Scenario of a tour of the exhibition of arts and crafts. Scenario for the opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts “A Thread of Magic”. Works using the “thread applique” technique

The introduction of the song “Baby Mammoth” sounds. Dunno runs onto the stage. Sings.

How merrily the birds are singing today,

They won’t let me sit still,

Friends, gather in a flock

Play and have fun with Dunno.

I love to fantasize and dream

Walk along the river bank in the spring,

And let them call you a slacker -

I dream of meeting a wizard.

He will give me a magic wand

And the cherished word will be muttered in his mouth,

In a moment I will suddenly become omnipotent,

Then my friends will envy me.

I can have all the toys at once

And you can easily eat a hundred ice creams,

I'll throw my textbooks on the shelf,

If only I could meet a wizard.

Dunno notices a vessel on the ground, picks it up, and is surprised.

Dunno. Oh, what is this? What a strange bottle, Ah... it's probably an old treasure or some kind of ancient message. Now let's see... It's bad luck, it still doesn't open.

There is a roar, clouds of smoke rise, from which oriental beauties appear and perform a dance, at the end of the dance they bring out a large scarf, then raise it - and old Hottabych appears on the stage behind the scarf.

Hottabych. Apchhi! Apchhi! (He sees Dunno and falls on his face in front of him.) Greetings, O beautiful and wise youth!

Dunno(stammering). Where are you from? Are you an amateur?

Hottabych. Oh no, my young lord. And not from a country unknown to me Sam... Samo... Sa-mode-tel-nos-ti. I am from this thrice-cursed vessel.

Dunno. Something doesn't look the same. The vessel is so small, and you are so... comparatively large.

Hottabych. Don’t believe me, despicable one?! (Gets angry, then, having come to his senses, hits his forehead on the floor.) Forgive me, oh my glorious savior. But I'm not used to having my words questioned.

Know, most blessed of youths, that I am none other than the mighty and famous genie in all four parts of the world - Hassan Abdurahman ibn Hottab, that is, the son of Hottab. For you, just Hottabych.

Dunno. Gin? This seems to be an American alcoholic drink?

Hottabych. Oh, woe is me! I am not a drink, O inquisitive youth, but a powerful and undaunted spirit. And there is no such miracle in the world that I would not be able to do. Know, O star of my heart, that from now on I will do everything that you command me, for you saved me from terrible imprisonment. Apchhi! Command, my young master.

Dunno. Yes! Cool! A real wizard, this is necessary! Well, first of all, please get up from your knees, otherwise it’s somehow uncomfortable.

Hottabych(jumps up). I await your further orders, O light of my eyes.

Dunno. You know, Hottabych, I still can’t believe that you are a real magician. All my friends say that there are no miracles in the world.

Hottabych. Oh, you don't believe me again? But do you want me to instantly turn any girl in this room into a real star, no worse than at the “Star Factory”? Want?

Dunno. Well, try it. Let's see what you can do.

Hottabych(He selects a girl in the hall who is studying in a vocal studio, brings her onto the stage, pulls a hair from her beard, and casts a spell.) Fuck-tibidoh, tibidoh-toh-toh!

A song is being performed.

Dunno. This is, of course, great. Could you take us to some magical city or country? I love traveling so much... You know, I even flew in a hot air balloon.

Hottabych. O wisest of ignoramuses, I don’t know what a hot air balloon is, but I also really love to travel. (Claps his hands. Girls in oriental costumes carry out the carpet. Hottabych and Dunno sit down.) Oh Dunno, the diamond of my soul, I invite you to go on this flying carpet to the most beautiful place under the sun - to the magical city of Masters. At the gate we will be met by its owner, the Undertaking Fairy, who will guide us through the streets of this wonderful city. (Conjures.)

Dunno. That's great! This is a real miracle. Let's get going, friends.

Dunno and Hottabych sing a song about the city of Masters.

Now it will open the doors

Our city of Masters.

For those who believe in miracles,

He is ready to become a friend.

He will reveal all the secrets,

Keeping no secrets.

There is no need to put it off -

Let's fly soon, friends.

Who loves handicrafts,

Knows how to tinker,

Perseverance and patience

To demonstrate in learning,

The one who doesn't get bored

Doesn't waste unnecessary words

cordially invites you

Our city of Masters.

At the end of the song, the Concept Fairy appears on the stage with a large key to the city of Masters.

Fairy. Hello, dear guys. I am the mistress and patroness of the glorious city of Masters. Have you dreamed of visiting a fairy-tale city? Then I invite you to visit me. In our city, everything is made by the hands of children like you. We will go with you from one workshop to another, and everywhere you will be met by my assistants, who will tell and show you why our artisan people are rich and famous. Follow me, friends!

Magic music sounds.

The fairy leads guests into the hall where stands and display cases with the works of the Center’s circle members are located. children's creativity and area schools. At each stand, children are met by a representative of the circle in a fairy-tale costume, who talks about his team and the works exhibited at the exhibition. For example, at the stand of an aircraft modeling group, guests are greeted by a student in overalls and a helmet.

Of course, you can just dream

Become an astronaut and fly in the sky.

But we make the planes ourselves,

We build rockets with our own hands.

I’ll grow up, learn, and become a pilot.

This is a cool man's job.

The embroidery team can present “Needle” in an original costume and a hat in the shape of a pincushion.

In our magical workshop

I am the owner, friends.

A simple steel needle

They call me for a reason.

Sliding on white silk,

I'll dance around

I can't sit still,

Otherwise I'll become dull.

There's a round dance of birds behind me,

Patterns and flowers.

Where the needle goes,

Dreams will come to life in an instant.

Idle golden hands

I don't let you get bored

My desires are simple -

Create and decorate.

The Origami team can be represented by a student in a costume made of paper.

I am glad to greet you, friends,

In my paper kingdom.

The Japanese called me Origami,

Everyone knows what it is.

My skin is white like papyrus.

Silk eyelashes...

Look what I was able to do

Me from the album page:

White boat and fragile flower

I can make it quickly

Just bending a piece of notebook paper,

Even without the help of scissors.

So, moving from one stand to another, guests examine the exhibition. At the exit from the hall, Fairy-Zateya gives guests small souvenirs made by the hands of children involved in the groups of the Central Children's Youth and Youth Theater.

Lyubov Galkina


Fair "Folk Applied Arts"

Developed by: Galkina Lyubov Andreevna

Ogorodnikova Tatyana Innokentievna


1. Continue to introduce children to Russian folk crafts.

2. To develop in children emotional responsiveness and interest in folk arts and crafts.

3. To form generalized knowledge and skills, to distinguish between styles of decorative painting.

4. Foster respect for folk art.

Holiday decoration:

An exhibition of drawings and reproductions is displayed in the music hall. On the tables: pupils’ crafts, nesting dolls-souvenirs, a samovar and painted dishes Khokhloma painting, dolls in folk costumes.

The presenters and children are dressed in Russian folk costumes (girls wear sundresses or skirts with a blouse, scarves and aprons; boys wear trousers, white shirts with sewn braid).

Celebration progress:

Children enter the music room to Russian folk music.

Leading teacher 1:

Let's invite all the guests from all the volosts to the fair today!

1 child:

To the fair! To the fair! Hurry up everyone here!

Here jokes, songs, sweets have been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

2nd child:

Whatever your soul desires, you will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts, you won’t leave without buying them!

3rd child:

Hey! Don't stand at the door, come to us quickly!

People are gathering - our fair is opening!

4th child:

Hey, dear audience, clap cheerfully!

And we will delight the guests at the holiday!

Leading teacher 2:

We are starting our holiday and opening the gates!

Merchants from the city of Gorodets arrived in our city of Masters for the fair. They became famous for their painted wooden dishes and toys. The most remarkable thing in Gorodets painting is a horse and strange birds surrounded by fabulous flowers. And it turns out as if they live in fairy gardens. They are painted on cabinet doors, on the backs of cribs and chairs, and on kitchen boards. Dear viewers, admire what kind of kitchen boards the guys and I drew. (Children's works are hung in the music room)

1 child:

Our boards are painted, look here.

We want to show you all and describe it in detail.

2nd child:

A Gorodets horse gallops through the roses and baths,

And it’s all painted with flowers, how beautiful it is.

3rd child:

If there is a girl on the board or a daring fellow,

Miracle - horse and miracle - bird,

This means Gorodets!

4th child:

Thank God I finally learned how to draw

Give me money for the trip - I’m leaving for Gorodets!

Presenter 1: Wider circle!

Songs, dances, round dances -

Never go out of style.

The cheerful one came out dancing,

Here at our holiday.

Folk music "Kalinka" is played, children dance for the guests.

Presenter 2:

And now, guys, a riddle for you. Where did the masters come here from?

Carved spoons ladles

Take a look, don’t rush.

There is grass and flowers there

They grow of unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sunlit!

Yes, this is KHOKHLOMA! Many years ago, the Khokhloma fishery arose. They painted wooden utensils with gold paint, coated them with linseed oil, heated them in an oven, and the oil film turned into golden varnish. This dish was made in the large village of Khokhloma. Based on the name of this village, they began to call it Khokhloma.

Well, how funny this Khokhloma is!

Come on, where are our spoons?

They would start a dancing room.

Here are gilded spoons with twisted patterns!

The guys play Russian folk instruments and sing the song “Village Spoons”


Here are five wooden dolls, round-faced and ruddy,

In multi-colored sundresses, on our table live -

Everyone is called Matryoshka!

Presenter 1:

Hey, nesting dolls - laughter,

Sing some ditties!

Sing quickly

To please the guests!

1 girl:

Oh, thank you, master, your hands are golden!

We turned out great, so bright!

2nd girl:

Wooden sisters, from big to small, -

We're all empty inside

Except for my little sister!

3rd girl:

We are nesting dolls, we are sisters,

We are fat - not big.

Let's go dance and sing,

You won't be able to keep up with us!

4 girl:

Our hands are pretzels,

Cheeks like apples

Have known us for a long time

All the people are at the fair!

All together:

We are nesting dolls, we are round dolls,

Clap our hands,

So that we can dance better,

So that there is no boredom left!

Presenter 1:

And now we will play the “Guess” game with the nesting dolls. The nesting dolls have a handkerchief. As soon as the music starts, they will start passing it around behind them in a circle. And the introducer (boy) will be in the circle. When the music ends, freeze and let him guess who has the handkerchief.

Presenter 2:

In the quiet Moscow region the Gzhelka river runs.

There is a village along this river.

Willow thickets run along the river.

Craftsmen live in that village.

They make painted dishes,

Blue and white work miracles!

Dear viewers, admire how our young masters painted their dishes with blue paint different shades. The dishes turned out to be very intricate and elegant.

1 child:

Gzhel - dishes are simply a miracle,

The color blue is running everywhere

And a pattern is born -

I can't take my eyes off it!

2nd child:

I washed Gzhel dishes,

Sprays flew everywhere.

I’ll wipe up the splashes – no problem!

Oh, the dishes are good!

3rd child:

I put on a white skirt,

Braided it with a blue ribbon.

This is what I have become

Feast your eyes on me!

4th child:

Blue clouds, blue water.

I will become a captain - you will be proud of me!

5th child:

I'm looking out the window

On the cat and on the spruce.

I’ll invite Alena with me

On an excursion to Gzhel!

Presenter 1:

Make way, honest people, the little bear is coming with me!

He knows a lot of fun, there will be a joke, there will be laughter!

The bear bows to all the guys.

Presenter 1:

But not only did the craftsmen sculpt and paint wonderful dishes, they also loved to play folk games.

Game "Burn, Burn Clear."


Well, naughty girls and boys! Are you tired yet? Shall we play some more then?

Come on, strong men, pull the rope! Everyone here is happy to test their strength!

Game "Tug of War".

Presenter 2:

passed down from generation to generation folk craft. To this day, folk craftsmen live in Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma, continuing the work of their ancestors. And they delight us with their fabulous dishes and toys.

Presenter 1:

We had a wonderful fair in the city of Masters, where together we saw wonderful goods from different cities. We learned about miracle masters and their wonderful crafts and traditions. The products of masters show the riches of Russian cultural traditions and reveal the secrets of the Russian soul.

Presenter 2:

What wonderful products you have just seen. How much skill and patience you need to have to become a master. We hope that in the near future each of you will become a master of your craft and glorify our land.

Presenter 1:

Have you been to the fair?

Presenter 2:

Did you show your product?

Presenter 1:

They told everything -

Have you forgotten anything?

Well, now goodbye.

IN next year come!

Scenario of the creative workshop “Secrets of the Masters”

Zverugo Polina Nikolaevna, methodologist of the State Educational Institution “Slutsk Center for Children’s Creativity”.
Description: The creative workshop takes place in the form of the Little Prince’s journey through the exhibition areas of the Craftswomen of decorative and applied creativity. Students take part in folk games“Fern flower”, “I counted someone else’s steps, lost my bast shoes”, they get acquainted with the technique of performing work, and make a product with their own hands. Duration – 1 hour 20 minutes, number of participants: 110 people. Age of students: 9-14 years.
Target: introducing students to the folk crafts of their native land.
- to form curiosity and cognitive interests of students;
- promote the development of emotional responsiveness and interest in various types arts and crafts;
- cultivate a love for the crafts of their native land.
Equipment: sound amplification equipment, laptop, 5 tables and chairs, camera, towels, straw panels, clay products, embroidery, gaming, ritual and protective dolls, cotton fabric, magic basket, objects and tools necessary for needlework (scissors, ball, thimble , needle and thread, pin, knitting needles), models of bast shoes for the game “I counted someone else’s steps, lost my own bast shoes”, straws, skewers, red threads, demonstration suns, straw flowers, chest, basket, whistle, clay dishes, bell blanks made from salt dough, bookmark blanks, colored strips, glue sticks, paper flowers for the Fern Flower game, scarves, products made using the patchwork technique, paper tokens, incentive prizes.
The presenters present tokens to the participants of the event. Musical accompaniment.
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our creative workshop “Secrets of the Masters”.
Students demonstrate creative works (panels, clay products, embroidery).
Presenter 1: The skills of folk craftsmen scattered throughout the world like bright peas.
Presenter 2: Decorative and applied arts have surrounded us in everyday life for a long time; it has been human nature to decorate our lives and make them more beautiful. Samples of products can be seen everywhere: in everyday life, at work, during leisure.
Presenter 1: Truly, the creative ingenuity and skill of craftsmen has no boundaries! Products made from straw attract with their delicate golden color, products made from ceramics give special warmth, embroidery amazes with its sophistication and attractiveness.
Presenter 2: Folk art is a sea that conceals countless treasures. You just need to be able to get them.
Students leave with creative works. Musical accompaniment.
Presenter 1: Today we want to introduce you to traditional crafts.
Presenter 2: We invite you to take a tour of the creative workshop.
Magic music sounds. Appears The Little Prince.
The Little Prince: Everyone, good afternoon!
Presenter 1: Good afternoon
The Little Prince: I am the Little Prince. Traveling around different countries and cities. I get acquainted with the work of folk artists. They say that your region is famous for its folk craftsmen and amazing crafts.
Presenter 2: We are very glad to see you here. We will tell you everything and show you! We are running a creative workshop today.
Presenter 1: Let's start our acquaintance. Let's approach the Craftswoman and find out about what craft we'll talk.
The presenters approach the table of the Craftswoman-Bereginya. Musical accompaniment.

Craftswoman-Bereginya: I am a Craftswoman-Bereginya.
Craftswoman Bereginya tells a story about dolls.
Craftswoman-Bereginya: Guys, I have a magic basket in my hands, which contains the objects and tools necessary for needlework. And what objects you will find out if you guess my riddles correctly.
Craftswoman Bereginya demonstrates the guessed items.
I'm fluffy, soft, round,
I have a tail, but I'm not a cat,
I often jump elastically,
I'll swing and under the chest of drawers. (Clew)
The instrument is seasoned, not big, not bold.
He has a lot of worries, he cuts and shears. (Scissors)
What is the name of that shield?
what keeps fingers and nails? (Thimble)
The iron fish dives
And the tail leaves on the wave. (Needle and thread)
iron bug,
There is a worm on the tail. (Pin)
Two slender sisters
In the hands of a craftswoman.
We dived into loops all day...
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka. (Knitting needles)
Craftswoman Bereginya gives a play doll to the Little Prince.
Presenter 1: Our ancestors have long been able not only to work, but also to have fun.
Craftswoman-Bereginya: I have an interesting game for you: “I counted other people’s steps, but lost my sandals” (6 participants, 5 bast shoes). The guys who guessed my riddles are invited to participate in the game.
The game “I counted someone else’s steps, but lost my sandals” is played. The presenter lays out models of bast shoes on the floor. The participants' task: to pick up one bast shoe as quickly as possible when it turns off musical accompaniment. Musical accompaniment.
Presenter 2: (To the winner) What a fine fellow you are, you counted your steps and didn’t lose your sandals!
Presentation of the prize to the winner
Presenter 1: Thank you, Craftswoman-Bereginya, for your interesting riddles and games!
Craftswoman Bereginya conducts a master class.
Presenter 2: Well, we continue our acquaintance.
The presenters approach the Craftswoman of the Golden Ear. Musical accompaniment.
Presenter 2: This is the Master of the Golden Ear.
Master of the Golden Ear: Hello guys! Hello, Little Prince!

The craftswoman of the Golden Ear holds straws in her hands.
Straw is a beautiful and durable natural material. Our ancestors used straw for household purposes: covering the roofs of houses, bedding for domestic animals, and also making things for storing food and clothing, amazing hats, shoes and jewelry.
Presenter 1: Straws are a wonderful material to work with. It comes to life in the skillful hands of a master. He can revive the golden ears, they will appear before people in a different, unprecedented beauty.
Products made from straw attract with their delicate golden color.
Master of the Golden Ear: Guys, what is the name of the type of arts and crafts that uses straws? (Straw weaving, applique). Well done guys!
Master of the Golden Ear: Little Prince, and now you will have unique opportunity make a sun out of straw.
The little prince takes part in a master class on making a sun from straw.
Presenter 1: The products turn out especially well when a cheerful song is playing.
Musical number by Ekaterina Paksadze “Kupalinka”.
The Little Prince: What wonderful products can be made from straw! Thank you, Master.
The little prince puts the sun in the chest. The craftswoman of the golden ear conducts a master class.
The Little Prince: What else can the masters surprise me with?
Presenter 2: Now we will find out from our Craftswoman.
The presenters approach the Craftswoman of Magic Clay. Musical accompaniment.
Master of magic clay: Good afternoon, guys! I am a Magic Clay Craftswoman. I have a surprise for you. The basket contains an object that in the old days drove away evil spirits and attracted good ones. What is this item? (Whistle).

Master of magic clay: That's right, guys! A whistle is a clay product. Most often, pottery was a family affair; all family members, both adults and children, were involved in the production of clay products. The owner was engaged in making dishes, and the hostess and children made bells, toys and whistles, and then sold them at the fair. Whistles were used not only for fun, but also had a ritual character. Belarusians believed that figurines of people made of clay personified their ancestors. Animal figures influence kindness and prosperity in the family.
Presenter 2: To this day, clay modeling is a folk craft, an art form and a hobby for a huge number of adults and children.
Dough modeling is an art no less ancient than clay modeling.
Master of magic clay: Currently, there are plenty of materials for modeling: plasticine, plaster, dough, sand.
Of all the materials, I chose dough and began to successfully use it in my work.
And I want to give you, Little Prince, a handmade souvenir as a souvenir of our meeting.
The craftswoman of magic clay hands the product to the Little Prince. A magic clay craftswoman conducts a master class.
The Little Prince: I was introduced to doll making, straw weaving and modeling. I also heard that there is a type of craft that only women did. May I know what it's called?
Presenter 1: We will find out what type of craft we are talking about when you solve the riddle.
A thread, a needle, a piece of cloth.
The thread will enter the light -
A flower will bloom there. (Embroidery)
Presenter 1: You guessed the riddle correctly! Well done!
The presenters approach the Master Embroiderer.
Master Embroiderer: I am a Master Embroiderer. I'll tell you guys about the amazing view decorative creativity– embroidery.
Embroidery is a home activity. Only the most experienced embroiderers performed handmade works commissioned by fellow villagers. Embroidery was one of the occupations of Belarusian women. Embroidered items, especially towels, were passed down from mother to daughter. The main pattern is geometric, and the red color is symbolic, like the color of the sun and life.
Presenter 1: Embroidery is an ancient craft. Every girl had to embroider. And today this craft is continued by those who are in love with it.
Master Embroiderer: And I have a gift for you, Little Prince.
The embroiderer gives a gift to the Little Prince.
Presenter 1: And now, guys, it sounds for you musical gift performed by Sofia Rud and Marina Kurlovich “Dance in the Rain”.
A master embroiderer conducts a master class (the children need to “embroider” a pattern for a bookmark. The blanks for the bookmark are a white sheet of paper, and colored stripes are used with gold and silver threads. By intertwining them in a certain way, students create a pattern).

Presenter 2: And now guys, it's time for fun game"Fern flower."
Presenter 2: Guys, who knows about the Kupala flower? (Children's answers). Science has proven that ferns do not bloom, but the legend about this still haunts us: they say that whoever finds a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala will have supernatural powers and be able to look into the future. Our ancestors believed that on Kupala night treasures buried in the ground would reveal treasures, so they set out in search of not only a lucky flower, but also treasures.
Presenter 2: Well, whoever picks a flower for us wins. And so that there are no disagreements, we will choose participants the same way our ancestors chose, and you choose the same way - with counting rhymes.
Presenter 2: Counting book (goes down to the hall).
Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.
Look at the sky - birds are flying, bells are ringing.
The game “Fern Flower” is played.
Presenter 2: Now we will go into the forest to look for a fern flower. And since the flower blooms at night, we blindfold the participants.
The presenter lays flowers on the floor. At the command of the leader, children look for flowers blindfolded. On back side flower - points (from 1 to 5). Presentation of the prize to the winner.
The presenters approach the Craftswoman of the Multi-Colored Patchwork.

Presenter 1: Let's continue our acquaintance. Let's approach the Craftswoman of the Multi-Colored Patchwork.
The Little Prince: Ooooh! What interesting products! What kind of technology is this?
Master of multi-colored rags: And this special look folk art - patchwork (patchwork).
Among different peoples and different times We find a variety of products made using this technique. They are obtained by sewing scraps of fabrics of different colors and patterns, and the scraps must have the correct geometric shape.

Presenter 2: And your magic chest will be replenished with another product made using the patchwork technique.
A craftswoman of a multi-colored patchwork gives a product made using the patchwork technique. A craftswoman of multi-colored rags performs a master class (The guys need to sew a rug from rags. The blanks for the rug are a white sheet of paper, and the rags are geometric shapes, cut from colored paper).
The Little Prince: Thank you! You are so interesting! I learned a lot of new and interesting things about the traditions of your native land.
But it's time for me to return to my fairyland.
The little prince leaves. Musical accompaniment.
Presenter 2: And now we invite our Craftswomen to show their skills.
Presenter 1: Dear guys, at the beginning of our event, each of you received a token of a certain color in order to take part in the master classes.
The one who received the green token approaches the Craftswoman-Beregina.
Yellow - to the Master of the Golden Spikelet.
Orange - to the Craftswoman of magic clay.
Those who have pink tokens participate in the master class of the Master Embroiderer.
Holders of blue tokens take part in the master class of the Multi-Colored Patchwork Master.
Master classes by Craftswomen are held (time: 25 minutes). Musical accompaniment.

Target: creating conditions for the emergence and development of children’s interest in creative activities.


  • formation and development of children's creative potential;
  • development of communication skills;
  • creating conditions for children to realize that they belong to a creative team or community;
  • creating a festive mood.

Addressability: for children 7-9 years old studying in arts and crafts studios and fine arts first year.

Technical equipment: sound equipment, seven-flowered flower (on an easel), palette, brush, paints, Artist’s costumes, Brush, Violet Paint, crossword puzzle (can be depicted on a sheet of Whatman paper in A0 format or projected onto a screen - in this case a projection screen, projector, computer are required ).


  • Artist
  • Brush
  • Purple Paint

Conditions and features of implementation:

Of great importance is the artistic design of the holiday (invitation cards, hall decoration, poster), musical accompaniment, original props for creative competitions, the skill of the presenters, their speech, and the ability to communicate with the audience.
The holiday is held in a large, festively decorated hall. The chairs stand in a semicircle. All the action takes place in the center of the hall. The hall is decorated with colorful balloons. The stands display the creative works of the children.
During the holiday, the children receive creative tasks from the Artist and successfully complete them.


(The host of the holiday, the Artist, comes out)

Artist: Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! Let me introduce myself - the artist, Modest Apollonovich Tretyakov, full member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Guys, this year you started studying in the studios of the arts and crafts department of the House of Children's Creativity. Today I invited you to a holiday called “Hello, creativity!” What is creativity?

(Guys answer)

Creativity is the process of creating something new and beautiful. I hope that today you will be able to complete creative tasks and show that you can create!
But where is my assistant, Brush? She's probably drawing and that's why she's late.

(Brush appears)

Brush: Hello guys! Hello, Modest Apollonovich!

Artist: Brush, but why did you stay late?

Brush: Dear Artist, I couldn’t find the palette and your magic brush. They disappeared somewhere. Guys, don't you know where?

(Guys answer)

Artist: A mysterious phenomenon. I just need a magic brush today. Without a magic brush, I won’t be able to help the kids create beautiful things. What to do?

Brush: Continue our holiday. I really love holidays, and I also really like to draw!

Artist: Brush, what do you like to paint?

Brush: Sun, nature, flowers, animals, people...

Artist: Brush, we need to remember with the guys what images of nature, objects, and people are called.
Guys, now I will read you a wonderful poem by the poet Alexander Kushner “What I Learned.” But you have to say the last word of each part of the poem:

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
It's a similar picture
It's called... ( scenery)

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know that this is... ( still life)

If you see what's in the picture
Does anyone look at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
The picture must be called... ( portrait)

Artist: Guys, you named everything correctly! Brush, what's your favorite paint?

Brush: Orange. To get it, you need to mix red and yellow paints.

(Purple Paint appears with a palette and brush in his hands)

Purple Paint: Artist, Brush! I also really wanted to mix paints to get purple! For this I took a palette and a brush. But nothing worked out for me.


Brush: Purple Paint, don't be upset. Look how many guys are in the hall! They will help you.

Purple Paint: Guys, can you help me?

(Guys answer)

Artist: To know what paints need to be mixed to get different colors, you need to study, and also have friends who will always come to the rescue. Purple Paint, do you have a friend?

Purple Paint: Yes! Brush!

Artist: Brush, let's ask the guys what paints need to be mixed to get purple paint?

(Guys answer)

Yes, that's right. You need to mix red and blue paints. Do you understand, Purple Paint?

Purple Paint: Let's mix red and blue paints on the palette and see what happens.

(Mixes paints)

Hurray, it worked! My favorite color is purple!

Artist: Amazing! Violet Paint, stay with us at the festival - you will learn a lot of interesting things! Let's invite two participants from each creative team. Let them also try to mix colors and get blue, pink, dark blue, gray, beige, light green colors.

(The guys mix paints and show what they got)

- Well done, guys! You have completed the task!

Purple Paint: Guys, do you know that not a single song mentions the color purple?

Brush: None?

Purple Paint: Not one! There is an “Orange Song”, a song about a green grasshopper and about a green light, about a blue carriage, a song about a pink elephant, about a white apple of the moon and a red apple of sunset, about white snow, but not about the color purple.

Artist: I know how to help you. Let's announce a song competition among students, teachers and parents of the Children's Art House. Anyone can participate! An indispensable condition is that the song must mention the color purple. Perhaps this song will be composed by a creative team. The competition begins!

Purple Paint: Do you guys agree? It's great!

Artist: Brush, write an announcement about the competition today. And our holiday continues! Dear friends, you need to guess the words in the crossword puzzle. These are the words:

  1. Outstanding abilities, a high degree of talent in any area (6 letters) (Talent)
  2. Without which you cannot catch a fish from a pond (4 letters) (Work)
  3. The artist's main tool (8 letters) (Pencil)
  4. Colored pencils without rims, as well as drawings made with them. Characterized by soft muted tones and velvety surface (7 letters) (Pastel)
  5. The artist's main tool (5 letters) (Brush)

The guys solve the crossword puzzle:

The hardest part is that you have to guess the word in the center of the crossword puzzle. You know the four letters of this word. Brush, help the guys.

(Guys guess the keyword of the crossword puzzle - creativity)

Well done! You guessed the crossword correctly!

Artist: And now for the next creative task. Please remember the wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”. Do you remember? Here is a magic flower from this fairy tale.

(Violet Paint pulls out an easel with a seven-flowered flower)

The color of each petal is one of the colors of the rainbow. Now you have to write on each petal those qualities that will help you create. I am calling three participants from each creative team.

(The guys go to the center of the hall to the prepared easels)

Well, friends, let's get to work! We wish you good luck! Brush, help the guys!

(The guys are doing the task)

Creative people need the following qualities: talent, patience, imagination, artistic taste, love of nature, knowledge of folk traditions, skill.
Yes, these are the qualities that are necessary to become a true creator, a master of his craft. And you completed this task! Well done!

Brush: At our festival, the creative works of the fashion modeling studio “Modnitsa” will be presented by students of the studio. The collection is called “Exotica”. The exoticism and mystery of the bright colors of tropical nature are reflected in these amazing things, sewn by the hands of young craftswomen.

(Demonstration of clothing models)

Artist: I would like to introduce creative teams: Soft toy workshop “Bees”. The motto of this team is: “With a toy, through life!”
The motto of the art studio “Inspiration”: “Both skill and inspiration, talent, patience and love!”
The ceramics studio “Put” chose the motto “It’s not the gods who fire the pots.”
The favorite time of the guys who study at the April art studio is, of course, spring.
Fine art studio "Art Studio". The motto is “Drawing is my calling.”
Floral design studio "Fantasy". The studio's motto: “From skill to mastery, from the Fantasy flower to a flight of fancy.”
Clothing modeling studio "Modnitsa".
Creative workshop "Growth". The motto is “We are growing, and our skills are growing with us.”
Design studio.
Creative workshop “Academy of Wizards”.
Laboratory of equipment "Junior".
Let's welcome them, friends!

Artist: And now I would like to introduce the teachers of the arts and crafts department of the House of Children's Creativity.

(Presentation of teachers)

Brush: Now we bring to your attention the collection of the studio “Modnitsa” “Scarf Fantasy”. A scarf is a very ancient type of clothing. A little imagination - and it will turn into an evening dress or a beach suit. Greetings! Studio "Fashionista"!
In the hands of our young models are flowers made in the Fantasy studio. This composition was called “Eternally Blooming Garden”.

(Demonstration of clothing models and flower arrangements)

Artist: Students of the decorative and applied arts department participate in international, all-Russian, city and regional exhibitions, where they have repeatedly become winners, laureates and diploma recipients. Over the past year, students of the department participated in 27 exhibitions and competitions at exhibition venues in LENEXPO, Manege, the Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists, the Ethnographic Museum, the Theater of Young Spectators, and the Sports and Concert Complex. Here are the names of some exhibitions: “Christmas in St. Petersburg”, “Room of My Dreams”, “Mosaic of Talents”, “School +”.
I know that your House of Creativity has existed for 23 years. And in the studios there are guys who have been creating for 6, 7 and even 8 years.
And today, at our celebration, we want to present certificates of completion of a full course of study to graduates of the “Fantasy” floral design studio, the “Inspiration” art studio and the “Put” ceramics studio. Let's all congratulate the graduates together!

(Presentation of certificates, diplomas and gifts)

Brush: The next collection from the Fashionista studio is called “Seasons”. One season gives way to another. Golden autumn - snowy winter, gentle spring - green summer.

(Display of clothing models)

Artist: You have passed the tests and are worthy to create in the arts and crafts department of the House of Children's Art. Guys, go to the center of the hall.

(The guys go to the center of the hall)

Repeat after me the words that will guide your creativity.

(The guys repeat the Artist’s solemn promise)

We, students of the arts and crafts department studios, promise:

Don't be lazy in class!
Try to work hard!
Strive for the heights of creativity!
Achieve high results!
Take part in exhibitions!
Take prize places!
Giving people joy!
Never let your teachers down!

And now I will wave my magic brush and say the word “Dedicate!” And you will begin to create and create wonderful creative works!

(The artist says “Dedicated!” and waves his brush)

A gift from a creative ballroom dance team! Wonderful waltz!


After our holiday, I invite all guests to an exhibition of summer creative works by students of the department’s studios in the exhibition hall of the House of Children’s Creativity.
Dear friends, I wish you to dare, create and conquer all peaks! Good luck in your creativity! See you again!

Brush and Purple Paint: Goodbye guys!

Scenario for the closing of the six-month exhibition at the Central Cultural Center “Patterns of Creativity”

Target: honoring capable and gifted children based on the results of the six-month
exhibition of arts and crafts "Patterns of Creativity".

promote children's arts and crafts;
stimulate interest in educational process in creative associations;
foster a sense of community and co-creativity.
Participants: students of creative associations of the Center for Educational Education "Horizon"
Age: from 7 to 12 years
A melody sounds.
Children come up and look at the exhibition of works.

They are met in the hall by two presenters.
Presenter 1: Hello guys!
Boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart,
Dear kids!
Presenter 2: Comrades, adults, hello to you too!
And I have no more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again I say to everyone, everyone, everyone - Hello!
There's a melody playing
Presenter 1: What well-mannered guests came to us today. But if you are so diligent and well-mannered, then you probably know all the magic words?
Presenter 2: Let's check it out.
Presenter 1: Invented by someone simply and wisely
When you meet, say hello... (Good morning)
Good morning to the suns and birds
Good morning to smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind and trusting.
AND Good morning will last until evening.
Presenter 2: The old stump is turning green,
When he hears... (Good afternoon)
The boy is polite and developed,
He says, meeting... (Hello)
The ice block will melt
From a warm word... (thank you)
When they scold you for pranks,
We say “I’m sorry...” (please)
Presenter 1: If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mom... (thank you)
Both in France and Denmark
They say goodbye (goodbye)
Much love to all of you
We wish you good... (health)
Presenter 2: It’s immediately obvious that polite guys gathered in the hall.
Presenter 1: Both polite and creative. And all the works (shown around) surrounding us at this wonderful exhibition are clear confirmation of this!
Presenter 2: Just look around at how many wonderful works are presented here today. Here you will find amazing crafts made from paper, exclusive items made from beads, knitted items, entertaining paintings painted with paints and unusual paintings made from ordinary cereals, as well as crafts from waste material.
Presenter 1: Guys, are there any craftsmen among you who have completed this work?
Children's answers:
Presenter 2: And what a fabulous beauty of work made from salt dough. Here is one of these works, look! Are there any guys who work in this technique?
Children's answers:
Presenter 1: Look at how many unique works are knitted from ordinary yarn. Well done, real needlewomen. Do you know who the needlewomen are? How many of you know how to make miracles out of threads?
Children's answers:
Presenter 2: That's how much talent we have in our hall!
Presenter 1: Here today, new stars are being born once again, and you couldn’t miss this magical event.
Presenter 1: So, we announce the opening of the award ceremony for the semi-annual exhibition of arts and crafts “Patterns of Creativity”!
Musical beat
Presenter 2: This year, submitted works are judged in the following categories:
“Artists” (drawings in any technique);
“Paper craftsman” (paper products);
“Handicraft” (works made of fabric, thread, yarn, beads);
“Sculptors” (works made from salt dough, plasticine);
“Orphans of creativity” (works made from waste material);
“Nature and Fantasy” (works from natural material);
“Golden Hands” (works submitted to online voting).
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: An artist, just like a poet...
The plot itself is experiencing...
He leaves a mark on souls...
Even though he doesn’t know about the consequences...
Presenter 2: Let him create his masterpieces...
So that our world becomes much brighter...
It’s already morning, he’s still not sleeping...
He works to make us richer.
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Artists". This nomination presents the works of students from the children's associations “Fantasers” and “Kolorit”. The exhibition works are made in traditional and non-traditional painting techniques.
Presenter 2: Being an artist is fun and interesting! I wanted to, I drew a castle for myself, I wanted to fly, I drew a plane, the main thing would be the desire. And probably everyone will agree with us that everyone loves to draw. Some people are better at depicting animals, while others are better at depicting people... and now we invite you to show your skills in visual arts.
Competition - game
Musical screensaver
"Union of Artists"
Two teams take the stage. Two Whatman sheets and markers for each team are prepared in advance. Each team member receives a piece of paper with a specific object or phenomenon written on it, that is, what he must draw. The team stands in a certain sequence and as soon as the music starts, the team takes turns drawing the objects written on pieces of paper on whatman paper. The task is to draw a harmonious, beautiful picture.
1 sheet: “Home”
2 sheet: “Fruit Garden”
3 sheet: “Family”
4 sheet: “Sky with Rainbow”
Presenter 2: We invite the winners of the “Artists” nomination to the stage...
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: I'm a paper airplane
I made it myself today.
So that with the birds in flight
My airplane soared -
I'll throw it with my hand
High under the clouds.
- Come back, my dear,
Goodbye, bye.
Musical screensaver
Presenter 2: Nomination “Paper Master”. This nomination presents the works of students from children's associations “Fantasers”, “Kolorit”, “Little Craftsman”.
Presenter 1: Paper is one of the main assistants in creative endeavors. You can make an applique from it, voluminous or flat. You can make some kind of animal step by step using the origami technique. Almost all creative endeavors cannot be done without paper. Raise your hands if you've made something at least once in your life. Something made of paper. Well, since you are such experienced masters, prove it to us.
Competition - game
Musical screensaver
"My paper plane"
Three people come out and have leaves in front of them. The children's task is to make an airplane out of leaves and launch it so that it flies to a certain distance. If you don’t get a penalty point and start a new one until the victorious flight.
Presenter 2: We invite the winners of the “Paper Master” nomination to the stage...
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Seconds knock like knitting needles
In the hands, obedient to the mistress,
The craftswoman weaves patterns -
Its own simple plot.
Presenter 2: Behind the row there are loops,
Weaving a fabric of life,
Either the colors of the rainbow or ash
There are pictures outside the window.
Musical screensaver
Presenter 2: Nomination "Handicraft". This nomination presents the works of students from children's associations “Wonderful Moments” and “My Small Motherland”.
Presenter 1: Needlewomen are diligent, diligent craftswomen who create beauty from ordinary yarn and threads. Are there any of you who are diligent and diligent? Eat? Then show how diligent and diligent you are. We invite you to play the Cinderella game. After all, we all know that she is one of the most hardworking and diligent fairy-tale characters.
Competition - game
Musical screensaver
The class is divided into two teams. Each team receives a jar of mixed cereals and seeds. There are three empty cans on the table. The children’s task is to put all the cereals and seeds into jars.
Presenter 2: We invite the winners of the “Handicraft” nomination to the stage...
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Many people sculpt from clay,
Someone is making a snowball -
I sculpt from plasticine
The strongest house in the world.
Presenter 2: Above all the houses in the village,
New, bright blue,
With a red tiled roof,
With a purple pipe.
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Sculptors". This nomination presents the works of students from children's associations "Fantasers"
Presenter 2: In this nomination, the participants showed all their imagination. These are both single crafts and a whole ensemble of individual items! And when decorated with various accessories, the dough pieces take on a unique look.
Presenter 1: Guys, in the next game we invite you to show your flexibility and imagination. You will have a unique opportunity to show us several figures and try yourself as a sculptor of your body.
Competition - game
"The sea is agitated"
The presenter turns away from the other participants, who are dancing to the music, imitating waves, and says loudly:
"The sea is agitated once,
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
Marine figure, freeze in place!”
At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The leader turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever has the most interesting figure is chosen and this child becomes the leader, and whoever is the first to move is eliminated from the game
Presenter 2: We invite the winners of the “Sculptors” nomination to the stage...
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Don't throw trash, people!
It can become a big burden...
Take care of the gift of nature,
Give her attention!
Presenter 2: Look how beautiful it is!
Waters of rivers, seas, lakes...
this is a miracle, this is a miracle!
Forest, meadows, fields and forest...
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Orphans of Creativity". This nomination presents the works of students from the “Fantasers” children's associations. All the works were made from items that had already served their purpose, but in order not to throw them away, so as not to pollute our nature, the guys gave them a second life.
Presenter 2: Guys, the exhibition presents the work of creative orderlies, and you know that in the forest there are also orderlies, who serves as an orderly in the forest thicket?
Children's answers: Wolf.
Presenter 1: That's right, and now we will play forest orderlies. We invite four people who want to play the role of wolves.
Competition - game
"Forest Orderlies"
A rope is tied around the players' waists so that a "tail" - a knot at the end of the rope - hangs from behind. The player must catch the opponent's knot-tail so that he does not have time to catch his own knot-tail. Whoever catches the opponent's "tail" first wins. The game is played to cheerful music.
Musical screensaver
Musical screensaver
Presenter 2: We invite the winners of the “Creativity Nurses” nomination to the stage...
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Tanyushka seated the kids in the circle:
- Guys, what toy do you need?
Let the cone have neither a nose nor legs
Let's attach a nose - it will turn out to be a hedgehog.
Presenter 2: The guys do the job smartly
- This is the back. And this is the head
A match is good for our legs and nose
And stick the tail in - you get a bird!
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Nature and Fantasy". This nomination presents the works of students from the children's associations “Little Craftsman” and “Dreamers”. If you look closely at the works, you can see pieces of the nature that surrounds us in the works. These are seeds, leaves, twigs. Add a little imagination to them and you get such beauty.
Presenter 2: We see you are a little tired, but let's play an interesting game.
Competition - game
"Golden Gate"
“Golden Gate”: two players at a distance stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Each of them receives a sign (mask) with the name of certain berries. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.
"Vorotiki" pronounce:
"Golden Gate"
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second one is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't let you through!"
After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught must choose a berry from the “collars”, which berry they chose behind it, and stand up. Gradually, the number behind the “gate” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children are behind the “gate”. And the result is a tug-of-war between teams.
Musical screensaver
Presenter 2: We invite the winners of the “Nature and Fantasy” nomination to the stage...
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Sometimes hands are difficult,
They look like everyone else, ordinary.
They are called golden ones
They are accustomed to work.
Presenter 2: In them the matter is argued skillfully -
Everything can be done, recreated.
They undertake it with all their hearts, deftly, boldly.
It is not common for such people to be bored.
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Golden Hands". The winner in the “Golden Hands” nomination was chosen by online voting. From all the exhibited works, the brightest and highest quality works were selected according to strict criteria, which later took part in the online voting.
Presenter 2: According to the voting results, the work of Sofia Yakimova and Dasha Ulyanova “Housewomen” received the most votes.
Musical screensaver
Presenter 1: Summing up the results of the exhibition, I would like to remind you that the final exhibition awaits us ahead.
