How much do sailors get per month. The SCF fleet needs only the best personnel How much does a sailor in the fleet get

Many people who would like to connect their lives with the sea are often interested in how much sailors get. Most people have always assumed that sailors earn a lot. The word “many” itself has a different meaning for everyone, but all the same, all people consider seafarers to be quite wealthy people. This is so and not so, at the same time, I tell you. And of course, no one considered the costs of a sailor, and this is very in vain. Therefore, let's go in order and start with salaries. The fleet is divided into fishing and transport (merchant), the two fleets have different wage systems.

Salaries in the fishing fleet

As for the fishermen, a lot depends on the fish caught by the vessel and its crew, and it turns out that there is a so-called fixed salary and a percentage (share) of the fish caught. The ability of the captain to fish, to know the area of ​​production like the back of his hand, sometimes to take risks and enter prohibited areas, to properly operate all systems and mechanisms so that breakdowns do not distract from production is of great importance for the crew and salaries earned on the voyage. A fisherman is twice a sailor, I completely agree with this saying, although at one time I worked for only a year and a half on fishermen and most of my time went on reefers, I realized that this is exactly so. For such work that fishermen do, they naturally should receive a serious salary. Of great importance for catching fish, in addition to the knowledge, skills and experience of the captain, is the fishing area, the season and the condition of the entire crew as a whole. Fishermen, in addition to their direct duties, let's say for keeping a watch in the engine room, on the bridge very often, and this is in the order of things, they go to the watch where they help the fish shop to process the fish caught by the stream. Therefore, fishermen's life is not sugar. Now closer to the topic, that is, to the salaries for fishermen themselves, we will immediately make a reservation that we are talking about vessels with a deadweight of at least MDW.

Ordinary: fixed salary starts from 300 c.u. + the agreed minimum share, for a month it can go into the hands of about 1200-2000 ye. Provided that the catch is ongoing. For a standard contract of 6 months, you can earn about 9-12,000 cu

Command staff: fixed salary 600-800 ye + share exceeding the share of privates by 1.5-2 times, total can go from 2800 ye to 4000 ye per month, for a standard contract of 6 months you can earn around 15-20 000 ye

Top 5 + technologist + fishmaster. These positions can earn from 50,000 ye per contract, but there are unique people who bring much more, I won’t distribute here how they do it, they know it very well, but dear sailors and sailor candidates, the proverb: “who studied what”, no one has canceled it, and it is also successfully applied here.

Anyone who is ready to work like hell, smell like fish for six months, endure all the hardships and be very little on the shore, in principle, you can try to get on such ships. Be ready to do all maritime documents (standard set) and pay intermediaries for employment on ships where in reality there is a share. Pai is the most important thing in the salary of a fisherman, so it is from him that you should start when hiring a ship. Also learn as much as you can about the captain, the sailing area, the season, etc. So as not to get half a year without fish. Also, be careful with small deadweight vessels, and check on an individual basis if this is the coastal zone of your own state of the Russian Federation or Ukraine, salaries can be very low 300-1000 ye depending on the position. We help beginner fishermen get documents, work fishermen exchange documents, the region of your location does not matter to us. Call us for a consultation.

Salaries in the merchant marine

Now about the merchant fleet. Salaries in this fleet depend on the types of ships on which the sailor works. These can be ships carrying understandable and simple cargoes both in bulk and in containers, as well as specialized ships that carry dangerous goods: tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers. There is a separate category called offshore.

Salaries per month on ordinary ships under the flag (that is, work for a foreign shipowner) can be for privates 800-1500 ye, for command personnel 2300-4000 ye (depending on the position) on average and for the top 4 from 5000-8000 ye specialized courts more: privates 1200-1800 cu, commanders 3300-5500 on average (depending on the specialty) and top 2 from 8500-14000 cu.

We’ll make a reservation right away in order to enter the top 4, you need to plow a sufficient number of years at sea and go through all the steps from and to up the career ladder, know English, since all document flow at sea is conducted in English.

Of course, I present information very concisely on this topic, because if I write in detail about each specialty and types of vessel and the corresponding salaries, then this will be an endless article, I just show the salary level for those people who want to go to sea and are interested in their future earnings. Also, this article will be useful to the beautiful half of humanity, which is also important to know if her potential chosen one goes on flights, how much he will receive and what to expect in family life. Therefore, dear girls, you need to pay attention to the position in which the sailor goes. And the most interesting awaits you further in this article.

Seafarers' expenses

A sailor who goes to sea under a foreign flag has the status of unemployed in his country. If a sailor spends less than half a year not at sea but on land, then all that he earns during these 4-5 months is subject to income tax of 13%. income is not taxed.

Further, all salaries of a sailor can be safely divided by two, since on average a sailor lives at home for half a year and most often does not work anywhere, but simply rests, takes care of his family, personal life, and makes documents.

Seafarers plan an important part of their expenses for obtaining documents, which are mostly temporary and are issued for a period of 1 to 5 years. Sailors for faster departure on a voyage, in addition to the main package of documents, invest in additional certificates, in the salary of an English teacher, a tutor, they pay for the opening of various visas that help to go on a voyage much faster than other sailors. Also, sailors very often pay commissions to intermediaries in order to quickly go on a voyage or go to a better contract. It is very difficult for sailors to get a loan, as the unemployed are reluctant to give it, so there are several banks that issue such loans, but you will need to collect a lot of papers that will confirm your ability to pay this loan. Do not forget that if a sailor has a family, then she also needs to live during his absence, and it often happens that a sailor comes from a voyage and repays the debts accumulated by the family, or if he sent money to the family from the contract, then he brings the minimum amount of salaries and is immediately ready to go to sea again. Therefore, girls - do not be spenders and treat the sailor's money with respect, because if there is no moderate appetite, your chosen one will not get out of the seas. Well, who needs such happiness? Very often, if a sailor cannot go on a voyage for more than a year, this becomes a material problem for both him and his relatives, mostly seafarers on land cannot find work, since few people need temporary workers. In general, dear friends, life is multifaceted and ambiguous. The choice in favor of the maritime profession, and even more precisely fate, must be made very responsibly and carefully.

Anyone who is interested in more detailed information on this topic, who wants to choose the right maritime specialty in order to be in demand throughout their marine life, call us, write, we will advise beginner sailors for free. We will tell you how and where to make documents, we will help you go on a flight.

Discussion of this article is welcome!

Obviously, the salary of Russian seafarers working on ships under the Russian flag differs from that received by Russian seafarers working on ships under foreign flags, mainly the so-called “convenient” ones. We will not present various wage scales here, but will confine ourselves to a few examples that will clearly show the difference in wages and by which one can judge the situation in general terms.

In autumn, the Russian media discussed the report of the Ministry of Social Development on the amount of wages in various professions, which, in particular, indicated the salary of the captain of a cargo ship at 500,000 rubles. It is not entirely clear in which Russian shipping company such a salary is paid to the captain. The figures at our disposal differ significantly, that is, at times, from those given in the report of the ministry.

It should be noted that all shipping companies can be conditionally divided into three categories: the first are former Soviet shipping companies, there are about nine of them, created from scratch and having about 10 ships, about six of them, and, accordingly, all other companies, there are more than two dozen of them.

Among the three categories under consideration, the highest salary is in the shipping companies of the second category. For example, the captain of a cargo ship with a deadweight of about 15,000 tons has a net salary of 225 thousand rubles. On a ship for the transport of heavy cargo, as well as occasionally dangerous goods of class 7 (radioactive), the initial salary is 180 thousand rubles.

In shipping companies of the first category, the salary depends on the size of the vessel, so on river-sea vessels it ranges from 130 thousand rubles for dry cargo ships and up to 180 thousand for chemical tankers. On sea vessels, the salary is slightly higher and amounts to about 200 - 220 thousand.

The salary of a first-class sailor on ships under the Russian flag is from 30 thousand rubles.

On the ships of Russian shipowners sailing under "convenient" flags, the salary also varies greatly, from 3 thousand US dollars to 7.5 thousand dollars. In the state company Sovcomflot, on ships under the "banana" flags, presumably they pay more, tankers all the same.

For comparison with the salaries indicated above, we present salaries in foreign companies. Of course, there is also a difference in salaries in them, but the minimum salary even in an average company starts from 6 thousand US dollars. And on average from 7.5 to 8.7 thousand US dollars. In companies operating ships of the Euro-fire type, the salary can be from 5 thousand euros and more, depending on the operator.

Accordingly, salaries for other positions are lower than those of the captain. Although the senior mechanic's salary may be equal to the salary of the captain.

The salary of the chief mate and second engineer is usually lower than that of the captain by 1 - 2.5 thousand US dollars and range from 4.2 - 4.5 thousand to 7.3 thousand US dollars.

The salary of the second and third mate, respectively, is from 3 thousand and 3.4 thousand US dollars.

The salary of a sailor of the first class is from 1.5 thousand US dollars, a boatswain from 1.6 thousand and a cook from 1.8 thousand US dollars.

Interns in the position of cadet in foreign companies are employed with a salary of 500 to 700 US dollars.

So, from the above rates, even with all the desire, the salary of a captain on a ship under the Russian flag of 500 thousand rubles does not come close. Maybe on nuclear-powered ships it is about 500 thousand, but given the specifics of nuclear-powered ships and their meager number in comparison with cargo ships, this can be safely attributed to exceptions and should not be taken into account when considering the overall picture.

In general, the picture turns out to be very bleak. If, in connection with the sanctions against Russia, difficulties arise with the employment of Russian seafarers on the ships of foreign ship owners, and thus, there will be, although not a significant, excess of seafarers in the domestic labor market, then the already low wage rates will drop even more. Who, who, but the local oligarchs will not miss their point and will take advantage of the situation to the fullest.

The salary of a sailor in Russia significantly exceeds the income level of "overland" hard workers. The boundless expanses of the ocean, the opportunity to retire from the bustle of megacities and visit distant countries - these are far from all the advantages that push young people to conclude contracts for work at sea.

Important! The main feature of the work of a sailor is associated with a long voyage and the frequent absence of a family from home.

The labor market for specialists in the field of "Sea and river transport"

Income in these areas can be as follows:

  • Fishery. Employment as a sailor in a developed company will allow the applicant to receive a stable income of at least 50,000 rubles. Even in the most extreme case, the average income of "sea hunters" and the attendants who go to sea with them is at least 40,000 rubles. In the case of employment on ships called "foreign cars", the sailor's salary may increase to 80,000 rubles.
  • Regardless of the level of the employer's company, the income of a transport fleet sailor does not exceed 40,000 rubles. However, if you get on long-distance voyages, this amount may increase two, and in some cases even three times. Sailors also carry periodic shifts, are arranged in a secondary, auxiliary fleet. At the same time, the salary will not exceed 30,000 rubles.

If we compare the income level of a civilian and military sailor, the difference will be significant. The reason for this lies in the policy of the country's leadership aimed at stimulating the armed forces and increasing social guarantees and the level of salaries of military personnel.

However, at the next discussion of the issue related to these topics, the proposal for another increase in salaries was rejected.

Table: seafarers' wages

Job titleSalary (expressed in Russian rubles)
SailorFishing vessels:

ü 50,000 - 100,000 in large companies.

ü up to 50,000 in small companies.

Fishing boats: from 40,000.

Auxiliary fleet: 25,000 to 40,000.

Cook· Fishing vessels: from 60,000 to 100,000.

Transport ships: 40,000 to 100,000.

WelderFrom 50 000
TurnerFrom 50 000
Mechanic - adjusterFrom 90 000
Third navigatorFrom 80 000
Second navigatorFrom 90,000 to 250,000
StarpomFrom 100,000 to 400,000
CaptainAbout 150,000
minderFrom 70 000
fourth mechanicFrom 80 000
Third MechanicFrom 90,000 to 200,000
Second mechanicFrom 100,000 to 250,000
Chief engineerOver 150,000
ElectricianFrom 100 000

The income level of seafarers in 2019 remained at the same position and ranged from 8 to 17 dollars per day spent on the sea. The amount varies depending on the position held, rank and length of service.

Probably, each of us has heard about the high salaries of sailors. In addition, the spirit of romance and the opportunity to see the world are associated with this profession. Although the work of a sailor is not so simple and is associated with some rather unpleasant nuances. Let's find out how much sailors earn in different countries of the world.

Features of work

A sailor must have a range of skills and abilities to be taken on board. Their list depends on the position that the job seeker will occupy on the ship. This position may be:

  • sailor;
  • mechanic;
  • navigator;
  • pilot;
  • captain;
  • mate;
  • cook, etc.

The minimum requirement for any sailor is an education in a nautical school. But the senior command staff should already have a higher education in this profile in their luggage. In addition, sailors are required to know a foreign language, in particular English, at least at a simple conversational level. Command staff should have more in-depth knowledge of the English language.

In addition to general knowledge of maritime affairs, a representative of each specialization must be able to do the same as a specialist of the corresponding category on land. For example, a cook must have all the skills of a cook, and a mechanic must have all the skills of an engineer.

But the main feature of the work of a seafarer is that he must be away from his family and home for quite a long time.

On what factors does salary depend?

To a large extent, the salary of a sailor depends on the specific crewing agency through which he was hired on a flight. A crewing agency is a kind of intermediary between a job seeker and a direct employer. Naturally, it does not perform this intermediary mission for free.

In addition, the specific country in which the office is located plays a certain role in the amount of earnings.

Although this role is not as significant as in wages in other areas of activity. Indeed, both domestic and foreign companies act as employers in this market, which contributes to equalizing the cost of seafarers' labor in various countries of the world. In addition, payments are often made in dollars.

A much more important role in remuneration is played by the specific position occupied by the seafarer, his qualifications and experience. Naturally, the range of the voyage and the period also have their significance, but often for long-distance sailors it is standard and is 4 months. Although there are longer flights.

Salaries of seafarers in Russia

Now let's take a look at the specific salaries of seafarers recruited for voyages in Russia. It must be said that these earnings will not differ significantly from the income of their colleagues from other countries of the world. The approximate level of salaries of specialists of various categories is presented in the table below.

As you can see, the captain earns the most. By the way, if the spread between salaries for other positions is small enough, then the salary of the captain can be more by as much as 15 thousand dollars a month. The salary of the captain, unlike other members of the team, still largely depends on the value of the cargo and the financial situation of the organization that hired him.

See also: How an office worker went on extra work in 6 months in the Internet.

Also, let's not forget that it is the captain who bears the main responsibility for everything that happened on the ship during the voyage, including the cargo. In addition, the qualification of the captain plays a greater role in the level of his salary than that of other seafarers. After all, a competent captain is half the team's success.

But the difference between the salaries of senior officers and ordinary sailors is no longer so great and amounts to a maximum of 4.5 thousand dollars. At the same time, the minimum wage for Russian sailors is $1,500.

And what about abroad?

As mentioned above, the level of salaries of foreign sailors and Russian sailors does not differ much. So, to find out how much Ukrainian sailors earn, it is enough to subtract $500 from the earnings of their colleagues from Russia, and to determine the income of a ship crew from Western Europe and the USA, on the contrary, add these $500. As you can see, in comparison of the general salaries of sailors, this is not such a big difference, and against the background of the captain's twenty thousand dollars, these five hundred dollars are generally lost.

High paying job

As you can see, the payment for work on ships going on a long voyage, against the background of average Russian salaries, looks more than attractive. Even an ordinary sailor can earn from 95,000 rubles a month in terms of the domestic currency, not to mention the representatives of senior officers.

This is largely due to the fact that the salaries of seafarers around the world are more or less equalized. At the same time, for the countries of Western Europe and the United States, the salaries of ship personnel are not too high. The only exception is the salary of the captain of the ship.

The job of a seafarer is the most controversial when it comes to choosing a profession. After all, a trip to the sea is always associated with risk and certain difficulties.

However, funding for such workers has always been at a high level. How much is the salary of a seafarer in different countries of the world?

Stable income of a professional in the territory of the Russian Federation

A highly qualified specialist can receive excellent salaries at sea (up to 3000 USD).

At the same time, the oil and gas sector is distinguished by even greater profits for workers.

In a relatively short period of time, an expert can save up for an apartment, a car and other assets.

If you plan your career correctly, then by the age of 30 you can become the captain of a ship.

The average salary of a sailor in Russia reaches 80 thousand rubles (approximately 1379 US dollars).

Mostly official vacancies are concentrated in the regions of the country that have access to the sea.

For a detailed analysis, we will study the salaries of seafarers in the context of the regions of the state, namely:

  • Murmansk region - 45 -90 thousand rubles;
  • the Khabarovsk Territory - 46.4 - 88 thousand rubles;
  • Primorsky region - 48 - 76 thousand rubles;
  • Magadan territory - 52 - 92 thousand rubles;
  • Krasnodar Territory - 48 - 82 thousand rubles;
  • Buryat Republic - 50 - 101 thousand rubles.

The revenue of the kings of the seas can vary greatly among themselves.

So how much can a sailor earn?

A large number of factors directly affect the earnings of specialists.

Consider the main options:

  • employment in a large company promises a salary from 50 000 RUB / 860 bucks monthly;
  • registration in a small-scale company will allow you to have from 40,000 / 689 RUB;
  • permanent ship worker of foreign origin earns from 80 000 RUB per month / 1379 c.u..

Experienced sailors prefer the fishing fleet.

Here, the profit of a specialist is largely tied to the volume of the catch (Kamchatka crabs, trout, salmon, pollock, etc.)

In the transport sector, the income of performers is slightly less.

Pricing starts at RUB 30,000 / $517 per month.

Permanent employment in the auxiliary fleet have the following level of earnings:

  • performance of rotational work - from 15 to 26 thousand rubles;RUB ;
  • implementation of the duties of a sailor on a ship - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.RUB ;
  • qualified and responsible work(chief engineer, navigator, captain, etc.) from 46 thousand RUB;
  • experienced cook. On average, a rank chef earns from 60 to 100 thousand RUB / 1000-1724 dollars. On a transport ship the employee has a salary at the level of 50 thousand RUB;
  • repair team worker. Specialists of this profile carry out prompt correction of all malfunctions that may occur on the vessel. The tariff rate for professionals is at least 50,000 rubles. A quality mechanic gets his hands on 60 -70 thousand RUB per month.

A sailor's monthly income is closely correlated with the number of sailing trips and the success of the trip itself.

So, for example, with a high level of fish marriage, specialists will receive a minimum monetary reward (500-1000 USD)

A fundamental condition for any sailor is the presence of a diploma, which is issued by a nautical school.

It will be more difficult to get into the senior command structure, since a diploma of a higher educational institution is required here.

In addition, specialists of this rank must be fluent in English.

The stable range of salaries for specialists of different categories on the prestigious courts of international companies in Russia has the following picture:

  • captain- 5 -20 thousand dollars;
  • senior command staff- 2-5 thousand dollars;
  • cook- 1.8-2.5 thousand dollars;
  • sailor- 1.5-2.0 c.u.

Work on long-distance ships is paid even more.

So, for example, an ordinary sailor gets here from 95 thousand RUB per month / 1637 $, although the representatives of the commanding staff have more profit.

It should be noted that the revenue of professionals in different countries of the world is uniform.

Working in a transport company, a seafarer can count on the following salaries:

  • large: from 50,000 RUB;
  • small: from 45 thousand RUB;
  • work on the shore (shift employment) -21-29 thousand rubles;
  • sailor of the auxiliary fleet -25 -45 thousand RUB.

A qualified welder makes good money on ships.

Particularly appreciated are experts who lay virtuoso seams of any level of complexity and know how to handle argon welding.

The salary of an experienced worker of this profile reaches from 50 to 80 thousand RUB per month (about 862-1379 dollars).

Monthly profit of Ukrainian specialists

Odessa National Maritime Academy is the epicenter of the production of qualified specialists.

According to statistics, about 70 thousand. professionals are employed on foreign vessels, and 40 on domestic ones.

The main problem for an experienced worker is to get a job.

The minimum level of monthly income of a specialist in this profile is 500 dollars.

Consider the main areas where qualified specialists can get a job in Ukrainian ports:

  • Ukrainian tugs(senior mechanic) - maximum up to $1000 per month;
  • foreign flagged container ships1200 - 1800 thousand dollars;
  • a cruise ship$2000 monthly;
  • transport ships- from 1057 to 3000 c.u.

A sailor who speaks English can count on personal bonuses and allowances.

Indeed, on long-haul flights it is very important to go on the air in a foreign language.

As a rule, an additional surcharge is up to 10% of the fixed tariff rate.

In large Ukrainian companies, an expert receives up to 2500 bucks.

In most cases, the salary of a cook is 300-400 dollars more than the income of an ordinary sailor.

However, the cook must have the appropriate category and completed medical book.

Another important feature of the profession is that a sailor can have a vacation of 4-6 months a year.

To receive $2000 per month The specialist must have the following characteristics and skills:

  • knowledge of a foreign language;
  • availability of a complete package of documents;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • use of basic professional skills;
  • issued work visa;
  • open category for the highest category;
  • willingness to sign a contract for 2-3 years.

Billing of the work of an expert in the world

The International Labor Organization for Seafarers "ILO" sets the minimum wage at $614.

This salary of specialists is strictly fixed until the end of 2108.

The tariff scale was approved at the Joint Maritime Commission meeting, which was organized in Geneva.

Today, China is the largest producer and exporter of fish in the world.

Seafood of this country disperse to different parts of the world.

  • « Pacific Andes» - Russian assets of this foreign company were bought out by the government of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, the property was transferred to the domestic organization "Russian Sea". The average salary here reaches 67,500 rubles / 1,155 USD;
  • holding "Norebo" has a volume of quotas at the level of 437.8 thousand tons. The association includes 12 large companies incl. and in the Far East. In 2016, sales revenue amounted to $756 million. The salaries of sailors here reach from 100 thousand rubles per month;
  • "Russian Fishery Company". The organization's earnings per year reach 265 million USD. The revenue of specialists is at the level 80 thousand rubles per month;
  • "Gidrostroy" - 331 million dollars. Seaman of the 1st category earns here from 60 thousand rubles / 1100 bucks;
  • "Okeanrybflot", "Nakhodka Fishing Base", "FOR" and "Preobrazhenskaya Base of the Trawl Fleet" - from 50 to 270 thousand rubles per month.

The association "NBAMR" deserves special attention, where seafarers of various ranks and specialties strive to get a job.

The average salary of a professional in an organization is 82,000 rubles, with insignificant flight duration.

Thus, fishermen can always spend time at home with their family and earn good amounts of money.,

The average salary for a sailor in the fishing fleet in Norway is NOK 38,100.

Translated into European currency, this figure is 4626 euros per month.

At the same time, the tax legislation in the country has strict conditions.

As a result, the specialist receives about 3,700 euros in his hands.

A qualified captain of a large vessel can count on a profit of 8-9 thousand euros.

Business on Kamchatka crabs

The most dangerous activity for a professional sailor is catching king crabs (red king crabs and snow crabs).

The average profit of a sailor for one trip can be 2000 - $4500.

However, the final earnings include a number of features, namely:

  • the cost of 1 crab weighing up to 2 kg reaches 90 USD;
  • the sailor's personal bonus directly depends on the success of the catch;
  • most of the workers are on small boats;
  • working in the "black", the poacher-sailor makes a profit 2 times more (up to $ 6,000);
  • insurance of the vessel and working personnel is deducted from the fixed salary of the specialist;
  • the installation of metal traps is associated with a huge risk to life and heavy physical labor.

Before entering the Bering Sea, each ship enters into an agreement with the coast guard in case of a crash.

Thus, about 40 bucks are deducted from each sailor for the services of the structure.

How much does a sailor earn in Russia and other countries

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