Learn to enjoy life no matter what. How to learn to enjoy life - advice from a psychologist. Find things that give you pleasure

Surely every person has encountered apathy at least once in their life. In such a state, it is difficult to make decisions, and prolonged depression just wants to knock on the door. The world ceases to delight with its colors and wonderful events, a person gradually fades away. To learn to enjoy life, it is not necessary to use radical methods. It is enough to change the usual foundations and look at things differently. Experienced psychologists advise sticking to practical recommendations, let's consider them in order.

Step #1. Smile

  1. To enjoy life, first of all, you need to replace your “sour” face with a radiant smile. Start your morning awakening with a simple exercise in front of the mirror. Stand opposite, smile at your own reflection. At first it will seem to you that you are carrying out manipulations insincerely. Later, the smile will become more natural.
  2. To enhance the effect, along with a smile, you need to note positive qualities in your appearance. For example, today you noted how beautiful your eyes are. Tomorrow pay attention to your hair or lips. Try not to notice defects (small pimples, etc.), focus on the good.
  3. A person who loves himself completely knows how to enjoy life. This doesn't mean that you don't need to take care of yourself. On the contrary, such a move will force you to act, transform, and become better every day. The recommendation is considered especially relevant for people prone to rapid mood swings.
  4. Learn to smile at random passers-by, relatives and friends. Make it a habit to thank the bus driver and the store clerk, this way you will brighten their day and get a smile in return. Simple communication will give you a dose of positive emotions, filling your day with joy. Over time, you will become a smiling person, despite all adversities.

Step #2. Immerse yourself in work

  1. It is known that work ennobles. Do something useful, throw yourself into your work. Ask your boss to send you on a business trip or give you an important assignment. Such a move will occupy your hands and head, as a result of which you will not find time for self-flagellation.
  2. If you can't immerse yourself in work, do chores around the house. Rearrange, update the furniture, re-glue the wallpaper. Any activity is suitable, be it helping friends move or keeping a neighbor's cat. The main thing is, don’t allow yourself to be idle.
  3. Refresher courses are included in the job, sign up for one. If you wish, you can learn a new business, for example, hairdressing, nail extensions (hair, eyelashes), wood carving, etc. Needlewomen should take a closer look at cutting and sewing courses. You can decorate your apartment and create beautiful things.
  4. For men, business related to cars or other equipment, electrical, electronics, construction and repair is suitable. Try to make sure that a hobby or new hobby brings not only joy, but also profit. Combine business with pleasure, you will notice how life takes on a different turn.

Step #3. Play sports

  1. People who play sports feel alive and happy. Follow their example and purchase a gym or aerobic gym membership. Create a training program with your trainer and follow it strictly.
  2. Buy in store sports nutrition isolated protein, amino acids and other performance enhancing products. Go to the correct six-course diet, delicious food lifts your mood.
  3. An alternative to the gym is a kickboxing or mixed martial arts section, swimming, water gymnastics, acrobatics, all types of dancing, yoga, stretching, Pilates. Choose the direction at your discretion.
  4. Thanks to effective physical activity and proper nutrition, you will improve your body health. A beautiful body will make you move forward without stopping there. You will have an incentive that will make you rejoice at your own successes.
  5. If it is not possible to visit gym, start practicing at home. Pump up your abs, squat, jump rope, do lunges, spin a hula hoop. Go for a run in the nearest park, go up to the apartment not by elevator, but on foot. Instead of driving to work, walk a couple of kilometers.
  6. For mothers with children good option There will be "children's" entertainment. Take your child for a ride on a sled, visit a skating rink, go to ski resort. In the summer, roller skate or bike, try to spend more time outside the house.

Step #4. Take care of yourself

  1. To feel happy and satisfied with life, you need to invest in your own “I”. The recommendation is especially relevant for beautiful ladies who, by nature, are constantly dissatisfied with their appearance.
  2. As a transformation, you can use a complete change of image. This includes a new hairstyle, a change in clothing style, tattoos, etc. People who are overweight are advised to go on a diet, join a gym or a swimming pool.
  3. Review your wardrobe, throw away everything that doesn't fit perfectly. Try on your shoes, you will probably have shoes that you have never worn. Give everything you no longer need to your friends or give it to an orphanage, learn to get rid of trash.
  4. If you don’t want to experiment with your appearance, create beautiful things in your environment. Make repairs, hang bright curtains and paintings, change old carpets. Buy beautiful potted flowers and place them on the windowsills.
  5. The beauty lies in everyday things, for example, nature. Go out of town for the weekend, enjoy the beauty of flowering plants, walk through the forest or park with friends. Look for joy everywhere.

Step #5. Dream

  1. Dreamers are rightfully among happy people, because they periodically fall into oblivion, being in their own dreams. As they say, “Dreaming is not harmful!”, so dream. A similar feature should be present in the life of every person, be it a child or an adult.
  2. Dream about the real, don’t set impossible goals. Imagine how you and your family are buying a house by the sea and traveling. Think about prestigious job and your own office, about an expensive car or a lot of money. It is worth understanding that you do not need to limit yourself in your ideas.
  3. Dreams have a pleasant way of coming true. The main thing is when you present beautiful life, don't get depressed because you don't have it. After visualizing the future, begin to imagine how it all comes true.
  4. Don't listen to those who say that dreams are baby talk. Perhaps they will start to lecture you, do not give in to provocations. Live in your own happy world, try to make your dreams come true little by little.

Step #6. Travel

  1. To learn to enjoy life, it is not enough to sit all day in front of the TV or live according to the “home-work-home” principle. Go to language school, learn English or Spanish (the two most common languages ​​in the world).
  2. Go on a trip to Europe. Upon arrival in one of the countries, rent a car, drive around the area, take photos. Have you always dreamed of visiting New York? Great! Set a goal and strive for it.
  3. Beach lovers should take a closer look at Thailand, India, Greece, and the UAE. Pack a small suitcase, buy a last-minute tour and head to the airport. Spontaneity inspires new feats, you will love it.
  4. You don’t have to spend exorbitant amounts of money on hotels; stay in hostels and plan your trip yourself. If you don’t have money for a foreign tour, travel around your own country. Visit relatives or friends in neighboring cities, change your permanent place of residence.
  5. In cases where the proposed options are not suitable, make it a habit to travel out of town every weekend. Get together with friends in nature, talk about everyday things, get rid of problems from your head.

Step #7. Go shopping

  1. Shopping perfectly lifts the mood of not only the female, but also the male half of humanity. Go shopping with friends, buy delicious perfume, clothes, shoes and accessories.
  2. Girls can buy beautiful underwear; it significantly increases self-esteem and attitude towards life. If we talk about men's shopping, buy some “nice things” for your iron horse. The X-Box console is also considered especially popular, consider this option.
  3. Shopping doesn't have to be mindless. Set aside several days a month for shopping or visit stores once every 2 weeks. It all depends on financial opportunities. Smile at the sellers, relax between purchases with a cup of coffee and a croissant.
  4. You don’t have to spend enormous amounts of money on purchases; limit yourself to the little things. Buy cute trinkets for yourself and your family, prepare gifts for the upcoming holidays, decorate your home with scented candles.
  5. It is important to understand that shopping is, first of all, a distraction. Don't try to spend all your savings, be prudent. Make a list of what you need and follow it with minimal deviations.

Step #8. Do good

  1. To breathe color and new positive emotions into life, learn to do good deeds. Volunteer or help a friend move. Sew a cute sweater for a friend’s daughter, provide comprehensive support to nursing homes or an orphanage.
  2. You can feed stray dogs in winter time year, buying chrysanthemums from grandmothers on the streets. If you are asked for help, do not rush to say “No!”, Do everything possible for your loved ones.
  3. As you know, goodness comes back a hundredfold, follow this advice. Today you will help a person, and tomorrow he will do a good deed for you.
  4. It is considered a good deed to support friends in difficult times. You may notice that many problems in life are far-fetched. Compared to the difficulties of another person, your troubles may seem petty.

It is not difficult to learn to enjoy life if you have knowledge regarding psychological aspects. Smile more often, look for the good in everyday things. Play sports, travel, dream. Change your image, go shopping with your friends, learn a foreign language. Improve yourself financially, enrich yourself spiritually, help other people, get a pet.

Video: how to learn to enjoy life

If life comes to the point where you have to ask “” the Internet, then the case really requires careful consideration.

The most important thing to start with is to realize that you don’t need to learn this. WE, people, know from the very beginning how to enjoy life. Or rather, this is why we, people, live on this beautiful planet at this wonderful time of year, day or night. If you carefully remember individual moments of a carefree childhood, you can temporarily return a pleasant, light feeling in your body and again feel the free, leisurely flight of your thoughts. Yes, exactly your thoughts, unique and unlike anything else.

It's simple. In order to simply continue to be happy, you need some free time. Literally a minute, another. We have been taught to believe that we have no or very little time, and we should spend it only on important things. We can agree with this. And we should spend all the available time on the most important thing we have - on ourselves. Therefore, allocating the necessary minutes will not be a problem. It’s important to feel happy again, isn’t it?

So, if you have time to start rejoicing, that’s good. Further - easier. A minute will only be a full-fledged period of time for us when it is free from a million thoughts swarming in and around our heads about anything. We must forget for this minute about work, children, parents, family, car, football, traffic jams, lunch, etc. And this is the most difficult thing. The mind constantly generates obsessive thought forms that are absolutely unnecessary upon closer examination and carry no value. They are almost always imposed on us by constant external stimuli and deprive our own thoughts of lightness and freedom. The task is simple - to free yourself from thoughts altogether - to stop thinking. Our real thoughts are born in emptiness, and there they also have the operational space necessary for maneuver. The main thing is the very presence of emptiness - this is the beginning of beginnings. When your head is free and your thoughts are natural and easy, creating a mood of joy is as easy as shelling pears, unless, of course, it has not yet come on its own, which is most often the case. Next, a smile is obligatory - it comes on its own, and after its appearance the body begins to breathe deeply and calmly and acquires extraordinary lightness, breathing is carried out without difficulty through the nose, when exhaling (which is longer than inhaling), the muscles of the body are pumped from top to bottom, while the body feels pleasantly relaxed... There are practical ways to create a joyful mood: we will definitely look at them in this article.

But how did it happen that we stopped enjoying life? Why don't we do things that children are accustomed to? How to get away from the hustle and bustle and is it important to get away from it?

Unfortunately, today's essence of the human world comes down to ordinary standardization. A beautiful and unique child grows up, gradually turning into an ordinary, typical adult, similar to many others like him. Of course, this is not interesting to the person himself. Unlike a child who has not yet been molded and polished in secondary and higher education or in the corporate crucible of the office, an adult is doomed to think and act according to patterns. There are sets of rules - morality and etiquette, there are even unbreakable patterns - laws of the state, which are not appropriate not to follow in society. Of course, this is beneficial to those who are called, or those who are considered to be called, to rule a person. Government, director, marshal of the military branch - these are local roles. The hierarchical ladder probably goes further up, but is that really important? Everything, ultimately, depends only on you and me. And the old fun of looking for someone to blame is part of the world of vanity, which should be avoided.

Oh, it's very simple. It is much simpler than it might seem due to the stereotyped thinking that requires us to think that learning something is a special, hard work, the fruits of which must take a decent amount of time. Of course this is not true. Everything happens right now and at once. We do not learn, but remember how to do it. After all, we know how to rejoice, we just don’t rejoice because there has been no reason to rejoice for a long, long time. But we are not taught to rejoice without a reason. Although there is nothing unusual or complicated in this - rejoicing is the meaning of human life. Rejoice and with your joy express gratitude to everything around you for your existence. This is such a natural state of ours that it is not at all perceived as something special - you just have to realize it.

All of the above is small theoretical basis, confirmation of which can be found in numerous works of esotericists, philosophers, mystics and other people with interesting life experience.

But let's return to the first part of our conversation. Yes, there are simple practical techniques for bringing your body into a joyful state. In Taoist practices, there are techniques for influencing the entire human being through the body. Of course, a person who incarnates in a physical body on Earth is capable of not only influencing this body with his thought, but also has the ability to influence subtle immaterial bodies through the material body. By creating the right way of thinking, we are able to control the state of the body and make it more susceptible to changes. Most often, we do not fully control the process, switching our attention to external stimuli, hence domestic injuries, illnesses, and bad mood. Clarity of mind and concentration are important, as well as having free time that you devote only to yourself, without parallel events.

Mirzakarim Norbekov has an excellent exercise in his gymnastics - ear massage. Cool stuff. The fact is that ear massage itself is very effective. An incredible number of receptors are collected on the human ears - and ordinary rubbing, stroking and any other non-painful physical impact on them causes a whole range of sensations. And to start enjoying yourself while rubbing your ears, you just need to smile.

Another great technique is the “inner smile.” We often smile outwardly - we put a smile on our gloomy face, which makes our cheekbones cramp, and the facial muscles soon begin to ache and take the corners of our lips into their natural state of deep and sincere sadness. And you just have to smile from the inside. It is not necessary to stretch your lips. Someone smiles with just their eyes. The benefits of such a smile are much greater than from a grimace of pseudo-joy. You can create an inner smile with a simple volitional effort or an ordinary memory of a picture from childhood - you can remember your photo of a child with a real smile, imagine that this child is looking, looking inside us - and begin to smile back. This state must be remembered and stored for as long as possible. And if something from an alien world breaks in and tears us away from the joyful awareness of ourselves and the world around us, we need to take time and dive back into ourselves and repeat the exercise. If everything is so neglected that the picture of yourself small and laughing is not in the corners of your memory, you need to imagine just a smiling child - and do the same.

It’s good to get into a state of harmony and calm, from which you can get out of any mood at all - in our case, this is the desired mood of joy - various eastern practices and meditations, yoga classes, running or swimming, and tourism help you enter. In general, any contact with water and nature is very effective - it helps to create a space inside a person free from imposed thoughts. Beauty in any form - landscapes, works of art - evoke contemplative attention and also contribute to the correct movement of thought. The world of sounds contributes no less to its visual beauty. Sound is also important here - the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves, the murmur of water or the sound of rain, melodious laughter, beautiful music, a song, the correct reading of a prayer out loud - this is the sound aura that has the most beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole, creates peace and harmony inside us.

When we have a free minute, we see and hear the beauty around us. In the bustle, we almost always pass by without noticing it. This should also be taken into account.

So, how to learn to enjoy life, what is the main conclusion? It's simple: you need to take time for yourself, smile at yourself and notice the world around you - all this makes us joyful and happy. Because the meaning of our life is not in serving higher ideals, not in trying to force ourselves to believe in something, not in gaining power and material wealth, not in seeking mutual love or friendship, and not even in giving birth and raising children. Although all these things are very important, necessary and interesting. The meaning of life is to live! To live every moment of life, to notice and experience everything around, changing and unique, without closing your eyes, without remembering at this moment the past, even if it is also unique and magnificent, without predicting a possible future, which may not come, but living in the present moment, here and now - on this beautiful Earth at this wonderful time of year and day, feeling joy in every moment of existence!

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Almost every person wants to learn how to learn to enjoy life, so as not to become a victim of melancholy and cope with the most unpleasant life situations without depression and.

Many people can cope with this on their own, but it is not always and not so easy for everyone.

That's why we want to tell you how to learn at any cost every day.

If there has come a period in your life when you don’t want to do anything and give up, and this happens to everyone at least once, you need to start believing in yourself again.

That is why we have prepared a small selection of recommendations on how to learn to enjoy life using the advice of a psychologist.

Following these simple rules, you can get out of bed, stop feeling sorry for yourself and start.

  1. Understand yourself, accept and understand your desires. It is very difficult to learn to live well without worrying about anything when you are being haunted huge amount problems and family troubles that require quick solutions. Often all our problems arise only from the fact that we have developed the habit of focusing exclusively on the bad, completely forgetting about the good. Although it is precisely at such moments that you need to look for the positive sides.
  2. Live for today. This is very useful; many people leave this quality in childhood, constantly trying to make plans and calculate everything a few steps ahead. You shouldn’t do this, because if something doesn’t work out, sadness cannot be avoided. Constantly thinking about the future, you lose a huge amount of energy, which does not allow you to enjoy the simple joys of life. Every day you need to accept everything that he has prepared, without focusing on the next one.
  3. Learn to give. When you wake up in the morning, set yourself up for the mode of giving, this way you will be able to feel the joy that awaits ahead. For some, this is a kind of creativity, and it manifests itself at its best, for example, in caring for loved ones.

The habit of thinking about everything in a negative way invariably leads to depression

By constantly following the tips above, you can make your drab everyday life a little more colorful, and the changes will be felt not only in yourself, but also in the attitude of those around you.

How can you forget about depression?

If you want to say goodbye to depression forever, then we will tell you how to learn to enjoy life and see the positive in everything.

First of all, everyone should be able to smile and give smiles, charge others with positivity no matter what, be it moments of separation or ordinary sadness due to a broken shower.

It’s the little things that can make both a woman and a man happy, so don’t get hung up on problems and radiate warmth.

Try every day to find more and more strength in yourself to fight for a positive perception of the situation that happened.

You can also draw useful conclusions from it.

Find strength, become strong, and then in difficult times you will be able to resist, find a positive moment, cling to it and not even remember about depression.

Advice: many scientists claim that physical activity helps you forget about depression and at the same time increase the level of endorphin (the hormone of joy) in the blood.

It’s impossible not to remember about the ones that can instantly lift your spirits.

They are very useful and energize you in minutes.

Among them are bananas, dark chocolate, nuts, seeds. Excellent helpers for getting rid of problems, while they lift your spirits, setting you up exclusively for positive thoughts.

How to learn to enjoy life - 4 simple steps and you will succeed

If you decide to start enjoying every day, you need to strictly adhere to the advice of psychologists, learn your personality and not be afraid to show them in everyday life.

  1. Start looking for a piece of happiness in every minute you live. The main skill that a person can acquire is the ability to enjoy life, but for some reason many people abuse it. If you want to master this art perfectly, you just need to start doing what brings you positive emotions. For example, value the work and business you are involved in, clearly express your opinion. After all, happiness is very close, sometimes it is hidden in the usual smile of a passerby, listening to a favorite song, or talking with a friend.
  2. Dramatically change the opinions and perceptions of others about yourself. This is very easy to do, you just need to start loving yourself. Think only good things, praise yourself more, rejoice at even the smallest achievement, give compliments, take care of your appearance. If you strictly follow these instructions, the results and changes in yourself will not keep you waiting, and believe me, those around you will notice it too.
  3. Don't stop, constantly move towards your goal. You need to decide and clearly set a goal for yourself; it should be something that you have wanted for a long time, but never dared to do. Always remember that there are no unattainable peaks. This is exactly what most motivation experts say. If you can set a standard for yourself to constantly strive for, while doing everything necessary, the results will be noticeable very quickly. At the same time, you will be able to do many useful things and tasks that you would never do on your own. You can also learn how to get out of a variety of uncomfortable situations while gaining confidence. But you must understand: your goal should not violate any aesthetic rule, because we all live in a society and must respect each other. If you start neglecting the needs of others, it will not bring you any joy.
  4. Start approaching everything more simply, with a positive attitude. Don’t try to constantly control every moment of your life; you won’t succeed anyway, and your mood will deteriorate. Relax, behave naturally, learn to deal with fear. You just need to find a little good even in the worst. Don't laugh at other people's mistakes, help your loved ones.

How to learn to enjoy life every day

If you dream of becoming much better, you need to not only think about it, but also start making it come true.

The only thing you need is to start taking the first steps.

Don't focus on the hustle and bustle and everyday worries, concentrate on more important matters.

Every day, set yourself up for success. You should try to find the right words and answers to all your questions.

Advice: only we ourselves can lower or raise our self-esteem, so we need to constantly work on ourselves and not stop at the slightest difficulties.

Happiness will come to those who are willing to spend a lot of effort and time to achieve it.

See how you can learn to enjoy life in the advice of psychologists and a selection of thematic videos on this topic.

With their help, you can develop your personality more.

Don’t stop pleasing others, become lighter every day and put depression aside.

What you do for your loved ones comes back to you a hundredfold.

The main thing is not to stop there, always move forward to new achievements.

If, nevertheless, depression overcomes you, you can use mild antidepressants, but not on long time, and even then only after consulting a specialist.

Believe that you have the strength to overcome a variety of obstacles and troubles.

So, if you want to expand your knowledge about how to live in harmony with yourself and how to learn to enjoy life, watch the video to expand your horizons.

But remember that you need to eat right and smile more often.

All these things contribute good mood, do not allow you to withdraw into yourself, but charge you with positivity and good mood.

The word stress seems to have become an integral part of our daily lives. And completely in vain. After all, if you look at it, in general we have no reasons for stress, believes Elizaveta Artemyeva.

Recently I happened to be traveling on a train with an 85-year-old incredibly sweet lady. She got married in the late 30s, in 1948 her husband died, and she was left alone with three children. When I asked how she survived all the stress that befell her in those years until the children grew up and became independent, she looked at me for a long time and puzzled. And then she began to tell how different good people they helped her, how she worked two jobs (taught at school and also at evening courses), and the children have grown up and are so great, and she has four grandchildren... “I wouldn’t say that there’s a lot of stress, or what you name it now, I had it,” she said.

I listened with my mouth open. We all: me, my sister, my friends are under stress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have wonderful children, more or less large and spacious apartments, sweet, caring husbands. The worst thing that happened to me in the last month was, say, a broken rear-view mirror on my car. We, of course, are not millionaires, but the children are wearing shoes, clothing, eating well, and they have plenty of toys.

And I wondered: has today really become a source of stress? Or are we just a generation of whiners? American psychologists, for example, assert with all responsibility that for representatives of the middle class in the United States, raising children and all the associated troubles are guaranteed to cause stress. Why? Young parents constantly find themselves in a situation where they need to make a certain decision. Did my 85-year-old friend have a choice? She is alone, three children, no husband, two jobs... What do we have? To go to work or not to go? If you go out, when? or a nanny? Or both?

Return to work after maternity leave? You need to plan your day so that you can get to the clinic with your youngest and go to training with your older one. Stay on maternity leave? Of course, you can do more. But possible financial problems. “We have constant quarrels over money,” says Arina, mother of three sons (8 years old, 6 years old and 8 months old). “I can’t go to work: she helps with the older ones, but she’s not ready to take on the baby. And in principle, I am a highly paid specialist. I try to set myself up positively: to think not about what we cannot afford, but about the fact that we spent money on children.”

Faithful helpers?

Of course, raising a child today is a pleasure compared to fifteen years ago. Microwave oven, bottle sterilizer, disposable diapers... But progress also has reverse side. Mobile phone- a convenient thing for timely informing the nanny about the need to take the temperature again. And at the same time, the source of an untimely call from the boss at the time of feeding the offspring with porridge. And then, our precious other halves? Will they ever be useful? Psychologists are optimistic: in most European countries, men are increasingly involved in the process of caring for children. Well, great. But there is a certain nuance: we regard help as such only if we are satisfied with it. In other words, if our dear spouse puts the baby’s diaper on backwards, and at the same time everything in our soul turns upside down: do we need this kind of help? An irresistible desire arises to control the assistant like a puppet. Here's another reason for stress.

When the word “stress” first appeared in the psychologists’ dictionary, it was believed that it was caused by factors such as serious illness, loss of housing, poverty, and natural disasters. Then the causes of stress were the death of a family member and job loss. But at the same time, a huge number of women, as psychologists noted, who were not affected in any way by the above misfortunes, walked with a downcast look. This is how the theory of daily stress arose family life. “Housework is just a Sisyphean task,” says Yulia, mother of two preschoolers. “The dishes are always dirty, the washing machine never turns off, and my children fight incessantly.”

Raise the bar

We create problems for ourselves. Ask any psychotherapist, he will confirm. Why take on increased obligations? Why is it that every time at the end of December we are exhausted as if it were our last New Year in our lives? Is anyone going to die from having a couple less salads on the table? Or children: is it really necessary to create a schedule of dance, music, swimming, English language and theatrical art in such a way that neither the child nor the mother has a single free minute? “When I invited guests to Lily’s birthday (she turned 4), the mother of her “colleague” in the art studio said that they would not be able to come: her Masha had her whole week booked.”

Fight and search

Of course, you have to pay for the pleasure of living in the modern high-tech world. But you need to be able to learn useful lessons from everything. And stress is no exception.

Our motives should be the most selfish. Of course, the more positive and calm the mother is, the better it is for the children. But we have to do it for ourselves. Only then will the years dedicated to babies seem to us the most beautiful in our lives.

  • Choose the right words. Never say "I'm stressed" when you simply mean something like "I have a lot to do" or "The teacher is in kindergarten ruined my mood." Whatever happened that day, if you didn't have to call " Ambulance“, it’s just “not your day.” That’s all.
  • Lower the standard. It just so happens that we are accustomed to demanding much more from ourselves than from others. So, it's time to slow down a little. You can, for example, stop making numerous New Year's greeting cards manually. Yes, you don’t have to send them out at all. And it won't be a violation pedagogical standards allow the children to watch cartoons for half an hour longer, and at that time do something useful for their household. Or just chat on the phone with a friend. Or read a book that everyone has been talking about for a month now, but you haven’t gotten around to opening. And sometimes it’s quite acceptable to order pizza for dinner - nutritionists will forgive us.
  • Communicate more with your own husband. It's no secret that exemplary housewives and exemplary mothers do not have time to spend one-on-one time with their husbands. You can’t lead on all fronts. It remains to reconsider priorities. Set aside time for just the two of you.
  • It's easier to look at things. An American proverb says: “The dumber a woman is, the cleaner her house.” Why not take note? Perfect cleanliness cannot be achieved. You can spend several years sprucing up before guests arrive, preparing a gala dinner worthy of Michelin stars, and worrying that the younger one will stain her new dress, and the older one will blurt out something stupid in front of her husband’s boss. And in the end, understand that there is nothing more wonderful than inviting guests into your home with whom you will have fun. And you can stay in your old jeans and not scrub your apartment until it shines.
  • Share your impressions. Run away from impeccable mothers proudly broadcasting on playgrounds about how their offspring learned to walk without any support at eight months, read at one and a half years, and have long since dressed themselves, brushed their teeth and tied their shoelaces. Choose adequate ones. There is nothing more pleasant than hearing from some mother in the park: “And mine doesn’t know a single letter yet either.”
  • Remember everything. Take five minutes every day to reflect on how happy you are. You have the best children in the world. Every minute spent with them is a period of absolute and boundless happiness. Remember all the wonderful, funny, ridiculous, touching things that happened to your children during the day. But remember: you should spend only five minutes on such lyrics, no more! Excessive sentimentality is also useless. You still have a lot to do today!

Elizaveta Artemyeva

How to learn to enjoy life? At a certain period of his life, every person asks himself this question. And not everyone can quickly find the correct answer to it. First of all, this is due to the fact that happiness is individual for everyone. No general concept or absolute truth for that word.

What is happiness?

For every person, happiness depends on his spiritual and material values. It also very much depends on the age period in which the person is.

So, for a small child, happiness can be a new toy for his birthday, sweet candy and attention from his parents. For young people, this could be constant communication with friends, the presence of a soul mate and good prospects for future life. More mature people, answering the question: What is happiness for them? - they will answer that to be happy is to have good job, loving family, be in comfort.

But these are all general phrases with which one person may completely agree, another will add his own joys a little, and the third will fundamentally disagree with the above opinion about the idea of ​​happiness. It turns out that you cannot make all people happy by choosing a general axiom of happiness for them, but you can derive several general rules that will make a person happier.

These rules of happiness will be discussed in this article.

Learning to enjoy life

Most people try to find happiness in a radical change in their lifestyle: they change jobs, move, and even change not only cities and time zones, but also countries. At the same time, after a certain period of time, their life returns to normal, and they again do not feel happy. This behavior is comparable to a small child who wants to get a new toy to be happy. But after a while, he gets tired of it and becomes as ordinary as the old ones, not bringing any joy or satisfaction.

Therefore, in this situation, the following question would be more appropriate: How to truly enjoy your life? To do this, there are 10 universal rules of happiness, following which you will change your attitude towards everything.

  • Be positive

Often people, having suffered failures, stop making new attempts to realize their dreams. At the same time, they expect bad outcomes from life and subconsciously prepare for disappointment. However, optimism is great power. Therefore, no matter what, you need to look for positive moments in every failure, learn a lesson from them and positively prepare for new events while searching for your happiness.

  • Play sports

It would seem that sport has little to do with this topic, but physical condition directly affects psychological balance. It has long been proven that a physically healthy person is less susceptible to stress and depression. From a physiological point of view, this can be explained by the fact that daily exercise increases the production of the hormone endorphin. As you know, this is the hormone of happiness. Therefore, we can say that a person who plays sports is a happy person.

  • Find joy in every moment

Every day many pleasant and happy events happen around us, which we pass by and do not notice. This happens because a person is constantly immersed in his thoughts. He thinks about work, problems and other things that are unpleasant to him, thereby closing the circle of negative thoughts. But if you notice the little joys of life around you and pay more attention to happy moments, then every day will seem brighter. How to start noticing small joys and positive moments? It is very hard and is a real art. But you can master it and then life will become truly bright.

  • Change your opinion about yourself

This point applies more to people who are unsure of themselves. Such people initially program themselves for failure, for the fact that they will not be able to achieve their goal and become happy. But no one has canceled the placebo effect. This effect, not fully studied by scientists, can work wonders on a person. It is enough to tune in to a positive result, and it will not take long to arrive. Under no circumstances should you think badly about yourself, as this rule works both ways. No wonder they say that thoughts are material.

How often does a person achieve all his goals? If you ask this question, it turns out that most people lower the bar for their goals and switch to simpler and more accessible ones. The reason for this is many factors. Some of the most powerful of them are various circumstances, which arise in our lives every day and distance us from our cherished dreams.

For this reason, a person becomes unhappy. He moves away from his cherished goal and finds himself in a cycle of daily pressing problems, the solution of which becomes the meaning of life. To enjoy life more every day and see meaning in your actions, you need to set yourself a goal and move in its direction. You need to achieve certain results every day, take small steps towards cherished dream. Then, after a short period of time, the dream that seemed impossible will come true, and you will again believe in yourself and be happy.

  • Treat everything with humor

If not everyone, then most people are afraid of being in an awkward situation. Afraid of being laughed at. Because of this, most people do not want to take the first step towards success, towards their dreams and becoming a little happier.

In certain cases, a person is afraid of being ridiculed and therefore tries to control his every action. This leads to severe depletion of the nervous system. Therefore, such people can never be happy, but rather, on the contrary, become irritable and can no longer see anything good around them.

To avoid such a fate, you just need to be able to laugh at your mistakes, enjoy life, and not take the words of strangers seriously. At the same time, you cannot be the source of such aggression towards other people; it is better to help them and, if possible, point them in the right direction.

  • Forgive others and yourself

This point is related to the previous one. You can’t dwell on your own mistakes and ignore the mistakes of others. If you constantly scold yourself for some wrong action, then you can lose the present and forever remain in the mistakes of the past, constantly remembering and turning them over in your head. In such a state, a person will not be able to achieve anything in the present, and certainly not be able to count on a happy future.

If you constantly remember evilly about the mistakes of other people and do not forgive them, then sooner or later a person will face a similar attitude towards him. This will not end well; you can lose colleagues, friends and even loved ones.

It must be remembered that any negative will sooner or later return with greater force, and painting everything around you in dark colors, it is vain to hope for a glimmer of light. Therefore, you need to be able to enjoy life.

  • Give everyone joy and happiness

It's no secret that a person is designed in such a way that he becomes truly happy when he gives joy to another person. Philosophers call this true altruism, and physiologists argue that it is a complex set of neurochemical reactions in our body.

But be that as it may, the smile of the person we have pleased makes us smile too. And this allows you to become even happier. Again, returning to the previous point, we can safely say that by making people and the world around us happier, we receive a charge of positivity and become one step closer to our true happiness. And in this way we learn to truly enjoy life..

Remember to treat others the same way you would like to be treated.

Based on the previous 2 points, it is not difficult to guess that with our behavior and actions we form this very environment. By treating people negatively, ridiculing their actions and refusing at times of need, a person remains alone and cannot count on outside support. By acting in reverse: helping loved ones, trying to support people dear to him, a person can count on outside support even on the darkest day.

  • Believe that you can do anything

You cannot achieve anything without believing in your own success. No one has yet managed to achieve great heights with the thought that nothing will work out and everything will not go according to plan. Of course, in any business there are ups and downs, but a person truly enjoys achieving success in his goals. This is where his happiness lies.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that happiness does not come into the hands of those who sit and do nothing for it. Only a person who achieves success and is able to pull himself together achieves results in any endeavor and becomes happy from the realization of this. Therefore, only such a person can answer such difficult question: How to learn to enjoy life?
