Marine oil terminal Gates of the Arctic.


Vladimir Putin today gave the command via video link to ship oil from the Novoportovskoye field through the new Arctic terminal “Arctic Gate”. "We'll start today new stage

development of Yamal, essentially a new stage in the development of the Novoportovskoye field. This is a significant, big event, I mean that the project is one of the most capital-intensive in the oil and gas industry in Russia,” the president said. - Over the past three years, 186 billion have been allocated for the implementation of this project, the latest technical solutions, high-tech solutions related to working in such harsh conditions on the Yamal Peninsula, at its northernmost point, have been applied. For the first time, oil will be shipped not through pipelines, but by sea.”

Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Alexey Miller reported on the readiness of the terminal for operation. He said that the facility is located 700 kilometers from the existing pipeline infrastructure, the terminal is connected to the Novoportovskoye field by an oil pipeline more than 100 kilometers long, the terminal’s design capacity is up to 8.5 million tons.

“The terminal allows for oil shipment in extreme climatic conditions: temperatures down to minus 50 degrees Celsius, wind speeds up to 40 meters per second and ice thickness in the Gulf of Ob up to 2.5 meters,” Miller said. - The terminal is a sea terminal; it is connected to the shore by an offshore oil pipeline. The terminal is a tower type terminal, the height of the crane above the water level is 61 meters, 78 meters is the length of the turntable.” The Chairman of the Board of Gazprom also noted that the Arctic Gates fully meet the highest requirements industrial safety and security environment

. The terminal uses the so-called zero discharge technology, which means that under no circumstances will harmful pollutants enter the waters of the Gulf of Ob. “The terminal is fully automated and controlled from shore. There are no analogues of such terminals in the world, there are no such with such characteristics beyond the Arctic Circle. Without a doubt, with the commissioning of the terminal, Russia is taking a serious step towards the further development of the rich hydrocarbon resources of the Far North and the development of the Northern Sea Route,” Miller concluded.

Afterwards he took the floor CEO Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov. He reported on the development of the Novoportovskoye field, which had long remained undeveloped due to the lack of development technologies, as well as the impossibility of exporting and transporting oil from this field.

“If we talk about the quality of Novy Port oil, this grade is characterized high quality, refers to light oils with low sulfur content, which gives it additional competitive advantages on world oil markets. This oil is of higher quality than Brent oil and is traded at a premium to Brent oil,” Dyukov presented the product. - We continue the construction of high-tech horizontal wells at the field. We are expanding and developing ground infrastructure. Construction underway powerful power plant. At the Vyborg Shipyard, we have started building new modern, powerful icebreakers that will work on this project.”

The head of Gazprom Neft also assured the president that the multi-billion dollar investments in the project will definitely pay off - during the operation of this terminal tax revenues to budgets of all levels will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles.


Today in the village of Cape Kamenny (Yamal Peninsula, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) a ceremonial event was held dedicated to the start of year-round shipment of Yamal oil through the Arctic oil terminal “Arctic Gates”. The event was attended by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom PJSC, and Alexander Dyukov, General Director of Gazprom Neft PJSC.

The President gave the command to start loading the tanker with oil from the Novoportovskoye field via video link Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field, the largest in terms of oil reserves in Yamal, is located 700 kilometers from the existing pipeline infrastructure. Therefore, it was decided that for the first time in the history of the Russian oil and gas industry, the export of Yamal oil will be carried out by sea.

Usage latest technologies with the creation of production, transport and, most importantly, shipping infrastructure, it made it possible to organize industrial oil production at the field in just four years. Already in 2018, it is planned to extract 6.3 million tons of raw materials. Plan further development deposits will be determined by the end of 2017.

An oil pipeline with a length of more than 100 km transports oil from the Novoportovskoye field to the coast of the Ob Bay. It has a critically shallow navigable fairway depth for navigation - 11 meters, and therefore the oil terminal is located directly in the sea - 3.5 km from the coast. The terminal's oil transshipment capacity is up to 8.5 million tons per year. It allows year-round loading of oil produced in Yamal onto tankers for further transportation along the Northern Sea Route.

The Arctic Gate marine terminal is a unique structure. The terminal is designed to operate in extreme climatic conditions: temperatures in the region drop below -50 degrees Celsius, ice thickness can exceed two meters. It has a two-level protection system and meets the most stringent requirements in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection.

The terminal equipment is fully automated and reliably protected from water hammer. A special system allows you to instantly undocking the terminal and the tanker, while maintaining the tightness of the disconnected elements. The “zero discharge” technology eliminates the entry of any foreign substances into the waters of the Gulf of Ob, which is extremely important for preserving the ecology of the Arctic. In addition, the subsea pipeline connecting the terminal to the offshore tank farm is protected by an additional concrete shell.

“Gazprom is consistently developing the Russian Arctic. Oil production is progressing successfully at the Prirazlomnoye field, the only hydrocarbon development project on the Russian Arctic shelf. On the Yamal Peninsula, a gas production center that has no analogues in the world is in full swing. Now here, together with the gas center, we are creating a new oil province. “The Gates of the Arctic” are open for Yamal oil, which will be supplied to European consumers year-round via the Northern Sea Route,” said Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom PJSC.


The Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field is located in the southeastern part of the Yamal Peninsula, 250 km north of the city of Nadym and 30 km from the coast of the Ob Bay. Recoverable reserves of liquid hydrocarbons of C1+C2 categories amount to more than 250 million tons. The field development operator is Gazprom Neft PJSC.

The Novy Port oil grade is a medium-density oil grade and contains less sulfur (about 0.1) than the Urals mixture.

The possibility of exporting oil by sea was confirmed in 2011 after the pilot piloting of a nuclear icebreaker from the port of Sabetta (northeast of the Yamal Peninsula) to Cape Kamenny. The first experience in Russian history of transporting oil from Yamal by tanker by sea was obtained in the summer of 2014.

To date, the volume of investments in the development of the Novoportovskoye field has amounted to 180 billion rubles, expected tax revenues during the implementation of the project will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles.

During the development of the field, a program is being implemented to increase the population of northern commercial fish. In particular, in 2015, about 4 million juvenile muksun and other fish species were released into the Ob and rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin. In 2016-2018, it is planned to release another 24 million muksun fry.

Information Department of PJSC Gazprom

Russian President Vladimir Putin, via video link, launched the work of the new Arctic Gate terminal at the Novoportovskoye field, RIA Novosti reports. As the president noted, during the construction of the Arctic Gate, “the latest technical solutions related to working in very harsh conditions on the Yamal Peninsula were used.”

“This is a new stage in the development of Yamal, in fact, a new stage in the development of the Novoportovskoye field. This is a significant, big event, I mean that the project is one of the most capital-intensive in the Russian oil and gas industry,” the president said during the opening of the terminal.

The project is truly “capital-intensive”: 186 billion was allocated for its implementation. rubles Gazprom Neft. However, judging by the calculations of the company’s general director, Alexander Dyukov, the costs will pay off. “During the operation of this facility, tax revenues to budgets of all levels will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles,” Dyukov said at the opening of the terminal.

Yamal is located above the Arctic Circle, and the Novoportovskoye field is one of the largest oil and gas condensate fields in this region, for which Gazprom Neft has big plans. This year the company plans to produce 2.5 million tons of oil there, and in 2018. – already 6.3 million tons. However, production and transportation are complicated by the extreme weather conditions of the Far North: air temperatures can reach -50 degrees Celsius, wind speeds of 40 m/s, and ice thickness in the Gulf of Ob is 2.5 m.

Representatives of Gazprom Neft talk about the “Arctic Gates” as a unique, reliable, high-tech project, but experts are not so enthusiastic, believing that the construction of such terminals is a common world practice for fields that are remote from pipeline system. “There are examples in Russia: oil from the Trebs and Titov fields is transported through the Varandey terminal, and Sakhalin-2 has a remote terminal. Zero reset condition – mandatory standard when developing Arctic fields: unlike in more southern latitudes, oil does not decompose here. And uniqueness can only lie in extremely harsh construction conditions,”

At the Gazprom Neft Novoportovskoye field, the Arctic oil loading terminal “Gateway of the Arctic”, installed in the waters of the Gulf of Ob, began operation. This is a unique technical structure designed to operate in extreme climatic conditions: temperatures in the region drop below -50 degrees Celsius, ice thickness can exceed 2 m. Oil from the field to a collection point on the coast of the Gulf of Ob and further to the terminal located 3.5 km from the coast, supplied through an oil pipeline more than 100 km long. The terminal's oil transshipment capacity is up to 8.5 million tons per year.

“Alexander Sannikov” is one of two icebreaking vessels serving the terminal at Novoportovsky, built by order of Gazprom Neft at the Vyborg Shipyard

The facility is equipped with a two-level emergency protection system and meets the most stringent requirements in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection. A special system allows you to instantly undocking the terminal and the tanker, while maintaining the tightness of the disconnected elements. The “zero discharge” technology eliminates the entry of any foreign substances into the waters of the Gulf of Ob. The subsea pipeline connecting the terminal to the offshore tank farm is protected by an additional concrete shell.

The command to start loading the tanker with oil from the Novoportovskoye field through the new terminal was given via video link by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. IN gala event, dedicated to the start of year-round shipment of Yamal oil through the Gates of the Arctic, was attended by Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Alexey Miller and General Director of Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov.

The development of territories located beyond the Arctic Circle on land and on the shelf is part of Gazprom Neft’s strategy until 2025, united by the Arctic Time program. The flagship projects of the program today are the development of the Prirazlomnoye and Novoportovskoye fields. In the future, its perimeter may include other elements of the Gazprom Neft production cluster that is being formed in the north of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as new assets on the shelf.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation:

Today we are starting a new stage in the development of Yamal, in fact, a new stage in the development of the Novoportovskoye field.

This is a significant, big event, since the project is one of the most capital-intensive in the Russian oil and gas industry. Over the past three years, 186 billion rubles have been allocated for its implementation; the latest technical solutions related to work in the harsh conditions of the northernmost point of the Yamal Peninsula have been applied. For the first time, oil will be shipped not through pipelines, but by sea. I would like to congratulate and thank the management of Gazprom and Gazprom Neft, as well as the engineers and workers who took part in the implementation of this project. This is a very good step forward!

Alexander Dyukov, General Director of Gazprom Neft: The Novoportovskoye field was discovered more than 50 years ago and became the first hydrocarbon field discovered on the Yamal Peninsula. For a long time, the lack of technologies for developing such complex fields as Novoportovskoye, the lack of the possibility of exporting and transporting oil, did not allow us to begin developing the asset. Application of new modern technologies

The 21st century made it possible to begin the development of this field.

The command to start loading the tanker with oil from the Novoportovskoye field through the new terminal was given via video link
Russian President Vladimir Putin

Arctic terminal

Oil transportation scheme

8.5 million tons per year capacity of the Arctic Gate terminal for oil transshipment

Vadim Yakovlev, First Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft:

The construction of an Arctic terminal at the Novoportovskoye field is a complex project implemented in extreme climatic conditions. However, the commissioning of the “Arctic Gate” is a valuable event not only from the point of view of demonstrating the technological capabilities of Gazprom Neft. This is a major milestone on Novoportovsky's path to reaching its design capacity - on the path that the company has taken virtually from zero to the discovery of a new Russian oil province in Yamal.

Russia has taken a major step in developing the Arctic zone: it has launched the work of a year-round terminal for oil supplies to Europe along the Northern Sea Route. The project will not only bring major financial benefits to the country - it is extremely significant for the Russian Northern Sea Route to gain the status of a key transit route between Europe and Asia.

President Putin, via video link, launched the shipment of the first tanker with oil from the Novoportovskoye field through the new Arctic terminal “Arctic Gate”, located in the waters of the Gulf of Ob near the Yamal Peninsula.

“Russia is taking a serious step towards further development of the rich hydrocarbon resources of the Far North and the development of the Northern Sea Route”

“This is a new stage in the development of Yamal, in fact, a new stage in the development of the Novoportovskoye field. This is a significant, big event, I mean that the project is one of the most capital-intensive in the Russian oil and gas industry,” Putin said during the teleconference. “Over the past three years, 186 billion has been allocated for the implementation of this project, the latest high-tech solutions related to working in such very harsh conditions have been applied,” the president noted. For the first time, oil from Yamal will be shipped not through pipelines, but by sea, the president added.

“Start shipping,” the president commanded. “The first oil shipment through the Arctic Gate terminal has begun,” reported Gazprom Chairman of the Board Alexey Miller. Miller and Gazprom Neft CEO Alexander Dyukov were at the terminal itself. “During the operation of this facility, tax revenues to budgets of all levels will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles,” TASS reports Dyukov’s words.

“Without a doubt, following the creation of the terminal (Gateway of the Arctic), Russia is taking a serious step towards the further development of the rich hydrocarbon resources of the Far North and the development of the Northern Sea Route,” Miller said.

Northernmost oil province

Novoportovskoye is one of the largest oil and gas condensate fields on the Yamal Peninsula. Recoverable reserves exceed 250 million tons of oil and condensate, as well as more than 320 billion cubic meters of gas.

Better quality oil is produced here, which belongs to the category of “light oil”. It contains less sulfur than the Russian Urals mixture. This gives it additional competitive advantages in the global market. The new type of oil was named Novy Port. “This oil is trading at a premium to Brent oil,” explained Dyukov.

The field is located beyond the Arctic Circle, far from the transport pipeline infrastructure. In this regard, shipment by sea was chosen for the delivery of raw materials. For the first time, the possibility of exporting oil by sea to winter period Gazprom Neft proved it in 2011. Then the company managed to carry out nuclear icebreaker along the Northern Sea Route from Cape Kamenny on the Gulf of Ob to Western Europe.

For the first time, Novoportovsk oil was sent to Europe by tankers in 2014. However, until now it has been carried out only in the summer season and three river tankers and four sea-class tankers have been used for transportation. Already in the summer season of 2015, more than 180 thousand tons of hydrocarbons were transported along the Gulf of Ob and the Northern Sea Route. Now we are talking about year-round supplies. In 2016, Gazprom Neft plans to increase oil supplies to Novy Port to 2–2.5 million tons, and by 2017 it plans to produce more than 4 million tons of oil here.

With the start of industrial exploitation of the Novoportovskoye field in 2016, a new, northernmost oil province will appear in Russia, unique in terms of operating conditions, infrastructure and transport, said Vadim Yakovlev, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Neft, earlier.

"Gates of the Arctic"

To ensure year-round transportation of oil from the Novoportovskoye field by sea to European countries, the first Arctic pipeline was installed in the fall of 2015. marine terminal in Yamal. On the shore of the Ob Bay, underwater and onshore oil pipelines more than 10.5 km long, a tank farm, pumping stations. The shipment is carried out using a remote Arctic oil loading tower-type terminal located 3.5 kilometers from the coast in the area of ​​Cape Kamenny. The terminal's capacity is 8.5 million tons of oil per year.

The Arctic Gate is designed to operate in extreme conditions. Temperatures in the region drop below 50 degrees, and ice thickness can exceed 2 meters.

Therefore, oil will be delivered to consumers along the Northern Sea Route by tankers accompanied by icebreakers. By order of Gazprom Neft, two icebreaking support vessels will be built in 2017. The conceptual design of the vessel was developed by the Finnish company Aker Arctic Technology, and the construction of two icebreakers will be carried out by Vyborgsky shipyard" The laying of the first icebreaking support vessel already took place at the end of 2015.


This project is essential for increasing cargo transportation along the Northern Sea Route and developing Arctic shelf fields. It brings Russia closer to its goal of increasing cargo volumes along the Northern Sea Route to more than 80 million tons by 2030, that is, twenty times compared to 2015.

“The new port will become one of the points on the Northern Sea Route (NSR), which will certainly give impetus to the development of the entire NSR project. And thanks to year-round oil shipments accompanied by icebreakers, the Yamal-Europe route will become one of the first constantly used sections of the Northern Sea Route. There will already be a specific schedule for this section, which will make the NSR more convenient and accessible for shippers. For the Yamal field, the main thing now is to ensure cash flow, start returning your investment. And year-round exports are very useful in this regard,” says Ivan Andrievsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Engineering Company 2K.

Oil supplies along the Northern Sea Route will give Russian oil workers useful experience. “This will give impetus to further expand the geography of deliveries along this route and will allow us to attract other companies to transport various goods that are not profitable for shipping by land. And this can also revive the economy of currently depressed coastal cities,” notes Kirill Yakovenko from Alor Broker.

The Arctic Gate terminal is another important step to the development of the shelf vector. “The very fact of organizing year-round operation of a specialized large port located above the Arctic Circle once again confirms that Russian interests in the Arctic are also supported by technical capabilities,” notes Dmitry Kipa, director of the investment banking department of QBF.

In addition to production on the Arctic shelf, another aspect is important for Russia - organizing uninterrupted supplies of oil and gas to Europe. “It is clear that the use of oil and gas pipelines is significantly more profitable, since it does not impose additional costs on the development of the transport fleet, liquefaction and regasification of LNG,” says Dmitry Kipa. However, in the current geopolitical conditions, the “pipe” must have an alternative. In this regard, of course, the possibility of organizing supplies by sea is an indisputable advantage.

No matter what European politicians say and no matter how they try to get rid of Russian hydrocarbons, the demand for Russian energy resources in Europe has only grown in recent years. In the first quarter of this year alone, Europe purchased 15% more Russian gas than a year earlier. The same situation is observed with oil. “We can hardly expect a rebound in demand for Russian oil. Oil supplies from Yamal have already been contracted for years to come, and with the expansion of the geography of transportation and opportunities, they will, of course, only grow,” agrees Yakovenko.
