Kryon. own darkness. Kryon ~ New Sources of Gifts from the Universe Kryon's Message for You

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

This is what my partner calls "home environment". All people are different. And when it comes to spirituality, how much different people, so many types of spirituality. It's personal. Love is personal, accepting things that you can't see based on emotion is personal and therefore there is no unanimity in this room about sameness where everyone has the same point of view about certain things. What is the difference, dear ones, between a religious person and a spiritual person? They both worship God in their own way. A religious person, however, follows the rules that have established what they believe and that their belief is correct and has been passed down to others in the form of either tradition or history or books. Then they accepted this structure and were willing to follow it. And, in a certain way, they are comfortable in this construction.

The spiritual man has no doctrines. Therefore, a spiritual person must work on his development: where he will go, what he will do, what he believes in, what he does not believe in, what makes sense and what does not. It's more difficult. And so we start again from the basics, as we do every time. In today's first message, we're asking a question related to a very small teaching, the question, "Seating here in all your glory, from the height of your years, are you comfortable knowing how things work"? Could there be some recognition of the maturity that you have lived for a while, when you began to see confirmation that you do not know much of what is around you? This is a world in which scientists discover new realities. Realities that are so strange that you could see so many strange things if you were in one of those realities. And what is the recognition from scientists that there is so much more than what we grew up with as humans - you, my partner, and those who came before you.

If this is true and you see it in physics, what do you think can exist when it comes to Spirit, Creator, God, the existence of others that you cannot see? All people are different. Have I ever told you that the human mind is unable to decipher multidimensional things. And when they come before you, the human mind must perceive them in terms of what it knows, not in terms of what it does not know. And so he makes every effort to recognize what he sees and give a personal color to what may be in front of him. And it started a long time ago.

Moses saw a bush engulfed in flames. “I'm worried about how the angel feels. It could not be better for him than to create light, and light can only be created with the fire behind him. It's great, it will never end." That's how Moses' mind worked, that's all he could see. And the burning bush has been preserved in history as a burning bush. If only I could explain what it really was. It's the same thing that people face all the time. What does an angel look like? If something like an angel? Is there a mind outside of yours? Is there intelligence outside of you? Does the Creator come to you, and if so, is he specific? And I told you - this system is known to everyone. Even those who preach a certain religion have a system that confirms that in some way a person is a carrier of a part of the Creator within. In linearity, the history of creation, which is linear, is all metaphorical and, as we said earlier, this was the time when this piece was given to you and therefore you have information about darkness and light.

If you are a spiritual person this allows you to go beyond the ordinary, free yourself and see more than what you have been told and reconcile your own mind with how much more it can be. And this follows from this - if you have a piece of God, the Creator within you, isn't it logical that, in this case, there is some way of interaction? Most people will answer - Yes, naming intuition, and they will be right. Intuition is not necessarily a product of brain activity. The impulses of the brain, the synapses, are like a computer, they don't give you the gift of foresight. Intuitive thoughts come from places far beyond, we have told you about it, through the pineal gland of your brain to your heart, but most from the field surrounding your DNA. DNA does a lot more than you think, and we've said this many times. Interestingly, it is noticed that all your DNA is absolutely identical and at the same time they are responsible for all human diversity. She is the basis, she creates the cells and, moreover, she stores information and she speaks to them. I also said the following, that it has been proven that the participation of DNA in experiments can change the direction of rotation of an electron in a quantum field. What does this mean for plain language, expensive? For this to happen, DNA must have quantum attributes. There is something beyond the four dimensions in your DNA that leads to these results in experiments.

Next question. If this is indeed the case, then your DNA must be involved in more than you think. What happens when trillions and trillions of DNA molecules form a person? All are completely identical. Is it possible for a field to form from countless identical things that have quantum attributes? And the answer is Merkaba.

I just combined esotericism with science, did you notice? You cannot separate them. In your experiments, you cannot exclude the presence of God in the test equipment. You cannot leave God behind the doors of the physical laboratory. And they begin to intertwine, they begin to reveal to you some of the most spiritual attributes that you have heard about throughout your life, and you could not even think that this is physics, but it is. Because physics is whereby God creates workable things.

If the human Merkaba is created from the field surrounding your DNA, which belongs only to you and no one else, this means that this field of yours is absolutely unique on the planet. Nobody has the same. You say, "Wait a minute, identical twins must have the same Merkaba." And we will answer you - it would seem, from the point of view of DNA, it could be, but my dears, there is also inter-consciousness, free choice, which can change the field, which makes it even more independent from anyone else. You are beautiful, independent, spiritual beings - each and every one of you.

And the reason I'm telling you this is because things change. I told you that Master of Magnetism means something. And until 2012, we never actually discussed it. What does it mean. Some thought it was a big joke - it's pretty funny. How many magnetic angels do you know?

The magnetic field, dear ones, has quantum attributes, just like gravity and light. You are in the earth's magnetic field with your Merkaba, which is multidimensional. Are you starting to understand what I mean? Modification of one modifies another, one changes, the other also changes. 28 years ago I told you I am here to change the magnetic grid. Those who have listened to those messages know that the evidence is not hard to find because the compass will point you to it. And within 10 years, the magnetic grid has shifted a greater distance than it has in the last 100 years. Magnetic heading numbers at airports have been changed due to changes in compass readings around the planet. There were even fears that the magnetic poles could change places, which did not happen. It has happened in the past, but not this time. Those changes prepared you for what is happening now. The shift, dear ones, is bigger than you think, and it's starting to accelerate. And I'm going to tell you about it tonight. I will talk about the state of energy on the planet. People think they will hear predictions. There are no predictions, dear ones. I'll tell you a little about the potentials of what might work better. I will explain to you a little more about what I mentioned a year ago. However, back to the main topic.

There is much more than you know that supports everything you are. There are those who say they can read your health status. And they are called medical predictors. Some are so good at it that it has made them famous. Them successful indicators staggering, more than 70%, when they just look at a person and begin to recognize problems, chemistry, affected organs and no one knows how they do it. Just as long, dear ones, as long as the limitations that you were born with, everything that was said to you suddenly becomes larger and you can clear the shelves of knowledge for new information, instead of shutting yourself down and saying - this is all that exists. And the new information goes like this - what if someone has this amazing multi-dimensional ability whereby they can see what you can't see because it's there. There are so many things, even in your three dimensions, that you cannot see, other wavelengths that you are not tuned in to see. Multidimensionality? Yes, it is visible, it's just inexplicable. Burning Bush.

Throughout human history, people have seen angels. They couldn't explain them. This seems strange to the human mind, and it can only justify what it knows and has great difficulty when something is unfamiliar to it. And if something is presented that cannot be, he will link it to something that can be - a semi-transparent spinning ball filled with fairly transparent light, not having a clear shape - this is just the beginning of what multidimensionality should look like for you. figure. And the strange thing is that this figure, while rotating, can pass through three-dimensional matter without any problems, and this is just good physics, which will show itself in the future. And this is your angel. And then the angel spoke. Now you have a spinning ball filled with transparent energy, which you can barely see, consider and realize yet and speaks to you. And how do people act? I told you. You clothe him in a body shell, add wings and a luminous halo and give him a name - this is an angel. Do you get the logic? You are unable to understand multidimensional forms, figures, energies as they come and go on this planet and you do it in the best way for you.

In Ireland, where my partner has been twice, he spoke of an anomaly in the magnetic grid, much like what you call the Bermuda Triangle. For hundreds of years, this anomaly has made it possible to observe multidimensional things. The Bermuda Triangle is known for its problems mainly with navigation and magnetism, so you can follow the logic. In Ireland, there are little people, fabulous creatures, and not a few of them. It is practically entered in their Parliament, everyone knows about them, everyone is proud of them, some are silent because it is not fashionable, but they are the first to consult researchers fairy creatures when their crops don't come up. This is Ireland. This is how they dealt with the multi-dimensionality that they cannot understand or see. Their brain chose the shape to allow it to happen.

Why am I telling you all this? Because, dear ones, you are well beyond three dimensions. You may not be able to see what is around you, but it is here. I want to ask you to feel what surrounds you. Even the most linear among you should reach a point where you say, “OK. The frame of my faith is what I went through and what I was taught, and that's it. But that's not who I am at all. There are things that have never been told to me because they are unknown and have never been tested because I am not that old.” And this is what I ask you to consider.

I have said many times in the channelings, open up the boundaries of your beliefs by allowing things to come into your life that are far greater than anything you have been told can exist. Break the existing paradigm of what you think about everything by allowing everything to come into your life. I am saying this right now for people who are locked into a tight box of limitations. And if you do this because you are so independent and so unique, everyone has a different experience, but you all have something in common in your life experience - God is within you, whether you believe in him or not. And for the first time, he can connect with what is outside, going beyond your beliefs, your ozone of comfort. And if you do that, then slowly, what we've been talking about will start to happen.

Is it possible to stop your aging, slow it down only with the help of consciousness? The answer is YES. My partner assembled a team of esoteric scientists who brought the program together and all they do is research this impact. And now this is beginning to be reflected in charts and graphs with the help of tools that you invent. Something called wholeness and field - multidimensionality, which is measurable through consciousness. If consciousness becomes part of physics, and it is part of it, can you then see how it can affect your chemistry? We said earlier, back again - what is sudden healing? An inexplicable miracle, there is nothing better, you cannot cause it purposefully, it is impossible, no man has been able to do it - that is why it is a miracle. Dear ones, let's take him to heaven and bless you. This is the consciousness of faith, which changes, destroys the disease inside a person. A person does this on his own with the help of integrity, with the help of a piece of God inside a person, which medical predictors see in your Merkaba. These predictive medics see the multi-dimensional pattern that surrounds you and can do so selectively because the Merkaba is filled with information and one day you will see it with the tools.

This awaits you in the future. Can you imagine the questions that scientists will have answers to when they can see your Merkabah? I'll tell you, first of all they will stop calling it something spiritual. It will be a simple field that they will be able to observe. But strangely enough, in Israel this field has its own name, coming from the prophet Elijah. And it means "Riding", and this, in turn, meant riding a chariot, which marked the protective shell when Elijah ascended. At some point, spirituality and science must merge into one. At some point, all scientists must take a deep breath and say, “The CREATOR (God) is indeed the creator. And we must acknowledge this. We may not understand it, but we must acknowledge it.”

Why do you have 23 pairs of chromosomes when everyone lower on the evolutionary ladder in any chain has 24 pairs? Are you starting to understand? There is more than what our eyes see and what I have just told you, those who call themselves metaphysicians have known and believed for hundreds of years. The essence of why homeopathy works at all is that the consciousness of the healing solution instructs the human body and it obeys and is cured of the disease. This is just an introductory part of the sudden healing explanation. Consciousness is physics. And now you're beginning to understand how your thoughts can literally create big changes, more than any medication, more than any health program. By combining it with the worldview as a whole, you will never get sick, ever.

Did you know that your consciousness itself can protect you from disease? And so the training for this on this planet has started. Understanding that physics and consciousness are connected and that the chemistry of the human body is controllable will start the flywheel of knowledge - what is there in me that I could change? What are the reasons for what is in me instead of taking pills or powders? What can I achieve by improving what I have without changing it? That's why dietary supplements work, dear ones. You understand that they are actually the same homeopathy, just a little more.

These are the things that are changing on the planet. I'm going to tell you more about that tonight, about some of the potentials of what's being sought. It's happening so gradually, so slowly, but it's happening.

Have you seen a burning bush lately? And the answer is that some of you see it every day. You know what surrounds you as you walk out the door, you know that there is much more than just you walking out the door – maybe it's the environment, maybe it's a cloud like an electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus. Maybe you are the same core surrounded by beautiful, multidimensional burning bushes.))

You understand what I mean, you understand what I'm talking about - the potentials of who you are are vastly greater than anything you've been taught or told or even anything you can imagine. These are the things that are changing a person right now, I'm going to talk more about those changes tonight, but in the course of this little message, right now, ask yourself - is there anything more I want to look at? When you do this, you will be able to control everything you have always been able to. Nothing out of place will “cling” to you by itself, because you are the boss, your God inside.

I'll come back. Namaste.

And it is.


Tamara Schmidt

Kryon. Happiness Messages for Each Zodiac Sign

Great book that answered a lot of my questions! Elena B., Petrodvorets

For the first time I read a book where my stellar character and my stellar destiny are exactly described, and not some abstract descriptions of the sign in general! The messages of Kryon helped me understand myself - to understand who I am and why I live on Earth. And most importantly: I now know where to go! Egor N., Korolev

The messages of Kryon are always a warm light in my soul, but this book is special. You read it and feel that these words are addressed specifically to you, it is your soul that they illuminate, it is your heart that induces you to strive towards Goodness, Love and Light. Elina Andreevna, Samara

This book is a true guiding light! T. N., St. Petersburg

Unlike traditional horoscope books, Kryon's messages for each sign of the zodiac are not just a description of the positive and negative qualities and properties of a person, but detailed advice and instructions, given with warmth and love, on how to properly use your strengths and how to deal with weaknesses. This is not a book of horoscopes, this is a real textbook of life! Sergey K., Moscow

This is a book about self-realization, about how to find your place in modern world How to live life in such a way that it is filled with meaning. Ivan V., Simferopol

Introduction Path to the highest destination. your guiding star

Each of us from time to time asks the question: have I chosen the right path in life, am I fulfilling my destiny, am I going exactly where my mission directs me, and does this road lead to happiness? We are all looking for clues, signs, landmarks on our life path. After all, this path is unique for each person, which means that everyone should have their own guidelines. Other people's advice and tips are unlikely to work here!

One of the oldest tools to help people find their own paths in life is astrology. This science has been used by people for thousands of years. It has not lost its relevance even now, in the new time and in the new energies of planet Earth. Astrology to this day is able to provide answers to many of the most important questions for us. True, with significant amendments: since a lot has changed on Earth with the change of energies, astrology also requires new approaches from us.

We have repeatedly asked Kryon questions about how we use astrology, whether we need to make adjustments to the traditional astrological approach to take into account the energies of the new time, and if necessary, what exactly. Kryon did not immediately give a full and detailed answer to this question - he referred to the fact that "the time has not yet come."

The only thing he pointed out was that the former characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac are losing their relevance. They were true for a bygone age when people were too far from returning to their Divinity. But now great amount people - and every day there are more of them - break out of the former, "human" framework. People begin to live on Earth, becoming essentially angels in the flesh. And for angels, horoscopes work differently than for people!

Of course, we were looking forward to when the time would come so that we could find out the details. And now Kryon announced that a whole series of messages dedicated to astrology awaits us! Our joy was genuine, because many of us have long been waiting for at least a hint of that “guiding star” that will illuminate our path and show the right path to ourselves, to higher realization, to finding our destiny and understanding our mission on Earth.

Yes, of course, a person who has entered the path of the Spirit already has his own guidelines, and we do not consider ourselves to be people who wander in the fog, having no idea about the meaning of their life. We bring the Light, we ground the Divine energies, we spiritualize matter, and this is already the destination, the mission, and the highest meaning of life for each of us.

But apart from that, everyone has individual tasks. And often, without fulfilling these individual tasks, it is simply impossible to find the highest meaning and purpose. Yes, the Spirit tells us what our tasks are and pushes us to fulfill them. And yet, more often than not, we perceive these clues as something vague, more like hints and guesses than as specific things to work on. Astrology adds concreteness to these conjectures and helps them find "flesh and blood."

In this sense, astrology should be perceived as an auxiliary tool that helps to clarify what we ourselves knew, but could not understand and comprehend clearly and clearly.

What we only guess about cannot become a stimulus to action. To act, we need a clear knowledge and vision of the goal. And in this sense, astrology is irreplaceable. Why was Kryon so slow to reveal this knowledge to us? Because he was waiting for the Spirit to lead us to this knowledge. We had to first follow the promptings of the Spirit in search of the purpose and meaning of our lives. And only when we needed more specific information, when we couldn't go any further without it, did Kryon say that now we are ready to master such a tool as astrology. Previously, this could have been just entertainment for us, fun - and yet many people use astrology for precisely this purpose.

And only those whom the Spirit has led to questions that require an answer will be able to use the ancient knowledge for its intended purpose - as a tool for gaining higher goals and the higher meaning of one's life!

So, in this book - a series of Kryon messages for each sign of the Zodiac, as well as new information about the properties, goals, purpose, mission of people who in this incarnation were born under one or another sign of the Zodiac.

Why is this information fundamentally new?

For several reasons. Here they are:

♦ Traditional horoscopes were designed for people who lived in the old energy conditions, when the cases of awakening in the Spirit were very rare. That is, these are horoscopes, so to speak, of unawakened people, which reflect how certain properties of nature manifest themselves in a situation where a person does not follow the path of spiritual development.

♦ Traditional horoscopes do not reflect information about how the nature properties of a person born under one or another sign of the Zodiac are transformed during spiritual awakening, and in fact sometimes this means cardinal changes when we are dealing as if with a different personality.

♦ In traditional horoscopes, the highest purpose, mission, the highest meaning of life of a person awakened in the spirit are not reflected. state of the art. For this reason, for many people who have awakened in the Spirit, the old horoscopes stop working.

Kryon in his messages gave us a fundamentally new approach to such a widespread astrological tool as a horoscope according to the signs of the Zodiac. You will learn about what kind of karmic predisposition each sign gives and how to overcome it, how to get rid of the “shadow”, “negative” (although Kryon does not like these words), unwanted manifestations of each sign, how to reach the highest path of realizing your zodiac sign how to get your higher mission and purpose.

Kryon says that by doing all this, we can do the impossible (what is considered impossible in traditional astrology) - namely, to go beyond all the predispositions created by the date of birth, and even if we want to change our zodiac sign, or maybe start to combine in itself signs of several signs, or even all twelve!

Kryon says that nothing is impossible in the new energies of planet Earth - we can change all horoscopes and predictions in the world! But not before we overcome the karma of our current sign and realize the highest mission inherent in it. It is useless to try to change your sign or cancel the influence of the horoscope until you have done so. It is to enable you to do this that Kryon provides the information in this book.

On these pages, as in a regular horoscope, there are twelve sections, according to the number of signs of the Zodiac, and in each of them you will find:

♦ Kryon's message for the representative of this Zodiac sign awakened in the Spirit,

character traits representative of this zodiac sign in the old energies,

♦ karmic tasks of a representative of this sign of the Zodiac (relevant only when he is not yet awakened in the Spirit) and ways to overcome karma,

♦ a meditative exercise to move onto the path of the Spirit and overcome karma,

♦ characteristic features of a representative of this sign of the Zodiac in new energies,

♦ the highest purpose, the highest meaning of life, the mission that opens when the spirit awakens, ♦ a meditative exercise to enter the path of fulfilling the highest mission.

Information and practical exercises are given for repeated study. Do not limit yourself by the time frame for working on this book. Return to text practical tasks again and again, as long as you need. Be sure to comprehend the information, pass it through yourself, check it with the voice of your Spirit, try it on yourself, how to try on a new suit, and if it “presses” somewhere, approach the information creatively: take only what suits you, look for that meaning, which will be clear to you. Kryon asks all of us not to blindly follow anything and not to approach the exercises mechanically, that is, do not do them if there is no understanding and reflection, if you do not feel that this is important and necessary for you.

Kryon only gives information - it does not pretend to be a teacher. Let only your Spirit, your Divinity, be your teacher and mentor. Remember: we already have all the answers inside, and the book only helps us remember and better understand what we ourselves already know.

Kryon's message to representatives of all signs of the Zodiac

The earthly paradise originates in the heart of each of you

Hello dear ones - Kryon is happy to greet all of you who are listening to this message and reading these lines. We are together, we are next to you, and there are no barriers for us - barriers in the form of time and space, since our meetings take place in a single space of love, and in ...

Kryon Messages

Question: Dear Kryon, why is each of your messages so long, almost like a book? Why shouldn't they be more specific and concise? Why do we have to make such long journeys to learn and develop when humanity is so desperate for information? Your endless speculation, in my opinion, only "loads" those who need inspiration on their path of growth. Why don't you simplify your messages? Don't you think that in this case your light and energy will touch more people? Isn't that your goal?

Answer: There is no shortcut to mastery! Sometimes you need to read a book.

From the book Controlled Dreams the author Mir Elena

From the book Me and My Big Cosmos author Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

Kryon's story 496 = The great essence of Man is the spread of light = The most difficult task is correcting oneself (33) = I serve God as a friend of the human soul = Many keys are available to those who seek (48) = "Numeric codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy Answers and Prophecies

by Carroll Lee

Seeing Kryon Question: Dear Kryon, when I was not here, did I ever see Kryon? What do you do when you are not contributing to the creation driven by the process now taking place on Earth? Answer; a) Have you seen me before? Yes. You know me well, you

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Kryon Channels Question: Dear Kryon, is there a woman currently channeling Kryon? If not, is there a special reason for this? Answer: First, let me take your question literally. After that, I will give you the answer in the consciousness and intention with which

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Science in Kryon Q: Dear Kryon, many of the scientific aspects of your books just don't fit in my head, and I've been noticing that I've been skipping those sections altogether for some time now. Can I understand your concepts without loading myself with such information? Answer: My dear,

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Kryon's Past Question: Dear Kryon, here are my questions: Were you little? Did you go through any learning situations to get the knowledge that you have now? Have you gone through the process of becoming like we are in this dimension? You are learning and

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The Kryon Specialization Question: Dear Lee Carroll, you said that Kryon is the name of the earth support group that works with physics. Is it your organization or someone else's? This is very important to me. Answer: This was Kryon's answer when asked, "Who are you?" He said that

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Kryon via Barbara Bessen
Translation - rina

Greetings dear friends, I am KRYON of Magnetic Service.
Welcome to duality, or to put it better, welcome to the visible world of duality. To a world where you still have one foot. This is your world, which you would like to create in a new way, and it is not at all easy, is it? You are often still entangled in the threads of the old patterns that your electromagnetic field misses about who you really are. You are twisting in the ways of the deceptive light of many other lives that thrive in duality. And I would like to cover it closer.
It's been said a lot about you being in a very deep cleansing process, and all of this, whether you've heard it or remembered it, doesn't weigh you down that much. You are now struggling with your own chaos, which rarely listens to you and keeps you tightly trapped in the labyrinth. It's a jumble of your own emotions that makes you say, "I'm fed up, old fears keep coming up. I thought that I had already considered a lot, recognized and decided. But the old always comes to the surface. I just want to live. Without those old feelings." Or do you think, “I really don't understand this. In the evening, I close my eyes to sleep, and the old unpleasant situations of my life reappear in me, like a movie being watched. And then I feel shame, impotence and unpleasantness of what is happening. The drowsiness suddenly goes away and I can no longer sleep.” Or you feel like a deep darkness rests on your shoulders and you feel bent and humiliated. At the same time, you were at home all day and no experiences touched you, but you feel as if a thousand tons lie on you. Thoughts about what happened once fragmentarily emerge in your mind. You don't see the whole interconnection, but you know that what you are experiencing right now is an immersion into another life. With one foot you are in a different place, but you cannot perceive it correctly. What is going on there? Sometimes you feel a shadow on your side. What are these shadows and what are they doing there? You didn't call them. Perhaps you will say, “I think I should let go of duality immediately. What are these dark images doing at the edge of my field? Get out of here, I don't want to know you! You have nothing to do with me!” So could you swear angrily in utter desperation.

Now you are in a strong process of transformation. We have already spoken about the processes taking place in the heart.
Now let's talk about other symptoms of your transformation. For your better understanding, I would like to mention again what you already know, what you have read or discussed with others. Actually, you know what will be discussed, but you can misinterpret it. Everything that is happening to you now seems unusual to you. Severe headaches, insomnia and disorientation make you very insecure. Frequent mood swings from extreme distress to the highest degree of cheerfulness lead you to great confusion. Sometimes you can barely do your daily tasks. Often you experience heaviness and sometimes advancing fatigue from life. "What's happening?" - you think. "I am depressed? Very similar. Do I need treatment? This can even be expressed by such thoughts: “Maybe I'm just sick and tired of everyday life, and this has nothing to do with the ascension of the Earth. Maybe it's not true that we're ascending. Maybe someone came up with it, and I succumbed to erroneous information. Surely everyone laughs at me and considers me a dreamer. It is possible that I am going crazy and should be treated in a clinic.”
Yes... that was an extreme description of your possible thoughts.
I have already spoken in many channellings, and I would like to once again put it on your heart: you are a multidimensional Being of Light, who descended to study in duality, so that later you could take home all the wisdom of experiments. Nothing you experience here was unwanted. Some of you are here on a special mission. You don't always know what it is, but rest assured, if you're not on your way to it yet, it will soon be. Many of you are in this incarnation so that the Light of your Higher Self and higher parts shines brighter and brighter, illuminating the path of the Earth and people on their further path. In order for the Light to shine brighter and brighter thanks to you, the old patterns from other lives, stored in your DNA and your emotional and mental body, as well as received in this life, must be removed. At the same time, the structure of your electromagnetic field, who you really are, will again be aligned, as envisaged by the Original Divine Plan. This is a lengthy process. It is best to use for your enlightenment high energy, which is quite tangible for the awakened ones. Everything you feel in yourself right now is the activity of this Golden Wave. It brings everything up, everything that wants to leave you, so that your Light can shine brighter. Of course, it is difficult to cope with all this in everyday life. Previously, the Initiates and their awakened disciples were enlightened in special temples. You are on a difficult path doing this directly in your life.

Let it be said that the Initiations and passage of certain gates on this path of full awakening were certainly not in vain. They still exist, but the sensation is that we stand very close to you, as in school, prompting in your ear or pushing cheat sheets to help you in your steps. We stand next to you at the next gate, extending our hand to you and giving you a little push - some of you need the right step to get through it. The external circumstances of this phase are easier to bear if you are aware of this high Divine Energy and use it like a surfboard. Lie down or stand in this Golden Wave and swim with it. Don't hold on to old paradigms, old ideas, the way things used to be. You were brought up in such a way that everything should be this way or that. You were taught that way, and not only in this life. It comes from other people and trials, right? Who told you that a person must be diligent, otherwise he will not succeed? Who taught you that you need to be calm and quiet, not to grumble and believe what your boss or father says, as if only they have the best knowledge and wise decisions? Who told you that you need to save money in order to have it in case of need? I'm not saying anything against your savings, but have you ever thought that money could come in a completely different way? Have you ever wished you could go out and do things differently? You don't have to sell your beautiful car and your beautiful apartment is in order, don't be shy about it. One who wants to develop spiritually should not live in poverty or asceticism. We only advise you in your new planning to put everything first “on its head” and arrange everything in a new way. Put all the oppressive things aside and live your life according to your own standards. They should be the scepter of freedom. Be free and live according to your own ideas. Put the old aside and establish new lines that will guide your life. Connect yourself with Saint Germain, Ascended Master and Friend of Humanity. This is his favorite pastime - to show people the way to freedom. He, like Jesus, was one of those who energetically aligned the path for people. Many Ascended Masters have done this.
But back to your current state. Some of you are already overjoyed easy life. Among the awakened ones there are also pioneers among the pioneers. If you are still in strong processes, then you are a pioneer for many who step after you or along with you on the paths you have worked out. And you are following in the footsteps of the energy paths that others have laid out for you. These are those who, immediately after the Harmonic Convergence or before it, embarked on the path of free people. You have already got rid of most of the toxins and are making new plans for yourself, environment and Earth. There are many people who are older in earth years and willingly take care of the younger awakened ones, full of energy, but stumbling, and not knowing exactly what to do next. These enlightened people give a hand and a shoulder to those who need their help, and help new children navigate. Pay attention to such Beings if you willingly accept external help. These are people who travel a lot and enlighten, who work tirelessly and help others in awakening. In any case, you can turn to me or other spiritual helpers for help.
Look, now I am placing an energetic Divine Carpet at your disposal so that you can more easily pass through these shocks of enlightenment. Perhaps you are that pioneer of pioneers. Surely you know this. Explore what you can do to serve Man and the Earth.
Now let me pay attention to the dark manifestations that you feel around you. It is so that there are still energies, essences, or forms of beings that are not yet in the light. Someday this whole game will end. The playing field of duality will cease to exist. Everything that has come out of the Source will be on its way home again, integrating into the levels of Light. It is important to understand this so that you do not judge other people, because each of you, and you too, have dealt with the dark side. Every. Without exception. Now you are one step ahead of others. Do not condemn the participants in the wars and their leaders, politicians and those leaders who are far from here. Understand, these are all games of duality. And when a person dies, it is very sad for his loved ones. But a person, in fact, just changes the dimension and rejoices in good spiritual health again. He is eternal. I don't mean to say that you shouldn't feel compassion for crisis areas and dying people. However, do not sink into mourning and helplessness. You are interdimensional. Your friends and enemies too. Everybody. Send your Light to all areas where there are wars or natural disasters, or where people live in poor conditions. Your Light will find its way. Let him just be. He is always active.

The dark entities that you, perhaps, perceive on the edge of your field, apparently want to clarify something with you, they have old relationships with you that can go back to the time star wars. What to do? With a willful decision, stop these ties. Say, “No, I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. And with that, I end our old relationship." And it will be terminated. In special cases, ask Archangel Michael for help. Most likely, you are already in the energy of the Archangel and are working with His Sword. Be sure that the more you stand in your own Light, the stronger your connection with the Higher Self, and no one can penetrate your field. No one can. Direct your attention to yourself, to your Light. When you do this, everything else automatically falls back. Your Light blinds them and it is unpleasant for them. And what is important: do not give them your attention. Be yourself, stand in your Light. Surely you know from your daily life: the less you pay attention to unpleasant things or scandalous people, the less interesting you become to them.
Perhaps you will be surprised if I tell you that often the encounters that you experience as darkness are encounters with your own parts. Incredible, isn't it? It's you! You are experiencing your own shadow parts that stand beside you and draw attention to themselves. And what will you do? No, don't run, don't hide, and don't send them away. Look at them. What do they want to tell you? Why are they here? They want to integrate. They want to team up with you. You want to be whole, don't you? Look at them. With this, perhaps you will have unpleasant feelings that still remain in you. Shame, fear, feelings of worthlessness and violence. Feelings of various manifestations of sexuality also surface. Sexuality has been repeatedly used in the manipulation of people in the last millennia. And today it is so. Think about your own attitude towards sexuality and decide on it. And then let go of all the old, often unpleasant experiences and perceptions that you have kept. To do this - important step, because then the setting of the position of power will change in you. Also, in high civilizations descending into duality, the Divine Energy, embedded in each person and activated during sexual intercourse, played a big role, as well as in manipulating people. Do not be afraid. Just know it. All people have fingerprints regarding this: both the victim and the perpetrator. Consider that much of this is embedded in the mass consciousness. You are a pioneer, and they, as you know, have a task to boldly and courageously go forward. When you clear your field of old imprints, then it will be easier for your followers. As a result of this, the mass consciousness cognizes a progressive change. Perhaps now you think that this is a difficult undertaking, if you look at the Earth now. I want to tell you: everything old must come out, must be stopped, must be burned, and then the NEW will come, reborn like a Phoenix bird from the ashes.

I wish you good luck in integrating your shadow sides. This will happen all the time. It doesn't happen all at once, it's a process. There are many small dark nights of the soul experienced before as one long phase. Some of the old Initiates also lived in this phase for a long time. However, some have traveled this path through the depths of their own hell in a few days, and some in a few hours.
We stand by your side so that you can integrate your shadow sides in the short phases of your immersion. I see you, as if living in a cocoon and taking care of yourself, so that later you can flutter like a beautiful butterfly in your new life, curiously and cheerfully ready to consider it from a completely new perspective.
You are respected and loved for your service here on Earth!
I AM in deep love and intimate connection
Translation from German language rina, in consultation with Barbara Bessen.

Hello dear ones, Kryon welcomes you to the new reality of planet Earth! Each of you knows in your depths that you already live in new reality, although your human logic sometimes refuses to admit it. But if you turn to your Spirit, you will receive confirmation that your life is completely renewed, and it happened according to your will, according to your intention, according to your desire, which you cherished for many millennia.

And now there is a new reality around you, the one you dreamed about.. Your dream has come true, but still you are still at a loss, because you are not yet accustomed to new energy laws, which are very strong different from everything you knew before!

You are accustomed to follow the old logic and use the usual sources of income and gifts.

But now you are surprised to notice that these sources are changing. Where previously you were guaranteed success, something changes, and luck is gone. At the same time, gifts sometimes come from where you did not expect.

Dear ones, this is the natural situation of the age of change!

Everything changes around you old energies are replaced by new ones, and until they reach balance, you live in the "surf zone". Here the currents change every moment! New layers of energies come to the surface, and with them new opportunities appear, previously hidden from you.

  • Get ready for what it will last for a while.
  • be ready change your plans on the go.
  • be ready "catch the wave" and fit into new, unexpected currents.
  • Get ready for what the best gifts of the universe will come to you from unexpected sources!

What are these unexpected sources?

– These are sources that previously gave you nothing, and seemed to you not only unreliable, but completely unpromising, and even failed.

- These are sources that arise where you do not expect any benefit at all, where you do something solely out of love, and not out of self-interest, and not even out of a desire for reward.

You can do what you couldn't before

To make it easier for you to navigate these new possibilities, you must first of all discard all preconceived notions and previous ideas about reality.

If someone offers you some kind of business in which you have already failed once, do not rush to say: “No, no, I already tried it, and nothing worked.” Expensive, what did not work out in the old energies may well work out in the new. The very quality of the energies of the planet Earth has changed - they have become more plastic, malleable, easily responsive to your intentions.

But the most important thing is that not only the energies of planet Earth have changed - you yourself have changed.

  • You got rid of many karmic restrictions that previously prevented you from doing what you wanted to do.
  • You have gained new opportunities and even new talents - notice how easy it is for you to do some things that you never dreamed of before!
  • You have gained greater freedom of choice and free will than before - and you can explore new areas of activity that you did not suspect existed before.
  • You have gained greater power than before over yourself and over your life, and therefore you can acquire new qualities, new opportunities, new abilities and talents at will.

Do you understand, dear ones, what does this mean? This means that right now you can achieve in your life what was not possible before.. If you have a feeling of unfulfillment, if it seems to you that you have missed something in your life, if there is a hidden or obvious desire to try yourself in something different than what you did before - Now is the time to open a new page in your life.

Maybe you once dreamed of writing children's books, or playing on stage, or maybe singing or dancing, or doing chemical experiments, or learn some kind of sport? Maybe you once tried to do this, but you didn’t succeed, or circumstances prevented you from realizing yourself in this?

Expensive, revive your old dreams! They promise new gifts that are ready to come into your life. Do not be afraid that this will be a return to the past. Not, it will be the development of reality on its new turn, in a new quality, with new opportunities.

Do you think you accidentally had these unfulfilled dreams? No, not by accident. They were just biding their time.

Then, when these dreams appeared to you, their hour has not yet come and therefore they were somewhat premature. They were more a premonition of the future than the reality of that moment. In the old energies, these dreams could only come true in the next incarnation.. But the planet Earth has happily changed, time has accelerated, and it turned out that you can fulfill these dreams right now!

A new stage in your life promises many gifts

Just don't say, "It's too late for me." Ah, this is your favorite excuse when you don't believe in yourself enough and are afraid of change.

There is no time for the Spirit, and nothing is ever too late for it. But the happy news is that your life on Earth as a human, in a biological body, can be as long as you want!

Even now, every day you meet more and more people whom you call centenarians. Tell me, have you met so many people before who, at 80, 90 and even 100 Earth years, remain healthy, mobile, active, efficient?

And in the future there will be even more of them every year! Very soon, the centenary will become quite commonplace, and even cease to surprise you. But a hundred years is far from the limit!

You may not age, dear ones, for a very long time, no matter how old you are now. You can follow your dreams at any age. you can start new stage your life at any moment.

Moreover: by starting a new stage of your life, you prolong your life for at least this stage.

The one who says: “It’s too late for me”, he himself signs that life is coming to an end. Because you are powerfuldear ones, if you decide that this stage of your life is the last, then it happens.

And if you say: “This is only the completion of one stage - and the beginning of the next”, then the Spirit gives you an unlimited amount of time ahead for the implementation of your plans, aspirations and desires.

Dear ones, the peculiarity of new energies lies in the fact that you can use them yourself to achieve your dreams, gain new goals, and, accordingly, prolong life.

Where in the old energies, according to all logic, there really was an end, and it seemed that there was nothing to wait for - in new energies a new stage of life can open, which will bring as many gifts, happiness, love as you have not received in your entire previous life!

Drop all fears and give yourself a chance

If something is not going well for you, if your previous activities come to a standstill, if there are no resources left where you used to receive income, remember your former dreams!

Remember what you were talking about: “No, I definitely won’t succeed here.”. Remember something about the unfulfillment of which you regretted and continue to regret. Try again. Don't expect anything. Don't bet big on this, but just try it! Give yourself a chance.

Throw away your fears - let them remain in the past, where you were limited in your abilities.Now there are no such restrictions, and you can safely try again and again!

And remember that you are not doing this for the reward, you are doing this because it is an urgent requirement of the Spirit.

All the demands of the Spirit can now be fulfilled, expensive! And if you follow this path without expecting a reward, then the reward will come, and it will be more than you expected. This is how unexpected sources sometimes work!

The greatest reward can be received for selfless gifts

And more about what reward comes when you don't expect it. This is the reality of the new time, dear ones! You see how many people now remain disappointed, because where, as they thought, quite expected and well-deserved rewards await them, turns out to be empty.

When you do something just for the reward, the reward slips away.But when you do something without thinking about the reward, disinterestedly, simply because you love it or so your soul asks - then an unexpected, unpredictable reward that could not be predicted can come!

Do you understand dear? The new time is the time when the old forecasts no longer work. Everything sometimes happens contrary to ordinary human logic - but in accordance with the logic of the Spirit, with the highest Divine logic.

The old system of causes and effects no longer works, when, for example, you invested money - and received more more money. But the logic of the new time works when you invest love - and in the end you get money, material and non-material benefits.

This is how the exchange becomes a reality! Does it contradict the economic laws you know? May be. On the other hand, it does not contradict the higher Divine laws, which are now beginning to dominate on Earth.

If you want to selflessly help someone, you don’t think: “What will I get for this?” You do it according to the dictates of your heart, without thinking about the reward. You are even embarrassed when you receive a thank you or an award in return. But if you see that this reward is offered to you from the heart, then accept it boldly, with dignity and gratitude, with the feeling that this is a well-deserved reward.

And again, do good deeds without expecting anything. When you expect a reward, you don't get anything, right? Learn not to wait! May your good deeds be your own reward.

Don't wait for a reward for what you love, and it will come

And when you do what you love, don't expect rewards either. You find this impractical, don't you? You ask, “But, Kryon, what will I live on, how will I feed my family, if I do only what I love and do not expect a reward? It would be very selfish of me, wouldn't it?"

No, dear ones, it won't be selfish, because everyone will benefit from it, not just you.

Your family will also benefit. Because only that family can be happy, all members of which are doing what they love. This truth is now being understood by more and more people.

If money goes to an unloved business, it only brings trouble. For this you have to pay a very high price, not measured by money - including your health and happiness, the well-being of your own and your family.

But if you think that God will leave a person without a penny just because he dared to do what he loves - you are mistaken!

The reality of the new time is completely different. When you do what you love, you fill the world around you with the energies of love. You create a resource for your own well-being, well-being and the attraction of material wealth. When you do something you don't like, you only deplete resources, and a lack of energy is found around you. Accordingly, nothing can be attracted to you.

Dear ones, and again I will repeat: do not wait for the reward, and then it will come! Just do what you love!

Let it seem reckless to someone. But if your heart whispers to you: “Come on, boldly, go ahead, you will succeed!” - boldly step forward. You will get everything you want. You will receive all the benefits if you are not selfish and prudent. You will gain well-being and prosperity in spite of all crises, if you live according to the laws of the Spirit and follow the principle of Divine love in everything. You can do it, dear ones!

May it be so!


Practice from Kryon⇓⇓⇓


"Revived Dreams"

Remember what you dreamed about in childhood and adolescence - who you wanted to become, what to do. Have all your dreams come true? Maybe you regret not becoming someone, not starting to do something that you liked?

Imagine that your life is now starting over. You are young - and it doesn't matter how old you really are! Your Spirit has been renewed and reborn. You can start a new stage in your life and get a new destiny. Despite the fact that you have already gained considerable experience, learned a lot, and you now have much more opportunities than before.

Imagine that you are choosing a new path - to do the business of your dreams. Imagine that you are already doing it. What exactly are you doing? Imagine yourself doing this activity as vividly and in detail as possible. How do you feel about it? Do you feel a surge of strength, joy, inspiration? So, it's time to actually do it.

Form an appropriate intention and communicate it to God, for example, like this: “Dear Supreme, from now on I intend to do ... (name what), and I ask Your blessing for this, Your help and support. Send me, please, nudges of the Spirit that will lead me in the right direction and help open the right doors. May it be so".

Then think about how, where, in what capacity you could take on the business of your dreams. If for some reason it is not possible to do it professionally, take it up first as a hobby or as a student. Set aside at least a little time each day for this. If you do it with love, you will soon notice that this is the way - in the sense that your studies do not stall, they lead you to certain results, you develop, move forward.

Do not seek to immediately gain recognition and approval of others. Do it for yourself and for God. There will come a moment when your perseverance will be rewarded - your studies will be needed not only by you, since the fruits of your labor will certainly be in demand one way or another.


"Selfless Giving"

Think about what you could give to others selflessly. It can be both material things, and just a kind word, praise, compliment. Set a goal during the day for at least five people to make such selfless gifts.

You don't have to make expensive gifts! You can give someone a modest flower, treat someone with an apple, and give someone in need a thing that you do not use. If you feel sorry for parting with a thing or you would like some equivalent exchange - then you do not need to give.

Every day accustom yourself to selfless giving. Smile at someone, direct the waves of your love, even if you see only gloomy unfriendly faces around. Don't expect things to turn out in such a way that it will be easy and pleasant for you to share. Create these circumstances yourself - even in spite of an unfavorable environment. Bring warmth and friendliness wherever you go.

Be proactive friendly - smile first, not in response to someone else's smile.

Learn to defuse even a tense situation with your benevolence and warmth. This will also be an act of selfless giving on your part - after all, you give people the warmth of your heart, and give them an invaluable example of how you can live in love and bring love to others in spite of everything.


"Signs on the Road"

Think about what your dream you want to realize, what your favorite thing to do, and turn to the Spirit with a request that he give you his pushes: “Dear Spirit, my Divine Self, I ask for your pushes on the path I have chosen.” Also ask to send you signs that will suggest the right direction of movement: “Dear Spirit, my Divine Self, please send me signs that, in a language I understand, will guide me on the right path and warn me against mistakes and wrong choices.”

If you use the wording "in a language I understand", then you will have no problem deciphering these signs and signals. For example, if you are used to getting information from books, be prepared that the necessary tips will come in printed form.

If you often see vivid dreams and know how to interpret them, knowledge can come in a dream. If you have good contact with nature and the earthly elements, then natural phenomena can both guide you on the right path and warn against erroneous moves, etc.

Also, be attentive to the world around you in all manifestations, because signs can be everywhere. Usually, a positive sign is anything that pleases you (for example, a rainbow in the sky, a passer-by who smiles at you, a traffic-free highway, a green traffic light, etc.), and warning signs are something that makes you uncomfortable (for example, a snake or rat, unpleasant harsh sound, scandalous people, etc.).

Signs do not need to be specifically looked for - usually what matters to us catches the eye, especially if you have an agreement with Spirit that he will send signs. Therefore, just notice them and draw conclusions: whether to continue on the chosen path, or to reconsider something in your actions. When in doubt, again ask the Spirit: “Did I understand correctly that I the right way?”, or “Did I understand correctly what this sign means: I need to change direction?” The answer is bound to come in one form or another.

"Kryon. New Age Money and Energies. The Key to Your Wealth" ~ Tamara Schmidt

P.S. I invite you to an awakening consultation(online), I help the Man to remember YOUR TRUE ESSENCE and give me the tools to create my own New Happy and Joyful Reality— this is what the inspired messages from KRYON are about. Meeting with me takes about an hour of Earth time… And, as a rule, this is the point of no return, i.e. you will never forget WHO ARE YOU in fact. With a guide it is always easier to find this narrow path deep into oneself, I will be glad to help all those who are awakening...

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