The polar region is purple. Pipeline system "Zapolyarye-Purpe"

The Bovanenkovo ​​– Ukhta-2 gas pipeline and two Transneft oil pipelines Zapolyarye – Purpe and Kuyumba – Taishet were solemnly put into operation today in Yamal and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The launch command was given via video link by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The pipelines will ensure gas supply to Unified system gas supply (UGSS) of the Russian Federation, as well as the reception of oil from recently exploited fields of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YNAO) and Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Before the ceremony, the president said that the three pipelines would significantly expand the capabilities of the entire oil and gas industry. In addition, they will help further development Russian regions. Of course, first of all, new transport routes will help ensure and increase the supply of hydrocarbons for export.

“It is obvious to everyone that the need for energy resources, of course, both in our country due to economic growth and in the world, will only grow. The demand for hydrocarbon raw materials will also increase. In order to be prepared for market expansion, it is necessary to make investment decisions in a timely manner, which is what we did on these projects,” Putin emphasized. – And when planning further work, we need to respond most carefully not only to what is happening on the world energy markets, but also to look at the dynamics of the development of our own Russian economy. So that we never have restrictions on economic growth due to any shortage of energy resources and related infrastructure.”

The head of state also praised the pipeline builders, noting that all three projects were implemented “at the highest professional level.” Putin said that during construction, despite the difficult climatic conditions, all environmental requirements were met. In addition, modern domestic technology was used.

Bovanenkovo ​​– Ukhta-2

The Bovanenkovo-Ukhta-2 pipeline, like the existing Bovanenkovo-Ukhta pipeline, will deliver gas from the largest Bovanenkovo ​​oil and gas condensate field in Yamal to the UGSS. Its length is 1.2 thousand kilometers. Among other things, new pipeline will help fill both lines of the Nord Stream 2 under construction with fuel.

To do this, it is necessary to supplement the so-called Northern Gas Corridor with a gas pipeline. Gazprom already started construction of this line in 2015.

Explored and preliminary estimated gas reserves at the Bovanenkovskoye oil, gas and condensate field amount to 4.9 trillion cubic meters. Industrial development of this fishery began in 2012.

Polar region – Purpe

The oil pipelines that were solemnly launched today are, in principle, already functioning. For example, Transneft began filling the Arctic Circle - Purpe with raw materials back in April last year, but this process was lengthy and lasted for six months. At the beginning of December, Transneft began pumping oil through this pipeline without setting a tariff. Later the tariff was approved at 399 rubles per ton.

Zapolyarye - Purpe - according to experts, the northernmost main oil pipeline with a capacity of 45 million tons per year and a length of 488 km. Its resource base is the Urengoy group of Gazprom fields; Suzunskoye, Tagulskoye, Russkoye, Russko-Rechenskoye fields of Rosneft; Messoyakha and East Messoyakha fields, developed by Rosneft and Gazprom Neft; as well as the Pyakyakhinskoye field of LUKOIL. The Zapolyarye–Purpe pipeline connected these fields with the Eastern Siberia–Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline system.

The main pumping volumes (up to 78%) were contracted by Transneft. According to preliminary agreements, the operating company intends to annually supply up to 10 million tons of oil to Rosneft, as well as up to 7.4 million tons of oil to Messoyakhaneftegaz, up to 3.1 million tons to LUKOIL, and up to 3.1 million tons to Gazprom. and 1.3 million tons of SeverEnergia.

The highway passes through the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs. The route of the route for the most part passes through swampy terrain, with areas of continuous and discontinuous permafrost. The cost of the entire project, according to the head of Transneft, Nikolai Tokarev, is more than 200 billion rubles.

“1.5 thousand jobs have been created. About 3 billion rubles in taxes will be allocated to budgets of all levels,” Tokarev noted at the pipeline launch ceremony.

Kuyumba – Tayshet

The Kuyumba – Taishet oil pipeline connected the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye and Kuyumbinskoye fields in the Krasnoyarsk Territory with an oil pumping station in Taishet and then with the ESPO oil pipeline. In November 2016, Rosneft began pumping raw materials from the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field into the pipeline system. In 2018, Kuyumba will also join.

The implementation of the Kuyumba-Tayshet project includes two stages. The first involves the construction of a linear part, two oil pumping stations (OPS) with a total tank volume of 160 thousand cubic meters, the creation of a central repair service and a production support base in the Boguchansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the expansion of the main oil pumping station-1 “Tayshet”. The throughput capacity of the oil pipeline at this stage will be 8.6 million tons of oil per year.

The second stage provides for the construction of two more oil pumping stations (PS-3 and PS-4) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Irkutsk Region. The volume of transportation of raw materials will gradually increase and should reach 9.9 million tons by 2023, and from 2024 - 11 million tons per year. In the future throughput The Kuyumba – Taishet oil pipeline will reach 15 million tons of oil per year.

The total length of this pipeline is about 700 kilometers. Its construction cost 124.2 billion rubles. :///

The investment project for the construction of the Zapolyarye – Purpe oil pipeline is being implemented to transport oil from the fields of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, including the Vankor field, to Russian refineries and for export.
The project is being implemented on the basis of government orders Russian Federation dated 04/22/2010 No. 635-r successively in two stages as new fields are developed and equipped. The route passes through the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrugs Tyumen region.

First stage(the Purpe-Samotlor main oil pipeline with a capacity of 25 million tons of oil per year and a length of 429 km) was put into operation in 2011.
Second stage(the Zapolyarye-Purpe main oil pipeline with a capacity of 45 million tons per year and a length of 488 km) is being implemented in several stages from south to north:
Stage I - section from the town of Tarko-Sale to the village of Purpe;

Stage II - section from the village. Novozapolyarny to Tarko-Sale with completion in the 4th quarter of 2015;

Stage III - section from the Zapolyarye State Oil and Gas Station to the village. Novozapolyarny with completion in the 4th quarter of 2016.

The oil pipeline is being laid in the complex landscape of the northern regions of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: the route for the most part passes through swampy terrain (swamp crossings are more than 250 km), there are areas of continuous and discontinuous permafrost soils, the pipeline will cross 21 highways, 90 water barriers, including including such large rivers as the Pur and Taz.

That is why the facilities of the Purpe – Samotlor oil pipeline have concentrated all the advanced achievements of science in the field of pipeline oil transport. The latest technological and technical solutions, modern equipment, high-quality components and equipment were used during construction. The new highway is designed to provide reliable, efficient, economically and environmentally justifiable transport of hydrocarbon raw materials in conditions of northern latitudes and permafrost soils with minimal impact on the local natural environment: overpass construction is being implemented, and passes are provided on deer paths.

Currently, the first section of the pipe between the town of Tarko-Sale and the village of Purpe has been completed, General Director of Sibnefteprovod OJSC Yuri Bogatenkov announced this at a press conference. The first pipes of the new oil pipeline were welded in March 2012. By January 2013, builders had “connected” 46 kilometers into a single string, of which 36.6 kilometers were for underground and 9.3 kilometers for above-ground installation. To date, 28 kilometers of pipe have been laid in the trench, 3.6 kilometers on special supports. The underwater crossing of the main oil pipeline across the Purpe River has been built using the traditional trench method, and the company is starting the second phase of construction.

It should be noted that for transportation, viscous northern oil must be heated to 60 degrees. Oil heating points will be built along the entire route for these purposes. There are two of them within the first stage; in total, it is planned to construct seven similar points.

Along the pipeline route, the Purovskaya taiga will gradually be replaced by the Tazovskaya tundra.

Excavation work on the highway.

To the north of the village of Purpe, there are already islands of frozen soil; to prevent the warm pipe from melting it, trestle laying technology is being implemented - the pipeline is raised above the ground on special supports. On the 46-kilometer section between the village of Purpe and the town of Tarko-Sale, 3.6 km were built using this technology. routes, there are two more similar oil pipelines in the world, in Alaska and Vankor.

Pulling a siphon at the underwater crossing of the Purpe River

The oil pumping station "Purpe" near the village of the same name is under the jurisdiction of the Noyabrsk Main Oil Pipeline Administration. The station began operating in 2011 as part of the completed Purpe - Samotlor project; as part of the new project, an oil heating point was built here and the tank farm was expanded.

P.S. On February 6, OJSC Sibnefteprovod began construction of oil pumping station No. 2 on the Zapolyarye - Purpe oil pipeline. The station is being built in the Korotchaevo area by the contracting organization Velesstroy LLC. Preparatory work to clear the site for future facilities began at the end of last year. Now the assembly of the rotational residential camp is in full swing. This time, builders abandoned the use of traditional shift trailers in favor of residential mobile buildings. An administrative and amenity complex, a canteen, and two dormitories for workers have already been installed. In a few days the laundry and women's dormitory will be ready.
Currently, static tests of piles for tanks are being carried out at the production facility. A total of twelve tanks are planned to be built. Two of them - with a capacity of five thousand cubic meters - for releasing a shock wave. According to the approved schedule, the new oil pumping station is planned to be put into operation in October 2015.

Arctic vector

The investment project for the construction of the Zapolyarye-Purpe pipeline system in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is actually entering the home stretch. Oil transportation through the pipeline will begin in the fall of 2016. Distinctive feature This main oil pipeline differs from those already in operation due to the construction method: a significant part of the pipe is laid above the ground on special supports. The deputy told us about the uniqueness and pace of implementation of the project general director, Director of the Construction Directorate investment project"TS Zapolyarye - Purpe" JSC "Transneft-Siberia" Mikhail Sayapin.

– Mikhail Vasilievich, what are the main tasks that the efforts of the Investment Project Construction Directorate and builders are currently focused on?

– I would like to note that the linear part of the Zapolyarye – Purpe oil pipeline has been fully constructed and tested for strength. The end point of the pipeline is also ready for operation - the Pur-Pe-3 oil pumping station. Construction is nearing completion
and commissioning work on
oil pumping stations No. 1 and 2, oil heating points.

In April of this year, we began filling the pipeline with oil. This process is currently ongoing. We have already filled the first and second stages of the linear part from the Pur-Pe-3 pumping station to the intermediate pumping station No. 2 with oil. Partially the NPS-2 technology is also completed, currently underway preparatory work the second stage of filling the station's tank farm with oil. After this, we will begin filling the linear part of the third stage of the oil pipeline. Next stage– filling the main oil pumping station No. 1.

Filling is a critical moment, ensuring 100% readiness of the entire pipeline infrastructure. We prepared thoroughly for this stage: we carried out all the comprehensive checks, tests, and diagnostics. In addition to the fact that we monitored welding work throughout the entire linear part: radiographic, ultrasonic, we also separately checked sections highest category– these are underwater crossings, intersections with cars and railways, where additional double control of all joints was carried out. The passage of instruments gave us complete information on the technological state of the pipe and confirmed the quality of the work. The operation of linear equipment was also checked. With the help automated systems control and telemechanics, we already have the ability to automatically control valves and monitor all pipeline parameters.

– What is unique about the Zapolyarye – Purpe oil pipeline?

– A similar pipeline operates in Alaska. We took a lot of things from there. We saw the pipeline working on frozen soils. The need for their thermal stabilization was clearly understood. In Tyumen, this technology is offered by the Fundamentstroyarkos company. They have extensive experience in the production of thermal stabilizers. Without thermal stabilization, the bearing capacity of Arctic soils is reduced to almost zero. At above-zero temperatures they turn not even into a swamp, but into mush. In addition, our pipeline will be “hot”. Yamal oil has a high viscosity, solidifies at temperatures below +14 degrees Celsius, and in order to pump it, it needs to be heated to +60. For this purpose, heating points have been built along the pipeline. There are eight of them on our route. And in order to prevent the permafrost soil from thawing, we lift the pipe onto supports above the ground and pack it in thermal insulation.

When we started work in 2011-2012, we had an experimental site where we tested all the technologies necessary for the construction of the pipeline. A lot had to start from scratch. For example, there were no supports that were designed for use in arctic conditions using thermal stabilization. They were developed in scientific institute Transneft company, conducted tests in real conditions. There was no ready-made solutions on the use of pipeline supports. When oil flows through a pipe, the pipeline moves slightly. Therefore, we had to take this feature into account at the construction stage, so that during operation the safe operation of the highway would be ensured. We used three types of supports: fixed, which stabilizes and holds the pipeline, longitudinally movable and freely movable supports in order to operate the pipe in conditions of temperature fluctuations. Also, compensators are installed every 500 meters of the external oil pipeline.

Using the technology of thermal stabilization of soils, oil pumping stations were built - the main one and oil pumping station-2, along the route power lines, communication masts, chambers for receiving and launching cleaning and diagnostic equipment, and oil heating points.

At the experimental site we also worked out welding technology. Welders know how to weld below, on the ground, using automatic welding. But here the pipe must be built above the ground. We explored different options: returning to manual welding- but this is a loss in time and quality, the pipe was welded in sections and laid on supports, and special platforms were developed for welders to work at height. As a result, we came to the point that we learned to work at height with automatic welding systems. And now, probably, no one except us can do this.

– Mikhail Vasilyevich, what main difficulties – climatic, geological, infrastructural, etc. – did the Directorate’s employees and builders encounter?

– What is the main difficulty of construction in Yamal? All soils are icy. In any soil, at best, there is 10% ice content. It happens up to 40%. In winter it is unnoticeable. They lay down the soil, compact it, and build something on it. Spring has come, you can’t get anywhere: all the soil has melted. There is another bad property of such soil - minimal filtration. That is, water does not pass through it. It's like sour cream. And it is impossible to build anything on such soil - no roads, no normal sites. The solution was hydraulic sand. And this is a problem again, but a different one. With the winds that blow on Yamal, this is a constant weathering of sand. You fly in a helicopter and see: the tundra is covered with sand. And this causes complaints local residents. Sand settles on moss. Deer use this moss to wear out their teeth. So it's not that simple. You need to secure the sand with something. How? They began to use biomats, a kind of rolled lawn.

– How did the contractors, those teams that were involved in the construction of the pipeline, perform? Was there a lot of trouble, or were you in a state of comfort?

– If you are completely comfortable with the contractors, it means you are building something wrong. In fact, you are always in a friendly fight with contractors: who will win? For them to make money, but for you it is important to save money and maintain quality. Quality is our top priority. And our construction control is carried out very strictly and continuously. JSC AK Transneft has such a high level of quality control of both construction and installation work and supplied materials that we have repeatedly identified manufacturing defects in pipes. We had to return the products back to the factory. We can rightfully be proud of the quality control of the work carried out. It is not for nothing that AK Transneft JSC declared 2016 the Year of Quality in Construction.

– Were local manufacturers involved in the project? Is it possible to talk about their role in the process of import substitution?

- Undoubtedly. This is “Fundamentstroyarkos”, the pipe thermal insulation plant “Sibpromkomplekt”. For Chelyabinsk Konar, our order for the production of metal structures was simply a gift of fate - the plant received additional resources for the development and diversification of production. Today, on its basis, a plant for the production of main valves has been launched, and this is a completely different level.

– Is it possible to compare this project in terms of design complexity, construction conditions and future operation with such a project as the Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline system?

– At ESPO, I supervised the construction of the section from km 1941 (Tuolba River) to Skovorodino. There were no roads there at all, but I still understood that I was on the mainland. But in Yamal it’s different – ​​there’s a white milky void in all directions, you get lost in reality. Of course, the Zapolyarye-Purpe highway is more complicated both in terms of construction and operation. This is clear. The very composition of the transported oil poses serious challenges for oil pipeline operators and places a very great responsibility on them.

– Mikhail Vasilyevich, with what expectations did you start this project? Did you learn a lot for yourself by participating in its implementation?

– At the end of 2011, we just completed the construction of the Purpe – Samotlor oil trunk pipeline. They had not yet had time to wash the mud from their boots, and they had already begun the construction of the Zapolyarye-Purpe highway. It was difficult. I had to learn a lot. There were doubts and worries. But from the very beginning we firmly knew that we would build the highway within the time frame established by the Government of the Russian Federation. We had to develop and test new construction technologies, including pile driving. At first, they drove 4-5 piles per day and were happy. And then we did the math and saw: if we work at this pace, then our grandchildren will complete the construction of the highway. But we quickly learned, and after a few months we reached a daily step of 150 piles. We learned how to weld pipes using automatic systems at altitude. We learned how to build oil tanks on a pile foundation almost two meters above ground level. We learned a lot during the implementation of this project, and our contractors probably gained even more experience.

– How can you now evaluate the amount of work implemented?

– When a thing is made with high quality, it always looks beautiful. As a builder, looking at an object, I can immediately determine how it was built: good or bad. Our highway has not yet been put into operation, but it is already clear that it was built with the proper quality. Soon, in the fourth quarter of 2016, when the oil pipeline is put into operation, we will see the results of our five-year work in real conditions.


The site of the future PS-3 is located three kilometers from the existing Pur-Pe LPDS. The area of ​​the allocated plot is 32 hectares. The station will include 45 main facilities. Oil storage tanks and retaining water will be built pumping station, dirt filter, pressure control unit, variable-frequency converter, boiler room, diesel power plant, control room with package transformer substation and closed switchgear, indoor equipment parking, service building, fire extinguishing pumping station, fire-fighting water reserve tanks, domestic and drinking water supply pumping station, artillery wells, lightning rods and floodlight masts, automation and fire extinguishing systems, security fencing with integrated system perimeter security, etc. That is, the station will be completely autonomous from the existing Pur-Pe LPDS site.

Currently, the installation of cable racks at the site continues, intended for laying power cables, automation and telemechanics cables, water supply, heating and fire extinguishing pipelines. The builders expect to install the main buildings in the summer and close their thermal circuit in order to ensure the scope of work on winter period By interior decoration and installation of internal engineering communications.

Work on the construction of oil storage tanks is also in full swing. At the station it is planned to build four reservoirs with a volume of 20 thousand m3 each, as well as two RVS-5000 m3 for emergency oil discharge. Currently, work has been completed on constructing 4 of the 6 foundations for the tanks. The start of installation of metal structures is scheduled for May; the procedure for admitting a contractor to welding and installation work is currently underway.

Before the onset of frosts, which in Yamal sometimes begin at the end of summer, builders need to not only build tanks, but also install them hydraulic tests. Currently in construction work About 200 people and about 70 pieces of equipment are involved, but very soon their number will increase significantly. People arrive, change depending on the work being done, and a colossal amount of work is planned for the upcoming warm period. The commissioning of the Pur-Pe-3 pumping station is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2015.

The Zapolyarye-Purpe oil pipeline will connect the Yamal fields with the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean oil pipeline. The length of Zapolyarye-Purpe will be 490 kilometers, with a capacity of 45 million tons per year. In January 2014, Transneft President Nikolai Tokarev announced that the company expected to commission the Zapolyarye-Purpe oil pipeline ahead of schedule - in the first quarter of 2016.
