Resolves personnel issues. Who decides personnel issues? How to develop personnel documents

What's happened strategic consulting? What is the importance of HR consulting for an organization? Where to order HR consulting?

Hello, dear readers! Denis Kuderin is with you, a staff writer for the popular online publication HeatherBober.

The main value of anyone existing businesshuman resources. If the enterprise has problems with discipline and motivation of employees, if management is not able to independently resolve personnel issues, then the situation requires urgent third-party intervention.

Professional personnel consulting will help solve any problems with personnel. I will talk about what this is in detail and thoroughly in a new publication.

Among other things, I will explain what signs can be used to distinguish a professional HR consultant from an amateur. So let's get started!

1. What is HR consulting and why is it needed?

The slogan “personnel decides everything!” attributed to I.V. Stalin. The leader of the Communist Party and Generalissimo uttered these words in 1935, but they are still applicable to any area of ​​​​collective activity.

Few people know, but in the same speech Stalin uttered another phrase that can be safely applied in the field of personnel consulting: “The most valuable capital is people!” It is difficult to disagree with this statement.

In business, human resources play a particularly important role. Any commercial venture is impossible without experienced, dedicated and competent partners.

The future of the company largely depends on the activities of the HR department. How effectively and competently the formed team will perform its duties and by what criteria the team is selected are the main problems of personnel and if they are not resolved in time, you can forget about the positive development of the business.

Despite the complexity of the problems facing HR services, there are solutions, but the effectiveness of the methods depends on a well-structured policy personnel work.

Key personnel issues

The first problem of the personnel service lies on the surface - how and where to find a professional with good education, high labor classification capable of learning and mastering new technologies and having sufficient work experience. There are few such specialists and it is not at all easy for any company to find them. The shortage of personnel is clearly observed on the other side. In megacities, there is an urgent need to perform large volumes of unskilled menial work, but there are not enough workers due to difficult working conditions, relatively low pay and high staff turnover, as a consequence. A good example- sphere of trade.

Representatives of company workers are often dissatisfied with material conditions, degree of social protection, working conditions. It is almost impossible to increase wages against the backdrop of economic crises without damaging the company, but you can improve the social package to slow down the process of staff turnover. But the social package also requires investment cash. Unfortunately, this stops many entrepreneurs who prefer to invest free funds in the development of production.

Due to the continuous rise in inflation, planned salary increases are vital. Otherwise, the actual salary of employees will decrease and, reaching critical limits, will force them to leave.

Another personnel problem is the level of qualifications. Nowadays, new technologies are used in almost every area of ​​business and production; each industry is developing at a different pace. If a company does not apply innovation in its work in time, it will instantly find itself behind its competitors. Recruitment of professionals with modern knowledge ready to learn and master new things is a priority task for HR specialists.

Ways to solve personnel problems

1. Maintaining employee income levels at a high, competitive level. Even a slight decrease in salaries immediately provokes an outflow of personnel to competing companies. The company’s task is to regularly monitor salary indicators in other companies, follow economic news, and track inflation levels.

2. Expanded social package. The complex of social bonuses from the company may additionally include free food, high-quality conditions for work and rest, medical insurance, corporate communications, fitness and other paid services. High initial costs are easily recouped, since social support significantly reduces staff turnover, saves time on training newcomers and improves the efficiency of the organization.

3. Holidays and other corporate events. A sense of belonging, emotional attachment, a sense of joy, team cohesion - all this can be achieved through corporate events.

4. Training. Training and retraining of personnel keeps employees interested in work and helps them master new technologies.

5. Motivation. Company representatives need to regularly work with their employees to motivate them to work in the company and constantly update goals and objectives. Respect the desire of the staff member to move up the career ladder. Realizing the reality of their career prospects, staff member will make every effort.

Tags for the material: Problems of personnel work, problems of organizing personnel work.

Even with a full-fledged staff service, in order to save time and money, maintain security and confidentiality, the resolution of some issues can be entrusted to third-party organizations. Such issues include: search and selection of personnel, their training, certification, conducting research on the labor market. If your organization does not have a personnel department, let's get to know those who help resolve personnel issues professionally. These could be:

  • Recruitment agencies (services paid for by the employer)
  • Employment agencies (payment is made by both the employer and the applicant)
  • Agencies specializing in the selection and employment of workers in certain professions

What are the advantages of contacting recruitment agencies over self-selection?

  1. They have extensive databases of applicants for various professions (which significantly reduces the time it takes to fill vacancies)
  2. They have experience in selecting rare specialists (they know where to look)
  3. Will take hundreds of calls from candidates and make selections according to customer requirements
  4. Will provide complete resumes of specialists that meet the customer’s needs
  5. Will conduct preliminary check recommendations of applicants
  6. They will take care of organizing the interview, as well as all the necessary procedures, including refusing candidates.

During the application process, several people will work for you for one to three weeks, 8 hours a day! Lists of specialists from the database will be selected. Ads were placed in the best and trusted sources (media, Internet). Will be used individual means developed by each agency. About ...hours of telephone time were spent on one application. Preliminary interviews were conducted with a large number of candidates. Persons who abuse alcohol or use drugs will be sifted through the “sieve” of recruitment agencies; previously brought to criminal liability, whose criminal record has not been expunged; those who did not pass the regular visual inspection for compliance with the customer’s corporate standards, etc. etc., not counting simply unskilled workers. Applicants are checked according to many parameters before being admitted to the employer.

What does a customer need to do to use the services of recruitment agencies? To begin with, the secretary can collect information by phone:

  • Recruitment conditions
  • Selection deadlines
  • Guarantees

In addition to objective information expressed in numbers, days and rubles, pay attention to how they talk to you on the phone, whether consultants are ready to come to your organization, and whether they inspire confidence in you. You can also ask for recommendations from past clients of the agency. Be sure to read the contract and discuss key points.

Now you can talk about who you need. The consultant will help you draw up an application with the requirements for a specialist, as well as formulate all the parameters that should not be there. The employer has the right to maintain complete confidentiality when recruiting personnel. Applicants are provided with all information about the vacancy, except for the name of the customer company. After an agreed period of time, you study the received resumes and decide which of the candidates you are ready to meet with and set a time. It is convenient to come to an agency for an interview, where applicants will be invited to you at certain intervals. For a better choice, the head of the department for which candidates are being considered and other significant specialists may be present during the interview. The result of the interview is usually reported to the agency after a short period of time, 1-2 days. The guaranteed period of free replacement of a specialist by the agency is from 2 to 6 months. There are various forms of payment. Comfortable. Try it!

1. Duration seasonal work throughout the year general rule cannot exceed:
Correct answer:
B) 6 months.

2. The work book for submission to the Pension Fund is issued to the employee at his written request within the following period:
Correct answer: A) no later than 3 working days;

3. If the employer reduces the number of employees pre-emptive right to remain at work should be granted to employees with:
Correct answer: A) higher labor productivity and qualifications

4. When concluding an employment contract for a period of 2 to 6 months, the trial cannot exceed:
Correct answer: A) two weeks;

5. The employee who concluded employment contract for a period of up to two months, may terminate it early by at will, warning the employer about this:
Correct answer: A) three days before dismissal;

6. Dismissal for repeated violation job responsibilities:
Correct answer: A) a pregnant employee;

7. During an on-site inspection, the labor inspector presents to the employer:
Correct answers: A) service ID;
B) order to conduct an inspection;

8. When returning from a business trip, the employee must submit:
Correct answer: C) an advance report on the amounts spent.

9. The presence of a document on the procedure for processing personal data is mandatory:
Correct answer: A) for all employers;

10. An employee may be suspended from work:
Correct answer: A) due to failure to undergo a mandatory medical examination;

11. About hiring a “visa-free” person foreign worker must be notified:
Correct answer: A) body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

12. If an employee applies for leave outside the vacation schedule, can the employer refuse him?
Correct answer: A) yes;

13. If an employee has submitted a resignation letter, until when can he withdraw it?
Correct answer: B) before the end of the last working day;

14. During what period must an employee be familiar with the order to impose a disciplinary sanction?
Correct answer: B) within three working days;

15. During what period must the employee be familiarized with the hiring order against signature?
Correct answer: C) within 3 working days from the start date of work;

16. Should an employee write a resignation letter in his own hand?
Correct answer: B) no, the employee can print the application, the main thing is that his signature is handwritten.

17. In what cases is it legal to provide guarantees and compensation to employees combining work with education?
Correct answer: A) when employees receive education at the appropriate level for the first time

18. The amount of temporary disability benefits is established:
Correct answer: B) federal law(laws)

19. According to the norms Labor Code Russian Federation salary is:
Correct answer: A) remuneration for work, as well as compensation payments(additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature

20. Vacation payment is made:
Correct answer: B) no later than three days before it starts

2 1 . Normal working hours:
Correct answer: B) cannot exceed 40 hours per week

22. What length of the working week can be established when determining the working hours?
Correct answer: D) any of the above

23. Is it permissible to hire employees to work on weekends and non-working days? holidays without their consent (except for creative and other media workers, cinematography organizations, theaters, circuses, etc.)?
Correct answer: A) is allowed in special cases (to prevent a disaster, industrial accident, accidents, destruction or damage to the employer’s property, elimination natural disaster and some other similar purposes)

24. The duration of the annual main and additional paid leaves of employees is calculated in:
Correct answer: C) calendar days, not including non-working holidays falling during the vacation period

25. What conditions are not mandatory to be included in an employment contract?
Correct answer: B) job responsibilities

26. How long must an employee work for an employer (for whom work is of this employer is fundamental) so that the employer has a duty to maintain work book employee?
Correct answer: B) more than five days

27. When sending an employee on a business trip, he is guaranteed:
Correct answer: D) all of the above (in points “a”, “c”)

28. What are daily allowances paid to an employee when the employee is sent on a business trip?
Correct answer: D) none of the given answer options is correct

29. In the event of temporary disability of an employee, the employee’s annual paid leave must be extended or postponed to another period determined by the employer taking into account the wishes of the employee.
The employee went on annual basic paid leave for the period from March 1 (Friday) to March 7 (Thursday). On March 5 (Tuesday), the employee fell ill and was on sick leave for 6 days (from March 5 to March 10 (Sunday)).
The employee's days off are Saturday and Sunday, March 8 is a non-working holiday.
If an employee's vacation has been extended due to illness, the employee must return to work no later than:
Correct answer: Answer: March 14 (Thursday)

30. When an employment contract is terminated due to a reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees, the dismissed employee is paid severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings, and he also retains the average monthly salary for the period of employment, but not more than two months from the date of dismissal (including severance pay). . An employment contract or collective agreement may establish increased amounts of severance pay. On April 30, the organization terminated the employment contract with the employee due to a reduction in the number of employees. The average monthly salary of an employee for the purpose of paying severance pay was 100,000 rubles. Collective agreement it is stipulated that when employees are dismissed due to a reduction in the number of employees, the retained average earnings workers for the period of their employment are paid with a coefficient of 1.5.
Half a month after the dismissal (May 16), the employee entered into an employment contract with the new employer.
What is the total amount of severance pay and retained average monthly earnings that should be paid to the employee in this situation?
Correct answer: Answer: 100,000 rubles.

An important place in ensuring the coordinated and stable work of the Japanese Foreign Ministry is occupied by the issues of personnel work and personnel management of the diplomatic service. Personnel policy is built on a number of principles, the observance of which is closely monitored Recruitment agency as a governing body in the field of public service, as well as personnel service in the ministry itself. Moreover Japan doesn't think it's advisable to over-regulate HR processes. Here we proceed from the fact that the staff of the ministry, as a large social organism, has great potential power for self-organization and is able to independently resolve many personnel issues.

Priority is given to recruitment issues. The main principle here is to carry out a unified state exam. Its requirements are high and are aimed at the best graduates of central universities - Tokyo, Keio, Tokyo Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and some others. Personnel selection and further promotion of newly hired employees is meritocratic in nature, i.e. regulation of personnel processes and adoption of personnel decisions are based on taking into account the level of knowledge, qualifications and abilities of employees.

The same staffing schedule of positions and wages is established for all employees. However, those who have achieved more noticeable results in their work advance faster. This is a pattern of passage civil service in Japan.

Therefore, methods for assessing the performance of employees are constantly being improved. They take into account both quantitative and qualitative indicators. For this purpose, a special legislative provision has been adopted, providing for the creation in the ministry of a special department that controls the issues of assessing the work of diplomatic employees, their encouragement, and the development of healthy motivation for highly productive work. Currently time goes by development of work methods for this department.

Great value is given to the issues of personnel rotation of employees, which contributes to the maximum disclosure of their creative potential. Let us recall that personnel rotation is a continuous renewal of diplomatic personnel, a procedure for moving diplomatic employees horizontally or to a new higher position in order to preserve and increase professional experience and basic professional qualification values.

Personnel exchange occurs not only between departments within the ministry, but also between various ministries, in particular, between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Defense Department, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Finance, etc. In accordance with the special law “On internships for civil servants,” which came into force in 2000, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and non-governmental organizations can exchange employees for internships for a certain period. This, as evidenced by many years of experience, helps to more effectively coordinate joint interdepartmental activities and projects. For these purposes, the ministry operates a special “Center for Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)” 1 on the basis of the public relations department. Its task is to provide advice to non-governmental organizations that apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs whose activities relate to relations with foreign countries, to accept and transfer to the relevant departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs applications received from NGOs for the implementation of various projects, for example, to send humanitarian aid abroad, and to provide information assistance to NGOs.

The ministry also has a special reserve “pool” formed as a result of periodic and planned staff reductions in the central office. Employees may be temporarily at work in other organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular the Institute international problems(scientific research), Japanese organization international cooperation (projects for providing economic, technical and other assistance), the Japan Foundation (cultural and humanitarian contacts), and then return to the ministry.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs operates complex system advanced training. On the basis of the Institute for Advanced Training of Civil Servants there are special courses (from several weeks to several months) for various categories of employees, as in a special Japanese institute for advanced training of civil servants. By agreement with Japan’s foreign partners (USA, UK, etc.), employees of the Japanese Foreign Ministry can be sent for internships (about one year) to institutes and educational institutions public service in these countries.

Questions also play a significant role. social security. Social payments to employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs include family support benefits, transport costs, treatment, vacation, lump sum payments in the middle and end of the year. Their volumes are quite serious, making it possible to reach the optimum level of remuneration for diplomatic employees and create a solid basis for the stability of the personnel of Japanese diplomacy. They allow us to count on the fact that officials will work effectively without worrying about “additional sources of livelihood.”

The personnel agency annually conducts comparative studies of the working conditions of government employees, including the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and employees of private companies. The result of such a study, as a rule, is a recommendation sent to parliament to increase the average level wages(bringing it in line with the same indicator in the private sector), which is usually approved by a special resolution.

The central office of the ministry has adopted the following job structure: department employee - assistant department head - deputy department head - head. department - deputy director of the department - general manager department - deputy minister - first deputy minister - minister. This is the staircase career advancement diplomatic official.

In foreign offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs there is a generally accepted system of positions: ambassador, minister-counselor, adviser, first secretary, second secretary, third secretary, attache.
