Pros and cons of electronic dictionaries. Paper or electronic dictionary. Disadvantages of electronic dictionaries

In connection with total computerization, translators are gradually abandoning the use of paper dictionaries in their work and are massively switching to the use of electronic dictionaries. The reason for this phenomenon is clear: the time to search for the desired lexical unit is reduced, not just one dictionary works, but several. But what are the major differences between them and what is better to choose - paper or electronic dictionary?

In this article, we will try to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of one and the other type of dictionaries and make our verdict - a paper or electronic dictionary.

So let's start with paper dictionary because he is older. Paper has been a carrier of information since ancient times, and if it were not for paper books and dictionaries that conveyed to us the secrets of our predecessors, gave us their wisdom and experience, we would hardly be able to enjoy the fruits of modern thought, science and technology.

As for paper dictionaries specifically, they have the following benefits:
compiled by professionals based on reliable sources of information
- dictionary entries contain full information, all grammatical forms, set expressions used with each word
- when searching the right word in a paper dictionary, in parallel remember other words
better for the eyes
- from paper more pleasant to read

But, let's not idealize paper dictionaries, because they also have their own flaws:
slow update dictionary entries
low speed search
large volume(requires a lot of space)

We will now take an unbiased look at electronic dictionaries .

So their dignity:
— use of information from multiple dictionaries in one
- opportunity listen to the word
high speed search

But even here, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance. TO cons electronic dictionary include:
- use for the formation of dictionary entries unreliable, unverified information, often thoughtlessly collected from the Internet
Not good high quality highly specialized dictionaries
dependence on electricity and internet access
harmful to the eyes

From the above facts, it follows that both electronic and paper dictionaries have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice remains only with the translator. In the high-speed work mode, of course, it is more convenient to use an electronic dictionary, but it is difficult to compete with a paper dictionary regarding the completeness and reliability of the information provided, as well as the learning moment.

Ryzhkov Pavel and Surkov Daniil MBOU Secondary School No. 24 Samara

Research work of students




"I am a researcher"

Section "English"

Advantages and disadvantages of traditional and electronic

English-Russian and Russian- English words ares from the point of view of a modern student.


Ryzhkov Pavel, Surkov Daniil

Pupils of 6 "A" class

MBOU secondary school No. 24

G.o. Samara

Scientific adviser:

Chugurova Yulia Alexandrovna

Samara 2013


Introduction 1-2

1. Definition of the concept of the word "dictionary" 3-4

2. Advantages and disadvantages of paper and

electronic English-Russian and Russian-English

dictionaries from the point of view of 6th grade students. 4-8

2.1 Questionnaire and its results 6-7

2.2 Experimental part 7-8

Conclusion 9

Annex 10

References 11


We think that we will not be mistaken if we assume that in every house where there is a student, one of the main books that occupy a prominent place on the shelf are dictionaries. Without them, you won’t write a word correctly, you won’t find an incomprehensible meaning, you won’t translate the text for a foreign language lesson. It is hard to imagine what we would do without our favorite English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary when preparing homework.

However, in our 21st century of rapidly developing information technologies, it is impossible not to use another convenient invention: an electronic dictionary.

How popular is it among students, is it often used, or is the paper dictionary still a favorite among schoolchildren - questions that we asked ourselves and decided to find out in the course of our work.


Determine which of the two types of dictionaries: paper or electronic most fully and effectively contributes to the preparation of students for English lessons.

  1. Define the word "dictionary" and find out the main historical moments in its development.
  2. To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of paper and electronic English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries from the point of view of 6th grade students using a questionnaire and an experimental part of the work.
  3. Compile a catalog of electronic dictionaries for their further use by students in preparation for English lessons.

Object of study:

Paper and electronic English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries.

Subject of study:
Advantages and disadvantages of dictionaries from the point of view of 6th grade students.

Research methods:
- study of literature;
- statistics;
- comparative analysis and evaluation.

Definition of the concept of the word "dictionary".

There are about 20 concepts of this word. Let us dwell on just a few.

In the 19th century it was believed that dictionary - a collection of words of any language in alphabetical order or according to word production located (Dictionary of the Russian Academy. St. Petersburg, 1806-1822);

Dahl's explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language was ambiguous in its definition:Dictionary, glossary, word-interpreter, word-interpreter, dictionary, dictionary; dictionary; dictionaries; riverman, lexicon; a collection of words, sayings of any language, with interpretation or translation. Dictionaries are general and private, everyday and scientific(Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language);

Dictionary - a book containing a list of words arranged according to one or another principle (for example, alphabetically), with various explanations (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language in 4 vols. ed. D. N. Ushakov);

Dictionary - a book containing a list of words, usually with explanations, interpretations or translation into another language (Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language in 17 vols., 1948-1965);

Known to every Russian person,Ozhegov's classic dictionarygives the following definition of this concept:

Dictionary - a collection of words (usually in alphabetical order), set expressions with explanations, interpretations or with translation into another language.

More modernnew encyclopedic dictionary believes that the dictionary - a book containing a collection of words (or morphemes, phrases, idioms, etc.) arranged according to a certain principle, and giving information about their meanings, use, origin, translation into another language, etc. (linguistic dictionaries) or information about concepts and

objects they designate, about figures in any areas of science, culture, etc.

According to the French writer Anatole France, dictionary is the universe in alphabetical order.

This familiar word for us was called in Rus' in the Middle Ages by funny words “Azbukovnik”, “Alphabet”, “Lexicon”. Scientists suggest that by the end of the 10th century, translation dictionaries existed in Rus', and in the 13th century, original explanatory dictionaries appeared with manuscripts, they explained the meaning of words incomprehensible to readers.

The oldest dictionary is placed in the Novgorod Pilot's Book for 1282, it is called "The Rch of the Jewish language is translated into Russian, unreasonably into Rosemary ...", i.e. translation from Hebrew into Russian, incomprehensible to understandable. There are 174 words in the translation dictionary.). Famous scientists - lexicographers, forever included in the history of Russian linguistics, are Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Alexey Alexandrovich Shakhmatov,

IN AND. Dahl, Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba, Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov, Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov and many others. Thanks to the gigantic work of Vladimir Karlovich Muller, Soviet and Russian students received excellent help in learning English: a large English-Russian dictionary, which is still being supplemented and reprinted in huge numbers.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper and electronic English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries from the point of view of students

6 classes.

After we have decided on the concept of "dictionary", let's consider what "electronic dictionaries" are. For example, such a well-known source of information as wikipedia, one of the definitions of electronic dictionaries is that an electronic dictionary is a dictionary in a computer or other electronic device. These dictionaries allow you to quickly find the right word, often taking into account morphology and the ability to search for phrases ( usage examples), as well as with the possibility of translating it into other languages.

From a technical point of view, an electronic dictionary is a computer database that contains specially encoded dictionary entries that allow you to quickly search for the right words (phrases, phrases).

In order to determine which dictionary most accurately meets the requirements of a modern student in preparation for an English lesson (traditional, aka paper) or electronic, I decided to conduct a survey among students in the 6th grade of our school and a small experiment among students of my English subgroup.

I interviewed 50 people. The children were asked the following questions:

1. What / what dictionaries do you currently use in preparation for English lessons?
2. What size should a dictionary be in terms of ease of use not only at home, but also in class at school?
3. Which dictionary do you like to use more? Why?
- paper
- electronic

4. What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of an electronic dictionary?

5. List the main disadvantages of a paper dictionary.

6. What electronic dictionaries would you recommend to your classmates when preparing for English lessons?

The results of the survey, slightly edited by us, showed the following:

Firstly , you do not need to carry huge volumes with you from home to school, and from school to home. Online dictionaries are always where the Internet is, and, therefore, at hand.

Secondly , you do not need to cover yourself with dictionaries from head to toe and spend time first searching for the desired volume, and then on the same lengthy searches for the word you are interested in.One CD contains information that is stored in several volumes of the book dictionary.

Third , there is a real possibilitysimultaneous search not only by the name of the dictionary entry, but also by the entire huge volume of dictionaries, which is simply unrealistic in the paper version.

Fourth, electronic dictionaries not only contain transcription, but can also pronounce words.

Fifth , in electronic dictionaries, contains a greater number of neologisms, since the language is a reflection of the real life of people, their culture. All new vocabulary cannot be adequately reflected in "paper" dictionaries for the simple reason that they take too long to develop. In fact, many dictionaries that were formed in the linguistic atmosphere of the middle of the century are very outdated. They are not listed modern meanings old words, and many new words are simply missing. This has become especially evident with the development of the Internet: most of the Web pages consist of English texts written by a living modern language using colloquial vocabulary and slang. Decide this task can only use electronic dictionaries. For bulk software products, which are electronic dictionaries, are characterized by frequent change of versions and the presence of a constant feedback with thousands of users.

The disadvantages of the electronic dictionary were called:

  • Internet addiction. It will be impossible to translate the word if the Internet goes down at the wrong time.
  • attachment to a personal computer and therefore limited availability.
  • many dictionaries require certain software tools, without which it is impossible to install the dictionary.
  • it is not always worth trusting a word pronounced by an electronic dictionary without controlling transcription.The synthesizer may incorrectly emphasize or even distort

word pronunciation.

5) The main disadvantages of a paper dictionary:

  • volume;
  • inconvenience in use;

In a paper dictionary, you have to turn pages for a long time to find the right word. The search can be quite tedious.

6. The main source of translation of words from English into Russian and vice versa, the guys for the most part name various applications and communities from the VKontakte group, which, as a rule, provide a link to

various dictionaries online.

The experimental part of my work was as follows: the guys from my English subgroup were divided into 2 small groups by lottery. The participants of the experiment were asked to translate the same passage of previously unfamiliar text using electronic and paper dictionaries for a certain period of time.

Thus, it was clearly possible to see how the guys coped with the task. After half the time, the guys were asked to switch roles. Everyone had a chance to experience the advantages and disadvantages of both the traditional dictionary and the electronic dictionary.

Nevertheless, in this struggle for the right to be the best, the electronic dictionary won, since the text translated with its help was completed much earlier.

At the end of the experiment, the guys shared their feelings,

and we all decided to create our own catalog of electronic dictionaries for their further use by students in preparation for English lessons. Here's what we got (see Appendix No. 1).


I think that with the aim of our work, we have coped with the tasks set for ourselves, we have also solved. We analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of paper and electronic English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries from the point of view of grade 6 students using a questionnaire and the experimental part of the work, compiled a catalog of electronic dictionaries and received an answer to main question: which dictionary is better? The most effective in preparing students for English lessons is an electronic dictionary. This is not surprising, since global computerization is becoming more and more massive every year. Surprise no one with a laptop, tablet or smartphone. in active use and e-books. But, if suddenly you feel sad, or there is still enough time to submit the translation of the text on time, do not be lazy, open the good old dictionary and enjoy the rustle of paper-smelling pages.

An electronic (automatic) dictionary is a dictionary in a special machine format that functions as part of a computer software. Today, electronic versions of various dictionaries are widely distributed. Unlike traditional dictionaries, an electronic dictionary, along with text and graphics, can contain a whole range of media objects, including video and animation fragments, sound, music, and so on.

All electronic dictionaries can be divided into two types:

    end-user automatic dictionaries (they will be discussed in this section);

    automatic dictionaries for text processing programs (these are information retrieval thesauri, frequency dictionaries, rubricators, classifiers, morphological analysis dictionaries; dictionaries for machine translation), which include detailed information about the morphological, syntactic and semantic features of the functioning of a word. The number of zones of dictionary entries in such dictionaries varies from 1 to 100. Each zone contains a special type of dictionary information: lemma, grammatical information or stylistic marks, zones of meaning and interpretation. In electronic dictionaries, the number of zones is greater than in ordinary paper ones.

An important feature of the electronic dictionary is its hypertext device. Links embedded in words, phrases, or pictures allow the user to select text or picture and immediately display related information and media. The relationship between the components of a dictionary entry is not linear. The dictionary entry has a clear logical structure with hierarchical links between elements. Each information category occupies a strictly fixed place here - the so-called "zone". The user, showing interest in this or that information, requests a certain parameter and gets access to individual fragments of the article. As requested, only a single zone is activated, so there is no need to view the entire article. Consequently, the creators of an electronic dictionary can provide a fairly large number of dictionary entries, allowing the user to easily and quickly obtain any information he needs, and the problems of the alphabetical arrangement of dictionary entries for the mass user are of no fundamental importance.

Electronic dictionaries have significant advantages over their paper counterparts, which is manifested in the rapid growth of the corresponding market. An electronic dictionary can fundamentally bypass the key contradiction of book lexicography: the more information a dictionary offers, the more developed its scientific apparatus, the more difficult it is to use it. Therefore, classical dictionaries are divided into two categories. The first is popular, relatively convenient, but quite simple. The second is detailed academic publications, which do not always allow you to quickly get the information you are looking for. Modern electronic dictionaries are not only much larger than book dictionaries, but they also find the desired word or phrase in a few seconds.

At the same time, we are not talking about the automatic selection of a translation equivalent (if we are talking about a translation dictionary). Dictionary response can provide very diverse information about a word or phrase, and not just a translation match, involves the user's active choice from several possible well-founded alternatives. An electronic dictionary can be bidirectional or more, that is, it can translate words in both directions and even from one language to another through a third.

Availability also plays a big role. Not in every major Russian city you can find paper editions of large foreign dictionaries. At the same time, there are a significant number of free Internet projects (both domestic and foreign) representing a variety of lexicographic materials. The second and no less important aspect of accessibility is the price: most domestic dictionaries distributed on CD/DVD-ROM are much cheaper than their paper counterparts. Attractive factors for the user are also the interactivity of modern electronic dictionaries, their relevance, updating, user-friendly interface.

In fact, many dictionaries that were formed in the linguistic atmosphere of the middle of the last century are very outdated. New industries, science, business, culture. In normal colloquial speech new words, terms, stable phrases come. They do not indicate the modern meanings of old words, and many new words are simply missing, since paper dictionaries take too long to prepare. Electronic dictionaries can be updated promptly.

But, of course, the most important advantage of good electronic dictionaries is the simultaneous search not only by the name of the dictionary entry, but also by the entire huge volume of interpretations of the dictionary, which is not possible in the paper version. Such a search creates a multidimensional portrait of the word, while specific examples of its use and set expressions in which the word occurs are extracted from the depths of the dictionary entry. It is very important that electronic dictionaries use the latest achievements in lexicography. Each value in the electronic dictionary is accompanied by synonyms, antonyms, usage examples, linguistic information. It is convenient that without leaving the main article, you can open windows of synonyms, antonyms, etc. and study them at the same time.

However, the development of electronic dictionary databases, as well as the creation of paper dictionaries, is a laborious task, and licensing of ready-made dictionaries is very expensive.

To date, electronic dictionaries of various publishers have become widespread in Russia: Lingvo (ABBYY Software House), Multilex (MediaLingua), Polyglossum (ETS - "Electronic and Traditional Dictionaries"), Context (Informatic), PROMT (PROMT) and many other. These dictionaries are largely universal, but at the same time each of them tends to a certain niche.

The two most famous electronic dictionaries are Lingvo by Abbyy and MultiLex by MediaLingva. The specialists who create these dictionaries profess different views on the principles of electronic lexicography. When developing MultiLex dictionaries, MediaLingua adheres to a strategy that consists in creating digital copies of well-known book publications. The electronic dictionaries from this company are based on authoritative modern dictionaries of the leading Russian publishing houses. MultiLex dictionaries are improved copies of their printed originals. They consistently reproduce the contents of the printed dictionaries, including the prefaces of the authors of the original editions and related reference materials. The volume of the original dictionary is indicated as the volume of the dictionary. Users have at their disposal powerful and varied search tools (recognition of words and expressions in all grammatical forms, search for idioms, expressions, usage examples, alphabetical search with a hint). When working with MultiLex dictionaries, accurate and complete dictionary information is provided (transcription, branch and stylistic marks, stress, interpretations, examples).

The MediaLingua approach also has disadvantages, since a rigid binding to a paper prototype does not make it possible to correct and supplement the electronic dictionary, and even more so to change the structure of the dictionary entry. Traditional dictionaries are quite seriously behind the linguistic reality - usually it is at least ten years. And electronic dictionaries can be replenished almost daily.

Abbyy took a different path. The basis of Lingvo is an electronic dictionary of its own design. Each new version of Lingvo is supplemented with up-to-date vocabulary, and the found errors and inaccuracies are corrected in it. Thus, thanks to lexicographic research, the Abbyy English-Russian dictionary is close to language practice. Dictionaries "Lingvo" are not exact copies of paper counterparts. So, as sources for the preparation of the economic dictionary "LingvoEconomics" seven dictionaries of various authors are indicated. Products of the Abbyy Lingvo line have long been deservedly popular with users due to the completeness and modernity of the lexical base, ease of use, and search speed.

Electronic dictionaries not only contain transcription, but can also pronounce words. Here, too, there are two approaches. MultiLex has a built-in sound synthesizer and all words are pronounced. However, it is dangerous to fully trust such an approach without controlling it by transcription. The synthesizer may incorrectly place the stress or even distort the pronunciation of the word. In Abbyy Lingvo, the main vocabulary is voiced by an announcer with an Oxford pronunciation, which is considered classical for the English language.

Databases "Polyglossum" are formed from a single source with paper dictionaries produced by the publishing house and are equipped with an advanced data indexing system that allows full-text search in any direction. The volume of dictionaries is indicated in "terms", which takes into account the features and new features of electronic versions of dictionaries. The number of "terms" is equal to the number of unique dictionary entries. Set combinations, idioms, etc. are considered a single whole, and translation options are considered separate occurrences. Among the "Polyglossum" dictionaries there are paper dictionaries translated into electronic format without the right to make changes. There are paper dictionaries in respect of which the ETS publishing house has the rights for further development (updating, amendments and interpretations), as well as publication in any form. There are electronic dictionaries that have no paper counterparts. Dictionaries "Polyglossum" are an excellent working tool for a professional technical translator, engineer, scientist. The ETS publishing house is the undisputed leader in terms of the number, variety and accuracy of industry and technical dictionaries. The spectrum of languages ​​of the ETS dictionaries is clearly focused on the countries of northern Europe, which have close ties with Russia.

Electronic dictionaries "Context" are prepared and updated by the lexicographic department of the company "Informatik" based on the materials of printed and author's dictionaries. They are organized in such a way that working with them is as quick and convenient as possible.

The basis of each article is a set of synonymous words or phrases in two languages. Each of the synonyms is treated as a unit that can serve as a search keyword. Synonyms can be marked (part of speech, transcription, etc.). The article may contain examples of translations of phrases that are also considered as search units. The volume of dictionaries is calculated in search units per synonyms and does not include examples, although examples are also searched. "Context" is convenient for foreigners studying Russian; thanks to recognition of the entered words in any form, it is good for getting help without distracting from the main lesson, but translators are primarily considered its audience. The main advantages of "Context" from the point of view of translation can be considered a fairly large set of thematic dictionaries, the search for phrases in any form and the ability to show a list of translations of all phrases with a word of interest in the dictionary.

Different dictionaries use completely different approaches and, accordingly, methods for representing dictionary data. As a result, the volumes of the dictionaries included in them are indicated in different ways: in dictionary entries, search terms, or "units". "Entry" corresponds to an ordinary dictionary entry in alphabetical search (as in a paper dictionary). However, the number of dictionary entries as an indicator of volume is a very misleading value. In practice, the number of possible questions to which the dictionary contains answers is significant.

To date, in stores specializing in the sale software, you can find a number of dictionaries and encyclopedias on CD. Of course, dictionaries and encyclopedias are also widely represented on the Russian Internet - from large projects to no less interesting thematic dictionaries created and updated by enthusiasts.

One of the most popular online dictionary portals on the Russian Web is flndex IRS. Dictionaries ( The portal translates both into and from English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian. In addition to general vocabulary dictionaries, medical, legal, technical and many other reference books are offered. The portal is very simple and easy to use.

The portal ( presents dictionaries in seven languages. Online directories include both general vocabulary and medical, economic, as well as dictionaries of terms for the oil and gas industries, solar energy and other industry dictionaries.

There are online dictionaries on the IPS Rambler - Dictionaries ( The choice of languages ​​on the portal is still small: English and German.

Now electronic dictionaries on personal pocket computers (SlovoED/Multilex, Abbyy Lingvo, Pocket Context, Absolute Word Roadlingua, Diet, VVS Dictionary, Pocket Multitran, Pocket Promt, etc.) are becoming more and more popular.

Hello! Let's talk about paper dictionaries in this article! Let's try to find out what it is - a long-forgotten past or an actual present? Let's find out and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using good old paper dictionaries. Let's look at what dictionaries are, what types and sizes. Let's review some of the top, well-proven specimens. Let's start with the benefits.

"A book is a gift that you can open again and again."
— Garrison Keillor

Advantages of paper dictionaries

  • The main advantage of paper dictionaries is that while you are looking for the right word, you spend more time on it, scrolling through the pages, skimming through dictionary entries, magic happens - the word is better remembered. Some teachers recommend using only electronic dictionaries, but it turns out that they forget about this effect. However, not everything is so obvious here. The most effective is the combination of using paper dictionaries with electronic ones. For example, not all analogues of good quality paper dictionaries are available in in electronic format, this feature must also be taken into account.
  • Paper dictionaries come in a variety of sizes, ranging from pocket dictionaries that are convenient to have on hand and use anywhere, regardless of Internet access or electricity. And ending with huge, heavy Talmuds in several volumes, which can contain hundreds of thousands of words.
  • An important advantage of using paper dictionaries is that usually paper dictionaries are compiled by professionals on the basis of proven and reliable sources of information. Paper types of information media are usually primary, so the articles in them are better composed and are the primary source. Dictionary entries contain complete information, all grammatical forms, set expressions used with each word. When searching for the desired word in a paper dictionary, other words located in the neighborhood are also remembered in parallel.
  • When working with a paper dictionary, the eyes are less tired, and a peculiar, imperceptible at first glance, useful exercise is automatically performed. The eyes quickly run from place to place in search of the right word, which has a beneficial effect on the prevention of vision, giving exercise to our eyes. It is worth mentioning that the very reading and perception of information from paper is more relaxed for perception.

Disadvantages of paper dictionaries

  • Of course, paper dictionaries should not be idealized. They also have significant drawbacks. Take, for example, the content of dictionary entries. Their updates are slow. A sufficient amount of time may pass between releases of publications, and a crept error will be corrected only later.
  • If you need to find words, then you will not be able to do it quickly. And this is the main disadvantage of paper dictionaries.
  • If you have several dictionaries, then they take up a lot of space, and you can’t take them with you on a business trip or to a meeting. They deprive of speed and mobility, which are simply catastrophically needed in the modern world.

Dictionary types

Paper dictionaries can be divided into three main types. These are English-English, Russian-English, English-Russian. Let's take a look at the first one.


English-English dictionaries are explanatory dictionaries, only in English. For example, in it you can find the following article:

a book — a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.

Those. word and its interpretation in English. How useful are such dictionaries? Let's find out. These dictionaries are also called monolingual. A monolingual dictionary is very useful for understanding the target language. This dictionary can convey the meaning of the word much more accurately, especially the meaning of verbs. If the dictionary has an abundance of examples, then it is not the Russian meaning of the word that is remembered, but all English phrases in their entirety and various options. desired application. This is important, because shades of meaning, and sometimes whole words, differ significantly in Russian and English. Of course, to read this type of dictionaries, preparation is needed, but it more than pays off in the future. For beginners, it is better not to use this type of dictionaries up to a certain level, it can be quite difficult and discourage you from doing it at all.

The Oxford Dictionary of English is considered the leader among English-English dictionaries. The folk trail will not grow to it, it is one of the best English dictionaries, it is very popular among both students and those who speak English fluently. What is remarkable is that this dictionary tracks the usage of over 600,000 English words used over the past 1000 years. Dictionary English-English, i.e. additionally makes you strain, learn new words; historical - explains the origin of the word, how it developed, what meanings it had or could have, where it came from in English and how its meaning has changed. With this dictionary, you can become a real guru in learning English!


Everyone is familiar with English-Russian dictionaries. His dictionary entry looks like this:

book 1. n. 1) book (a material object consisting of a cover, pages, etc.), volume

Let's take a closer look at typical representatives of this type of dictionaries.

  • Muller's Dictionary
    An excellent, fairly capacious English-Russian dictionary, especially good for beginners, not cumbersome, contains about 160,000 words with use cases, examples, reprinted many times, quite relevant.
  • Apresyan's New Big English-Russian Dictionary - 3 volumes
    Here is how the authors themselves describe it: “The new Big English-Russian Dictionary in three volumes contains about 250 thousand lexical units, 350 thousand meanings, 200 thousand examples of usage, 700 thousand translations and is the most complete of the existing English-Russian dictionaries . The dictionary was created by a large team of authors on the basis of the Great English-Russian Dictionary, edited by I.R. Galperin. The dictionary is intended for specialists in the field of English, translators, people working with English language and reading English-language literature in the original, as well as for foreign specialists involved in the Russian language.
  • Large universal English-Russian dictionary. Shpakovsky, Shpakovskaya
    This dictionary is perfect for those who are just starting their journey in mastering English. As the main feature, one can single out the presence of transcription in Russian, as well as the fact that this dictionary is one of the few that has such a function. More specifically, the transcription itself is equipped with an accent mark, which is important when pronouncing words, because an incorrectly placed stress can simply distort the word you uttered.
  • English-Russian Dictionary, ed. O.S. Akhmanova
    The dictionary has compact and extended (2 volumes) versions. The compact version contains 20,000 words and is rightfully considered a classic of lexicography.


  • Muller's English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary
    This dictionary is slightly less informative than its English-Russian counterpart. But, despite this, it is quite convenient and practical, you can easily translate words from Russian into English, and vice versa.
  • Russian-English visual dictionary Corbeil, Archambault
    This dictionary is for beginners. It contains pictures, which helps to remember the words better. The dictionary is suitable for all ages. It causes only pleasant emotions and a desire to learn the language further. There is really a lot of information in the dictionary, the blocks are arranged according to the thematic principle, the search for words is not difficult.
    But as one significant minus, I would like to note the small format of the book and, as a result, a very small font. This slightly complicates its use, but does not overshadow all its advantages.

Of course, a great variety of paper dictionaries have been published. There are also a lot of dictionaries highly specialized on a specific topic, for example, economics, law, technology, etc. These dictionaries greatly facilitate the learning process for people working in a particular field. A great relief and help in learning a foreign language are also dictionaries attached to a particular textbook. A separate item is reference books that not only explain the meaning of the word, but also explain the specifics of its use, more subtle nuances that are useful even for the pros. However, this is a conversation for another article. Choose what you like, use effective tools. And do not forget that everything is useful in moderation.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Cotton, hebash; bureaucratic, stationery, stationery Dictionary of Russian synonyms. paper 1. see cotton. 2. see... Synonym dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

1. PAPER1, paper, paper. 1. adj. to paper1. Paper production. paper crisis. || Made from paper. Paper lantern. Paper money. 2. trans. Existing only on paper, not implemented in practice (book newspapers, neod.). "We… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

PAPER, oh, oh. 1. see paper. 2. trans. Office bureaucratic. Paperwork. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

1. PAPER, oh, oh. 1. to Paper (1 digit). Second factory. B. warehouse. Second production. // Made from paper. Used napkins. Used flowers. Publish a paperback book. New money, banknotes (state-issued banknotes, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

paper- — [] Topics information security EN paper … Technical Translator's Handbook

I adj. 1. ratio with noun. paper I associated with it 2. Peculiar to paper [paper I 1.], characteristic of it. 3. Made, made of paper [paper I 1.]. 4. open Color reminiscent of paper [paper I 1.]; pale. II adj. unfold 1 … Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper, paper,… … Word forms

paper- papery ... Russian spelling dictionary


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  • Paper ruble and other works, Sharapov S. Paper ruble (his theory and practice) and other works. With an afterword by Valentin Katasonov. Sergei Fedorovich Sharapov (1856-1911) - a representative of the late Slavophiles, one of the most ...
