Regulations on the competition “Snowmen Parade. Regulations on the contest for the best snowman Competition for the best snowman craft

head of MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 16"

"___" ___________ 2014

Regulations on the competition
for the best snowman

1. General provisions

1.1 This provision has been developed in order to create favorable conditions for educational and educational work with children on a walk in the winter, to increase the motor and creative activity of pupils in a preschool educational organization.

1.2 The regulation determines the procedure and conditions for organizing a review competition for the best snowman (hereinafter referred to as the competition) on the territory of the Kindergarten No. 16 MBDOU.

1.3 The competition is held on the basis of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16" in accordance with annual plan work and dedicated international day snowman (January 18).

2. Goals and objectives of the competition

2.1 The main goal of the Competition is to create conditions for a variety of cognitive and motor activities of children in the walking areas in winter period, strengthening their health and forming a positive emotional mood.

2.2 The objectives of the review competition are:

Stimulation of a creative approach to the design of the territory of the preschool educational institution in the winter;

Increasing the aesthetic and artistic level of the design of the territory of the kindergarten in the winter;

Development in children and adults creativity, artistic taste, desire and desire to create buildings with their own hands;

Formation of skills of joint activity of children and parents (legal representatives);

Contribute to strengthening the connection between the preschool educational institution and the family.

3.Participants of the Competition

The competition is attended by teachers of preschool educational institutions, children of all age groups and their parents (legal representatives).

4. Competition Jury

4.1 The composition of the jury is determined by the order of the head of the preschool educational institution.

4.2 The jury consists of:


Deputy Head for VMR;

Deputy Head of AHR;

5. Organization and procedure for holding the Competition

5.1 Terms and procedure for the Contest:

January 2015- determination of the image of the winter building, the construction of a snowman on the territory of the preschool educational institution. photo of a snowman in electronic format) and accompanying information (full name of the authors, group number, nomination, title of the work, for the nomination "Snowman-poet" - a poem
from the Snowman-poet) must be submitted to methodical office Preschool educational institution until 01.02.2015

5.2 The competition is held in the following nominations:

"Classic snowman" - snowman classical form(from 3 snowballs) with details from natural and waste materials;

"Athlete snowman" - the pose and design of the snowman correspond to one of the winter sports;

"Clown Snowman" - the circus decoration of a snowman should evoke an association with a cheerful clown;

“The Snowman Poet” is a special nomination, since 2015 has been declared the year of literature; the design and details of the snowman should contain a poetic image.

5.3 The number of nominations and prizes is determined in advance by the jury members of the competition.

6. Evaluation criteria

The jury evaluates winter buildings on a 3-point scale according to the following criteria:

Originality of the name and design idea of ​​the snowman;

Aesthetics of design (design);

Application of non-standard creative and technical solutions;

Creative approach to the selection of attributes;

The use of hand-made attributes (multi-colored ice floes, colored snow, etc.);

Accuracy and safety of execution;

Organization of creative participation of children and parents (legal representatives).

7. Summing up and rewarding

7.1 Participants who received the largest number points in each category are declared the winners.

7.2 Winners in nominations and participants are awarded certificates of honor, diplomas, memorable gifts and souvenirs.

Albina Moryakova

IN kindergarten "Martin"

on the eve of the new year 2014 contest -« snowman parade»

He is neither small nor big

snow white snowman.

He has a carrot nose

He loves frost

In the cold, it does not freeze.

And spring comes and melts.

What to do, how to be?

Maybe a white fridge

For buy a snowman?

V. Savonchik

For ours snowmen I didn’t need a refrigerator at all, their variety was amazing! Parents with children used various materials to create their crafts: paper, napkins, threads and glue, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, plastic bottles, natural materials etc., snowmen vary in size (giants and little ones) and performance (knitted, sewn, woven from threads, created from paper (origami). Every snowman original and unique, so it was very difficult to choose the best from the whole variety of exhibits of the commission. The children, their parents and the staff of the kindergarten worked hard, showing amazing imagination and skill.

All participants were thanked for their participation in competition"snowman parade"! At the time of the New Year trees, all the children and guests admired the creativity of the participants!

I approve

Head of MBDOU No. 1 "Martin"

V. S. Khamidullina

from «___» ___ 2013


competition« snowman parade»

1. Tasks competition:

Creating a favorable emotional atmosphere on the eve of the New Year;

Encouragement for joint creative activity of parents and children.

2. Dates and venue competition:

3. Participants competition: V competition pupils of all age groups of the kindergarten take part together with their parents.

4. Composition of the jury competition:

Chairman of the jury - Khamidullina V. S. - head of MBDOU No. 1

Moryakova A. V. - senior educator

Reshetkina E. A. - trade union organizer;

Zheleznyakova N.Yu. - music director

Popova L. A. - music director

5. Requirements for registration works:

The genre and technique of performance, material are chosen by the authors.

Do not use tin, needles, pins, broken glass and other piercing and cutting objects in the manufacture of toys.

Collaboration between parents and children is essential.

6. Summing up and awarding winners:

« Snowman - Giant»

« Snowman - Charmer»

« Snowman - Baby»

"Welcome Guest"

« The snowman hurries to the Christmas tree»

« Snowman»

Dear friends!

Our competition of funny and funny snowmen has ended. It is very difficult to choose the best out of so many wonderful and wonderful snowmen, so many works are worthy of victory in the competition. A team of experts and the chairman of the expert commission worked on summarizing the results. According to the results of the evaluation of the expert commission in each age category, three winners were determined!

In the category "Children from 2 to 5 years":
1 place:
Pokryshkina Natasha " "
2nd place: Shnaratova Dasha " "
3rd place: Vasiliev Alexander " "

In the category "Children from 6 to 9 years old":
1 place:
Argunova Ksenia " "
2nd place: Lysov Andrey " "
3rd place: Yaroshenko Savely " "

In the category "Children from 10 years and older":
1 place:
Alekseeva Anya " "
2nd place: Maslennikova Darina " "
3rd place: Tarasova Polina " "

Congratulations to the winners!

Dear friends! "A snowman is a snow guest and his season is winter!" - you say. In fact, this cheerful cold good man can be made not only from snow. It can be cut out of cardboard, folded from cotton balls, sewn from fabric, glued from any other materials at hand, or simply drawn. And then a self-made snowman will delight you every day, no matter what time of year it is outside the window. We invite you to take part in international competition children's creativity"Meet! Snowman!"!

Crafts and drawings of a snowman are accepted for the competition!A snowman can be cut out of cardboard, folded from cotton balls, sewn from fabric, glued from any other materials at hand, or simply drawn.

Competition goals:

  • education in the younger generation of love for creativity, needlework, beauty;
  • education of artistic and aesthetic attitude to creativity;
  • stimulation of cognitive interests;
  • promotion of the possibility of additional development of children.
The main objectives of the competition:
  • disclosure of individual creative abilities;
  • development and realization of creative abilities;
  • development of a sense of taste for beauty;
  • development of creative potential;
  • development of artistic abilities;
  • development of imagination and fantasy;
  • attracting children and teenagers to creativity.

Girls and boys from 2 to 15 years old in their age categories can participate in the competition. Be sure to give the craft / drawing a name and tell about it / him (i.e. explain what you made or drew). The main character of the picture should be a snowman. The child must make and compile the craft and its description himself. If he still does not know how to write, an adult can do this, but verbatim from the words of the child.

Please note that before the start of the competition V without fail it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of the competition, the requirements for the work and the instructions for adding works. All the necessary buttons with this information are located in the upper right corner of this competitive position (in green).

1. on the site;
2. in the competition;
3. Pay the organizing fee in the amount of 65 rubles (for each work);
5. Place your work for the competition in the appropriate age category using the links from the table below.

Acceptance of works: from January 8 to February 25, 2015 (23:59 Moscow time) inclusive;

The winter holidays are coming soon, and it's time to pick up master classes by which you can make a snowman with your own hands on New Year 2018 for kindergarten or school - from paper, from threads, from cotton pads, from socks and from other improvised materials.

Winter and New Year are all that children are looking forward to. For kids, a festive tree, gifts, fluffy snow, winter fun, snowmen and snowballs are the most desired winter entertainment. And we offer you to learn how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year. A wonderful snow handsome man can be made from the materials that are at home, together with a child, and decorate a room, a Christmas tree, or for handicraft competitions in a kindergarten or school.

In order to create an adorable snowman with your own hands for the New Year from socks, there are several ways. All of them are based on the fact that a part of any sock is fastened on one side and the filler is stuffed into the sock. And after the sock you need to drag in the middle, tie on top and decorate.

The article will provide several variations with tips and descriptions to make the creative process more fun and fruitful. We will try to make funny snowmen from various materials, from everything that can be found at home:

  • socks
  • plastic cups;
  • paper;
  • disks;
  • thread.

Let's start! The first master class is dedicated to a snowman made of simple socks.

Snowman from socks

In order to make yourself such a handsome man you need:

  1. Socks. You need to take white ones for the body of the snowman and you can take colored ones for the cap and clothes.
  2. Threads with a needle.
  3. Glue gun.
  4. Paints and brush.
  5. Beads.
  6. Felt.
  7. Sintepon.
  8. Scissors.

And now look at some collections of photos from step by step instructions for a do-it-yourself snowman for the New Year:

Step by step photos of making a snowman from socks

Enough simple instructions, not a complicated process, amazing result. All this is a formula for success for creativity with children. You can decorate a snowman from socks to your taste, not at all like in the photo. Here you can reap the will of imagination and use any material that you find at home.

Video tutorial on making snowmen:

We use threads

Next, we will describe two options for how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads. One of them is quite simple. This is a pom-pom snowman that can be made for a school or kindergarten competition. For it we need:

  • white threads. Here it is better to take acrylic or wool mixture;
  • half beads for eyes and decorations;
  • ribbon or decorative braid;
  • fluffy wire. It is sold in any needlework store;
  • twigs for pens;
  • glue. You can use a hot glue gun or Moment Crystal instant glue.

Now let's start creating a fluffy snowman:

  1. Initially, you need to make 2 pom-poms from threads. To do this, take 2 cartons. One is wider, the other is a little narrower, since we need to make one large pompom, the other is smaller. On these cartons you need to wind the threads as much as possible. The splendor of the pompom depends on the number of threads. After we stretch the thread inside the wound threads, we tie it from one end, and cut the other. We get two pompoms for the lower part and the upper part of the snowman.
  2. Now you need to tie both pom-poms together by the tails of the threads.
  3. Our snowman is ready. It remains to glue his eyes and nose, buttons and twigs on the sides of the handle.
  4. We tie a ribbon scarf to the snowman. Before this, the edges of the tape must be cut in a special way. To do this, fold the ribbon along and cut it obliquely from the middle to the tip, unfold the ribbon, lightly burn the edges with a lighter.
  5. Now we make headphones from fluffy wire. Let's bend it as shown in the picture and put it on the snowman's head.

Step by step photos of making Christmas snowmen

  • white threads. This snowman needs cotton for knitting;
  • PVA glue;
  • air balloons;
  • twigs for pens;
  • buttons for eyes and for decoration;
  • paper or felt for a hat;
  • a piece of fabric for a scarf;
  • hot glue.

When everything is ready, we begin to make an openwork thread snowman:

  1. Inflate two balloons. We make one big, the second smaller.
  2. Pour PVA glue into a bowl and soak the threads there.
  3. After that, we immediately begin to wind the threads in glue on the ball in random order, randomly.
  4. When both balls are wrapped with threads, leave them to dry. It is better to leave the balls overnight.
  5. When the threads dry, you need to burst the balls and carefully pull them out.
  6. Now we glue both balls, a small one on top of a large one.
  7. At the bottom of the large ball, cut off the rounded part with scissors so that the snowman stands steadily.
  8. We glue the handles from the twigs to the snowman.
  9. We cut out the hat, glue its details and put the snowman on the top of the head, fixing it with glue.
  10. Now we need to stick buttons in the form of an eye and on the body of a snowman, for decoration.
  11. We make a carrot out of paper or felt, glue it in place of the spout.
  12. We make a scarf from a piece of fabric and tie it to a snowman.

PHOTO: Snowman made of threads for the New Year 2018

It should be noted that the process is quite laborious, since you need to carefully craft the balls themselves from threads in glue, but when this stage is completed and the balls have dried, only pleasant work remains that you can do with the kids.

Such a do-it-yourself snowman for the New Year 2018 will be very good for an exhibition or decoration for a kindergarten or school group.

Original paper ideas

Crafting from paper is a very simple and surprisingly pleasant experience. Toddlers love this kind of art. For the New Year, you can make a snowman out of paper with your own hands. Below are several options for ideas with a step-by-step description of their implementation. Let's see how you can make amazing snowmen out of plain paper or paper napkins.

Snowman from the palms for the school competition

  • white, blue, orange paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Let's get to work:

  1. On white paper, you need to circle the palms and cut them out. Such palms need to be made as much as possible.
  2. Cut out a cap from blue paper - a triangle and three snowflakes for buttons.
  3. Now glue the palms. You need to make 3 circles from them: 1 large, 1 smaller and small.
  4. Glue all three circles together.
  5. Now we glue on top of the cap and snowflakes in place of the buttons.
  6. The nose, eyes and smile can be cut out of colored paper and glued, or you can draw with paints or felt-tip pens.

The snowman from the palms is ready. It can be attached to the wall of a child's room or to a kindergarten group.

Snowman from paper napkins

Let's prepare everything we need:

  • white paper napkins;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • three foam balls of different sizes;
  • skewers or toothpicks to connect the balls together;
  • buttons for eyes;
  • felt or paper orange cone for the spout;
  • twigs for pens.

Let's start crafting:

  1. Napkins need to be cut into squares.
  2. At the largest ball, cut off the bottom so that the bottom is flat for stability.
  3. Now we cover each ball with napkins. We will glue using the facing technique. To do this, we wind the square of the napkin onto the back end of a pencil or any wooden stick. Dip in PVA glue and apply to the ball. So we glue all the balls. We glue all the elements close to each other, so the balls will turn out more fluffy.
  4. Then glue the balls one on top of the other.
  5. We fasten the branches - handles and eyes with a spout.

The snowman made of paper napkins is ready. You can decorate it to your liking, put on a scarf or a hat.

Check out some more photos with ideas on how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year:

Applications with snowmen

Surprisingly, but the application can be made not from paper. The following is step by step master class how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from cotton pads, which you can send to a competition at school or kindergarten. This will be a beautiful New Year's application. The child will do it with pleasure, but under the control of the parents.

To tell the baby the procedure, let's take a closer look at how to do it. Let's get ready first:

  • cotton pads. From them we will make a snowman and snowdrifts;
  • thick cardboard for the base. It can be any color. Blue, blue or purple will be very good;
  • glue. You can use PVA or any other for paper;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors.

And now we start:

  1. On cardboard - the base we glue a snowman from three or two cotton pads. Just glue the discs one on top of the other. Such snowmen can be made one or two on one cardboard.
  2. Now you need to paint the snowman. From colored paper, cut out the cap, eyes and nose. Cut out a scarf and handles with mittens. We glue all the details on the snowman.
  3. We will also glue snowdrifts from halves of cotton pads on the panel from the snowmen. You can cut out the rectangles of the houses and glue them on the sides by drawing windows with a felt-tip pen.

The child can dream up and come up with how to complement the application. It can be the sun, clouds, and so on.

In addition, you can make a wonderful toy from cotton pads. It can be hung on the Christmas tree or decorated with a Christmas wreath, walls and so on. Getting ready for work:

  • cotton pads;
  • thread with a needle;
  • a little synthetic winterizer;
  • felt;
  • a pair of beads for the eye;
  • glue. It is better to use a second Moment Crystal.

Now let's get started:

  1. Take 2 discs for the bottom and 2 for the top. Those for the top will be cut a little in a circle, making them smaller in diameter.
  2. Now you need to sew the parts together with a seam over the edge. But let's leave a little open edge for stuffing and stitching them together.
  3. Fill both parts with synthetic winterizer.
  4. Let's put them together one to one where there is an unsewn gap and sew.
  5. Now we decorate. We cut out a cap from felt and sew it to the snowman on top of the head with the same seam.
  6. Next, glue the beads - eyes. Cut out a triangle of orange felt and glue it instead of the spout.
  7. From the felt we cut out a strip - a scarf and tie it to the snowman.
  8. You can make a decor by cutting out leaves and berries from colored felt and sticking them on a snowman.

Such a handsome man can be hung on a Christmas tree by attaching a string to it or used to decorate a wreath or for other purposes.

Plastic cups - turn them into a snowman

And now we will make a snowman with our own hands for the New Year 2018 from cups, ordinary plastic disposable cups.

Such a snowman, made by hand, will turn out to be quite large. They can decorate an apartment, a group in a kindergarten, a class at school. You can put a garland inside and then the snowman will glow. But about everything in detail and in order.

Let's get everything ready for work:

  1. Plastic cups. For one snowman, we need as many cups as you need a snowman. For a big snowman, you need quite a lot. The first row alone will take 25 cups.
  2. Stapler and staples for connecting cups.
  3. You can take a real hat and scarf and then dress up the figure.
  4. For the peephole, you can take balls that are equal in size to the neck of the glass. We will paint them black and close them in the cup itself in the right places.
  5. We glue the nose from orange felt into a cone in the form of a carrot.
  6. We also need a glue gun.

Let's get started:

  1. Lay out the first row like this. We put the cups in a circle with the bottom inside and the neck out. We fasten the glasses with a stapler to each other. So we do several rows, each subsequent one turns out to be smaller than the previous one, since we put the glasses between those that go in the previous row.
  2. Now we make the head. The first row for the ball under the head consists of 18 cups. We do everything exactly the same.
  3. After we build the head to the body with a stapler.
  4. Now insert the balls - eyes. We will paint them black in advance and fix them with glue.
  5. Then we attach the nose.
  6. We tie a scarf and put on a cap on top. For reliability, fix with glue.
  7. You can put a garland inside or leave the snowman like that.

The snowman can be decorated to your liking. You can attach twigs to him as handles and “give” a whisk in his hands. You can attach a wide felt strap to the snowman or a real one if there is a suitable size. Attach it with a stapler.

You can make buttons from exactly the same balls by attaching them to the neck of the cup in suitable places. Or cut out snowflakes from colored paper and stick to the snowman anywhere, as if real snow fluffs lay on top of our handsome man.

Such a snowman can be made for a competition in school or kindergarten!

Another wonderful snowman that you can make with your own hands for the New Year is presented in the video below:

Photo report on the contest "My Jolly Snowman"

And so the winter began. And what is winter without snow? From the snow you can build fortresses, make snowballs and, of course, snowmen! The snowman is the key character of the New Year and Christmas holidays. Self-made Snowmen are usually very funny and become a bright decoration for the Christmas tree and home.

In our group, the contest "Our Jolly Snowman" was announced. Many parents got excited and decided to participate. They showed imagination and creativity. We obviously did not expect such a creative approach to making snowmen. The snowmen were a success! Paper, synthetic winterizer, threads, cardboard, disposable cups, cotton wool, polystyrene, light bulbs and even sweets served as ornamental material. In general, everything that was at hand. Several works were placed in the round dance. Big and small, soft and fluffy, bright, colorful, fabulous. Well done to both children and adults! It can be seen that a lot of work, diligence has been invested in each work, and each is done with a soul. The joint creativity of adults and children allows you to strengthen emotional family ties, delivers pleasant moments of communication. And how much pride and joy children experience when showing their friends from the Snowman group, made at home with mom, dad or grandmother.

We thank the parents for the wonderful crafts made with the child. Thanks to all exhibitors for taking the time to develop their child's creativity.

Look what wonderful Snowmen stand in a round dance!
