How to open a coffee island. Islands for shopping centers: starting a business in retail How to design an island in a shopping center

Not all retail stores need big retail areas Alandlords are meticulous about every meter of space from which they can make a profit, so island pavilions are very current view retail trade.

Pros and cons

Costs of producing a retail island in a shopping center much less than opening a full-fledged store, but the advantages are obvious:
- an island store is located, as a rule, at the intersection of customer flows, which ensures good traffic
- the ratio of the rental rate to the occupied space is more favorable than that of a full-fledged store.

However, the pavilion for a shopping center also has its disadvantages:
- absence storage facilities
- due to strict size requirements it is impossible to display a wide range of products

Which retail segments will this retail equipment option be suitable for? First of all, stores with oversized goods that do not need to be tried on. This format is usually used for trading accessories for phones, leather goods, perfumes, as well as nail bars, juice bars, etc.

Shopping center requirements

Some shopping centers have their own requirements for the design and materials of retail equipment. These requirements are determined by the desire to maintain a unified style of the shopping gallery.

In terms of dimensions, the island should not exceed, as a rule, 160 cm in height, so as not to block the buyer’s view of the gallery.

Almost all shopping centers require the tenant to agree with them on the design of the kiosk; to do this, it is enough to perform a 3D visualization linked to a photo.

On average, it takes no more than 3 weeks to manufacture island retail equipment. In the case of an exclusive design or complex structure, it may take a month.

Materials, technologies and prices

Production cost trading island is individual and depends on the materials used, dimensions and design.

Cheapest option:

If a retailer has a small budget, he can save significantly by using inexpensive materials such as chipboard, however appearance such a retail outlet will be quite modest.

Option from laminated chipboard Option from laminated chipboard Option from laminated chipboard

Advantages of laminated chipboard:

- production speed


Modest appearance
- inability to use on radius elements
- color range and choice of textures is limited by the manufacturer

The middle option is the golden mean:

The golden mean for making equipment is plastic. As a rule, it is used only for finishing the façade elements of island showcases that are visible to the buyer, so the increase in the cost of the project is not critical against the backdrop of a more spectacular appearance. Plastic has a wide range of colors, the ability to stylize the surface like metal, wood, etc. We make about 70% of our products with plastic finishing.

Advantages of plastic equipment:

Glossy surface
- wide selection of colors and textures (wood, metal, etc.)
- high wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage
- possibility of use in bent products


Seams at the corners of products (plastic joints, not noticeable). In dark colors they are not noticeable at all.

In conditions modern competition sellers of goods are looking for new opportunities that would allow them to sell goods with greatest success. Lowest investment will require an island in a shopping center. This is a small point accessible to potential buyers from four sides.

This link will be useful for those who decide to open their own island. When manufacturing commercial equipment, the requirements of the shopping center and the characteristics of the goods sold will be taken into account.

Pros and cons

Trading islands have a small area, it rarely exceeds 10 m². This has its advantages:

  1. Compactness allows you to save on rent.
  2. On such an island you can sell a wide variety of products, ranging from food products, ending with electronics. Islands can also be used to provide various types services.
  3. A small shopping island can be placed in areas with high traffic.
  4. Trade equipment easy to install, and if necessary, disassemble and transport to a new location.

But the small size of the outlet also has its disadvantages. These include the impossibility of arranging a fitting room and the lack of storage space.

Product selection

When deciding which product is best to trade on an island, you need to evaluate its location.

If your outlet located near the department with a large household appliances, then buyers may be interested in an inexpensive product that they can purchase without thinking much about the purchase.

Also popular in this place will be a tray with tea and coffee. In the pedestrian zone, cocktail minibars, stalls with unusual sweets and retail outlets offering tasty snacks on the go are very popular.

The island can be a good place to sell decorative cosmetics, as well as other cosmetics. Batteries, headphones and various accessories for phones are well sold in such places.

Islands that provide gift wrapping services and also sell balloons and other holiday paraphernalia are successful in shopping centers.

The success of a business depends on several factors. If you have opened an island, then you need to constantly monitor sales. Non-traditional items need to be changed, since the small display space does not allow for demonstration large number goods.

Focus on target audience will allow you to get your first profit very quickly with a minimum investment.

Business requires investment, which is always associated with risks. To minimize investments and risks, you can use the idea of ​​a business island. An island in a shopping center is a small trading platform in the middle of the shopping center.

Many shopping centers provide designated spaces, mostly on walk-through lines, for rent. The idea of ​​a business island is attractive because it does not require large investments, often used in small business development.

Opening a kiosk in large shopping centers implies the presence of a well-built marketing company.

Planning or searching economically profitable investment, which pays off as quickly as possible, the gaze falls on the island. Besides regulatory documents and contracts, to start trading you only need to install a lightweight structure that is assembled on site from body parts. The existence of pitfalls has provoked some outflow of finance in this area. All features, including negative ones, must be taken into account when opening an island.

Features of the island

Each type of investment is associated with risks, advantages and not entirely obvious disadvantages. The island is no exception; before implementing the idea, you need to know about the advantages:

  1. Location in the most popular places where a lot of people gather. It’s especially good if people are waiting for something nearby, for example, a movie screening;
  2. The compactness of the site allows you to save on rent; the size ranges from 2-15 m2;
  3. Sales of a huge variety of goods. A retailer can earn money from services, food or non-food products;
  4. The kiosk is mobile and can change its location if necessary.

A business idea should be comprehensively studied based on the other side, so the disadvantages:

  1. Strict standards for structural design. They can be regulated by both the shopping center and the franchise agreement;
  2. The showcase has small volumes. On the one hand, it allows you to concentrate the buyer on the target product, on the other hand, it will not be possible to develop a wide assortment;
  3. Lack of utility rooms. There is no way to try things on, fold them or produce them. This greatly limits the types of products;
  4. Rental terms. A reduction in rental costs may result in inconvenient demands from the shopping center. Necessary preliminary analysis points and terms of the contract.

A successful investment is one where the advantages are perfected and the disadvantages are used to your advantage. An interesting idea attracts a flow of customers, but this will take time. For quick start A franchise is used; well-known brands will allow you to work under their own name for an agreed fee.

Choosing a shopping center

Each center has designed spaces for islands. They were planned at the construction stage and are located in large gaps of free space. The number of islands is approximately calculated initially, but small changes occur.

To choose the best place in terms of traffic and target audience, you should book it from the moment the center is built. This is how the greatest return from retail is achieved, but in shopping centers that have already been put into operation there is plenty to choose from. For the landlord key task- This is the preservation of the overall design or concept of the center, which may infringe on creative opportunities for the business and should be carefully examined.

When choosing a shopping center for location, trafficability is considered a fundamental factor. Each center calculates the approximate number of people walking in a peak hour. A good location and a large influx of people are fundamental truths for the success of the island.

You shouldn’t rely only on popularity, since well-known centers can set inflated rental prices and strict terms of cooperation. In the most accessible shopping centers there is fierce competition.

In the most popular centers, islands are more profitable famous brands. It is very difficult to compete with them, since the buyer prefers a well-known, advertised brand. An interesting idea does not bring the expected profit; fierce competition extinguishes the potential. You can influence buyer behavior using marketing and its tricks. Advertising requires financial costs, this should be taken into account immediately; according to agency estimates, the cost of promotion is 60-70 thousand, but it is calculated individually.

An unusual and quite popular orange-shaped outlet selling drinks.

The general design of the site does not always correspond to the idea, since the specific requirements of the landlord take precedence. Thus, shopping centers with a large flow limit the height of the structure, the material and often require lighting that flows organically into the room.

Unusual shopping island

Custom designed

Experience in entrepreneurial activity Many people are advised to start a business with simpler, less promoted, but also more loyal shopping centers. This way, the rental cost will be much lower, and choosing an island will be easier due to the availability of places. Here imagination in choosing the assortment, location, design and decoration plays a key role. It is much easier to compete; the main aspect for the buyer is originality and the ability to interest.

Product selection

There are 3 main directions for retail in the islands:

  1. Selling products;
  2. Non-food products;
  3. Provision of services.

Food products are always in demand, regardless of the situation in the country. Every visitor to a shopping center wants to try interesting drinks and food, and you can build a business on this factor. It is the assortment that is important; it can be standard or original.

Without bothering with goods, you can sell drinks, popcorn, cotton candy etc. There will always be buyers at such an island, but only choosing a location will help ensure a stable influx and interest in the product. Successful kiosks can be found near cinemas, playgrounds, etc. It is better to have a crowd of people waiting nearby. The disadvantage of this approach is that everyone knows for sure that in 50 m they will meet the same kiosk, and the price there may be lower.

Unusual and interesting idea always lures visitors to try something that is not in the assortment of ordinary islands; many will want to. This is how an individual customer base is formed, which then allows you to develop the brand and create kiosks in other shopping centers with an already recognizable name.

Non-food products - the range here is really huge, from beautiful trinkets to useful tools. The main thing in the matter is to focus on the target buyer. There is probably a fan store for certain games, cars, etc. in the shopping center. High-tech technologies, such as quadcopters, are becoming popular. By adjusting the assortment to the audience, it is possible to achieve consistently high revenue.

The service kiosk is very limited in functionality. Most types of services require either privacy or additional space. There are also those that are actively used, for example, nail art, braiding, costume photography, etc.

Standard manicure island

In addition to the type of product, its quality plays an important role. We need to focus either on demanding customers or on consumer goods. Ordinary, cheap goods are in demand among poor buyers who do not want to overpay, but profit depends only on the quantity of goods sold.

Exclusive, quality goods– this is the prerogative of demanding buyers, but there are not many of them. Revenue from 1 product may be good, but the regularity of purchases is low. But formation is taking place client base, the number of regular exclusive buyers is gradually increasing.

Designer T-shirts Provocation

Previously, a successful clothing island was extremely difficult to find. The introduction of bright showcases of the Provokatsia brand with equally bright T-shirts changed the state of affairs. The somewhat aggressive design of the island and T-shirts attracts the younger generation. So today the number of outlets has exceeded 100 - this is all the result of the franchisees.

Initially, you need to invest about 550 thousand rubles, and the expected profit is 3.57 million rubles.

Cocktails Tea Funny Point

Food brands are incredibly successful, especially in pedestrian areas. The kiosk sells bubble tea cocktails. It contains an unusual combination of tea, milk, syrup and the addition of gelatin balls with juice. The originality of the idea, a recognizable brand and minimal investment provoked a stir around the brand.


  1. A small amount of space, about 4 m2;
  2. Royalty is only 4% and must be paid only in the second year of operation;
  3. Investments 800 thousand rubles;
  4. The kiosk design has been coordinated with the most popular landlords and does not cause problems with placement.


Autodevice is the most successful solution, as the island offers to buy versatile accessories and devices for the car. So the range consists of radars, recorders, navigators, etc. Car enthusiasts often forget to purchase such small car components. When the eye falls on such a kiosk, a person automatically remembers that he has wanted this for a long time.

It is convenient to use Autodevice as a franchise because of the symbolic lump-sum payment of 39 thousand rubles, and there are no royalties. To start, you need 900 thousand rubles, the expected profit is 2.1 million rubles.

Experienced entrepreneurs take into account all-round business development factors. Before you start you need:

  • Determining a place to rent. The easy way out isn't always the best way. It is necessary to find out the conditions and location of several potential shopping centers, then, based on comparisons, determine the best one;
  • The focus of the center should be taken into account; there are clothing centers, restaurant complexes, etc. You should not adhere to standard frameworks. An island of products would work well in the center of clothing, and in restaurants there would be exclusive non-food items (for example, a jewelry corner);
  • At the initial stage, strict control should be carried out: over sellers, take into account popular and useless goods, analyze successful marketing moves;
  • The design of the island must inspire confidence, so the quality of materials and workmanship are discussed in advance with the contractor. Conclude a contract for the production of the structure, which specifies all the necessary technical specifications and order delivery time.

Total in the category: 32 types, investment sizes: from 165,000 to 9,000,000 rubles. It’s quite simple – open your own business in a shopping and entertainment center! After all, the accumulation of many shops, cafes, cinemas, and leisure areas in one place attracts a wide audience to shopping and entertainment centers, where you can spend the entire weekend with your family.

In almost any activity, an important indicator is sales density.

How to open a store in a shopping center: step-by-step plan

The greater the product and customer turnover, the faster payback and higher profitability. How to ensure a guaranteed flow of consumers? It’s quite simple - open your own business in a shopping and entertainment center! After all, the accumulation of many shops, cafes, cinemas, and leisure areas in one place attracts a wide audience to shopping and entertainment centers, where you can spend the entire weekend with your family.

What exactly can be organized where everything seems to already exist? Not to mention an ordinary store opening, you can consider such options as a vending cafe in the foyer or passages of the building, placement of attractions in the children's play area, an express manicure salon and many other options.

Advantages of doing business in a shopping center

In addition to the already mentioned crowding, which is undoubtedly the most important feature of placing your project in a shopping center, we can talk about such advantages as:

  • centralization of the provision of utilities and security services, which are taken care of by the landlord (i.e. the center itself);
  • the ability to rent space, unlimited in size from 1-2 m2;
  • mitigation of risks of profit reduction depending on weather conditions and seasonality;
  • positive impact on the business of impulse purchases from visitors to the shopping and entertainment zone.

Presence of leisure areas in the shopping center, such as ice skating rinks, cinemas, art cafes, small stages, children's attractions, relaxation salons keep visitors inside the centers and ensure their long-term contact with the shopping area. This interaction is beneficial for everyone: the buyer is interested in spending time where everything is; stores are satisfied with a constant flow of customers and simply curious people who become customers later; well, the entertainment infrastructure benefits from family visits.

If we talk about disadvantages, there are very few of them: quite high rental rates and the dependence of human traffic on the image and convenience of a shopping and entertainment center.








Opening a shopping island is an attractive idea for small businesses. This is an economical type of retail that does not require high start-up investments. One of the less risky options is working under a franchise.

In search of an economical, but convenient and functional place for sales, many entrepreneurs turn their attention to an island in a shopping center. This interest is understandable: if there is not enough money to open a store in a separate room, then an excellent opportunity to start a business without significant start-up investments is to install a lightweight modular structure in the central part of the hall, in a gallery or passage of a shopping center, where there are the most visitors. However, practice shows that this type of retail trade has its own characteristics that should be taken into account by those who are thinking about opening it.

Pros and cons of islands

Like any business, trading islands have their advantages and disadvantages, which future owners should be aware of in advance.


  • Compactness (on average from 2 to 15 sq. m), which allows you not to overpay for rent
  • Possibility of selling a wide range of both food and non-food products and services. Here are just a few of them: ice cream, sweets, gadgets, perfumes and cosmetics, express manicure (nail bar), accessories, coffee, leather goods, watch repair, express payments, pawn shop, jewelry, etc.
  • Convenient location in the “pass-through” areas of supermarkets
  • Ease of assembly and disassembly, mobility (if there is a wheelbase)


  • Lack of storage facilities and fitting rooms (which narrows the range of goods for sale)
  • Limited display space (if there are miscalculations in determining demand for products, there is an excess of unclaimed items)
  • Strict standards for the type of retail structures, which are often introduced by the landlord.

To minimize risks and unplanned investments when opening a trade on an island, you need to carefully study the lease terms, analyze the trafficability of the selected point and the presence of a target audience for your type of goods and services.

Selecting a location

When designing big stores or multifunctional centers, as a rule, the layout of the free space already takes into account the presence of shopping islands. During the process of putting the facility into operation, their number may change, but only slightly.

Types of business in a shopping center

On the one hand, this allows future tenants to look in advance for the best places to open their own “point”; on the other hand, there is a need to take into account the interests of the landlord, who often makes demands on island owners to work in accordance with general concept center.

An important criterion for choosing a location for a trading island is the traffic indicator (see Fig. 1)

Fig. 1 TOP 10 most “passable” places in Russia

But it would be a mistake to make a choice based only on the popularity of the shopping center. It has been noticed that in the most “pass-through” supermarkets, the more successful islands are those representing recognizable brands with big names: branded brands of watches, ice cream, cosmetics, jewelry. If next to them there is an original, but “unfamiliar” manufacturer, “banner blindness” begins among visitors to the shopping center. It is difficult to influence it without special marketing tricks that require additional costs.

In addition, the more “serious” the landlord is, the more conditions he has. For example, the Arena shopping mall (Voronezh) requires that the islands do not exceed a height of 160 cm, be transparent and equipped with internal lighting, so as not to disrupt the perception of visitors to the main shopping galleries.

Representatives of centers with “famous names” often wish to receive a colorful booklet from a retailer with detailed description trading island and many of its images in the interior of the hall. This is an additional expense: design bureaus estimate such an order at 60-70 thousand rubles.

This is why experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners to “start” in less pretentious and large trading enterprises, while choosing places with high traffic, but a minimum set of counter conditions of the landlord. This will allow you to show maximum imagination in decorating a window display, product presentation, etc. And you will compete with neighboring kiosks mainly due to the originality of the idea and the profitable presentation of your product.

Which product should I choose?

One of the first questions a future retailer has is: what to sell in the sales area on the islands? What to prefer: edible products or non-food products? Who should you bet on: the public focused on consumer goods, or the discerning buyer of exclusives?

Magazine “Trade Practice. Retail Equipment" in 2014 published a forecast of the retail market until 2016 (see Fig. 2)

Fig.2. How is retail trade developing in Russia?

As you can see, the markets for food and non-food products are almost the same in dynamics: the economic difficulties of recent years are making themselves felt. Let's look at examples of successful projects from the TOP - the 25 most profitable franchises of 2015 according to

Cocktails Tea Funny Point

The original food brand for pedestrian areas. Based on the preparation of the “bubble tea” cocktail, invented in Taiwan, which includes tea, milk, syrup and jelly-like balls with juice inside.


  • the shopping island takes up little space - about 4 m²
  • royalty in the amount of 4% of revenue is paid from the second year of operation
  • starting capital (about 0.8 million rubles) can be obtained from Rosbank under the “Successful Start” program
  • the design of the retail island and equipment placement was developed by the franchisor and successfully implemented in large shopping centers, which helps to avoid additional approvals with landlords.

Designer T-shirts Provocation

To many visitors largest supermarkets I remember the bright windows of the islands of the Provokatsia brand, where you can buy T-shirts with hooligan prints. The owner of the stores and creator of the franchise, Hasmik Gevorkyan, recalls that a buyer “threw this successful idea” to her. She opened her first store in Kursk, and now represents the brand’s products in large Moscow malls, and another 91 points are the result of a partnership with franchisees.

  • The estimated value of the first initial investment - 0.55 million rubles.
  • Profit: 3.57 million rubles.

Car device for “advanced” buyers

Those who plan to open shopping islands in trading floors, business ideas come from successful projects. This is exactly how the business of Nizhny Novgorod entrepreneurs S. Seregin and M. Vakhrushev can be considered. In 2009, they began selling automotive electronics: navigators, DVRs, radar detectors and accessories - under the Autodevice brand.

Today it is one of the most profitable franchises, according to Forbes version. The cost of the initial investment is 0.9 million rubles, the profit is 2.1 million rubles. The Autodevice offer for franchisees is interesting because lump sum minimal - only 39,000 rubles, and there are no royalties.

Resume: The main rule when choosing a product for sale in a trading island format is targeting the target audience. For success, not only the idea is important, but also a well-executed concept, attractive display design, consideration of popular and non-traditional positions, and a clear promotion strategy. All these requirements are met by franchises that have already proven themselves as profitable business. By using them, you can minimize possible risks.

What to consider when opening a trading island?

Before you start your own business, take advantage of expert advice to help you avoid annoying mistakes:

  • When choosing a place to rent, do not limit yourself to the simplest solutions (“by acquaintance”, “closer to home”, “largest store”, etc.), arrange a small “tender” for landlords, indicating your wishes on the Internet. It’s better to choose from several offers - less likely to miss
  • Study the shopping center audience! Where the public lives, who come to buy food or furniture, gadgets are unlikely to be in demand
  • Don’t hope that the business will start working without your participation: at least for the first time, you will have to supervise the hired sellers. Consider the travel time factor to the store and back. For example, the owners of the Madrobots shopping island in the MEGA Belaya Dacha shopping center in Moscow estimated that it took them 4 hours a day to do this
  • Be extremely careful when choosing an island contractor! Study reviews about it on forums, get “live” recommendations, read the contract and project documentation in advance. You must be confident that the delivery and launch of the finished module will be met and that the supplier will not lose interest in you if you notice a design defect and ask for it to be corrected.
  • By approaching the organization of your business with due attention, you will get a competitive business that will bring you satisfaction and profit.

Questions and answers on the topic

No questions have been asked about the material yet, you have the opportunity to be the first to do so

Probably everyone has thought about opening their own business at least once (and most likely, even more often). To begin with, a small point of sale will be enough, and then, as they say, time will tell. As a rule, not many people go further than these thoughts. But for those who want more, we decided to tell you about the available option is an island in a shopping or business center.

The area of ​​the island is usually 5-10 square meters, and a larger island will not necessarily be more expensive, a lot depends on the location and rental period. The island itself, as a sales point on the territory of a shopping center (SC) or business center (BC), is one of the best options for starting your business, which is why it is so popular. Walking through the shopping center, you may not see some branded store, but it is impossible not to notice the island, because it stands in your way.

And also, in order not to lose sales data, track the most popular items, protect yourself from theft and quickly carry out inventory, we recommend installing an automation system at the very beginning. For example, Poster can take 15 days to understand how such accounting systems work and what they are needed for. And now more about the islands themselves.

What do they sell on the islands?

Islands can be divided into two types: those located in BC and TC. The types of services and products that you will offer depend on the type of center. Below we will describe in more detail what business centers and shopping centers are, their classes and types.

Which business is better suited if you are considering the option of a BC:

    Coffee shop, bakery and pastry shop

    Printing services, fast printing photo and press sales

    Sale of batteries, small household goods

    Tobacco kiosk, hookah accessories and e-liquids

For shopping center the list is much longer. Try to focus on selling goods that are not in the hypermarket inside the shopping center or the range of which is very narrow:

    Fresh juices (freshly squeezed juices)

    Decorative or craft sweets: chocolate, cakes, candies, etc.

    Coffee to go

    Wallets, belts, bags and hats

    Accessories for smartphones and tablets


    Fan paraphernalia (football, hockey, etc.)

    Watches, knives, flashlights

    Jewelry and bijouterie

    Postcards, gifts, gift wrapping

    Printing on T-shirts, mugs and instant photo printing

    Souvenirs (if the shopping center is near the station or in a tourist area)

    Pet supplies (not every shopping center has a full-fledged pet store, but even if there is one, a person can remember that they need to buy loose food or treats for their pet on the way out when they see your island)

    Tobacco, cigarettes and everything for hookah

    Electronic cigarettes and accessories

A separate point can be made cosmetology services:

    Express manicure

    Massage chairs

    Express haircut

    Eyebrow and eyelash extensions

But for such islands, basic showcases will not be enough; you will need separate mirrors, lighting, and chairs, which means you will need more initial investments. But a big plus will be the accompanying sale of cosmetics, which will significantly increase revenue.

Buying a ready-made island

This can be either a full business or a lease assignment. A good option for a start, but in any case, you will either overpay for a working outlet (compared to opening from scratch), or buy cheaper, but this outlet may go bankrupt in your presence.

Also, unpleasant situations may arise when the lease of an outlet is transferred to you. For example, you want to open a takeaway coffee outlet in the lobby of a business center, where there is already a coffee shop that gives you its established audience. It looks tempting, but in reality it may turn out that they give you their place, and literally a week later they open a new island next to you, and this audience returns to them. To avoid this, write everything down in the purchase agreement and in the terms of the lease, if possible.

Island by franchise

A good option for retail or catering outlets. Requires a little more initial investment, but you will get:

    famous brand, recognition;

    reliable supplier;

    ready business plan;

    assistance in starting a business.

You can read more about opening a franchise business using the example of a cafe in our separate section.

What types of business centers are there?

This information will come in handy when you look at rental listings or when working with real estate agents. All business centers are divided into three classes: A, B and C. Not long ago, types B+ and C+ began to appear in the descriptions, when landlords want to emphasize the improved characteristics of their center.

There is also category D, common only in small towns(population in the region of 100,000 people). Such business centers offer potential tenants only “walls”: no infrastructure, you need major renovation, the famous corridor-office layout, which is extremely inconvenient for many tenants.

Most often, there is simply no place to place an island as a point of sale, although the audience of such centers is quite suitable for a certain type of business. For example, you can sell newspapers, small household goods, batteries and similar goods there.

How do the classes of business centers differ?

1. Class A business centers:

    usually located in the central part of the city;

    have convenient access, secure parking (one parking space per 100 square meters of office space) and separate underground parking;

    There must be a public transport stop nearby;

    repairs according to international standards;

    centralized air conditioning and ventilation system;

    reliable 24-hour security;

    designed for top companies in the city or country.

2. Class B business centers:

    most often located around the city center near metro stations;

    availability of open guarded parking;

    high-quality interior finishing;

    good repair;

    communications in full;

    individual air conditioning;

    designed for medium and small businesses.

3. Class C business centers:

    located in residential areas or far from the main highways of the city;

    finishing is cosmetic repairs carried out by the owner of the building or the tenants themselves;

    disjointed communications;

    unguarded parking;

    low rental costs are, as a rule, only of interest to small companies.

What types of shopping centers are there?

Shopping centers vary in concept and specialization.

Universal shopping centers. They offer the widest possible range of goods and services. Ideal for different types islands, the main thing is to study competitors and traffic in order to correctly calculate the payback and feasibility of opening a new point.

Specialized shopping centers. Attracts audiences through wide range products in a certain category. This narrow focus may pose some risks. Choosing the type of business, what to sell or what services to provide, should only be based on the specialization of the shopping center. Most often, such centers are formed on the basis of chain stores of electronics or building materials - this is a popular phenomenon for cities in regions with a population of 300,000 to 1,000,000 people.

Such shopping centers can be designed for both ordinary buyers (retail) and professionals, which means that in any case there will be traffic here, which gives additional stability to the business.

Fashion centers, where clothes, shoes and accessories are sold. Their advantage is that they are located in the central part of the city and, even with small areas, provide targeted traffic. IN major centers In fashion, the assortment is important: the more different boutiques, the more diverse the audience.

shopping mall(shopping and entertainment complexes) - almost the same as universal shopping centers, only a larger rental area falls on places for leisure, entertainment, sports and recreation, including active ones.

How to search for a place?

Here's ours short plan steps to remove an island in a shopping center:

    Make a list of the most popular shopping centers (as an option - as traffic decreases, so as to start searching in less popular centers at the end). The priority is to find a good place in a popular center.

    Go around the selected shopping centers, looking for not only vacant, but also occupied places that are suitable for your type of business, with good visibility of signs, storefronts and stable traffic. The best places are near the entrances, but they are usually more expensive.

    As you go around, you need to find out the contacts of the administration.

    You need to find out the rental price. Perhaps some owners or managers will want to organize a personal meeting and call them to the office for a conversation. Often such issues are resolved individually, depending on the area of ​​the future island and the rental period.

Decide which point you need: “wet” or “dry” (with or without running water). For example, if you are planning to open a coffee shop, this is very important point. Imported water is expensive and is constantly in short supply. It is needed not only for drinks, but also for washing dishes, cutlery and equipment.

It is possible to “kill” any occupied places by offering more rent, the main thing is to understand how profitable it is. Perhaps the lease term under the agreement is for busy place is already running out, and with a minimal fee increase you can pick it up.

On average on the market minimum term rent - 6 months. Few landlords will agree to a shorter period, so it will not be possible to “try” the business and understand whether it works in this place. Be sure to take this into account when drawing up your business plan.

Equipment - new or used?

To be honest, it is very difficult to find a fully working and modern option on the used island equipment market. Plus, you'll have to reassemble it, and it won't look as good as you thought it would look in the ad.

In addition, you need to select display cases for your product group, volume of purchases and assortment. For trading islands one of the most popular designs is rectangular display cases with high corner elements(cabinets, shelves). If you are still considering buying used items, then choose counters with a large number of height-adjustable shelves. This will make it much easier for you to adapt display cases to the desired product.

Not every ready-made island pavilion will fit the rental conditions in the chosen location. Be sure to select designs that meet the requirements and general standards of the business center or fuel dispenser.

How much does it cost to open an island in a shopping center?

What do you need and what costs await you when opening an island in a shopping center:

    Rent an island in a shopping center. The average area of ​​a point is 10 square meters, then the calculation is based on the price per 1 square meter: if for Moscow it is from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. (Kyiv - from 2000 to 4000 UAH), then in large regional cities these figures will be at least 2-3 times lower.

    Staff. The point must operate while the shopping center is open, which means 30 work shifts of 12 hours per month (working hours are from 10:00 to 22:00). You need at least 2 people who will receive from 500 to 1000 rubles. (200-400 UAH) per shift. Then everything is calculated individually.

    Taxes. For Ukraine, this will be 5% of turnover with a single tax plus a monthly unified social tax; for Russia - taxes from payroll, UTII or a percentage of turnover under a simplified system.

    Office or warehouse. The goods need to be stored somewhere, because all the products will not be sold at once and together. First you will understand that what sells faster and more, the rest of the product will “freeze”, and total sales will fall.

This does not mean that you need to keep only the most popular items, you just need to purchase more of them and deliver them as needed, and store the reserves in a warehouse. The requirements for such premises depend on the type of product: the same room will not be suitable for chocolate and jewelry. In addition, when suppliers deliver goods, they need to be capitalized, priced, price tags attached, delivery processed, etc.

A small warehouse or just an office (which is much more common) within walking distance from the point of sale is an ideal option. You can, of course, do everything at home, but this is rather a temporary solution.

    Accounting system. It is needed to process deliveries, add new items, prepare reports for the tax office, maintain cash register shifts, carry out inventory, print fiscal checks etc. It’s best to consider inexpensive ones so that you can see at any time how sales are going at your point and control the entire work process.

    Accounting. Perhaps, best option- outsource it: find a suitable person through colleagues, acquaintances or trust an agency. For small turnover of a small business, this will be enough, and you won’t have to delve into it and waste your time. When starting a project, count on about 5,000 rubles. or 2500 UAH per month.

Don't be afraid to start your own business. Alternatively, think and take a closer look at what you are missing in the shopping center where you spend the most time. Perhaps your first business is just around the corner.
