Aliexpress seller statistics. The best sellers on aliexpress, how to find a good seller on aliexpress. Why is supplier research necessary?

Selecting and checking a seller on Ali Express is undoubtedly one of the most important components of successful purchases. A lot depends on the seller: price, method and quality of delivery, advice and assistance in choosing a product, and much more. In this article you will learn how to choose and check a seller on AliExpress.

How to find out a seller on AliExpress?

Many people buy on AliExpress without even thinking or choosing sellers, and never encounter any problems. However, not everyone is so lucky. And to make sure that the purchase is correct, you need to at least find out the seller on AliExpress. But how to do this?

Finding out a seller on AliExpress is very easy. When you go to the page of any product, at the top there will be a line with the value “Store”. There will be a name next to it. This, in fact, is the seller of this product. You can click on the name and go directly to the store itself, familiarize yourself with it, and look at another product.

How to check the reliability of a seller on AliExpress?

For example, we have already identified the seller of the selected product, what should we do next? You need to check the seller on AliExpress for reliability. You can do this in several ways:

The seller rating on AliExpress is one of the most important aspects that you should pay attention to when in doubt about which seller to choose. I would say that this is the second most important aspect after customer reviews, but since the rating is formed from reviews, this wording will not be entirely relevant.

  • Compliance with the description - in my opinion, this is the most important indicator of a seller’s rating on AliExpress. It lies in how truthfully and accurately the seller indicates the information in the description of the goods. That is, if the seller’s rating for compliance with the description is close to 5, then the description can be trusted. If this indicator is low, then you should read all the reviews very carefully.
  • If the seller average matches the description, this does not mean that when ordering gloves, you will receive a hat. Most likely the material of the product is not specified correctly. That is, it is written that the thing is leather, but in fact it is PU leather and so on. Often such mistakes are made not intentionally, but because of a “crooked” translation of the text into Russian. In order not to be disappointed in your expectations, write to the seller and read the reviews.

  • Communication with the seller is also a fairly important indicator. High score This indicator indicates that the seller is responsive and sociable and can help with choosing the right size or explain the characteristics of his product. Most likely, it is the seller with a good rating for communication who will be more willing to give a personal discount on the product.
  • Delivery speed - this indicator is the least informative, in my opinion. Since the speed of delivery does not entirely depend on the seller. Delivery delays most often occur due to mail. Moreover, the mail is not from China, but from the recipient’s country. The seller can only delay sending the goods and with a low delivery estimate, that’s exactly what he does.

What do medals and diamonds mean on AliExpress?

When studying the product and checking sellers on AliExpress, many will pay attention to the pictures in the form of medals, diamonds and crowns. But what do they mean? Everything is simple here. A number is written next to these pictures - this number means the number of sales that the seller made.

Medals and diamonds on AliExpress serve as a kind of insignia for beginners and experienced sellers. The picture above shows all the badges that a seller receives for a certain number of transactions.

Now we know what the medals and diamonds on AliExpress mean, but what does this give us? With their help, you can more clearly distinguish new sellers from those that have already opened for a long time. As a rule, the longer the seller’s store has been in existence, the more reliable it is.

By the way, you can not pay attention to these pictures, but immediately look at when the selected store was opened. On the page of any product, hover your mouse over the name of the store, after which a window will pop up in which this date will appear.

How to choose a seller on AliExpress?

So how to choose good seller on AliExpress? If you were not lazy and read this article completely up to this point, then I think you have already formed the answer. In any case, let's draw a conclusion and list the main aspects that are important to pay attention to.

  1. Be sure to look at the seller’s rating - if it is below 4.5 units, then this is an alarming sign and you should definitely read as many reviews as possible from other buyers.
  2. If everything is fine with the rating, then still read at least a couple of pages with reviews. Reviews on AliExpress are best indicator in search good goods and decent sellers.
  3. If a product has recently been added, but the seller has been selling for a long time, read reviews of a similar product in his store. This way it will be possible to get at least some picture of the upcoming transaction. Also, be sure to contact the seller and ask him all your questions.
  4. When you come across a new seller who does not have enough reviews, only communication with him will help. As a rule, beginner sellers have significantly lower prices. If the seller responds and you are satisfied with everything, then you can make a purchase. And if the seller does not answer or his price is not much different from the competitors’ prices, then it is better to choose a product from more experienced sellers.
  5. Install the extension from MegaBonus and read additional recommendations, and also receive cashback.

Follow at least a few tips from this article and you will have virtually no unpleasant situations. When I make purchases and choose, and then check the seller on AliExpress, I am guided exclusively by these rules. All my purchases have been successful, although I buy from both experienced and novice sellers.

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When buying goods, most of us prefer large ones. retail chains, which has proven itself with positive side. But what should you do when purchasing goods online, and even from another country? Can you trust a specific seller and how can you find out about his reliability? We will talk about how to check the seller for and what services exist for this in this article.


AliExpress always protects the rights of the buyer, how transactions are monitored

Checking the AliExpress store by overall rating (details)

The overall seller rating can tell you a lot; you just need to know what a specific column and the numbers in it mean. Now we will try to tell everything in more detail at. To view the rating, you need to click on the numbers next to the icons (medals, diamonds, crowns), which are located to the left of the product description.

A page opens before us called Seller Feedback. The first part of the rating is called Seller Summary(resume of the seller), the first line contains the name of the seller. The second line shows the number of positive reviews out of the total for six months, in our case it is 97.6%. This means that the seller received the most good reviews. Next, the total number of reviews and rating are indicated. U this seller rating three crowns (high). It is almost impossible to find more than three crowns on the site. The date of registration of the store is also indicated here. In our case, the store began operating on July 31, 2010, i.e. has been selling the product for six years. After that there is a part with a more detailed seller rating. It contains the following information:

  • compliance of the product with the description;
  • seller's communication skills;
  • speed of order delivery.

Every person, making purchases in one place or another, wants to protect himself from the troubles associated with the possible purchase of low-quality or counterfeit goods, expects to receive the purchase on time and avoid unnecessary waste of nerves.

The Aliexpress trading platform attracts attention large quantity buyers from all over the world for a wide range of products at reasonable prices. The presence of many different sellers on this Chinese platform creates risks associated with the possibility of scammers and unscrupulous sellers getting on it.

In this regard, the buyer must be able to verify the reliability of the seller before purchasing goods from him.

  1. Use the capabilities of the trading platform itself by studying the seller’s rating, customer reviews, the contents of his virtual store and other signs that will help provide enough information to decide whether to buy a product from this seller or not.
  2. Using special network services to check the reliability of the seller on Aliexpress.

All the information that can be collected about this or that Chinese seller will be quite fragmentary and cannot give a 100% guarantee about the seller’s reliability. But the totality various signs and comparison of information from different sources about the seller will help to draw a conclusion about whether it is worth buying a product from him or not.

The buyer is by and large insured against many troubles, thanks to the presence of buyer protection from the Aliexpress service and the possibility of opening disputes regarding low-quality products, so having a certain degree of confidence in the seller is a sufficient basis for working with him. Aliexpress provides such basic guarantees as a refund if the order is not received or if the product received differs significantly from the description, as well as that the product will arrive within the time specified in the order. At the same time, you need to take into account that if a Chinese swindler sends you the wrong product that you ordered, then in order to receive full compensation for it, sometimes you have to send the product back at your own expense.

When purchasing goods in China and other countries, among other things, you need to take into account the reliability of the chosen delivery service, as well as how they work customs services. The parcel may be delayed at customs for a long time, lost in the mail, or damaged during shipment. These risks are also indirectly related to the integrity of sellers. After all, if he sends a parcel with a fragile product in thin packaging, it will be damaged and he will have to prove that this was not the fault of the buyer. The seller may use a fake tracker number when completing a purchase or sale to quickly block your funds, and then send the package through roundabout routes so that it cannot be tracked.

To protect yourself from these and many other troubles, let’s take a closer look at how to research a seller on Aliexpress.

Checking the seller's rating

When you go to the store’s start page, you can immediately see how many years it has been operating and the degree of its reliability, as established by Aliexpress itself.

Accordingly, the longer a store operates and the higher its rating, the safer it is for the buyer.

Inscription " Reliable brand" and the corresponding icon are placed by Aliexpress to stores that sell good quality goods, from a reliable manufacturer, have high rating and provide excellent service.

This icon can be seen immediately when searching for a product, in the list of products and in the product description:

The presence of the “Reliable Brand” icon indicates the high reliability of the seller, which allows us to hope for honesty on his part.

Studying customer reviews

On the store page, you can open a pop-up menu showing more detailed information about the store:

This menu shows the exact opening date of the store, its location and a more detailed seller rating:

  1. Compliance of goods with description;
  2. Communication with the seller;
  3. Delivery speed.

These components are interactive. When you click on any of them, the browser goes to a page with reviews left by customers for this store:

The page with reviews is presented in the form of a table with the buyer’s abbreviated nickname, the product he bought, and a review with the corresponding number of stars (up to five). These reviews provide an indication of whether customers were satisfied with the purchase. If there are problems, such a review is usually quite detailed and contains a small number of stars:

In this case, the buyer was dissatisfied with his purchase because he was sent a phone that was not the color he ordered.

If you do not know the language in which the review is written, you can use automatic online translation at by copying the review of interest from the Aliexpress website and pasting it into the Google translation form. This service provides the ability to automatically select a language, which makes it easier to work with less common languages:

The store's home page also includes information about the number of users who have added the store to their watch list. In a reliable store, the number of followers will be large, and in a not very trusted and unreliable store, the number of followers will be small.

For example, the ASUS official store, which has a high reliability indicator, has accumulated 255,262 followers in one year of operation:

And the peoplemarketing store, which has no reliability indicator and has been operating for 4 years, has only 4424 followers:

Of course, you need to take into account that these stores have a different range of products. Therefore, such a comparison will be more correct for stores with the same products.

But too small a number of followers already gives reason to believe that there are problems with a particular store. Although, of course, it is not indicative if the store is young or has narrowly targeted goods. It is better to evaluate such stores by other indicators, for example, product reviews, etc.

Studying information about the seller's products

Additional information about the store can be obtained by comparing identical products in different stores by the number of orders, price, reviews and ratings.

For this required product entered into the search bar and the results obtained are studied.

For example, the same product in the store on the left costs a little more. But 75 customers bought it and left 31 reviews, and in the store on the right this product is cheaper, but it was bought only twice:

A study of both stores showed that they both have been operating for the same year, but for some reason they have different ratings with approximately the same range of goods. Thus, you should not find out from your own experience why there are few customers in the right store, saving a couple of rubles, but perhaps losing a lot more time and nerves.

At the bottom of the product page in the store there are reviews from customers who have purchased it. Here you can study how often the product is purchased in the last 6 months, how many units of the product and from which countries:

The more often they buy a product in a store and the larger the quantities, the more they trust it.

An important parameter that allows you to determine the integrity of the seller is what product descriptions and photographs are on his page. You can protect yourself from further troubles already at the stage of choosing a product by carefully studying its description and accompanying pictures. If the descriptions are made carelessly, resemble a bunch of words, and what is written in them does not correspond to the picture illustrating them, this is a reason to doubt the seller.

For example, in the picture below, the seller allegedly offers a power adapter from a processor connector to two video card connectors:

But a careful study of the picture shows that this is a splitter of one video card power connector into two. Connecting it as an adapter, described on the store page, could burn the equipment. This picture and its description in this store do not change, despite several lost disputes in connection with the sale of inappropriate goods and the presence of a corresponding judgment from Aliexpress:

Some information about the store you are interested in can be found on special online services for checking the reliability of the seller on Aliexpress.

When using such services, you must take into account that some of them exist on on a commercial basis and simply sell ratings.

There are such common network verification services on the Internet: Chinese stores:


For example, to study a seller on a website You must enter its address in the verification window:

The address can be copied from the seller’s page on Aliexpress:

When you click the “Check Seller” button, a window will appear with information about him and recommendations for work:

On the website information about the found store looks like this:

On the website is displayed general information about the seller, his rating, review history, achievements and brands sold:

To check Chinese stores, you can also use add-ons and extensions for browsers, which sometimes try to integrate themselves into them, such as AliTools, Aliexpress Seller Check AliExpress Radar, Alimonitor plugin and many others.

Users who are not very computer savvy are advised not to use them and uninstall them if they are already installed. This is due to the fact that such add-ons often work as spies that monitor the user. They transmit the information collected about him to the appropriate services, which then show the user advertising that matches his interests. Honesty and nobility in providing assistance to users are in last place.

Studying customer reviews on specialized services may provide some information, but it must be taken into account that some stores may leave good reviews about themselves or pay for the services of companies specializing in promotion.

Similar shopping information can be found on the following sites:


Of course, it is unlikely that a Chinese store will hire specialized companies to improve its image, but it is necessary to understand that not every buyer will look for a review site to leave their impressions on it. The presence of a certain store on such a site may in itself indicate an attempt to promote itself.

In general, searching for reviews of a store on third-party sites is quite easy. You need to copy the store name:

Then, in Yandex or Google, insert its name and add the word “reviews.” The list of found options sometimes contains the necessary sites with reviews.

Having clicked on them, all that remains is to carefully study the opinions of users about the store or its products.

In addition to the methods described, you can simply try searching for a specific store on the Internet by its name. A serious store should have its own page on the Internet and place on it the maximum amount of information about itself, including a physical address. If the site only has a phone number, then these are either scammers or, at best, dropshippers. This is true not only for Chinese stores. Information about the store may be on some websites and social networks.

Some information about the seller can be collected by starting to correspond with him, asking the questions that concern you, including delivery times, quality and date of dispatch of the goods. This can be easily done from the seller's page by clicking on the appropriate button in the drop-down menu with seller information:

There are many ways to collect specific information about Chinese supplier, but none of them will give a 100% guarantee that certain problems will not arise during the purchase. However, it is quite possible to ensure your own peace of mind and purity of conscience by spending a few minutes studying the seller.

How to check a seller on Aliexpress: 3 best ways

Aliexpress is not just an online store, but a huge trading platform, where thousands of sellers sell goods. Between sellers there is a lot of competition, thanks to this you can buy goods for literally pennies. Usually, new sellers, in order to sell something and make money, put very high low prices, are trying to find their niche on Aliexpress and earn a good reputation and rating.
Of course, on the website there are sellers who are not entirely conscientious or who are not entirely honest, this is rare, but it is possible to fall for one; usually, cunning sellers can be found among the unpolished and untested new sellers. In order to buy a product from a trusted seller, there is a seller rating, which is formed from customer ratings and reviews; in fact, a short seller rating is shown next to each product.

How to check seller rating on Aliexpress?

You can check the seller's rating using a special service - checking sellers on Aliexpress. The main indicators by which you can determine the integrity of the seller are Feedback Score (number of sales), Positive feedback (percentage of positive reviews). A verified seller is one with more than 90% positive feedback and more than 500 sales. Also, for convenience, depending on the number of goods sold, sellers are assigned medals, diamonds (diamonds) and crowns, which are then displayed in the seller rating block:

How to automatically check the seller on Aliexpress?

There are some other important indicators, these are the speed of sending the goods (they may delay shipping), the seller’s communication skills (they may rarely respond to messages), the quality of the product description (the description may say one thing, but in reality another), the number of goods sold over the last 3 months and the date when the seller was registered on Aliexpress (when he started working for Ali).

So in order to always see the seller’s full rating and know how to choose a trusted seller, there is a special application (extension) for browsers called Aliexpress Seller Check, which automatically checks the seller and shows you his full characteristics, and also warns if the seller is dubious or a scammer. You can download and install in 2 clicks, application (extension/addon):

Aliexpress Seller Check for Chrome (Yandex.Browser/Mail.Ru browser):

Aliexpress Seller Check for Opera:

Aliexpress Seller Check for Firefox (Mozilla):

After installation, a detailed seller rating will appear next to each product on Aliexpress:

Still have questions? ask your question at


Aliexpress is a huge trading platform where thousands of sellers from different corners China. Although Ali keeps order, there are unscrupulous sellers, deceivers, swindlers and outright scammers. They may send you a defective, low-quality, wrong product, or not send you at all and waste your money.

To fight scammers and check the seller for lice, it’s worth knowing their deception schemes, I recommend studying the article scammers on Aliexpress.

It is also worth checking sellers automatically using special applications(extensions) for Internet browsers, so-called, which will show the seller’s rating, and, if necessary, warn if the seller is dubious or a scammer.

Extension for Aliexpress seller rating.

Aliexpress Seller Check extension for Internet browsers

Download and install the Aliexpress Seller Check browser extension Google Chrome(Yandex.Browser/Mail.Ru) and other compatible ones: the window that opens, click on the FREE button.


Download and install the Aliexpress Seller Check extension for the Opera browser: (on the page that opens, click on the green button labeled Add To Opera)


Download and install the Aliexpress Seller Check extension for the Firefox (Mozilla) browser: (on the page that opens, click on the button labeled Add To Firefox)


Download and install the Aliexpress Seller Check extension for the Yandex Browser: (on the page that opens, click on the blue button labeled Add to CHROME)

After installation, a detailed seller rating in Russian will appear in each product card.

This plugin allows you to check the seller for reliability:

— check the level of risk when purchasing any product (risk meter/risk meter)
— is it worth contacting this seller or is it better to look for another
— date of registration of the seller, also a required parameter
- how active is the seller?
- percentage of satisfied customers
— positive and negative reviews as a percentage
— number of goods sold in the last month
— order processing speed
- seller's sociability
— goods correspond to the description
- and other useful features
