The profession of a seamstress is a benefit to society. Creative profession: seamstress. Professionally important qualities

There is nothing like this these days a large number of professions in which they could fully realize their Creative skills representatives of the female half of humanity. One of these is perfect for women who are forced to stay at home for one reason or another. What is this profession? Seamstress.

Making clothes to order will be a good additional source of income, and in some cases it can be the main job.

Description of the profession

This specialization has always been in high demand. After all, people want to always look beautiful and fashionable. And who else will help them in this, if not a seamstress? Most often, representatives of this profession make a variety of products: shirts, children's clothing, blouses, coats, underwear.

Many people mistakenly think that seamstresses only do tailoring. But that's not the case at all. Because they can also make Leather Products, shoes, as well as car and other covers. Bags are also the work of seamstresses.

What are the responsibilities?

In general, what is the profession of a seamstress useful for? Of course, the fact that you can sew not only to order, earning money, but also dress yourself, as well as the whole family. talking plain language A seamstress is a woman who knows how to sew. And this applies not only to working on a typewriter, but also to making by hand.

Needlewomen who have little experience are engaged in the simplest operations on a typewriter or sew on accessories. And professional seamstresses are already engaged in tailoring clothes to order, while developing their own unique models of clothes. If selected given profession The seamstress must be able to work with different materials. Another necessary skill is good handling of the machine. You need to be able to adjust the degree of thread tension, as well as monitor the frequency of the line.

Today it is a very common profession. A seamstress can always find a description of models and patterns in specialized literature or create it herself. She can easily choose the direction that she likes more.

Also, someone wants to work on a large one and do monotonous routine work, for example, processing loops or sewing on pockets. Here you need to be part of a large team. Others choose a small atelier where they can work with colleagues or on their own.

A large number of women whose profession after training is indicated in the document as "seamstress" become private entrepreneurs and work at home, turning one of the rooms into their workshop. In this case, they have to be both cutters and dressmakers. As you can see, this profession is suitable for any woman, since there are many types of activities.

Personal qualities

In order for a woman to become a professional seamstress, she needs to develop accuracy, perseverance, patience and dexterity. It is necessary to be emotionally stable, balanced and not be afraid of monotonous and routine work. The specialist must have an accurate eye, good eyesight and excellent coordination of hand movements.

Since this is a creative profession (seamstress), the description of duties in which contains many points, it implies the presence of artistic taste. After all, customers should love the product. Therefore, you need to develop communication skills and a rich imagination.

The ability to quickly switch attention from one operation to another is also valued in this profession.

So, here is a list of qualities that a representative of the profession needs to possess, regardless of the chosen direction:

  • The ability to do all the work very carefully.
  • Correctly follow all the instructions that were offered.
  • Timely hand over finished products.
  • Perform all work exactly with orders.
  • Have good taste and excellent memory.
  • Treat the matter with full responsibility.


What is vocational training? A seamstress receives the necessary skills and knowledge most often in courses. Therefore, it will be enough for everyone who wants to be engaged in the manufacture of clothes to undergo a not very long training. Vocational technical schools train seamstresses who will later be able to work in ateliers and factories. It also happens that an enterprise engaged in tailoring takes on apprentices who are trained and left to work.

What is the career program? A seamstress must pass not only practical classes, but also theory. After all good specialists must be well versed in fabrics, as well as know the entire production technology. Caring for sewing machines, lubricating their parts - this also applies to the duties of a seamstress, which she must be able to perform correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Like any other profession, this one also has its pros and cons. Many women cannot stand the loud noise that is in the shop. It often results in hearing loss. Problems with the eyes and spine are also occupational diseases of seamstresses. Many complain about the relatively small opportunity to communicate with people.

But the pluses include the ability to inexpensively and beautifully dress yourself and the whole family. In addition, the training is very affordable. This profession can be a good side job in case of lack of money.


The remuneration of a seamstress depends on the complexity of the work performed, how many products are made and what is the scale of production. On average, seamstresses in the Moscow region receive up to 40 thousand rubles, and in other regions wage ranges from 20 to 30 thousand. But if you have a lot of experience and excellent artistic taste, then you can sew dresses that are very expensive.

Feminine, interesting, responsible and very useful. What profession are all these epithets dedicated to? Of course, sewing. One of the most important, practical and indispensable positions, without which the existence of a domestic light industry.

Also, this work for real women has a creative beginning and often turns out to be no less exciting than fashion design, although it consists in simple manual labor!

Why is the profession of a seamstress so important?

The position of a sewing master falls under the category of professions that are very in demand. So it was from the moment of the formation of manufactories at the beginning of the century. This state of affairs remains today. The work of a seamstress plays one of the first violins in the light industry and provides mass production of clothing - household, specialized, military. And although modern sewing production is largely automated, it still cannot do without the caring hands of a woman who knows how to tailor, assemble and decorate any element of our wardrobe. And, given the fact that, despite all-consuming imports, domestic garment factories tirelessly produce new brands and brands of clothing, the work of a seamstress will always be relevant.

Seamstresses also work in mass production - in workshops and in private workshops. And often representatives of this profession offer their work at home, performing not only tailoring, but also designing clothes. That is why this profession, despite its practical content, can be called creative. After all, if desired, any seamstress has the opportunity to go beyond the standard scope of tailoring and, by connecting imagination, become the author of new styles, interesting designs.

Professional qualities of a seamstress, or who is suitable for such a job

Of course, we associate sewing, first of all, with women. Therefore, among professional qualities inherent in this type of activity, in the first place is accuracy, diligence, accuracy. Seamstresses must be clean, attentive, fast enough, have good taste and an excellent memory. In addition, they have clearly defined professional duties in their competence: the ability to understand fabrics and materials, know the design of a sewing machine and, if necessary, be able to troubleshoot.

This profession is ideal for young girls. After all, it perfectly provides stability in work in production or in a private atelier. And ambitious young ladies, having talent and ingenuity, get every chance after a certain time to grow from a seamstress into a worthy designer of clothes and even a designer.

Seamstress education and job opportunities

The simplest level of sewing is a college or specialized school education. Here they teach the basics of this profession, after which there is an opportunity to realize themselves in the following areas: knitwear, engage in tailoring of hats and fur coats, work simply in the clothing industry.

Entering a university, girls in the future become the owner of the profession "designing light industry products." And work in this direction is much more interesting. Specialization includes a lot of different branches: from the history of fashion and the development of a collection of clothes or shoes to the creation of drawings, patterns and the organization of the work of the team at enterprises. And this one starts interesting job with successful admission and passing exams. As a rule, enrollment in a university is carried out on the basis of points scored in the disciplines of the Russian language, mathematics, physics or chemistry.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Class hour: “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Profession - a seamstress ”The ship of life lends itself to all winds and storms, if it does not have labor ballast. Stendhal

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Description of the slide:

Profession - seamstress Seamstress - a worker engaged in sewing (an obsolete word is a dressmaker). Tailor (obsolete) - a master, a specialist in sewing clothes. Atelier - a workshop for tailoring clothes. A fashion designer is a person who invents new styles of clothing. Model - a person who shows samples new clothes. July 13 - Day of light industry workers.

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a brief description of professions: A professional seamstress is the master of needles, threads and sewing machines, we owe them our favorite trousers, luxurious dresses, strict blouses. The colorful and rich world in which the seamstress lives is all kinds of fabrics, leather, threads, buttons, patterns, flounces and ruffles. By bringing these elements together, the seamstress will provide us with a comfortable everyday outfit or a festive one. But even for the most daring extravagant ladies, she will sew models to their liking. She has only to sit down at the sewing machine, and beautiful and practical things appear, without which it is impossible to imagine our life. The profession of a seamstress is now in great demand; various kinds clothes. Workers in this specialty can sew not only clothes, but also shoes, leather accessories, car covers and many other things. Dresses, coats, trousers, bags, sheepskin coats - all these are the products of the work of seamstresses. Enrolling in vocational schools or for practical training at a sewing company, you can grow from a “student” to a “master”. The professionalism of a seamstress is determined by her rank, from first to fifth.

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Historical note: how the seamstress profession appeared The history of the seamstress profession goes back centuries, and the need for sewing services appeared already when the idea of ​​protecting one's body with clothes first came to a person - in the Stone Age. Then everyone was his own seamstress: male hunters got food, and with it - the skins of animals; women sewed primitive clothes from them (loincloths, capes, headdresses, etc.). Many hundreds of years passed before the time when well-known fabrics appeared (silk, brocade, wool, satin, flannel, etc.) along with new technologies for sewing such clothes that would be on the shoulder of a very skilled craftsman. Only in the 19th century did the first garment factory appear, and it was then that the profession of a seamstress became in demand.

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The history of the emergence of sewing accessories Iron Do you know what gift in the old days was the most desirable and expensive for the bride? Large, heavy iron. The presented iron meant that the bride was considered a needlewoman and an excellent hostess. He was kept as a family heirloom, he passed from mother to daughter. The iron is no more than 500 years old .... The sewing needle In the long collection of human inventions, the needle is a treasure. What would we do without this painstaking assistant helping us out! Man invented the needle long before metals were discovered. The first needles were made from a fish bone, at the blunt end of which a hole was made ....

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The history of the emergence of sewing accessories Sewing machine In the twenties of the XIX century. on the roads of France one could meet a thin man dressed in rags who wandered from city to city. He lived by showing the public an amazing item - a sewing machine, invented by himself. Bartholomew Timonier created in 1755 the first mechanical machine that sewed - and sewed well! I. Singer is an American manufacturer and mechanic.

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School sewing workshop A school sewing workshop is a class specially equipped for sewing fabric products. Rules of conduct in the workshop ... Rules for cleaning the workshop ... Duties of the attendant ... Tools and accessories for sewing: needles, thimble, centimeter tape, scissors, mannequin, ruler, sewing machine, needle and thread, collars, pins.

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Short story costume The concepts of "clothes" and "suit" are largely similar, but there are differences. Clothing includes various types of products: underwear, dresses, shoes, hats, stockings, etc. A suit is a single ensemble of clothing items, in which an important role is played by accessories (gloves, bags, belts, jewelry, etc.) .), hair, cosmetics. We are accustomed to the words "fashionable", "unfashionable". What is fashion? Fashion is a stylish suit, and the style of a suit is determined by its silhouette. According to their design, costumes of all eras are divided into three types.

9 slide

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What a novice seamstress needs to know Pattern - a template for marking and cutting fabric Dart - a small fold sewn from the inside out to sew clothes according to a figure Pattern - a drawing tool for drawing curved lines Mannequin - a figure in the shape of a human body, necessary when sewing or finishing clothes

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Excerpts from literary works about tailors and sewing ... She had to iron her sisters' dresses, starch their skirts, and knit collars and frills. “And I will put on the most modest dress, but I will have a cape embroidered with golden flowers and a diamond belt, which no noble lady has. C. Perrault. "Cinderella" Proverbs and sayings Measure seven times - cut once. Riddles I am the younger sister of the needle, I also have a long thin neck, I differ only slightly: Instead of an ear - a head. (Pin)

If at least once in your life you repaired clothes or altered them, then you came into contact with the work of a seamstress. This specialist is in demand at all times, because people need beautiful and high-quality clothes. will talk about the profession of a seamstress and explain where you can learn her trade and how to get a job.

Description of the profession of a seamstress

The seamstress is engaged in sewing and repairing clothes both manually and with the help of special machines. In her hands, individual details (buttons, lace, scraps of fabric, etc.) turn into fashion items. The services of a seamstress are used by large factories, public and private ateliers, she also .

At the enterprise, this specialist is part of a well-coordinated team, where the sewing process is divided into separate operations assigned to each employee. For example, someone sews parts, members of another team iron, check the quality of products. In the atelier, the list of duties of a seamstress is more diverse, because the fewer people in the team, the more operations each worker performs. By the way, a seamstress is engaged not only in tailoring, but also leather, fur, including shoes, bags.

Personal qualities of a seamstress

A developed eye, clear hand coordination and sharp eyesight are the essential qualities of a seamstress. A representative of this profession must be dexterous, accurate, assiduous, patient, calmly endure monotonous work, but also perform it quickly and efficiently. Without it good thing you can’t sew, and uneven seams or the wrong size will upset the client. in large productionmarriage will not be missed at all and forced remake.

Pros and cons of the profession

A seamstress has to sit for a long time, strain her eyesight, during work her hands are more busy than her head. This is especially felt in mass production, where the seamstress performs mostly monotonous operations. But she can sheathe the whole family and fill the house with original things.

Skillful and enterprising seamstress will never be out of a job. If you like to deal with the product from the pattern to the final preparations, it is better to choose a job in an atelier or open your own business. Of course, in small town Finding a job is harder, but working from home is also an option. Then the seamstress will need a sense of taste, sociability, the ability to quickly perform various operations. Otherwise, you will not attract many customers.

Where to study seamstress

This profession is taught in . Then you can continue to improve your professional skills by working in production, for yourself, or go to university as a fashion designer ( , , ). The career of a seamstress depends on the professional rank: having the highest rank, she can apply for the position of process engineer garment production.

Where can a seamstress work in Belarus

In our country, there are many enterprises that require the hands of a seamstress.

Tailoring of textiles

UE "Baranovichi Cotton Production Association", OJSC "Lenta" (Mogilev), OJSC "Kamvol", OJSC "Sukno" (Minsk), RUPTP "Orshansky flax mill", OJSC "Mogoteks" (Mogilev), OJSC "Svitanak" (Soligorsk) , JSC "Vitebsk Carpets", JSC "Kim" (Vitebsk) and others.

Tailoring of knitwear

JSC Brest Hosiery Plant, RUPP Baranovichi Knitting Factory, JSC Soligorsk Knitting Enterprise Kupalinka.

The largest garment factories

OAO Comintern in Gomel, Znamya Industrializatsiya in Vitebsk, JV ZAO Milavitsa and OAO Progress in Minsk, ZAO Vesnyanka in Mogilev.

Shoe making

Belwest, Marco, Sivelga, Le Grand, Neman.

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I wonder which of us does not want to look elegant and fashionable, beautiful and bright?

A seamstress can easily solve such a problem, because it is to this profession that we all owe our beautiful dresses, exquisite jackets and strict trousers, magnificent blouses and favorite jeans.

The world of a seamstress is very interesting and diverse, as in a puppet kingdom, there is always a variety of colors of styles and shapes, she certainly knows how to make a hat with her own hands. And what is there in this world - various threads, buttons, needles, all kinds of materials, fabrics, leather, ruffles, flounces, patterns ...

And only by combining all these elements together, the seamstress, like a sorceress, creates for us a comfortable everyday or, conversely, luxurious extravagant outfit from nothing. As soon as she sits down at her sewing machine, various beautiful gizmos immediately appear, without which it is hardly possible to imagine our modern life.

The history of the seamstress profession

As for the history of the profession of a seamstress, it is worth saying that a seamstress is one of the most ancient professions, because even in primitive times women sewed furs, pieces of leather, and, although in those distant and harsh times everyone was their own seamstress, there were women who did this work for a fee. Later, in the 19th century, the first sewing machines appeared, and then this profession became even more in demand.

Seamstress profession - description

  • performs (manually or on a sewing machine) prepared complex or simple operations for sewing various products from different materials, and also adjusts the stitch frequency and thread tension,
  • eliminates various minor malfunctions in the operation of sewing machines,
  • controls the quality of the cut,
  • compliance of fittings with the purpose of the product and color.

There are several categories in this profession.

The first and second categories are quite simple, the seamstress of this category performs simple operations, such as removing the threads of temporary stitches, turning inside out, cutting out the part itself, etc.

The fourth and fifth ranks require more experience and effort. This is the undercut of the sleeves, the connection of the neck with the collar and the like.

A seamstress must know and be able to:

  • understand the technology of sewing production,
  • know the principles of working on sewing machines,
  • safety equipment,
  • rules for caring for them
  • be able to choose the numbers of threads and needles,
  • adjust the height of the presser foot
  • thread tension,
  • stitch length,
  • sewing machine speed
  • do different lines
  • connect the parts of the products together,
  • be able to care for machines, clean and lubricate them, if necessary, and troubleshoot any problems.

Thus, the profession of a seamstress is very important in modern times, and by choosing a good place to work, you can earn a lot of money on this.

Seamstress motorist profession

A seamstress must be able to perform operations of various types and of any complexity.

The profession of a seamstress-minder involves the ability to perform handmade tailoring. The ability to use scissors, pins and a needle is important.

On special sewing machines, seamstresses-minders perform machine joining of fabrics and processing of seams.

Wet-thermal operations and quality control of the work performed are also carried out by seamstresses.

Seamstresses-minders understand the design of sewing machines and devices used in tailoring products.

Knowledge of the rules for their operation, the ability to regulate and debug are the duties of a seamstress, as well as safety rules.

Industrial training as a seamstress

To become a highly qualified specialist in tailoring quality products, you need to get the appropriate education.

Sewing machine operators can receive initial vocational training in specialized schools and vocational lyceums.

Here they teach the technology of processing products and the skills of technologies for individual operations.

They study the device of the equipment and the ability to quickly debug, in case of a malfunction.

Right organization workplace, increasing speed skills and improving the quality of products, which significantly reduces the time to complete operations.

Special education can be continued in colleges. Universities and academies receive higher education.

And you can improve your skills in special courses.

This article will help you prepare your presentation.
