Magic feather firebird technology lesson presentation. Fine art lesson. Decorative work "Fairytale Bird" (2nd grade). Thank you! This is how she is the Firebird through the eyes of the guys

Lesson topic: Firebird

Purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the image of the fabulous firebird in art.

Lesson Objectives:

Subject:consolidate knowledge about the color wheel, primary and composite, cold and warm colors; to form ideas about the impact of color on the emotional sphere of a person.

Metasubject:continue to promote the development of imagination and the ability to stylize the forms of the animal world into decorative ones, the development creative imagination and fantasies in the process of performing a collective creative task.

Personal:develop interest and love for Russian folklore; cultivate a sense of beauty and respect for birds; broadening your horizons.

Lesson type: fantasy lesson.

Forms of student work : individual, frontal, group.

Equipment:slides, drawings, painting by V. Vasnetsov “Flying Carpet”, unfinished image of the fabulous Firebird .

For the teacher:feather templates, sheets of paper, paints, brushes, glue, napkins, presentation.

For students: paints, brushes, napkins.

Musical series: bird voices.

Exercise:paint the feathers and stick them in the appropriate order on the image of the Firebird (team creative work).

1. Class organization.

2. Updating knowledge.

Guys, let's remember what we know about the color wheel. This will be very useful to us in today's lesson.

What are the main colors called? color wheel?

What colors does it have and what colors does it not?

What two groups are colors divided into?

Label these colors in groups.

How can you get a composite color if there are only three primary colors?

If a painting or drawing is done in cool colors, what mood might it evoke in the viewer?

What if it’s warm?

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, today I came to you for help. I thought for a long time about who I should turn to for it and decided that only you can help me.

What is the topic of today's lesson? You can answer this question by solving the riddle. Listen to it to the end and be careful.

In a wonderful country.

On Earth or on the Moon

The miracle bird has settled -

A real queen.

Surprisingly beautiful

Feathers, golden tail.

Sparkles with rainbow light.

And her name is (the children answer in unison) Firebird.

Well done! It is on the image of this amazing bird that we will work today in class.

This bird is not simple, it brings us warmth on its wings.

Folk artists loved to depict birds, because the arrival of birds in the spring always makes people happy, birds are the messengers of spring, they herald the beginning rural work, the onset of heat.

In folk tales and beliefs, birds are a symbol of light, joy, happiness, and good luck.

The dawn in oral folk art was often compared to a golden-winged bird, laying a golden egg every day - the sun.

Fairytale birds are very beautiful, smart and kind.

4. Work on new material.

Do you like fairy tales? I love them too. In what fairy tales did you meet the Firebird?
(“The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”).

They say that the one who will find her feather, he will achieve the best cherished wish, and the Firebird herself will fly to the call for help.

The firebird livesin the thirtieth kingdom, in the Garden of Eden. Her feathers shine like gold in the sun or like a bright flame, her eyes resemble precious stones, and she eats golden apples.

This beauty and radiance were captured artists and craftsmen.

It is found on products of Khokhloma and Gzhel painting,

on Zhostovo trays and boxes,

in Gorodets painting and Dymkovo toys,

in wood carving and embroidery,

they make it from straw, vines, wood chips,

metal and paper.

This image is so loved by the people that its image can even be seen in knitted items.

And, of course, in the paintings of artists. Viktor Vasnetsov in the film “The Flying Carpet”, Ivan Bilibin and Viktor Korolkov in illustrations for the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Pyotr Ershov.

What is it like for all artists? (beautiful, magical, fabulous, bright)

It was created by the popular imagination as a heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance also blinds the eyes, like the sun.

What a beautiful Firebird she is! It is not for nothing that among the people she was the embodiment of the radiant god of the sun, beauty and bright dreams.

So I wanted to draw the Firebird.

Inspiration came to me immediately, but, unfortunately, it left me just as quickly.

I was left with an unfinished masterpiece. And my bird is not alive at all.

(teacher shows a bird without feathers)

This is where your help is needed.

Let's bring our magical bird to life together.

Its beauty and fabulousness will depend on you.

And she will not be like any of the previous birds. She will be special.

There are feather templates in front of you.

Please note that they are not the same for everyone. Some have small ones, some have a little more, and some have even more. I think that each of you will cope with the task.

What is our task? (color these feathers, decorate them with beautiful patterns)

After the feathers are ready, what do we do? (we will decorate the bird with them)

What colors do we need to color the Firebird's feathers?

(Warm: red, yellow, orange...)

Why? (because she looks like fire, sun)

Of course, for its resemblance to fire and flame.

What color is the flame? (yellow, orange, red)

Let's compare real fire and the Firebird.

How are they similar? (the feathers of the tail look most like the flame of a light)

But before we start painting the feathers, let's feel like real birds.

5. Physical education minute.

Birds are flying

(walking in place with arms raised up and down to the sides (maintain posture).

The wings are making noise. (Lean forward, bending over, arms to the sides.)

They bend over the ground and shake their heads. (Turn head.)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proud. (Straighten up, hands behind your back - check your posture, pause 3-4 s.)

And very silently (Hands down - stretch up.)

They sit down. (Sit down, stay straight)

And now, with new strength, begin to fantasize and create beauty.

Use a thin brush to apply patterns very carefully.

(completing the task)

If you have already done this, go up to the bird and attach the feathers.

Oh, what beauty! What a beauty!

This is exactly how I imagined her, and yours turned out even better. You have exceeded all my expectations.

She came to life not only from beauty, but also from the warmth of your hands.

6. Reflection.

Guys, how did you help the Firebird?

What new things did you learn with its help?

What are your impressions of today's lesson?

For all your imagination, for your rich imagination, thank you!

At the end of this lesson, I think that today you have become: Kinder at heart and warmer at heart.

Well done! Our lesson is over.

Stepanova Olga Mikhailovna
teacher English language
MBOU "Chadukasinskaya OOSH" Krasnoarmeysky district, Chuvashia
Presentation “Firebird – Bird of Happiness”

The bright presentation “Firebird – the bird of happiness” presents a lecture that creates general idea about the symbol of the year 2014 according to the Slavic calendar – the Firebird. In addition, the presentation briefly touches on the connection between the Firebird and modern life in Russia. The new thing that I personally learned while preparing the presentation is that Palekh is considered the birthplace of the Firebird, and for the first time I noticed the coat of arms and flag of this town and region. Amazing! In addition, children will learn that artists often turn to the image of this bird in their work. The Firebird also became the symbol of Eurovision, which took place in Russia. But in general, the presentation gives a general idea of ​​the bird and at the same time has a good educational value - this includes a love of fine art, and the ability to be brave and strong when overcoming difficulties, since the image of a bird in a fairy tale brings up precisely these character traits.

Slide 1. The Firebird is the bird of happiness. Stepanova Olga Mikhailovna English language teacher MBOU "Chadukasinskaya secondary school" Krasnoarmeysky district, Chuvashia

Slide 2. 2014 is the year of the Firebird! Slavic calendar. The fiery messenger of happiness is better known as the Firebird.

Slide 3. “There is one tree true to Life, a beautiful bird sits there, glows with heat and with a wondrous voice gives the traveler sweet peace and burns everything that is wrong in it...” From “The Tale of the Firebird”

Slide 4. The Firebird is one of the most beloved and most mysterious characters in Russian folk tales. It is capable of not only shining like the sun in pitch darkness, striking human vision, but also burning human vices with fire, incinerating greed, anger, malice, envy.

Slide 5. B different cultures the image of the Firebird acquired its own details and shades. Among the Slavs, the Firebird, ptak Ohnivak (Czech and Slovak) is a fabulous, fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold (Ognivak’s feathers are reddish), wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal. In size it reaches a peacock . The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage. At night it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit lights.

Slide 6. There lived a magical Bird far, far away, on the very edge of the earth. No one knew where exactly. Some said that her nest was hidden from human eyes on the top of a mountain, others - that she built it in the middle of the endless desert, in the thirtieth “other” state, perfect and far from worldly vanity. Many trials and dangers lay in wait for those who dared to go on a quest, for any path to a creature that contains the fire of the original creation is thorny and unpredictable.

Slide 7. To get to the Bird, it was necessary to overcome the Valley of Search, the Valley of Love, the Valley of Knowledge, the Valley of Separation, the Valley of Unity, the Desert of Amazement... And you could try to walk this long path along the roads, washing iron boots and gnawing iron loaves, or you could was - in my heart, overcoming and changing myself.

Slide 8. The Firebird has a healing singing; when she sings, pearls fall from her beak.
There is a blinding light around her.

Slide 9. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring.
Sometimes you can find a fallen feather from the Firebird's tail, brought into a dark room; it will replace the richest lighting.

Slide 10. They say that you can catch a hot bird only with bait - a cage with golden apples inside. Since not only the found feather is the fire of a bird, but also its entire plumage burns with fire, you cannot grab such a bird with your bare hands; you will instantly get burned. So Ivan had to lure her into the cage and put a bag on her so that the heat wouldn’t reach her hands. They say that with the help of the firebird's feather you can find treasures, since like attracts like. And so the golden feather attracts the gold stored in the earth.

Slide 11. There is a belief that a fallen feather retains the properties of the Firebird plumage for a long time. It glows and gives warmth. And when the feather goes out, it turns into gold.

Slide 12. The Firebird has a favorite food in the garden - rejuvenating apples, which give her beauty and immortality.

Slide 13. Catching a wonderful bird is a great success, but it does not happen to everyone, but only to an unselfish, kindly young man, usually the youngest, kindest son in a fairy-tale family. To do this you need to overcome many difficulties, be strong and fearless, patient and brave.

Slide 14. People believed that the Firebird bestows good luck and happiness. So that LUCK AND HAPPINESS would not leave them, they began to make amulets and amulets, and paint dishes with bright images of it.

Slide 15. Conclusion: The Firebird, the Firebird, the Simurgh or the Phoenix bird, it is still the bearer of real, life-giving and undivided happiness, for which man was born. Fire and light, which accompanies this wonderful Bird in all fairy tales and legends of the world, have long been considered a symbol of creativity and renewal. But real happiness comes only to those who are selfless and generous, who are capable of love and compassion, who seek goodness not in the material, but in the spiritual sense. And the one who is angry and envious, greedy and angry will never see happiness, for his soul, like a parched desert, is incapable of feeling, living, or loving.

Slide 16. The Firebird is in our lives. Thanks to Dima Bilan, the Eurovision 2009 contest took place in Moscow in 2009. The character of Russian folk tales - the Firebird - was chosen as its symbol.

Slide 17. Coat of arms and flag of the city of Palekh and Palekh district, Ivanovo region, Russia. Palekh - Homeland of the Firebird.

Slide 18. Stanislav Kovvalev. Illustrations for the book of Russian fairy tales “The Firebird”. Honored Artist of Russia.

Slide 19. In conclusion: Everyone living on Earth, first of all, wants to be truly happy, but happiness itself, like the heavenly bird of Happiness, is not easily given into one’s hands. To do this, you need to work hard, and first of all, on yourself in order to become worthy of it. Then the Firebird will be in our hands.

Slide 20. Happy New Year! Happy Year of the Firebird! May luck smile on you and may you manage to catch the Firebird's feather.

Slide 21. Material used

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Presentation on the topic: Firebird

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Relevance of the topic Listening to works of oral folk art - fairy tales - in childhood, we get acquainted with the firebird. In our computer age, the age of nanotechnology, the fairytale bird remains mysterious and attractive to us. Hypothesis The depiction of the mythological image of the firebird is in demand in various areas of modern life.

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What does the firebird look like and what characteristics does it have? What fairy-tale birds are there in mythology that are similar to the Firebird? In which literary works Is there a Firebird? What could be the explanation for the appearance of the mythological image of the Firebird from the outside? physical phenomena nature? Is the image of the Firebird in demand in everyday life and social spheres modern society? Problematic issues educational topic

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What is the external image and psychological portrait of the Firebird? The Firebird is undoubtedly an image mythological creature. Moreover, it takes its origins from North-Eastern Europe and the Urals. The Firebird is a fairy-tale bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, usually the goal of searching for the hero of a fairy tale. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision. The Firebird is a fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold, its wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal. It reaches the size of a peacock. The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage. At night it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit lights. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring. Sometimes you can find a fallen feather from the Firebird's tail, brought into a dark room; it will replace the richest lighting. Over time, such a feather turns into gold. To catch, Firebirds use a golden cage with apples inside as a trap. You cannot catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage. The firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; When she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. The Firebird embodies the dream of happiness. Finding it or taking the luminous feather of the Firebird means catching luck by the tail. Often, the Firebird is popularly referred to as the Fiery Spirit. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and sun.

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What fabulous birds are found in the mythology of other peoples? The prototype of the Firebird is the peacock. Pavliny - genus large birds from pheasants. The elongated tail of peacocks is flat. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of Phoenix. The Firebird can be compared with medieval, very popular stories in both Russian and Western European literature about the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes. Phoenix - mythological with the ability to burn itself and then be reborn. It was believed that the phoenix has appearance, similar to an eagle with bright red or golden-red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix was the only, unique individual of its species. In a metaphorical aspect, the phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal. Simurgh - (literally "peaker", "bird from the top of a tree/mountain") - a fantastic creature in Iranian mythology, the king of all birds. Also known in the mythology of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia and the Volga region. The image of Simurgh has different interpretations. More often she is perceived as a prophetic bird of justice and happiness, but in some myths she is a watchman sitting on the mountain separating the other world. The Simurgh had the function of a good patron of individuals and especially human groups. In Buddhist mythology, Garuda is depicted as a creature with a human body and an eagle's head, wings, claws and beak. For the first time, images of Garuda appear on Indian coins of the 4th-5th centuries. In the future, they become a necessary accessory of any Vaishnava temple. The Bird of Life is sometimes identified with the Phoenix. She emerges from the egg as an adult and nests in the Tree of Life, which fulfills all wishes. He is at war with the Nagas. In Indian mythology, snakes often take human form. In the “Handbook of Indian Buddhism,” its researcher A. Kern defines nagas as cloud-like snakes that live deep underground in underground palaces. The Firebird also has a “relative” - the Slovak “firebird”, although it, unlike our Firebird which does not bring evil, is one of the embodiments of evil and, like the Dragon, steals children and beautiful maidens and takes them to They gave incredible results. Rarog is a luminous, fiery spirit associated with the ancient worship of fire and the hearth. According to Czech beliefs, Rarog can be born from an egg that a person incubates on a stove for nine days and nights. Raroga was represented as bird of prey with sparkling, flaming feathers, flames summoned from the beak - or simply in the form of a fiery whirlwind.

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Firebird Firebird is a fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold, its wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal. The Firebird embodies the dream of happiness. Only a strong-willed and kind-hearted person can catch the Firebird. . If anyone wants to use it for selfish gain, they will only get trouble in return. IN fairy tales The firebird is always an unattainable creature.

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Peacock Peacocks are a genus of large birds. Thanks to its lush, fan-shaped ocellated “tail,” the peacock is known as the most beautiful bird among Galliformes. Peacocks are depicted in many works of art of the East and West, in official and commercial symbols. The constellation of the Southern Hemisphere is named Peacock.

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Simurg Simurg - (literally “peaker”, “bird from the top of a tree/mountain”) is a fantastic creature in Iranian mythology, the king of all birds. More often she is perceived as a prophetic bird of justice and happiness, but in some myths she is a watchman sitting on the mountain separating the other world.

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Firebird The Firebird also has “relatives” - the Slovak “firebird”. True, she, unlike our Firebird, is one of the embodiments of evil. She, like a Dragon, steals children, beautiful maidens and takes them to utter distances.

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In what literary works is it found? fairy tale character Firebird? The mythological character Firebird has been familiar to us since childhood from Russian folk tales “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Firebird and the Tsar Maiden”, “Firebird and Vasilisa the Beautiful (“Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”)” , as well as from literary fairy tales P.P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, A.N. Tolstoy's "Firebird". Only a person with a strong spirit and good disposition can catch the Firebird. Because what the Firebird gives can bring real happiness to the hero. If anyone wants to use it for personal gain, they will only get trouble in return... In fairy tales, the Firebird is always an unattainable creature. Many kings and rulers wanted to find it and use it. However, the Firebird, who came to the human world from the thirtieth kingdom, gives a miracle only to the most worthy. Over time, such a feather turns into gold. The Firebird is one of the ancient Russian beregins, the embodiment of the sun, heavenly fire-flame. Serves good. It emits an unusual, magical light that helps people in their earthly affairs. Her feather alone brings happiness to its owner. She flies from the thirtieth kingdom, where she lives in the garden of the Tsar Maiden from the Russian folk tale “The Firebird and the Tsar Maiden.” Catching the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets to his sons in the fairy tale by P.P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse". Only the youngest son manages to get the firebird, and then only after a series of various obstacles. Because of the dazzling shine of her plumage, the heroes first close all the window shutters and only after that remove the blanket from the cage with the Firebird. “... Now at midnight, the Light spilled over the mountain, - As if noon was coming: Firebirds are flying ...” (quote from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P.P. Ershov) There are stories where the Firebird turns out to be an enchanted beauty, who in the end fairy tales becomes the bride of Ivan Tsarevich. The Firebird and the Gray Wolf are magical helpers, thanks to which Ivan Tsarevich completes difficult tasks and receives wealth and a wife in Russian folk tale“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” “The Firebird escaped and flew, and Ivan Tsarevich had only one feather left in his hand” (quote “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”) The mythological character of the Firebird is also in the fairy tale “The Firebird” and Vasilisa the Princess" “Suddenly the forest rustled, the waves rose on the sea - the Firebird was flying" (quote, “The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”)

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What explanation could there be for the appearance of the mythological image of the Firebird from the physical phenomena of nature? If you carefully read about the image of the firebird, then all these characteristics are a description... Such and such a “bird” flying through the air, glowing and shimmering with lights, was well known among the people. They knew and were afraid.

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What explanation could there be for the appearance of the mythological image of the Firebird in terms of physical phenomena? If you carefully read about the image of the firebird, then all these characteristics are a description of... ball lightning. Such and such a “bird”, flying through the air, glowing and shimmering with lights, was well known among the people. They knew and were afraid. They also knew her habits. They are described in detail in Russian fairy tales. The most complete description of the properties of the “Firebird” is given in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” which was written down by 19-year-old student Pyotr Ershov, a native of the village of Bezrukovo: “Woe befell them: Someone began to walk in the field and turn up the wheat.” One One of the bad habits of the Firebird (ball lightning) is to leave circles of fallen grains on the field. Judging by Russian fairy tales, peasants have been guarding the villain for a long time. However, nothing could be achieved from the frightened guards except vague descriptions of either the FIREbird or the BALL bird. "Fiery red and gold feathers, wings like flames, and eyes sparkling like diamonds...". Despite the blinding light, it has long been noticed that the “Firebird” does not produce either smoke or heat: “The field shines as if during the day; A wonderful light flows all around, But it does not warm, does not smoke... Eco miracle light! (quote from P.P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”) And in the complete absence of lightning rods in those days, ball lightning continued to “tear up” the cereals. The English watchmen, unlike the characters in Russian fairy tales, approached the matter more thoroughly. They were on duty not with a “pitchfork and an axe,” like the watchmen in Ershov’s fairy tale, and not even with a bird cage, but with photo and video equipment. And, finally, sensational photographs and video materials were obtained showing with what enormous speed ball lightning flies over the field and what bizarre circles of fallen grass are left when approaching the surface of the earth.

Irina Klimina

Program content:

Creating brightness in a picture artistic image a fairy-tale bird based on the perception of various types of art (fine, arts and crafts, music, fiction);

Expanding children's understanding of warm and cold color scheme, its influence on the image and mood of the pictorial composition;

An exercise in the creative use of visual materials and drawing techniques;

Development of imagination, imaginative thinking, creative independence, emotional responsiveness, sense of beauty;

Formation of information culture, interest in works fiction And fine arts.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation “The Firebird”, musical fragments from I. Stravinsky’s ballet “The Firebird”, sheets of A4 paper, brushes No. 3; 5, watercolors, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale by P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”; watching the cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird”, watching excerpts from the ballet “The Firebird”.

Progress of the lesson

The lesson begins with the question:“What is happiness?” (Give children the opportunity to express their opinion about this.)

Teacher's story:

“People have always wanted to be happy. Since ancient times, they believed that there was beyond the seas and forests amazing bird who carries happiness on her wings. And if you really want it, the bird of Happiness will definitely fly to them someday. It seemed to everyone that this bird must be unusually beautiful, and that a bright and warm light emanates from it, which can warm everyone - all people with its warmth. Everyone dreamed of meeting the bird of Happiness, so that it would bring joy, goodness and beauty into his home. But not everyone had a bird fly to them. She visited only that house where they loved each other, cared about others, worked with their souls and did not refuse to help the poor and sick. This is the bird of Happiness!”

Teacher. I wonder what she is like, this bird of Happiness? Let's imagine and try to imagine what it might look like.

After all, this is not a simple, but an amazing bird. This means that it must be different in some way from other birds. (Children's statements.)

Teacher. The image of the bird of Happiness and its description are found in many fairy tales. Artists and musicians have also repeatedly turned to this beautiful image. Let's go and meet this fabulously amazing bird.

View multimedia presentation"Firebird".

Working with slides

Slide 1 - 2. Not required for showing to children.

Slide 3. Reading the riddle about the Firebird:

Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day.

If the answer is correct, her image appears.

Slide 4-6. The slide show is accompanied by text that is located on them

Slide 7-9. Showing and examining various options for the image of the Firebird

Slide 10. Question: What real bird does the Firebird resemble?

(Peacock, swan)

If the answer is correct, an image of birds appears.

Slide 11. Questions:

What fairy tale is this illustration from?

(P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

What is the name of the main character of the fairy tale who managed to catch the Firebird? (Ivan)

Slide 12-13. Examination of book illustrations about the Firebird.

Slide 14-15. The image of the Firebird in arts and crafts.

Slide 16. The image of a fairytale bird in the theater: the ballet “The Firebird”. Give children the opportunity to listen to a musical fragment from the ballet.

Question: What image of the firebird does the music suggest to us? (Give children the opportunity to express their opinions.)

Slide 17. Discussion of the Russian proverb “Happiness is like the Firebird - not everyone is given...”

Slide 18. Didactic exercise “Cold - warm colors”.

Slide 19. Clarifying the color palette for the Firebird (warm).

Slide 20. A proposal to move on to artistic activity in order to find and depict the answer to the question: What is she, the Firebird?

Children go to the art studio, where the teacher invites them to dream up and draw the Firebird as they imagine it.

Independent work of children at tables(under musical accompaniment). Individual work teacher with children: assistance in choosing the overall composition of the drawing ( bird in flight, resting); reference to samples in various ways images of beautiful plumage of the tail, wings; advice on choosing color combinations and watercolor techniques.

At the end of the lesson, arrange an exhibition of paintings about the Firebird - the bird of Happiness. Look at all the pictures. Invite children to answer the question: “What does the bird of Happiness carry on its wings to your home?” Admire all the drawings, note their beauty and uniqueness; each one has its own bird, unlike the others. If you try and really want, then happiness will definitely come to your home and family. Let us quietly wish each other, so as not to frighten away the magic bird( happiness!)

These children's paintings will be a wonderful interior decoration group room or locker room. Their brightness and originality will definitely attract the attention of viewers.

Subsequently, they can be decorated together with the children in individual passports (this work can become the topic of a separate lesson on frame design) and presented to loved ones at one of the family holidays.

Good luck to you!

A small photo report on the topic

And this is the image of the Firebird through the eyes of the children of the preparatory group

Thank you! This is how she is the Firebird through the eyes of the guys.

summary of other presentations

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