Checking texts (dissertations, diplomas, research work) for “anti-plagiarism” with the issuance of an official Certificate of originality. Help What an anti-plagiarism report should look like

Checking texts (dissertations, diplomas, research work) for “anti-plagiarism” with the issuance of an official Certificate of originality

!! to the most frequently asked questions about checking texts for anti-plagiarism

!!! How to INCREASE THE ORIGINALITY of a text?7 practical tips on “anti-plagiarism”

TIP #1. Formalize all borrowings as quotations


4. Form all fragments as quotes.
CLUE. The Anti-Plagiarism system recognizes a fragment as a quotation if it is highlighted on both sides with quotation marks (Russian!!) and after the quotation marks there is a link to the source of literature in square brackets:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
COMMENT. As experience shows, if borrowing comes from a textbook or a well-known monograph, then the Anti-Plagiarism system is highly likely to recognize this fragment as a “white” citation and thereby increases the final score of originality.
If the borrowing comes from someone else’s dissertation, then this technique does not help much.

TIP #2. Convert interlinear bibliographic references to references to the List of References

COMMENT. This technique “kills” two birds with one stone in the pursuit of increasing originality.
1) The list of references is not included in the main text of the dissertation, which, in fact, is checked for “anti-plagiarism”, but the entire text of the footnotes is included.

And a bibliographic reference, especially to famous articles or books, is defined as borrowing. By removing these links from the text of the notes, we increase originality.
2) A link to a source of literature using a footnote, as experience shows, is not recognized by the Anti-Plagiarism system as a quotation. The quotation should be formatted:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
That is, refer to the number in the “Bibliography”

TIP #3. Convert large borrowings into dissertation appendices

REFERENCE. “Anti-plagiarism” checks the main text of the dissertation, which begins with the first words of the Introduction and ends with the last words of the Conclusion.

The list of references and appendices are not included in the main text.
COMMENT: If a large fragment of borrowing is placed in the Appendix (and there can be any number of Appendixes to the Dissertation), then we thereby remove the borrowing from the main text of the dissertation, and, accordingly, increase originality.

TIP #4. Provide all illustrative material as images

COMMENT. Only the dissertation text is checked for anti-plagiarism.
The illustrative material of the dissertation includes: tables, formulas, drawings, diagrams.
Therefore, if text from tables/diagrams/figures is perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as borrowing, then it makes sense to provide them as an image.

TIP #5. Convert borrowings into tables/figures

COMMENT. Literature review, links to results of other researchers, etc. is often perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as borrowing.
If you give this information in tabular form, and design the table as a picture, you can increase originality.
WARNING: Just don't use this technique on regular text!

1. Send us your text.
2. We will check using the Anti-Plagiarism system.
3. We will send you a “colorized” text, where all fragments of borrowings are highlighted.
4. Replace all large fragments of borrowing 1-2 with your own sentences.
This technique will not only increase originality, but also make the text itself clearer and clearer for understanding.
Don’t be afraid to shorten your dissertation, especially other people’s paragraphs.
The Higher Attestation Commission only gives recommendations regarding the upper limit of a dissertation (150 pages for a candidate’s thesis, 300 pages for a doctoral dissertation), but says nothing about the minimum volume.
Brevity is the sister of talent!
And if you “got” beyond the limits recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, then even more so, “truncating” the text is useful and beneficial!

TIP #7. Rewrite borrowings in your own words

COMMENT. The Anti-Plagiarism system operates completely formally - it only looks for LITERAL matches of texts.
By rewriting a fragment of borrowing in your own words, you can easily increase originality.
It's labor-intensive, of course.
However, this skill, as experience shows, is a good help in life:
1) when you write reviews on your dissertation (few people now write reviews on other people’s dissertations), you will have to write the same thing several times in different words;
2) when writing website content, the process of rewriting texts in your own words is called rewriting, and there are always orders for it.

Now more DETAILS We will consider the issues of checking texts (dissertations, research work, diplomas, articles). look at it on this page.

Projects involved in the search for unfair borrowings can be divided into two types:
(1) Anti-plagiarism;
(2) “Dissertation grinders.”

In this article, we are interested in the Anti-Plagiarism system, since dissertation councils and the Higher Attestation Commission rely on it when assessing the uniqueness of the work.


Anti-plagiarism projects include: paid services, which offer clients services for searching for plagiarism in various types of documents.

In Russia, the leader in this service market is the Antiplagiat.Ru portal, which has been operating since 2005. It invites any user to upload a document through a special form and find out which pieces are not original and where they were most likely copied from.

The procedure for using the Anti-Plagiarism system

Instructions for using the Anti-Plagiarism system (download doc)

IMPORTANT! The largest verification base is the Russian State Library (RSL-Dissertations).
RSL specialists used it to check the originality of texts for the authors of dissertations (when this service was still available). Price in 2014 for individual was: 5000 rub. for 1 text (RUB 15,000 - urgent check, within 2 working days, not counting the day of application).
That is why the service of the EAC RAS ​​is popular" full check your text for anti-plagiarism with the issuance of a Certificate of Originality", based on the use of algorithms of the Anti-Plagiarism system and 3 main verification bases:
1) "RSL-Dissertations",
2) "Internet (Anti-plagiarism)",
3) "Quoting"
since in fact not everyone has access to the Anti-Plagiarism system.

For universities, the “Antiplagiat.VUZ” package is offered, which is an extension of the website, developed specifically for educational institutions. The package allows you to expand the number of search sources and organize educational institution a holistic process of checking student papers and dissertations for borrowings. The cost of the “Antiplagiarism.VUZ” package is, according to our data, 200 thousand rubles.

You also need to know that standard requirements for originality depend on the type of work. Thus, for a master's thesis the usual requirements are at least 70% originality, for candidate and doctoral dissertations - 80%, for an article - 90% originality.

What does this anti-plagiarism check look like?

Results of the analysis of text originality in the Antiplagat system

The results of the work of the Antiplagiat.Ru service are:
1) final table of borrowings (see Figure 1);
2) final assessment of originality (see Figure 1);
3) the source text with highlighted individual pieces that were discovered somewhere (see Figure 2), next to which are links to the original source.

Accordingly, based on this data, you have the opportunity to increase the originality of your text.

Increasing the originality of the text

So, let’s assume that 2-3 months before your defense you need to check your dissertation for anti-plagiarism and increase its uniqueness to a level that is acceptable in the Council where you are defending.

To solve the problem of increasing the originality of the text, the check at the RSL did not give anything, because as a result of the check, only a certificate was issued about the final value of originality, but a “colorized” text was NOT issued (with specific fragments of borrowings highlighted). Namely, it is needed for editing text. Therefore, the EAC RAS, in addition to the certificate of originality, if necessary, provides an extended report when checking using the Anti-Plagiarism system.

After checking, you get a list of pieces of text that are questionable, and you need to increase the originality of the entire text by rewriting these specific pieces. If at the same time you conduct an anti-plagiarism check yourself, then you need to understand that it is difficult to increase originality to the minimum required level in one day, and several iterations will be required during the process of rewriting the text to increase originality. Therefore, you have to pay for a week or even a month, cooperating with someone to reduce costs.

What to do if originality turns out to be low? There are 2 ways: technical and intellectual

1. Technical path .
We have removed from our website all recommendations for technical optimization of text originality.
We DO NOT RECOMMEND using this seemingly simple way, because the Anti-Plagiarism system has learned to quickly identify artificial optimization techniques, including the use of macros to replace encodings.

2. Intelligent Path . It is more difficult because you have to think and be completely “in the know.”
The intellectual path allows you to increase the final score of originality and reduce the length of the dissertation
The recommended maximum volume of a candidate's dissertation is 150 pages, a doctor's dissertation is 300 pages.
Usually the dissertation author writes more, so you can safely cut down those parts of the dissertation work that are defined by Antiplagiarism as borrowing.
a) take the extended Anti-Plagiarism report on your dissertation;
b) unlike the “technical path”, it is now more convenient to work with multi-color report visualization;
c) rewrite all large fragments of borrowings highlighted by Anti-Plagiarism in your own words, much shorter, or throw them out altogether (especially with regard to the 1st chapter, where an overview of work in your field is usually given).
The larger the volume of the dissertation, the more borrowings can be discarded.

ANSWERS to the most frequently asked questions about checking for anti-plagiarism (FAQ, FAQ)

What should be the level of originality of a dissertation?

The ideal case is originality over 90%.
Border (minimum level) of a sufficient degree of originality, in accordance with the recommendations of the Russian State Library, is 70%.
For a master's thesis or specialist's thesis, many universities set the lower bar at 85%.

The maximum value of the final originality score that the texts we checked showed is:
a) 95.75% - for candidate dissertations
b) 96.06% - for doctoral dissertations.
The minimum value of originality of a dissertation (and one that was successfully defended not so long ago), which we recorded, was 12.86%.

Is it possible to check a dissertation for anti-plagiarism? remotely without coming to Moscow?

Yes, we work with remote orders.
The following is sent:
a) a scanned color copy of the Conclusion on originality and all working materials (Report on the implementation, List of identified sources of borrowing, “colorized” text) - by email
b) the original of the Conclusion - by regular mail.
Payment - by electronic payment.

Is it possible to check text of the dissertation from previous years, which has long been protected?

Yes, if text from previous years is submitted for anti-plagiarism check, then after the initial analysis sources dating later than the date are removed publication of the analyzed text.
It should be borne in mind that the “older” the text, the fewer sources of borrowing it is possible to identify, because many scientific works of previous years did not reach the digitization stage.
Thus, in the oldest dissertation (dating back to 1992), which was sent to us for verification, only 2 sources of borrowing were identified.
The complexity of checking dissertations from previous years is higher than that of a “fresh” dissertation,
because for each source of borrowing it is necessary to determine the exact date of publication,
to remove from the borrowing list publications with a later date than the text being analyzed.
Therefore, the cost of checking dissertations from previous years is higher than when checking “fresh” dissertations.

How to increase the originality of a text using technical means?

In general, WE DO NOT RECOMMEND using technical (software) tools to increase the originality of texts.

Now the Anti-Plagiarism system has begun to take into account standard techniques that most text “optimization” programs use:

  • make part of the text invisible in the analyzed document
  • "glue" words
  • use "synonymizers"
  • insert extraneous letters into words
  • replace Russian letters with similar English ones
  • replace the letter encoding (with macros), etc.
As soon as the anti-plagiarism system detects such artificial methods of increasing originality, it issues a diagnostic message:
"The document contains features typical of artificially inflating the percentage of originality due to the peculiarities of document formats!!!"
And it refuses to issue a final assessment of originality, that is, it removes the text from the “anti-plagiarism check” with all the ensuing consequences.

Of course, there is a constant “struggle between shield and sword”; various people/groups come up with new ways to bypass the Anti-Plagiarism system.
In turn, the developers of the Anti-Plagiarism system are constantly improving their system, finding an “antidote” to the emerging methods of deceiving the system.
Particularly impressive was the March (2015) update of the Anti-Plagiarism system, which closed the popular bypass method by replacing the letter encoding with macros.

In addition, if at the moment it was possible to technically increase the originality of the text by deceiving the Anti-Plagiarism system, then there is absolutely no guarantee that such a result will be preserved by the time the dissertation is checked by the Higher Attestation Commission.
By this time, the Anti-Plagiarism system may well make changes that level out the technical methods used to increase originality, with all the sad ensuing consequences for the dissertation author.

Is it possible to send your dissertation for an anti-plagiarism check (with the issuance of a certificate) to a person other than the author of the work?

Yes, you can send it, the texts of dissertations are part of the common (public) space, so there is no legal violation in such a check.
When the RSL (Russian State Library) still issued anti-plagiarism certificates, it was issued only to the authors of works in order to limit the flow of applications for verification. We accept any texts for verification, with the exception of those classified as classified.

Do the results of checking a dissertation “for anti-plagiarism” become outdated?

Yes, they become outdated.
Electronic libraries, included in the “Internet Anti-Plagiarism” collection are now being intensively replenished, especially
Therefore, if you are going to defend yourself, then before posting (which has now become mandatory) the text of your dissertation on the website of your university/institute/Dissertation Council, be sure to CHECK!
According to the rules of the Higher Attestation Commission, the text of the dissertation cannot be changed after being posted on the website.
And, in our experience, authors experience a real shock when they learn about the low results of checking their texts “for anti-plagiarism”.
After all, when they checked their text 1-2 years ago, they were sincerely confident in their high originality.

How is self-citation taken into account when checking for anti-plagiarism?

Many questions are raised by the identification of borrowings from the author’s own, earlier works of the text being examined for “anti-plagiarism”.

Formally speaking, the text of the dissertation work must be original in itself.
But what to do, say, when, for example, a doctoral work is a continuation of a candidate's dissertation?
Or when the dissertation author refers to his own monograph, published on the topic of the dissertation before the dissertation itself?

The current consensus is:
are excluded from the list of sources of borrowings after the initial check for “anti-plagiarism” own works author (but not more than 15% of the text), if:
1) these works were made without co-authorship (or in the cited article/monograph there is a distinction between authorship);
2) the citation is correctly formatted (clearly, in quotation marks, highlighted; the exact names of the authors and works are given).

The described actions help make borrowings “white” and correct.
The most important thing is that the assessment of the degree of originality of the text, issued by the Anti-Plagiarism system, INCREASES.

Are references to used sources considered borrowing?

Standard wording contained in the issued Certificate of Originality
"The analysis of these sources showed that in the text under study there are correct matches in the form of names of publications, conferences, physical and legal entities, a standard description of the structure of dissertations and information about the dissertation, terminology and stable phrases adopted in this field of science, normative and legal acts, etc.
essentially means, mainly, that “The list of sources used in the anti-plagiarism analysis” is usually not included.

Candidate's/doctoral dissertations/Research reports analyze body text only, without applications and a list of used sources.
Theses (bachelor's/master's/specialist) are analyzed entirely due to the practice adopted in universities.

Can your assessment of originality after checking the text “for anti-plagiarism” differ from a similar check in the “anti-plagiarism-university” system of our university?

Yes, our assessment of originality may be higher than the assessment of the originality of the same text given by the “anti-plagiarism-university” system of a particular university.
However, not by much (in our experience - no more than 1%).
The fact is that we use exactly the same “Antiplagiarism” system (collections of the RSL EDB and “Internet Antiplagiarism”) as the Higher Attestation Commission.
And the university can add checks to the “anti-plagiarism-university” system internal documents, sources from your library, sources from partner universities.
For example, master's theses or theses specialist

To pass the dissertation check for anti-plagiarism, do you need to fill out the “Order a paper” form on your website or register somehow?

The "Order work" questionnaire is intended for more complex tasks such as research, assessment investment projects etc.
To check for anti-plagiarism, we only need:
a) send your coordinates (mail, telephone number for communication)
b) send the text of the dissertation to electronic form.
Payment for work - upon receipt of the Conclusion (by courier or electronic payment).

How long does it take to check a dissertation for anti-plagiarism?

Typically the entire verification process takes 2 business days.
For example, if you send the text of your dissertation electronically today, then tomorrow afternoon the certificate will be ready (ready certificates are delivered free of charge by our courier).
If you send the text of your dissertation in PDF format or some image format (JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, etc.), then an additional 1 working day is required.
If you provide the text of your dissertation in paper form, an additional 1 working day is required.

Date of publication: 01/24/2019

Recently, teachers have begun to require students to provide them with an anti-plagiarism report, which displays the main results of checking the text for uniqueness. Many people still don’t know what it is and how to download it.

Now we will tell you how to make an anti-plagiarism report for free, how to print it, what is the difference between a full report and a short one, and you will also find out what advantages a full university anti-plagiarism report will give you.

1. What is an anti-plagiarism report? - sample

2. How to make an anti-plagiarism report for free?

3. How to print an anti-plagiarism report?

4. Advantages of a full report over a short one


The anti-plagiarism report is letterhead, which displays the results of text checking in the anti-plagiarism system.

What does the report show? If we are talking about a free report, then it will indicate what percentage of originality the text has, what percentage of citations and borrowings (plagiarism).

In addition, the free report contains links to sources and sites from which the text was copied. There are only three links in the free report of the antiplagiarism ru website. The rest can only be obtained for a fee. Also, the report displays which modules were analyzed. There is only one module in free anti-plagiarism - Internet Search Module.

The photo shows a report from the website antiplagiarism ru, which you can do yourself, absolutely free.


Now we will tell you step by step how to make an anti-plagiarism report for free and on your own.

After you have checked the text in anti-plagiarism, an active “Brief report” button will appear on the right. Click it.

An expanded menu will open in front of us, where we need to select “Print version”

That's it. The very same free anti-plagiarism report will open in front of you.


As you may have noticed, there is no button to “download” or print the report in the menu. To save it on your computer, proceed as follows.

Press the button on the PRT SCR keyboard - it is located at the top right. Popularly, this key is called “print screen”, an analogue of the “screen photo” button on iPhones and Galaxy.

After clicking the “print screen” button, the screen image will be saved in the computer’s memory.

To upload an image to your computer and be able to print a report, we will proceed as follows.

1) Open regular Paint

2) Press the CTRL+V keys simultaneously - this is a combination of buttons for unloading a picture from memory. After pressing the combination of these buttons, a photo of the screen with our report will appear in Paint.

3) After the screen photo is displayed in Paint, trim the edges and save the file.

Ready. Now you can easily print it out, or insert a picture on the last page of your coursework or dissertation.


Unfortunately, there have been few free reports for teachers lately. Most of them ask you to provide a full report of your work and upload it from the University Anti-Plagiarism system.

Full report anti-plagiarism university provides a large number of advantages compared to free:

1) Significance in the eyes of the teacher (downloading the report from the teacher’s version of anti-plagiarism)

2) The indisputability of the result (University anti-plagiarism, as is known, underestimates the percentage of originality and the result of free anti-plagiarism is not counted by many teachers)

3) The ability to use the full report as an aid in increasing the uniqueness of the text (in the full report, in addition to links, the entire text of the work will be expanded, where it is indicated which phrases and sentences require correction)

Therefore, in the next article we will tell you how to make a full anti-plagiarism report, what it even is and how else it differs from a short and free one. We will also tell you where you can order full version report Anti-plagiarism university.

P.S. It makes sense to print out the anti-plagiarism report if your text already reaches the passing level of originality at your university. If the percentage is not enough, work on the text, our tips will help you with this, which you can read in the article - How to increase the originality of the text in anti-plagiarism.

Useful materials

Checking texts (dissertations, diplomas, research work) for “anti-plagiarism” with the issuance of an official Certificate of originality

!! to the most frequently asked questions about checking texts for anti-plagiarism

!!! How to INCREASE THE ORIGINALITY of a text?7 practical tips on “anti-plagiarism”

TIP #1. Formalize all borrowings as quotations


4. Form all fragments as quotes.
CLUE. The Anti-Plagiarism system recognizes a fragment as a quotation if it is highlighted on both sides with quotation marks (Russian!!) and after the quotation marks there is a link to the source of literature in square brackets:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
COMMENT. As experience shows, if borrowing comes from a textbook or a well-known monograph, then the Anti-Plagiarism system is highly likely to recognize this fragment as a “white” citation and thereby increases the final score of originality.
If the borrowing comes from someone else’s dissertation, then this technique does not help much.

TIP #2. Convert interlinear bibliographic references to references to the List of References

COMMENT. This technique “kills” two birds with one stone in the pursuit of increasing originality.
1) The list of references is not included in the main text of the dissertation, which, in fact, is checked for “anti-plagiarism”, but the entire text of the footnotes is included.

And a bibliographic reference, especially to famous articles or books, is defined as borrowing. By removing these links from the text of the notes, we increase originality.
2) A link to a source of literature using a footnote, as experience shows, is not recognized by the Anti-Plagiarism system as a quotation. The quotation should be formatted:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
That is, refer to the number in the “Bibliography”

TIP #3. Convert large borrowings into dissertation appendices

REFERENCE. “Anti-plagiarism” checks the main text of the dissertation, which begins with the first words of the Introduction and ends with the last words of the Conclusion.

The list of references and appendices are not included in the main text.
COMMENT: If a large fragment of borrowing is placed in the Appendix (and there can be any number of Appendixes to the Dissertation), then we thereby remove the borrowing from the main text of the dissertation, and, accordingly, increase originality.

TIP #4. Provide all illustrative material as images

COMMENT. Only the dissertation text is checked for anti-plagiarism.
The illustrative material of the dissertation includes: tables, formulas, drawings, diagrams.
Therefore, if text from tables/diagrams/figures is perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as borrowing, then it makes sense to provide them as an image.

TIP #5. Convert borrowings into tables/figures

COMMENT. Literature review, links to results of other researchers, etc. is often perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as borrowing.
If you give this information in tabular form, and design the table as a picture, you can increase originality.
WARNING: Just don't use this technique on regular text!

1. Send us your text.
2. We will check using the Anti-Plagiarism system.
3. We will send you a “colorized” text, where all fragments of borrowings are highlighted.
4. Replace all large fragments of borrowing 1-2 with your own sentences.
This technique will not only increase originality, but also make the text itself clearer and clearer for understanding.
Don’t be afraid to shorten your dissertation, especially other people’s paragraphs.
The Higher Attestation Commission only gives recommendations regarding the upper limit of a dissertation (150 pages for a candidate’s thesis, 300 pages for a doctoral dissertation), but says nothing about the minimum volume.
Brevity is the sister of talent!
And if you “got” beyond the limits recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, then even more so, “truncating” the text is useful and beneficial!

TIP #7. Rewrite borrowings in your own words

COMMENT. The Anti-Plagiarism system operates completely formally - it only looks for LITERAL matches of texts.
By rewriting a fragment of borrowing in your own words, you can easily increase originality.
It's labor-intensive, of course.
However, this skill, as experience shows, is a good help in life:
1) when you write reviews on your dissertation (few people now write reviews on other people’s dissertations), you will have to write the same thing several times in different words;
2) when writing website content, the process of rewriting texts in your own words is called rewriting, and there are always orders for it.

Now more DETAILS We will consider the issues of checking texts (dissertations, research work, diplomas, articles). look at it on this page.

Projects involved in the search for unfair borrowings can be divided into two types:
(1) Anti-plagiarism;
(2) “Dissertation grinders.”

In this article, we are interested in the Anti-Plagiarism system, since dissertation councils and the Higher Attestation Commission rely on it when assessing the uniqueness of the work.


Projects of the “anti-plagiarism” type include paid services that offer clients services to search for plagiarism in various types of documents.

In Russia, the leader in this service market is the Antiplagiat.Ru portal, which has been operating since 2005. It invites any user to upload a document through a special form and find out which pieces are not original and where they were most likely copied from.

The procedure for using the Anti-Plagiarism system

Instructions for using the Anti-Plagiarism system (download doc)

IMPORTANT! The largest verification base is the Russian State Library (RSL-Dissertations).
RSL specialists used it to check the originality of texts for the authors of dissertations (when this service was still available). The price in 2014 for an individual was: 5,000 rubles. for 1 text (RUB 15,000 - urgent check, within 2 working days, not counting the day of application).
That is why the service of the EAC RAS ​​“full check of your text for anti-plagiarism with the issuance of a Certificate of Originality” is popular, based on the use of algorithms of the Anti-Plagiarism system and 3 main checking databases:
1) "RSL-Dissertations",
2) "Internet (Anti-plagiarism)",
3) "Quoting"
since in fact not everyone has access to the Anti-Plagiarism system.

For universities, the “Antiplagiat.VUZ” package is offered, which is an extension of the website, developed specifically for educational institutions. The package allows you to expand the number of search sources and organize a holistic process in an educational institution for checking student works and dissertations for the presence of borrowings. The cost of the “Antiplagiarism.VUZ” package is, according to our data, 200 thousand rubles.

You also need to know that standard requirements for originality depend on the type of work. Thus, for a master's thesis the usual requirements are at least 70% originality, for candidate and doctoral dissertations - 80%, for an article - 90% originality.

What does this anti-plagiarism check look like?

Results of the analysis of text originality in the Antiplagat system

The results of the work of the Antiplagiat.Ru service are:
1) final table of borrowings (see Figure 1);
2) final assessment of originality (see Figure 1);
3) the source text with highlighted individual pieces that were discovered somewhere (see Figure 2), next to which are links to the original source.

Accordingly, based on this data, you have the opportunity to increase the originality of your text.

Increasing the originality of the text

So, let’s assume that 2-3 months before your defense you need to check your dissertation for anti-plagiarism and increase its uniqueness to a level that is acceptable in the Council where you are defending.

To solve the problem of increasing the originality of the text, the check at the RSL did not give anything, because as a result of the check, only a certificate was issued about the final value of originality, but a “colorized” text was NOT issued (with specific fragments of borrowings highlighted). Namely, it is needed for editing text. Therefore, the EAC RAS, in addition to the certificate of originality, if necessary, provides an extended report when checking using the Anti-Plagiarism system.

After checking, you get a list of pieces of text that are questionable, and you need to increase the originality of the entire text by rewriting these specific pieces. If at the same time you conduct an anti-plagiarism check yourself, then you need to understand that it is difficult to increase originality to the minimum required level in one day, and several iterations will be required during the process of rewriting the text to increase originality. Therefore, you have to pay for a week or even a month, cooperating with someone to reduce costs.

What to do if originality turns out to be low? There are 2 ways: technical and intellectual

1. Technical path .
We have removed from our website all recommendations for technical optimization of text originality.
We DO NOT RECOMMEND using this seemingly simple way, because the Anti-Plagiarism system has learned to quickly identify artificial optimization techniques, including the use of macros to replace encodings.

2. Intelligent Path . It is more difficult because you have to think and be completely “in the know.”
The intellectual path allows you to increase the final score of originality and reduce the length of the dissertation
The recommended maximum volume of a candidate's dissertation is 150 pages, a doctor's dissertation is 300 pages.
Usually the dissertation author writes more, so you can safely cut down those parts of the dissertation work that are defined by Antiplagiarism as borrowing.
a) take the extended Anti-Plagiarism report on your dissertation;
b) unlike the “technical path”, it is now more convenient to work with multi-color report visualization;
c) rewrite all large fragments of borrowings highlighted by Anti-Plagiarism in your own words, much shorter, or throw them out altogether (especially with regard to the 1st chapter, where an overview of work in your field is usually given).
The larger the volume of the dissertation, the more borrowings can be discarded.

ANSWERS to the most frequently asked questions about checking for anti-plagiarism (FAQ, FAQ)

What should be the level of originality of a dissertation?

The ideal case is originality over 90%.
Border (minimum level) of a sufficient degree of originality, in accordance with the recommendations of the Russian State Library, is 70%.
For a master's thesis or specialist's thesis, many universities set the lower bar at 85%.

The maximum value of the final originality score that the texts we checked showed is:
a) 95.75% - for candidate dissertations
b) 96.06% - for doctoral dissertations.
The minimum value of originality of a dissertation (and one that was successfully defended not so long ago), which we recorded, was 12.86%.

Is it possible to check a dissertation for anti-plagiarism? remotely without coming to Moscow?

Yes, we work with remote orders.
The following is sent:
a) a scanned color copy of the Conclusion on originality and all working materials (Report on the implementation, List of identified sources of borrowing, “colorized” text) - by email
b) the original of the Conclusion - by regular mail.
Payment - by electronic payment.

Is it possible to check text of the dissertation from previous years, which has long been protected?

Yes, if text from previous years is submitted for anti-plagiarism check, then after the initial analysis sources dating later than the date are removed publication of the analyzed text.
It should be taken into account that the “older” the text, the fewer sources of borrowing can be identified, because many scientific works of past years have not reached the digitization stage.
Thus, in the oldest dissertation (dating back to 1992), which was sent to us for verification, only 2 sources of borrowing were identified.
The complexity of checking dissertations from previous years is higher than that of a “fresh” dissertation,
because for each source of borrowing it is necessary to determine the exact date of publication,
to remove from the borrowing list publications with a later date than the text being analyzed.
Therefore, the cost of checking dissertations from previous years is higher than when checking “fresh” dissertations.

How to increase the originality of a text using technical means?

In general, WE DO NOT RECOMMEND using technical (software) tools to increase the originality of texts.

Now the Anti-Plagiarism system has begun to take into account standard techniques that most text “optimization” programs use:

  • make part of the text invisible in the analyzed document
  • "glue" words
  • use "synonymizers"
  • insert extraneous letters into words
  • replace Russian letters with similar English ones
  • replace the letter encoding (with macros), etc.
As soon as the anti-plagiarism system detects such artificial methods of increasing originality, it issues a diagnostic message:
"The document contains features typical of artificially inflating the percentage of originality due to the peculiarities of document formats!!!"
And it refuses to issue a final assessment of originality, that is, it removes the text from the “anti-plagiarism check” with all the ensuing consequences.

Of course, there is a constant “struggle between shield and sword”; various people/groups come up with new ways to bypass the Anti-Plagiarism system.
In turn, the developers of the Anti-Plagiarism system are constantly improving their system, finding an “antidote” to the emerging methods of deceiving the system.
Particularly impressive was the March (2015) update of the Anti-Plagiarism system, which closed the popular bypass method by replacing the letter encoding with macros.

In addition, if at the moment it was possible to technically increase the originality of the text by deceiving the Anti-Plagiarism system, then there is absolutely no guarantee that such a result will be preserved by the time the dissertation is checked by the Higher Attestation Commission.
By this time, the Anti-Plagiarism system may well make changes that level out the technical methods used to increase originality, with all the sad ensuing consequences for the dissertation author.

Is it possible to send your dissertation for an anti-plagiarism check (with the issuance of a certificate) to a person other than the author of the work?

Yes, you can send it, the texts of dissertations are part of the common (public) space, so there is no legal violation in such a check.
When the RSL (Russian State Library) still issued anti-plagiarism certificates, it was issued only to the authors of works in order to limit the flow of applications for verification. We accept any texts for verification, with the exception of those classified as classified.

Do the results of checking a dissertation “for anti-plagiarism” become outdated?

Yes, they become outdated.
Electronic libraries included in the “Internet Anti-Plagiarism” collection are now being intensively replenished, especially
Therefore, if you are going to defend yourself, then before posting (which has now become mandatory) the text of your dissertation on the website of your university/institute/Dissertation Council, be sure to CHECK!
According to the rules of the Higher Attestation Commission, the text of the dissertation cannot be changed after being posted on the website.
And, in our experience, authors experience a real shock when they learn about the low results of checking their texts “for anti-plagiarism”.
After all, when they checked their text 1-2 years ago, they were sincerely confident in their high originality.

How is self-citation taken into account when checking for anti-plagiarism?

Many questions are raised by the identification of borrowings from the author’s own, earlier works of the text being examined for “anti-plagiarism”.

Formally speaking, the text of the dissertation work must be original in itself.
But what to do, say, when, for example, a doctoral work is a continuation of a candidate's dissertation?
Or when the dissertation author refers to his own monograph, published on the topic of the dissertation before the dissertation itself?

The current consensus is:
The author’s own works (but not more than 15% of the text) are excluded from the list of sources of borrowings after the initial anti-plagiarism check if:
1) these works were made without co-authorship (or in the cited article/monograph there is a distinction between authorship);
2) the citation is correctly formatted (clearly, in quotation marks, highlighted; the exact names of the authors and works are given).

The described actions help make borrowings “white” and correct.
The most important thing is that the assessment of the degree of originality of the text, issued by the Anti-Plagiarism system, INCREASES.

Are references to used sources considered borrowing?

Standard wording contained in the issued Certificate of Originality
“The analysis of these sources showed that in the text under study there are correct matches in the form of names of publications, conferences, individuals and legal entities, standard descriptions of the structure of dissertations and information about the dissertation, terminology and set phrases adopted in this field of science, normative and legal acts and etc."
essentially means, mainly, that “The list of sources used in the anti-plagiarism analysis” is usually not included.

Candidate's/doctoral dissertations/Research reports analyze body text only, without applications and a list of used sources.
Theses (bachelor's/master's/specialist) are analyzed entirely due to the practice adopted in universities.

Can your assessment of originality after checking the text “for anti-plagiarism” differ from a similar check in the “anti-plagiarism-university” system of our university?

Yes, our assessment of originality may be higher than the assessment of the originality of the same text given by the “anti-plagiarism-university” system of a particular university.
However, not by much (in our experience - no more than 1%).
The fact is that we use exactly the same “Antiplagiarism” system (collections of the RSL EDB and “Internet Antiplagiarism”) as the Higher Attestation Commission.
And a university can add internal documents, sources from its library, and sources from partner universities to the anti-plagiarism-university system.
For example, master's theses or specialist's theses.

To pass the dissertation check for anti-plagiarism, do you need to fill out the “Order a paper” form on your website or register somehow?

The “Order work” questionnaire is intended for more complex tasks such as research, evaluation of investment projects, etc.
To check for anti-plagiarism, we only need:
a) send your coordinates (mail, telephone number for communication)
b) send the text of the dissertation in electronic form.
Payment for work - upon receipt of the Conclusion (by courier or electronic payment).

How long does it take to check a dissertation for anti-plagiarism?

Typically the entire verification process takes 2 business days.
For example, if you send the text of your dissertation electronically today, then tomorrow afternoon the certificate will be ready (ready certificates are delivered free of charge by our courier).
If you send the text of your dissertation in PDF format or some image format (JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, etc.), then an additional 1 working day is required.
If you provide the text of your dissertation in paper form, an additional 1 working day is required.

We are often asked how to download a report to For those who have difficulties with the report, we have prepared these instructions, which will clearly explain the issue with downloading the report to Anti-Plagiarism.
We hope you have already checked your work for plagiarism and it has the level of uniqueness you require (otherwise there is no point in downloading the report, remove plagiarism from work you can go to ).

1. Log in to your personal account.

Click on the “Brief Report” icon, circled in red in the photo.

2. On the page that opens, you need to click on the “Print version” link (circled in blue in the figure).

On this page you can find more detailed information about checking your work using the Anti-Plagiarism service (circled in orange) and links to sources of borrowings. All this information will be in the report you download!

3. We wait some time until the page with the generated report opens.

After which you need to save the report in .pdf or any other format. This can be done easily, for example, in a browser Google Chrome no additional tools are required, and the entire operation is performed in one click.
To save the opened report page as a .pdf, press the Ctrl-P key combination, after which a standard print dialog will appear. You must select “Save as PDF” in the “Destination Printer” section.
Ready! All you have to do is select the location where the report will be saved in .pdf format and click the "Save" button.

The system does not detect the presence of plagiarism. According to Ozhegov’s dictionary, plagiarism is passing off someone else’s work as one’s own or illegally publishing someone else’s work under one’s own name, appropriation of authorship. Checking in the system shows the presence of matches in the text (similar or similar fragments). At the same time, the system does not determine the original source and does not compare the publication dates of documents. The result of the check in the system cannot be interpreted as evidence of plagiarism and has no legal force.

The system does not store copies of source documents (website pages, documents published on the Internet, etc.). When a new source is detected, the system performs indexing, i.e. construction of special blocks of information - indexes and digital copies of documents. These new structures are used for further searching.

Every year in the world they become more and more widespread information Technology, which gives users, in addition to extensive opportunities to gain knowledge, also the opportunity to use the works of others under the guise of their own. There are many Internet sites that provide files with essays, term papers and other educational works. The use of other people's works has an extremely negative impact on the quality of education of young specialists. On the Internet you can find many diplomas and coursework that are 99.9% identical, with the only difference being the title page.

Therefore, the problem of identifying borrowings in educational work facing society more and more acutely. To avoid copying information, works must be checked for borrowings. This practice is widespread in the West and has been actively implemented in Russia and the CIS countries since 2005.

Yes, of course, you can trust the verification in the system. It was developed by highly qualified scientists and programmers. The system uses modern analysis algorithms that make it possible to identify borrowings even if the following adjustments are made to the text: changing the form of a word, rearranging words, and so on. However, in any case, you must carefully review the report and not focus only on the final grade given by the system.

Most best way“bypass” the system and increase the score of originality - write the work yourself.

There are several technical ways that you can visually increase your originality score (replacing letters, adding hidden characters and text fragments, adding text as a graphic, and many others), but all of them are easy to spot when viewing the report.

The document uploaded by the user for verification is converted by the system and divided into small fragments. The system then compares each fragment with available sources (depending on the search modules used).

The basis of this algorithm search was based on the principles of operation of the Yandex search system, described in the article by Ilya Segalovich “How search engines work”.

All search modules constantly expand the list of indexed documents. The more sources are used when checking, the more effective the search.

Yes, all search modules are regularly updated with new sources. The Internet search module is updated on average with at least 5 million sources every month (link to page). Preference in indexing is given to educational materials: scientific articles, abstracts, published diplomas and other materials that can often be used when writing academic papers.

The system for private clients assumes personal use. The user independently pays for the services he needs and no one else has access to the results of his checks in the system.

System for corporate clients involves a hierarchy of users that is created by the system administrator in the organization. The search can be carried out using a larger list of search modules, including the internal collection of the organization and the “Ring of Universities” collection. The scan results can be made available to the system administrator in the organization and the scanned documents can be added to the internal collection index.

The following search modules are available for private clients to connect to in the system:

  • Internet module. Contains about 400 million sources in Russian, English and other languages. Available with any access, including free access.
  • Module "RSL Collection". Includes abstracts of dissertations, master's and doctoral dissertations of the Russian State Library.
  • Module "eLIBRARY.RU". Contains more than 11 million. scientific articles and publications.
  • Module "Garant". Contains regulatory documentation. All borrowings found using it are defined by the system as citations (except for original articles).
  • Module "Medicine". Contains more than 42 thousand documents (scientific and educational literature) in medicine and pharmaceuticals.
  • Module "Patents". Contains about 11.5 million documents.
  • “Internet paraphrasing search module.” Allows you to find borrowings from Internet sources, taking into account replacing words with synonyms, inserting/deleting words, changing word forms, rearranging parts of a sentence.
  • “Paraphrasing search module eLIBRARY.RU.” Allows you to find borrowings from sources in the eLIBRARY.RU collection, taking into account replacing words with synonyms, inserting/deleting words, changing word forms, rearranging parts of a sentence.

To register in the system, you only need an email. On the main page you must click “Registration” and enter the address email. A login password will be sent to it.

You can also use an account on one of the common social networks to register ( account is linked to the email from the corresponding social network account).

To upload a document, you need to go to the “Account” tab and click “Add document”. You will be asked to select a file from your computer. When adding a document, you will need to specify the search modules that will be used for checking.

If the user has forgotten the private client login password, you can use the password update feature. To do this, in the authorization window you need to click “Forgot your password?” and enter the email address that was used during registration. A link will be sent to you to update your password.

If the letter is not in the “Inbox” section, you need to look in the “Junk Mail” or “Spam” folder.

Yes, document verification is available in the system as part of free access. In this case, checking for the presence of borrowings is carried out only using the “Internet” module and only a short report with the first three sources from which borrowings were found is available.

You can get a more complete check result (full report, check using additional search modules) within the framework of paid tariffs. More details about the conditions for their connection can be found on the “Tariffs” tab.

As part of the brief report, the user has access to a list of sources and final estimates of borrowings, citations and originality in percentage terms.

In the full report, in addition to this, the user receives:

  • full text of the work with blocks of borrowing and citation highlighted in color;
  • ability to edit the report (excluding sources and blocks);
  • reports on sources.

Only users with a paid connection have the ability to download a report. To export the report, we suggest using the “Export” button to generate a file in pdf format, or use a direct link to provide access to view the report.

The “Suspicious Document” symbol is informative and indicates that you should pay attention to the document. Its appearance may indicate that a technical bypass of the system has occurred. It could also appear due to the presence in the document large quantity long or foreign words, specific terms.

Please note that the “Suspicious Document” symbol cannot serve as a basis for refusing to accept work.

To obtain access to the Anti-Plagiarism system for corporate clients, you must contact the system administrator in the organization.

We do not guarantee the identity of the test results. The difference may be due to the fact that the organization:

  • more search modules are connected than on the account in the system for private clients;
  • extensive internal collection (works of past graduates, guidelines etc.)

To correctly display borrowings from regulations in the text of the document, verification must be carried out using the “Garant” module. This module includes most of the existing species legal information, as well as links to tax law and Russian GOSTs.

Additional search modules are connected and paid separately. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for their connection on the “Tariffs” tab.

When using the Citation module, text fragments enclosed in quotation marks are recognized as quotations. The exception is when the quote is part of a larger borrowing block. In this case, the entire fragment is considered by the system as borrowing.

Citation is defined in the report as a separate indicator and is not included in either borrowing or originality.

The “Citing” module appears automatically when you connect to any paid tariff. Information about tariffs is contained in the “Tariffs” tab.

According to the license agreement, the Anti-Plagiarism system does not store copies of documents uploaded for verification in the form of a source file with illustrations and formatting. Only the texts of documents read by the system, which are accessible to the person who uploaded them, are saved in the user’s account. To view the text, click on the document title.

In order for your work to be indexed by the Anti-Plagiarism system, it must be published in an open source on the Internet.

Our system is constantly updated with new sources. Sometimes it turns out that rarely used sites remain unattended by our module.

You can expand the area of ​​checking for borrowing by adding the necessary link to the source.

To do this, in the “Profile” section you need to open the “Add a site for indexing” form. In the window that appears, you need to specify a link, and if necessary, you can leave a comment.

When checking documents in the Anti-Plagiarism system for private clients, the texts of works are not indexed by the system; they do not take part in further searches for borrowings and are available only to the person who uploaded the document.

It is possible that the page containing the text being checked has not been indexed. For example, this may be due to the fact that the site on which this text is posted is of an entertaining nature or relates to social networks. Texts from such sites are not indexed by the system.

The Anti-Plagiarism system constantly indexes new pages and documents. If you have a resource that can be useful when searching for borrowings, offer it to us for indexing. This can be done using the menu, section “Add site”.

When checking a document, the Anti-Plagiarism system does not take into account the authorship of the article, but finds all similar or similar fragments of text among the sources.

When working with a full report, it is possible to remove this source from consideration. To do this, next to the name of the source, you need to uncheck the box and click “Recalculate” under the table. In this case, the disabled source will not participate in calculating the final percentage of originality.

To delete an account in the Anti-Plagiarism system for private clients, you need to contact the service technical support. An application to delete an account may be accepted in the following cases:

  • the file size should not exceed 20 MB;
  • format one from the list pdf, txt, html, htm, docx, doc, rtf, odt, odf or archive 7z, tar, gz, bz2, rar, zip.

Also, a similar error can occur if the document was saved incorrectly. You can try changing the format of the downloaded document. To save a document in another format, you must open it in Microsoft program Word (or another similar program), then click “File” - “Save As” and in the “File type” column select a different one from the current one.

You are probably using free access. When using free access, there is a time limit for checking documents - no more than one document every 6 minutes. If you upload a document for verification before 6 minutes have passed since the previous verification, the document will be uploaded to your account, but will not be automatically added for verification. To check the specified document (after 6 minutes have passed), you need to tick it in the list of documents in your account and select “Recheck” in the “Select action” menu.

Perhaps the site administrators deleted the text, or the page “moved”. But in any case, this text was available at the specified address when the site was added to the index of the search module of the Anti-Plagiarism system.

The fact that one or more references given in the report to open sources on the Internet at the time of viewing the report are not working, this is not a reason to remove these links from the system index. The texts at these addresses were indexed; before they were deleted/moved, they were available to third parties and could be read, copied or otherwise used. In particular, they could be stored in cache memory search engines and webarchives, where they can still be found.
