Motor ship manatee. The patrol boat “Lamantin” was laid down in Rybinsk. Maritime weapons transport

The Rybinsk plant "Vympel" builds ships by order of the Ministry of Defense, the Border Service of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies of Russia. Over the past 40 years, more than 1,800 boats have been delivered to foreign customers in 29 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa and South America.

Cheryomukha publishes the second material about defense projects of Rybinsk shipbuilders. This time we are talking about the threat of border violators - the border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 "Lamantin", the great capabilities of the small hydrographic vessel of Project 19910 and the maritime transport of weapons of Project 20360M - the very big ship in the history of Vympel.

Borderline "Manatee"

Project 1496M1 “Lamantin” boats were created as sea tugs for coastal navigation. From 2005 to 2015, Vympel delivered seven such ships for the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. They have proven to be highly reliable, economical and resistant to adverse hydrometeorological conditions. But for consistency modern requirements Rybinsk shipbuilders proposed to the border service to modernize the project. The main goal improved tactical technical characteristics. For Vympel, this was the first experience of independent design and subsequent construction of a ship.

- The prototype for the creation of the modernized “Manatee” was the destroyer “Izmail”, built in Russia and tested in 1887,- says Artyom Brum, head of the advanced shipbuilding department at Vympel. - During sea trials, it showed a speed of 15.5 knots at 6-point seas. This is a very high speed even for modern ships. The destroyer of 1887 used storm travel in wave cutting mode.

"Manatee". Photo of the Vympel shipyard.

The hull shape of the new Manatee is designed so that it goes through the wave. According to customer requirements, the speed has been increased: at factory sea ​​trials the ship showed 20.5 knots (38 km/h). The boat was equipped with Russian engines, modern radio equipment, a powerful fire extinguishing system to assist ships in distress, and the carrying capacity was increased. The propulsion complex, including propeller shafts and propellers, is also made in Russia. Today the modernized "Manatee" is called a good example import substitution.

- The main advantage of a boat for the border service is its high seaworthiness. In seas of two or three meters it will support high speed 13-15 knots due to its contours, continues Broome. - If some intruder moves at a speed of 10-12 knots in rough water, our boat will be able to detain him. Efficiency of search, interception and protection territorial waters increases.

Vympel will build a series of modernized Manatees for the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

Small hydrographic vessel

The Vympel shipyard has been cooperating with the hydrographic service for many years Military navy. In the 60-70s, he built hydrographic boats, and later small hydrographic vessels of Project 16611. Over the past ten years, five units of large hydrographic boats of Project 19920 have been built and delivered, and since 2015, Vympel has been building small hydrographic vessels of Project 19910 .

Large hydrographic boat. Photo of the Vympel shipyard.

- The hydrographic service fleet is being updated, and Vympel is one of three factories in the country that work with the Department of Navigation and Oceanography on this topic, - explained the head of the Navigation and Oceanography Department of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Travin during his visit to Rybinsk to check the progress of work. - Those ships that are being built now differ from the very first projects. Technologies have changed, the equipment that is installed on ships has changed dramatically and allows us to improve the efficiency of work to ensure navigation safety, maintain navigation equipment, create marine navigation charts, and conduct research. The most important thing for us is that the Vympel plant delivers the state defense order on time.

Construction of a small hydrographic vessel. Photo of the Vympel shipyard.

Small hydrographic vessels of Project 19910 perform hydrographic and pilotage work and serve in difficult climatic conditions. That's why modernized ships have an increased arctic class and better technical characteristics. To perform hydrographic work, a multibeam echo sounder is installed, which gives three-dimensional picture bottom: this allows you to search for underwater objects.

According to the contract, the vessel must be handed over to the customer by the end of 2019. It is planned that after completion of construction and testing, it will become part of the Northern Fleet.

Maritime weapons transport

Since 2017, Rybinsk shipbuilders have been implementing another big project- building a new generation of maritime weapons transport. Such large vessels have not yet been created on the Vympel; its length is 77 meters, width is 15.8 meters, and its total displacement is 3627 tons.

Maritime transport Project 20360M weapons will receive ice reinforcements for the hull, a double bottom and sides, two cargo holds, a platform for transporting cargo in containers, a crane with a lifting capacity of 26 tons, and even a bow helipad.

- For our plant, sea transport of weapons is a giant, but in fact it is not the largest support vessel- explains First Deputy General Director of Vympel Dmitry Belyakov. “They are needed to quickly and, most importantly, safely deliver weapons and special cargo to the areas where naval forces are grouped.”

According to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the naval transport of weapons of project 20360M with serial number 01551, being built at Vympel, was given the name “Gennady Dmitriev”. The vessel will serve in the Black Sea Fleet.

Construction of maritime weapons transport. Photo of the Vympel shipyard.

In 2017, Vympel became the only shipbuilding enterprise in the country that fulfilled the state defense order for the Navy without rescheduling. Today, customers call the Rybinsk shipyard a reliable supplier and intend to continue cooperation, which means that the life of many more ships will begin in Rybinsk.

  • Katerina Vorozhbit





Now, together with the Central Research and Design Institute of the Marine Fleet (JSC TsNIIMF, St. Petersburg), Vympel is developing a project for modernizing the border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 in accordance with the requirements of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. Part release design documentation for systems, mechanisms and construction is carried out by the enterprise. Modernization of the 1496M1 project is aimed at improving technical characteristics, habitability, and increasing speed. It is planned to install weapons and additional special equipment to ensure the versatility of the boat. After modernization, the boat will be able to reach speeds of up to 20 knots (previously – 10.5). The hull was changed and a thruster was introduced. The crane's lifting capacity has been increased to 3 tons (from 0.5 tons). The ice class of the boat will increase from Ice2 to Ice3. It will be armed with a remote-controlled combat module. The Vympel designers worked to improve the vessel's habitability. The updated boat will be equipped with a powerful fire extinguishing system, and it will be able to provide assistance to ships in distress.


On June 24, 2016, the ceremonial laying of the modernized border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 “Manatee” for the coast guard of the FSB of Russia took place at the Vympel Shipyard JSC.
The modernization of the project was carried out by the advanced shipbuilding department of Vympel Shipyard JSC together with the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Marine Fleet (TsNIIMF) in development of the existing project 1496M1.
“In 2015, the plant created its own design bureau. The company received a design license military equipment and began to create boats. Today we laid down the keel of a ship, the design of which was made by our own design bureau together with the customer. We got serious competitive advantage- we can independently design ships, quickly make changes to projects, and save customers money on carrying out design work", - said, opening the ceremony, general manager Oleg Yuryevich Belkov.
The modernized boat of Project 1496M1 "Manatee" has its own characteristics tactical and technical characteristics(speed, maneuverability, habitability, seaworthiness, ice class) significantly exceeds the characteristics of the basic project 1496M1 and meets modern requirements for boats of this class. It will be equipped with engines from the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. There will be many Russian components in the engine room of the boat.
Border patrol boat Project 1496M1 should be handed over to the customer in October 2017.


The Federal Security Service of Russia ordered the delivery of a border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 (code “Manatee”) for 469.7 million rubles to Crimea, as follows from the materials of military unit 55056 on the government procurement portal.
The boat must be delivered to Balaklava before October 31, 2017.
In June of this year, at the Vympel shipyard in Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region), the ceremonial laying of the modernized border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 “Manatee” for the coast guard of the border service of the FSB of Russia took place.
RIA Novosti


On October 3, the ceremonial launching of the modernized border guard boat of Project 1496M1, code “Lamantin”, construction No. 01408, took place at the Vympel Shipyard JSC.
The basis for the revised project 1496M1 is a synthesis of tug operating experience of this project in the coast guard units of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. The project has been modernized to ensure that the boat meets the modern requirements of the FSB PS. The design work was carried out by the company's recently created advanced shipbuilding department.
The ice class of the vessel has been changed, seaworthiness and habitability (crew living conditions) have been improved, speed and carrying capacity have been increased, and it has become possible to place a pontoon and containers on the deck. The boat is equipped with a powerful fire extinguishing system to assist ships in distress. The modernized "Lamantin" in its tactical and technical characteristics significantly exceeds the boat of the basic project 1496M1 and meets modern requirements for boats of this class.
The main power plant of the boat consists of three diesel gear units YaMZ-8401.10-09ppDMT300HL. Developer, manufacturer and supplier of DRA – LLC Manufacturing company"Avtodiesel-service-Center" (Yaroslavl). DRAs are manufactured on the basis diesel engines YaMZ-8401.10-09 PJSC Avtodiesel (YaMZ).
The propulsion complex, which includes propeller shafts and propellers, is also made in Russia.
Shipyard "Vympel"


In Rybinsk, the Vympel Shipbuilding Plant OJSC developed new project border patrol boat for the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. According to established tradition, the new project again received the code 1496M1 “Manatee” (apparently in order to completely confuse the potential enemy). Unlike its larger brother, built last year and intended for use at sea, the new patrol boat is designed to serve on river sections of the state border.
In addition to the patrol tasks itself, the boat can be used to transport personnel, as well as to provide assistance to those in distress river vessels and fire fighting.
Displacement (full): 96 tons.
Main dimensions: length - 32.1 m, width - 5.8 m, draft - 0.85 m.
Maximum speed: 18 knots
Armament - 2 machine guns
The boat has a platform for launching unmanned aerial vehicles.
In 2017, the Vympel Shipyard signed a contract and began construction of the lead boat of the project.

On October 11, the Vympel shipyard in Rybinsk will host a launching ceremony for the project 1496M1 border patrol boat "Lamantin" in a naval design.
As the press service of the enterprise told, the boat with serial number 01410 is the second in a series of five boats being built by shipbuilders for the border service of the FSB of Russia.
The first boat of the series was launched in October 2017.


On October 11, the Vympel Shipbuilding Plant JSC (part of the Kalashnikov Concern) launched a border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 code "Lamantin" construction number 01410.
This is the second modernized boat of Project 1496M1 in a series of five units that the company is building in the interests of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
The ceremonial descent was attended by: managing director of Vympel Oleg Aleksandrovich Goncharov, head of Rybinsk Denis Valeryevich Dobryakov, head of the department for the development of the military-industrial complex and implementation of the national technical initiative of the Department of Investment and Industry of the Yaroslavl Region Andrey Vladislavovich Storozhev.
Shipyard "Vympel"


On October 17, the Vympel Shipbuilding Plant JSC launched the border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 code "Lamantin" construction number 01411.
This is the third boat of the modernized Project 1496M1 in a series of five units that the company is building in the interests of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
The ceremonial launching of the ship was attended by: First Deputy Managing Director of Vympel Shipyard JSC Alexander Aleksandrovich Smirnov, the crew of the boat that will serve on it, the Evgeniy Kovrizhny Young Sailors Club, students of the Rybinsk Cadet Corps, and plant workers.
Alexander Alexandrovich Smirnov, opening gala event, said: “Today, together with you, we are participants in an event that is important for our enterprise, for our city and our country - the launching of a new ship that will protect the borders of Russia. And this ship was built thanks to the minds, abilities and hands of the employees and workers of the Vympel plant. I wish the ship seven feet under the keel, and the crew to fulfill their duty with honor.”
The ceremony of consecrating the ship was performed. The godmother of the boat, a specialist in the welding sector of the design and technological department, Irina Makhova, broke a bottle of champagne on the side of the ship.
Sea and acceptance tests of the project 1496M1 boat “Lamantin” with serial number 01411 will take place on the Black Sea. The changes that were included in the design of the vessel and implemented by Vympel will change its rank. After being handed over to the customer, it will begin service as a rank 4 border patrol ship of project 03050 code “Guys”.
Shipyard "Vympel"


At the end of April 2019, in Kerch, after the successful completion of sea and state tests, acceptance certificates were signed for the border patrol ships of the 4th rank "Korshun" and "Krechet" of project 03050 (code "Guys"), built by JSC "Vympel Shipyard" (Rybinsk , Yaroslavl region) and became part of the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
Previously, project 03050 (code "Guys") was designated as a modernized project 1496M1 (code "Manatee"), although in fact it was an almost completely new project in relation to the border patrol boat of the previous projects 1496M and 1496M1, built for the FSB Border Service since 2004. The project was developed by the Vympel Shipyard Design Bureau together with the Central Research Institute of the Maritime Fleet (TsNIIMF) as a development of the 1496M1 project, taking into account the customer’s wishes and also combines the qualities of a patrol ship and a tug.
Both border patrol ships (PSKR) of the 4th rank “Korshun” and “Krechet” (serial numbers 01410 and 01411) are the second and third ships of project 03050. They began construction in Rybinsk at the Vympel Shipyard in 2018 and were launched for water on October 11 and 17, 2018, respectively.

The modernized border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 “Lamantin” (serial number 01408) will be built by Vympel Shipyard JSC for the coast guard of the FSB of Russia.

The modernization of the project was carried out by the advanced shipbuilding department of Vympel Shipyard JSC together with the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Marine Fleet (TsNIIMF) in development of the existing project 1496M1.

The border patrol boat "Lamantin" of project 1496M1 is designed for towing ships with a displacement of up to 500 tons at a speed of up to 4 knots in coastal areas of sea basins, transporting port workers or similar groups, as well as up to 8 tons of cargo, of which up to 3 tons on deck .

The boat provides solutions to the following tasks: monitoring compliance established modes in internal sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation; detention of violating vessels, including high-speed vessels and boats;

security of detained ships in internal and external roadsteads, delivery of inspection teams to them; checking compliance with the state border regime in open ports and roadsteads; carrying out cargo transportation and transportation of personnel in the interests of border authorities; port operations at border control points; providing assistance to ships in distress on internal and external roadsteads; extinguishing fires on ships and coastal structures.

Architectural and structural type: Single-deck steel three-screw boat with an extended forecastle, aft location of the engine room, cargo hold and working platform, with a wheelhouse in the middle part.

Vessel class: KM Ice3 R2 AUT3 Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS).

The border patrol boat of Project 1496M1 in its tactical and technical characteristics (speed, thrust, maneuverability, living conditions for the crew) is significantly superior to the tugboat of the basic Project 1496M1 and meets modern requirements for boats of this class.

Main characteristics: Total displacement is about 112 tons, maximum displacement is about 132 tons. Overall length 29.10 meters, overall beam 6.48 meters, midship depth 2.90 meters, freeboard height 1.40 meters, overall draft 1.90 meters, superstructure height 2.20 meters, wheelhouse height 2, 20 meters. The speed at full displacement is at least 18 knots. Mooring pull 60 kN. Thrust when towing at a speed of 5 knots is 45 kN. Deadweight at full displacement is 17.40 tons, deadweight at maximum displacement is 36.57 tons. Cruising range with full reserves is 1000 miles. Cruising range at largest reserves 2000 miles. Autonomy 10 days. Autonomy with the largest reserves is 20 days. Crew 5 people. There are 13 sleeping places on board.

The main power plant consists of three diesel-geared units DRA YaMZ-8401ppDMT400HL with a total power of 1764 kW (2400 hp), operating through single-speed gearboxes flanged to the main engines, driving fixed-pitch propellers.

The auxiliary power plant consists of two diesel generators ADS 48-T400 TP with a power of 35 kW each or analogues as agreed with the customer.

The total fuel consumption at maximum load of three main engines and two diesel generators is no more than 405 kg/h.

Modernized border patrol boat of project 1496M1 “Lamantin” (serial number 01408): took place on June 24, 2016. October 03, 2017 on the water. Sealing and acceptance tests will take place first at the Rybinsk Reservoir, then at the Black Sea. The boat will serve at the FSB of Russia control center in the Republic of Crimea, its home port is the city of Kerch.

Modernized border patrol boat of project 1496M1 “Lamantin” (serial number 01410): launched on October 11, 2018. The boat will undergo sea and acceptance tests on the Black Sea.

Modernized border patrol boat of project 1496M1 “Lamantin” (serial number 01411): launched on October 17, 2018. The godmother of the boat, a specialist in the welding sector of the design and technological department, Irina Makhova, broke a bottle of champagne on the side of the ship. The boat will undergo sea and acceptance tests on the Black Sea.

On Friday, the laying of the modernized patrol boat for the FSB of the Russian Federation "Lamantin" of project 1496M1 took place at the Vympel Shipbuilding Plant JSC, the enterprise reports.

“The modernization of the project was carried out by the advanced shipbuilding department of Vympel Shipyard JSC together with the Central Research Institute of the Marine Fleet (TsNIIMF) in development of the existing project 1496M1,” the release says.

“In 2015, the plant created its own design bureau. The company received a license to design military equipment and began creating boats. Today we laid down the keel of a ship, the design of which was made by our own design bureau together with the customer. We have gained a serious competitive advantage - we can independently design ships, quickly make changes to projects, and save customers money on design work,” the press service quotes the plant’s general director Oleg Belkov.

“The unique thing is that the design process went very quickly, literally in 3-4 months. We worked in tandem, which is not often the case when customers and businesses work together. Now let's quickly move on to making the boat. We have confidence that the ship will be built on time,” said Vice Admiral Alexey Aleksandrovich Volsky, acting head of the Coast Guard Department of the FSB Border Service, at the ceremony.

The boat should be handed over to the customer in October 2017.

Information from the press service: “The upgraded boat of Project 1496M1 “Lamantin” in its tactical and technical characteristics (speed, maneuverability, habitability, seaworthiness, ice class) significantly exceeds the characteristics of the basic Project 1496M1 and meets modern requirements for boats of this class. It will be equipped with engines from the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. There will be a lot of Russian components in the engine room of the boat.”




On January 29, in Vladivostok, an acceptance certificate was signed for the border patrol boat of project 1496M1 “Manatee”, built by Vostochnaya Verf OJSC for the Coast Guard of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia.
The boat, with serial number 904, became the third for the Vostochnaya Shipyard; another 3 boats of this project were built by the Vympel shipyard (Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region).
Project 1496M1 “Lamantin” boats are designed for towing non-self-propelled watercraft in coastal areas of sea basins, transporting people (up to 12 people) and cargo (up to 2 tons) on deck, as well as participating in search and rescue operations.
Single-deck steel single-screw sea tug with a two-tier deckhouse and a raised deck at the bow.
The main power plant is a diesel-geared unit DRA 420/900 OM3 with a power of 420 hp. (309 kW) produced by JSC Volzhsky Plant named after Maminykh, operating on an adjustable pitch propeller in a rotary guide nozzle. One diesel generator with a power of 28 kW/voltage 400 V + one shaft generator with a power of 30 kW.
i-Mash. Mechanical Engineering Resource


JSC Shipbuilding Plant "Vympel" launched the coastal tugboat "Morzh" at the beginning of July 2013.
The launched tug became the fifth one built by Rybinsk shipbuilders.
The plant, under the state defense order, has been identified as the only supplier of sea tugs pr.1496M1 “Morzh”. The construction of a series of tugboats commissioned by maritime border guards continues.
The recipient of the tug-border patrol boat is the Border Department of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan.

According to the registry government contracts On June 16, a contract was signed between Federal service security in the person of military unit 55056 and JSC "Vostochnaya Verf" (Vladivostok) for the construction of the border patrol boat of project 1496M1 "Manatee" with serial number 906. The ordered tug must be handed over to the customer no later than December 1 of the next year. The agreement was concluded in the form of a purchase from sole supplier without bidding. The cost of work under the contract is estimated at 211.1 million rubles, which is slightly more expensive than the price of a similar tugboat being built at Shipyard“Vympel” under the contract dated December 30, 2013, amounting to 201 million rubles.
