Corporate catering at the enterprise. Corporate catering. Organization of a dining room at all stages and a buffet with light snacks and fresh pastries

Today, corporate catering is practiced in many Russian companies and enterprises. Such an important part corporate culture demonstrates the manager's concern for his subordinates, and also ensures comfortable working conditions. You can order high-quality corporate catering from our company. Optimal prices and the most high quality– these two main points formed the basis of our activities.

Benefits of corporate catering

Organization of corporate catering is the key to the health of employees and the success of the company. This axiom has been known since the time Soviet Union, when each enterprise had its own canteen. It’s quite difficult to call the old menu very tasty and healthy, but it was still very much appreciated by the working team. Since the departure of the councils, most of the enterprises simply closed, and those that remained faced the problem of feeding their employees. As a result, the latter had to satisfy their needs in nearby cafes or take care of preparing food containers at home.

Having a nutritious meal right at your workplace is the dream of many workers. While in the West this practice is commonplace, in Russia it is just beginning to gain momentum. Organizing corporate catering is a modern service offered by our catering company.

Now, even without having your own kitchen on the territory of your company or enterprise, you can provide your employees with adequate nutrition. If earlier the lunch break turned into chaos and the eternal pursuit of a favorable place in the queue of the nearest cafe, today you can forever forget about all such inconveniences. Corporate catering allows you to solve a lot of inconveniences, but has the following advantages:

  • Prepared dishes will always be distinguished by their freshness and delivered at a clearly stated time;
  • Depending on your wishes, you can change the daily menu;
  • You can please all employees, as you can organize dietary and vegetarian meals;

  • Meals will be delivered in convenient containers that are very easy to dispose of;
  • There is an opportunity to save employees’ time as much as possible, which will have a positive impact on their performance. Now you won’t need to leave your office to eat during your lunch break;
  • Saving money for employees. Typically, prices at nearby eateries are not always the lowest, forcing workers to bring food from home. Corporate catering from our catering company, which will cost much less, will help you avoid these inconveniences;
  • You can provide nutritious meals for employees, including not only lunch, but also breakfast and dinner. This is very convenient if the company operates around the clock.

Main corporate catering options

Considering financial possibilities company, as well as the characteristics of the premises itself, we can offer several of the most profitable options for organizing corporate catering:

  • Full dining room. Of course, what is this best option for employees and management. This format allows you to provide yourself with complete and healthy eating and give up unhealthy fast food. Dining room full cycle implies the presence on the territory of a company or enterprise full-fledged workshop, on which all the necessary equipment for cooking will be installed. If you don’t have one, but there is free space, our company’s specialists will take care of organizing a mobile kitchen, delivering groceries and preparing meals;
  • Distribution line. If the budget does not allow organizing a full-fledged canteen on the office premises or there is simply no space for this, then the best option would be to provide a distribution line or a buffet. In this case, the cooks of our company deliver the dishes to the office and then prepare them. This format also implies nutritious meals for employees, with exclusively fresh and healthy dishes;
  • Delivery of ready meals to the office. If there is no separate room in the office, or there is simply no desire to distract workers with noise and a pleasant smell from the kitchen, it is best to order ready-made meals directly to the office. All you have to do is call our company, discuss the daily menu with the manager and indicate the exact date of delivery of the dishes. After this, our courier will deliver dishes every day to the specified place and at the specified time.

For executives, as well as honorary business partners and other guests, our company provides exclusive meals. It involves using only the best products of the highest quality, as well as preparing dishes in accordance with all world quality standards. An individual menu can be created for each individual guest according to his personal preferences.

Corporate catering is an effective lever for motivating employees

As you know, the work of any company or organization is, in one way or another, related to human resources. It is the responsibility of each employee to perform the tasks assigned to him well, but among the responsibilities of management is to provide comfortable working conditions for the working team.

Despite the fact that in Russian legislation There are no mandatory meals for their employees; more and more managers are trying to include this practice in their activities. Everyone understands that the more comfortable the working conditions are, the more efficient the work process will be. It is noteworthy that those employees who previously worked at an enterprise with corporate catering are looking for their next job with the same conditions.

A nutritious and high-quality lunch will have a positive impact on the health and condition of the employee. In addition, it can significantly strengthen corporate spirit, as well as increase loyalty and respect from working personnel. Our company will take into its own hands all responsibilities regarding the organization of corporate catering, which will free up the hands of managers.

Why corporate catering should be ordered from us

There are several main points that distinguish us from other catering companies:

  • Corporate catering of the highest quality. Catering from our company will allow you to use any catering services. Depending on the stated requirements, our specialists will develop a full-fledged corporate catering concept. Thanks to us it will be possible to personal experience make sure that food in the office is convenient;

  • Rich menu. Depending on the preferences of employees, it will be possible to create the most suitable menu that can satisfy the wishes of any employee. Regardless of whether there will be a meeting of important guests or you just need to feed your working staff, our specialists will treat the preparation of each dish with great responsibility;
  • Great experience. Thanks to this, our company’s specialists can turn the most interesting ideas into reality. We can deliver to him not only to the office, but also to any other place where company employees will be located;
  • Quality assurance. Positive feedback from our clients has long secured our status as a truly high-quality catering company that performs its work at the highest level;
  • Only healthy and high-quality dishes. We make sure that each employee receives only the best, therefore we use the highest quality products and adhere to all requirements for preparing dishes so that they can retain their freshness and benefits longer;
  • Prompt delivery. Professional couriers will not be late for a minute, so workers will receive their food on time. To maintain the freshness of cooked dishes, we use special equipment, which allows freshly prepared dishes to retain their best qualities;
  • Affordable prices. Many people think that ordering food to the office is very expensive. In fact, it is much cheaper than eating every day in nearby cafes and other eateries. Besides affordable price for food, we guarantee its usefulness and high quality. All this will have a positive impact on the health of workers and their performance.

We are sure that the most important thing in corporate catering is variety, benefits and meeting expectations. How lunches are organized at the enterprise is a choice for management.

Corporate catering in the canteen

This could be a canteen where corporate meals are prepared and where people have lunch. As a rule, it makes sense to open a canteen if the company’s staff exceeds 200 people. The company helps in organizing canteens in Moscow and other cities of Russia. This type of corporate catering has its own characteristics:
high speed maintenance, high cross-country ability,
limited menu, depriving visitors of the right to choose,
the need for premises for preparing dishes and staff on a permanent basis.

In organizing corporate canteens there are also legal subtleties, in particular with the preparation of documents (certificates, permits, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and others). You can learn more about how to open a canteen at an enterprise from experts. We'll tell you, help you, and come visit.

Corporate catering in neighboring cafes

Another option is to attract nearby restaurants and organize them into a so-called corporate catering network.

You visit all the cafes near your office, try a business lunch in each, choose the ones you like and sign a contract with them for corporate catering. Employees receive daily or monthly lunch vouchers, eat healthy, are healthy and happy. And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.

The company has partners whose restaurant chains cover many districts of Moscow. With our help, it is easier to negotiate the cost of a business lunch for employees and get a discount.

Corporate lunch delivery

True, even in the case of an agreement with a cafe there are some nuances. An employee left for lunch and returned an hour and a half later hungry. Why? I went to an exhibition at a nearby gallery. Or to the cinema. Or shopping. There is a solution to the problem of personnel leakage during the lunch break - food delivery to the office.

Corporate catering companies are presented on the website. Order today, lunch delivery tomorrow. In addition, friendship with and partners allows us to organize nutritious meals for employees at off-site events and exhibitions, which is more convenient than searching for canteens and cafes with reasonable prices and quality of food in an unfamiliar place.

Special offer

We deliver ready-made meals. Lunches delivered to your home, office and construction site in Moscow. At the customer's choice, transportation of portions is organized: in sealed containers or in thermoses.

We will create a personal lunch menu for the week, with a wide range of choices.

Conditions for ordering lunch:

  • Minimum order amount 5000 rub.
  • Delivery cost for orders over RUB 5,000. - FOR FREE
  • Lunch delivery to the office daily from 10.00 to 15.00
  • Orders are accepted according to the “today for tomorrow” system

Terms of payment for lunch delivery:

  • Daily cash to the courier upon delivery
  • Cashless payment in advance

Lunch order amount is calculated individually for each client;

Organization of corporate catering

Organization of catering in production from centralized food delivery to the creation of a canteen at the enterprise. We offer catering services for employees working on-the-job or on a rotational basis.

Catering for employees during seminars, conferences, business negotiations. We will help you profitably organize proper nutrition for workers, colleagues, and friends at your enterprise.

Qualified personnel Our company provides uninterrupted round-the-clock organization of corporate catering services.

Thanks to our organization, you do not need to travel to different establishments on your own and waste your time, which everyone values. Call us by phone and we will solve any of your questions regarding catering.

Always tasty and fresh and always on time!

Catering for employees at the enterprise

For large corporate clients We develop unique solutions directly to customer requirements.

Corporate lunches for employees, timely delivery of food directly to workplace– a serious intangible stimulant.

Will increase the productivity of your employees!

Food delivery for company employees

By organizing food, you can solve many important problems that are set for any organization. We organize the delivery of ready-made meals for employees at the enterprise upon concluding a contract.

We offer hot meat, fish and meatless dishes to choose from for corporate clients. Preparing festive dishes and serving parties, banquets and buffets. Salad, first, second and side dish, for any budget at the customer's choice!

Finished in strict accordance with standards. Using quality products.

Organization of a dining room at all stages and a buffet with light snacks and fresh pastries

We offer wide range buffet products, drinks, fresh baked goods.

Having a number of tables with all kinds of snacks, drinks and desserts on your premises.

Menu development.

Launch and management of the canteen at all stages.

Organization of corporate catering services for remote sites, shifts, etc.

Ready-to-serve lunch products are packaged in disposable packaging and delivered by our transport to the place of work of employees of this category.

Effective organization of corporate catering is

Meals for employees have several benefits:
  • As lunch approaches, employees don’t look at their watches, planning to leave early to make time for lunch and get in line. They calmly go about their work, knowing that at the appointed time they will be able to eat without haste and will have time to rest. It is important that eating together helps create a friendly, trusting atmosphere in the team;
  • A nutritious and regular diet helps maintain human health and good mood. And for the team this is an important component;
  • The staff feels the company cares about its employees, working more responsibly and with greater dedication.
  • In addition, the company's employees are provided with more comfortable working conditions. The company's personnel are not burdened with nutritional concerns. Workers do not have to go to the nearest market or cafe every time and stand in lines during their lunch break, risking being late.

The article describes the procedure and possible options for organizing corporate catering, as well as recommendations for conducting a tender for organizations providing catering services.

Lunch break - where and when?

Many companies have a corporate catering organization. The corporate policy of any company includes the organization of staff meals. Partial or full payment for meals can be stipulated in the terms of a collective (labor) agreement. But this article is still not about payment, but about how the nutrition process itself is organized. During the working day (shift), the employee must be given a break for rest and food lasting no more than two hours and no less than 30 minutes, which working hours is not included (Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The time for granting a break and its specific duration are established by internal labor regulations or by agreement between the employee and the employer.

At jobs where, due to production (work) conditions, it is impossible to provide a break for rest and food, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with the opportunity to rest and eat food during working hours. The list of such work, as well as places for rest and meals, are established by the internal labor regulations.

On certain types work provides for the provision of special breaks to employees during working hours, determined by the technology and organization of production and labor. The types of these works, the duration and procedure for providing such breaks are established by the internal labor regulations.

Workers working in the cold season in the open air or in closed unheated rooms, as well as loaders engaged in loading and unloading operations, and other workers in necessary cases are provided special breaks for heating and rest, which are included during working hours. The employer is obliged to provide premises for heating and rest of employees.
How and under what conditions employees eat depends on their performance, mood, health and, accordingly, the performance of the entire company as a whole. But independent organization nutrition confronts any manager with certain problems. Fortunately, the solution to many financial, production, organizational and other issues today can be entrusted to professionals in the field of corporate catering.

Organization of corporate catering is relevant both for administrative and office buildings, shopping complexes And industrial production, and for educational institutions and business centers; both for large companies and for very small companies.

The role of corporate catering cannot be underestimated. Lunch break- this is a time when you can not only eat delicious food, but also discuss business issues in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. Corporate meals and the opportunity to change the work environment at lunchtime help improve the efficiency of company employees.

Depending on the number of employees, the size of kitchen and dining areas, available production facilities, and the amount of subsidies allocated by the company for food for its employees, there are several possible options organizing corporate catering.

Canteen organization

This form of catering is suitable for those companies that have free space for catering. Production process takes place entirely on the premises of the customer company. In this case, you can choose whether it will be a canteen, a cafe or a restaurant.
At first, “hot lunch to the office” most often meant delivery of lunches to disposable tableware. However, now the situation has begun to change. In recent years, the number of orders for organizing a canteen has increased significantly. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle in business has a very noticeable effect. Employees of large companies began to monitor their health more carefully, so company managers began to pay more attention to the organization of the canteen. Nowadays, having your own canteen serves as an indicator of the company's respectability and professional approach to doing business.

Large Russian companies choose the organization of a canteen as one of the types of catering for their employees.

Organization of a distribution line or buffet

The next way is to organize catering in limited space. Production capacity will be reduced. In this case, the preliminary preparation of raw materials and products is carried out in another territory. A distribution line is installed on the territory of the organization, and the prepared food that is delivered is heated and distributed.
It is also possible to organize a buffet in a limited area, where cold dishes, sandwiches, cold and hot drinks can be distributed.
Buffet available. For this type of self-service, salad bars are often used, allowing you to approach dishes from any angle.

Food delivery to the office

If there is no free space, catering is still possible. The company delivers ready-made meals in special containers, heats them on the premises of the customer enterprise and distributes them to employees. For this purpose, the office has a separate room equipped with desks, a microwave and a refrigerator.

Catering outside the office at a specific location

If the office area is limited and is not provided for organizing a canteen, then you can organize meals for employees outside the office. This could be a canteen of another organization, a common canteen or a cafe. To ensure that employees spend no more time on lunch than the allotted time for lunch outside the office, meals should be organized close to the office itself. In order to choose among a wide variety of companies that will provide meals for your employees, it is recommended to hold a tender to compare conditions, prices and, most importantly, the quality of the services offered.

To conduct a tender, a request is sent to companies involved in organizing corporate catering with an invitation to take part in a tender to select a catering service provider. To participate in the tender, the supplier company must fill out a questionnaire and an appendix to the questionnaire (for convenience, it is recommended that you read the instructions for filling out before filling out).

Instructions for filling out the Questionnaire and Appendix to the Questionnaire

The Questionnaire and Application are completed in electronic form and sent by e-mail.
Filling out the Application.
All fields marked with "*" must be filled in.
Please do not attempt to fill in/change fields that are not marked with an "*".
When filling out the cost of services, you must indicate full cost services.
That is, the price that our company will pay for the service as a whole is necessary.
After familiarizing yourself with additional information please indicate the maximum possible increase in the cost of services.
Please specify the magnification limit.
If you have any questions, call: phone number, write: e-mail.

If your company organizes corporate meals, it is recommended to conduct regular surveys of employees who eat at this enterprise catering. Such studies make it possible to obtain information about the degree of employee satisfaction with the quality of services provided, to identify shortcomings, as well as employee wishes.

Reimbursement for food expenses

There are several ways to offset food costs:
1. Payment on electronic card.
Every month, each employee is credited with a certain amount to their electronic card. An employee cannot withdraw money from this card; such a card may be an employee’s pass. Consequently, when the employee pays for lunch, the amount of his expense is written off. At the end of each month the card is reset and replenished again.

2. A specific amount is paid for food.
Employees are compensated monthly for a certain amount, which is accrued additionally during the accrual period wages.

3. Employees are provided with food stamps.
At the end of each month, the employee is issued coupons for the next month. Every day, the employee pays with a coupon for the corresponding day at the canteen cash desk. Accordingly, at the end of each month, coupons from the canteen are provided to the company, on the basis of which payment is made. An employee does not have the right to transfer the coupons issued to him to another person.

  • Questionnaire for a participant in the tender of companies providing corporate catering services (DOC 42.512 Kb)

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