Application for transportation sample. Contract-application for one-time transportation of goods. Instructions for filling out the transport bill of lading TN

This selection of samples and forms will help carry out any cargo transportation in Russia by road transport. Regulatory documents regulate transport logistics and allow you to establish legal relations between the cargo owner, cargo carrier and forwarder. In addition to documents, you may be interested in our review.

The page provides samples and forms of documents for cargo owners and cargo carriers. These commercial documents allow you to regulate the duties and responsibilities of the customer and contractor in the field of freight transport across Russia. The database of regulations (forms) will be useful to transport and logistics companies, as well as individuals working in the field of logistics and cargo transportation. Based on the presented standard documents, shippers and carriers can carry out domestic or international cargo transportation of any types and purposes, such as: road transportation, railway transportation, air transportation, sea, river transportation.

When transporting goods within Russia, cargo carriers and cargo owners are required to comply with the provisions of the Russian Federation and prepare the following documents:


  • Note:An agreement for the carriage of goods is concluded between legal entities (companies), where one party is the customer and the other is the contractor. The same agreement is concluded between the company (legal entity) and individuals(private owner), where a private person can only be a customer. Contracts for the carriage of goods are divided into short-term and long-term. Short-term contracts are usually concluded for a one-time transportation of a specific product (cargo); a short-term contract can also be an application contract. Long-term contracts are concluded for one year or more and imply permanent obligations of the contractor (cargo carrier) to accept and deliver the customer’s cargo during the entire term of the contract, and the customer (cargo owner) is obliged to provide on an ongoing basis the cargo for transportation (volume) specified in the contract.
  • The rules for concluding contracts for the carriage of goods: by road, railway transport, air transport, sea or river transport are regulated.

Form of contract for the carriage of goods by road

  • Cap.
  • Point 1. Subject of the contract - we briefly indicate the subject of the contract between the customer and the contractor.
  • Point 2. Responsibilities of the performer - indicate the responsibilities of the performer. (This point can be removed and the responsibilities of the performer can be written down, for example, in point 3).
  • Point 3. Responsibilities of the parties - we indicate the responsibilities of the contractor and the customer.
  • Point 4. The procedure for paying for the services of the contractor - we enter the payment procedure, here you can specify the terms of payment, how the customer will pay, cash or non-cash payment, etc.
  • Point 5. Responsibility of the parties - we indicate the responsibility of the contractor and the customer, fines, penalties, etc. (Clause 5 can be divided into different points, for example, the responsibility of the customer and the responsibility of the contractor).
  • Point 6. Validity period of this agreement - we indicate the duration of the agreement and methods for its extension.
  • Point 7. Dispute resolution - we indicate how and where disputes between the customer and the contractor will be resolved if they arise.
  • Point 8. Force majeure circumstances - we indicate under what circumstances the customer and the contractor may be relieved of their obligations under the contract.
  • Point 9. Special conditions - in this paragraph you can specify special conditions agreement, for example, not to disclose to third parties any information about each other, in how many copies the agreement is drawn up or how it can be changed, etc.
  • Point 10.


  • Note:A transport expedition contract is needed when, when transporting goods, there is a need to perform a whole range of auxiliary operations related to the transportation and receipt of goods: in particular, their packaging, labeling, loading and unloading, their delivery to the station (port) of departure or from the station ( port) destination to the recipient's warehouse. Many may wonder what the difference is between a contract of carriage and a contract of transport expedition. In the field legal regulation the contract of carriage and the contract of transport expedition are two independent and non-subordinate contracts.
  • Civil code Russian Federation, directly provides for the possibility of the carrier fulfilling the duties of a freight forwarder - in this case, the contract becomes mixed and the rules governing the transport expedition contract are applied to transport-forwarding relations under such a mixed contract (clause 2 of Article 801 of the Civil Code). Article 801 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of “obligations of the forwarder.

Transport expedition agreement form

  • For your convenience, the contract has already been completed. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the contract

  • Cap. The title of the agreement includes the name of the organization (full name of the company), full name. director and on the basis of what documents he enters into an agreement, for example, a charter, a power of attorney, etc.
  • Point 1. Subject of the agreement - we briefly indicate the subject of the agreement between the forwarder and the client.
  • Point 2. Responsibilities of the forwarder - indicate the responsibilities of the forwarder.
  • Point 3. Documents for the forwarder - documents necessary for the forwarder to transport goods.
  • Point 4. Responsibility of the forwarder - indicates the responsibility of the forwarder, fines, penalties, penalties, etc.
  • Point 5. Final provisions - we indicate the rules for terminating the contract, full legal details. person or individual, signatures and seals of both parties.


  • Note:An application contract for the carriage of goods can act as both the main contract between the customer and the contractor, and as an annex to the main contract for cargo transportation. The application contract is often used for one-time transportation, as a simplified version of the main contract. Such a “mini-agreement” usually spells out the main clauses that regulate the duties and responsibilities of the parties.

Application form for the transportation of goods by road

  • For your convenience, the contract application has already been filled out. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the application agreement

  • Cap. The header of the application agreement indicates that this is an application agreement, indicates the originating number, date and place of conclusion of the application agreement.
  • Point 1.
  • Point 2.
  • Point 3.
  • Point 4.
  • Point 5.
  • Point 6. Additional terms- here you can indicate the customer’s responsibility, fines, penalties and other legal issues.
  • Point 7.
  • Point 8. Details of the parties - here we indicate the full details of the legal entity. persons or individuals. (Signatures and seals of both parties must be affixed, otherwise the agreement will not have legal force).


  • Note: an application for the carriage of goods as an annex to the main contract may not have regulating clauses legal rights customer and performer. As a rule, it is used in long-term cooperation between the cargo owner and the cargo carrier, as evidenced by an agreement concluded for a period of one year or more. This application form is more of an information document, which indicates: the date and time of delivery of transport, the point of loading and unloading, the details of the driver, the vehicle, and only after approval by the signature or seal of the customer it has legal force and acts as an annex to the contract for the carriage of goods. All the main points governing the duties and responsibilities of the parties are regulated by the main agreement with reference to the application (application).

Application form for cargo transportation annex to the contract

  • For your convenience, the annex to the contract has already been completed. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out an application for cargo transportation

  • Cap. The header of the application indicates that this is an annex to the main contract, indicates the originating number of the contract and application, the date and place of conclusion of the application.
  • Point 1. Route - indicate the loading city and unloading city.
  • Point 2. Loading - indicate the shipper, address, loading date and contact person who will be present at loading.
  • Point 3. Unloading - indicate the consignee, address, date of unloading and the contact person who will be present at the unloading.
  • Point 4. Cargo parameters - indicate the name of the cargo, weight, dimensions, packaging.
  • Point 5. Mutual settlements - we indicate the cost of transportation and how payment will be made to the contractor.
  • Point 6. Additional conditions - we indicate that the facsimile copy has legal force. (In general, this clause can be removed, since all the conditions are specified in the main agreement.
  • Point 7. Dedicated rolling stock - indicate the name of the transport, state. numbers, full name, passport details, license number and driver’s telephone number.
  • Point 8. Details of the parties - here we indicate the full details of the legal entity. persons or individuals. (Signatures and seals of both parties must be provided, otherwise the application will not have legal force).


  • Note: New normative act the waybill has been valid since March 2012. It is mandatory and the main accompanying transportation document for cargo carriers. The TN is printed in three copies, for: the cargo owner, the cargo carrier and the consignee. The form (TN) contains fields with complete data of the cargo carrier, consignor, consignee and confirms the carrier’s right to transport cargo. The TN is filled out only when the cargo is delivered to the recipient by a third-party transport company. The main task (TN) is to regulate the relationship between the shipper, cargo carrier and consignee.

Transport bill of lading form TN

  • For your convenience, the TN transport bill of lading has already been filled out. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the transport bill of lading TN

  • Point 1. Shipper - fill in the name of the shipper's company, address, phone number.
  • Point 2. Consignee - fill in the shipper's company name, address and telephone number.
  • Point 3. Name of cargo - indicate the name of the cargo, number of pieces, packaging, dimensions of the cargo (weight, volume).
  • Point 4. Accompanying documents - we indicate the documents if any are required for the cargo, for example, sanitary certificates, passports, etc.
  • Point 5. Shipper's instructions - indicate the parameters of the freight transport, weight, volume or temperature regime etc.
  • Point 6. Acceptance of cargo - indicate the address, date, time of loading, seal number, if the cargo is sealed.
  • Point 7. Delivery of cargo - indicate the address, date, time of unloading, seal number, if the cargo is sealed.
  • Point 8. Conditions of transportation - enter the seal number.
  • Point 9. Information about accepting an order - enter the date, month, year, full name and signature of the person who accepted the application.
  • Point 10. Carrier - fill in the name of the carrier company, address, telephone number and full name of the driver.
  • Point 11. Vehicle - fill in the make, number and other parameters of the vehicle.
  • Point 12. Reservations and comments from the carrier - we fill in the comments, for example, if the packaging or cargo is damaged.
  • Point 13. Other conditions - we fill in the special permit numbers if the cargo is oversized or dangerous.
  • Point 14. Forwarding - fill in if the unloading point has changed.
  • Point 15. Cost of services - fill in the cost of the carrier’s services and indicate the form of payment, for example cash or non-cash payment.
  • Point 16. Date of compilation and signatures of the parties - fill in the date, full name, sign and seal.
  • Point 17. Markings of shippers, consignees, carriers - fill out brief description circumstances, if such arose during the transportation of goods.


  • Note: Consignment note (Bill of Lading) form 1-T - this document is intended to record the movement of inventory items and payments for their delivery by road. According to UAT and Civil Code is confirmation of the conclusion of the contract of carriage. The TTN is drawn up in 5 original copies: the 1st copy remains with the shipper, confirming the acceptance of the cargo by the driver for transportation with his signature, the rest signed by the driver leave with the cargo, 4 forms of the TTN are given at unloading to the recipient for certification with his seal and signature, 2- The th copy of the TTN remains with the consignee, and 3, 4 and 5 are given to the driver and these TTN forms are already distributed between the carrier (one copy), the forwarder (one copy) and the latter is then sent to the consignee to confirm the completion of transportation and the transfer of material assets to the recipient in full volume.
  • According to the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 1997 No. 78 “On approval unified forms primary accounting documentation for work accounting construction machines and mechanisms, work in road transport" the consignment note for the transportation of goods by road is drawn up by the consignor for each consignee separately for each vehicle trip with the obligatory completion of all details.

Blank bill of lading form TTN

  • For your convenience, the consignment note has already been filled out. You just need to open the file in the excel editor and enter your information into the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the consignment note TTN

  • First section. The first section is called "Product". This section describes the trade relationship between the shipper, consignee and buyer of the goods (often the consignee and buyer are the same person).
  • Second section. The second section is called “Transport”; it contains data on the vehicle, driver, and cargo transportation route.


  • Note: The power of attorney to receive the cargo is special document, which gives the right to receive the cargo and accompanying documents for it, and also allows you to issue invoices for the cargo and receive money for delivery services. The power of attorney can be filled out on behalf of an organization, individual entrepreneur, or on behalf of an individual. The power of attorney to receive material assets has 2 standard forms: M-2 and M-2a, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a. Form M-2 is used in the case of a one-time receipt of inventory materials; for regular receipt of inventory materials, form M-2a is used.
  • A power of attorney is recognized as a written authority issued by one person to another person for representation before third parties in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Power of attorney form for receiving goods and materials, form M-2

Power of attorney form for receiving goods and materials, form M-2a

  • For your convenience, the powers of attorney are already filled out. You just need to open the file in the excel editor and enter your information into the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out a power of attorney to receive goods and materials, form M-2, form M-2a

  • Form M-2. This form is issued exclusively for the receipt of inventory items (materials and materials) from the supplier with whom the contract was concluded for the first time or the goods are purchased from him very rarely. In this case, the spine of the tear-off part is a confirmation of this fact of the existing power of attorney and is kept in the accounting department.
  • Form M-2a. This standard form used to constantly obtain valuables from one supplier. This power of attorney is drawn up in a single copy, and is also registered in the appropriate journal, where a list of all issued powers of attorney is stored.
  • 1. Name of the recipient company. This company issues the power of attorney.
  • 2. Number. It must be individual.
  • 3. Date of issue. Expiration date of the power of attorney.
  • 4. Name of the goods received, i.e. name, labeling, packaging, etc.
  • 5. A unit of measurement for the quantity of products received. The quantity or volume of what is received.
  • 6. Full name, series and passport number, position of the person for whom the power of attorney is issued.
  • 7. Signature of the authorized representative.
  • 8. Place for the certification signatures of the company's managers, director and chief accountant. Signatures are certified by a seal.


  • Note: Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “Charter of Automobile Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on October 19, 2015).
  • RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW CHARTER OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND URBAN GROUND ELECTRIC TRANSPORT (Adopted by the State Duma on October 18, 2007, approved by the Federation Council on October 26, 2007.

Charter of Motor Transport (as amended as of April 20, 2015 N 102-FZ, as amended as of July 13, 2015 N 248-FZ)

  • For your convenience, the charter is completely filled out. You just need to open the file in the word editor and print.

Instructions, summary charter.

  • Chapter 1. General provisions
  • Chapter 2. Cargo transportation
  • Chapter 3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage
  • Chapter 4. Transportation of passengers and luggage according to orders
  • Chapter 5. Transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis
  • Chapter 6. Responsibility of carriers, charterers, shippers, consignees, passengers, charterers
  • Chapter 7. Acts, claims, lawsuits
  • Chapter 8. Final provisions


  • Note: Waybill truck is issued by the organization operating the vehicle for the purpose of transporting goods. It is intended to record the work of the driver and the vehicle, serving as the basis for settlements with the customer for the transportation of goods, as well as for settlements with the driver for payment of his labor.
  • Truck waybill Standard interindustry form N 4-C Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 N 78

Waybill form 4-C

  • Truck waybill Standard intersectoral form N 4-P Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 N 78

Waybill form 4-P

Instructions for filling out waybills.

  • Form No. 4-C. It is used in a piece-rate payment system for cargo transportation.
  • Form No. 4-P. It is used with a time-based payment system.
  • 1. On the waybill issued to the driver in mandatory The date of issue must be affixed, as well as the stamp and seal of the organization that owns the car. Each issued waybill is subject to mandatory registration in a special journal for recording the movement of waybills. In this case, the date of registration of the document must coincide with the date indicated on its form. As a rule, the dispatcher of the company that owns the vehicle is responsible for registering waybills.
  • 2. Form No. 4-p contains lines that allow you to enter the numbers of the corresponding shipping documents issued during the transportation of inventory items. Each waybill is accompanied by one copy of the shipping documentation for all cargo transported during a given driver’s work shift.


  • Note: CMR means an international consignment note, which is considered a mandatory element customs declaration. When crossing the border with any goods, such an invoice must be present in your possession. A CMR consignment note must be issued for transportation across all European countries.
  • The form and procedure for filling out the CMR (international consignment note) are approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. All rules are fixed in the relevant convention, which was approved in 1956. The Convention involves the regulation of contractual relations on the international transportation of goods between countries.

International consignment note CMR

Instructions for filling out the CMR.

  • How many copies? One copy for the sender. A second copy for the recipient. The third copy is for the carrier. The fourth copy is for calculations.
  • Point 1. Name of the sender/company sending the goods.
  • Point 2. Name of the recipient/company receiving the goods.
  • Point 3. The name of the cargo that needs to be transported across the border.
  • Point 4. Weight of transported cargo.
  • Point 5. Reloading of goods along the route is not allowed.
  • Point 6. Information about payments that must be paid without fail.
  • Point 7. The amount of those payments that are due at the time of delivery of the goods.
  • Point 8. Data on the declared value of goods.
  • Point 9. Recommendations that talk about product insurance.
  • Point 10. Information about the period during which the sender must carry out transportation.
  • Point 11. A list of all documentation that is submitted directly to the carrier.

Download the file from detailed instructions on filling out the CMR

An application for cargo transportation is a document that must be filled out by a customer who wishes to use the services transport company for the transportation of inventory items. A sample application for cargo transportation can be downloaded below.

This contract application contains all the necessary columns to reflect information about the cargo that needs to be transported, about the customer and contractor, about the peculiarities of transporting this cargo, as well as the conditions of loading and unloading.

Many large transport companies allow customers to fill out a contract application through their website online, which is very convenient. The application form for the carriage of goods is filled out by both parties and then signed by a representative of each party.

Sample filling

The application form reflects information about the customer and the contractor. It is necessary to indicate the name of the organization of the transport company that receives the application and its contact information.

  • Name;
  • telephone;
  • address.

It is written down who will be the consignor and who will be the consignee.

Be sure to fill in the details of the place where the goods will be loaded - name of the place, address, phone number, contact person, day and time of loading. Similar data is recorded for the unloading location. This information is primarily needed for the driver who will transport the cargo. Contact information must be left.

Next you need to indicate which vehicle necessary for the customer to transport his cargo - type of vehicle, type of trailer or semi-trailer if necessary, carrying capacity, loading method and other points that are best clarified in advance, and not at the time of loading, when it turns out that the delivered vehicle is not suitable for transporting this cargo.

It is also necessary to give a detailed description of the cargo that should be transported to the unloading point - its name, quantity, weight, volume, dimensions, special conditions of loading, unloading and transportation.

The contractor prescribes the cost of services, as well as payment terms.

The application agreement for the transportation of goods is completed by specifying information about the driver and the vehicle that will carry out the transportation.

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Sample application for transportation of goods by road 2018 free download






NUMBER OF VEHICLES, TYPE OF TRAILER (load capacity, awning/side, top/side loading method)







state number


1. This Application Agreement has the force of a contract (a facsimile copy is valid).

2. The customer is obliged to provide a set of documents necessary for the transportation of goods

3. The carrier company is not responsible for damage and deterioration of the cargo along the route if the condition of the packaging and

packaging does not comply with the requirements of cargo transportation rules.

4. In case of refusal to load,________.20____, the Customer shall pay a fine in the amount 20%

  1. In case of refusal to load after provision of vehicles, the Customer shall pay a fine in the amount 100% cost of services of this Application Agreement.

Details of the parties:


/ / / / M.P. M.P.

A contract agreement differs from a standard contract for the carriage of goods in a smaller amount of information but with clear parameters of the requested service. An application contract is drawn up for a one-time transportation of cargo and is a combination of a standard contract form and a transportation application made in the form of a table.

Below is a sample contract application form.

Application agreement No.____ dated __.__.____

for transportation of goods by road

1. The Carrier undertakes to transport the cargo using its own or third-party vehicles, and the Client will pay for the Carrier’s services. Conditions for fulfilling obligations:

Date and time of loading Date: ___.___.20___ Time: ___:___
Download address, contact person, telephone
Unloading address, contact person, telephone
Description of cargo: name; net/gross weight; volume.
Required type of rolling stock and number of vehicles
Loading and unloading method
Additional conditions: cargo hazard class; temperature regime; paperwork; information support

Cargo insurance

Cargo cost

Not really ________________________
Freight amount
Payment terms
Regulatory downtime without payment ______hours
Delivery time
Selected vehicle indicating: car make; license plate number and serial number; last name, first name, patronymic of the driver; driver's passport details

2. A fax copy of the application is a one-time application agreement and has full legal force.

3. In case of cancellation of the order less than 24 hours before loading the vehicle, the Client pays 20% of the transportation rate.

4. In case of cancellation of the order after the vehicle has been sent, the Client pays the actual costs incurred for delivering the vehicle to the loading site.

5. The client is obliged to provide the driver with a set of documents necessary for transporting the goods.

6. If the client enters into direct relations with the Contractor’s carriers and is bound by contractual obligations, the Client pays the Contractor 20% of the transportation rate.
