Judgment on social conflicts. Test. social conflicts. A8. The class division of society reflects

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Alexander Blok has his own special attitude towards the Motherland. Russia is not just a topic, but it is a world endowed with its own features, filled with various images and symbols. A. Blok refers to reflections on the tragic past of Russia, the long-suffering people, on the purpose and features of Russia.

The attitude to the Motherland is presented very brightly and in a peculiar way in the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field". This cycle includes five poems. In a note to the cycle, Blok wrote: "The Battle of Kulikovo belongs ... to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return. Their solution is yet to come." With these words, the author wants to point out a strong connection between the past, present and future. "The past looks passionately into the future," said A. Blok.

In this cycle, the poet refers to the past, although he creates a work about the present. The future is predetermined by the past, which is destined to come true again and again.

The action of the poem takes us to the distant past on the Kulikovo field, where on the eve of the battle there are regiments prepared for battle, a rumble is heard standing over the Tatar camp. The first cycle acts as a prologue and introduces the theme of Russia:

Oh, my Russia! My wife! To pain
We have a long way to go!

The motherland is perceived not as a mother (we have seen this in many poets), but as a wife. There is some kind of intimate love here. The field is a place of battle, an "eternal battle" that has been going on, is going on and will go on in the vastness of Russia:

And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams
Through blood and dust.
Flying, flying steppe mare
And crushes the feather grass...

In the third poem, a certain symbolic image appears:

And with fog over Nepryadva sleeping,
Right on me
You got off, in clothes, streaming light,
Don't scare the horse.
The silver of the wave flashed to a friend
On a steel sword
Illuminated the dusty chain mail
On my shoulder

Who is it? Maybe Russia, maybe the Mother of God. The only thing that is clear is the embodiment of a bright ideal that helps to withstand severe trials:

And when, in the morning, a black cloud
The Horde moved
Was in the shield Your face miraculous
Shine forever.

The poems of the cycle are devoted to understanding the historical fate of Russia, this fate is prophetically described by the author as tragic. Reading the cycle, you are imbued with a sense of anxiety, a sense of approaching catastrophes, upcoming battles.

The rapidly rushing steppe mare becomes a symbol. There is an understanding of human life and wildlife. Natural phenomena themselves are painted in a tragic bloody color (“sunset in blood”).

In the final poem, A. Blok speaks of faith in the future of his great Motherland:

But I recognize you, the beginning
High and rebellious days!

Folk Russia, with its history, traditions, the potential of the people, gave the poet hope for a future transformation. It was she who helped to resist the "terrible world."

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old and new world in A. Blok's poem "The Twelve" Image of the revolution in A. A. Blok's poem "The Twelve" Symbolism in A. Blok's poem "The Twelve"
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Artistic features of Blok's lyrics A. A. Blok's poem "Russia"
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The lesson was prepared and conducted by a teacher of the Russian language and literature of the GBPOU KK (“Krasnodar Architectural and Civil Engineering College”), a teacher of the highest category Popova Valentina Stepanovna. During open class teacher Popova managed to summarize the main stages of A. Blok's work, students got the opportunity to understand the ideological and artistic originality of the poem "The Twelve". To update and systematize the knowledge of students were used various forms and methods. During the preparation for the lesson, students were involved in cognitive activities, performing advanced tasks. The goals and objectives of the lesson were defined at the very beginning of the lesson. The lesson allowed students to develop skills in determining the main thing in artistic text. The students were involved in various types and forms of educational activity: reading poetic texts by heart, analysis of poetic works, writing an essay-reasoning.



The lesson was prepared and conducted by a teacher of the Russian language and literature of GBPOU KK (“Krasnodar Architectural and Civil Engineering College”), a teacher of the highest category Popova Valentina Stepanovna

The theme of the Motherland and the historical past in the lyrics of A. Blok.

Poem "Twelve".

Epigraph to the lesson

“The work of Alexander Blok is a whole poetic era…”

(V. Mayakovsky)

During the classes:

Stage 1. Organizational moment.

Greetings, motivation for learning activities, definition of the topic and purpose of the lesson:

Dear guys, today we will systematize and summarize the main stages of the work of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok and understand the ideological and artistic originality of the poem "The Twelve".

Stage 2. Survey of students.

Examination homework, frontal survey using presentation photo materials:

Biography questions:

  1. In what city was A. Blok born?

In Petersburg.

  1. In what family was he brought up? What traditions were in his family? What Blok was brought up?

In an intelligent noble cultural family.

A. Blok received a sentimental upbringing.

Literary traditions and a passion for poetry were maintained in his family.

  1. What was the estate of his grandfather Shakhmatovo for A. Blok?

His favorite place, where he spent many days of rest, communicated with nature, found inspiration.

  1. What can you say about the education of the poet and the beginning of creativity?

In 1898, after graduating from the gymnasium, he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University, in 1901 he transferred to the Slavic-Russian department of the Faculty of History and Philology, which he successfully graduated in 1906. Blok's poems appear in March 1903 in the journals Novy Put and Severnye Tsvety.

Stage 3. Studying new educational material.

I collection of poems

Teacher's word:

The first collection of poems by A. block "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" was written in 1898-1904. This theme is devoted to 687 poems. This was neither in Russian nor in other literature. This first collection is a kind of lyrical diary.

A woman entered the life of the poet, who became for him a source of inspiration, his love, his destiny.

Poems sound symbolic and mysterious, the whole world for him is divided into light and shadow. In the shadow are all human sorrows, everyday life, ordinariness, and the light is where it is. Who is she? Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva!

A. Blok's poems first appeared in print in March 1903, and in August of the same year they got married.

“Poems about the Beautiful Lady” is a hymn to ideal, sublime love.

At the same time, this is a mystical admiration for the Lady of the Universe, the Eternal Feminine. In "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" the beloved is devoid of any earthly traits whatsoever. This is the Heavenly Virgin, the Eternal Feminine, the Radiant Queen.

The lyrical hero is ready to serve his Lady all his life. The beloved appears to him as if in a wonderful dream or a fairy tale. She often appears in the dusk, fog, surrounded by shaky shadows.

1 student:

"Poems about a beautiful lady"

I anticipate you. Years pass by

All in the guise of one I foresee You.

The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,

And silently I wait, longing and loving.

But I'm afraid: you will change your appearance,

And daringly arouse suspicion,

Replacing the usual features at the end.

Oh, how I fall - both sadly and lowly,

Not having overcome deadly dreams!

How clear is the horizon! And radiance is near.

But I'm afraid: you will change your appearance.

Analysis of the poem.

The poem "I Anticipate You ..." was written in 1901 and is one of the best masterpieces of Blok's love lyrics in general and the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", in particular. The poet looks deeply into his soul, intensely searches for his ideal, tragically strongly perceives the slightest change in his relationship with his beloved.
Alexander Blok creates the ideal of a woman in a break with reality. And no matter how the Beautiful Lady is out of time, reality still invades the world of Blok's dream, breaking the harmony. Somewhere lurks a vague, barely perceptible feeling of discord, dissatisfaction, trouble in the world and soul of the poet:

The entire horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear.
And silently I wait, longing and loving.
The whole horizon is on fire, and the appearance is near,
But I'm afraid: you will change your appearance ...

The feelings of the lyrical hero are also timeless. It cannot affect love: "The years pass by." His fear that his beloved will change is due to the fact that the lyrical hero is afraid of the destruction of the ideal, the destruction of dreams.
His inner state, emotional experiences can be easily traced in the speech of the lyrical hero. The appeal to the beloved is carried out by the pronoun "You", which the author gives with a capital letter, thus conveying the deification of the heroine, the attitude towards her.

The poem is a monologue-confession, since the lyrical hero admits to "her" in his dreams, feelings, love. The poet does not shout about his feelings, no! He just “waits silently”, but inside him “the elements are raging”. This is evidenced by exclamatory constructions: “Not having overcome mortal dreams! ..”, “How clear the horizon is!”
Alexander Blok creates the image of the beloved, to whom the monologue is addressed. I think that when reading this work, we feel the heroine, like the lyrical hero, due to verbs in the first person (I anticipate, I wait, I will go).

Love for the poet is a feeling that delivers the highest tension and pleasure. Without it, the author does not conceive of human existence. At the same time, one of the lovers always suffers more than the other. This is a catastrophe, but one that allows you to experience unprecedented happiness.

2 student:

“I enter dark temples…”

I enter dark temples

I perform a poor ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering of red lamps.

In the shadow of a tall column

I tremble at the creak of doors.

And he looks into my face, illumined,

Only an image, only a dream about Her.

Oh I'm used to these robes

Majestic Eternal Wife!

Run high on the ledges

Smiles, fairy tales and dreams.

How pleasing are Your features!

But I believe: Honey - You.

Analysis of the poem.

From the first couplet of the poem, we plunge into the atmosphere of the solemnity of church life:

I enter dark temples

I perform a poor ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering of red lamps.

The red color of the lamps illuminates not only her image, but everything around.

Oh, I'm used to these robes

Magnify, Eternal Wife!

Run high on the ledges

Smiles, fairy tales and dreams.

In the last 2 lines of this couplet, the joy of the lyrical hero about the presence of Her light in the soul is visible.

In the center of the poem, She is a Beautiful Lady, Eternal Wife, Sweet, Holy, Majestic. She has many names. Even the candles next to her "Illuminated Image" and "Pleasant Features" become "affectionate".

Oh, Holy One, how gentle are the candles,

How pleasing are Your features!

In this verse, the Beautiful Lady appears native to the lyrical hero, and not in this world, but in eternity:

I hear neither sighs nor speeches,

But I believe: Dear-You.

The 3rd student reads by heart "The girl sang in the church choir ...":

The girl sang in the church choir

About all the tired in a foreign land,

About all the ships that have gone to sea,

About all those who have forgotten their joy.

And the beam shone on a white shoulder,

And each of the darkness looked and listened,

How the white dress sang in the beam.

And it seemed to everyone that there would be joy,

That in a quiet backwater all the ships

And that in a foreign land tired people

They got a bright life.

And only high, at the Royal Doors,

Involved in secrets, the child cried

That no one will come back.

4th student reads the poem "We met ...":

We met at sunset.
You cut the bay with an oar.
I loved your white dress
Having fallen out of love with the refinement of dreams.

Silent meetings were strange.
Ahead - on a sandy spit
The evening candles were lit.
Someone thought of a pale beauty.

Approximations, rapprochements, combustions -
The azure silence does not accept ...
We met in the evening mist
Where there are ripples and reeds near the shore.

No longing, no love, no resentment,
Everything faded, passed, departed ..
White camp, voices of a memorial service
And your golden oar.

Teacher's word:

– “City” (1904-1908) seems to have been written by another person. His whole second book is a feeling of hopelessness, falling into a swamp. There is no Pushkin's wise crystal-clear thought, which will appear later, in the third book, now his head is in a quagmire, clarity will come later.

The city depicted by the poet was always Petersburg. Petersburg nights, women, taverns, blizzards. No, Blok did not glorify Petersburg, but each line of his poems seemed to be woven from the Petersburg air, and the revolution that he reflected in this book was also Petersburg. A miracle happened to the poet - he saw people, and now here in the city he realized for the first time that this event was huge for him.

II cycle of poems.

5th student:


In the neighboring house, the windows are zholta.
In the evenings - in the evenings
Thoughtful bolts creak,
People come to the gate.

And the gates are closed,
And on the wall - and on the wall
Motionless someone, black someone
He counts people in silence.

I hear everything from my top:
He calls with a brass voice
To bend tormented backs
The people gathered below.

They will enter and scatter
Coolies will be piled on their backs.
And in the yellow windows they will laugh,
What these beggars spent.

Analysis of the poem

Blok's path to the people was difficult - the path from a closed intellectual environment to a world of screaming contradictions and struggle.

The revolution of 1905 had a great influence on Blok. The point is not only in the poetic responses to it, the revolution rebuilt both the content and the artistic system of all of Blok's poetry. The poet is intensely looking for ways to overcome "lyrical solitude", he is afraid that the lyrics will close him in his own "I".

“I put my ear to the ground,” says the poet. The “terrible world” in the years preceding the first Russian revolution is reflected in his poems with all its truly terrible features: the poverty of the poor, hungry children, tragic deaths, the ugliness of human relations, the philistinism of the bourgeoisie, the devastation of the intelligentsia.

Blok hated everything that contradicted his "living consciousness of the presence in the world of the infinite, the miraculous." Blok especially hated the world of petty-bourgeois satiety, bourgeois vulgarity. On the reaction of the bourgeoisie to the revolution of 1905. He wrote in the poem "Fed":

During the years of the first Russian revolution, the poet's dislike for decadence also grew. He is drawn to realists, he highly appreciates Gorky's creative activity. The lyrical hero of Blok's poetry also changes: he becomes a poor man, acutely feeling the hardships of life, its uncertainty, unhappiness. Life is hostile and merciless to him.

Block has:

They will enter and scatter

They will pile on the backs of the coolies

And in the yellow windows they will laugh,

What these beggars spent.

Here are the windows of the factory lit from within; a horn calling to "bend your backs" No. gloomy black color spots.

However, it is this central image in the poem (“black someone”) that speaks of the originality of Blok’s symbolist poetics:

Impressions encrypted:

And the gates are closed,

And on the wall - and on the wall

Motionless someone, black someone

He counts people in silence.

This poem has terrible music. scary world". In portraying the workers, Blok cannot say anything about their historical mission. But the symbolist Blok deeply human humanity, sympathy for the tortured and deceived people, pain for him.

The 6th student reads the poem "Fed":

They tormented me for a long time:

In the midst of a virgin dream

They were bored and did not live,

And crumpled white flowers.

And now - in the dining rooms and living rooms,

Over a pile of glasses, ladies, old women,

Over the boredom of their dignified dinners -

The electric light went out.

They bring in something, put candles,

On the faces - yellow circles,

Hissing parchment speeches

Brains move with difficulty.

So - everything that is full is indignant,

The satiety of important wombs yearns:

After all, the trough is overturned,

Their rotten barn is disturbed!

Now they have a meager lot:

Their house is unlit

And they burn their ears with prayers for bread

And the red laughter of foreign banners!

Let them live their lives habitually -

We are sorry to destroy their satiety.

Only clean children - indecent

Their old boredom to imitate.

7th student:

Went to attack...

Went to attack. Straight to the chest

The bayonet is sharpened.

Someone shouted: "Be glorified!"

Someone whispers: "Don't forget!"

Near fell, clasping his hands,

And the army closed over him.

Someone is beating underfoot

Who - no time to remember ...

Only in a cheerful memory

Somewhere a candle flared up.

And they passed, with a heavy foot

The body is warm trample...

After all, no one will meet old age -

Death flies from mouth to mouth...

Anger burns high

The distance is bloody empty...

What! the rattle will be louder

Sweeter pain and brighter death!

And then - the earth will soften

Frightened firmament.

The 8th student reads the poem "Rally" by heart.

The 9th student reads the poem "Rus" by heart, then analyzes:


You are extraordinary even in a dream.

I won't touch your clothes.

I doze - and behind the slumber is a mystery,

And in secret - you will rest, Russia.

Russia is surrounded by rivers

And surrounded by wilds,

With swamps and cranes,

And with the cloudy gaze of a sorcerer,

Where are the diverse peoples

From edge to edge, from valley to valley

Conduct night dances

Under the glow of burning villages.

Where are the sorcerers with the soothsayers

Enchant cereals in the fields,

And witches amuse themselves with devils

In road snow pillars.

Where the blizzard sweeps violently

Up to the roof - fragile housing,

And girl on an evil friend

Under the snow it sharpens more sharply.

"Rus", analysis of A. Blok's poem.

The poem "Rus" was written on September 24, 1906 and was included in the second volume of Blok's lyrics.

With the advent of the revolution of 1905-1907. the theme of the Motherland becomes one of the key in Blok's work.

Russia is compared to a woman: I will not touch your clothes, you will rest, you have rocked your living soul.

If you listen to the rhythm of the poem, then it all sounds like a spell from that same sorcerer who stands over the fire and monotonously says "girded with rivers and surrounded by wilds." Magic sounds in every stanza "night round dances", "sorcerers with fortune tellers", "witches with devils". But gradually the overall picture becomes more real "blizzard", "fragile housing", "girl", "evil friend". Such an author sees "countries of poverty." The tragic atmosphere is exacerbated by the images of a “sad, nona path”, a graveyard, a cemetery. And yet, the bright "living soul" and the unstained original purity triumph.

The lyrical hero of the poem. He is in love with his homeland and treats it with awe and incense. For him, Russia is mysterious and unusual. Even in a dream, the lyrical hero does not dare to open the veil of this mystery "I will not touch your clothes." It is different - his Russia. It has not only the charm of antiquity, a fairy tale, a mystery, but also poverty, sadness, suffering. However, the living soul of the lyrical hero did not lose its spiritual purity. And this is the main mystery of Russia, which our hero is trying to comprehend. At the beginning of the poem, he refers to Russia "you are extraordinary in a dream", and at the end he sums up his thoughts "she is extraordinary in dreams."

In his poems dedicated to the Motherland, there is a depth of emotions and experiences. Blok's understanding of Russia is tragic, lyrical and very personal. The author idealizes the past, in which fabulous and real events are intertwined.

The 10th student reads the poem "The Stranger".

Teacher's word:

Time from 1908-1915. was a dark streak in the life of the poet. The beautiful Lady left ... And without her, the emptiness “You left and I went to the desert” - such has been his constant feeling since then. “Life is empty,” the block kept repeating. And one thing was left for him in the void - this is laughter at love and faith in love.

All eight years Blok tirelessly insists that he is dead, even love cannot resurrect him. There seemed to be no way out. But the poet finds a shrine. Which will be worshiped for the rest of his life - "The shrine is Russia."

Russia for him used to be a distance, space, a path. Talking about Russia, he feels like a traveler, lost in disastrous, but beloved spaces, he says that even in last minute on his deathbed, he will remember Russia as the dearest and sweetest thing in life.

III cycle of poems

The 11th student reads the poem by heart, analyzes it.

“About valor, about exploits, about glory…”

About valor, about exploits, about glory

I forgot in the woeful land

When your face is in a simple frame

In front of me shone on the table.

But the hour has come, and you left the house.

I threw the cherished ring into the night.

You gave your fate to another

And I forgot the beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a cursed swarm...

Wine and passion tormented my life...

No longer dream of tenderness, of glory,

Everything is over, youth is gone!

Your face in its simple frame

I removed the table with my hand.

Analysis of the poem "About valor, about exploits, about glory ..."

This work was written in 1908. It has the structure of a ring composition: the first line repeats the last, but is opposed to it; at the end of the poem, the author seems to want to repeat the first line, but he no longer thinks of valor or exploits, he is looking for at least tenderness, but does not find it either.
The genre of the poem is a love letter. The hero turns to the beloved woman who left him. He has a passionate desire to return the love lost many years ago:

And I remembered you before the lectern,
And he called you, like his youth ...
I called you but you didn't look back
I shed tears, but you did not descend.

Those days when the face of a loved one shone were replaced by terrible days, spinning like a “damned swarm”. The image of the "terrible world" is symbolic, it is one of the key in the poem. Merging with the image of a damp night, it contrasts with the “blue cloak” of the past, the cloak that the heroine wrapped herself in when she left home (blue color is treason):

You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,
On a damp night, you left the house.
I do not know where the shelter of my pride
You, dear, you, gentle, found ...
I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you left on a damp night ...

Days are like nights, life seems like a dream ("I'm fast asleep"). Found in the poem a large number of epithets: “on the woeful earth”, “cherished ring”, “cursed swarm”, “damp night”. The tenderness with which the hero remembers his beloved, comparing her with his youth: “And he called you as his youth ...”, is emphasized in the work by such epithets as: “beautiful face”, “you, dear”, “you tender." There are personifications and metaphors in the poem: “when your face in a simple frame shone on the table in front of me”, “I threw the cherished ring into the night”, “you gave your fate to another”, “days flew”, “wine and passion tormented my life ".

In the saving power of love, love as a purifying light feeling, A. Blok always believed and strove to give all of himself to love, great love for a woman, for the motherland. He devoted his feelings, thoughts, soul to love, which is clearly expressed in his work.

12-student reads the poem "Russia" by heart and analyzes it.


Again, as in the golden years,

Three worn out harnesses fray,

And painted knitting needles

In loose ruts...

Russia, impoverished Russia,

I have your gray huts,

Your songs are windy for me, -

Like the first tears of love!

I can't pity you

And I carefully carry my cross ...

What kind of sorcerer do you want

Give me the rogue beauty!

Let him lure and deceive, -

You won't disappear, you won't die

And only care will cloud

Your beautiful features...

Well? One more concern -

With one tear the river is noisier

And you are still the same - forest, yes field,

Yes, patterned to the eyebrows ...

And the impossible is possible

The road is long and easy

When it shines in the distance of the road

Instant glance from under the scarf,

When ringing melancholy guarded

The dull song of the coachman.

Analysis of the poem.

The mood that is created when reading a poem by Alexander Blok slowly moves from sad to solemn. The author calls Russia a beggar, her huts are gray, the roads are lax, which cannot but depress, but in the last quatrain, light appears at the end of the path:

And the impossible is possible

The road is long and easy...

There is some chance, hope for the best!...

Block begins the poem with the lines:

Again, as in the golden years,

Three worn out harnesses are fraying...

The word "Again" creates the feeling that the author is repeating something; something that repeats over and over again, year after year. What says that Russia is unchanged, it remains exactly the same as it was from the beginning of time, from the golden years. . Golden is usually called that period of time, the time when humanity lived its best years. Does this mean that Russia is still living in the past tense? I think yes.

The second quatrain begins with the appeal:

Russia, poor Russia...

He addresses the Country as if he were addressing a living person, it is obvious that he considers it to be alive, no less alive than I or you. Everything that he sees and hears, he compares with the first tears of love. The first tears are something tender, but at the same time causing some kind of melancholy, sadness.

The author uses a special technique - alliteration - he uses the repeated sound "And", which creates a special feeling: there is a tightness in the throat, usually preceding tears, tears that appear from pity for something.

The author continues the monologue, saying that he does not know how to regret. Obviously, he considers pity the fate of weak, weak-willed people. Yes, perhaps this is cruel, but knowing this, we can say with confidence that the lyrical hero is strong in spirit, and that he will endure the burden of his fate without any problems. It seems to me that here the author draws parallels between himself and Russia. He praises the strength of the spirit of Russia, the strength of the spirit of her people, and says:

What kind of sorcerer do you want

Give back the robbery beauty!...

He means what would not happen, Russia will endure all the trials and go through all the obstacles and this will not embarrass her beauty in the least.

The 13th student reads by heart A. Blok's poem "On the Railroad"

On the railway

Maria Pavlovna Ivanova

Under the embankment, in the unmowed ditch,

Lies and looks, as if alive,

In a colored scarf, thrown on braids,

Beautiful and young.

It happened that she walked with a dignified gait

To the noise and whistle behind the nearby forest.

Bypassing the whole long platform,

I waited, worried, under a canopy ...

The carriages were moving along the usual line,

They trembled and creaked;

Silent yellow and blue;

In green wept and sang.

Get up sleepy behind the glass

And cast an even glance

Platform, garden with faded bushes,

Her, the gendarme is next to her ...

Only once a hussar, with a careless hand

Leaning on scarlet velvet,

He glided over her with a tender smile ...

Slipped - and the train rushed off into the distance.

So rushed useless youth,

In empty dreams, exhausted ...

Longing road, iron

She whistled, breaking her heart...

Don't approach her with questions

You don't care, but it's enough for her:

Love, dirt or wheels

She is crushed - everything hurts.

The 14th student reads by heart the poem “Born in deaf years ...”

Born in deaf years ...

Born in deaf years

The paths do not remember their own.

We are the children of the terrible years of Russia -

Nothing can be forgotten.

Burning years!

Is there madness in you, is there any hope?

From the days of war, from the days of freedom -

There is a bloody glow in the faces.

There is dumbness - then the hum of the tocsin

Made me stop my mouth.

In the hearts that were once enthusiastic,

There is a fatal void.

And let over our deathbed

Ravens will rise with a cry, -

Those who are more worthy, God, God,

May your kingdom be seen!

The 15th student reads the poem “Oh, spring! without end and without edge

Oh spring! without end and without edge -

Endless and endless dream!

I recognize you, life! I accept!

And I greet with the sound of the shield!

I accept you, failure

And good luck, hello to you!

In the enchanted realm of weeping,

In the secret of laughter - there is no shame!

I accept sleepless arguments

Morning in the veils of dark windows,

So that my inflamed eyes

Irritated, intoxicated spring!

I accept desert scales!

And the wells of earthly cities!

Illuminated expanse of heaven

And the languor of slave labor!

And I meet you at the threshold -

With a violent wind in snake curls,

With the undeciphered name of god

On cold and compressed lips...

Before this hostile meeting

I will never drop my shield...

You will never open your shoulders...

But above us - a drunken dream!

And I look, and I measure enmity,

Hating, cursing and loving:

For torment, for death - I know -

Anyway: I accept you!

The word of the teacher about the poem "The Twelve". Work with the text of the poem on questions:

Complexity of perception by Block social character revolution. The plot of the poem and its characters. The struggle of the worlds. The image of the "world fire", the ambiguity of the finale, the image of Christ in the poem. Composition, vocabulary, rhythm, intonation diversity of the poem.

The decent ones did not bow to him, they did not shake hands with him, they declared a boycott on him, they despised him, insulted him in letters and poems ...

For what? For writing "The Twelve". Great poem. The pride of Russian poetry of the 20th century. The first poem that glorified the October Revolution.

A poem that was destined to be included in all anthologies and textbooks on literature.

A poem that put the name of Alexander Blok in the first row of Russian poets. So we say now, but then, in the winter of 1918, not everyone thought so!

Some reproached Blok for having sold out to the Bolsheviks, others argued that The Twelve was an evil satire on the revolution. Still others were indignant at the ridicule of the townsfolk. But with what gratitude the hungry, chilled soldiers and sailors read this poem. This poem was a poetic embodiment of living, revolutionary modernity.

"All body, all

Heart, all consciousness

Listen to the revolution! called the poet!

He began to write a poem from the middle: with the words:

"I'm with a knife

Stripe, stripe..."

These two letters LJ seemed to him very expressive. Then I went to the beginning and wrote almost everything in one day!

Questions for the poem "The Twelve"

  1. When was the poem written?

In January 1918

  1. What is the poem about?

October Revolution of 1917

  1. What is the thought behind this work?

The struggle of the old world and the new.

  1. Write down slogans and appeals from the poem.

- “All power to the Constituent Assembly!”, “Forward, forward, forward working people”, “Revolutionary keep step!”.

  1. What are the two main colors in the poem?

There are colors in the poem: black, white, meets red.

  1. What symbolic images did you notice in the poem?

Wind, blizzard, snow - constant block motifs. The number "twelve", "rootless dog".

  1. What words does the author describe "the world of the well-fed"?

- “And there is the long-haired one - sideways - behind the snowdrift ...”, “lady in astrakhan fur”, “bourgeois at the crossroads”.

  1. What is the generalizing image of the "old world"?

- “The old world is like a lousy dog”, “And old world like a rootless dog stands behind him with his tail between his legs.

  1. Whom does the author oppose to the "old world"?

Red Army.

  1. How can you characterize these characters?

- “In the teeth - a cigarette, a cap is crushed, / An ace of diamonds should be on the back!” - short and clear - "the prison is crying for them."

  1. Explain the number "12" that is present in the poem.

Twelve chapters, twelve Red Army soldiers, twelve months, twelve apostles.

  1. What does the image of Christ express at the end of the poem?

The image of Christ is new life in the future, cleansing, forgiveness of sins, remission of them.

The image of Christ is the hope that the darkness in the souls of people will be overcome by light and goodness, without Him there can be no such hope.

The image of Christ is probably a belief in the holiness of the revolution.

A poem that begins with black: "Black Evening" ends with white: "In white, rims of roses ..."

Only a poet, connected by blood ties with the people and the Motherland, could so accurately hear and express what he lived, what he dreamed about, what the Russian people fought for.

“But still,“ Twelve ”is Blok’s greatest achievement.

Do you agree with this assessment?

One can relate differently to what Blok showed in the poem, to its heroes, to their world. One can agree or disagree with the author, but one cannot but admit that the poem "The Twelve" is a great work about one of the most terrible eras in the history of Russia, for the revolution is a merciless battle between God and the Devil for the human soul. The poem "The Twelve" is an honest attempt to understand your country and your people. Do not condemn or justify, but understand. And it is precisely in this that the enduring significance of Blok and his work lies.

Stage 4. Consolidation of educational material.

View presentation, teacher's comments.

Stage 5. Homework assignment.Write an essay reasoning - "The image of the revolutionary era in A. Blok's poem" The Twelve "

Stage 6. Summing up the lesson.


  1. Alexander Blok in portraits, illustrations and documents. A guide for the teacher. - L., Enlightenment, 1973
  2. Alexander Blok Petersburg. Chess. Moscow. Photo album Authors - compilers V.P. Enisherov, S.S. Lesnevsky, A.A. Ryumin. - M., Soviet Russia, 1986
  3. Russian literature of the XX century. Tutorial for the 11th grade / edited by Kozhinov V.V. - M., Russian Word, 1999
  4. Blok A.A. Poems and Poems: Selected. Text analysis. Literary criticism. Works / A.A. Block., Avt. - comp. G.G. Avdonina. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2004 https://accounts.google.com

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Social conflicts

A. Social conflict always leads to negative consequences.

B. Social conflicts differ in the form and nature of development.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Are they true the following judgments about social conflict?

A. Social conflicts are caused by a mismatch of interests.

B. The end of the conflict is always associated with its successful resolution.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Are the following judgments about resolving social conflicts correct?

A. Negotiations are a constructive way to resolve social conflicts.

B. The end of a conflict always means its resolution.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Are the following statements about social conflict correct?

A. The conflict is based on a conflict of interests.

B. The purpose of the conflict may be to protect their rights.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Are the following statements about social conflict correct?

A. Participants in a social conflict can be large groups and communities.

B. Any social conflict leads to destructive consequences for society.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Are the following statements about social conflict correct?

A. The cause of social conflict may be the lack of complete information on any issue.

B. Social conflicts differ in the number of parties involved in them and the severity of the confrontation.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Are the following statements about social conflict correct?

A. The desire of the parties to defend their views is one of the causes of social conflict.

B. Social conflicts can have both positive and negative consequences for society.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Are the following statements about social conflicts correct?

A. An example of a political conflict is the litigation of a dispute between two firms to restore ownership of non-residential premises.

B. An example of an economic conflict is the hosting of the World Cup.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong
