you say, “I feel bad,” you will actually feel bad. Tell yourself, “I’ll take a nap and feel better.”

On clean slate paper draw a head from which they fly soap bubbles your thoughts left and right. Write your negative thoughts on the bubbles on the left and your positive thoughts on the bubbles on the right.

It will look like this:

4. Exercise “Steps to success”

Goal: mastering the method of eliminating tension caused by preparation for an open event; practicing problem solving skills.


1. On the left side of the sheet, draw a ladder. On each step, write an action that will lead you to success (to the top of the ladder). For example, your goal is to prepare for an open class, then what are the five steps?

Selecting a topic

Drawing up the necessary stages of the lesson,

Drawing up a lesson plan,

Writing work according to plan,

Editing the final version.

2. Close your eyes and imagine each step. You will see words and images that correspond to them, for example: “writing at the table.” Don't open your eyes until you can clearly see each step.

3. Make a list of everything that bothers you. For example, you are distracted by thoughts about a television program or someone's unpleasant words; fear and excitement. Take a deep breath and “exhale” distracting thoughts.

5. Exercise “Rainbow”

Goal: relieving emotional stress.


1. Close your eyes. Imagine that there is a screen in front of you. On the screen you see a rainbow - the colors that you like. Each color has its own mood and feeling. You see what I describe, or what you want yourself.

2. The first color is blue. Blue can be soft and calming, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eye in the heat. It refreshes you like swimming in a lake. What do you see when you think of blue?

3. The next color is red. Red gives us energy and warmth. It's good to look at when it's cold. Sometimes too much red makes us angry. Sometimes he reminds us of love. What do you think when you look at the color red?

4. Yellow color brings us joy. It warms like the sun and makes us smile. If we are sad and lonely, it cheers us up. What do you think when you look at the color yellow?

5. Green is the color of nature. If we are sick or uneasy, green helps us feel better. What do you think when you look at it?

Do you notice how different colors affect your mood and even your well-being? Try to see other colors too.

How did you feel while doing this exercise?

Which color most effectively affected your well-being and mood?

6. Exercise “Bad advice”

Goal: awareness of one’s own stereotypical destructive ways of provoking stressful situations.

Instructions. Participants are divided into two teams and together they prepare “advices” to the opposing team on the topic: “Overcoming stress in reverse.”

Which of the suggested “advices” have you experienced in your life?

What were the consequences?

Examples of "advice"

1. Live only by work. Envy a horse that it can sleep standing up. Sleeping standing up means your head is working all the time.

2. Don’t relax for a minute. Do everything with extreme tension. This will allow you to reach the limit faster.

3. Drive away any thought about anything pleasant. Try to finish everything that gives you pleasure as quickly as possible. The facial expression should be constantly sad, mournful or gloomy, raising your head as little as possible; direction of view - only to the ground.

7. Exercise “Ways to relieve neuropsychic tension”

Goal: exchange of positive experience in regulating the neuropsychic state.

Instructions. We are all different, and we all have different ways of relieving stress. Remember and tell your colleagues about your way of overcoming stress.

Whose method did you find most unusual and interesting?

Which method would you like to adopt?

8. Exercise “Snowballs”

Goal: familiarization with methods of stress relief, activation.

Instructions. Now we will compete with you. Take the paper and crumple it as tightly as possible. You have the opportunity to “throw snowballs” at the opposing team. Don't cross the line. We start and finish at the signal. Those whose half has fewer snowballs at the end win.

(After the final signal, the participants, as a rule, do not stop and continue to “throw snowballs.”)

Remember with what enthusiasm you fought until the last. Let this fighting spirit accompany you throughout your participation in the competition.

How do you feel before and after the exercise?

Is it possible to release tension in this way?

9. Exercise “Results of the day”

Goal: obtaining feedback from group members.

What did today bring you?

What are your impressions of today's lesson?

What discoveries have you made for yourself?

What will you take on board and use in the future?

Continue the phrase: “It would be better if during the training...”

Stress has long been a part of the life of a modern person. It is provoked by intense and stressful work, traffic jams, possible interpersonal and family conflicts, and frequent lack of time. But not every person knows how to manage their emotions. Stress resistance training comes to the rescue, allowing you to effectively manage stress. Every person can learn to do this.

What does the training mean and why is it carried out?

Psychological training for stress resistance implies a form of training that combines theory and practice. At the same time, the practical part is important; it allows a person to practice certain techniques, train skills and the desired model of behavior that will help in ordinary life cope with stress.

They can be divided into group and individual. They are also classified according to their focus on certain areas of human life and relationships. There are also open and closed trainings on stress resistance.

On open classes A wide range of issues are discussed. At closed trainings, discussions of a specific focus are held, for example, business development.

Unlike seminars, there are much fewer people at trainings, which allows you to better work out specific problems with each participant. The main objective of any training is to learn to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and achieve certain goals.

For the right choice training, a person needs to ask himself what the source of discomfort is that leads to the problem. It could be fatigue, which is caused by a constant lack of time and long-term intensive work.

Types of training

Psychological training for stress resistance has different focus. Most often, psychocorrectional programs cause a person’s ability to change behavior and self-awareness. Depending on the objectives being pursued, the following types of training are distinguished:

  • Psychotherapeutic. The purpose of these classes is to correct emotions and the areas of life they concern. By performing certain exercises, a person artificially evokes experiences that allow him to better understand himself, find ways to solve problems, and get out of difficult situations;
  • Psychological training for stress resistance. Its task is to change the mental sphere, behavioral patterns, and improve consciousness. It includes exercises and games that allow you to successfully solve the problem;
  • For personal growth. In the process of training, personal data is improved, certain qualities are strengthened, which allow increasing self-confidence and competence in psychological aspects;
  • Educational. Its goal is to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills that will help in difficult situations to endure or avoid stress. It is a kind of psychocorrectional training;
  • Organizational. At this training, participants of one organization learn to work in a team and try to increase the level of psychological comfort. this leads to improved collaboration and increased organizational impact. A variation of this training is corporate training.

Naturally, the distinctions between tasks are very conditional, since each type includes exercises aimed at finding optimal solutions to problems relating to all spheres of human life. The tasks of psychological studies and exercises on personal growth. The formation of personal qualities is also important for educational trainings.

Stress resistance training is aimed not only at correcting behavior, but also at personal development, increasing the psychological component and confidence in one’s abilities and knowledge.

Where can I get training: program contents

You can take training in specialized companies, where specialists will select the optimal program option, taking into account individual characteristics people who applied. There are the following training programs that can be offered to a person’s attention:

  • Methodical. It trains specialists who will later be able to work as stress resistance trainers. The main stages of these classes: obtaining theoretical knowledge, participating directly in the work, discussing the task and goals, getting acquainted with the work of the trainer. At the final stage, a person, under the guidance of a trainer, independently leads a group of people;
  • Psychotherapeutic . The theoretical part, aimed at familiarizing with the work, gaining knowledge on mental changes that can resolve internal conflict. The practical part includes exercises and games, they help to get out of a crisis. Explanatory work is being carried out in the process;
  • Organizational. In these classes, work is carried out to improve the activities of a group of people, based on the formation of coping strategies during the learning process.

Exercises for training

Each training includes a set of specific exercises that are aimed at reducing psychological discomfort. Various interventions can be used, including hypnotic exercises, self-hypnosis, exercises to restore proper breathing, art therapy, music and dance.

Good results are shown by ideomotor techniques that allow a person. These include manual work:

  • "Flight"- raising your arms without tension from a standing position with your eyes closed;
  • "Levitation"- the mood for hands, which, under the influence of thoughts, become light and rise by themselves.

All exercises have a mental focus, which can bring the mind into a calm state. Subsequently, these simple movements will help restore peace when you perform them again, when you need to calm down and take your mind off a stressful situation. Therefore, it is so important to choose the best exercise option for yourself.

Neck stretching exercises have an excellent effect. To perform it, you should sit comfortably, relax and adjust your breathing freely. On inhalation, the head tilts back, on exhalation, forward. In this case, the body should not tilt or move. The actions are repeated 3-4 times.

This exercise provides several benefits. It is important to perform it in everyday life, since few people notice tension in the muscles of the neck and back. Two minutes of exercise will not only relieve muscle tension, but also psychological, controlled conscious breathing will contribute to a conscious attitude towards oneself.

It is advisable to perform stress resistance training exercises with your eyes closed, this will allow you to better concentrate on the task.

There are many more ways and exercises that can reduce tension and avoid stress. Meditation, concentration on movement, shaking off tension and other techniques have excellent results.

Who needs stress resistance training and its benefits?

Training to increase stress resistance will benefit the following categories of people:

  • Management team. It will help to establish a working atmosphere in the team in which employees will feel comfortable;
  • Workers. Many companies resort to the services of specialists to reduce the number of conflict situations between employees;
  • To the youth who have graduated educational institutions. The trainings help combat anxiety when settling into adult life. They are useful for students before exams; they help reduce emotional overload in teenagers;
  • Classes will help families avoid conflict situations, correctly resolve controversial issues, increase the self-esteem of spouses, and control emotions.

The trainings are aimed not only at reducing daily stress, but also at preventing it. With their help, you can increase stress resistance, learn to quickly recover from stress, increase your emotional state, performance, endurance, and also reveal your potential.

It is important to contact professional companies, where experienced trainers will help a person to know himself, get rid of complexes and habits that interfere with life, and teach him to analyze problems. In addition, in such classes you can spend time interestingly and usefully.

Practical exercises to increase stress resistance

1. Method of erasing stressful information from memory (visualization).

Sit down and relax. Close your eyes. Imagine in front of you a clean album sheet, pencils, and an eraser. Mentally draw a negative situation that you need to forget. This can be a real picture, a figurative association, a symbol, etc. Mentally take an eraser and begin to consistently “erase” the created negative situation from a sheet of paper. “Erase” until the picture disappears from the sheet. Open your eyes. Check. To do this, close your eyes and imagine the same sheet of paper. If the picture does not disappear, “take” the eraser again and “erase” until it completely disappears. After some time, the technique can be repeated.

Exercise "Meeting"

Target: understanding of one's own individuality and self-development.

Imagine that you are in your home, in the room where you usually relax, where you feel especially good and cozy. Relax and feel at peace.

Now think about the fact that you are about to have a very important meeting. You have been waiting for this meeting for a long time and you will get a lot from it.

Imagine getting up and walking to the door of your house, opening it and going outside.

Sunny day. A person similar to you is walking towards you. Your meeting is with him. He is you, but you are different, more perfect, free and uninhibited. The person you meet is your ideal image.

Come closer to it, look at it carefully. How are you dressed? How is he holding up? Think about what is the main question you would like to ask? Ask this question and try to hear the answer.

Now - turn around, enter the entrance of your house and return to your apartment. Your meeting has taken place.

2. Relaxation “Meeting with the Sage.”

Do any of you know a person who regularly reads horoscopes? How many of you know someone who has been to an astrologer at least once? Do you know people who have visited a fortune teller at least once? How many of you think from time to time about what his life will be like in 10 or 20 years?

Of course, no one can say exactly what will happen in his future life. However, from time to time it is useful to dream about the future, because sometimes dreams come true.

Now you will sit very comfortably in a chair and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out...

Your arms lie completely calmly, slightly bent along your body. Your feet are relaxed. Your arms and legs become completely calm and heavy. The tension decreases. Your whole body is resting...

Imagine that you are in a foreign city and walking along some small street. To the right and left there are beautiful old houses. A predictor of the future lives in one of them. This is a special predictor. For many of those who turned to him, he predicted an exceptionally good future, and they gained additional strength and determination to make their lives wonderful. You will open the heavy oak door, and behind it you will be greeted by a friendly-looking gray-haired old man. He invites you to follow him. In his office, shelving with antique books is striking. On the table there is a deck of cards and a wonderful glowing crystal ball. A black and white cat sleeps on the sofa. The fortuneteller offers to sit in a comfortable chair and looks at you carefully. Then he says:

Close your eyes and I will tell you something good about your future life...

After these words you fall asleep.

Perhaps you see your future home and the people you live with...

Take some time to look at specific images in your dream in detail. From time to time you hear the friendly voice of a fortuneteller. You can make out individual phrases: “You are wonderful…. We love you... You will succeed...”

These words help you watch your wonderful dream. (pause 1 min.)

Now you feel that it is time to say goodbye to the fortuneteller. You thank the old man for what you saw here. You may want to say something to him in parting, perhaps he himself says something. The old man accompanies you to the door. You walk along the small street again and come back here to us...

When I count to 6, you will wake up and be alert and fresh.

Exercise Analysis:

How did you feel in the old man's house?

What did you like most about what you saw? What surprised you?

Why is it so important to have a clear picture of your future?

Class notes

Lesson for 8-11 grades. "The world of my feelings and emotions"

Target: Creating conditions for students to address the peculiarities of their own emotional world, for adolescents to understand the ambivalence of emotions.
- development of skills necessary for confident behavior;
- developing students’ ability to use acquired theoretical knowledge in practical situations;
- learn to analyze the psychological nature of negative feelings and emotions.

Progress of the lesson

Leading: How and what do we feel when we have problems? What's happening to us? Feelings and emotions are included in the process.

Exercise “Dictionary of feelings”

All kinds of feelings and emotions are written down on the board (with at least one line we emphasize those that we have experienced at least once, a double line - often and a cross to mark those that we would never want to experience. What happens? Are there feelings that are harmful or absolutely useless?
Nature has endowed us with numerous beneficial emotions. Emotions accompany us relentlessly: in some
cases they give brightness and strength to various manifestations of the psyche -
needs and motives, moods and feelings, thinking and memory, interests and values, and in other cases weaken or suppress mental processes, states and properties.
At the right moment, the psyche is ready to release an energy discharge in the form of joy or fear, anger or aggression, anger or surprise. Negative emotional discharges occur when difficulties, obstacles, and complications arise in the way of satisfying our needs, interests, and desires.

In this case, emotional release plays a mobilizing role; a person concentrates the energy of anger and struggle to protect his Self.
Negative emotions tell us that we must look for another way out of the situation or achieve something, improve, develop, strive, think in a different direction, insist.

Exercise 1.

What does the proverb mean: “The morning is wiser than the evening” or “Time heals”?
When did I experience a negative emotion and experience a benefit? (students' reflections)
Work in pairs. They write wishes to each other: what to do so as not to make a hasty, wrong decision in
critical situation (consult a psychologist, listen to music, do physical exercises, consult with
best friend, tell your parents, call the helpline, do the work put off “for later”...

Exercise 2."What is resentment?? (students' reflections).

Resentment is the fruit of our comparison of the expected result with real events or human behavior. The ability to forgive is a quality inherent in the strong. The guys remember situations from life.
We compose a short “letter to the offender”:
a) we will say everything we think about “him” (they speak out);
b) we will justify “him” (justifying arguments are given);
c) we simply forgive.

Meditation exercise 3. "A mental walk through your body"

Participants lie down on pre-prepared wallpaper paper 1-1.5 m long. They help outline each other's silhouette with paints. Calm music is turned on.

Host: You penetrate into the depths of your body. Close your eyes and look at yourself from the inside, go into every corner of your soul. Consistently shift your attention from one part of the body to another. Start with your toes and end with the top of your head. Keep your attention on each point 5-7 seconds It is important not to imagine a part of the body figuratively, but to concentrate maximum attention on it as if your consciousness has “merged” with this part of the body and nothing else exists in the world. Look at what energy flows are moving through your body. What lines, what color, in what direction.

At the end of the lesson
participants are invited to depict their emotional state with paints, decorating their own silhouette on paper. Those who wish show a drawing and talk about what they depicted and their feelings.

End of the lesson.

In a circle, participants pass a compliment to their friend on the right. The compliment is what is called the best strong-willed or reasonable trait of a neighbor, which will always triumph over emotions in a difficult life situation. (For example, "In difficult situation you can always count on your good thinking”, “You have a very good quality- willpower”, “You are sociable and you have a lot of friends - turn to them.” At the same time, the participants hug each other in a friendly manner.

« Business man in our society"

Target: to increase the level of awareness among high school students of their readiness for various types professional work; activation of a person’s self-knowledge and his reflections on his own capabilities, which in one way or another contributes to the success of self-determination.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Introductory speech by a psychologist:

Today in class we will talk about business qualities person, about how important this is in the modern world. First, let's try to formulate who this is - a business person and whether we need this quality.

A business person is someone who knows how to: organize himself; your business and the people around you.

A business person is always a realist; he evaluates the world, events and people as they are, and not as he or his superiors would like to see.

Let's remember Andersen's fairy tale “The Naked King” and think about this topic. Why did everyone flatter the king? Why didn't the people of the kingdom want to publicly admit their shortcomings? (Residents - gray mice? White crow?) And in our life, how relevant is this topic?

A business person always knows how to clearly express his thoughts. He easily grasps any information and relates it to his existing knowledge. He always evaluates: is it better or worse? Profitable or not profitable? Will it be useful or not? At the same time, he always remembers: nothing spoils communication more than arrogance and neglect. Increased emotionality always harms mutual understanding.

First of all, do not confuse a business person with a hard worker. A serious business man is not at all the heir of Ostap Bender. He is the one who looks for an original solution, accelerates the movement of life.

Being businesslike and enterprising is fashionable these days. You won’t become a business person sitting at home in a hairdresser or beauty salon. This requires your own and solid efforts.

Any creative work begins with doubts: will it work? Will it work? Is it possible to find some other better move?

Having thought about all this, a business person begins to act and come into contact with others. When entering into communication, he always evaluates how his speech sounds.

2. Main part.

It has been noted that the success of a businessman or engineer depends 90% on the ability to find common language, get along and work harmoniously with people. And only 10% of professional and technical training. Scientists at the Carnegie Institute came to this conclusion. That is why in the West the ability to get along with people is regarded, in the words of John Rockefeller, as a commodity, like sugar or coffee.

Necessary conditions for business communication.

A). Punctuality.

Arrive at your location 5 minutes before your scheduled time. Excuses for being late will be inappropriate, and a positive opinion will be formed about you.

B). Meet a business person by his clothes. Dress neatly in a business casual style. The skirt is no higher than 10 cm above the knees. The boys wear a tie and well-polished shoes. Before entering the reception area, you need to take a good look around and comb your hair. The jacket must be fastened with at least one middle button. It is believed that a careless appearance indicates disrespect for the interlocutor.

IN). Upon arrival, report to the secretary about your arrival and the purpose of the visit. If you are asked to wait, do not show your dissatisfaction.

G). When entering the office, clearly introduce yourself and state the purpose of your visit. During the conversation, listen carefully to your interlocutor, do not show your nervousness: do not tap your fingers on the table, do not crumple your handkerchief, do not bend your fingers, etc. Answer questions clearly and briefly. Excessive eloquence or stuttering are not in your favor.

D). Don’t forget to ask your questions: about the working hours, about working conditions, about the volume of work, about wages (how much and how they are paid), about vacation.

E). Manage to leave on time. As Jean-Jacques Rousseau said, “A smart man retires a minute before he would be superfluous.”

Game "King and Queen"

A). Using the rules of business communication, let's try to apply them in the game.

To do this, choose the KING AND QUEEN. Who wants?

Their goal: Your kingdom is not very rich. In some industries you will need good specialists. You need to select people very carefully, carefully. Choose only those who really convince you that they will help you raise your kingdom out of poverty. If you feel that the person is not very convincing, it is better not to hire him. Every penny counts for you.

B). Work in groups (4 groups)

The group prepares 1 person (chooses a profession for him, prepares arguments, using the job application instructions).

Choose the profession needed for the kingdom.

Prepare one person from the group for employment:


Justification of the purpose of the visit;

What qualities do you have necessary for this profession?

Clearly answer all questions asked of you;

Ask your questions (about working hours and conditions, responsibilities, salary, etc.)

Manage to leave on time.

The goal of the person applying for the job is to convince the King and Queen that you are exactly the person the kingdom needs.

Audience with the King and Queen (everything is recorded on video camera)

Analysis of the game (watch the video in blocks, then the performer analyzes himself according to the memo (the group helps).

Reminder for self-control:

1. whether I was consistent enough in defending my position;

2. I imposed my opinion or convinced the person;

3. how well founded were my objections;

4. did I behave tactfully enough;

5. whether it was possible to achieve greater results.

After analyzing each performance, the King and Queen draw their conclusions according to plan:

1. Why this applicant was accepted or not accepted to work in the kingdom;

2. What did the applicant like about the job, what did he not like;

Analysis of the work of the King and Queen and those applying for work as a psychologist.

A person with demonstrative behavior (facial gestures, postures), as well as a person who lacks self-confidence, will always fail.

A loyal, sociable person is a business person. He will always win (return to the term Business man)

Summary of the lesson.

What did you learn? What will be useful in the future?
