Nakhodka urban district - History page. Nakhodka Shipyard was rebooted Public Joint Stock Company Nakhodka Shipyard

Nakhodka Shipyard

The development of the Far East, in particular the Primorsky Territory, in the post-war years led to a sharp increase in cargo turnover, and since the main share of transportation fell on water transport, this required the replenishment of shipping companies with more and more ships. Available on Far East ship repair plants began to lag significantly behind the needs of the fleet for its repair. The question has arisen about expanding the repair base. One of the points where the construction of a new ship repair plant should begin was Nakhodka Bay with almost ice-free access to the open sea.
In the summer of 1946, in a wooden barracks among a grassy grove (approximately where the Vietnamese trade mission later was), the plant management of the future Nakhodka ship repair plant temporarily huddled.
A panoramic photograph from the collections of the Museum and Exhibition Center shows that there was a deserted valley, in its upper third (today on Nakhimovskaya Street) there was already a group of two-apartment houses, in the lower third, but on the same side, there was an old wooden and four new two-story buildings with two entrances each. Even lower, on the coast, the first few buildings were crowded into the current area of ​​the fire station, and towards Leninskaya, on the site of Nakhodkinsky Prospekt there was still an untouched ridge of a hill with a walking trail. A deserted dirt road (there was no railway road yet) skirted the hill along the shore.
Construction of the ship repair plant began in 1948, when object No. 106 was formed for the construction of a ship repair plant in Nakhodka Bay.
June 20, 1951 Minister Navy The USSR issued an order “On the organization of the dock area at plant No. 4 under construction in Nakhodka Bay.” This day is considered the plant's birthday.
In July 1951, a floating dock with a lifting capacity of 4000 tons was brought from Kaliningrad. The dock team was headed by Rodik V.A. His name is immortalized on one of the ships built at the plant. Production staff The plant consisted of 20 skilled workers and specialists, envoys from many cities of the country. Among them are Vakulin V.M., Bryzgalin M.S., Bushuev V.M., Chebotarev P.S., Gomzyakov G.E.
In September 1951, a group of young workers, graduates of vocational schools from Barnaul, Izhevsk, and Krasnoyarsk arrived. Mostly these were children of the war who had lost their parents. Taking care of them living conditions and education took over the 1st teacher, and then the first Komsomol organizer of the plant Shlyk P.G. Sipyagin A.F., appointed director of the plant in December 1951. was the founder of wonderful factory traditions - high professionalism and attention to people.
In 1952, the first group of graduates of the Vladivostok Higher Nautical School arrived at the plant. These were Orlov V.V., Titkov I.D., Bondarenko Yu.V., Malakhovsky V.I., Paskhalsky I.A., Gulko V.N. They immediately headed the most difficult sections, becoming craftsmen, technologists, foremen. New batches of specialists from many cities, including their own, arrived at the plant the best specialists sent by Vladivostok shipyard. These were Balashov B.V., Kutikov V.N., Tikhonenko M.M., Trotsenko F.M., Chernomor A.K., Voloshin I.S., Zavyalov N.V., Rubtsov S.T.
In July 1952, the first Sunday was held. The entire plant team went out to improve their residential village. The first trees were planted, sidewalks were built, and the first volleyball court was built. In the period from 1953 to 1955 The main workshops were put into operation, which were replenished with new machines, the number of workers increased, and new types of ship repair were mastered. Production innovators, innovators and inventors played a major role in the early release of ships from repair and the introduction of new technologies. Among the best were: turner Sosnin E.E., technologist Liberis S.D., electrician Chernomor A.K., head of the tool shop Cherevko V.P. On August 16, 1957, by order of the Minister of the Navy of the USSR, the plant was renamed the Nakhodka Ship Repair Plant. The first to be included in the book of honor was S.I. Tambovsky, foreman of the pipeline shop. It included those who formed the basis of the plant’s labor guard: boring machine Mazhara G.I., molder Rabozey P.K., foreman of mechanics Voloshin I.S., floating dock mechanic Ivlev V.I., head of the hull shop Kutikov V.N. . Only 15 people.
In 1958, Otrada Bay was opened children's camp recreation "Wave". In 1965, a new Japanese-built dock with a lifting capacity of 25,000 tons was received.
In 1968, the first gardening partnership “Voskhod” was created. The plant's athletes, under the leadership of Leonid Brandt, built the yacht "Grenada", on which they made a 600-mile voyage along the coast of Primorye. For the first time, a competition in professions was launched at the plant. The following titles were established: “Honorary Veteran of Labor”, “Master of Golden Hands”, “Best Young Worker”. The first titles were awarded to mechanics foreman V.F. Kovynev, toolmaker F.I. Sokolov, turner A.N. Fenyukov, senior painter P.G. Shlyk. The first to receive the title of “Best Young Worker” was mechanic Leonid Litavr. A significant event in the cultural life of the plant was the opening of an exhibition of folk art in the woodworking shop on October 24, 1970. The works of talented factory workers Evgeny Muzarev, David Kharmach, Viktor Toshchenko and Dmitry Tulev were presented at VDNKh in Moscow, one of Evgeny Muzarev’s works was donated to the Star City Museum. Since 1971, under the leadership of the talented builder N.M. Sharyga, the construction of residential buildings using economic methods was mastered. Over 18 years, 13 houses were built.
In 1972, a specialized shipbuilding bureau was created, headed by one of the first factory workers, B.I. Babakin. The bureau included designers V.V. Salomai, B.A. Fomenkov, D.P. Alekseenko, V.N. Murzaeva.
From 1973 to 1995, the plant built 27 vessels of the Nakhodka Rabochiy type, 19 self-propelled dies, 25 tugs, 50 lighters. 11 ships were named after plant veterans. The selfless work of the factory workers was rightfully appreciated with high awards. The Orders of Labor Glory were awarded to the senior foreman of the mechanical shop V.I. Naumov, the foreman of the dock section Efimenko A.V., the foreman of mechanics of the mechanical shop V.F. Kovynev. The Order of the Red Banner of Labor was awarded to foreman of electric welders V.S. Metlin and foreman of electricians Sutulo V.F.
In 1980, the plant was awarded VDNKh diplomas for the widespread introduction of brigade forms of labor organization, the development of creative groups, and the introduction of new technologies. A large group of plant workers received awards: 2 Moskvich cars, 2 gold, 10 silver and 28 bronze medals. Among the awarded: Sidorchuk L.P., Ermakov V.A., Stetsenko V.A., Chumash G.K., Kovynev V.F., Udovik V.F., Bulyndenko G.I., Shamakin A.V. The most important thing that has always distinguished the plant’s staff is its bright personalities, true masters of their craft, selflessly devoted to their native team: this is I.S. Voloshin, F.M. Trotsenko, P.G. Shlyk. These are the best youth mentors who have raised worthy replacements, foremen L.P. Sidorchuk, A.V. Efimenko, V.A. Konoplya, V.M. Litovtsev, G.T. Nesterenko, V.A. Stetsenko.
1952 - Created technical department, the beginning of the organization of mechanical assembly production, repair production ship systems, ship electrical equipment, organization of transport and rigging area, factory technical laboratory.
1953 - The first production building of the mechanical assembly shop (currently the pipeline shop) was put into operation.
1954 - A separate hull welding shop was put into operation.
1956 - The foundry and forging shop was put into operation.
1957 - Work on the construction of the berthing line has been completed.
1958 - The construction of the dock pier has been completed, the plant management building has been built. The first vessel under repair is the fishing boat "Kayak".
1962 - A slipway with a capacity of 2500 tons was put into operation and the first vessel of the Alchevsk farming enterprise was raised.
1965 - New dock 83 M, capacity 25,000 tons, Japanese built, received.
1969 - Put into operation new block electromechanical workshop, mechanical repair shop with an engineering building.
1972 - A specialized design bureau for shipbuilding has been created.
1975 - Beginning of commissioning of a new block of workshops. In the first bay, a spare parts workshop was located and began producing products. The plant is developing technically, being restructured organizationally, increasing production capacity, and updating technological equipment.
1977 - Deep-water pier No. 1 was put into operation. 1979 - Received a new composite dock 20K with a capacity of 8500t in Kherson shipyard, the factory electronic computer based on the ES-computer began to operate.
1982 Construction was completed and the entire block of workshops was put into operation, which housed sections of the mechanical assembly shop, a hatch cover repair shop, and the pipeline shop received the space of the former mechanical shop.
1985 - The construction of a dock repair shop has been completed, and the production area of ​​the central factory laboratory has been significantly expanded. New technologies for the restoration of ship parts are being actively developed and implemented. technical means by surfacing and powder coating; new advanced polymer materials are widely used in ship repair. We are actively acquiring and implementing new advanced technology cleaning and painting of ship hulls (including hydrosandblasting with high pressure water), elements of ship pipelines and apparatus. A planned system of advanced training for engineers, workers and employees has been introduced on the basis of institutes for advanced training in the cities of Odessa and Vladivostok.
1986 - Deep-water pier No. 2 was put into operation.
1991 - Beginning of complete computerization of technical services of workshops and departments based on personal computers.
September 15, 1992 Nakhodka ship repair plant was transformed from joint stock company.
1997 - Through the efforts of the teams of the ACS department and the chief designer, the system began to be implemented computer design in ship repair.
1999 - JSC NSRZ received a certificate of conformity of the quality management system international standard ISO.
There have been ups and downs in the history of the plant, but it managed not only to survive all the crises, but also to fit into the new economic realities. Today it can be proud of both the qualifications of its personnel and the level of equipment, which allows it to successfully compete with its market colleagues from the Asia-Pacific region. Among the implemented projects there are also innovative ones - for example, government order for the Kozminsk oil port "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean". Participation in the large-scale construction of facilities for the 2012 APEC summit in Vladivostok, fabrication of the structure of the river-bed span of the bridge across the Zolotoy Rog Bay and to Russky Island.
On June 20, 2011, the plant turned 60 years old. The anniversary year ended for the plant workers with participation in the opening of another large-scale Russian project: “Construction of a body-processing shop with a metal warehouse at the “Expansion” facility operating capacities JSC DVZ "Zvezda" to support the construction of transport vessels." This project began to be implemented in Primorye as part of the modernization and development of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry of the Russian Federation.
By decision of the sole shareholder of the Open Joint Stock Company "Nakhodka Shipyard" No. 01-10/2014 dated October 21, 2014, the powers of the General Director of OJSC "Nakhodka Shipyard" Andrey Evgenievich Chizh were terminated early - from October 22, 2014; new elected general manager Chaikun Roman Sergeevich.
The main activities of the plant still remain: ship repair; production and assembly of metal structures; mechanical engineering; loading and unloading operations.

OJSC "Nakhodka Shipyard"- an enterprise for the manufacture and assembly of metal structures for industrial and civil construction.


The Nakhodka ship repair plant was founded in 1951 as a dock area at plant No. 4 under construction in Nakhodka Bay. In 1954, a separate hull welding shop was put into operation, and in 1956, a foundry and forging shop. By 1982, construction was completed and the entire block of workshops was put into operation, which housed sections of the mechanical assembly shop, a hatch cover repair shop, and the pipeline shop received the area of ​​the former mechanical shop.

In 1991, the ship repair yard began the process of computerizing the technical services of workshops and departments on the basis of personal computers.

Already in 2006, JSC NSRZ included 21 subsidiaries. In 2007, the plant opened a new structural unit"Maritime Ship Center" to optimize the process and quality of ship repair.

To date the NSRP includes 12 production workshops, 9 subsidiaries of the production cycle. The following types of production are located on the territory of the Nakhodka Shipyard: forging, hull and welding, mechanical assembly, dock repair shop, pipeline, foundry and electrical installation shops.

Main activities

  • Mechanical engineering;
  • Manufacturing and assembly of metal structures;
  • Ship repair;
  • Loading and unloading operations.

Today, JSC NSRZ is a large machine-building enterprise that carries out work on the assembly of metal structures and ship repairs.

1986 NSRZ. Author: A.A. Eshtokin Nakhodka Ship Repair Plant (NSRZ) is historically one of the first enterprises in the city, founded in the early 50s of the last century. Over all the years of operation, the plant survived privatization and survived it, resisting several attempts at raider attacks.

There are 32 years between these pictures. In the summer of 1946, in a wooden barracks among a grassy grove (approximately where the Vietnamese trade mission later was), the plant management of the future Nakhodka ship repair plant temporarily huddled. Construction of the ship repair plant began in 1948, when object No. 106 was formed for the construction of a ship repair plant in Nakhodka Bay. A panoramic photograph from the collections of the Museum and Exhibition Center shows that there was a deserted valley, in its upper third (today on Nakhimovskaya Street) there was already a group of two-apartment houses, in the lower third on the same side there was an old wooden house and four new ones standing under the slope “two-story buildings” with two entrances each. Even lower, on the coast, the first few buildings were crowded into the current area of ​​the fire station, and towards Leninskaya, on the site of Nakhodkinsky Prospekt there was still an untouched ridge of a hill with a walking trail. A deserted dirt road (there was no railway road yet) skirted the hill along the shore. On June 20, 1951, the USSR Minister of the Navy issued an order “On the organization of a dock area at plant No. 4 under construction in Nakhodka Bay.” This day is considered the plant's birthday.

In July 1951, a floating dock with a lifting capacity of 4000 tons was brought from Kaliningrad. The dock team was headed by Rodik V.A. His name is immortalized on one of the ships built at the plant. The production staff of the plant consisted of 20 skilled workers and specialists, ambassadors from many cities of the country. Among them are Vakulin V.M., Bryzgalin M.S., Bushuev V.M., Chebotarev P.S., Gomzyakov G.E. In September 1951, a group of young workers, graduates of vocational schools from Barnaul, Izhevsk, and Krasnoyarsk arrived. Mostly these were children of the war who had lost their parents. The first teacher, and then the first Komsomol organizer of the plant, Shlyk P.G., took care of their living conditions and education. Sipyagin A.F., appointed director of the plant in December 1951. was the founder of wonderful factory traditions - high professionalism and attention to people. In 1952, the first group of graduates of the Vladivostok Higher Nautical School arrived at the plant. These were Orlov V.V., Titkov I.D., Bondarenko Yu.V., Malakhovsky V.I., Paskhalsky I.A., Gulko V.N. They immediately headed the most difficult sections, becoming craftsmen, technologists, foremen. New batches of specialists from many cities arrived at the plant, including the Vladivostok Shipyard, which sent its best specialists. These were Balashov B.V., Kutikov V.N., Tikhonenko M.M., Trotsenko F.M., Chernomor A.K., Voloshin I.S., Zavyalov N.V., Rubtsov S.T. In July 1952, the first Sunday was held. The entire plant team went out to improve their residential village. The first trees were planted, sidewalks were built, and the first volleyball court was built. In the period from 1953 to 1955 The main workshops were put into operation, which were replenished with new machines, the number of workers increased, and new types of ship repair were mastered. In 1958, a children's recreation camp "Volna" was opened in Otrada Bay. A new plant management building was built.

The construction of the dock pier has been completed. The first vessel under repair is the fishing boat "Kayak". 1962 - A slipway with a capacity of 2500 tons was put into operation and the first vessel of the Alchevsk farming enterprise was raised. In 1965, a new Japanese-built dock with a lifting capacity of 25,000 tons was received. In 1968, the first gardening partnership “Voskhod” was created. The plant's athletes, under the leadership of Leonid Brandt, built the yacht "Grenada", on which they made a 600-mile voyage along the coast of Primorye. For the first time, a competition in professions was launched at the plant. The following titles were established: “Honorary Veteran of Labor”, “Master of Golden Hands”, “Best Young Worker”. Since 1971, under the leadership of the talented builder N.M. Sharyga, the construction of residential buildings using economic methods was mastered. Over 18 years, 13 houses were built. In the 70s, NSRZ began shipbuilding and mastered the production of a series of marine passenger ships of the Vladimir PUKALO type.

Here is one of these ships - "Yakov SINYAKIN" - awaiting the ceremonial launching. 1978, 60th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol... From 1973 to 1995, the plant built 27 vessels of the Nakhodka Rabochiy type, 19 self-propelled dinghies, 25 tugs, 50 lighters. 11 ships were named after plant veterans. After the “Nakhodka Worker” series, the plant began producing small passenger boats of the “Mikhail Varakin” type. The series has been under construction since 1975.

On September 15, 1992, the Nakhodka ship repair plant was transformed into a joint stock company. There have been ups and downs in the history of the plant, but it managed not only to survive all the crises, but also to fit into the new economic realities. During the times of oblivion of shipbuilding, NSRP was able to quickly modernize the production of metal structures and take an active part in the construction of APEC summit facilities and other projects for the development of the Far Eastern Federal District - and thus survived the times of decline. The portfolio of completed orders includes the largest industry projects. Among the first were two pontoon-type vessels “Katya” and “Styopa”, which were built by order of Pacific Bridge Construction Company CJSC (at that time it was building a bridge across the Zolotoy Rog Bay for the APEC 2012 forum). The NSRZ recalls that at that time it was the largest shipbuilding project since the beginning of perestroika in Primorye.

The vessels were designed to transport large-sized metal structures for the bridge across the Golden Horn Bay. NSRZ also assembled the structures themselves for the bridge, a total of 51 enlarged panels, with a total weight of 12.5 thousand tons. In July 2012, another shipbuilding project was completed at NSRZ. By order of Vostochny Petrochemical Terminal LLC, a floating berth 70 m long, 22 m wide and weighing 320 tons was created. About 50 hull workers, welders, assemblers and installers worked for four months to create the floating pier.

The new berth was towed to the port of Vostochny. Its commissioning allowed the customer to significantly increase the volume of oil products transshipment, since large-capacity tankers with a draft of up to 11 m can enter the port for unloading. The self-propelled barge “Grand-555” of the “Slavyanka” type became the next shipbuilding order. Such vessels have been built in the NSRZ workshops since the 70s of the last century. However, in order to fulfill the order of JSC Chukotka trading company» the project has been improved. As a result, the customer received a modern, high-quality ship, capable of operating both at sea and on rivers. The next shipbuilding project took NSRZ to a new level. In 2012, the Sakhalin tanker was laid down at the Zvezda Far Eastern shipyard. The ship was built by order of JSC DCSS for JSC Rosneft. But due to the heavy workload of Zvezda, construction was moved to the Nakhodka shipyard. The purpose of the vessel is to receive, transport and deliver up to four types of petroleum products. The tanker with a deadweight of about 3100 tons corresponds to new ones international requirements, it is capable of working in ice conditions with a higher class environmental safety and automation, equipped with the most modern equipment.

Never before have ships of this class and tonnage been built in Nakhodka, or throughout Primorye. For such a large and new project for the plant, NSRZ specialists were trained in Poland and China, where shipbuilding occupies a leading position in the economy. On the day the tanker was launched, the NSRZ slipway was crowded. Large quantity guests and factory workers came to watch this event. Vladimir Miklushevsky, the then governor of Primorye, and Veniamin, Metropolitan of Vladivostok and Primorye, came to take part in the ceremony.

After the speeches died down and the bottle of champagne was broken on the side of the ship, the Sakhalin began to be launched into the water along the slipways. According to tradition, the bottle is broken on the side of the ship by a woman who is considered the “godmother” of the ship. Olga Moiseenko, who is the leading accountant of the ship repair plant, was chosen as the “mother” of the Rosneft Sakhalin tanker. In addition to shipbuilding, NSRP was actively involved in ship repair, focusing on dock repairs, for which the company has a docking facility and a slipway. In addition, the plant produces metal structures. These can be tanks, ship hulls, pipelines, metal structures made of stainless steel, barges, sheet piles, bridge cranes, bridge structures, modular blocks and other products... So, American company Fluor, as part of the development of the Sakhalin-1 project field, signed a contract with NSRZ PJSC. In 2015, the Nakhodka plant built 19 tanks with a volume of 186 m3 for storing petroleum products.

From 2014 to 2016, the production and assembly of overhead cranes was carried out, commissioned by the world-famous Finnish company KONE CRANES, which are being built for the new shipyard of JSC Zvezda in Bolshoy Kamen. In just two years, 14 cranes with a lifting capacity from 20 to 180 tons were manufactured.

And at this time, first the Vladivostok Shipyard, then Pervomaisky, Slavyansky and, finally, Dalzavod systematically ceased their activities - not to mention the smaller defense “registered” plants in Vladivostok and along the entire coast. The Bolshekamensk Zvezda remained in operation thanks to the support of the state, and the poorly functioning Nakhodka Primorsky Plant with a small division of SK PZ. The remaining ship repair enterprises were collapsed, sold out and repurposed under the same “compassionate song” that ship repair in the Russian Far East is unprofitable and it is impossible to compete with Chinese and Korean companies. But, apparently, there were problems with choral singing at the NSRZ. It turns out that the management of the enterprise all the time continued to work as intended: to fulfill the state defense order for ship repairs and even demonstrated that shipbuilding today is a reality by launching the first tanker for Rosneft in 2014. It would seem that the management of Andrei Chizh (already the former general director of NSRZ) has managed in recent years to consolidate the enterprise at a stable level, with the support of the authorities... Andrei Chizh has held the position of general director of the plant since 2003, replacing his father Evgeniy Chizh, an experienced ship repairer who led NSRZ, in this position since 1986.

But, apparently, the successes of the NSRZ could not help but arouse interest in such an undervalued asset from certain circles. And in October 2014, general director Andrei Chizh “left quietly”, and his place was taken by a visiting manager, 35-year-old Roman CHAIKUN from Vladivostok, who has nothing to do with ship repair and shipbuilding. The change in leadership occurred suddenly and against a background that was not at all bad economic indicators. After all, the plant was operating successfully and was ready to increase its portfolio of orders, including state defense orders. What was the point of exchanging Andrei Chizh, with his many years of experience in the field of ship repair and shipbuilding, for a young manager who has not proven himself in this industry? Evgeniy Chizh, who worked as general director from 1986 to 2003, explained the developing situation this way: - When the plant had problems, there was no interest on the part of the raiders. And when he came out international projects(we are talking primarily about the construction of drilling platforms as part of the Sakhalin projects, where almost all of the plant’s employees were involved), when the plant clearly declared its capabilities to Moscow, then some gentlemen began to want to acquire this enterprise. But the new general director did not work for long. Already in 2015, a new general director began working at the Nakhodka Shipyard. They appointed Muscovite Mikhail Poletaev, owner of Moscow JSC MP Group, which is the sole shareholder of NSRZ. It is difficult to say what the future fate of NSRZ, the largest ship repair plant in the Far East, will be...

The former general director of Nakhodka Shipyard OJSC (from November 2014 - PJSC) is suspected of embezzling 23.5 million rubles. We are talking about Andrei CHIZH, the son of Evgeniy CHIZH. Together, both managers led NSRZ for about 30 years. Since February 2015, the general director of PJSC NSRZ has been Mikhail POLETAEV, who is also the founder of JSC MP Group (Moscow), the new owner of the Nakhodka plant de jure. De facto, according to the Business newspaper Zolotoy Rog, the owner of the NSRZ is one of the commercial banks.

“The military prosecutor’s office of the Pacific Fleet, when checking the legality of spending budget funds It was established that the former General Director of OJSC Nakhodka Shipyard, as part of the execution government contract for the repair of a large landing ship and a floating workshop, entered into a fictitious subcontract agreement with Aleut-Vostok LLC, entering into a criminal conspiracy with the manager commercial organization. As a result, they stole over 23.5 million rubles,” according to the website of the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office.

Investigation Department Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs In the Primorsky Territory, a criminal case has been initiated and is being investigated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale”).

Andrey Chizh has held the position of general director of the plant since 2003, replacing his father Evgeniy Chizh, who had headed the NSRZ since 1986.

JSC NSRZ after privatization was permanently in a state of “corporate wars”. So, Arbitration Court Primorsky Territory on November 29, 2012, refused to the shareholders of the plant (SaSKo-Stokes OJSC, Management Consulting Service CJSC, Druzhba Enterprise LLC and a number of individuals) who tried to have the decisions of the annual meeting of shareholders held on June 24, 2010 invalidated . Even earlier, in 2008, the Druzhba and SaSKo-Stokes companies accused the administration of the Nakhodka Shipyard under the leadership of Andrei Chizh of actually seizing power at the plant. According to SaSKo-Stokes, the purpose of seizing the plant was to abandon ship repair as a low-profit industry, to “clean up” the territory of the enterprise and turn it into a port for transshipment of supposedly black and gray smuggling from China.

Further successes of NSRZ (the plant successfully completed contracts for the construction of bridges across the Zolotoy Rog Bay and on Russky Island, as well as the construction of the concrete foundation of Sakhalin-1) could not but arouse interest in such an undervalued asset from certain circles. Moreover, in 2014 the plant received large orders for shipbuilding. Thus, in August 2014, the first ice-class tanker Sakhalin, manufactured by order of Rosneft, was launched at NSRZ.

According to the Business newspaper Zolotoy Rog, the former leaders of the Nakhodka shipyard came to the attention of law enforcement agencies after Irina BORBOT, a relative of Igor Borbot, who was declared international search.

Dossier of the Golden Horn: Former general director of the Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair, Igor Borbot, is accused of embezzling 4.9 billion rubles during the construction of the Zvezda shipyard in Bolshoy Kamen. Management Federal service security in the Primorsky Territory, a criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale.” On April 22, 2016, Igor Borbot was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for violating immigration laws.

Back in October 2012, Irina Borbot (according to NSRZ materials, who at that time owned 98.66% of the plant’s shares) tried to establish full control over the enterprise by sending demands to the plant’s minority shareholders to buy out their shares.

However, less than three months passed before Irina Borbot’s direct share was reduced to 37.5% of NSRZ shares. The remaining shares at the beginning of 2013 belonged to the offshore companies Ferina Commercial (Florida, USA) and Hyderry International (British Virgin Islands) - 19.88% and 17.78%, respectively. Rosbank owned another 24.85% of the shares. And two years later, NSRZ had a new owner - the Moscow MP Group. According to the Business newspaper Zolotoy Rog, the new owners got the plant according to a very complicated scheme: Borbot and Co. used it several times property complex NSRZ as collateral for other transactions. As a result of one of them, the plant came under the control of bankers.

Let us note that, despite the appearance of a new owner, Rosneft considers the Nakhodka plant to be its asset and expects that it will be integrated into the technological chain of the Zvezda shipyard. As for the former managers of the plant, the new owners have reason to believe that during their management the plant was missing several tens of millions of rubles. But this is already virgin soil for law enforcement agencies.

As for the current situation of the NSRZ, it looks quite good. Thus, revenue for 2015 increased by 2.4 times compared to 2014, to 939.340 million rubles. Net profit amounted to 41.087 million rubles (an increase of 3.2 times). Price net assets increased from 221.5 million rubles at the end of 2014 to 249.4 million rubles at the end of 2015. In 2016-2017 the company plans to increase shipbuilding capacity, with the possibility of producing up to four ships with a deadweight of up to 5 thousand tons.
