Percentages of the most profitable professions. The highest paid blue-collar professions. The most popular and highly paid professions for girls

I would like to note right away: often in demand and highly paid are different concepts.

There is always the opportunity to find a job with a decent salary, even during an economic crisis. However, it is very important to know which professions and in which particular field are most in demand during the search period. The lists of the most important professions change every year, but the trend remains virtually unchanged.

First, let's look at the list of the most popular professions in Russia. Unfortunately, not all of them are highly paid. But if you have the necessary professional skills and knowledge in any of the areas listed below, you will not be left without work.

For several years in a row, the first place in demand has been information technology specialists . And every year the need for such specialists continues to grow. Many companies different levels need programmers, be it a developer WEB -application or microcontroller programmer, as well as system administrators and other IT specialists.

In second place are design engineers . They are more important compared to the Architecture and Design majors.

Also in demand are teachers . Most schools have a shortage of highly qualified personnel. And the reason for this is the low level of teachers’ salaries. There is an assumption that in the future the level of teachers’ salaries will be increased, and this profession will become more highly paid, and not only in demand.

No less important are lawyers . But what is needed is professionals, especially those with extensive experience. It will also be difficult for young lawyers, graduates of law universities and colleges, to find work in their specialty.

Medicine is another area in which good specialists are in demand. Demand for doctors remains high, but this area is not always highly paid. During this period, speech therapists, nutritionists, ophthalmologists and otolaryngologists are required.

Followed by marketers . The demand for marketers is very high, despite the fact that there are many of them in the country. This is explained by the demand in absolutely any field, since these specialists are engaged in market analysis and forecasting for the future.

Remain in demand HR specialists . Almost any company is interested in them.

Beauty industry – one of the areas in which the demand for experienced hairdressers, manicurists and makeup artists is only increasing.

In last place are the most in-demand professions in Russia: ecologists . Due to the environmental situation in Russia, ecologists are very needed.

What is the highest paid profession in Russia?

Now let's look at the list of the most profitable professions.

There is a wide choice of professions. People who occupy higher incomes have leadership positions high level. Executives in the banking sector receive the highest salaries. However, such work requires high responsibility and constant presence at the workplace (up to 16 hours).

IT engineers have an income of more than 60 thousand rubles per month. You can achieve a higher salary by mastering several programming languages. World-class certificates will also play a significant role, for example, a company certificate Microsoft.

They receive more than 100 thousand rubles internal communications managers . They organize the entire work process in the company.

Accountants , having a very extensive work experience, can earn up to 350 thousand per month. However, do not forget that as the salary increases, so does the responsibility.

Income lawyers on average is in the range from 35 to 150 thousand rubles. But to earn that kind of money, you need to have a good education and extensive work experience.

Purchasing Managers have approximately the same salary. They search for suppliers, control product quality, and also perform a large list of similar tasks.

Monthly salary amount marketer can reach 50 thousand. But to get a job with this level of income, you need, in addition to experience, to have excellent recommendations.

Logisticians receive approximately 45 thousand rubles. But in this profession, the most important practical skills and abilities are rather than knowledge of theory.

In last place of the most paid professions are auditors . Employers are usually willing to pay from 35 to 50 thousand rubles. But auditors' earnings may depend on the amount of paper work.

Based on the information presented above, we can say that many professions are not only in demand, but highly profitable. To do this, you need to have professional knowledge and experience, as well as business acumen.

The most highly paid professions for girls

Many years ago, an opinion arose that girls could not find a job with a high salary. However, this is just a stereotype that exists in society. Girls are able to build a career and, in some cases, earn more than men. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the list of highly paid professions for girls.

Opens this list of professions advertising manager . This profession is not entirely female, but it is very popular among girls. Advertising managers are in constant competition in the labor market, since if they are successfully employed, girls can have a monthly income of about 100 thousand.

But beauty industry – precisely the sphere of the most female professions. It is in this industry that a girl will be able to fully reveal her talents and earn a lot of money. There are no limiting frames here. If a master has received good customer reviews and has become popular, then he can receive about 150 thousand rubles per month. And the choice of professions in this area is great. Hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist - this is just a small list of professions.

For girls who love to travel, a job close to their heart may be tourism manager . This is a highly paid job for a girl, but she will have to start her career with a small salary. However, after a while, your income can no longer be calculated in rubles, but in dollars. Top tourism managers receive 10 thousand dollars. Another bonus of this job is the opportunity to travel for free to any country in the world.

A girl with talent and love for photography can become good photographer . The income of a famous photographer is quite high, but depends on the number of orders for photo sessions and your hard work.

The highest paying professions for men

It is quite easy for men to achieve career success in almost any field. It is worth noting that all in-demand professions with high salaries are suitable for them. Let's select only the sphere construction , since this profession has always been considered specifically for men. There is a good salary in this field, and experienced specialists are always in demand. The most valuable personnel are engineers and architects . With the help of their practical experience and professional knowledge, huge buildings such as shopping and entertainment centers, office buildings, residential complexes and skyscrapers are built. It is in this area that not only the mental abilities of men are valuable, but also their physical strength.

SMM -specialists Most often it is men who work. Professionals in this field are in great demand on the labor market. However, no one knew about this profession several years ago, but now it is not only in demand, but also highly profitable. Any company needs an employee who is well versed in the Internet. These specialists promote company websites and business pages on the Internet and social networks, and also solve other related tasks. It is men who are entrusted with the most responsible tasks, since they understand new technologies most quickly and are always ready for professional experiments.

In-demand and highly paid working specialties

Some people are interested in the question: is it possible to find a job with a decent salary without having a higher education? Most are sure that the answer to this question is no. But work and earn money without a graduation diploma University quite possible. There are many professions in the working world that bring a stable and high income.

Here is a list of such professions:

  • driver;
  • carpenter;
  • installer;
  • plasterer;
  • electrician;
  • concrete worker;
  • fitter;
  • mason;
  • electric and gas welder;
  • repairman.

The main advantage of these professions is their constant demand in the labor market. At the same time, there is an opportunity to work for any company or create your own small company together with the same specialists and work for yourself, fulfilling orders. It is not always possible to earn a lot right away. But as you gain experience, you will become in demand and will be able to perform the most complex tasks, and therefore earn more.

Three high-paying humanities professions

There is another stereotype in society - it is impossible to earn a good income without having a technical mindset. But this is a myth. Not everyone can become good engineers and IT specialists. But if you are 100% a humanitarian, you can still find a job with a high salary.

You can consider the three most interesting and highly profitable humanitarian professions.

Opens this TOP - brand manager . Thanks to the talent and skills of this manager, you will always recognize a certain product or product, as well as choose it from all and buy it. The advertisement for this product will be familiar and recognizable to you, and your attention will be drawn to the advertised product. All enterprises and companies need brand managers, and in especially large companies they can earn high salaries. Favorable, and one might say necessary, for career growth will be your creativity and talents.

Next profession – etiquette specialist . This is one of the long-forgotten, but today popular professions in our country. To achieve success in his business, any businessman needs to be able to behave correctly in society and on business meetings. And this is exactly where etiquette experts will help. They usually teach etiquette rules in specialized schools or give private lessons.

Completes TOP profession policy . This is one of the most famous humanitarian professions. All young people, both men and girls, are able to try their hand at this field up to the age of 30. In this area you can achieve good success and realize yourself, but, no less important, you can earn very good money.

Professions in demand in the future

And finally, let's look at the professions that will be in demand in the future.

According to experts, various engineers will also be in demand in the near future. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you should pay attention to engineering specialties, including the IT field.

Important in the near future will be primarily doctors, chemists and biologists .

New professions will appear on the labor market that will be related to nano - and biotechnology. There is also a tendency towards an increase in demand for quality services. Workers with skills in this area will be in demand.

Also in the future, active development of tourism and hotel business is quite possible. Therefore, specialists in these areas will be needed.

Post Views: 1,665

Salary from 8,000 USD;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

The Central Office of an international bank requires a Deputy Head of the Information Technology Department.


  • Management of 4 departments (10+ employees): Maintenance of banking systems, Information technology, Operation and System administration;
  • Full IT support for the activities of the bank, with a total staff of about 250 people, 7 offices in the CIS countries;
  • Quality control and continuity indicators information services;
  • Analysis of the incident log and development of proposals to prevent their recurrence;
  • Development of proposals for optimizing existing and introducing new IT services;
  • Analysis of proposals from counterparties, negotiations, correspondence and other types of interaction;
  • Organization of competitive procedures in accordance with internal regulations.


  • Higher technical or economic education;
  • Five years of relevant experience in the banking sector;
  • Experience as a first/second person in IT in a bank for at least 3 years;
  • Experience managing a team of five or more people;
  • Experience in successful implementation of implementation projects information systems;
  • Knowledge of ITIL and/or COBIT methodology;
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Readiness to move to the capital of another CIS country.
  • Comfortable for making a decision on relocation, high level of wages, extended benefits package;

Accounting/Management Accounting/Enterprise Finance

Salary from 500,000 rubles ;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 1-3 years;

A large Western company is opening a position as a financial director.


  • Financial reporting, control and performance analysis;
  • Development and implementation of the company’s corporate and tax strategy in Russia;
  • Risk analysis and risk management. Implementation of accounting and control procedures;
  • Control and management of 3 departments.


  • Higher education;
  • Additional education in finance;
  • At least 5 years of experience working in a Western company;
  • English is fluent.
  • Salary from 500,000 rubles;
  • Social package: car, mobile communications, voluntary health insurance, etc.


Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

To the client of the Personnel Search Group "TRIZA Exclusive", a large manufacturing and trading company - one of the leaders in the cosmetics market and household chemicals, "Marketing and Development Director" is required (Vacancy code - AA-AV).


  • Development and implementation of a marketing strategy for a production and trading company;
  • Development of new products;
  • Brand building and brand management;
  • Formation of assortment and communication policy;
  • Trade marketing activity (conducting national BTL, ATL promotions, events, PR campaigns);
  • Effective management of the marketing budget;
  • Management of a department of 25 people and professional development subordinate personnel.


  • Higher education (marketing, management, economics);
  • Additional education, professional retraining, MBA degree or internships abroad are welcome;
  • Confident command of English;
  • Successful experience as a Marketing Director, Brand Director or Group Brand Manager in large FMCG companies (except alcohol and tobacco) - at least 5 years;
  • Having experience in classical marketing and effective product creation and innovation, launching new brands or flankers, creating creativity and producing commercials;
  • A competitive advantage is experience in the market of perfumery and cosmetic products, household appliances;
  • Strong leadership qualities, creativity and non-standard approach, strategic thinking;
  • Readiness at the first stage for contract work in the region.
  • Salary: from 300 thousand rubles, bonuses, participation in the option program, social package, voluntary health insurance and other benefits;
  • Territorial characteristic: Samara.

Administrative staff

Salary from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles;
Region: Russia;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

One of the international companies looking for the Supply Chain, Administrative and Procurement Director, Moscow.

Responsible for defining the strategy and tactics and all administrative-related activities in Supply Chain Russia such as:

  • Contracted services (catering, cleaning, transportation etc);
  • Procurement of Indirects management.


  • Procurement Management. Establishing and supervising of service delivery for all facilities operations: mobile phone communications, office furniture & equipment, stationary, consumables, expendables, courier services, cleaning & catering services, transportation services, working clothes etc;
  • Searching / tendering and choose of key suppliers and contractors. Negotiating better terms. Supplier relations management. Expenses control, monthly control of payments. Budget preparing and approval;
  • Project participation (e.g. Moscow branch relocation);
  • Office-management. ( and layout for internal premises and territory);
  • Documents Flow, Reception & Admin.Support: designing and implementation of doc-flow system. Sharing of responsibility between assistants and employees for each stage of doc processing (receipt, registration, order of flow between divisions, coming out, archiving). Setting up the filing system. Drafting and execution of corporate standards of outgoing business correspondence and internal forms.Business travel support (visas, hotels, invitations etc).

Admin support of company employees – assistance in admin related issues:

  • Fleet Management. Supervising company cars, transportation and related expenses. Purchase / Leasing / Insurance / Petrol Cards Services – coordination with Head Office. Budget preparing and approval, expenses control. Administering of cars’ take-on and take-off registrations, technical examinations etc;
  • Corporate, sport and social events.
  • University Degree;
  • Relevant Managerial Experience in admin and procurement from 3 years;
  • Experience in Production;
  • Good knowledge of bidding procedures and experience in medium to large scale biddings;
  • Strong interpersonal, communication, influencing skills and problem solving abilities, strategic thinking;
  • Fluent English.
  • From 150,000 RUR + social package.


Salary from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;


  • Active development and business management of an existing investment company in accordance with the existing strategy, the main direction at present is Trust Management;
  • Introducing new areas of activity, organizing teamwork, attracting new successful managers, strengthening the sales unit.


  • Experience in organizing and managing an investment business as a head of an investment company/financial corporation/top 50 banks (+-);
  • Knowledge of the market, the presence of established contacts among clients and partners.
  • Fix. 250-400 thousand rubles (ready to consider individually) + bonus + %% (based on profit results).

Human Resources/Training

Salary from 9,000 USD;
Required experience: more than 6 years;

An international bank is looking for an experienced HR Director who is ready to head the HR department of the bank's head office and move to another country (CIS) for the duration of the job.


  • Organization of work and general management of the HR Service (7 employees);
  • Participation in the construction and development of the bank’s organizational structure;
  • Personnel policies, rules and procedures;
  • Recruitment;
  • Complete system rewards;
  • Management of the international personnel mobility program;
  • Organization of systematic training and development of personnel;
  • Analysis of staff satisfaction and development of corporate culture.


  • Higher education;
  • Experience in HR functions from 8 years, including in the banking sector and in international companies;
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in a managerial position in an HR department;
  • Systematic understanding of the business and key areas of activity of the HR department;
  • Experience in developing local regulations, policies and procedures;
  • Experience in developing motivational schemes, incentive programs, and introducing grades;
  • Budgeting experience;
  • Fluency in English;
  • Readiness for relocation (CIS) and periodic business trips (control of branches).
  • High wages, extended social package;
  • Relocation package.

Automotive business

Salary from 7,000 USD;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

International company for the production and sale of auto parts.


  • Strategic planning, development of company policy. B2B, production, sales;
  • Building distribution in Russia and the CIS;
  • Analysis and construction of effective business processes;
  • Strategic and operational management of the company's activities;
  • Management of administrative and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • Formation of development strategy and performance indicators;
  • Marketing strategy management;
  • Budget management and control over its execution;
  • Increasing the profitability of the product line;
  • Production process management;
  • Management of a team of 30 people.


  • Age from 28 to 47 years;
  • Gender doesn't matter;
  • Higher education;
  • Higher education;
  • From 2 years of successful experience as General Director/Executive/Commercial Director;
  • Excellent knowledge of: strategic and tactical management, finance, marketing, production, commerce, personnel management;
  • Personal characteristics: Independence, business-oriented - results, structure, good communication skills, strategic thinking;
  • English is fluent.


Salary from 230,000 to 250,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: more than 6 years;

large Western manufacturing company.


  • Prevention of illegal trade/counterfeiting;


  • Relevant experience, fluent English. language;


  • 230-250K gross, bonus 30-40%% annual salary, medical insurance;
  • Life insurance, supplementary pension plan, company car.

Senior management

Salary up to 30,000 USD;
Region: Kyiv;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

A large holding is looking for a General Director of a development company.


  • Creating a real estate business for a large holding company;
  • Organization of the structure of corporate governance and asset management;
  • Management and control of the development of a portfolio of projects;
  • Attracting foreign funding;
  • Creating a positive image of the company in the market.


  • Work experience: from 3 years in senior management positions in the field of development;
  • Higher education: PGS, MBA – desirable;
  • Experience in developing/creating/successfully implementing real estate concepts;
  • Experience in fully organizing the sale/rental of real estate;
  • Excellent knowledge of the real estate/architecture/construction market of Ukraine, in particular the Kyiv market;
  • Knowledge of the stages and basic technologies of the construction process;
  • Knowledge of the specifics of the relationship between the customer and contractors, the tendering process, and the rules for conducting pre-contractual/contractual work.

Extraction of raw materials

Salary up to 8500 EUR;
Region: St. Petersburg;
Required experience: more than 6 years;


  • Managing the work of company departments and operational monitoring/control of projects;
  • Optimization of the structure of departments and the project management process;
  • Implementation of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of production departments;
  • Development of proposals aimed at increasing labor productivity;
  • Approval of major decisions in projects, implementation schedules design work, workload of production personnel;
  • Control of issued design and estimate documentation;
  • Monitoring the progress of fulfillment of obligations under all contracts for design work;
  • Participation in resolving conflict situations regarding the work performed by the company;
  • Work with comments from customers and regulatory organizations on the work performed by the company;
  • Technical policy of the company: quality standards in the company, compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation;
  • Assessing the competencies of direct subordinates;
  • Innovation activities;
  • Development of a company development strategy (business plan, formation of a portfolio of orders);
  • Preparation of contracts for design work;
  • Attracting new customers;
  • Work with government authorities and supervisory organizations.


  • Higher engineering and technical education;
  • Management education preferred;
  • 10 years in the mining industry;
  • At least 5 years of experience in management positions or as a chief executive officer on large/complex projects;
  • Organization and management of the production process;
  • Knowledge of design methods and tools, design process chain;
  • Experience in organizing and planning design and engineering surveys. Knowledge of project management tools;
  • Experience with EPC/EPCM projects;
  • Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the design and construction of mining and enterprises;
  • Knowledge of documents regulating the implementation of design work;
  • Knowledge of the mining industry market;
  • Experience in managing budgets, deadlines, and risks;
  • Knowledge of MS Office, Power Point, AutoCad;
  • Fluency in English is desirable.
  • Competitive salary;
  • Providing housing;
  • Bonuses.

Arts/Entertainment/Mass Media

Salary from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles;
Region: St. Petersburg;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

The online publishing house T-Publishing needs a competent specialist to manage and develop a line of existing projects and launch new ones.


  • optimization of the publishing house;
  • Management of project directors;
  • Development and SEO resource management;
  • Publishing house development strategy;
  • Monetization.


  • Experience in the industry from 5 years;
  • 2 years of management experience;
  • Experience of positive work with information and service projects;
  • Marketing education will be an advantage.
  • A lot of interesting, very difficult and well-paid work:)


Salary up to 20,000 USD;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: more than 6 years;

A global strategy consulting firm has an opening: Manager for Telecom practice.
General characteristics of a candidate: The company is seeking people with the skills, drive and vision; highly qualified individuals with a proven record of academic excellence combined with significant and sound work experience. In general we are looking for:

  • University educated (any field, economics not necessary, technical is a plus), advanced degree (e.g. MBA, PhD) is a strong plus;
  • Excellent knowledge of English in addition to Russian;
  • International experience (work or study);
  • Excellent analytical skills, logical and structured thinking, creative in problem solving;
  • Superior personal and interpersonal attributes (e.g. communication and soft skills, ability to work in a team, results-oriented and a performance-oriented work style, creativity, entrepreneurial qualities, personal maturity);
  • Ambitious, motivated, high energy personality, with leadership skills but collaborative personality;
  • Excellent communication skills both oral and written, capable of interaction at all levels in a company, from factory floor to CEO;
  • High integrity and reliability.

Requirements for Telecom Manager position:

  • The position is designed for qualified candidates who have at least several years of work experience in a leading consulting company in there background;
  • Managers are expected to have an excellent professional expertise (functional competence and industry knowledge), experience in management and leadership as well as an already established contact or/and client network in the Russian telecommunications community.

Managers are key contributors to the growth and development of our team. In this regard they will be expected to:

  • Independently manage projects for our clients;
  • Manage teams of consultants to deliver excellent quality work, actively participate and contribute to work delivery;
  • Structure the work, elaborate work approaches, deliver tangible results;
  • Develop and coach junior consultants and act as role models;
  • Contribute to extending our work at clients and developing new business and relationships;
  • Contribute to company knowledge base through intellectual capital development;
  • Main area of ​​activity will be Russia, Ukraine & CIS – but to expand expertise and to build an internal network within the company the candidates might also have the opportunity to work on projects abroad;
  • Fit in the company’s collaborative and team-oriented culture.


Salary from 250,000 to 300,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 3-6 years;


  • Planning and implementation of drug promotion;
  • Work with medical opinion leaders and key clients;
  • Formation of loyalty to the brand, company;
  • Development of a visit strategy;
  • Monitoring the work and development of a team of medical representatives;
  • Participation in the selection of medical representatives.


  • Higher education (medical or pharmaceutical);
  • English – at a good level (spoken, written);
  • Experience working with a group of drugs or with the Moscow Department of Health is desirable;
  • Experience in people/project management;
  • Proactivity, creative approach to work, ability to achieve goals, ability to make decisions independently.
  • Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Five-day work week;
  • Salary + bonus based on annual performance;
  • Social package: vacation, sick leave, medical insurance, mobile communications, laptop, company car.


Salary from 3,000 to 15,000 USD;
Region: St. Petersburg;
Required experience: 1-3 years;

We invite English language teachers (preferably native speakers) to collaborate with us to work with a group (adults, 8-10 people).


  • Teaching spoken English (2 groups - different levels);


  • Higher education;
  • Work experience is required;
  • English is the native language.
  • Work 2 times a week - for 4 months;
  • Salary is piecework.

Public service/non-profit organizations

Salary from 220,000 to 300,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: more than 6 years;

World leader in consumer healthcare, providing self-medication products for the treatment and prevention of common illness and conditions, and the enhancement of overall health and well being is looking for a Government Affairs Head for Moscow office..

Major Accountabilities:

  • Foster trust-based working relationships with key regional and national regulatory and KOL stakeholders;
  • Establish company positioning with Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) and Regulators, laying groundwork for medical PR and pricing conversations and negotiation;
  • Structure, prepare and conduct high-level pricing negotiations;
  • Achieve pricing goals in line with strategic objectives;
  • Monitor and anticipate changes in the healthcare environment, which might impact the company’s implementation strategies, develop risk mitigation plans and participate in their implementation;
  • Ensure high-level communication with various stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, KOLs, media and consumer groups;
  • Rx to OTC switches;
  • Coordinate the legal protection of the company licenses, contracts, products, and relationships with government’s regulators, in collaboration with Head of Legal.
  • University degree: Advanced degree in business, medicine/pharmaceutics/bioscience preferred;
  • Language: Russian, English;
  • Several years leadership experience (7-10 years) in the healthcare/pharmaceutical industry; policy and/or communication experience;
  • Proven ability to understand and clearly communicate scientific and economic topics;
  • Well developed understanding of regulatory environment, including degree of market regulation centralization/regionalization and local environments Ability to manage relationships with a high number of external customers;
  • Proven ability to develop trust-based relationships with government officials, regulators, and other key KOLs;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills Excellent negotiation and influencing skills.

Salary from 5,000 to 30,000 USD;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 1-3 years;

AltEl is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of server and network equipment.


  • Sale of server equipment under the Altell brand based on SuperMicro (direct supplies of all components from manufacturers) and Altell network equipment, supplies of equipment from other manufacturers (Cisco, APC, etc.) are possible;


  • The minimum requirements for starting monthly turnover in the Moscow region are 3,000,000 rubles per month;
  • A pool of customers is required.


Salary from 350,000 to 650,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: more than 6 years;

Director of Plant Operations in Commercial and Manufacturing Company (FMCG, Beverage Manufacturing).

Minimum Requirements:

  • An expatriate;
  • Working experience as a Production Executive Director (Food and Beverage Manufacturing);
  • Management experience: supervise 300 and more employees;
  • Working experience in Western Europe and Russian (or Ukraine) market;
  • The European experience in production field;
  • The experience of modernization and productive capacity development;
  • The experience of best practices performance management implementation;
  • Basic knowledge of production manufacturing equipment for Food and Beverage;
  • Language proficiency: Russian and English languages ​​spoken.
  • An attractive total compensation package incl. Salary, Benefits and much more.


Salary from 3,000 to 8,000 USD;
Region: Moscow, metro Park Kultury;
Required experience: 1-3 years;

Enjoy an exciting professional career in the luxury residential real estate market with the world's leading residential real estate company.
IntermarkSavills, the Moscow representative office of one of the oldest (since 1855) and largest UK company providing professional services in the real estate market, Savills, is opening a vacancy for the position of investment product sales manager (


  • Interaction and attraction of clients;
  • Sales of investment products;
  • Preparation of contracts, interaction with the legal department;
  • Conducting presentations.


  • 23 - 45 years old;
  • Experience in selling hedge funds, mutual funds in management companies and investment banks or selling expensive services;
  • Experience in independently searching and attracting clients;
  • English – preferably fluent (correspondence, communication);
  • Experience working with private clients;
  • Work for results, high degree of customer focus;
  • Public speaking skills and the ability to express thoughts in an orderly, clear and reasoned manner.
  • Opening hours: from 10.00-19.00, 5/2 (weekends: Saturday, Sunday), Park Kultury metro station;
  • Conditions of registration: according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Payment terms: guaranteed salary + bonuses;
  • Working in a team of professionals, the opportunity to implement interesting projects.

Address: Moscow, metro Park Kultury, Kropotkinsky lane, 7 bldg. 1;

Construction/Real Estate

Salary from 10,000 USD;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 1-3 years;

A unique opportunity is opening up for established professionals in the luxury residential real estate market to take jobs in the most ambitious real estate company of the new format! If you have experience in actively selling very expensive housing, if you are sociable, have the gift of persuasion, a high degree of self-presentation, are internally disciplined, decent - then we urgently need to get to know each other!

We will never take you into our team if you have worked long and sadly in a secondary job and call an apartment with two bedrooms a three-ruble note! We don't need star sick people dreaming of a salary! We will say no to candidates dressed with clothing markets and speaking with an accent! We don't need people who can live on $1000 a month!
Your advantages:

  • Higher education (specialization does not matter);
  • Confident PC and photographic equipment user!
  • Knowledge of a foreign language at a high level!
  • Having your own car - a foreign car!
  • Good knowledge of the architecture and history of Moscow!

We have a completely flexible schedule!

  • We do not require compliance with strict dress codes!
  • We do not and will not have sales plans!
  • We do not force you to write progress reports!
  • We do not allow tyrants and unbalanced people to lead us!
  • We don't have a probationary period!
  • We are an absolutely “white” Company!
  • We pay the highest percentage of transactions on the market - 45%! And we do this immediately after closing the deal!
  • We have a comfortable and cozy class “A” office in the Central Administrative District;
  • We will provide you with corporate unlimited mobile communications!
  • We guarantee you a sufficient volume of requests from VIP Clients!
  • We will provide you with advertising space in glossy magazines, billboards and banners on prestigious highways!
  • The best employees receive personal promotion and PR at the expense of the Company!
  • Our client and facility bases are constantly growing!
  • Leading development companies in Moscow work with us!
  • Based on the results of their work, experts receive awards (phones, laptops and CARS!);
  • We relax and have fun with those who own luxury real estate!

Get ready to tell us about your deals and Clients! We want you to understand the capital market trends luxury real estate and the legal basis for concluding real estate transactions!
ATTENTION! We do not consider CVs without a Cover Letter!


Salary from 350,000 to 400,000 rubles;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

A large transport and logistics company is looking for a port general director.


  • Organization of sustainable and efficient work Societies;
  • Presentation of your proposals on the draft financial and economic plan with proposals for the direction of capital investments, working capital for commercial activities, other areas for obtaining additional profit, cost estimates for maintaining the management apparatus, fixed assets of production, increasing labor productivity, social benefits for the Company’s personnel, the amount of balance sheet and net profit with the attachment of justification for cost estimates, profitability, return on capital investments or investments ;
  • Maintain loyalty to the interests of the Company;
  • Ensure the targeted use of funds provided to the Company by shareholders;
  • Maintain information related to the activities of the Company and submit quarterly reports on results economic activity of the Company to shareholders (the person authorized by them), as well as to the bodies provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Perform other duties provided for by the Company's Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


  • Male 35-57 years old. readiness to quickly move to live in Nakhodka;
  • 3-5 years of experience in management positions in a port.
  • Work under an employment contract in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Official salary;
  • Social insurance;
  • Vacation 36 days.


Salary from 180,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

The large company Sistema Bit-2000 LLC (a chain of cafes/restaurants in Moscow and the regions) is inviting a Project Manager/General Manager for the strategic development of the restaurant business.
Experience working in food service is required!


  • Increasing business operational efficiency: reducing costs, increasing labor productivity, optimizing business processes, improving the quality of services;
  • Implementation of operational profit planning for restaurants and building appropriate policies aimed at achieving profit plans;
  • Work planning, organization and coordination of project employees;
  • Calculation of project profitability, financial, economic, marketing analysis;
  • Risk assessment, project success criteria;
  • Collection, processing and systematization of information;
  • Making decisions regarding improving the efficiency of the company’s current activities;
  • Writing and implementation of general corporate regulations;
  • Timely provision of KPI reporting;
  • Consulting on all issues related to improving the company's management system;
  • Market research and analytics, competitor analysis, forecast of changes in supply and demand.


  • Man/woman from 30 to 50 years old;
  • Higher economic/financial education;
  • At least 5 years of experience in managing large-scale business projects, preferably in Western companies, with the successful completion of these projects;
  • Knowledge of the principles of company development planning, economic modeling methods, modern systems management;
  • Experience in developing and compiling economic reports (key performance indicators KPI), experience in implementing a KPI-based motivation system;
  • Experience in optimizing costs and expenses in various ways;
  • Experience in developing new processes and techniques;
  • Calculation of business projects, analysis, preparation of calendar plans, preparation of reports;
  • Ability to plan, organize and coordinate project work;
  • Analytical skills, systematic thinking, result orientation, attention to detail, stress resistance.
  • Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Social plastic bag;
  • Working hours 5/2;
  • Stable level of income (white salary);
  • Corporate mobile communications.

Salary from 500,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

A large investment and development group is inviting you to work.


  • Managing the activities of the group's legal service;
  • Work with foreign legal entities;
  • Representing the interests of group companies in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction;
  • Representation of interests in negotiations with counterparties;
  • Development of project management structures (management, operation, sales), incl. using closed real estate mutual investment funds (REIT);
  • Preparation of partnership (conceptual) agreements and schemes for the implementation of joint projects, escrow agreements;
  • Preparation of legal, including tax opinions;
  • Interaction with government and registration authorities.


  • Higher legal education (preferably leading universities in Moscow);
  • Experience in large holding structures (development, real estate) of at least 5 years in a similar position;
  • Strong managerial qualities, experience managing a team of 15 people or more;
  • Fluent level of English proficiency.

Sports clubs/fitness/beauty salons

Salary from 200,000 rubles;
Region: Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sochi, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Ufa, Krasnodar, Samara, Voronezh;
Required experience: 1-3 years;


  • Opening and organizing the work of a sports and fitness center for women through a franchise system;


  • Desire to organize and run your own business in the field of beauty and health;
  • Willingness to follow common network standards and technologies;
  • Experience preferred managerial work or experience running your own business;
  • Willingness to invest funds from 2.5 million rubles.
  • Stable income (from 200,000 rubles per month);
  • Unlimited opportunities for financial growth;
  • Comprehensive support from the franchisor company;
  • The right to use the registered brand TONUS-CLUB® (brand-winner of the international beauty and health industry award “Grace” in the Brand of the Year category);
  • Assistance in selecting premises for the future club;
  • Preferential conditions for the purchase of necessary equipment;
  • Full-time training in all the intricacies of the proposed business;
  • Advertising and information support;
  • Proven technologies in all areas of work (personnel, marketing, accounting and legal aspects);
  • The opportunity to use the experience of dozens of successful projects (TONUS CLUBS® are open in more than 30 cities of Russia, the network is developing dynamically, and there are immediate plans to open clubs in neighboring countries).

Installation and Service

Salary from 150,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 3-6 years;

Position: Technical and Quality Manager (food machines)
Company: western company.

Job description:

  • Implement machine quality strategy (B2B and B2C);
  • Implement global strategies in the area of ​​Technical and Quality Management to achieve business goals;
  • Ensure our key competitive advantages via great machines (Continuous Improvement) and Best in Class Service (main focus on After Sales Service) for all machines (B2B or B2C). Continuous benchmark of the market practices and competition;
  • Support and act as a vital link between Consumer-Market and HQ Technical Department in order to help define and execute our business strategy;
  • Manage and drive all key technical reports/reporting budget, specific project;
  • Support machine incident and crisis management;
  • Coordinate and drive technical analysis of machines or system issues;
  • Troubleshooting and follow up of pick up;
  • Support Club and After Sales Center for technical expertise;
  • Participate and contribute towards Consumer Surveys/responding to consumer complaint where it relates to Machines and Product Quality;
  • Coordinate and ensure machines technical training (on a train the trainee basis) within all departments;
  • Ensure legal and compliance of machines;
  • Connect with Technical Network (Official agencies, laboratories, consumers" organization);
  • Manage and coordinate with HQ and partners all issues related to machine. Ensure that legal requirement at local level are fully compliant;
  • Audit of technical practices in line with HQ guidelines;
  • Perform yearly basis Club and Boutique(s) and After Sales Center(s) technical Assessment and follow related action plan(s);
  • Partners technical communication;
  • Define local contract with partners for warranty conditions, what is covered and spare parts price and distribution flow;
  • Manage and communicate to all partners machine (modifications, improvements).

Knowledge and Professional skills requirements:

  • Engineer (with broad experience in mechanics, hydraulics and electronics);
  • Quality Management Systems? Experience;
  • Experience in After Sales Service Industry would be an advantage?
  • Knowledge and application of Quality Management Systems will be important.


  • Planning and Budgeting
  • Conducting Audits/Implementing Improvements
  • Business Analysis/Solution Oriented?
  • Problem Solving?
  • Decision Making?
  • Good communication skills?
  • MS Office (MS Excel, PowerPoint, and MS Word)?
  • Languages: Fluent English is a must

Salary from 300,000 rubles;
Region: St. Petersburg;
Required experience: 3-6 years;


  • General management of the sales department;
  • Management of regional divisions;
  • Formation of a sales strategy and distribution networks;
  • Formation of oil trading infrastructure;
  • Organization of work on the electronic exchange;
  • Monitoring of the petroleum products market;
  • Concluding contracts with suppliers and buyers, monitoring accounts receivable.


  • Basic education: Higher technical/economic education – specialization for oil and gas industry is an advantage;
  • Additional education: business education is an advantage;
  • Computer skills: confident user of a PC (MS Office and special programs used in the industry) and all office equipment;
  • Special knowledge, skills:
  • Experience wholesale sales petroleum products are MANDATORY;
  • Team management experience;
  • Personal sales experience;
  • Availability of stable connections in the industry;
  • Work experience: at least 8 years of work experience in the areas of: oil and gas industry (trading), at least 3 years in a position not lower than Manager/Head of Department;
  • Gender: m Age: 30-50 years Own car: welcome;
  • Business and personal qualities required for successful work in this position: systematic and flexible thinking, activity, discipline, exactingness, ability to manage working time, good health;
  • Additional requirements for the candidate: ability to travel frequently on business trips, resistance to stress, ability to establish and maintain contacts.
  • Registration according to the Labor Code;
  • Social package, gasoline, communications;
  • Salary from 300t.r. (discussed at interview).

Early career/students

Service Sales Manager

Salary up to 150,000 rubles;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: no experience;


  • Expansion of the client base;
  • Supporting the order at all stages of its execution, including coordination and control of the fulfillment of contractual obligations by contractors;
  • Timely generation of requests and materials for milestone meetings;
  • Maintaining a general culture of professionalism in all areas of interaction between performers and clients.


  • V/o, n/v;
  • One year of work experience (B2B market) is desirable;
  • Excellent PC knowledge;
  • Sociability, activity, desire to work and earn money.
  • Paveletskaya metro station;
  • 5/2 from 9 to 18, Friday until 17.00;
  • Salary: salary + interest (total income on average 50-150 tr);
  • Current service;
  • Ambitious young team;
  • Opportunity for professional and material development;
  • The office is air conditioned, free drinks (coffee, tea, milk, water);
  • No strict dress code.

Note: our company is developing dynamically, new directions and departments are opening, so we always welcome talented managers with or without knowledge of foreign languages, both with and without experience, the main thing is ambition, the desire to sell and earn money!

Household staff

Country house manager

Holding company;

Salary from 5,000 USD;
Region: Moscow;
Required experience: 1-3 years;

The all-Russian network of wellness centers for women TONUS-CLUB® opens a vacancy for a club manager based on a franchising system.


  • Management of elite non-profit real estate (country house, apartment);
  • Organization of maintenance of life support systems;
  • Prompt resolution of various issues: legal, organizational and other nature - the first person of the company.

When choosing a path in life, each of us wants not only to find a job to our liking, but also to ensure a decent existence for ourselves and our family in the future. Fortunately, there are more than enough opportunities for this today. And at the same time, you can earn decent money in a completely legal way, quietly doing what you love. The main thing is that this business, if possible, be included in the list of professions that top the rankings of the highest paid.

TOP 10 highly paid professions in Russia

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia has compiled a list of the highest paid professions in Russia, based on data on vacancies in the first half of 2017.

The highest paid professions in Moscow


Not a single large company can do without having specialists of this profession on its staff. Moreover, these can be auditors who not only work with financial flows, but also assess quality. Employers are willing to pay real professionals in this field monthly from 60 to 160 thousand rubles.


Despite economic instability, the most popular professions in Moscow are headed by marketers. Being able to competently attract a potential client or buyer is most valued at the moment. You can count on a high salary of 100-200 thousand rubles. In addition, this is a good help for developing your own business in the future.

HR specialists

HR manager is a promising and necessary profession. Companies are constantly looking for new personnel, and this work is performed by a personnel specialist. A mandatory skill for him is the ability to identify among candidates people suitable for a vacant position. Experience is important for an HR manager: theoretical knowledge is ineffective without interview practice.


A realtor organizes transactions for the sale and purchase of real estate, as well as its rental. This is one of the highest paid professions in Moscow. On average, 150 thousand rubles, and if you have the knowledge and skills, there is no upper ceiling. Most often, the profession of a realtor is mastered former sellers, insurance agents and sales managers.

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Legal services have always been and continue to be in great demand. Career prospects – right up to opening your own legal clinic. Payment in Moscow ranges from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles monthly.


Dentist is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions among medical specialties. The income of dentists does not compare with the fees of any other doctors. After completing advanced training courses and receiving the appropriate document, the earnings of a dentist in Moscow rise to 100-300 thousand rubles per month, provided that he works in a large private company.


Computer technology is penetrating all areas of our lives every day. Now there is a race for qualified IT specialists all over the world and Moscow is no exception. IT specialists include professionals involved in programming, computer maintenance, managing Internet resources, and creating websites. In Moscow, you can earn 100-300 thousand rubles in this area.

Civil aviation pilots

Air transportation is a job associated with the highest responsibility and risk to life, which is why it is paid noticeably better than many other professions. However, the income of a civil aviation pilot can depend on a number of factors, and therefore it can be very different, as well as working conditions. earnings of a domestic aviation pilot using the example of the well-known state company Aeroflot. Just 2 years ago, the salary at the airline was as follows: 290,000 rubles (with 85 flight hours per month) and 340,000 rubles (if the pilot’s schedule includes 90 or more flight hours).

Accountants and financial directors

For a year now, accounting has occupied a leading position under the title “The highest paid profession in Moscow for women.” An experienced and qualified accountant can earn up to 350 thousand rubles. The financial director, who is responsible for the formation of the financial development strategy and the movement of financial flows, receives approximately the same salary.

Directors and top managers

The top lines of Russian and foreign rankings for the highest salaries have not been left by senior managers for a long time. According to the recruiting portal SuperJob, offers for directors of organizations and heads of main business areas start at 200-250 thousand rubles and reach up to 1 million rubles. In very large companies there is no upper limit at all.

From my experience, I can say that anyone can find a high-paying job. It is not necessary that the profession be included in the top 10. First, you must have a passionate desire to earn a lot of money. Secondly, put some effort into it. Third, use the following tips...

Tip 1. Set a goal

First of all, you need to set a goal for yourself and do everything in your power to achieve it. In this case, the goal will be wages. Ask yourself the question: “What amount per month would suit me?” Look, the average salary in Russia is about 30-35 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 65-70 thousand rubles. I think that for good level life needs to be set at a higher figure - 100,000 rubles!

Tip 2. Believe in yourself

You must be 100% sure that you will have a highly paid profession and an interesting position! As it is written in the Bible: “Let us be unto you according to your faith.” Confidence in your personal and professional qualities will allow you to perform better in interviews! Employers like confident people. These are the ones who achieve high positions and good earnings!

Tip 3: Move to a larger city

You can earn money in any city in Russia. I earned money both in my hometown of Borisoglebsk and in Voronezh, but I had more opportunities for self-realization in our capital. Every year she comes to Moscow huge amount ambitious and talented people. If you feel that you have great potential, then don't hesitate for a second. Pack your things and move to the “white stone”.

Tip 4. Find a high-paying job

In order for your job search in Moscow to be as productive as possible, and for you to be able to communicate with leading employers, I recommend using the services of specialized websites. For example, on the website you can easily find a current vacancy, see how much you can earn and what requirements apply to professional activities. In addition, it is possible to create a correct, informative resume indicating all the necessary information, a photo of yourself in a business style, and recommendations from previous jobs.

Tip 5. Go to interviews until you get results

Getting a high-paying job will most likely not be possible right away. Most people, after several refusals from employers, “give up.” Under no circumstances should this be done. When faith is undermined, perseverance must be activated. Keep walking until they take you. I recommend going to at least 30 interviews. Always remember that quantity sooner or later turns into quality!

But no matter how well-paid, prestigious and in demand the position you occupy, the main thing is to get a thrill from the activity itself! Scientists have long proven that the more pleasure we get from work, the more success we achieve. Therefore, choose not only a highly paid profession, but also one that is interesting to you. And don’t forget about the benefits you can bring to society! Personally, my choice fell on marketing.

Good luck to you in career growth and high salaries!

Even if you are quite satisfied with your line of work, you will probably still be curious to look at this rating. And even more so, it will be interesting and useful to people who want to do something more profitable. After all, we will talk about professions that are considered the most in demand and, as a result, highly paid in Russia.


Dentist is the only medical profession included in the ranking of the most popular and highly paid in Russia. She has even surpassed plastic surgeons, although the cost of their work is traditionally paid much higher. The fact is that in our country the services of plastic surgeons are rarely used, while appointments with the dentist are often made, regardless of income level.

In this respect, Russia differs from other countries, for example from America, where plastic surgery occupies a leading position among other branches of medicine. At the same time, it is far from Russian.

Of course, to work as a dentist, you will have to study for a long time - just like for any medical specialty. And in order to earn a lot, you will also need to work hard, acquiring a good reputation and experience. After all, high salaries usually go to those specialists who either work in private dental clinics or open their own dental offices. Government institutions do not have much to offer their employees - this fact must be kept in mind.

Note: dentistry is not only profitable, but also promising industry. The current environmental situation is not conducive to maintaining health, and a large number of harmful impurities that we inhale in the air and drink in water have a destructive effect on the condition of the teeth.


Another profession in demand in Russia is a lawyer. A legal education can be useful in many fields, from the legal profession to police service. Versatility is an additional advantage, as it allows you to choose more advantageous direction activities in an unstable economy, for example during a crisis.

According to analysts, the highest salaries await specialists with a legal education in non-state law firms. Also, experienced lawyers can earn good money by working for themselves - opening their own offices.

The lowest earnings in this industry are for employees of government agencies and structures. In such institutions, the level of income directly depends on the length of service, so remuneration is most often disproportionate to the contribution and real qualifications of workers.

Note: Despite the fact that the profession has remained in demand over the past few years, the labor market is overcrowded with candidates for vacant positions with a legal education. To become a highly paid specialist in this field, you will need not only to provide the employer with a diploma, but also to have the skills and personal qualities necessary for successful work. These will primarily include systems thinking, attention to detail and the ability to make the right decisions in the face of a lack of information.


Another profession in demand today is economist. Specialists with an economic education, like lawyers, can work in many areas, thereby avoiding the risk of remaining unclaimed in the event of a crisis or, for example, mass layoffs in an organization or even an entire industry.

Important: Like lawyers, there are plenty of economists on the labor market. At the same time, good professionals are in demand, because economic areas of activity place quite high demands on the personal qualities of specialists.

It is believed that the most profitable destinations in economic sphere— analytics, accounting and finance. The highest paid positions are, for example, a stock trader or currency exchange, chief accountant of a large company, financial analyst.


Marketing and advertising specialists are also in demand in modern Russia. After all, it is high-quality analytics of consumer demands and inclinations, as well as drawing up an effective marketing strategy based on this data, that is the key to successful promotion of goods and services in any industry. Not a single large company or production can do without this.

Marketers solve various problems - from analyzing the range of consumers and competitors' offers to assessing the quality of the implemented marketing program and making recommendations for sellers or manufacturers. Moreover, in large companies there is usually an entire marketing department, since there are a lot of problems to be solved.

Typically, such a department includes the following specialists:

  • Marketing Analyst.
  • Marketing economist.
  • Product manager.
  • Event manager.
  • BTL manager.
  • Brand manager.
  • Marketing Director.

All these areas are considered in demand; the average salary level in them is approximately the same. Marketing directors or specialists holding a similar position as head of a marketing department usually earn the most. As a rule, they are appointed to it if they have extensive work experience.


One of the professions in demand in Russia in 2018 is engineer. It also has many varieties that allow specialists to get a job in the most profitable industries.

Analysts from the HeadHunter company came to the conclusion that among all engineering specialties the most highly paid are:

  • A process engineer who controls production processes, specializing in the installation, configuration and repair of equipment.
  • A design engineer involved in the design, invention, testing and commissioning of new devices and mechanisms.

Important: Despite the large number of educational institutions offering secondary engineering education, it will not be enough to work in this specialty. Only a professional with a higher education will be able to occupy a highly paid position, since only this will provide the breadth of specialized knowledge necessary for high-quality performance of work.


Realtors, or real estate agents, are another highly paid line of work. The essence of this profession is to mediate transactions in the purchase/sale or rental of premises - both residential and office. Indeed, in such transactions, the risk of concluding an unfavorable agreement is quite high, and large sums are always at stake.

Few people, without knowing the market and without experience interacting with the real estate industry, can independently assess the success of the transaction and the competitiveness of the offered price. In addition, it is necessary and correct to conclude an agreement in order to insure yourself against financial risks and not stumble upon the pitfalls that exist in any field.

The realtor receives payment either in the form of a fixed fee or as a percentage of the transaction amount. The responsibilities of a real estate agent include:

  • Real estate market analytics.
  • Comparison of existing supply and demand, estimation of the transaction amount.
  • Placing advertisements for purchase/sale or rental, as well as other activities to search for buyers or tenants.
  • Organization of viewing of the object of purchase/sale or rental by prospective buyers or tenants.
  • Agreeing on the time and place of signing the contract between the parties.
  • Preparation of the documentation necessary for the transaction.

The demand for real estate agents is determined by demand, which is always there - in any crisis or any other difficult period for the economy, people continue to make deals, buying, selling, renting or renting apartments, rooms, land, etc. Therefore, such a profession is also considered in demand in Russia.


Another rather difficult, but in demand and highly paid profession is an auditor. Auditors are engaged in checking the financial and tax documentation of various organizations, on the basis of which they make a conclusion about financial condition the company, as well as the efficiency of its work in general and various departments in particular.

Important: auditors are visiting experts who evaluate the effectiveness of an organization from a completely independent position as a third-party analyst. This is precisely why they are valued, since any other employees of the company, as stakeholders, cannot make an unbiased judgment.

An auditor is a rather complex profession, as it requires complex knowledge and an excellent understanding of global processes that occur at all levels of the enterprise. Only an analysis of the company’s work as one integral complex system will make it possible to identify and eliminate its weak links.

In particular, the auditor is engaged in:

  • Conducting inspections and drawing up expert opinions.
  • Checking the correctness of financial and tax reporting.
  • Assessing financial transactions for the degree of their rationality and riskiness.
  • Consulting executives and senior managers on financial issues.

Recommendations drawn up by auditors allow managers to more clearly see the picture of the functioning of the enterprise and make changes if some areas do not pay off or are not working productively enough.

System administrator

System administrators are also one of the professions in demand in Russia. This is justified by the fact that any company uses computers and other equipment that needs to be configured and maintained in working order. System administrators also work with software and deal with issues information security in the organization.

The responsibilities of such a specialist usually include:

  • Purchase of machinery and equipment.
  • Setting up computers and networks, installing software.
  • Ensuring network security.
  • Organization of data backup.
  • Technical support for users.
  • Preparation of work reports.

System administrators can work both in government agencies and in private companies. Bets in the latter are considered higher paying. Often, specialists can work for themselves by opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC - small organizations prefer to use the services of such incoming workers so as not to include the position of a system administrator in the staff.

Business Development Manager

Another in-demand and highly paid profession is business development manager. This is a relatively new area of ​​activity for Russia. The development manager analyzes and directs in the right direction the entire set of processes occurring in the organization: from effective strategy communication with the company’s clients to establishing more productive interaction between its different departments and substructures.

The main functions of a business development manager include:

  • Interaction with partners and clients of the company.
  • Monitoring the market and competitors.
  • Control of marketing and advertising.
  • Optimization of team work, training of new personnel.
  • Participation in presentations and exhibitions.
  • Drawing up plans and development strategies.
  • Performance analysis and reporting.

The requirements for such a specialist are extremely high, because only a comprehensive understanding of what is the key to business success, as well as the ability to see strategies for achieving maximum results, will allow a development manager to perform his job efficiently.

IT specialist

Another highly paid and in demand profession in Russia related to information technology is a generalist IT specialist. According to the Superjob company, IT specialists earn the most:

  • Head of IT department.
  • Head of Development Department.
  • System Architect.
  • Head of Software Implementation Department.
  • SAP implementation consultant.
  • Head of testing department.
  • Programmers Java, Oracle, 1C, PHP, etc.

These areas of activity require not only in-depth knowledge of the functioning of system processes and skills in interacting with programming languages, but also practical experience. The profession of an IT specialist is considered the most profitable today, but there are few workers with a sufficient level of knowledge and skills.

Let's sum it up

These were ten professions that are considered the most in demand and highly paid in Russia. Each of the presented areas of activity will help active, enterprising and ambitious employees to reveal their potential, receiving maximum profit for this.

The times when a person dreamed of a job that would bring him only pleasure are irrevocably gone. In the modern material world, the main criteria that most high school graduates focus on when entering a university are high pay and the demand for their future specialty. There are a lot of professions that can provide their owners with a rich life. Their disadvantage is that almost all of them require special skills and abilities. Let's look at which professions are the highest paid in Russia today and give them a brief description.

Profitable work in past years

Employment specialists regularly research the labor market and compile lists of the most profitable specialties. The TOP of the highest paid professions in Russia changes every year. At the beginning of the 21st century, people employed in production managed to earn the most money. After 5 years, the first places in the rankings of highly paid and in-demand professions in our country are firmly occupied by sales representatives, merchandisers, sales managers, and advertising business workers. In 2010, service sector specialists became the leaders in terms of wages. As you can see, the situation on the labor market changes over time. What does the list of the 10 highest paid professions in Russia look like today?


Starting the story about the most profitable professions, it is worth mentioning, first of all, lawyers. The demand for this profession has remained consistently high over recent years. The term “lawyer” has a broad meaning. It means notaries, lawyers, judges, investigators, prosecutors and other specialists whose activities are related to law. Lawyers who have been educated in prestigious educational institutions and have many years of experience are highly valued. Salaries in this area range from 35 to 160 thousand rubles.


Accountants should be included in the list of “The highest paid professions in Russia”. Representatives of this specialty are extremely valuable employees for managers of enterprises and firms. Accountants control all financial affairs of organizations, monitor the timely payment of taxes and fees, payroll of employees, etc. Often the prosperity of an enterprise depends on the qualifications of an accountant, so it is not customary to save on paying for the services of such a specialist. The most prestigious thing is to work as a chief accountant. His salary varies in different places from 60 to 300 thousand. You can become an accountant through special courses, but for those who want to earn a decent living, it would not hurt to have a diploma of an appropriate higher education.

The most profitable medical specialties

The most popular and highly paid professions in Russia traditionally include dentists. Dentists are specialists who are visited even by those who never get sick. The highest incomes come from dentists who work in private clinics. Here you can earn up to 200 thousand in domestic currency. In order to get such a lucrative job, you must first obtain a diploma as a dentist and work in your specialty for at least several years.

The highest paid professions in Russia in the field of medicine are not only dentists. The most profitable specialties also include surgeons, anesthesiologists, and gynecologists. If they have solid work experience, their wages will be no lower than that of dentists, and in some cases, higher.


The list of the highest paid professions in Russia would be incomplete without mentioning restaurant business workers. There are never any problems with employment in this area, since the number of catering outlets in domestic cities increases every year. The richest workers in cafes and restaurants are chefs. Their salary can reach 150 thousand. But in order to receive that kind of money, you need to be a true professional in your field. Before reaching heights in the restaurant business, a chef will have to work hard for a more modest remuneration.

IT specialists and managers

What other professions are the highest paid in Russia? IT specialists, that is, people who understand information technology, are firmly entrenched in this list. Their responsibilities include software development, protecting websites from hacking and viruses, preventing information leakage, etc. Nowadays, neither private organizations nor government agencies can do without the services of IT specialists. Although many domestic universities graduate information technology specialists, there is a shortage of real professionals in this field. Qualified employees can count on an average salary of 100 thousand rubles.

Internal communications managers are also included in the category “The highest paid professions in Russia.” They are in demand in large companies with a large number of employees. These specialists are responsible for developing and implementing methods to ensure interaction between different departments of one organization. In other words, the work of the entire company depends on the communications manager. This position goes to responsible, proactive and purposeful people who have high organizational skills and understand personnel auditing. Higher education and work experience will be undeniable advantages for an applicant for this job. The salary that a communications manager can expect in our country is 50-200 thousand rubles.

Profitable professions for women

It just so happens that in our country men earn the most money. But representatives of the fairer sex do not want to lag behind them and are often interested in what the highest paid profession in Russia is for women. It is definitely difficult to answer this question, since there are many specialties for women and in many of them you can succeed and earn decent money. Designers, hairdressers, makeup artists, marketers, psychologists, and insurance managers have good incomes. The average salary of specialists in these areas is about 50 thousand rubles. But the indicated amount is not the limit. Some particularly enterprising representatives of the fair half of humanity manage to earn five-zero sums in purely female professions.

Bankers and senior executives

For many years, the highest paid professions in Russia have been related to money. There are a large number of banks in our country, each of which has hundreds or even thousands of representative offices in many regions. Of course, ordinary employees receive low salaries, but those who manage to climb the career ladder can earn up to 500 thousand rubles monthly. So there is something to strive for. You can study to become a banker at economic departments of universities (specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Banking”) or at secondary specialized educational institutions.

To finish listing the highest paid professions in Russia, it is necessary to say a few words about senior managers, or top managers. Specialists in this category head the most profitable enterprises in the state. It is very difficult to reach such a high management level, but those who succeed receive fabulous salaries amounting to millions of dollars. For example, the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, earns 35 million monthly in US currency. Of course, the probability of getting into top management large company is negligible, but for a purposeful person who wants to receive a high salary, nothing is impossible.

Highly paid professions of the future

Having decided on the ten most profitable professions in modern Russia, you should analyze the most profitable professions of the future. This information will be especially relevant for students who, in the coming years, will have to decide what to do after leaving school. Experts predict that in a decade the 5 highest paid professions in Russia will look like this:

  1. Specialists in the field of bio- and nanotechnology.
  2. Petroleum industry engineers.
  3. Environmentalists.
  4. Logisticians.
  5. Specialties based on providing various services to the population.

Many of today’s prestigious professions will not give up their positions either. IT specialists, accountants, doctors, and lawyers will remain popular.

It is important to understand that many people are striving to obtain the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia today, so when applying for a job, an applicant may face fierce competition. For a young specialist It is rarely possible to get a position with a large salary. In the first years after graduating from university, he will have to be content with a much lower salary. And only after gaining experience can he count on a truly high income.
