How to make money on binary options for a beginner. Making money on binary options: step by step to profitable investments

Trading strategies: TOP 5 best! Efficiency tested by Bintrader! + Tips from an expert on how to use them!

Before starting trading, a trader must decide on a trading strategy. Trade…

Modern technologies allowed anyone to try themselves as a trader, providing the opportunity to trade on binary options. Many users want to understand how to make money on binary options while minimizing possible risks. There are many strategies and all sorts of rules that help traders predict the movement of the trend, but without a good broker, their chances of success are sharply reduced. Beginner traders should try their hand at binary options trading with the support of broker Bintrader, who does not refuse consultations even to absolute beginners.

How to start earning money now? Just 3 steps!

Step 1. You must register with a reliable broker using the link>>>

After filling in all fields, it will be highlighted personal account For successful trading! The interface is convenient for both beginners and specialists!

Step 2. Choose the most interesting trading strategy for yourself!

Beginners should not choose strategies that involve the use of several indicators, as they can easily get confused when analyzing them. Therefore, it is worth considering the option of simple, proven methods, which we will discuss in more detail a little later. You can find a complete list of strategies in the “” section.

Step 3. Replenish your deposit and start trading!

Why is Bintrader recommended for beginners? Because The platform gives you the opportunity to start trading from just $10! This is a normal amount to decide on a “risky” business and quite enough to start making money from it!

“Is it possible to make money on binary options?” - why don’t you still believe?!

Binary options - these two words haunt many Internet users. For some, this is a reliable, stable form of income, for others it is a scam that deprived them of their hard-earned money. First, you should understand one important detail. Binary options are a virtual analogue of a stock exchange that allows any user to bet on an increase or decrease in the price of any type of security and make money on it.

Quite often, when searching for an answer to the question: “Is it possible to make money on binary options?”, you can find on the Internet angry reviews of novice traders who “lost” their entire deposit in an instant. Indeed, the principle of binary options “all or nothing” has not been canceled. When buying an option, a trader must be aware that his forecast may turn out to be incorrect, which will lead to loss of money. But if he wins, he will receive excess profit.

Luck plays an important role here, but it is still worth remembering strict rules, discipline, and composure. The main enemy of binary traders is excitement. Even people without special education or experience of trading on the stock exchange, those who strictly followed the rules of the strategy became successful traders. Believe me, only a few trading on regular stock exchange become millionaires, so why should everyone make money from binary options. After all, a similar system works here.

The undeniable advantages of binary options are that any Internet user has a chance to try to earn money as a trader while working on a personal computer. Real professionals do not ask the question: “Is it possible to make money on binary options?”, but successfully make money on them, valuing their precious time.

Binary options provide a kind of capital turnover. Winners are paid at the expense of losers, while the broker providing the opportunity to trade earns the percentage due to him. Whether you find yourself among the winners or losers depends only on you. Let's look at the most important rules and strategies that will help a beginner figure out how to make money on binary options.

TOP – 4 best strategies for making money on binary options with a small deposit!

Let's look at the recommendations of experienced binary specialists: simple methods who will show how a beginner can make money on binary options. Very often, beginners have no idea how to make money on binary options, so strategies should be as simple as possible so that a beginner has time to monitor the situation on the stock market.

The most informative is the Japanese candlestick chart, which shows in detail the price movement over a selected period of time. The body of the Japanese candlestick shows the price range at the beginning and end of trading, and the shadows inform how much the price rose or fell during a given time.

Strategy "Casino principle" - let's go all-in and make money!

A person who has absolutely no understanding of binary options can also make money using the Martingale method, which is known to casino gamblers. This method almost win-win, but requires a fairly large deposit, since after each unsuccessful bet, next bet needs to be doubled. If you have $500 in your account, then you can risk using this strategy. This method shows good results in the presence of an upward or downward trend. If there is a sideways trend, the trader risks losing his entire deposit.

Since the return on binary options is on average 180%, the Matringale method has undergone some changes, so that in order to recoup the investment, each subsequent transaction amount after an unsuccessful purchase of options should be multiplied by a factor of 2.5. For example, there is an uptrend, you bet on an increase (in US dollars):

  • 1 – losing bet;
  • 3 – the bet loses;
  • 8 – loss;
  • 20 – failure again;
  • 50 – failure haunts you;
  • 125 - it seems that luck has turned away from you;
  • 313 is a long-awaited win.

Considering the average profitability is 80%, the last bet will add $563 to your account. The total amount of seven bets is $520. Thus, net profit will be 43 dollars. Not bad at all, considering the fact that the time frame of such options can be 60 seconds. That is, in 7 minutes you can earn 43 dollars. Now you know how to make money on binary options if you have enough money in your account.

But not everyone has the opportunity to deposit $520 into their account, and also constantly risk all their money, because nerves are not made of iron. And if the seventh bet turns out to be a loser, then an additional $783 will be required, which is quite a large sum for a beginner.

Strategy "Pinocchio" or "Pinocchio"

Among stock traders it is known as “Pinocchio”; in binary options it is usually called “Pinocchio”. This method of earning money is quite simple and effective, the main thing is to recognize “Pinocchio’s nose” in time. Many beginners who want to learn how to make money on binary options successfully use Pinocchio in trading, since this method does not require studying additional indicators; it is enough to have a Japanese candlestick chart with the ability to switch the time frame.

If you see a candle with a short body and a long upper shadow appearing in a rising trend, then this is a clear signal that the trend will change to a downward one. Exactly the opposite happens: when a short candle with a long lower shadow appears against the background of a downward trend, we can assume that the trend will change to an upward one. Trades must be concluded after the next candle appears, which confirms the trend reversal.

The main rule of “Pinocchio” states that at least five candles must appear on the chart during the opening of a trade. According to statistics, when the signal was correctly determined using the Pinocchio strategy, about 85% of transactions ended successfully.

Trend Reversal Strategy

It is necessary to understand that the value of an option is directly related to the demand for it. When the price drops to the minimum limit, stock traders begin to actively buy, and demand creates an increase in price. Upon reaching maximum price traders are in a hurry to sell lots, and the difference in cost is their hard-earned profit. From the above it follows that the price cannot fall or rise indefinitely, therefore, at a certain moment a trend reversal must occur. These trend reversals formed the basis for this binary options strategy.

Let's take a closer look at how to make money on binary options using Trend Reversal. If on the chart long time If “bullish” candles are observed, then we can expect that a “bearish” candle will soon appear, which will go beyond the boundaries of the previous “bullish” one. This is a good signal to buy a put option. If a similar situation is observed on a downward chart, and a “bearish” candlestick is replaced by a “bullish” one with a long body, then this indicates an imminent reversal of the upward trend, and therefore, you can place a corresponding bet. Some binary traders who use this strategy can wait a whole day for a trend reversal, then place the highest possible bets, earning decent money.

Triple Tap Strategy

Another simple way that allows you to make fairly accurate forecasts of price movements. It is commonly called the “Triple Tap” strategy. The principle of the method is quite simple. In an uptrend, it is necessary to draw a line whose points are the two minimum price values ​​of the uptrend. As a rule, the price bounces like a ball from this line, and after the third bounce you can bet on the price increase. Before the third touch of the price chart with a conditional line, it is not recommended to place bets.

They act similarly in a downward trend, only a conditional line is drawn through two points of the maximum price, after the third contact and the chart rebounds from the line, they bet on a price decrease. This method is very popular not only among beginners, but also among experienced traders.

So, at least the TOP is the 4 best and simple strategies for a beginner it was described enough in simple language, it is still difficult to visually perceive the information as needed the first time.

We invite you to listen and view valuable material on the channel againYouTube at the following link>>> "Bintrader Channel"

How to make money on binary options without risk? 5 little secrets!

Very often, novice binary traders wonder how to make money on binary options without risk. In any case, when making money on binary options, you will have to risk your capital, but at the same time you have an excellent chance of becoming rich, successful person. By following a few basic rules, you can minimize risks and increase your capital several times, making stable money on binary options.

The rules on how to make money on binary options without risk are quite simple, and every disciplined trader must follow them so as not to be left broke.

  1. There should be no rush to enter the market without its comprehensive, detailed analysis. It is best to enter into trades when there are reliable signals that suggest a high level of success. You should only trade on those assets whose further movement you can predict.
  2. You should not enter into one transaction for a large amount, because if your forecast turns out to be wrong, then you risk immediately losing money. It is much more profitable to make several minimum bets, then the winnings can compensate for transactions with an erroneous forecast.
  3. An unwritten rule of money management is that you cannot risk more than half of your deposit. If your deposit amount is $20, then the maximum risk amount should not exceed $10. This principle has helped many traders preserve their capital and also earn good money.
  4. It is necessary to choose a reliable, proven broker who provides the opportunity to close unsuccessful transactions ahead of time, thereby reducing losses.

  1. A strategy based on the Martingale method also allows you to minimize risks. Its only drawback is the presence of a large deposit, which could provide a sixfold increase in the price of the initial bet with a coefficient of 2.5.


We hope that the article will help you understand how to make money on binary options and will add enthusiasm to those who want to make money on binary options, because the securities market is subject to certain rules, by analyzing which it is possible to predict with high probability how the price will behave in the near future. We have looked at just a few of the most simple rules who will help you on initial stage preserve your capital, and maybe even increase it. There is also large number more complex and more accurate techniques for binary options using a variety of indicators, but they are used by professionals with extensive experience.

Risk Warning

The Client understands that trading on the Forex market involves high risks and is aware of the possibility of very significant losses from trading operations. Before you start trading activities, it is recommended to conduct a thorough analysis of your financial situation. The Client understands that there is a risk of losing the entire deposit during trading operations on the market.

The Client agrees that the Company is not responsible for the Client's losses caused directly or indirectly by government restrictions, market regulations, trading suspensions, acts of war or other “force majeure” circumstances that are beyond the control of the Company.

The client has information about possible additional risks associated with the operation of electronic trading systems, as well as Internet connection problems.

- I receive this question more and more often, and in order not to answer it endlessly, I decided to write a separate article on this topic.

The binary options market is developing rapidly and, I think, for at least several decades, it will attract traders with its simplicity.

So, for beginners there is quite simple instructions, how to make money on options from $50 per day...

How can a beginner start making money on binary options?

If you don’t understand well what binary options are, how they work and whether you can really make money with them, then I recommend reading first

It is clear that first you need to choose a broker with whom you will be comfortable trading. There are a lot of really high-quality brokers and the choice is quite large.

All of these brokers have an excellent training program, where beginners who want to make money on binary options will receive all the necessary initial knowledge. In addition, beginners are not always ready to invest substantial capital from the very beginning. I understand them; doubts still plague them.

That's why brokers offer substantial bonuses to your deposit. The only thing you should pay attention to is the terms of the bonus. Naturally, it will need to be worked off, because this money is not given to you as a gift, but given for development, as a subsidy or loan, if you want...

But, if you intend to seriously make money with binary options, then you will earn the bonus and significantly increase your deposit. It all depends only on you and on your attitude to work.

If you are in the mood for a serious wave, then you can register with all the recommended brokers, and then choose which one you like best.

Yes, I completely forgot to say that beginners get access to the Finmax broker for assistance in trading. You shouldn’t disdain them, as they are quite good help.

How can a beginner learn to make money on binary options?

Of course, first you need to study well training center. There you can also sign up for free webinars for clients. There are both open ones, for those who want to trade, but do not dare to start, and closed ones, for those who have already made a deposit and started trading.

You can watch an example of one of the webinars he conducts:

I think you will learn the basics pretty quickly. The main rule of trading is to follow the trend! How to determine a trend, see It’s quite easy...

It is important to understand from the very beginning that trading binary options with 100% profitability is simply impossible! Even if you follow all the rules of the strategy, you will still have losses. In these cases, you need to control yourself and not try, at any cost, to cover the loss.

It's important to achieve 80/20 profitability, but even 60/40 is fine to start with! What does this mean?

This means that you cannot afford to lose more than $30 out of $100. That is, if you have a goal to earn $50 per day, but today you have a loss of $30, then trading is stopped for today.

After all, it’s better to earn $50 tomorrow than to lose your entire deposit today, isn’t it?

Also pay attention to daily and weekly market reports. This will help you decide which direction to think in.

How can a beginner earn $50 on binary options today?

It is clear that with a deposit of $100 there are fewer opportunities to earn $50 per day than with, say, $1000. And not everyone can afford to make a deposit of $1000. So let's take $300.

Remember that you cannot lose more than 20% of your deposit? Do you need to earn $50? $300-20%=240, right? That is, you cannot lose more than $60. What does it look like in real life?

When trading a $20 option, you cannot afford more than 2-3 losing options. Honestly, from my 2 years of experience trading options, I have never had this happen! Three losses in a row can only happen to those who play binary options.

If you have identified a trend, then this simply cannot happen! The ideal option for getting $50 is two positive trades in a row. Let's do the math. The profit from the option is 70-80%.

Therefore - 20+70%=$34. Even with just one trade, you are almost there. You can enter the market again, or stop there. As they say, a bird in the hand is better...

Because the next option may be unprofitable and you will then have to buy another one to achieve the goal. But, be that as it may, don’t forget about 20%! In general, the mathematics is quite simple.

But there are situations when you are wrong and the first option turns out to be unprofitable. Personally, in this situation I use . Because if you correctly identified the trend, but received a loss, it means you were simply in the market at the wrong time. That is, we ran into a small pullback.

And the next option will cover the loss of the previous one.

I’ll repeat it again - it’s simple! Approach trading as work, not as play, and even if you are a complete beginner, you will make good money on binary options!

Don't forget that there are tons of options trading tools that you can learn and apply! But in order to get started, you first need to register with one or all of the proposed

Cause now you know how a beginner can make money on binary options, isn't it? Good luck in learning and trading!

It is not surprising that newcomers to the options market quickly “drain” funds from their trading accounts, while professional participants in exchange trading at this time, thanks to their skills and experience, earn one hundred percent of the profit from the size of their trading account every week. How to make money on binary options for a beginner? Read our article carefully and use the recommendations for effective option trading.

The first stage is which is the best binary options broker to choose?

It is always very important to take the choice of an exchange platform seriously; a large share of success in options trading depends on this. Everyone knows that today there are quite a large number of financial companies on the stock market. However, only a few of them are suitable for effective trading, especially for beginner traders to start trading.

No one can know in advance what he will achieve during options trading. However, this does not mean that you should neglect choosing an exchange company from the very beginning of binary options trading. It is important to immediately look at the trading conditions offered by the broker. Choose a financial platform that offers minimal conditions for starting trading, or even the opportunity to start option trading without the first investment. Such offers actually exist on the options market and they will allow you to get trained and practice trading with minimal losses.

We have selected 3 binary options brokers for you, which in our opinion are optimal for beginners. Here they are:

So, for example, finance company provides this opportunity to its new clients - you can start trading with one dollar when opening each trading position (it is enough to top up your trading account with 10 dollars), or even start trading with zero on your deposit account!

Thus, without any difficulties, you can test your strength in options trading in a real environment at the expense of the exchange platform itself. And without spending yours own money! Agree that this is a unique chance to start trading in the options market for free. Therefore, we can recommend the Binomo platform as one of best options for beginners looking for binary options with a minimum deposit.

Second stage - training block

How to make money on binary options for a beginner? Perhaps, as elsewhere, to start successful trading you need to undergo the necessary training. As in any type of activity, it requires a certain set of knowledge, skills and experience, without which it is simply impossible to achieve high results.

If for you binary options are entertainment, a game, then you don’t have to devote time to the training block. If you are seriously striving to join the ranks of professional traders, then under no circumstances ignore training. As soon as you register with the reliable broker you have chosen, immediately go to the section with training materials.

That is why it is important when choosing an exchange platform, especially for beginners, that the financial company offers not only good trading conditions, but also high-level training:

In the training section it is important that there are knowledge bases, dictionaries, instructions, subject books about stock trading. This is the only way to understand the essence of binary options and how to use them to obtain positive results.

Also, when choosing an exchange company, make sure that analytics are offered every day. Thanks to analytical data, you will be able to take into account the opinions of leading experts and, based on this, make right choice directions when executing trading positions:

Thus, only after undergoing decent training and obtaining a certain “baggage of knowledge”, you can understand - How to make money on binary options for a beginner.

The third stage is choosing the best trading terminal and the best trading strategy

We have come to the most important stage, which concerns any novice trader. How to choose the right trading software yourself trading strategy for options trading?

In order to trade most effectively and successfully, you should choose an exchange platform that provides a trading terminal with technical indicators. Only with the help of indicators for quotation analysis of a financial product is it possible to build your own trading methodology directly on the trading terminal of an exchange company. And this is much more convenient than using any additional sites!

Among other things, make sure that trading positions are executed quickly, trading is convenient, the payout rate for options is at least 85 percent, and the availability of candlestick quotes and other advantages is also important. Such opportunities allow a beginner to make much better money on binary options.

This is the only way and no other way, you can make your dream come true and turn binary options into a reliable financial instrument for stable earnings!

This article will discuss a new approach to investing money on the Internet called binary options. We will consider all the risks and prospects of doing this business, and we will start by defining what it is in general.

1. What are binary options

Binary options- these are special contracts with a broker about the price forecast for a predetermined period with a predetermined rate in case of winning.

There are only two options: more/less than the price value relative to the moment you placed your bet. You can play on anything:

  • metals (gold, silver, nickel)
  • indices (RTS, SP500, DAX, etc.)
  • raw materials (oil, sugar, coffee, etc.)
  • all currency pairs (EURUSD, GPBUSD, CHFUSD, JPYUSD, etc., I note that this is the most common direction in options)
  • cryptocurrencies (bitcoin, litecoin, ether, dash rates)

The word binary means that only two events are possible, either more or less (analogous to a computer bit, it is either present or not - “1”/”0”, true/false), you either win or lose everything - there is no third option .

For example, it is now 18:56 and the price of gold is $1252.789.

You can open a binary option that, for example, at exactly 19:00 on this day gold will cost above $1252,789, if it costs at least $1252,790 at 19:00, then you win. If the prediction is correct, the reward will be 70%, otherwise you will lose everything you bet. In short, you need to guess whether the price will be higher or lower by a precisely agreed time.

This mechanism is very similar to betting in bookmakers. It’s as if you are betting on only two outcomes: the price will be higher/lower at a certain point in time. Despite this comparison, the services that provide these services relate exclusively to brokerage companies.

The big advantage of options is that rewards and losses can be somehow planned. That is, you know for sure that you will not lose more than what you bet, and the winnings are on average 60-80%. For example, in Forex you need to set a stop price to predict losses.

Now let's talk in more detail about making money on binary options. Before you start playing, you need to seriously consider choosing a reliable broker.

2. An honest broker is the key to success

There are quite a few brokers that allow you to play binary options. Moreover, all of them have a Russian interface. I advise you to read articles about brokers:

Here is a list of the best brokers:

After choosing a broker you need to register. We will not consider how to do this, since each broker has its own registration form. I can only give important advice: indicate real data everywhere, since serious problems may arise when withdrawing funds if the data does not match.

There are a lot of binary options brokers. It's difficult to make your choice right away. I singled out one broker from all of them because I play with them myself: Alpari (which is also the largest broker of Forex services).

3. Instructions for making money on binary options

3.1. Choosing a broker and registration

We talked about brokers a little higher. Your task: choose what suits you and provide real data when registering.

I would also like to note that regardless of the choice of broker, all you need to make money on binary options is access to the Internet. You can also play from smartphones, tablets, and at the same time be located anywhere in the world.

3.2. Opening an account

And there are two options here

  • Demo account(virtual account)
    The point of this account is rather to understand where to click and what to do. In other words, familiarization with technical nuances (training). It’s clear that playing on demo is pointless, since you can’t learn how to play like that. Any trader begins to think and develop only when playing with real money.
  • Real account
    I recommend opening a real account only after you have learned the intricacies of the terminal. So that you have no doubts about what and how to do.

3.3. Top up your account

How much money should you throw at a beginner to play binary options? This question probably arises in your mind too. I would base it on an amount of $100 and above. To begin with, it’s better not to throw away all your money, because you need to learn how to play. Everything comes with experience. After playing in the market for at least a year, you will look back and understand how many points and nuances you did not understand. But you have to understand these nuances only with real money.

When you top up your account, you will receive a nice bonus for your first deposit. It doesn't make much sense, because... this money is given only for the game (and most likely with some validity period and restrictions).

3.4. Let's start playing - choosing a strategy

In general, there are a lot of strategies for playing binary options. Each of them has periods when the strategy does not show the best results. Don't be afraid of this. Doesn't always exist profitable strategies. Any approach gives results only over a long distance.

5.3. Choose a longer time frame

Do not play on too short time frames (time intervals). The probability of random noise is very high; technical analysis does not work well in such conditions. When playing at short intervals, we will slowly lose our deposit due to the fact that the average mathematical expectation for a long period is not in our favor.

5.4. Game by signals

There are so-called signals for playing binary options. They can be obtained on specialized websites. They can be either paid or free. Naturally, free signals work worse because they are issued simply on the basis of some indicators and do not take into account the subtleties of the market, news, etc.

Paid signals come either from traders or from much more advanced systems. I recommend trying Grosl

5.5. Use a more convenient chart for analysis

Usually the broker's interface with its chart leaves much to be desired. Since the quotes are the same everywhere, it doesn’t really matter where you study and analyze the charts. There are many systems and programs for analysis.

For example, even metatrader4 has all the indicators. If we want to add our own indicator, this can be done in just a couple of minutes.

6. Risks when trading binary options

In binary options you can lose 100% of your deposit on one bet. Therefore, the risks here are higher than anywhere else. If you completely ignore common sense and play binary options as bets or in a casino, then naturally a loss is inevitable.

It is impossible to earn money without taking risks. In any case, there are risks. You need to understand this and adequately approach your capabilities. Under no circumstances should you gamble with credit or borrowed funds. At a minimum, this is important for the trader’s psychological state of comfort.

Risk-free trading

There is a certain point at which you can try to play risk-free. This is the case if you are given a no deposit bonus. This is often practiced by brokers to attract new audiences. As a rule, the no deposit bonus is lost, so the broker does not even have to pay anything. But if you treat it more responsibly, you can try to play with it. Is there really any point in playing for small change (usually this bonus is less than $10).
