Sample inscriptions on business cards of successful people. Business cards. An example of good and bad. Creating business cards using the Logaster online service

The task of creating illustrations, 3D models, animations that contain specific knowledge-intensive information has recently become relevant for companies in the medical, biotechnological, pharmaceutical and nanotechnological fields, publishing houses of scientific and popular science literature, magazines, film studios, scientific and educational institutions.

This could be, for example, a diagram of a biochemical process, a 3D model of an organ or other medical-biological object, a model of a nanomaterial or the interaction of a molecule medicinal product with a receptor, a model of a protein molecule, animation and an interactive video describing a chemical or physiological process, etc.

Ordinary problems can be solved by non-specialized design agencies, but even in this case there is a high probability of factual errors and inaccuracies. Truly complex large-scale projects and educational programs It is almost impossible to implement without the participation of specialized design studios.

There are specialized studios for high-tech graphics in the USA, Canada and Europe. Among them there are several leaders: XVIVO Scientific Animation, Zygote, Axis Biomedical Animation Studio, Hybrid Medical Animation, Nucleus Medical Art, InVivo communications, Healthcare studio at Iomedia. A feature of specialized studios is their approach to work, which combines the study of factual information research assistants, problem solving and idea implementation at a high technical level by designers, artists, modellers, animators and visualizers.

Most studios provide a wide range of services, ranging from fairly simple illustrations to detailed, highly detailed anatomical models, animations and interactive tutorials. At the same time, there is a certain specialization: XVIVO is known mainly for its videos, especially The Inner Life of a Cell, created in collaboration with the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University. Subdivision 3D science Zygote presents large number detailed anatomical 3D models. Hybrid and AXS, in addition to animation, create infographics and interactive presentations.

Along with large specialized studios on this market there are individual artists and designers, for example Brian Christie Bryan Christie Design, James Archer Anatomyblue Audra Geras Geras Healthcare Productions and many others who create mainly illustrations and infographics.

Western companies have long recognized the need to attract specialized design studios. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology market leaders such as Pfizer, Novartis, Johnson&Johnson, Roche, Genetech etc. use the services of high-tech graphics studios, in particular XVIVO, for presentation and advertising of new drugs. BBC, advertising agency Ogilvi, studio Walt Disney, Discovery Channel also resort to the services of high-tech graphics studios when creating models and animation for educational, entertainment projects and advertising.

Until recently, there were no companies in Russia specializing in high-tech graphics. In 2006, the company was founded in Moscow. The company's goal is to provide knowledge-intensive information for the needs of medical biotechnological, pharmaceutical and nanotechnological profiles, scientific institutes, laboratories, educational institutions, publishing houses and advertising agencies. Medicine, biology, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, science and about science - competently. Today the company creates a variety of products - from popular science illustrations to magazines and promotional materials to complex anatomical three-dimensional models, plastic models of medical and biological objects, molecular visualization and illustration of specialized books.

To date, the Visual science company has developed a number of technologies that make it possible to produce a product of very high quality, in some cases better than in companies of this profile in the USA and Europe. In particular, molecular visualization technologies (images of DNA molecules, proteins, ligand-receptor complexes according to X-ray diffraction analysis) make it possible to obtain illustrations of printing quality of almost any size, for printing on the covers of magazines, posters up to A0 format and calendars.

A significant part of the company’s projects consists of illustrations and infographics that allow one to present one or another biochemical, physiological process, or mechanism of action of the drug. These services are in demand primarily among pharmaceutical companies, publishing houses, magazines and advertising agencies. High-quality infographics allow even a non-specialist to overcome the path from misunderstanding of complex mechanisms to their understanding. In addition to the detailed elaboration of the scientific part, it is important to choose the required level of detail, which allows you to convey the essence in the simplest possible way without losing the meaning. At the same time, much attention is paid to the quality of technical implementation: the goal is to make it more interesting and better than the leaders of the Western market.

The company's 3D modeling department solves a range of different problems, including the creation of complex anatomical 3D models, animation, models for animation and for manufacturing in plastic. A special feature of working in biomedical fields is the complexity of the objects created, which is why many 3D scenes turn out to be extremely voluminous. These problems can be solved through knowledge strengths each modeling package and their effective combination within one project. The search and development of algorithms and new approaches is constantly carried out when working on promotional projects in which the company itself acts as a customer and performer. This approach allows us to constantly expand the range of services and means of achieving the desired result. In the process of work, effective and expressive ways to solve the problem in short terms using all technical capabilities. In addition, the company has modern render farms, which makes it possible to solve complex resource-intensive problems in a reasonable time.

A common feature of the work on all projects in the Visual science company is the collaboration of designers, modelers, visualizers with consultant reviewers who have a candidate or doctorate degree. This work scheme makes it possible to solve problems at a high technical level, competently - without factual errors and inaccuracies. Project managers and Most of the employees have higher biological or medical education and continue to lead scientific work. This makes it possible to minimize the time spent by the client’s company’s specialists. We study each task of our clients in detail and can offer various solution options; the client just has to choose.

In addition to computer 3D models of medical and biological objects, the company’s specialists produce models from colored plastic. It is possible to create a scale model of an enzyme, active substance or other protein. In this case, the model will be physically accurate, maintaining all proportions, because it is created on the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis data. Any model whose structure is known can be made of colored plastic, even in a single copy, taking into account all wishes, in any of the accepted displays. Such models of individual molecules or complexes allow us to look at the object of research or the subject of study at a qualitatively different level. The principles of molecular interaction and organization can be more easily understood by holding a plastic model in your hands.

Lesson 8. “Biological illustrations: drawings, photographs, computer models”


Subject results:

1. develop the ability to distinguish between main illustrations in a biology textbook;

2. develop the ability to understand the role biological illustrations: drawings, photographs, images obtained using computer modeling.

Meta-subject and personal results:

Personal UUD

Cognitive UUD

1. Formation of the ability to navigate in a textbook, find and use the necessary information.

2. Formation of the ability to analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena; identify the causes and consequences of simple phenomena (work on analyzing diagrams and illustrations from a textbook).

3. Proofread all levels text information.

Communicative UUD

1. Formation of the ability to listen and understand the speech of other people.

2. Formation of the ability to independently organize educational interaction in a group.

3. Understand the conceptual meaning of texts/statements as a whole: formulate the main idea; independently proofread the conceptual information of the text.

Regulatory UUD



Formation of UUD and technology for assessing educational success

I. Problem situation and updating of knowledge.

1. Dialogue between Antoshka and the biologist

-What question (problem) will we discuss in class? The teacher listens to the children's suggestions! The best wording is recorded in the notebook

What is the purpose of illustrations?

Textbook, drawings on slides.

Regulatory UUD

Formation of the ability to independently detect and formulate an educational problem, determine a goal educational activities(formulation of the lesson question).

Communicative UUD

1. Formation of the ability to listen and understand the speech of other people.

II.Collaborative discovery of knowledge.

1. – What is the importance of illustrations in textbooks, reference books, scientific publications?

Why is it important to know what a particular illustration represents?

(Let’s record the questions and find answers as we find them.)

2. – What illustrations are used in your textbook? Art. 40- 44

3. – What role do they play in the scientific knowledge of the surrounding world? different types illustrations? Work according to the options, with the text of the textbook. Option 1 examines the role of drawing (pp. 40-41).
2nd option considers the role scientific photography(pp. 42-43).

Option 3 considers the role of computer modeling (p. 44-45)

4. Why do you think and since when did people start depicting animals, plants, and natural phenomena?

5. – What is the significance of photography for the science?

Describe the devices necessary to obtain reliable photographs.

Answers to questions, viewing of the presentation

6. – In what cases should computer modeling be used to understand living objects? Answers to questions, viewing of the presentation

7. – The same living object can be depicted in various ways using a drawing, photograph, computer model or even a dummy!

Working with illustrations from the textbook Art. 45

What do you think are the pros and cons of each of these images?

Work in pairs .

8. Summing up the study of the topic. We record in a notebook the answer we found to problematic issue.

To preserve and transmit information about objects of living nature in biology, various illustrations are used: drawings, photographs, images obtained using computer modeling.

Textbook, questions on slides.

Communicative UUD

2. Formation of the ability to independently organize educational interaction when working in a group.

3. Understand the conceptual meaning of texts/statements as a whole: formulate the main idea; independently proofread the conceptual information of the text.

Personal UUD

1. Realize the unity and integrity of the surrounding world.

Cognitive UUD

1. Formation of the ability to navigate through a textbook, find and use the necessary information.

2. Formation of the ability to analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena; identify the causes and consequences of simple phenomena (work on analyzing diagrams and illustrations from a textbook for primary school).

3. Proofread all levels of textual information.

III.Independent application of knowledge.

Questions 3 on p. 46. ​​Work in pairs


IV. Lesson summary. Reflection

– What is the role of illustrations in textbooks?

– What types of illustrations did you learn during the lesson?

– How did you work, what worked in the lesson, what didn’t?


1. Study § 8.

2. Complete task 1 of the “Test your knowledge” section (p. 46).

3. Choose a photograph or illustration on a biological topic.

Ponomareva Karina Mikhailovna

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today we will talk to you about an important thing for business - a business card. Here we'll look at some great examples and guidelines for creating business cards. Which may be very useful in the future. Well, now let's go.

And here you can download the sources of business cards in PSD format completely free of charge:

Beautiful pictures and photos on a bright background

As is known, it is very beautiful photos and the pictures are very attractive and eye-catching. And why not use this method in your business cards. And if you are a photographer or a talented designer, you will agree that it would be stupid not to use your work on a business card. That's why this is the best choice for you.

Plus, you can apply several beautiful typography techniques to your work. This way your business card will be remembered by people, that’s for sure!

Here are some examples of business cards with photos and pictures:

Using different color schemes on business cards

It’s also very correct and creative idea will use different color schemes in his business cards, it doesn’t matter whether they are different stripes, squares or lines, as long as there is the right color scheme. This is almost the same as in web design, if the colors are chosen correctly and they are very gentle and pleasant, then such a site will be 100 percent remembered by the user. It's almost the same story with business cards. Very beautiful color scheme, success and popularity are guaranteed.

Now let's look at some great examples of business cards with a very nice color scheme:

Business cards with minimalist design

I'm probably a fan of minimalist design. :-) Nothing superfluous. A maximum of 3 colors are used here, two in particular. And you must agree that it looks very modern and creative. Only your logo and contact details are used on the front. And basically, what else does a person need who wants to use your services soon :-)

Here are a few illustrative examples business cards with minimalist design:

Using the embossing effect on business cards

I would like to tell you that this is very beautiful effect which is used on business cards. Not large bulges and indentations look very modern. And there is more than enough creativity :-) True, this technology will allow you to use only one color, but for the sake of this, I think that you can make such not very significant sacrifices. And of course, all this will give you uniqueness and recognition.

Here are some examples:

Adding QR codes to business cards

QR code is perfect new technology. And it is very smart to use it on a business card. The client can take a photo of this QR code on his smartphone and it will be automatically redirected, for example, to your portfolio or resume, where all your works are presented in the most at its best. Agree that it is very convenient and modern. And of course, the client can examine your work in detail, which significantly increases the chances that he will turn to you.

Here are some examples of business cards with a QR code:

Using the Printing House

Nowadays typography is gaining great popularity in web design, and not only. And why not use this technology in business cards. I’ll tell you honestly that it looks very cool. True, you will need to work on choosing the right font. If you succeed, then you will be recognized.

Here are some examples:

Transparent business cards

It seems to me that this is a 100 percent path to success. Because transparent business cards look just very cool :-) If I ordered business cards for myself, then most likely only transparent ones :-) In general, what can I say, let’s take a look.

Black and white business cards

Black and white business cards will be the most ideal option for economists, lawyers and simply serious businessmen. If you need a simple and at the same time elegant business card, the black and white version is exactly what you need.

Here are some examples:

Business cards with unusual shapes

Many people are accustomed to the idea that a business card is a plastic rectangle with information about a person or a company. This is why business cards with unusual shapes will provide you with 100 percent recognition. But although there are nuances here, such business cards often do not fit in clients’ pockets, and they can simply throw it away.

Here are some cool examples:


Friends, not all creative business cards are listed here. I hope that this selection will simply inspire you to create your own unique business card, which, in turn, will bring you popularity, recognition and uniqueness.

That's it. :-) See you soon.

Note for businessmen

A good business card does not guarantee business success, but it can definitely help you! The first impression depends on it. Here's a look at 30 cleverly designed business cards that will help you figure out how to present yourself well and in an original way.

Many of us have probably been guilty of taking business cards purely out of politeness and then throwing them safely in the trash. However, these business cards will remain with you - whether physically or in memory, but still will not go into the trash.

The success of these cards is that they are designed in such a way that they are sure to be memorable or useful to you. These could be product samples, tools, or fun mini-toys, while others can only leave an impression by writing their address and phone number.

In the world of business, standing out from the crowd is essential and here are some creative marketing ideas on how to do just that!

1. Cosmetic Surgeon Business Card

2. Yoga trainer business card

3. Business card of a cheese boutique

4. Tear-up business card of a divorce lawyer

note that the card has contact information on both sides

5. Yoga mat business card

A simple, yet very creative business card for Vancouver Yoga Centre. Card rolls are the same as a yoga mat.

6. Tearable fitness trainer business card

Zohra Mouhetta will help you get rid of your belly fat! ( Advertising agency: Leo Burnett, Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

7. Designer business card with seeds

Design: Jamie Wieck

8. Circumcision business card

Agency: Healthy People by Gray, Istanbul, Türkiye

9. Event photographer’s business card-viewfinder

10. Dentist business card

Design: Michael Häne & Remo Caminada

11. Personal trainer card for stretching

If you want to see the text written on the card, you will have to do a little stretching exercise.

12. Hairdresser business cards

Design: Igor Perkusic

13. Cigarette filter business card

14. Representative's business card investment company

15. Yoga Center Straw

16. Sommelier business card

Design: Caserne

17. Your personal Lego agent

18. Business card - frame

19. Stylish transparent business card

Design: Dario Monetini

20. Business card-stamp of a makeup artist

21. Business card of children's chairs

22. Miniature plumber business cards - plungers with contact information

23. Business card-bag with seeds

24. Multi-tool business card for a bicycle

Designer: Rethink Canada

25. Business card - classic rock theme

This groovy hairbrush plays a classic rock theme when you rub it with your nails. Advertising agency: design Fabio Milito, Rome, Italy

26. Transformable business card of a cargo carrier company

27. Salt Shaker restaurant business card

Design: flux

28. The business card of a survival training company in the form of dried meat

29. Tennis business card

30. Grillable Business Card


The main principle of building the image of a business person is harmony in everything. And since a business card is one of the components of this image, it must correspond to its owner, be effective, but not contradict the idea of ​​a business person. Its main goal is to be informative; only in this case is the business card functional.

Present yourself brightly!

If you are a creative person (designer, event organizer, photographer or artist), choose unusual solutions for decoration. Picture on back side a business card will illustrate your professional skills, and a non-standard texture or shape will be remembered for a long time. These pictures can be carved and the business card will not be repeated, which can also interest or even attract a potential partner!

Colored colors can be used to decorate your business card. geometric elements(triangles, stripes, squares) or QR code - it makes the design modern and meaningful.

The Poly Print Service company has selected examples of business cards for creative, modern people who keep up with the times and are not afraid to experiment.

Stylish minimalism

Representatives of serious professions or managers should not use business cards with ornate patterns and bright colors. Best choice for them – strict, laconic business cards. By the way, they are considered the most stylish today.

Sample business card in minimalist style: a small image on the front side (for example, a logo) and data (contacts, name, key phrase) on the back.

Embossed business card

Examples of business cards with embossing – convex patterns various forms, which give the business card an elegant, classic look.

QR code. Useful nuance

The QR code, which is known to be a modern way of encoding data (recognized by smartphones), can be seen on many business cards today. Here is the perfect way to redirect a client to an online portfolio or website. So, a QR code is both a decorative element of a business card and an “assistant” in promoting a business!

Games with fonts

If experimenting with shapes or colors isn't your thing, try playing with fonts! Examples of business cards with an unusual use of fonts - an original business accessory!

Innovation. Transparency

One of the most modern business card samples is a transparent plastic business card. It is much more wear-resistant and visually looks unusual compared to a paper business card.

The art of creating business cards

Business cards with unusual shapes are rightfully considered the most creative and impressive. However, keep in mind that this option is quite expensive and impractical - business card holders and bookkeepers are designed for business cards of standard sizes and shapes. And in a business card, as we said above, the main thing is information content and functionality.
