A message on the topic of human economic activity. Human economic activity. What is modern farming?

A person is an inherently purposeful activity, i.e. the efforts made by people are based on a certain calculation, and their direction is in the nature of satisfying human needs.

Economic influences his life activity, because in the process of managing people, on the one hand, they spend energy, resources, etc., and on the other hand, they make up for living expenses. In this state of affairs (a person in economic activity) we have to strive to rationalize our own actions. It is possible to act rationally only if costs and benefits are correctly compared, which, however, does not guarantee the absence of errors when making decisions that human economic activity requires.

Human economic activity in the biosphere is a very complex and intricate complex, consisting of phenomena and processes of various kinds. Theoretical economics in this aspect distinguishes four stages, represented by production itself, distribution, exchange and consumption.

These are processes that result in the creation of material and spiritual benefits that are necessary for humanity to exist and develop.

Distribution is a process during which the shares (quantity, proportions) are determined, according to which each business entity takes part in the creation of the manufactured product.

Exchange is the process of moving material goods from one economic entity to another. In addition, exchange is a form of social communication between producers and consumers.

Consumption at its core is the process of using production results to satisfy some needs. Each stage of economic activity is interconnected with the others, and they all interact with each other.

Characterizing the relationship between the stages of economic activity requires understanding the fact that any production is social and continuous process. Constantly repeating itself, production develops - from the simplest forms to Although these seem completely dissimilar, the general points that are inherent in production as such can still be identified.

Production is the basis of life and the source of progressive development of society in which people exist, the starting point of economic activity. Consumption is the final point, and distribution and exchange are the accompanying stages that link production and consumption. Given that production is the primary stage, it serves only for consumption. Consumption forms the final goal, as well as the motives for production, since in consumption products are destroyed, it has the right to dictate a new order to production. If the need is satisfied, it gives rise to a new need. It is the development of needs that serves as the driving force due to the influence of which production develops. At the same time, the emergence of needs is determined precisely by production - when new products appear, a corresponding need for these products and their consumption appears.

Just as production depends on consumption, so distribution and exchange depend on production, since in order to distribute or exchange something, it is necessary that something be produced. At the same time, distribution and exchange are not passive in relation to production, and are capable of having a reverse effect on it.

Economic activity is an activity aimed at the production or exchange of goods, material and intangible goods. There are several types of economic activities, each of which originated in different times and had its own path of development.

Agricultural activities

Agriculture is about meeting the food needs of the population. Agriculture can be divided into two sectors: livestock farming and crop farming. Crop farming originated when people realized that food can not only be obtained by developing more and more new territories, but also that they can cultivate food crops themselves. Animal husbandry, in turn, appeared at the moment when man began to domesticate wild animals in order to obtain milk, meat and wool.

Rice. 1. Agriculture.

The main means of agricultural production is land.


This area of ​​activity includes the mining and manufacturing industries. The formation of industry took place in the era of the primitive communal system. She was inseparable from subsistence farming. Later, industry becomes a completely independent industry, which develops rapidly, especially during the formation and emergence of capitalism. In the industrial sector we can distinguish fuel, light, food, forest industry, as well as ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Rice. 2. Mining.

Transport industry

For stable operation of agricultural and manufacturing enterprises stable operation of transport is necessary.
Transport services can be divided into 3 types:

More than 10 thousand years ago, people produced almost nothing, but only drew everything they needed from the natural environment. Their main activities were gathering, hunting and fishing. As humanity “matured,” people’s occupations changed greatly.

What is modern farming?

Geography of main types of economic activities

With the advent of new types of economic activities of people, their economies also changed. Agriculture involves growing plants (crop farming) and raising animals (livestock farming). Therefore, its placement strongly depends on both the characteristics of these living organisms and natural conditions: relief, climate, soil. Agriculture employs the largest portion of the world's working population - almost 50% But the share agriculture in total world production - only about 10%.

Industry is divided into mining and manufacturing. The extractive industry includes the extraction of various minerals (ores, oil, coal, gas), logging, fishing and sea animals. Obviously, its placement is determined by the location of the extracted natural resources.

Manufacturing enterprises are located according to certain laws, depending on what products and how they produce.

The service sector is a special part of the economy. Its products, unlike agricultural and industrial products, are not any kind of thing. Services are activities that are important to modern people: education, health care, trade, transport and communications. Enterprises in this area - shops, schools, cafes - serve people. Therefore, the higher the population density, the more such enterprises there are.

All natural areas have long been developed by humans. It actively conducts economic activities, thereby changing the characteristics of natural areas. How do human economic activities differ in natural areas?

Polar deserts

These are the most unsuitable regions of Russia for farming. The soil here is permafrost and covered with ice. Therefore, neither animal husbandry nor crop production is possible here. There is only fishing here.

The coastal areas are home to Arctic foxes, whose fur is highly prized throughout the world. Arctic foxes are actively hunted, which could lead to the extinction of this species.

Rice. 1. The most unsuitable natural zone for farming is the Arctic desert

Tundra and forest-tundra

Natural conditions are not much better than in the polar deserts. Only indigenous people live in the tundra. They are engaged in hunting, fishing, and reindeer herding. What changes did the person make here?

The soil of these areas is rich in gas and oil. Therefore, their extraction is actively carried out here. This leads to significant environmental pollution.

Forest zone

This includes taiga, mixed and deciduous forests. The climate here is temperate, characterized by cold winters and relatively warm summers. Due to the large number of forests, plant and fauna. Favorable conditions allow you to thrive various types human economic activity. Built in these regions large number factories and factories. People here are engaged in livestock farming, farming, fishing, and the woodworking industry. This is one of the natural areas modified by humans to the greatest extent.

Rice. 2. The world is experiencing active deforestation

Forest-steppe and steppe

These natural and economic zones are characterized by a warm climate and insufficient precipitation. The soil here is the most fertile, and the fauna is very diverse. Agriculture and livestock farming flourish most in these areas. Various varieties of vegetables and fruits and cereals are grown here. Coal and iron ore are actively mined. This leads to distortion of the relief and destruction of some species of animals and plants.

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Semi-deserts and deserts

The conditions here are not the most favorable for human economic activity. The climate is hot and dry. The soil is deserted and not fertile. The main type of economic activity in deserts is animal husbandry. The population here raises sheep, rams, and horses. The need to graze animals leads to the final disappearance of vegetation.

Rice. 3. Livestock farming in the desert

Subtropics and tropics

This region has been the most affected by human activity. This is due to the fact that this is where civilizations arose and the use of these areas has been going on for a very long time.

Subtropical and tropical forests practically cut down, and the territories are occupied by agricultural plantings. Huge areas are occupied by fruit trees.

What have we learned?

Man is engaged in economic activities in almost all natural areas of the world. This leads to their significant modification, which ultimately can lead to the extinction of some species of animals and plants.

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Types of economic activities

There are several types of economic activities:

  • A household is a business run by a group of people living together.
  • A small business is economic unit, are engaged in the production of relatively small quantities of goods. The owner of such an enterprise can be one person or several. As a rule, the owner uses his own labor or employs a relatively small number of workers.
  • Large enterprises are enterprises that mass produce goods. As a rule, these enterprises are formed by combining the property of the owners. An example of which enterprise is a joint stock company.
  • The national economy is an association economic activity nationwide. To a certain extent, this activity is directed by the state, which, in turn, tries to ensure sustainable growth of the country's economy and thereby increase the well-being of the entire population.
  • The world economy is economic system, in which there is a relationship various countries and peoples.

Forms of economic activity

Definition 1

The form of economic activity is a system of norms that determines the internal relations of the partners of the enterprise, as well as the attitude of this enterprise with other contractors and government agencies.

There are several forms of economic activity:

  • Individual form;
  • Collective form;
  • Corporate form.

Under individual form of economic activity refers to an enterprise whose owner is either an individual or a family. The functions of the owner and entrepreneurs are combined in one entity. He receives and distributes the income received, and also bears the risk of carrying out his business activities and has unlimited property liability to his creditors and third parties. As a rule, such enterprises are not legal entities. The owner of this enterprise can attract additional hired labor, but in a rather limited quantity (no more than 20 people).

If we talk about collective form of economic activity, then there are three types of them: business partnerships, business companies, joint-stock companies.

Business partnerships may be in the form: general partnership and fellowship in faith. A general partnership is an organization that is based on collective ownership. As a rule, it is a combination of several individuals or legal. All participants in this type of partnership bear full, unlimited liability for all obligations of the partnership. The property of a general partnership is formed from the contributions of its participants and income received in the process of carrying out its activities. All property belongs to the participant of the general partnership on the basis of shared ownership.

A limited partnership is an association where one or more of its owners bears full responsibility for all obligations of the partnership, the remaining investors are liable only to the extent of their capital.

TO business companies include: society with limited liability, additional liability company. Limited liability companies are enterprises that are created by combining the contributions of legal entities and individuals. At the same time, the number of participants in a limited liability company cannot exceed the established limit, otherwise within a year this company will be transformed into a joint stock company.

Additional liability company is an organization whose authorized capital is divided into shares, the size of which is determined in advance. This type society is formed by one or more persons. For all obligations of the company, all its founders bear subsidiary liability in an amount that is a multiple of the value of the contribution to the authorized capital.

Joint stock company represents a form of economic activity, all funds of which are formed by combining the capital of the founders, as well as the issue and placement of shares. Participants joint stock company bear responsibility for all obligations of the company in an amount equal to contributions.

In order to protect their commercial interests and increase the efficiency of use of the enterprise’s capital, various organizational and legal forms can be combined into the so-called corporate forms entrepreneurship. These include: concerns, consortium, intersectoral and regional unions.

Concern is an association of organizations that carry out joint activities voluntarily. As a rule, concerts have scientific and technical functions, production functions and social development, functions foreign economic activity etc.

Consortium- an association of an organization to solve certain problems, created for a while. In our country, a consortium is being created to implement government programs by organizations of any form of ownership.

Industry and regional unions represent an association of organizations on contractual terms. These unions are created to carry out one or more production and economic functions.

Organization of economic activities

The organization of economic activity goes through three stages:

  1. Stage 1 - opportunity assessment. Initially should be given objective assessment all resources necessary for the production process of products. For these purposes it is advisable to use scientific developments. The main advantage of this stage is that it helps to give a preliminary assessment of the potential for production of products precisely in those volumes and in those conditions that will be studied, and on the basis of which the decision to launch production of a particular product will be approved. After the production potential of the organization has been studied, the production line is launched within the framework of the formed plan.
  2. Stage 2 - launch of auxiliary production. The implementation of this stage takes place only if there is a need. Auxiliary production is a rather necessary event, since it helps to develop new market segments and increase the chance of efficiency financial development organizations. Servicing an organization can be carried out either in-house or through the involvement of third-party organizations and resources. At this stage, services are used that allow optimizing product production activities and assessing the potential costs of funds. At the next stage, work is carried out aimed at studying the sales market and the possibilities for selling products.
  3. Stage 3 - sales of products. All stages affecting the sale of products are monitored. At the same time, records are kept sold products, forecasts are compiled and researched to enable competent decisions to be made by the management of the organization. There are situations when it is necessary to develop a methodology for after-sales service. For example, when establishing a warranty period for your products.
