How to open a business transporting passengers by bus. Intercity passenger transportation as a business. Variable costs, rub

Passenger transportation is not a new direction for creating highly profitable business. But the prospects for beginners remain at a high level, despite quite more competition. The whole point is the constantly growing demand for such a service, which means there is an opportunity for everyone to earn money.

Key Features of a Niche

You must deeply understand the entire process of such a business and development in order to include all the nuances in the business plan. Everything will begin with the registration of this type of activity. The most convenient option for registration is an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Also, do not forget that according to modern legislation, this type of activity must be accompanied by a license. So you will need to get required document, allowing you to provide passenger transportation services (and it doesn’t matter whether it will be transportation between cities or within the city).

If you, as an entrepreneur, plan to carry out transportation within the city along a route, then you will also need to obtain documents for approval of such a route or rent a permit for an existing one. This will take even more time and money. But this is information on a slightly different topic.

Selecting a room

To open a business for intercity passenger transportation, this type of activity will require a small office and a large parking lot near it. As expected, this parking lot should be well guarded and surrounded by a fence around the entire perimeter. It is also advisable to have your own vehicle wash on site. It may also be that there is no free money available for all this. Then it is better to consider the option of renting a parking lot and using private car wash services.

Also consider renting an office and everything else on the outskirts of the city to open a company, since the cost of rent in this case is significantly reduced.

Necessary transport

As a rule, a bus must be available to carry out this type of activity. And the cost must be included in the business plan for intercity passenger transportation. You can buy it outright or use credit. This will depend on your capabilities and wishes. If you do not want to buy a new option, then in order to save money, you can consider a used bus. But it is important, after the purchase or before it, to do the full range of technical analysis of the vehicle, so that at a minimum you do not lose money, and at a maximum, do not lead to tragic consequences.

You will also need to decide what scale the transportation should initially be. In this case, there are three options, according to the number of seats in one vehicle:

  1. 50 seats.
  2. 25 seats.
  3. 15 seats.

If you are new to this business and want to try yourself in this business first, then it is best to buy a minibus with 15 seats. And when will you start receiving good income, and you can collect more money, then it makes sense to buy cars with more seats.

Company employees

To build effective business For passenger transportation services between cities, your staff must have experienced and responsible drivers, and indeed all the staff. When choosing such people, it is important to consider first the person's experience and confidence in driving. If he doesn’t have both, then he will cause distrust among passengers, and in general this can be fraught with tragic consequences.

Of course, the driver must have permission to drive this type of transport. Also, do not forget that before each departure, the driver must first undergo an examination by a medical professional, who will also need to be hired to work with him.

In addition, do not forget that cars can often break down, so you will need a car mechanic who will also inspect the vehicle before and after trips.

Advertising services

In order for a business to become successful, an advertising and marketing strategy plays a big role. It is important to understand that it will be wrong to make a high-quality business plan for long-distance bus transportation, without advertising costs, since it will be difficult to achieve success without this. Here you have the opportunity to choose several advertising directions for your intercity passenger transportation services. One option is to place such advertising in the bus itself. An important point will be the organization of the company’s image through:

  • constant cleanliness in the bus interior;
  • convenient and fast transportation;
  • careful, experienced and polite drivers.

Among other types of advertising, we can note the effectiveness of a company’s personal website if it is made with high quality and is advertised in search engines. It should contain all the information necessary for a potential client, from prices and possible routes, to even photographs and videos of the vehicles themselves and their interiors.

Banners on the streets, advertising in newspapers, even on local television - all this and more that can bring potential clients to you, sooner or later you need to use it so that the maximum number of people learn about your enterprise. The question is how much money are you willing to spend on it and what are the options for initial stage will bring the most benefit.

Expenses and income

For one-time costs for such a business, the following can be noted:

  • registration and obtaining a license – 46,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a bus - 1,800,000 rubles.

In addition to one-time costs, of course, there will also be permanent ones, among which we can note:

  • fuel;
  • spare parts;
  • workers' wages;
  • renting a parking lot and an office (provided that you do not buy all this initially);
  • use of car wash services (if you don’t have your own);
  • utilities (if your own territory is purchased);
  • taxes;
  • advertising;
  • office;
  • other small expenses.

As practice shows, intercity passenger transportation as a business is very effective, and its payback can occur faster than in one year. But this is the case if each bus is constantly in operation. In any case, the approximate profitability of such a business is at the level of 80%.

This small case or in Russian - instructions for use was compiled by the editors of the Russian Startup website based on conversations with two successful entrepreneurs who have created and developed their own business in passenger transport. We talked with an entrepreneur from Novosibirsk, Alexander Mogilev, and Viktor Nesimchuk from Moscow. Our communication took place via Skype and based on the most interesting and, in our opinion, most useful answers, this article was compiled.

The passenger transportation business is considered one of the most profitable and promising types of business for beginners.

Its advantages include a high level of profitability and minimal initial costs. If you build your business correctly, costs can be recouped in up to 1-2 years.

When transporting passengers, private or legal entities and companies can act as clients. The main tasks are moving people in various directions (within the city and outside the city), seeing off to the station, airport, providing transport for various events, and so on.

In this type of business it is extremely important:

  • provide affordable prices for services;
  • hire professional drivers with extensive driving experience;
  • be punctual (strictly adhere to order deadlines);
  • choose the most convenient routes;
  • provide individual approach to clients;
  • maintain high-quality transport and carry out its maintenance in a timely manner.

Features of the passenger transportation business

Main services provided

When drawing up a business plan for passenger transportation, be sure to take into account the types of services provided.

The choice here is very wide. You can transport people along specific routes, provide buses with a driver for transportation to specific points, deliver guests to a railway or bus station, transport children, and so on.

As a rule, this list can be expanded over time by adding more and more new items. This is very important point to overcome existing competition in this field of activity.

How to properly open passenger transportation

Stages of registration

Implementing a business in passenger transportation requires several main stages:

  • select a technical and repair base;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • obtain the necessary licenses;
  • enter into an agreement with the Transport Committee for the right to work on the chosen route;
  • buy transport;
  • find people to work with;
  • advertise new business;
  • start transporting people.

Technical and repair base

For transport, it is necessary to rent garages in which it will be stored and repaired. The number of boxes directly depends on the number of equipment purchased.

On average, 8-10 cars are enough for a passenger transportation business. Accordingly, the number of garages should be the same. If you wish, you can buy garages and arrange them as you wish, but at the initial stage, renting will be enough.

The average costs in this case will be from 50 thousand rubles per month.

Business registration

As we mentioned, registration of a passenger transportation business can be carried out in two directions - as an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. I would like to immediately note that obtaining a license for this type of business is mandatory (previously this could not be done in the case of transportation of up to 8 people).

To obtain a license, you must complete a ten-day course at a special school for directors of transport companies.

Here future specialists gain knowledge about the specifics of this business, basic job requirements passenger transport and so on. Subsequently, the license is issued within one month.

But obtaining a license is only the first stage.

After this, a special commission visits the site and verifies that basic requirements are met - the availability of parking (garages), a technical base for repairs, the fact that drivers have passed medical care and so on.

If you are planning to open a passenger transportation business with a small number of cars (up to 2-3), then there is no point in registering and taking courses to obtain a license.

But there is an option - you can enter into an agreement with a large fleet of vehicles. Over time, you can get promoted, buy additional cars, register as an individual entrepreneur and get a license.

As for taxation, if there are up to 20 cars in the vehicle fleet, then you can issue a UTII, which does not require maintaining a book of expenses and income of the enterprise.


One of the most important issues is registration of a passenger transportation business. There are two options here:

1. Form an LLC. In this case, the organizational measures will be as follows:

  • a registration state fee of $130-150 is paid;
  • is entered authorized capital. Typically $350-360;
  • the minutes of the Constituent Assembly are completed;
  • an agreement on the creation of a new Company is drawn up;
  • an application is submitted to register an LLC;
  • The Charter is drawn up, which can be done independently or filled out together with professional lawyers.

Once all the documents are in hand, you can safely go to the tax authorities and register a new business. After this, you need to create your own stamp and open an account in one of financial institutions. There are also costs here, but they are minor.

General expenses for registration of an LLC – from 550 dollars (from 30 thousand rubles).

2. Form an individual entrepreneur. If you decide to open up like individual entrepreneur, then everything is simpler here:

  • a state fee is paid (its amount is about 30 US dollars);
  • an application is drawn up (must be certified by a notary);
  • Copies of personal documents are provided (must also be notarized).

After collecting everyone necessary documents go to tax office to obtain the desired status. There is no need for printing.

Question with the Ministry of Transport

To open a business, it is necessary to resolve all issues with the Ministry of Transport.

Here you will need a whole package of documents - the organization’s charter and memorandum of association(if we are talking about the creation of an LLC), a certificate of the State Register of Legal Entities and a certificate of registration, statistics codes, vehicle passports.

In addition, must be provided bank details, copies technical inspections each car, passports and driver’s licenses of employees, their work books, a car parking agreement, and so on (it is better to clarify the list of necessary documents in advance).

When applying, the Ministry will need to pay a state fee in the amount of 300 rubles. Upon receipt of a license – from 1000 rubles.

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A high-quality selection of franchises for aspiring entrepreneurs, collected by us

From this article you can find out how a simple driver from Samara created a taxi service and earned a million dollars:

Car park

One of the most important issues is the purchase of transport. There are several options here:

1. Purchase of cars of domestic or foreign production. The Russian Gazelle will cost about 700 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you need 10 cars, then the costs will be appropriate - from 7 million rubles. If you buy foreign cars (Mercedes, Volkswagen or others), then the costs will range from 25-30 million rubles.

2. Renting a vehicle (leasing) in this case, the initial costs will be reduced by 4-5 times, and the remaining amount can be paid gradually. But here it is very important to choose a high-quality leasing company and favorable conditions.

3. Hiring drivers with their own transport. This option is the most attractive, because they bear responsibility for their cars. full responsibility exactly the owners.

Business in the field of passenger transportation


Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel. The company must employ qualified drivers with extensive experience and the appropriate category. If a driver is hired to work with a car, then he must have a passport, documents for the car, insurance, and a certificate from the traffic police.

There are two options for cooperation:

  • you rent out a car, and the driver works according to work book(conclude an agreement). This option - the best way out for a company that has enough equipment, but is acutely short of drivers;
  • work is done for a percentage of total income. In this case, the owner of the car gets a job in the company and receives income from daily earnings (expressed as a percentage).

On average, income from one Gazelle can be from 2 thousand rubles per day.

In this case, the owner of the transport can keep a third part for himself, and give the rest to the enterprise. In this case, the working day should be as long as possible. As a rule, from six in the morning to eleven in the evening.

Number of personnel – from 10 people: driver, accountant, manager, technician and others. Average wage costs directly depend on the characteristics of employment. If a person is “on salary”, then he wages can range from 20 thousand rubles.

Table of potential consumers of taxi services and other passenger transportation in Russia


To promote a business, it is imperative to carry out advertising company.
There are several promotion options here:

Table of growth of participants in the passenger transportation market in Russia

Financial part

On average, one minibus makes about 8-10 trips per day. The cost of one trip is about 20 rubles (much depends on settlement). Consequently, in a month one car with 15 passengers can earn from 90 thousand rubles.

From this amount you can remove the cost of car washing and fuel (about minus 1,500 rubles).

The profit from a foreign car will be higher, because the number of seats is already 25. Consequently, the monthly income from one car will be from 150 thousand rubles.

So, the costs for a fleet of 10 cars:

  • registration costs – from 30 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for the purchase of transport – from 7 million rubles;
  • staff wage costs – from 100 thousand rubles per month;
  • garage rental – from 50 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising – from 80 thousand rubles.

Income from ten cars – from 1.5 million rubles per month.

Net profit– from 500 thousand rubles per month.


Passenger transportation business – promising direction. But here it is important to plan everything correctly, draw up or order a business plan and strictly follow it. Good luck.

Running your own business means working 80 hours a week so you don't have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. (Ramona Arnett)

One of newest types business is transporting passengers. There are quite a lot of companies on the market for these services, but they do not compete with each other. There are several types of transportation and each company occupies its own niche in this business. Owners of passenger transportation companies offer their services, and people use them. To build a business plan for a given business, it is necessary to focus on its profitability. And for this it is necessary to very carefully consider all the details and nuances.

Brief description

There are several types of passenger transportation:

  • city ​​transport,
  • intercity transport,
  • Taxi.

It has been proven by the experience of many companies that this type business is very profitable. And for this you can endure some period of inconvenience associated with preparation necessary documentation to open a business. This is the first stage of starting a business.

  1. society with limited liability(if there is a wide range of services)
  2. self employed.

To complete the preparation of the company, it is necessary to obtain a license to transport passengers, select drivers, and create a business plan for the profitable development of the company.

List of services

We ask passengers to start kissing right now so that the plane departs on time. (Advertisement at New Orleans Airport)

The main purpose of the passenger transportation business is to transport passengers to their destination different types transport.

An analysis of the choice of mode of transport by passengers showed that the bus is one of the most popular types transport. Analysis of the financial side of bus maintenance shows that this is a highly profitable vehicle.

An undoubted advantage is the fact that the bus can be used both within the city and on intercity trips. This affects the profitability of the entire company, so bus transportation is recommended to be included in the list of services.

There's another one additional view income - provision of a bus for advertising on its body. Product advertising attracts the attention of the population not only to the advertised product, but also to transport company, which has a positive effect on business development.

Room area

The business plan for passenger transportation must include information about the availability required premises for the office. When choosing a room, it is necessary to take into account that there must be a large area nearby for arranging a parking lot or an indoor garage. Required condition The arrangement of the parking lot is to fence it off with a fence and install an alarm system. It is also necessary to provide for maintenance of your cars in the parking lot.

Organization employees

One of the key personnel for such a company is drivers. Quantity necessary personnel will depend on the number of vehicles for transportation. Since passenger transportation is a very responsible type of service and can be quite dangerous to the life and health of passengers, it is necessary to hire competent, reliable and experienced drivers.

And we can say with confidence that the profit of the entire organization will depend on the work of the drivers.

Because if the driver is not reliable and raises doubts among passengers, they will not use this transport. So, for example, a mandatory requirement for hiring GAZ bus drivers is three years of work experience and preferably driving a GAZelle.


In principle, like any business, passenger transportation also needs to be advertised. Naturally, the most best advertising is quality organization the enterprise itself: these include competent drivers, cleaning of car interiors, well-thought-out routes, and adherence to work schedules.

Expenses for the passenger transportation business

To make your passenger transportation business profitable, you need to carefully prepare a financial plan. The plan will take into account all the nuances of the business, from purchased vehicles to the selection and calculation of the required fuel. All this is very important for profitability, because this is what an organization is created for.

For example, Ford's fuel consumption is less than that of a GAZelle (twelve liters versus eighteen per thousand kilometers), so Fords are more profitable for the organization. Great value has a route, which also affects costs and income. According to financial plan The cost per bus is calculated. There are two types of costs: fixed and one-time.

One-time costs include:

  • legal preparation of a package of documents for opening a business - forty-six thousand rubles;
  • purchase required quantity new cars - one million eight hundred thousand rubles.

Fixed costs include:

  • rental of the selected route - more than twenty thousand rubles,
  • fuels and lubricants - from fifty thousand rubles,
  • salary for employees: driver, conductor vehicle- fifty thousand rubles.


If we assume that the bus load will be around eighty percent, and the fare is fifteen rubles, then the revenue will be twenty-two thousand rubles if the driver performs fourteen trips.


You can call this business the fastest payback, since in three and a half months they should reach the break-even point. It will be more profitable if you engage not only in passenger transportation, but also in cargo transportation.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

In order to decide what business plan for passenger transportation to draw up, let’s consider the most common city transportation by shuttle bus. So, it will be possible to navigate all the nuances of this business.


Before you start operating in the field of passenger transportation, you must register as legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The next step is hiring drivers and obtaining a license.

When everything is already in place, you can start thinking about the route that will mandatory agreed with the city administration. This is a rather long process, so it is more profitable to rent the right to transport along an already established route.


The next step for successfully organizing a business is a bus.

There are two options - purchase and loan. You can purchase a used bus, but it must be on the road, subject to technical inspection and not cover income for constant repairs.

The type of transport is also divided according to the number of seats: large (50 seats), medium (25 seats) and small (15 seats).

Recently, VIP transportation by minibus with 7-8 seats has become increasingly in demand.

At first, you can launch one such bus, but if the service is in demand, you can add additional vehicles.


One-time costs in the passenger transportation business will go towards registration and obtaining a license, as well as the bus itself. Fixed costs there will be wages for the driver, conductor, route rental. Profit will depend on the route and number of flights. All investments for starting a business will pay off in about 3 months.

You can consider other options in the field motor transport services. It is recommended to carefully study the trends in passenger transportation in your city and note for yourself weaknesses and use for successful development of your business.

Any type of passenger transportation requires a license, which is issued by the central government authority. Its cost will be about 3-4 thousand dollars and you need to wait up to 25 days for its registration. In principle, if capital does not have large sums of money, then you can hire drivers with your own transport.

A full-fledged passenger transportation company will be considered a company that has in its fleet at least five medium and small buses and at least 3 large ones.


The personnel who will drive the buses must have driving experience and the appropriate category. Before each departure, the condition of the drivers is inspected medical worker, according to the law. Therefore, in addition to drivers, you will also have to hire a doctor, a car mechanic who inspects the bus before leaving, and a technician.

Good to know!

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The premises of the transport company should include a car wash, a service station, a parking space and office space. With a small capital, you can use the services of external car washes and rent parking lots.

The location is usually on the outskirts of the city, since an enterprise of this scale requires sufficient space.

Possible income

If we talk about final income, they can average $200,000 per year, but you should remember about constant expenses, including fuel.

They in turn amount to about 70,000 per year. The business in the field of passenger transportation will begin to pay off only after 5 years. To start doing business, it is recommended to download a standard sample business plan passenger transportation on our website.

Passenger transportation - know-how of today

Running your own business means working 80 hours a week so you don't have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. (Ramona Arnett)

Passenger transportation is the know-how of today and an excellent business for those who want to learn its basics. The campaign market is very large, but there is not much competition as such. There are several types of passenger transportation and each entrepreneur chooses his own type for business. Passenger transportation entrepreneurs offer their services for transporting passengers and people use them with pleasure. The emphasis of the passenger transportation business plan should be the profitability of this business project. You need to take a very responsible approach to compiling production plan and take into account every detail in it.


Types of transportation are varied:

  • urban mode of transport,
  • intercity transportation,
  • taxi service.

Passenger transportation is a very profitable type of business. For the sake of his income, you can endure some period of inconvenience in connection with the preparation of the necessary package of documents for opening a business. Next stage— register the business itself in one of the following ways: register either as a private entrepreneur, or register an LLC if it is an expanded enterprise. In addition, obtain a license to transport passengers, hire drivers, and begin creating a business plan for the successful development of a passenger transportation business.


We ask passengers to start kissing right now so that the plane departs on time. (Advertisement at New Orleans Airport)

The main goal of the passenger transportation business is to transport passengers various types transport. And as statistics show, one of the most popular means of transport for passenger transportation among the population is the bus. WITH financial point The bus seems to be quite profitable. It has one more feature in terms of passenger transportation - it can be used both in urban areas and intercity. And this factor has a positive effect on increasing profits, but it needs to be used in business development. In addition, advertisers are happy to use the interior and body of buses to advertise their products. This is also very good for the development of the passenger transportation business.


A business plan always contains information about finding suitable office space. But the main thing about it is the presence of a large enough area for parking nearby. It must be guarded and surrounded by a fence. Also make sure that your cars can be technically serviced in the parking area.


An important factor here is hiring drivers. Of course, this will partly depend on the number of vehicles for transportation. But for high-quality and safe transportation, it is important to hire experienced, very responsible, competent drivers. Indeed, in this type of business the human factor plays a leading role. And the profit in this case will also depend on the drivers. A driver who has little credibility will have few passengers boarding the bus. GAZelle drivers, for example, must have at least three years of driving experience and preferably own a car of this type.

For 350 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. IN open access, on the Internet, it is not there.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions
