The trampoline park is a sports and entertainment novelty. Your own business: trampolines for children. Business plan: inflatable trampolines for children - equipment and necessary documents

Target audience of trampoline centers "Eversi"

  • Children - sports and recreational activities. Organizing children's parties and corporate events.
  • Amateurs - acrobatics and trampolining for lovers of an active lifestyle (everyday).
  • Families - a fun and rewarding leisure activity for the whole family (weekends).
  • Extreme sports - jumping training for fans of complex coordination sports (skiing, snowboarding).
  • Athletes - physical and coordination training for other sports (hockey, football, wrestling, etc.).
  • TeamBuilding - holding holidays and corporate events for companies.
  • Additional directions- acrobatics, tricking, parkour, aerial acrobatics on canvases.

On January 4, 2015, the first of its kind trampoline center "Eversi" opened in Novosibirsk. Opened by four students who dedicated their entire lives to trampoline sports. There was little money, so we had to do everything ourselves. Now we know how to open a trampoline center as economically as possible.

In less than 2 years we have tested large number suppliers necessary equipment, but never found decent quality for low price. In this connection, we took up the production process ourselves. Today, more than 12 trampoline centers throughout Russia save more than 200,000 rubles by using our equipment. We offer our partners a 10% discount on the supply of everything they need.

Over the past year, more than 200 trampoline centers have been opened throughout Russia, while at the moment their total number is about 580.

We are looking for partners who are ready to become part of a large and friendly team whose goal is to conquer the trampoline center market.

Franchise offer of the center "Eversi":

  • unique, only growing business in the field of fitness services;
  • step-by-step instructions for starting and growing a business (more than 100 pages of information);
  • a well-developed marketing strategy;
  • access to an online database with collected and filtered experience of 23 trampoline centers;
  • constantly updating video training system for your instructors;
  • a detailed 3D model of your future center;
  • assistance in searching and selecting premises;
  • assistance in drawing up a competent lease agreement;
  • supply of all necessary equipment with a 10% discount;
  • crm system written specifically for this type business;
  • the right to use our brand;
  • bright and dynamic corporate style.

Why do you save when choosing the Eversi franchise?

Let's count:

  1. We provide you with a CRM system - 20,000 rubles (not to mention the fact that this is the best solution on the market, which, in addition to the monetary costs of the purchase, also covers the time spent searching and selecting an obviously worse solution).
  2. Development corporate identity. Market price 65,000 rubles.
  3. Supply of all sports equipment with a 10% discount (for a minimally equipped gym you will need sports equipment worth 540,000 rubles). Discount price 486,000 rubles. Saving 54,000 rubles.
  4. Development of a layout for your future center - 10,000 rubles (minimum).
  5. Services of a good lawyer for drawing up a contract public offer and checking all documents - 15,000 rubles.

Total: 164,000 rubles.

And these are only monetary costs that can be easily calculated.

This is also a huge time saver, since you don’t have to:

  1. Dive in and understand the intricacies of this niche yourself.
  2. You won’t have to train the staff yourself (and before that, you won’t have to understand what to train and what to require from their work).
  3. Look for effective marketing channels, which means N-rubles and 3 - 6 months for tests.

The cost of opening a trampoline center "Eversi"

Payback calculation

Investment in the Eversi franchise

Starting investments: 2,000,000 rubles - 5,000,000 rubles

The investment amount consists of 3 parts:

  1. The cost of the sports part (sports equipment). These are trampolines, a foam pit for safe learning and practicing elements, a warm-up area, and a wooden platform. The investment amount is 1,100,000 rubles to 3,000,000 rubles.
  2. Other equipment (booths, reception, benches, PCs, etc.) 350,000 - 450,000 rubles.
  3. Costs of repair work (finishing, construction of additional premises, wiring of communications). 500,000 rubles - 1,500,000 rubles.

Payback period: 9 - 12 months
Turnover per month: from 600,000 rubles
Royalty: 5% of turnover
Lump sum fee: 150,000 rubles

  • A complete package of instructions (managerial, marketing, search and selection of personnel. In total, more than 100 pages of information)
  • Access to an online database collected from the experience of 23 trampoline centers.
  • A constantly updated platform for training and advanced training of instructors at your center.
  • Own CRM system for database management.
  • Supply of sports equipment with a 10% discount
  • Unique corporate identity
  • Brand rights
  • Development of a 3D model of your future hall
  • Assistance in searching and selecting premises
  • Assistance in drawing up a competent lease agreement
  • More than 18 years of experience in trampoline sports.

Send a request

Several years ago, the so-called trampoline business. Imagine - entire sports complexes equipped with trampolines and only trampolines. It turned out that this business is very profitable. Why? Let's find out together.

Trampoline to trampoline business

The first prototype of the modern trampoline was assembled in 1936, in an ordinary garage, by Jorgen Nissen, a champion in acrobatic jumping and diving. His product quickly gained popularity. Not only professional athletes and acrobats began to train on a trampoline, but also trampolines began to be used ordinary people for entertainment and relaxation.

Trampoline (from fr. batoude, italian. battuta - “blow”) - a device for jumping, which is a strong wicker mesh stretched over a metal frame using rubber or metal springs. The material that is used to make the surface of the trampoline is not elastic in itself. Elasticity is achieved through springs located around the perimeter (or circumference) of the mesh.

Modern trampolines are divided into several types - for home and professional use. Professional trampolines are made of heavy-duty materials (working surface film, durable steel springs and frame) and have a huge jumping surface. The area around the working surface is equipped with the so-called "foam pit"- a special safety zone that protects the jumping person from injury when falling.

It is professional trampolines that are used to create an entertainment trampoline center.

Trampoline business - entertainment trampoline complex

No, trampolines existed as attractions before. Remember, since 1936 - athletes, acrobats and entertainment. Usually these are one or two trampolines, which were placed separately. Often these were trampolines for home use. Such trampolines were mainly popular only among children.

Everything changed from one Australian named - Brent Grundy. As the legend goes, one day Brent, a former successful businessman, and his little daughter visited a play center that had a trampoline area. Brent Grundy I was surprised by the popularity of this attraction. Adults and children lined up in huge lines for several jumps. Unfortunately, it was impossible to linger on this trampoline, since the trampoline area could not accommodate everyone and the queue required the trampoline to be vacated for them. Many people never made it to the trampoline that day.

It was at this point that Grundy decided to open the world's first entertainment trampoline center. Thus, in the city of Penrith (Australia), a family trampoline complex appeared Flip Out. Despite the fact that the city's population was 11 thousand people, in the first year of operation the center brought Brent several million US dollars. Since then, Brent Grundy's business has been trampoline complexes and successful franchise for organizing trampoline centers. In just one year, in Australia alone, Brent opened 25 trampoline centers.

As can be seen from the story of an Australian businessman, a trampoline complex as a business is beneficial even for small towns. Let's consider all the nuances of such a business for Russia.

Trampoline business in Russia

To be honest, it's unlikely Russian businessman will buy the Australian franchise. It’s better for him to hit the bumps on the trampolines on his own. Perhaps the entrepreneur will buy a franchise of some Russian trampoline business. Let's try to reveal some of the pitfalls of this business.

In the trampoline business, due to the specifics of the service, there are practically no random clients. Anyone who wants to jump on a trampoline will purposefully go to a specialized complex. Therefore, the location of your complex is not so important for business. This could be the outskirts of the city or the center. The main thing is that it is easily accessible both by car and by public transport.

IN this business The most important thing is the size and technical capabilities of the room. The minimum recommended area of ​​the trampoline center is 400 m². This area can accommodate all types of jumping pads to suit all your clients' needs. The area may be smaller, but then you should forget about the full range of capabilities of your complex, which will negatively affect competition and your profit.

The most important condition for a room with trampolines is that the working height of the ceilings must be at least 5 meters. Otherwise, your clients will not be able to avoid injury when jumping.

Also, do not forget that the trampoline center belongs to mass entertainment, and therefore, according to the law on the protection of consumer rights, it must be equipped with: changing rooms, air conditioning and heating, communications, running water and toilets. It’s better to do everything at once than to fight off inspections and fines later. Full equipment of the complex will allow it to be used all year round.

Additionally, the center can be equipped with a food court (cafeteria, fast food area), a place for rest and waiting. This will help keep customers in your center and increase average bill from one client. Because, in addition to “jumping”, the client will definitely buy “drink” and “eat”.

It seems that organizing such a business is easy - premises + trampolines + instructors = and the business is ready. But that's not true. Understanding in this type of business is very important. Starting from the choice of quality equipment to the professionalism of the instructors. All this plays an important role when organizing a trampoline center. Many businessmen not only forget about this, but don’t even know it. Working on sheer enthusiasm, wondering in the end why the business didn’t take off.

By the way, opening a good trampoline center as a business is not a cheap pleasure. According to experts, opening such a business requires from 1.5 to 2.2 million rubles. The investment will pay off when proper organization, in 2…2.5 years.

Organizational and legal form. Be sure to think through all the legal subtleties of this business, since it is associated with active recreation, which means there is a high risk of injury to clients. Introduce mandatory training, a safety log, draw up a competent contract for the provision of services, establish a rule for minors to visit the center only when accompanied by adults or with permission from their parents in a strictly prescribed form.

Specific active recreation. Trampolines are specific sports equipment. This means that your instructors must have not only general sports knowledge and training, but also know the specifics of trampolines. Therefore, it is better to select as instructors not just people with a sports or specialized education, but athletes and acrobats who know how to work with trampolines.

Auditorium of the center. Your center will be visited by both professional athletes and just people looking for unusual entertainment. Try to differentiate them. This could be a clear zoning of your complex into zones (if the area allows). Or introduce a temporary distinction, for example, professionals are allocated the morning opening hours of the center, and access to the center for everyone begins a little later.

Don't be afraid of competition. Competition is another reason to make money. The audience is already warmed up by the competitors and knows about the capabilities of the trampoline. All that remains is to lure her away with the quality and completeness of services.

Main uses of the jumping area in a trampoline center

1. Professional use. Professional trampolines are used for training by representatives of extreme sports: alpine skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, surfing, kitesurfing, who use a trampoline to practice acrobatic elements and prepare for sports competitions. The ability to use equipment for snowboarding, wakeboarding, kitesurfing (boards, halyards, etc.) on trampolines allows you to recreate real conditions skating, and the use of safety equipment and the buoyancy force of the trampoline - to master and practice complex elements and tricks. Such athletes are regular customers trampoline centers.

2. Sports competitions and trampoline games. There are various types sports that use a trampoline and other sports equipment. You can equip your trampoline complex with everything necessary for such competitions and games. This opportunity will attract not only professionals, but also amateurs. One of the most striking examples of such games is slamball.

3. Fitness on a trampoline (jumping fitness). High-intensity cardio workout to work all major muscles and actively burn calories. Jumping fitness with an instructor is a new and very popular area of ​​services provided by trampoline centers. To provide this service, you will need an instructor with knowledge (and certification) about jumping fitness, you already have trampolines.

4. Free jumping. This is what everyone visits trampoline complexes for. After briefing and warm-up with the instructor, visitors perform all the jumps within their physical ability in the jumping area. The instructor, while in the work area, monitors general safety precautions. The average time a client spends on trampolines is from an hour to two.

Promotion of the trampoline business and continued existence

In this business, to start, you need to use all available information channels. After the start, when you are recognized and appreciated, word of mouth will start. But, do not forget about constant support of interest - this could be: activity on social networks, one-time promotions in the media, organizing various holidays and events, holding events and corporate team building, some non-standard marketing moves.

Trampoline centers have become a popular place for training and leisure and active recreation. Increasing competition in this type of business is a means natural selection, after which large or high-quality complexes will remain that are capable of receiving big profit even in small town, with a population of 10 thousand people.

The very first trampoline cent appeared in Australia. Brent Grundy, after an unsuccessful trip to the play center with his daughter, decided to create Flip Out - a huge trampoline entertainment center. Within a year, his business enriched America by several million dollars. Grundy now runs a successful trampoline business all over the world. Every year, more than 25 centers are opened under the Flip Out franchise.

When opening an attraction, you should first decide on its type. Now the most popular and successful are:

  • entertainment and park complex (many trampolines of different sizes located over a large area);
  • commercial trampoline (single attraction located in parks, squares and beaches).

If you decide to open a trampoline business, then you should know that the main inflatable attribute is produced in many countries. Trampolines from China are considered the least expensive; for example, large outdoor attractions with a slide can be purchased for about 200,000 rubles. The service life of such attractions is 2 years.

A business idea for inflatable trampolines must also comply with a certain format. The most successful are sports-training and free-economic.

The first one is distinguished by pre-registration and a guaranteed period of time spent on the attraction. The main clients of such a center will be athletes, but ordinary amateurs will not be an exception either.

The second format is in demand in small cities with free warehouses and production premises, which can be rented. In most cases, such centers are visited ordinary people: parents with children, young companies. This format is not suitable for athletes, since such centers are not equipped with specialized trampolines.

How to open a trampoline business

When starting your own business, you need to start registering your business. In order to obtain an individual entrepreneur certificate, you should contact tax service at your place of residence, having with you the following documents:

  • passport and its copy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty - 800 rubles;
  • copy of TIN;
  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • application for use simplified system taxation in duplicate.

Within five working days you will be able to personally pick up documents confirming registration.

After completing all the documents, you need to start choosing a room. The most the best option For novice businessmen, it would be better to rent it. When looking for a suitable area, you should pay attention to the height of the ceilings. It must be at least 6 meters for amateurs and 8 meters for athletes.

If your inflatable attraction will be visited only by children, then the ceiling height should be at least 5 meters.

It is also worth noting that in some buildings with low ceilings, it is possible to make recesses in the floor. Therefore, such premises can also be used to implement a business idea.

Income and expenses

When implementing a business idea for an inflatable attraction, it is worth taking into account all the costs. Monthly expenses include:

  • rental payment depends on the square footage and location of the building, on average - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • electricity payment - 1500 rubles;
  • taxes - 15,000 rubles;
  • wages employees of the center - approximately 50,000 rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - approximately 50 thousand rubles.

One-time costs include repair work (150-200 thousand rubles), purchase of trampolines (250-300 thousand rubles) and more.

The average cost of visiting the attraction is 300 rubles for 30 minutes. On a weekday, the center is visited by about 100 people, on weekends - 300 or more. The amount of daily revenue can vary from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, the approximate monthly profit can be from 350 to 500 thousand rubles. As a result, if you open your own business in this entertainment sector, it will fully pay off in 7 months.

Successful examples

The most popular trampoline centers in Moscow are:

  • “Sky” - in the park there are more than 100 different trampolines, as well as sections for freestyle, wall walking, as well as circus and acrobatic studios;
  • “Fan Jump” - the center is equipped for small children; there are various slides and labyrinths on the territory. Also available are trainers in dogeboding, acrobatics and fitness;
  • “Weightlessness” - 30 single trampolines, 2 sports and 2 narrow, 17 corner and 3 paths are presented to visitors. Also on the territory you can find a climbing wall, a foam pit, and start doing fitness and acrobatics.

Let's consider a few more ideas for starting your own business in the entertainment industry.

Business idea: street trampoline

An outdoor trampoline is the easiest option for developing your business. This type of business is easy to implement and has low costs.

There are street trampolines various shapes: round, rectangular, square, oval and slides.

Apart from the advantages of opening a trampoline center, there are also disadvantages. Before opening such a business, it is worth analyzing them:

  • high competition;
  • lack of free places to accommodate an inflatable attraction;
  • control over clients;
  • assembly and disassembly of the trampoline itself;
  • seasonality.

If you still decide to open just such a business, then you will need the following equipment: a trampoline (slide or room); powerful compressor; several rented meters and transport.

Anton Salov, director of the first trampoline park in Yekaterinburg, opened his first center for his children. To date, he has already opened 7 similar establishments. In addition to 60 trampolines, the park has parkour and skate areas.

Anton did not have any difficulties during the opening of the park. The trampoline center in Yekaterinburg was opened within a month. On November 14, 2015, Razgon Park was officially opened to visitors.

Business idea: trampoline for travel

The point of this business idea is that the trampoline is constantly moving and not installed in one place. It can be ordered for various holidays and festivals.

When engaging in this type of business, do not forget about security measures. When you install a trampoline outside, make sure that there are no stones, roads, trees, or fences on the area.

When installing a trampoline indoors, be sure to surround it with a special net and always be close to the person who is jumping on the attraction.

The features of the business idea are: the small size of the trampoline itself; the need to have your own transport, since renting a car will cost too much.

The last feature is that in the cold season you can travel with a trampoline to schools and kindergartens; the size allows you to install them in gyms or on verandas.

Business idea - “Banjo”

A banjo is a stationary steel structure with a jumping band (elastic band). In addition, the trampoline is equipped with: a jumping net, a spring, a safety belt, a stretching cable, and a mechanical or manual drive. The jumping height on such a trampoline is a maximum of 5 meters and a minimum of 1.

The advantages of such an attraction are:

  • high demand;
  • large age range of clients;
  • various variations of jumps.

If you decide to open your own business and settle on a banjo, do not forget about the disadvantages of its operation: complexity of installation, safety monitoring, stationary power supply, training of instructors, large area of ​​placement.

Since jumps are carried out at different heights and the load force is very large, the installation must be done very carefully. Before launching the first clients, you need to additionally check all fastenings.

The cost of a large banjo, in which several people can jump at the same time, is approximately 650,000 rubles, and a single banjo is 35,000 rubles.

The field of sports entertainment has many fans of all ages, so for interested businessmen it makes sense to find the answer to the question: how to open a trampoline center and how much does it cost?

What is a trampoline?

A trampoline is a fabric stretched on an elevated surface for jumping. The fabric itself is not elastic, it can be a mesh or a dense material, and the tossing occurs due to springs that attach the fabric to the frame around the entire perimeter. There are also inflatable trampolines that are used as children's attractions. They are made in a variety of configurations, sizes and themes.

The trampoline was invented at the beginning of the 20th century for sports training. But it quickly became clear that children just love to jump for fun, and one enterprising Australian created a million-dollar trampoline business. He opened a chain of Flip Out parks and is franchising his idea all over the world.

In every city park, on every beach, for a reasonable fee you can feel the pleasure of a short flight, do a somersault and break your nose. Trampolines are very dangerous, so when organizing your business you need to take seriously the issues of equipment quality, personnel qualifications and compliance with safety rules.

Target Audience

The first thing you will have to start implementing a jumping project is to study target audience.

Trampoline centers are mainly used for:

  1. Training by athletes. There are many types of competitions where you need to perform complex acrobatic exercises, and the trampoline is the most suitable place to gain skills with minimal risk get injured.
  2. Holding games. For example, slamball is a type of basketball played on trampolines. For competitions, you need to properly organize the space and purchase sports equipment.
  3. Fitness classes. To conduct jumping cardio training, you need a trained instructor.
  4. Entertainment. Everyone can jump freely on both tension and inflatable trampolines. This activity is especially popular among children.

You can download a business plan describing how to open a trampoline center at.

Business plan

On initial stage planning the idea of ​​a trampoline center as a business, you need to draw up a business plan:

  • choice of concept;
  • business registration;
  • selection of premises;
  • purchase and installation of equipment;
  • personnel selection;
  • advertising;
  • calculation of opening costs, future expenses and income.

Experts classify the trampoline business as an expensive project, so most likely, a novice entrepreneur will need attracted capital.

Choice of concept

Even before opening a trampoline center, you need to decide on the format of the establishment. You can choose from the following options:

  1. Sports-oriented. Professional equipment can be placed in a small area, since there is no need to install children's attractions. The location of the center is not very important, because the target audience is quite mobile and not picky, but it will be necessary to equip changing rooms and showers.
  2. Entertaining. It is necessary to take into account the interests of different age categories, think carefully about the location and design. To meet the needs of visitors, it is best to organize a cafeteria and recreation area on the territory of the center.
  3. Combined. A large sports and entertainment complex with many jumping and inflatable trampolines, gaming and fitness areas. It makes sense to open in a major city.


Opening a trampoline business does not require special permits. You need to register an individual business or enterprise and register with the Federal Tax Service. If there is a cafe in the center premises, then you will have to fill out documents with the SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

When renting premises, it is necessary to conclude an official contract, and for further work, draw up an agreement for the provision of complex services, rules for using trampolines, instructions for workers, and keep a safety log.


The key point in the business plan for a trampoline center is the choice of premises to house the center. The building has many specific requirements:

  • height 6-8 meters;
  • total area of ​​at least 400 sq. m.;
  • serviceable communications - water supply, heating, sewerage;
  • good ventilation;
  • availability of bathrooms and showers;
  • availability of changing rooms.

Territorial placement must be selected depending on the project format. It is best to rent space for an amusement park in a large shopping complex, although it will be expensive. The sports format can be placed in any area, the main thing is to think through convenient access routes and parking spaces.

A room of suitable dimensions must be divided into zones:

  1. Directly jumping with subsequent differentiation according to intended use.
  2. Food court.
  3. Bathrooms and wardrobe.
  4. Service.

Additionally, it is possible to provide for the installation of similar attractions - a climbing wall, parkour park, rope park. This will expand the target audience and increase traffic to the center.


The basis of the trampoline park is the trampolines themselves. Typically, one projectile occupies an area of ​​45-50 square meters. m. It is best to choose professional equipment with high-quality springs and a durable frame. You also need to equip a safety foam pit - this is a space filled with soft cubes where a person can get after an unsuccessful jump.

For business you will also need to purchase:

  • equipment for sports games and fitness;
  • rope safety systems;
  • inflatable slides and attractions;
  • cafe equipment (display case, shelving, counter, coffee maker, microwave oven, dishes, furniture);
  • plumbing for toilets and showers;
  • lockers for clothes;
  • office equipment;
  • security system;
  • air conditioning system.

Since the trampoline field occupies almost the entire space of the hall and hides most of the floor and walls, you can save on repairs.


Trampoline center employees must have experience working with sports equipment, preferably special education. To ensure uninterrupted operation of a large entertainment establishment, which was opened for work 7 days a week, it is necessary to hire:

  1. Instructor - 2 people.
  2. Trainer - 2 people.
  3. Administrator - 2 people.
  4. Cleaner - 2 people.
  5. Cafe worker - 2 people.

The owner of a trampoline arena can do the organizational work himself or hire an administrator. An accountant may be needed to maintain records and reporting if the document flow is too large.

To reduce injuries at the center, workers must instruct visitors on the rules of behavior and have jumping skills themselves. Keeping a safety log is a mandatory requirement.

You can promote your sports and entertainment business even before it opens, announcing that a new trampoline complex will soon appear in the city. Such information should be placed in the press, on radio, television, and on the Internet. The larger the campaign, the more visitors it will attract.

The largest potential audience of visitors is attracted through social media. To do this, you need to create and maintain current trampoline center pages. This format can be used for feedback, usually in the comments, users share reviews and impressions. A good addition would be a website with a description of the establishment’s work, ticket prices, photos of jumps and promotional offers.

Throughout the entire operation, to maintain interest in trampolines, it is worth offering discounts to regular visitors, discount cards and holding promotional events. For example, the entrance price is significantly reduced for children's groups of 5 people or more.

Large room The trampoline center can be profitably used for holding original mass celebrations for children and adults. This will bring additional income and create advertising for the establishment.

Video: how to open a trampoline center? Answers to all questions.

Financial calculations

Calculation of start-up costs allows you to evaluate the profitability of a trampoline business, fixed costs and future income.

To launch a project with a trampoline arena, inflatable slides and a cafe in a small town, you need to have funds for the following purposes:

To ensure the functioning of the entertainment center, the amount monthly expenses will be:

An entrepreneur’s income largely depends on the quality of the advertising campaign, the professionalism of the instructors and a well-planned schedule of visits to different categories of clients.

If most of the target audience is covered, and children do not interfere with adult athletes’ activities, then the occupancy of the trampoline complex with single visitors is approximately 35 people. per day. In addition, there are group entrances, events, sports competitions, and training.

Approximate calculation of monthly income:

Type of income Qty Price, rub. Amount, rub.
1 One-time lesson, 45 min 35 people * 30 days = 1050 people 400 420 000
2 Monthly subscription, 20 visits 10 pcs. 2 500 25 000
3 Events 6 pcs. 5 500 33 000
4 Group visits 20 pcs. 3 000 60 000
5 Fitness 40 people 450 18 000
6 Sports training 8 pcs. 3 000 24 000
7 Competitions 4 pcs. 3 000 12 000
Total 592 000

The cafe brings in a separate income: based on daily revenue of 5,000 rubles, the monthly income is 150,000 rubles.

The total monthly turnover of the trampoline park is 742,000 rubles, profit - 272,000 rubles, profitability is about 15%. Investments in business will pay off in 11 months.

The idea of ​​a trampoline complex is good because it combines sports and entertainment, has a social orientation, and although its implementation costs several million rubles, it pays off quite quickly.

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A trampoline is a device for jumping that increases their height due to the elastic and elastic properties of the structure itself. Most often it is a wicker mesh attached to a metal frame using special springs. It is thanks to them that the desired ratio of elastic and elastic properties of the structure is achieved. The trampoline is used as a source of entertainment for children, as one of the types of attractions. In addition, it is used by gymnasts, circus performers, ski athletes, etc.

History of trampolines

The first prototypes of modern trampolines were used by the peoples of the north - the Eskimos. The material used was stretched walrus skin. In the 19th century, a design with a similar principle of operation appeared - a diving board. Trampoline-like devices were used by some circus workers.

The first real trampoline appeared in 1936. Its creator was the champion in jumping sports - George Nissen. They also opened the first mass production of trampolines.

Types of modern trampolines

According to their characteristics, trampolines are divided into professional, home and inflatable. have a rigid structure based on a high-strength mesh, tensioned by springs on a metal frame. The materials have increased strength and provide greater jump height. Foam rubber is placed around the trampoline to ensure safety. Such trampolines are used by professional athletes. They are also used to create trampoline parks.

They have protection against falling to the ground in the form of a mesh. They have less jumping capabilities and are smaller in size. Intended for private use. However, American doctors do not recommend them for children, as there is still a risk of injury.

Inflatable trampolines are used as attractions in trampoline parks. They are intended for children and are quite safe. Designed for many people.

What is needed to open a trampoline center

When establishing a trampoline park or center, first of all, you need to choose a premises. In this case, one must proceed from the following considerations:

  • Floors must withstand a load of at least 400 kg/m2.
  • The distance from floor to ceiling must be at least 6 m, and for sports complexes - at least 8 m.

When planning a trampoline arena, it is worth turning to those who already have practical experience in such work. The main requirements for trampoline parks are: safety, practicality, and the presence of “tricks” that will add their own individual flavor and will appeal to visitors.

The approximate cost of 1 square meter of a trampoline arena is 10 thousand rubles. The specific cost depends on the type of trampolines used and the characteristics of the premises.

It is also important to choose a reliable equipment supplier. It is advisable to find out if he has experience in operating and maintaining trampoline rooms. The thickness of the protective covers must be at least 10 cm. For most trampolines it is smaller, which creates certain risks when using such products.

When organizing trampoline halls and parks, you can turn to the services of consultants who will help with the selection and placement of equipment.

Jump Family trampoline park in St. Petersburg

The park is considered one of the best in Russia. Some of the highest quality trampolines in Russia are the trampolines in Peterland. The trampoline park is located in St. Petersburg and is a large entertainment center for adults and children. IN children's department There are 8 trampolines installed, as well as a pit with foam rubber cubes. There are also other entertainment rooms for children.

Adults can visit the extreme zone. There are also 2 warm-up rooms, where acrobatic tracks, mats and other accessories are located. The trampolines use Air Max mesh, which is considered one of the best in the world. In addition to the attractions, there are also standard “establishments”: shower rooms, changing rooms, toilets.

Jump Trampoline Park is suitable for both entertainment and serious sports. Trampolines also allow those who specialize in skiing, snowboarding and wakeboarding to train.

From time to time, the park organizes holidays for children.

The approximate cost of visiting the trampoline park is 200 rubles for half an hour, 300 for two hours, and 500 for four.

Thus, the trampoline park in Piterland (trampolines and other infrastructure) is ideal for active recreation for both adults and children.
