Cut metal with a laser. Prices for laser cutting of sheet metal. Advantages of our company

Clever, funny and witty, “an expert in human psychology”, emotional nature - all these characteristics apply to Fink, a person, according to his friends, who is unusually interesting.

On East 54th Street there is an elite restaurant, San Pietro, where on almost any day the largest New York financiers gather at the tables, who go there, as one corporate boss put it, “to see people and show themselves off,” and at the same time and dine for a hundred dollars or more. Larry Fink is a regular at this restaurant and can often be seen casually chatting with another person at his regular table in "Director's Row", near the windows overlooking 54th Street.
- Larry has an amazing ability to make connections. Information flows into him from everywhere, which he then sifts and cross-checks, says his old friend Ken Wilson, a former senior Treasury official and partner at Goldman Sachs. At the same time, the useful information that the head of BlackRock has is by no means limited to financial markets.

On Wall Street, Fink developed a reputation as one of the most skilled rumor collectors. In an industry where information is everything, he is considered an unsurpassed master of obtaining this very information.
“Larry is a real gossip hunter,” says one of the major bankers who has known Fink since the early 80s. - He loves to hint meaningfully at his knowledge. “Ah, this is Bear Stearns, which has a portfolio of assets...” - here he, as if having come to his senses, falls silent.
Another favorite phrase of Fink is “I remember telling the guys from Washington that...”.
“Larry always wanted to be a significant figure,” the banker adds. “And now that he has become as significant as he could ever have dreamed of, he simply revels in it.”
During our six hours of conversations with Fink in December and January, all of his mentioned qualities were on full display. Seated at a long cherry-wood table in his conference room on the seventh floor of BlackRock's East 52nd Street headquarters, he talked about his firm, Wall Street, Washington and himself. At times he was dry, cool and reasonable, at times he was harsh, unrestrained and even rude. Gesturing ardently, he impatiently explained something, almost breaking into a scream, and after a moment he suddenly switched to a gentle whisper, as if he was talking to a child or his lover.
Insightful judgment and liveliness of thinking, coupled with expansiveness and loquaciousness - this is what makes Fink so charismatic. He seems open and simple-minded, but only for the time being. There is another Fink - cautious and inconspicuous, carefully controlling his every word.
One aspect of Fink, his friends say, craves recognition and “unlimited respect,” as one executive who has known him for thirty years put it. It is this hypostasis of him that loves the bright spotlight so much, it is precisely this that is inherent in the swagger that sometimes comes through in his statements. And at the same time, Fink, his friend says, is “obsessed, to the point of paranoia,” with the desire to maintain control of the situation. Perhaps because the basis of his success and influence is the fear of losing this control.
Risky business
Larry Fink started working on Wall Street back in 1976, when he was 23 years old. He grew up in California, in one of the suburbs of Los Angeles - Van Nuys, where his father kept shoe store, and my mother taught English. According to Fink himself, he was “an ordinary guy from Los Angeles” who appeared on Wall Street, “surprising the most respectable audience with his turquoise jewelry and long hair.”
Larry graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles with a degree in Political Science, married his high school sweetheart, and then continued his studies at the same university's business school, taking a course in Real Estate Finance. Leading investment banks flooded Fink with job offers, and he eventually chose First Boston, where he was assigned to work in bond trading (a sleepy kingdom at the time). Three years later, Fink was appointed to oversee operations with mortgage-backed securities, which few had heard of at that time.
Over the next decade, Larry Fink truly became a Wall Street legend. Along with Levi Ranieri of Salomon Brothers, he was considered the founding father of the debt securitization market, which transformed the face of the world of finance. By 2008, it was this multitrillion-dollar market of mortgage, auto and retail loans—purchased from banks, sliced ​​up, repackaged, and resold to thousands of investors—that had done much to bring the economy to its knees. However, initially, when this market had not yet gotten out of control, its appearance was perceived as a revolutionary innovation. Looking back, Fink states, “We succeeded in mitigating the housing problem in America.”
Recalling “how nice it was to fly to Washington to negotiate with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about the prospects for mortgages,” he says: “Even in those years before I turned thirty, I felt the enormity of our undertakings.”
However, although Fink is keen to emphasize his involvement in national affairs, his Wall Street colleagues remember something else about him. Yes, people liked him, but at the same time they considered him an arrogant boor.
“It was never enough for this guy,” says one of First Boston’s former partners. “He was eager to outdo everyone, almost bursting with his own ambitions.

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Cutting sheets of metal is a complex operation, the implementation of which must be taken with full responsibility.

The assembly of the mechanism will depend on how well the work is done.

IN modern production A high-tech program and advanced methods for cutting sheet metal are used.

The procedure for cutting a sheet of metal includes a number of operations. The program states that as a result of their implementation, production receives all kinds of blanks and parts.

Ultra-precise cutting of metals is carried out using thermal and thermochemical processing of the material. These include plasma and laser cutting.

Cutting by these methods is based on a narrowly targeted effect on a specific point of a metal sheet with a laser or plasma beam.

The zone in which the impact point is located is considered to be a catalyst for oxidation occurring as a result of thermal exposure. It is supported by oxygen flow during combustion.

Thermal oxidation can be controlled. To do this, the nozzle can be moved, and the high-temperature zone will move accordingly.

In this way, it is possible to achieve penetration of the sheet along the contour of the workpiece by plasma or laser.

If the need arises, you can make a hole in any place on the workpiece in the same way. All operations must be performed on special equipment.

Cutting metal sheets with laser radiation

Laser cutting of sheet metal is considered very accurate. Work is performed in as soon as possible, and the execution result is high.

The type of metal sheet can be any. The only limitation is that the material is too thick.

Laser radiation can not only cut a sheet, but also make an engraving.

The essence of laser work

The laser beam of the device is fixed at specified points, as a result of which the temperature at these points increases.

The whole process is controlled special program, so all laser actions will be verified very accurately.

Due to the high temperature, this method can cut fragile workpieces and non-ferrous metals.

The thermophysical properties of materials do not affect cutting.

The laser beam is capable of concentrating large number energy, which contributes to cutting the alloy.

The laser tool works in conjunction with the release of gas onto the area being cut.

The laser beam heats certain points on the sheet, the material melts, but immediately evaporates along the line where the cut passes.

Special steam is supplied to the edges of the workpiece, which removes products formed as a result of laser exposure.

The laser principle of metal cutting has many advantages:

  • this processing method has an affordable cost;
  • the laser is capable of processing metals that have high hardness;
  • Due to the high power and density of the laser beam, the device’s performance is very high, without losing quality;
  • the speed of operations is quite high;
  • when making a cut, the tool does not touch the metal, so in this way you can cut brittle metal that cannot be processed in any other way;
  • the workpiece can have a variety of lines, the program can cope with shapes of any complexity;
  • the blanks on the sheet are stacked very tightly to each other, due to which the cost of the cut parts is reduced;
  • after the parts are cut by a laser beam, they do not need to be further processed;
  • The laser tool is easy to control, so cutting can be done along complex contours.

Cutting metals using a laser should only be done on high-quality material. If there is rust on the sheet, then you should refuse this type of processing.

The edges of the workpieces will be uneven. In addition, the material should not have significant damage or dents.

If you need to place a large number of parts on a sheet of metal, you should maintain the distance between them.

It is necessary to retreat at least 10 millimeters from the edge of the material. It is recommended to maintain a step of 5-10 millimeters between workpieces.

Depending on how many contours the workpiece has, the cost of the cut depends. To produce any of the contours, the laser must cut into the sheet carefully near the line itself.

The program takes some time to do this, which affects the cost of the work.

Cutting a metal sheet with a plasma machine

Plasma cutting of metal can be carried out using a plasma jet. This method is called plasma. The cutting tool – plasma – is air.

It is heated to a very high temperature, after which it is in an ionized state. An electric arc is ignited between an electrode and a sheet of metal.

Plasma appears from gas that enters the nozzle of the device. Plasma has a high temperature.

It can reach 30 thousand degrees, moving at speeds of up to 1500 meters per second. Such a jet can cut a sheet whose thickness is 100 mm.

Operating principle of the device

The machine operates on the following principle: a short circuit occurs between the sheet and the nozzle, resulting in an arc. The gas supplied by the tool to the cut site cools the surface.

The environment in which plasma appears is divided into two types: active and inactive. The active composition includes air and oxygen.

It is used when working with ferrous metals. Inactive contains nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, water vapor. It is used when cutting alloys and non-ferrous metals.

The purpose of the cutting arc is to convert electrical energy into thermal energy.

The arc voltage can be determined by the size of the device, the current strength, the components that make up the gas, and the distance from the device to the base sheet.

These parameters can be used to determine the temperature along the cross section of the column and along the axis of the arc. It will change during operation.

The high temperature helps the plasma cut into the metal being cut.

If the power and temperature of the arc are correctly correlated with the thickness of the sheet, then the plasma will penetrate the entire thickness of the metal and make a cut. In this case, the cut is vertical, making the machine universal.

While working, pay attention to speed. It should not be higher than the permissible norm. Otherwise, the material will not be cut completely.

Plasma cutting of metal has the following advantages:

  • Plasma jet cutting is universal. This method can cut any type of metal;
  • The cutting is done very precisely;
  • Sections after cutting high quality, they do not need additional processing;
  • A machine for cutting metal using plasma is capable of cutting a workpiece of any geometric shape;
  • Cutting a metal sheet using this method is an economical process, since there is no need to use expensive types of gases - acetylene, butane, propane;
  • When cutting a sheet using a plasma jet, there is no need to use cylinders, so all processes will proceed safely;
  • The plasma machine does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere during operation;
  • Plasma can cut material that is coated with paint. The surface does not need to be pre-cleaned, since the effect of plasma on the surface is minimal;
  • The metal will not be deformed during cutting if you use this particular machine.

Cutting the sheet with a roller knife

An alternative to laser or plasma cutting is a roller blade.

A roller knife can cut metal whose thickness varies in the range of 0.7-1250 millimeters. The roller knife consists of a guide and the knife itself, which is equipped with a handle.

The guide can be mounted on a desktop or workbench for convenience. To make a cut, the metal must be placed on a guide.

When cutting, the sheet will rest against the stop. Use a roller knife to quickly move along the sheet, cutting it, moving along the guide.

The roller blade must be held very firmly to ensure an even cut.

If you need to cut curved workpieces, you should not use a roller knife, but vibrating disc shears.

The minimum order cost for one metal cutting operation is RUB 7,000. excluding the cost of materials.

Our high-tech equipment

The Strazh-Lazer company has a full range of modern production equipment for cutting sheet metal of various thicknesses. High-tech laser complexes used at our enterprise allow us to produce high-quality cutting of sheets with minimal waste thanks to a thin cutting line and technical documentation, developed at a high professional level.

The end part obtained as a result of cutting the sheet does not require additional processing, cleaning from scale and burrs. The manufactured parts have a metallurgically flawless cutting line. Thanks to the rapid process of reprogramming the machines, high speed cutting possible production various types products in the shortest possible time, while maintaining low production costs.

Design documentation, on the basis of which metal cutting is carried out, is developed in the AutoCad program, which allows you to most accurately outline any of the most complex contours used during the process. laser cutting, reducing time costs and waste of sheet metal, which ultimately leads to increased economic efficiency placed order.

Our company has significant experience and deep knowledge in the field of metal cutting. The company employs experienced designers, technologists involved in design work, writing programs for equipment and circuit optimization technological process, used in the manufacture of various metal products.

Technological features of laser metal cutting

The functionality and speed of operation of the machine park is ensured thanks to the precise work of qualified technical specialists carrying out timely repairs and replacement of components if necessary.

Modern technological capabilities of cutting sheet metal using a laser make it possible to provide:

  • high speed and precision of surface processing;
  • the ability to cut parts of any shape along the figured contour;
  • due to the lack of physical contact, high-quality cutting of any thin and fragile materials;
  • a perfectly flat end part of the part;
  • obtaining a minimum amount of waste during laser cutting of sheets.

In addition to sheet metal cutting, our manufacturing plant carries out bending of products, their further welding and painting.

All work is carried out at a high professional level in a short time.

Budget laser cutting of metal to order in Moscow!

  • Cutting metal sheets with a laser is a complex operation, the implementation of which must be taken with full responsibility.
  • The assembly of the mechanism will depend on how well the work is done.
  • Modern production uses a high-tech program and progressive methods of cutting sheet metal.
  • The procedure for laser cutting of a metal sheet includes a number of operations. The program states that as a result of their implementation, production receives all kinds of blanks and parts.
What is cutting metal sheets with laser radiation?
  • Laser cutting of sheet metal is considered very accurate. The work is completed in the shortest possible time, and the result is high.
  • The type of metal sheet can be any. The only limitation is that the material is too thick.
  • Laser radiation can not only cut a sheet, but also make an engraving.
The essence of cutting metal with a laser:
  • The laser beam of the device is fixed at specified points, as a result of which the temperature at these points increases.
  • The entire process is controlled by a special program, so all laser actions will be verified very accurately.
  • Due to the high temperature, this method can cut fragile workpieces and non-ferrous metals.
  • The thermophysical properties of materials do not affect cutting.
  • The laser beam is capable of concentrating a large amount of energy, which contributes to cutting the alloy.
  • The laser tool works together with the release of gas onto the area being cut
  • The laser beam heats certain points on the sheet, the material melts, but immediately evaporates along the line where the cut passes.
  • Special steam is supplied to the edges of the workpiece, which removes products formed as a result of laser exposure.

The laser principle of metal cutting has many advantages:
  • This processing method has an affordable cost;
  • The laser is capable of processing metals that have high hardness;
  • Due to the high power and density of the laser beam, the device’s performance is very high, without losing quality;
  • The speed of operations is quite high;
  • When making a cut, the tool does not touch the metal, so in this way you can cut brittle metal that cannot be processed in any other way;
  • The workpiece can have a variety of lines, the program is able to cope with figures of any complexity;
  • The blanks on the sheet are stacked very tightly to each other, due to which the cost of the cut parts is reduced;
  • Once the parts are cut by a laser beam, they do not need to be further processed;
  • The laser tool is easy to control, so cutting can be done along complex contours.
Cost of laser cutting of metal, price RUB:

Laser cutting of metal

  • Our company uses modern machines to cut metal sheets with a laser. This not only solves the problem of high productivity and power, but also avoids many unpleasant features of metalworking in general.
  • The fact that during laser cutting of metal the sheet is not deformed or damaged makes it possible to process even the most fragile materials in this way. If you imagine shaped products made from these types of steel, the effect will be the most unexpected: fragility combined with strength.
  • Not the last reason for using laser metal cutting is the price of this service. Since the productivity of the machines is quite high, and waste in such a process is minimal, the final cost turns out to be quite acceptable.
  • Used in controlling laser machines computer programs. This ensures not only high accuracy of calculations, but also the ability to create complex cutting cards.
  • By contacting us, you will receive full advice on all issues related to laser cutting of metal.
  • We accept orders for cutting sheet metal in unlimited quantities from our own materials.
  • Minimum order price for laser cutting of metal - 5000 rubles.
  • Laser cutting from customer-supplied metal will cost you a little differently.

Modern metal processing technology, which uses CNC equipment, is called laser metal cutting. This method is highly accurate. It is used for workpieces with a thickness ranging from 2-30 mm. After processing with a powerful laser, surfaces are obtained that do not require finishing.

"SteelMetal" offers laser cutting services for metal favorable price. We work with both large and single orders.

Features of the technology

The principle of operation of the laser is as follows: the area at which the beam is directed is heated to the melting temperature, as a result of which the material begins to melt and the phase boundary shifts inward. At the same time, the temperature does not stop rising, so the second stage begins - evaporation. After such processing, it is possible to obtain a perfectly smooth edge, without deformation. There is no need to peel to give the product its final shape. weld or perform other finishing work.

Advantages of cutting metal with laser

This method has a wide range of advantages. Among them:

  • Maximum precision in processing parts of any shape, including volumetric and flat, as well as non-rigid and low-deformation workpieces.
  • Versatility. The technology is used for almost any rolled metal product.
  • Gentle on metal. The method is unique in that it does not apply current to the workpiece. Also, when using it, there is no mechanical impact, so using a laser you can also cut other materials that are fragile and small in thickness - wood, leather, rubber, plywood, plexiglass, etc.
  • Ease of use. Laser cutting of metal is performed automatically. To cut the workpiece as required by the customer, you only need to have a drawing of the finished product, which is transferred to computer system CNC machine.
  • Optimization production processes. Job laser machine can be set to automatic mode, which will reduce labor costs without compromising the quality of the finished products. The volume of waste when using this technology is reduced to a minimum.
  • Wide scope of application. Using laser cutting of metal, you can even create decorative designs for the workpiece: patterns, engravings, etc.

This method is optimally suited for those customers who are interested in high-speed production of metal products without the need for subsequent processing.

Application of technology

Laser cutting of metal is used in the manufacture of various products. The method is used in instrument making, aircraft manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, medical field. With its help they make:

  • auto parts;
  • structural elements of shelving;
  • vending equipment;
  • transformer cabinets;
  • billboards;
  • complex contours of technological matrices;
  • parts for elevator equipment;
  • interior elements and much more.

Specialists of Steel-M LLC perform laser cutting of metal using high-precision, powerful equipment from leading manufacturers. Orders are completed within the specified time frame. All stages of work are agreed upon with the customer. We are ready to solve problems of any complexity!

What does the cost depend on?

Prices for laser cutting of metal are calculated individually in each specific case. Prices are formed after drawing up technical specifications and agreeing on all the nuances with the customer.

When forming the cost, a number of important factors. Among them:

  • order quantity;
  • number of cutting procedures and cycles;
  • characteristics of the processed material;
  • complexity of work.

Manufacturing of metal products is carried out either according to customer drawings or according to our sketches developed in accordance with terms of reference client. We have many years of experience and exceptional skills in using laser technology, so the order will be completed with the highest quality and in a short time.
