Business plan for a company for organizing seminars. Earn money at the seminars of an internationally qualified business consultant and trainer, Konstantin Viktorovich Novikov. Features of business: advantages and pitfalls

For some reason, some people associate organizing and conducting seminars exclusively with higher education. educational institutions. In fact, such events are used everywhere in many areas, since they represent an effective form of training, which is simply necessary for rapid development in the age high technology and in our intense life in general. There is an exchange of knowledge, experience, and skills. Also, its participants learn to reason independently, defend their point of view, and argue their thoughts based on existing facts. All this in turn enhances professionalism or personal qualities.

Main types and their features

Due to the effectiveness of the seminars, they have acquired various types. Each has its own specifics:

  1. Training. This version of the form of education is organized by schools, colleges and universities. In this case, the speaker can be either the student himself, who prepared the report in advance, or the teacher. In addition to gaining knowledge, participants develop a culture of communication, tolerance, a scientific worldview and the ability to search for truth.
  2. Business. Conducting business seminars can take place both within your own company and among professionals from other enterprises working in the same field. Informative and high quality organized business The event will not only allow the company to increase its competitiveness and make itself known target audience. During it, a business partnership is also established, competitors and the situation in a certain area are assessed. In addition, organizing seminars allows you to exchange experience, best practices and management skills. successful business between specialists and leading managers.
  3. Training. This type involves obtaining information and consolidating it through practical exercises. During it, participants will learn from the speaker about various theories and algorithms for solving assigned problems. Then practical exercises are carried out according to given schemes.

What is the organization of seminars

As a rule, organizing business seminars by one person is impossible. Usually this should be done by a specially trained team of professionals, which is the “Academy of Adventures”.

After all, for successful implementation seminar, already at the planning and preparation stage, it is necessary to take into account many factors and skillfully connect the necessary resource bases. Only with a competent approach will it pass without any temporary, technical or other complications. That is, the solution organizational issues and the actual implementation itself are labor-intensive processes consisting of many stages. All this requires experience and certain knowledge.


At this stage, the agency "Academy of Adventures" is engaged, having first agreed everything with the client, on the following:

  • Coordinates the scenario and location of the business seminar.
  • Develops timing and budget.
  • Organizes the technical equipment of the place where the whole process will take place (Wi-Fi, projectors, screens, air conditioners, flipcharts, etc.).
  • Designs the territory.
  • Determines catering services (includes coffee breaks or welcome coffee, buffets, lunches, dinners).
  • Hotels are booked to accommodate out-of-town or foreign participants/guests.
  • Connects additional resource centers (transfer, photo and video support, security, and so on).

Carrying out

On the day of the event, the "Academy of Adventures" will check the functionality of all equipment, meet participants and guests, organize their accommodation, and promptly resolve any problems that may arise. additional questions. During the event, all those services that were previously included by the client in the agreed list will be provided.

Why "Adventure Academy" and how we set our prices

"Academy of Adventures" provides services for organizing and conducting a turnkey seminar. For every client we have individual approach. Our professionalism allows us to organize and conduct such events at the highest level in any city and country, so trust us. We guarantee you success!

The cost of organizing a seminar will directly depend on its scale, the involvement of certain resources and the list of services as a whole. That is, the final price will be formed after agreeing with the client on all the nuances and wishes. For those who constantly cooperate with us, of course, we have significant discounts.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


How to make significant money without serious investments, experienced organizers of trainings or seminars know. The right organizational approach and skillful execution of events bring good financial benefits. What are the features of this activity? Read all the nuances of organizing a business from scratch on the website

Topic – the main component of a training or seminar

The word “training” means any group training system that allows you to improve in any area. Seminars are also group training sessions where presentations are presented and discussed. Both events are conducted by experts in one field or another.

It all starts with choosing the most relevant topic in a particular area:

  • Product promotion.
  • Ethics of business relations.
  • Health promotion using a special (author’s) method.

In the global aspect, there are only three main topics:

  1. Building and developing a business – personal growth.
  2. Improvement of the body.
  3. Relationships (business, family).

Virtually everyone wants to be healthy, financially successful, and have a strong family. Each topic has its own numerous directions. For example, in personal growth: how to start a business correctly, choose business partners, think through the path to success, and so on.

The main thing is to create an entire program ( calendar plan) various seminar events or trainings, which may change periodically . Repeating the same training makes it difficult to stay in business long time. That's why you can't do without regular updates.

Advice . Along with thematic diversity, large number authors cover the same issues. Preliminary personal participation in the seminar that is planned to be held is recommended. As a last resort, you can familiarize yourself with the individual works of a specific trainer-teacher. This will make it easier to complete the organizational steps.

Where is the best place to conduct trainings or seminars?

Short duration of trainings and seminars(usually they last 1-2 days) ensures their mobility - organization in different cities. In this case, it is important to choose a premises in the central part of the city with convenient transport links, comfortable access and access. Then all participants will perfectly arrive at the appointed time.

The option of outdoor education is widely practiced – in sanatoriums and other suburban institutions located near the city limits. When organizing on-site training, you need to take care of transporting students to the location by bus (by other means), book rooms for accommodation in advance and think about meals.

We pay due attention to working with the trainer

Close contact with a coach largely determines the success of a started business. For example, the date of the event is announced to potential participants only after agreement with the trainer.

Each specialist has his own payment terms:

  • One puts forward requirements regarding the minimum and maximum number of participants and calls a fixed amount of the fee. Its value will not depend on the total number of listeners.
  • With another, it is necessary to pay for each person present at the training.
  • The coach's travel expenses and accommodation are paid separately.

In addition, the coach is a treasure trove useful information for the organizer.

He will certainly focus on the following nuances:

  1. Will focus on the target audience and requirements for the premises.
  2. Will provide samples of handouts.
  3. Share existing advertising brochures, brochures, posters.
  4. Recommend the most effective advertising methods.

Attention . The process of negotiations with a coach does not provide a 100% guarantee that there will be no organizational errors, but the likelihood of their occurrence becomes minimal.

Choosing a room for trainings or seminars

The choice of premises is not the best simple task. The ideal solution is to rent a hall (classroom) in a modern business center, where the interests of clients are taken into account one hundred percent. However, his rental value corresponding, which means the price of classes increases.

Basic requirements for training rooms:

  • Comfort – maintaining an optimal microclimate in any season. Availability of smoking room and other amenities.
  • An important aspect - comfortable seats. It is difficult to sit on a hard chair for a long time.
  • Spaciousness , that is, a room designed for 30 people cannot be rented for 40 listeners.
  • No unnecessary items , distracting attention from classes.

Attention . Often the customer of the training (seminar) is a company. In this case, the trainer is given a specific task, and the training takes place on the premises of the client, who provides the premises.

We resolve technical issues in advance

Today, even ordinary lectures cannot be read without showing slides, let alone modern trainings and seminars. Technical issues are dealt with at the stage of selecting premises. You should inquire in advance about the availability of a board, projector, and Internet access. If they are provided by the landlord, you can book a room and not worry about technical support.

Promotion and promotion of a seminar or training

In parallel with the search for premises, promotion of the event begins.

Free options for attracting clients Paid customer acquisition options
Advertisements on Internet sites and in newspapers Advertisements on TV, radio, in various newspapers
Participation in discussions on forums Advertising on sites (forums, blogs) with similar topics
Running your own blog Sending invitations to email possible participants (special services)
Invitations via social networks Targeted Internet advertising
Distributing flyers in places where there are the most potential seminar (training) participants
  • Interesting newcomers and retains “old” listeners.
  • Attracts a certain contingent, which means there is a permanent audience interested in this topic. Accordingly, there will always be people ready to learn.
  • Really benefits to those who listened to him. This is evidenced by real reviews posted on a page on social networks or a website.
  • Very important Constant development of the trainer and training program taking into account any changes or trends.

Features of payment for trainings or seminars

An advance payment by the participant is prerequisite. This objectively confirms the seriousness of intentions.

As practice shows, there can be many registered participants for the event, but only those who have not paid:

  1. They forget to come to class.
  2. They stop answering calls from organizers.
  3. They excuse themselves with urgent matters.

Even a small prepayment will immediately weed out frivolous people. In addition, this approach allows us to obtain real information about the quantitative composition of participants.

Advice . The announcement of tiered pricing encourages early registration. For example, if the price of the training is 11,000 rubles, then an advance payment made a month before the event implies a discount of 1,500 rubles, for 2 weeks - 700 rubles, for a week - 300 rubles, the full cost is paid on the day of the training.

Preparation of materials for training or seminar

As noted above, the trainer provides the organizer with handouts that need to be reproduced in sufficient quantities, preferably with a reserve.

Typically participants are provided with:

  • Workbooks with exercises and assignments on individual topics.
  • Abstracts with key points and various diagrams.
  • Additional materials intended for self-study.

Basic requirements for any type of handout:

  1. Clarity, clarity and understandability for participants.
  2. No errors (spelling and syntax).
  3. Availability of numbering on pages.

Often, material intended for participants is compiled into one package and distributed before the start of the event.

Drawing up a plan for conducting a training or seminar, printing brochures

The plan is comparable to the class schedule. For example, a student knows exactly the start and end time of lessons, and what subjects will be studied on a particular day. In the same way, a person who is interested in training or seminars should know about all the nuances of training.

The program states:

  • Total duration (day or several days, number of hours each day).
  • Where is the training conducted, who is the author and presenter.
  • What blocks does the event consist of, their duration and thematic focus of each.
  • When does registration of participants begin?
  • Break times and other nuances.

The compiled program is printed in the form of a bright brochure and provided to participants.
As you can see, the implementation of this point should not be neglected and left for the last day. In addition to the plan itself, you need to think about the design of the brochure, find a printing house to produce it, arrange for printing, and wait a few days or more for the order to be completed.

An example of a training program by Evgeniy Galaya: “Manager: the art of managing people”

Catering at a training or seminar

Taking care of nutrition is an important detail organizational process. The multi-hour seminar involves breaks of varying lengths. In moments of short rest, it is appropriate to offer listeners hot drinks, water and a sweet snack.

The importance of a coffee break cannot be overestimated:

  1. The man switches.
  2. Strength is restored to perceive a new information block.
  3. Sweets stimulate brain activity.
  4. Clients’ internal tension is reduced and a relaxed atmosphere is created.

It is better to use lunch time for its intended purpose - invite listeners to lunch. For example, in business centers there are special food outlets for this purpose. If there is no suitable cafe nearby, you can take care of the place of training in advance.

Paying attention to the little things

Unaccounted for little things lead to serious discomfort.

It is important to think through everything down to the smallest details, eliminating the slightest inconvenience for the participants:

  • Make sure there are signs to the wardrobe, hall, toilet, smoking room.
  • Hand over badges. This will make it easier to communicate during group classes and during breaks.
  • You should not save on purchasing stationery - notepads and pens. The essential attributes of any activity are distributed before the start of the event.

The intense training course is not easy to master - after another week, many details are forgotten. This is what worries many listeners. Therefore, the sale of materials from full version the course will be very useful. These can be original books, CDs or brochures.

We organize breaks from trainings or seminars comfortably

A comfortable break means:

  1. Special places for relaxation and eating, equipped with comfortable furniture.
  2. Take a walk in the fresh air, preferably in a park area.

It is these nuances that need to be taken into account when choosing a room. Listeners are always asked to leave the hall during the break. They need a change of scenery, socialize, stretch their muscles by walking, and have a snack. A well-rested person is able to absorb information well. It wouldn't hurt to have a sports minute. Here it’s time to recall the usual industrial mini-charger from the Soviet past.

Additional notification of clients about the training or seminar 1-2 days before the start

Everyday busyness modern people causes forgetfulness. They simply do not remember some of the events they planned. A kind of insurance that all registered clients remember about the upcoming event is an additional notification in the form of a reminder. A few days before the appointed date, a call is made to the formed group or an email is sent.

Hiring additional workers to help

With a large number of participants, it is difficult to do without additional assistants:

  • Greeting clients.
  • Celebrating those who came.
  • Organizing tea parties during breaks.
  • Promptly responding to force majeure circumstances.

As a conclusion. Returning to the question of the profitability of the business of organizing trainings and seminars. How to calculate it?

All costs are known in advance:

  1. Trainer's remuneration.
  2. Rent amount.
  3. Cost of printing handouts and brochures.
  4. Costs for coffee breaks and stationery.
  5. Advertising spending.

All that remains is to calculate the minimum payment for one person, taking into account the above expenses and your own benefits. The profit from each training completed is then multiplied by the number of participants. The result is the amount of net profit.

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Employees who regularly improve their knowledge at seminars overcome challenges much easier career ladder. Business seminars are one of the main elements of achieving company success.

Our company "R-event" is engaged in professional organization and conducting seminars. We can organize seminars directly on the premises of the company itself or in any other place equipped specifically for these purposes.

How do we organize the seminar?

Proper organization of seminars is very important to achieve the planned result. We will create an atmosphere of comfort so that nothing distracts the seminar participants from the topic of the training.

Organizing a seminar is a difficult job that should be entrusted to professionals.

Experienced specialists of our company will help you choose a suitable hall for holding a seminar, equip it with the necessary equipment, and offer several menu options to choose from. Thus, organizing business seminars involves coordinating all events so as not to miss a single important point.

We begin conducting seminars by checking the performance of equipment: projectors, microphones, video and audio systems. Each of our employees performs their role and is responsible for individual points of the organizational process. As a result, the seminars organized by our company are held at the highest level.

When we organize business seminars, we pay attention to the following points:

  • Selection and provision of halls;
  • Decoration of the hall with banners, flags and balloons with the symbols of the seminar sponsor;
  • Organizing a meeting of guests;
  • Catering services (coffee break, lunch, buffet);
  • Installation necessary equipment(projectors, plasmas, laptops, loudspeakers, flipchart boards and so on);
  • Selection of places of residence for participants (if the seminar is held in another city);
  • Meeting seminar guests at airports and train stations;
  • Transfer of participants to the seminar venue;
  • Providing seminar participants with notepads, markers, pens and other office supplies;
  • Photo and video recording of seminars;
  • Organization of leisure time for guests.

As you can see, the seminar program is very extensive, so it is extremely difficult to competently organize the entire process on your own. You can save yourself from all the problems associated with organizing and conducting a seminar by trusting the R-event company.

Choosing a Seminar Venue

The successful organization of a seminar largely depends on the right location for the event. Therefore, when choosing the location of the seminar, we pay special attention to the following parameters:

  • The scale of the seminar (if a small number of participants is planned, then we can offer to hold the seminar in a hotel conference room or commercial complex. But the number of participants can be close to a thousand, in which case the organization of seminars is carried out in the halls of palaces);
  • The location of the rented premises determines how convenient it will be for guests to get to the conference room;
  • Presence or absence natural light in the hall with the possibility of darkening the windows.

When choosing a hall, it is necessary not only to take into account the above parameters, but also the customer’s budget.

Transfer and accommodation

Seminars should be conducted in such a way that the participants of the event are provided with the maximum level of comfort. The Royal-event company takes care of all questions regarding booking air tickets and hotel rooms for visiting seminar participants.

We are ready to organize transfer of guests from the train station, airport or hotel to the seminar venue.

For non-resident participants of the seminar, we will reserve suitable hotel rooms taking into account the budget allocated for the event.

Organizing seminars is one of the main directions of the R-event company. We are ready to offer you a full range of services for holding a seminar: from choosing a location to fully providing the event with the necessary equipment.

If you want your seminar to be effective, contact us and we will be happy to resolve all organizational issues.

Modern world technical progress and speed requires specialists of any level to constantly learn, master new knowledge and technologies. And only in this case can you beat your competitors, get as many clients as possible, and achieve high profits. Many individual entrepreneurs We have long been imbued with this idea and constantly add an expense item to the budget of our enterprise - training.

Know your market

First, you need to collect information about where exactly businessmen and their employees who live in your city and region study. If these are Moscow and St. Petersburg, then you have a clear advantage; you can save money on your trainings - you don’t have to spend money on travel and hotel accommodation.

Also analyze the work of similar training organizations that conduct seminars and trainings in your city. Here you need to approach the issue more carefully - study prices, topics, location of training centers, capabilities of staff and trainers.

It is necessary to analyze all the subtleties, identify all the advantages and disadvantages of competitors, and then come up with your own unique trade offer. If your competitors are missing something in their process, be sure to offer it to the consumer; if something positive seriously attracts potential students to your competitors, then you need to create an idea that would surpass the competitors’ achievements. In this process, you will approximately understand the course of your actions in organizing training center, based on these considerations, you can begin to draw up a business plan.

Starting capital

To create a center for conducting seminars and trainings, you need absolutely small investment. The first is renting premises. It is necessary to find areas where it would be convenient to conduct seminars. At first this could be one or two rooms with an area of ​​20 square meters. m, and a small service room for staff. And at the first stage there will not be much of it.

You are the owner and coach. A young and energetic girl is a secretary who constantly sits in the office and takes calls, draws up documentation, issues invoices, issues certificates of completed work, and also prepares coffee for visitors. It would be good if this employee also performed the function of an accountant. If one is not found, then you will have to hire an accountant. And it’s better if you choose a form of cooperation – part-time work.

And you will need one more employee. Of course, you can do without it, but with its presence, sales of trainings will go much better. This is the sales agent for your services. You need to find someone who has sales skills and natural sales talent. You must explain to him in detail the meaning of the services, their features, advantages over competitors, structure after sales service, as well as the benefits of the client who comes to you for training.

Create a “seller’s portfolio” that will include all your commercial offers, design it beautifully, it is better to print it in color and glossy. With such a portfolio, your agent, and, consequently, the trainings themselves, will look very presentable. Don’t forget to include blank training agreements in your package of documents, this will actively help complete transactions.

You should pay for the efforts of such a specialist in the amount of a percentage determined by you, the standard agent percentage is 10, maximum 25. If you are not going to pay him a salary, then you can hire as many agents as you like, then sales will be even more active, because a natural process of competition will begin among them .

Let's get back to costs and starting capital. You will need to spend some money on promotional products, which we have already talked about. But besides this, you will need to place advertising information in specialized media. Think about what your potential business clients are watching, reading or listening to. If a magazine is published in your city for this target audience, or it has radio or TV preferences, then this is where you should be located.

Think about expensive institutions - medical, sports, cultural and entertainment. Accommodation is possible there outdoor advertising– posters, billboards, and also place advertising business cards in these places. There is a separate section about them on this site.

In addition, set aside funds for the purchase of furniture if you were unable to rent a room with a ready-made classroom. Tables and chairs are not expensive, you can choose beautiful and inexpensive options. Also think about projection equipment to be able to show presentations, films, slides. To do this you need a computer, a projector and a screen. To reduce the cost of your purchase, you can buy used equipment, but in good working condition.

You also need to buy stationery: pens, pencils, notepads, folders, files, and much more. You will have to give everyone who comes to the training a package containing training materials, therefore, you must buy paper and toner refill. And of course, the computer and good printer to him. If you will be printing a lot, then it is best to negotiate with a printing house to print all your materials. And the best way to pay for printing services is by training their employees.

Such barter is possible for all purchases that we have already announced. After all, every company has sales specialists, and training in the art of sales can become for you that very “gold mine” that will allow you not to spend cash.

Selection of topics for seminars and trainings

We have already outlined the main training that is in demand by all companies. This is the art of sales. This topic is relevant in any company, and both directors and sales specialists undergo sales training. Come up with several options for such training. For example, sales stages, cold call, telemarketing, creating a unique commercial offer. Various trainings can be conducted for managers personal growth, on time management, on the basics of people management, on production optimization, etc.

If you are not strong in any popular topic, then there is one simple option to study it - sign up for such a seminar in one of the capitals, transfer this information to your city, based on the local characteristics of business, people, sales, etc., and in the end you will receive excellent training that will be in demand. Remember that all bicycles have long been invented, and if you are not a leader research fellow well-known research institute, then you don’t have to invent anything yourself. All advanced developments in the capital sooner or later reach every remote point of the country, and why not speed up this process and make money from it? In addition, this is not plagiarism, this is normal teaching, it is processing and adapting information for the local consumer.

If you want to work not only for businessmen, but also for a wider audience, then you can organize foreign language courses, culinary courses, courses for young expectant mothers. And they are especially popular at the moment various courses for adults – learning the basics family life How to attract good luck, love, happiness and other joys of life into your life. Massage, manicure, and pedicure courses are a fairly popular service in the training market. Trainings for women on developing their sensual nature are popular among businessmen, busy businesswomen, and wives of businessmen. They can pay well for valuable information and confidentiality.

What if you are not good at everything at once? It’s very simple – you hire outside trainers. These could be psychologists, sociologists, teachers from various family planning centers, medical workers. In the evenings as additional income they will be happy to conduct trainings. Such freelance employees are also paid based on certain percentages. As a rule, the teacher is given 30% of the total amount collected from clients.

Types of trainings

Trainings and seminars can be short-term (1-2 days), or they can be medium-length events (1 week, 5 working days). And long-term training in the form of courses is carried out for 3-4 months, in rare cases it lasts up to 9-10 months, that is, a full academic year.

Short-term seminars have a narrow topic, for example, the features of accounting in construction. Mid-term trainings cover a broader topic and study it thoroughly and in detail. As a rule, 2 days of the training are heavily filled with information, the third day is practice. And the last 2 days contain active consolidation of the learned information and the so-called “sorting it out into the brain.” Coaches call this process reflection.

This important point during training, so that later your student not only remembers what was told to him during the training, but also actively uses the knowledge gained. After all, it is the application of knowledge in practice that measures the benefit and benefit of the client; this is what he will be proud of later and tell his friends how great he learned from you. And your friends will come to you too, as a result. Therefore, build any type of training taking into account these requirements.

The trainings, which last for about a year, must contain a large amount of information. Why are they so stretched? Classes are held once a week, tests are held once every three months. And the topics should concern, for example, the basics of management. We can talk about them for a long time, with reinforcements and practical exercises. Or – the cuisine of the peoples of the world. On Saturdays, students come to you and study dishes of different nationalities. Such courses are cheaper per lesson, but you have a guarantee that they are sold, and this money will continue to flow to you for a whole year.

So, you have compiled programs in various subjects, rented premises and hired specialists. Now you place an advertisement and are waiting for your first students. And then everything depends on you - on your charisma, knowledge, oratory, the power of persuasion, the ability to conduct dialogue. In a word, good luck to you!

E. Shchugoreva

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What is the difference between a seminar, training and lecture? Which one should you choose in each case and what result should you expect?

From time to time, people have difficulty choosing between different forms of training, or are disappointed in the results of webinars, lectures, seminars and trainings. Therefore, it makes sense to briefly talk about the features various forms training.

Forms of training

In order to choose the option that is most suitable in each case, you need to navigate at least the most general outline in the purpose and characteristics of forms of training.

Most often we are faced with a choice between a lecture, a seminar and a training. This is a very simplified and conditional division, but for now it is enough for us to consider the features of forms of training within the framework of this article.

What is a lecture?

Lecture- the easiest for the presenter and the oldest training option. The presenting lecturer recites (or, in the worst case, soothingly mumbles) a prepared text. Listeners remember what was said and take notes, which slightly increases the percentage of memorization. The lecture can be given to a large audience, reproduced in audio or video without much damage to perception.

The rate of assimilation of lecture material is quite low. If you ask a listener about a lecture that took place, say, a month ago, he will be able to remember no more than 20% of what he heard.
If the lecturer uses visual materials- slides, posters, videos, then the material is remembered somewhat better.

Features of the seminar as a form of training

Features of the seminar

Seminar as a form of education has its own characteristics.

Firstly, the volume of material is obviously lower than that offered in the lecture. Secondly, the seminar involves interactivity and communication between the presenter and the audience. Due to the fact that the volume of information is smaller, and there are more channels for its presentation (sound, graphics, video, discussions and discussions), it turns out that the quality of learning the material is usually higher than in a lecture.
It only remains to add that the online version of the seminar is called a webinar and is gaining more and more popularity.

What is training

Finally, let's talk about training. Training- a specific and difficult type of training that combines several others. Typically, the training includes mini-lectures, business games, discussions and physical exercises.

The fact is that the more mechanisms and incentives for memorization are included in the process, the higher the quality of learning and the result obtained. The important thing is that the training pushes a person out of his usual environment, out of the so-called “comfort zone” and thereby forces him to perceive new things at a high pace.

If at a lecture the listener is completely passive, at a seminar he participates in the learning process to a limited extent, then during the training he is somehow immersed in the learning much deeper.

Knowledge, ability, skill - what is the difference and where to get them

Knowledge- this is the result of the process of cognition of the surrounding world, a set of ideas, judgments, theories. Ordinary knowledge allows us to adequately navigate situations and consciously respond to ordinary events. Scientific knowledge is more systematic, substantiated and deep.

Skill- this is the ability to perform any actions consciously, based on knowledge and experience.

Skill- this is the ability to perform a set of actions that are stereotypical. A skill appears when a person repeats the same type of actions many times. Having the skill allows you to complete complex work much faster and without extra costs.

Knowledge, ability, skill - differences

Taking into account the quality of assimilation of the material, the lecture will provide knowledge that, without systematic independent work will be forgotten very quickly, leaving separate fragments. This is due to the fact that the theory is not supported by practice and is not updated in memory through independent work on the material. What remains, basically, is only the illusion of knowledge, which is rather harmful. We all know armchair super-expert theorists who live on social networks and forums, who very often are not able to apply any of their theoretical knowledge.

A seminar with a smaller amount of material allows you to understand the main points of the topic and remember them better. Yes, there is much less material, it is presented more simply, but it is better absorbed. A small amount of knowledge that can be applied is much more valuable than cubic meters of theory, which the listener has not really been taught how to use.

From the point of view of the cost/effectiveness ratio, a very interesting option is an online type of seminar - a webinar. The listener does not need to travel anywhere; any computer with Internet access allows him to get involved in the work and gain access to the virtual room; during the process, there is usually the opportunity to perform simple exercises and interact with other participants. One way or another, the seminar and webinar have greater efficiency in cases where it is necessary to obtain a small but necessary set of knowledge and partly skills.

However, no lecture, no seminar or webinar, no short training can give you the skill. Skills are developed over long periods of practice.

For example, in order for an athlete to gain the skill of performing a technique or combination of strikes, he needs to carefully and correctly perform them several hundred times over several weeks, and then regularly train the acquired skills. No short training will give you a full-fledged skill; it can only be developed independently, through constant and systematic independent work.


When we talk about the main forms of training, we usually mean lecture, seminar, training, as well as their varieties. For each case, its own form is effective; they all have both pros and cons. A lecture allows you to get maximum information in a short time, does not lose its quality when recorded, but the material is poorly absorbed and is quickly forgotten. The seminar is good for studying a small amount of material and gaining knowledge on several issues within the topic; it provides for more active interaction between the speaker and the audience. Training is the most effective form of training for the listener and the most difficult for the trainer, which requires the active participation and collaboration of the trainer and trainees. Of knowledge, abilities and skills, all forms of training allow you to acquire only knowledge and skills; you need to work on developing skills independently.
