In-demand professions of the future. Professions of the future are new and promising where to go to study Promising professions in the future

Hello, dear readers! I am very glad to see you!

In previous articles, we began to talk about alternative education, especially in IT professions and new professions that are not yet taught in universities (article), about the most in-demand and highly paid professions today (article). From this article you will learn how choose the right professions of the future new and promising in our rapidly changing information, digital world. To be in demand by specialists in the next decade.

What profession do you need to master today in order to be in demand as a specialist in the future?

Now every schoolchild, but not every adult, knows that humanity has stepped from the industrial era into the post-industrial (or digital, information) era. A new technological revolution has occurred. High technologies are changing the needs of humanity at an extremely fast pace. Therefore, many professions of the industrial era became unclaimed.

They were replaced by new professions that no one had heard of 5 or 10 years ago, for example, trend hunter, life coach, QA engineer, SMM manager and many others.

If so many new professions have appeared today, then what will happen in 10-20 years? Who should you study today to become a sought-after specialist in the future, to be in trend?

What skills will the professions of the future require from specialists?

We can answer this question easily by noticing the trend of a shortage of specialists in the labor market at the intersection of specialties. Analysts from recruiting companies talk about the shortage of such universal specialists.

Examples from my experience: in an IT company a business analyst and a systems analyst work together, on TV - a video designer and editor, in the field of Internet marketing - a web site designer and layout designer. There are many examples of specialists working at the intersection of professions. So, increasingly, the labor market requires professionals who can cover both professions.

We see that IT, bio- and other technologies have rapidly entered our lives, so analysts, researchers, futurologists predict the emergence of many professions at the intersection of sciences: molecular nutritionist, bioengineer, energy auditor, city farmer, etc.

The trends are such that the professions of the future will require the following skills from specialists:
  • Cross-functionality, work at the intersection of professions
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Willingness to retrain throughout your life
  • Willingness to change profession every 10 years
  • Knowledge of several languages
  • Willingness to move cross-culturally (willingness to work in different countries ah in connection with globalization)
  • Knowledge of the basics of IT technologies
  • Ability to work remotely
  • Be a big date professional (collect and work with a large amount of information)
  • Be able to self-learn, because technology development will be rapid
  • Have a soft skill (think softly, positively, patiently, kindly achieve goals)

What professions will be needed in the next decade according to Sparks & Honey, an American research company

The research company's report has left many parents wondering if they are giving their children the right knowledge. More than 60% of the most in-demand jobs of the coming decade do not yet exist!

So, in the next 10 years there will be demand for:
  • Productivity consultants
  • Corporate disruptors
  • Alternative currency traders
  • Managing social media accounts after death
  • Personal digital curators
  • Specialists in the treatment of network and gadget addiction
  • Virtual reality architects
  • Drone management managers (delivery service)
  • 3D printing template designers
  • 3D printer specialists

Interested in learning more about each of these professions? You can read in this article.

Amazingly, many of these professions of the future have already become our reality. In the video, watch a story about 5 such super new professions.

What 25 professions will be in demand in the next 15-20 years, according to Forbes magazine?

25 new and promising professions of the future - according to Forbes - are professions at the intersection of different fields of knowledge.

  1. Composites engineer. Has knowledge in the field of composite materials for production, which are used, including in 3D printing, in robotic technological complexes
  2. IT geneticist. Engaged in genome programming for the treatment of diseases that are inherited.
  3. Urbanist-ecologist. Engaged in the design of new environmentally friendly cities.
  4. Builder of smart roads. It is engaged in the construction of roads using new technologies, installs “smart” road surfaces using sensors to monitor the condition of roads, installs “smart” signs and markings, and video surveillance systems.
  5. Intellectual Property Appraiser. Engaged in assessing the value of ideas, inventions, etc.
  6. Manager of crowdinvesting and crowdfunding platforms. Coordinates interaction between investors and authors of projects.
  7. Space tourism manager. Engaged in the development of tourism programs.
  8. Molecular nutritionist. Engaged in the development of individual nutritional plans in accordance with the molecular composition of food and the results of a person’s genotype.
  9. Genetic consultant. Engaged in genetic analysis to provide conclusions and recommendations for treatment regimens.
  10. City farmer. He is engaged in growing vegetables and fruits on the walls and roofs of houses and skyscrapers.
  11. Virtual world designer. Engaged in the creation of virtual worlds with individual culture, architecture, nature, laws.
  12. Healthy Aging Consultant. Creates optimal sets of physical activity for older people, recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition.
  13. Foreman-watcher. Construction consultant evaluates and adjusts construction progress using digital building designs.
  14. Eco-evangelist. Teaches children and adults an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
  15. Coping Specialist environmental disasters . Deals with the prevention of disasters that can be realized by people gradually: pollution of nature around large industrial centers, melting glaciers, radiation dumps.
  16. IT medic. Engaged in design software for diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, creates databases of physiological indicators of patients.
  17. Cosmobiologist and cosmogeologist. The cosmobiologist studies the behavior of organisms in space, creates ecosystems for lunar bases and orbital stations. A cosmogeologist is engaged in mining minerals on asteroids and the Moon.
  18. Smart environment designer. Generates and implements ideas for technology solutions that make homes and offices responsive to user needs.
  19. Network lawyer. Engaged in the development of legislation for networks and the virtual world, and resolves issues related to the protection of virtual property.
  20. Multicurrency exchanger. Engaged in mutual settlements of traditional and alternative electronic currencies.
  21. Medical robot designer. Engaged in the design of robots for medicine: surgical robots, diagnostic robots, cyber prostheses.
  22. Electric tanker. Engaged in servicing electric vehicle filling stations.
  23. 3D printing designer in construction. Engaged in designing layouts and structures, selecting optimal components for printing them.
  24. Mining systems engineer. Controls the entire development of fields, from prospecting and exploration to field closure.
  25. Digital linguist. Engaged in the development of new communication interfaces between computers and humans, processing text information(semantic search on the Internet).

Where can you get knowledge on these professions of the future today?

Do you want to know where you can get (basic) knowledge in these professions in Russia today? The authors of Forbes magazine, Russia, analyzed modern educational institutions where one can obtain knowledge for these professions of the future. List educational institutions for each of the 25 professions of the future you will find in this article from Forbes magazine, Russia.

What 20 professions will be in demand by 2030 according to the British research company Fast Future?

“Fast Future” presented a scientific report with sensational data on the professions of the future:

  1. Nano-medic
  2. Specialist in the creation of artificial organs
  3. Farmer working with genetic technologies
  4. Memory Augmentation Surgeon
  5. Consultant for older people
  6. Scientific ethics expert
  7. Space pilot, space guide
  8. Vertical Farm Specialist
  9. Climate Change Specialist
  10. Weather police
  11. Quarantine Specialist
  12. Virtual lawyer
  13. Avatar manager and virtual teacher
  14. Alternative transport developer
  15. Address broadcast specialist
  16. Data and information recycler
  17. Virtual space manager
  18. Trader, time bank broker
  19. Social social worker networks
  20. Personal brand manager

Are you interested in the description of each of these mysterious professions of the future? You can find out from this article.

So, an unimaginable future awaits us all, which we now already see in science fiction films. The main thing to understand is that there will no longer be a profession for life and you will need to be prepared to constantly relearn. In no era there are no professions with a great future, but only professionals with a great future. And one more thing: at all times You must choose a profession according to your liking and calling. Then your whole life will be bright and full and work will not be a burden, but a joy!

Read about how to choose a profession based on your talents and inclinations in this article.

See you soon!

Choose a profession you like!

I wish you courage and inspiration when choosing!

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P.S.2 Write your questions and thoughts in the comments.

P.S.3 Subscribe to the blog - there is a subscription form below - there will be many more articles on this topic. Stay up to date with the latest trends in the labor market for yourself and your children!

Internet, after all?

Can you imagine having to look up the translation of a word in a regular paper dictionary? Or a trip to the library for the latest edition Harry Potter?

Probably not.

Most of your life is filled with all sorts of technology, but the truth is that most of the tools you use are not even fifteen years old!

Yes, you heard that right. There were no iPhones 15 years ago. Want to know something even more shocking?

By 2025, we will lose more than five million jobs as they are automated and the need for human participation will disappear, if not completely, then almost completely.

The profession of the future will be different even before you graduate from university!

But worries aside! There is some good news. What we will be doing in the future is much more interesting than the work that was offered in the past and what the majority of the population is doing today.

The time for factory workers and physical production is over... Let's let the machines do all of this.

What in return? New knowledge and innovation. In a way, machines are even doing us a favor. They free up time for research, experimentation and the ability to find interesting solutions to complex problems, such as environmental pollution.

Just look at what the student engineers on Northwestern University's mechanical engineering team are up to at solar powered(USA). They got the opportunity to design and build environmentally friendly racing cars!

Say goodbye to desk work and hello to the world of creation!

Skills for future professions

No one can say exactly what a highly paid and in-demand profession will look like in the future. However, there is 7 mandatory “skills” that you need to master to achieve success in the future.

1 Flexibilitymind and complex solution of problems/problems:

The future will present problems that you have not previously encountered, for which there are no ready-made solutions. In order to cope with them, you will have to show flexibility of mind, go “outside the box,” step back a little to see the whole picture and reorganize everything. This search is highly effective. It’s great that this skill is easy to develop and easy to practice. With each new, more complex problem, your brain will be pumped up.

2 Critical thinking:

Thanks to technology, much of today's work will be automated, but you probably won't trust it to shape your critical thinking. You must have this skill, be able to analyze different situations, consider several at once possible solutions and accept them on the fly, “passing” them through logic and reasoning.

3 Ingenuity:

Worried about robots stealing your job and profession? The more creative you are, the less likely you are to lose your job to machines. Yes it's possible artificial intelligence will surpass you in the field of calculations and diagnostics, but it is not so good at what requires creating original content, going beyond the usual. Robots can't think abstract. For now…

4 Ability to work with other people:

Eventually, machines will take over and technology will become much more advanced, so we humans will have to stick together! If you want to succeed in the future job market, you need to learn how to manage people (and robots), and also empathize with them, listen to what they have to say! You will have to work with them, which means being emotionally involved.

5 STEM education

The components of STEM are science, technology, engineering and mathematics (*STEM is an abbreviation for English words: science, technology, engineering, maths), are now in great demand as areas of development, and they will not lose their relevance in the future. You definitely shouldn't hope for this. As technology progresses, you need to hone your craft (the foundation for future success) by developing yourself in these four areas. And also, programming! Learn programming!


You already understand the meaning of the word STEM, but you probably don’t know what this abbreviation means. Translated from English, SMAC sounds like: social, mobile, analytics, cloud. Learning all these skills/platforms will help you stand out in the future job market!

7 Interdisciplinary knowledge / multidisciplinary:

A future career will require “pulling” information from many areas. This will be essential to finding creative solutions to problems that arise on the path to a successful life. Great news: this skill is easy to “pump up”. To do this, you need to start reading as much as you can handle, about everything that interests you. When you go to college or university, think about a double major or two in completely different areas. Believe me, in the long run it will pay off 100%.

Professions of the future

Now you know everything you need about the skills that would be good to acquire or develop in order to, at a minimum, make good money in the near future. Now let’s look at the professions of the future.

A small warning-disclaimer: there are no such professions now, it may happen that there won’t be, so don’t be angry if your parents, hearing from you that you want to become, for example, a garbage technologist, laugh in your face.

Garbage technologist

This is probably the most unusual job, but it is vital! Think about her.

Humans generate about 1.2 million tons of waste per year, and what should we do with so much of it?

Throw it in a landfill? This is not a sustainable practice and we need to come up with another way to dispose of it.

Unfortunately, compacting garbage in the style of the robot Valli will not reduce its amount in any way, and therefore will not solve the problem.

You can learn to turn garbage into clean gas or, for example, turn it into the strongest material for constructing buildings! The possibilities are truly endless, but it's up to you to come up with the winning ideas.

Required Skills: Strong STEM skills, critical thinking and flexible mind.

(master's programs): Civil Engineer, Chemical Technologist, Waste Recycling Specialist.

(information about the educational opportunities of the West, if you are ambitious and persistent, it is possible to enroll)

MIT is the top institution in the world for civil and chemical engineering. And although they do not yet have a program on waste recycling technologies, he will be the first to launch it. This institute can be described as the most “cool” one. Rating: 1st place in construction and chemical engineering.

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, England

Cambridge is less likely to pioneer a waste engineering program (the school is kind of #traditional), but you can definitely get an excellent engineering background at this university, and then start your own business for waste recycling! Rating: 2nd place in construction and 4th in chemical engineering.

Stanford University: Stanford, California.

While MIT will continue to implement the Waste Engineering program (and perhaps even start the movement as a whole), Stanford will take it to the West Coast. Rating: 2nd place in chemical and 5th place in civil engineering.

Alternative energy consultant

People cannot survive by relying solely on fossil fuels, so alternative energy sources are the only hope.

You've most likely heard of hydroelectric, wind and solar energy. The question is, which of these sources is right for your home, community, city?

Say hi to your new job dreams: Consultant on alternative energy.

If you become an expert in everything related to this topic, you will be able to move from city to city, visit all civilized countries, assessing the best environmentally friendly inexhaustible source of energy for each place.

Before you know it, you will become mega in demand!

Required Skills: Strong STEM background, flexible mind, people skills.

Best educational foundation(master's programs): Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Renewable Energy, Ecology, Physics, Mechanical Engineering.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Oregon Institute of Technology: Klamath Falls, Oregon

Oregon Institute of Technology is one of the few educational institutions in the United States that provides the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's degree in Renewable Energy!

TexasUniversity, Austin: Austin, Texas

As an engineering student at the University of Texas, you have the opportunity to participate in core programs in energy systems and renewable energy. Thanks to them, you will learn everything you need about traditional and renewable energy resources. This knowledge will be critical to your consulting career. Ranking: 34th in Environmental Science, 44th in Engineering and Technology.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, Massachusetts (MIT)

MIT offers minor energy research. Understanding the importance of energy in a variety of fields, MIT has made it one of the most important parts of its curriculum. The Institute also offers to participate in research into the possibilities of alternative energy in the summer. Rating: 1st place in Engineering and Technology, 3rd place in Environmental Science.

Seismic forecaster

This profession, without exaggeration, is unrealistic in our day and even in this century, however, people said the same thing about ordinary meteorologists less than a hundred years ago!

However, due to increasingly frequent earthquakes, someone will still have to come up with a way to display the earth's core. This will help figure out how to predict such disasters so that there is time to repeatedly warn society and prepare for possible consequences.

All hope is for you!

Required Skills: Strong STEM background, critical thinking, complex problem solving skills.

Best educational foundation: Geology, Physics, Geophysics, Mathematics, Computer Science (Informatics).

Top 3 UN International Schools:

California Institute of Technology: Pasadena, California (CTI)

KTI's undergraduate programs in Geology and Planetary Sciences will provide a deep understanding of everything related to this, combined with a strong background in chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology, as well as plenty of practice in the field of most interest to you. Ideal if you want to become a seismic forecaster! Position: 7th in Physics and Astronomy, 12th in Mathematics and 27th in Computer Science.

University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO.

With the word for “rock block” in its name, this school is bound to have a strong geology program! And she has.

In general, the university has two bachelor's programs in geology, one of which is related to the broader aspect of geoscience, and the other focuses on geophysics, and more specifically on the structure and processes occurring in the interior of the Earth. Position: 51–100 places in Physics and Astronomy, 101–150 in Mathematics, 201–205 in Computer Science.

Federal Institute of Technology Zurich: Zurich, Switzerland

The Swiss program combined two main ones, namely geology and geophysics. You will graduate from the institute with a powerful knowledge base in geology, mineralogy, geochemistry and geophysics. There is also a Bachelor's degree in Geosciences, but it is only available at German. Position: 8th place in Mathematics, 9th in Computer Science, 10th in Physics and Astronomy.

Medical Mentor

As machines and robots take over medical diagnostics and even “learn” how to perform surgeries, the following will play an important role in the medical field:

Medic mentor!

As a medical preceptor, you will be responsible for patients after they have received appointments, surgeries, or any medical procedures.

You will monitor them, make sure they are following the doctor's (or robot's) recommendations, and help them manage the negative factors that are preventing them from becoming (and staying) healthy.

Imagine yourself as a nutritionist, therapist, exercise consultant and friend all rolled into one.

Required Skills: Strong STEM foundation, critical thinking, social and interdisciplinary skills.

Psychology, Dietetics, Sociology, Biology.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

It's no surprise that Harvard is the #1 psychology program in the world. Any of the Harvard psychology courses will be useful for achieving success in a profession such as a medical mentor. Consider the following options: Diet and Exercise, Evolutionary Genetics of the Human Complexity, Fighting Cancer with the Power of Thought. Position: 1st place in Psychology and Sociology.

New York University (NYU): New York

NYU has the perfect combination of majors for a successful career in the future: nutrition, dietetics, research food products, health care. In fact, NYU encourages you to combine these majors to create what will one day be called medical mentorship! Position: 10th place in Psychology, 15th place in Sociology.

Stanford University: Stanford, California

Stanford is always at the forefront when it comes to new technologies and developments in any field. The proximity to Silicon Valley encourages research and ensures that new ideas (like medical mentors) will be developed, even if they seem crazy. The Stanford Biology Program will help you become the best medical mentor you can ever be! Position: 2nd place in Psychology, 5th place in Sociology.

Organ/Body Part Creator

Have you ever heard of the black market for organs?

Well, it really does exist, it is illegal and it is a huge problem.


Because people all over the world spend years waiting for a miracle to happen and they will be selected from the list for an eye, kidney or heart transplant.

Eventually, these people simply get tired of waiting (and for some, waiting too long means dying) and find help on the black market for organ donations, where they can buy everything they need... for a price.

Every 12 minutes, another name is added to the already gigantic waiting list, and every day approximately 21 people die because they did not receive the organ they needed to live in a timely manner.

In this situation, it is not at all surprising why the black market still exists (it is in demand)!

However, in a few years, it will be possible to create new organs and body parts from patient stem cells or other materials that we do not yet know about.

Be prepared: such a mega-demand profession will soon become available for development (as well as career growth in this area). And this time is closer than you think!

Required Skills: Strong STEM foundation, critical thinking, mental flexibility, complex problem solving and creative inclinations.

Best educational background: Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Engineering.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Harvard University: Cambridge, Massachusetts

While I hate to turn this list into a Harvard show, it's hard not to include Harvard's Molecular and Cellular Biology program. Coursework for the UN international school on such a topic is still a “barbell not raised.” So if you pass it, don't miss the opportunity to study and research at Harvard. Rating: 1st place in the field of Biological Sciences.

Johns Hopkins University: Baltimore, Maryland (Hopkins)

Hopkins has one of the best medical schools in the world and one of the best undergraduate medical engineering programs in the world due to its access to medical school facilities. Ranking: 22nd in Biological Sciences.

Duke University: Durham, North Carolina

Duke's biomedical engineering program will make you a great organ builder because you will learn biomolecular and tissue engineering! Sounds like the perfect place to start developing your skills. Ranking: 33rd in Biological Sciences.

Memory surgeon

This is where things start to take on a sci-fi “tinge”.

What if there was a way to remove bad memories from memory, if a surgeon could eliminate mental illness or destructive behavior through intervention?

Is this possible? If so, would such a method be ethical? Will it rid the world of terrorism?

Only you can unlock access to the answers to these burning questions if you become a memory surgeon yourself.

Your future career will certainly cause controversy, but if you don't give up, it will change our world beyond recognition.

The only thing is that you will have to be careful and be 100% sure that you are removing from the person’s memory exactly those memories, “diseases,” behavior patterns that really require it. And when your friend asks you if you can delete the memories of last night’s failed night, you were able to refuse him categorically.

Required Skills: Strong STEM foundation, critical thinking, mental flexibility, complex problem solving and creativity.

Best educational background: Biology, Chemistry, Neurobiology.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Columbia University: New York

Two faculty members in Columbia's neuroscience department have won Nobel Prizes, so if you want to learn from the best of the best, this is the place to be. Rank: 16th in Biological Sciences and 40th in Chemistry.

University of California: Los Angeles, California

UCLA is a leader when it comes to teaching. His neuroscience program can help you become a memory pro (in 30 years). Rank: 9th in Biological Sciences and 9th in Chemistry.

University College London: London, England (UCL)

If you are truly interested in studying according to European standards, this college is your path to success. While most European programs last three years, the UCL Neuroscience program provides one additional year of research. Rank: 25th in Biological Sciences and 43rd in Chemistry.

Personal Productivity Specialist

In order for people to compete with robots and the looming total automation of almost all work, they need to maximize their efficiency.

But it's easier said than done.

Think about the things that are holding you back from reaching your highest potential:

  1. Facebook (other social networks).
  2. Instagram.
  3. Snapchat.
  4. Netflix or YouTube.
  5. Hulu (and any other website that acts as an online movie theater).
  6. 24-hour news broadcast.
  7. ... many other similar things.

Technologies continue to develop, and with them the number of different “distractions” increases. So if we don't maintain and maximize our efficiency, machines could really take our jobs away. They will help you raise your level!

Your job as a personal effectiveness specialist will be to analyze people's daily lives and coach them. They will have to show how to make their day more productive, how and which time destructors (chronophages) they need to immediately get rid of, how not to procrastinate, and how to train themselves to work more assertively and with greater intelligence.

P.S. Work on the name of this profession of the future is not yet finished. Offer your options.

Required Skills: critical thinking, creativity, public relations skills, mental flexibility, SMAC skills, multidisciplinary skills.

Best educational background: Media and communications, Psychology, Sociology.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

University of Southern California: Los Angeles, California (USC)

As the No. 1 communications program in the world, USC will give you an understanding of how new media and technology interact that will form the basis of your personal productivity “correction” business. Ranking: 1st place in Communication and Media Studies, and 11th place in Sociology.

University of California: Berkeley, California

The Berkeley Media Studies program will cover all the cards on the influence of media on the world through an anthropological, sociological and political perspective; will help you gain the skills you need to succeed. Rating: 6th place in the field of Communication and Media Education, 2nd place in Sociology.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI.

This university has an excellent program called “The Science of Interaction and Rhetoric.” It will teach you how the media influences human behavior. If you want to be a better SLP, you will have to keep up with modern media technologies and understand their impact on people. Rating: 5th place in Communication and Media Education, 6th place in Sociology.

Personal Internet of Things security specialist

We're used to calling a plumber or repairman (or doing it ourselves) if something breaks in the house, but who will you call if your smart refrigerator is hacked and it starts “signaling” the coffee maker to make 100,500 servings of coffee, and the lighting “order” to turn on and off every 5 minutes?

A personal specialist in the restoration and security of smart devices! (Long title, if you have ideas, suggest a shorter one :)

An attackable smart device is just one of many problems that the world will face when the devices we use become “smart”, able to communicate with each other wirelessly, controlled by a smartphone, etc.

As a specialist in this field, you will be responsible for a hacker attack before it causes any damage, i.e. for the very fact that the criminal managed to hack the device.

And guess what, a coffee maker burglar will be the least of your problems. But how much will you earn if you acquire such a profession!

Required Skills: STEM, critical thinking, people skills, mental flexibility, SMAC skills, ability to approach problem solving holistically.

Best educational background: computer science, computer engineering, mechanical engineering.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA (MIT)

MIT has one of the best (if not the best) Computer Science program in the world. As long as you get a great education at MIT, you are free to explore new paths and opportunities to achieve your dream job. In addition, there will be many smart and intelligent people around you who will want to help you start building a career. Position: 1st in Computer Science, 1st in Mechanical Engineering.

Boston University: Boston, Massachusetts (BU)

As one of the few universities in the US with a bachelor's degree in cryptography and data security, BU is a great school to go to if you're serious about becoming an Internet of Things security remediator. Plus you'll be able to collaborate with MIT students since they're in Boston too! Rank: 51-100th in Computer Science, 151-200th in Mechanical Engineering.

Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (CMU)

CMU believes that computer science is an interdisciplinary skill. The UN advocates lessons from other fields and their application to one's computer science knowledge. The more interdisciplinary knowledge you have, the better you will be at solving complex problems and ultimately succeeding in your future career! Rank: 3rd in Computer Science, 46th in Mechanical Engineering.

Pilot instructor

You've probably wondered what kind of flight instructor is this? Does this profession already exist?!

You are, of course, right, but we are talking about a flying human instructor.

Flying cars (we're not talking about airplanes) will exist sooner or later, but what do you think of the idea of ​​a self-flying person?

It is not a fact that people will learn to fly by 2030, but it is a matter of time and nothing more. Someday a device will be built that will allow people to fly independently.

It may be very short distances at first, but eventually people will be able to fly from one city to another, even if they are in different parts of the country!

Once this flight revolution happens, everyone will want to learn, but why are you worse than others?

And if you become one of the first, you can earn cool money.

Required Skills: STEM, critical thinking, creativity, mental flexibility, versatility, ability to approach problem solving holistically.

Best educational background: Communications, Astrology, Physics, Computer Science, Entrepreneurship.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Northwestern University: Evanston, Illinois

The university is good at everything it teaches, especially when it comes to communications. To become the best “pilot instructor” in the world, you will have to acquire good communication skills. Illinois NWU will teach everything you need to develop in this direction. All you need is persistence and a love of adventure. Rank: 17th in Communications and Media, 101-150th in Computer Science.

Elon University: Elon, North Carolina

The best way to prepare people to fly solo around the world is, of course, practice - flying around the world all the time! Elon University has one of the best overseas study programs with over 100 options to choose from. Ideal for travelers!

Babson College: Wellesley, Massachusetts

Babson has the best entrepreneurship program in the US (and maybe even the world). As a top flight instructor, you must have business acumen, creativity, an understanding of the basics of interacting with people, and the ability to persuade (get people to trust you that they can actually fly).

Commercial space pilot

Elon Musk and Richard Branson will soon go into space, which means its public exploration will become a reality.

However, there is one small problem... who will fly with us?

We can't become astronauts before we explore the Moon (or Mars); it would take too much time, plus it wouldn't be practical at all.

We need someone who has experience as an astronaut, but is also trained to handle huge rockets with a lot of people on board.

It sounds like an incredibly difficult job, but if you become a space expert, you've always dreamed of being an astronaut, it's time to start thinking bigger!

You can become the best space pilot the world has ever seen!

Required Skills: STEM, critical thinking, people skills, creativity, mental flexibility, versatility, ability to approach problem solving holistically.

Best educational background: Astrospace engineering, Astrology, Physics, Computer science.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

California Institute of Technology: Pasadena, California (Caltech)

When it comes to space, KTI is undoubtedly the leader in the list of the best universities. Students there have the opportunity to take engineering, astronomical, aerospace programs, as well as study at the Institute of Space Research named after. Keka. It focuses on space missions and technology. An excellent option for the aspiring commercial space pilot. Position: 7th in Physics and Astronomy, 27th in Computer Science.

Princeton University: Princeton, New Jersey

Because the astrophysics department at Princeton is small (15 to 20 students), your education will be very practical and closely related to your personal interests. Plus, as a bonus, you will get access to the world's best astrophysical facilities and technologies! Rank: 8th in Physics and Astronomy, 8th in Computer Science.

University of Chicago: Chicago, Illinois

CU is always ahead of the curve when it comes to research, especially in physics, and its astrophysics program can take you to the highest academic level, set the bar high, and most importantly, help you achieve it!

The University of Chicago will simply “fall” you in love with space! For the most ambitious individuals. Position: 13th place in Physics and Astronomy, 51-100th in Computer Science.

Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that most of the professions existing today will be automated by 2030, you can take care of your future and not be afraid of it, but be excited about the opportunities that open up.

Robots will take on all the most boring and routine work, which will free up time for learning something interesting, creating new important jobs and creative professions, such as those described in the article.

In any case, you should not limit yourself to the professions from the above list. Dream big, think, think over your list of future professions along with the skills required for them, move in this direction, you don’t have to enroll in some American university, by the way, and who knows, maybe your idea will become a million-dollar idea!

A little advice postscript:

Analyze the performance of the world's most innovative companies.

And remember, in the future, everything is possible!

The question “Where should I go to study?” This problem is acute for graduates: often, upon entering an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they are choosing. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Students of foreign schools study a wide range of subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess, or attend a Shakespeare club.

To choose a secondary school for your child abroad, contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, and we will also prepare your child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of his studies.

The older students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the greater the choice - what they are interested in as a future profession, what they have an inclination for. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign schoolchildren already know what they want to become.
In addition, career consultants work with students in high schools in Europe and America. Educational institutions also cooperate with large companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set specific career goals for themselves.

But enrolling in an interesting specialty is not enough - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge lack practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates lose interest in studying by the end of their studies and work outside their specialty.

If you have already graduated from a Russian university, but want to change your specialty or get a more modern education in your field, consider enrolling in a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field, continue your specialized studies in a master's program, or take intensive professional courses in your specialty. Find out more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop practical skills of students. Most higher educational institutions are also research centers with its own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the development of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university gives you the opportunity to stay in another country (for example, Canada has soft immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at the global level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that Russian universities Not yet.

Promising professions of the future radically different from those that our ancestors could have imagined. The situation on the labor market changes every year and professions that were prestigious five years ago are simply no longer needed. Some specialists are replaced by high-tech machines, others by cheaper unskilled labor. In order not to be left “overboard” and choose the right one future profession It's worth keeping your finger on the pulse. This article will help you with this.

Journalists, economists and programmers were included in the list of the most unsuitable professions for the 21st century, published in Forbes magazine. The trends observed in the American labor market are also expected in Russia, albeit belatedly. Today, fresh vacancies for freelancers are more in demand than permanent office work, which pays much less and is also strictly regulated according to the schedule. People are becoming freer, preferring to work remotely at a time convenient for them, rather than selling themselves into slavery and putting on office “shackles.”

In particular, the changes will affect the labor market: latest technologies will make it possible to create dozens of new specialties or bring back to life many professions that have sunk into oblivion. Nano-medics will be no less in demand than farmers, and school teachers will have to experience many amazing discoveries while checking essays on the topic “What do I want to be when I grow up.”

The British research company Fast Future shared sensational discoveries. One of the scientists described the results of his scientific work like this: “We are blurring the line between science fiction and reality. What we see in movies today can become part of your career. Science makes it possible, but in-demand jobs in the future will not require a high level of scientific knowledge.”

So, we present to your attention the most popular professions of the future that will arise by 2030.

Specialist in the creation of artificial organs

In the very near future, the problem of transplantation will be solved once and for all. Scientists will find a way to “grow” living body parts that will eventually replace prosthetics and artificial organs. Therefore in new field Medicine will need directly the creators of organs, doctors, psychologists, as well as specialists from storage facilities and enterprises for the restoration of damaged transplants.


Nanotechnology will make it possible to easily create subatomic mechanisms - tiny robots that will help treat patients and conduct preventive examinations. Specialists in working with such equipment will be in demand all over the world.

Farmers and pastoralists working with genetic technologies

Genetically modified foods promise to be not only tasty, but also healthy. For example, in the future there will be specialists who will be able to grow tomatoes with a vaccine against various diseases, or develop a new breed of cow with protein-enriched medicinal milk.

Consultant for the Elderly

Thanks to advances in science and medicine, lifespan ordinary person will increase by a couple of decades - which means the number of aging population will increase significantly. Elderly people will need helpers and consultants to take care of their health. They will be well versed in the latest achievements of modern medicine, have a stock of knowledge in the field of medicines, prosthetics, psychology, natural remedies, diet and fitness.

Memory Augmentation Surgeon

Human memory will become like a computer resource - it will be possible to increase it, erase it, or transfer part of the memories to various media. It is expected that one of the main tasks of surgeons will be to help those whose memory is “overloaded” and prevents them from learning new information.

Expert in scientific ethics

The more global scientific discoveries become, the more scientists will have to think about ethical issues. Specialists in this field will have to make important decisions for all of humanity - whether it is worth continuing research in this or that area, whether the price of a scientific discovery is too high for the entire planet.

Space pilots, architects and guides

Space exploration will bring enormous income and create a lot of jobs. Pilots and guides will be in demand in the field of space tourism, and bold and decisive architects will be needed for new hotels on Mars or the Moon.

Vertical farm workers

Agriculture will find a new home in ten years - skyscrapers in big cities. The idea of ​​“vertical farms” will help cope with the food problem, and will also significantly relieve congestion on the main highways. Farmers of the new generation will be specialists in engineering, botany and trade.

Climate Change Specialist

Environmental problems will inevitably lead to climate change. An entire army of workers will be sent to combat these changes in the future. They will have to implement quite bold projects - for example, installing giant umbrellas to reflect sun rays, or covering the ocean floor with iron filings, which will help the growth of plankton and algae, which take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Quarantine Specialist

Alas, humanity is not immune from global disasters. In the event of an epidemic of a dangerous virus, scientists will develop special isolation programs for regions and cities, the implementation of which will be monitored by quarantine specialists.

Weather police

In the future, real weather pirates and smugglers will appear who will be able to illegally change the climate on the orders of wealthy people. To combat illegal weather changes, a special police unit will be created to regulate the amount of clouds or sunlight - everyone gets the same amount.

Virtual lawyer

International business is a complex and confusing thing. A virtual legal specialist who provides assistance will help you understand the intricacies and contradictions of laws of different countries. legal services on-line.

Avatar managers and virtual teachers

In the near future, the roles of teachers will not be real people, but special personalized training programs. In this case, the role of an interactive teacher will be a virtual character or an avatar. Managers-curators will monitor their work.

Developers alternative types transport

Flying and floating vehicles powered by alternative fuel will become a reality in some 5-10 years. The auto industry will receive a lot of new specialists and huge amount jobs, and our planet - a clean atmosphere without harmful emissions.

Addressable Broadcasting Specialists

Personal TV channel or radio station? Any moment! Content is becoming more and more varied, so it is very easy to choose programs or films to suit your personal taste. In the future over wide range individual content will be developed by targeted broadcasting specialists who, together with producers and psychologists, will be able to develop many new information products personal orientation.

Information Recycler

The network information space will reach unprecedented proportions in ten years. Recycling specialists are guaranteed to help you destroy unnecessary information about your person or business. They will make sure that not a single file ends up in the hands of your competitors or enemies.

Virtual Space Manager

Each of us has several addresses email, a lot of profiles on social networks, chats and forums - you can’t remember all the passwords and coordinates. In the future, you will have an assistant who will quickly organize the virtual part of your life, help you deal with letters and messages, as well as manage on-line profiles.

Brokers and time bank traders

Time promises to be the most valuable currency. You can earn and spend it in a time bank - this is a community whose members provide services to each other and pay in units of time. For example, you can wash your car or walk your dog, receive “currency” in return and use it to pay for the services you need. The broker is the organizer of transactions on this exchange.

Communication on social networks can sometimes irritate you or cause serious damage to your mental health, especially if you are a creative and popular person. Quarrels and conflicts between participants in virtual communities can develop into a real war, which qualified psychologists will help to avoid. These social workers will become a kind of rescue service for network residents.

How parents can help in choosing a profession

Personal brand manager

Your personal brand will be promoted in a matter of minutes - the best PR and marketing specialists will make every effort to ensure that your blog or personal website gains popularity all over the world. Online image makers will monitor the integrity of your image and stir up the public’s interest in a bright person.

What promising professions for the next 10 years in Russia can be named today? Which university should a graduate enroll in so as not to make a bad choice and not put the diploma in a dusty box in the future? Where to get a job to grow career ladder and get a decent salary? Many people are asking these questions today. After all, you want to do not only something that will bring you a living, but also something interesting, developing and progressive.

In this article we will talk about new interesting professions, and we will also announce a list of the most in-demand and promising professions that will remain in their status for at least another 10 years. Using this information, everyone will be able to make an easier choice in favor of one or another employment. Let's get started.

What new professions have appeared in modern society?

Professions that were popular, for example, in the 19th century, have now faded into the background or have become obsolete altogether. New promising and current types employment in recent years, which are becoming more and more in demand among employers and more popular among job seekers.

Such professions include:

Graphic designer

This profession is very popular in many areas at present. The services of such a designer can also be used by companies that need advertising or a logo. Creating posters, designing pages in prestigious publications, editing photographs, creating graphic masterpieces - all this is a lot of work. And such work today pays quite well. An employee in this area must have skills and knowledge in the field of graphics software, vector and raster graphics.


This profession is representative of the trade sector. A distributor is a person who sells goods from the parent company, which grants him the right to do so for a commission. The merchant quickly finds clients for himself, thanks to the fame of the brand with which he works.

Image maker

Appearance plays a very important role in today's society. But, alas, not everyone has a sense of style and taste, but some have high talent in this regard. A professional can completely change a person and the idea of ​​him by creating a new image, choosing a wardrobe, hairstyle and makeup.

Video maker

Over the past few years, short videos have become a tool for advertising, presentations, entertainment and many other areas. Not everyone can create a high-quality video. Knowledge of programs for processing and editing video materials is an excellent item on a resume. Today you can get a lot of money for a high-quality clip that meets customer requirements.


It seems like this is an ordinary journalist, but the difference here is that the duties of the correspondent include arriving on the spot to get breaking news first-hand. such work is more valuable and is paid accordingly.


This is a specialist in writing texts on a specific topic, as well as according to an appropriate plan. This profession is common among both freelancers and ordinary employees. advertising companies. Internet marketing is gaining momentum every day, and the profession of a copywriter is becoming more and more in demand.

This is not the entire list popular professions last decade, you can find more information on the Internet.

The most promising professions for the next 10 years in Russia

Now we will analyze a list of professions that will remain relevant for 2020-2030, and will also be suitable for both girls and men.


Teachers have always been undervalued in our country, but every year the state increasingly strives to give this area more development and prospects. Education of the new generation, teachers at school, teachers at universities - all this is very important and necessary for society. The role of this profession is growing exponentially in society. This is what will allow this direction only grow upward.

Economic sphere

The profession of economist has always been in demand and highly paid. Today, in an age of active activity of financial organizations, banks and other structures, an economist invariably occupies a leading position in the list of vacancies. But, unfortunately, there are also many professionals with an economic education, which allows companies to set high demands on new employees. But, nevertheless, this direction is one of the most promising for both boys and girls.

Humanitarian direction

Oddly enough, but right now, in the century high technology, the humanitarian direction received a second wind. Copywriting, blogging, contextual advertising and even literature - all this pays well today if you are a professional in your field and know what to offer an employer. There is a lot of work, but high skills are required for good pay.

Working professions

Working professions - loaders, builders, repairmen, cleaners and others - will always be needed. And there is no need to say that these are not prestigious positions. Try to do without them. Everything will come to a standstill - from production to trade. Houses will not be built and transport will not travel. Workers in this field will always be valued.

Craft professions

Carpenters, joiners, needlewomen and other artisans who are able to make a quality item with their own hands will always be worth their weight in gold. If you know how to create something with your own hands and do it well, then you will not be left without a well-paid job. People will always buy furniture, clothing, forged goods and much more that comes from the production of artisans.


As sad as it may be, qualified doctors are always in demand. Every year the medical industry is progressing and it requires young specialists who will save lives for a decent salary. Dentists and other dental professions are especially in demand. Yes and wages in medicine, even at the state level, is becoming more and more pleasing every year.


Litigation based on completely different reasons will always take place in modern society. That is why qualified lawyers remain in demand. Unfortunately, this field is highly competitive, but skills and knowledge will help you achieve success.

IT sphere

Nowadays no one can do without a computer. This is why workers in the IT sector are now not only in demand, but also highly paid. System and network security, programming, IT engineers and many other areas will be promising for decades to come.

The professions of the future are new and promising: where to go to study?

If we talk specifically about our country, then many cities in Russia, or rather, their universities offer students excellent conditions for studying and living.

For the next 30 years, the following professions and universities will remain relevant and promising in the Russian Federation:

  1. IT industry specialists with an income of 30 thousand rubles. per month (MSU, MSTU);
  2. Fuel and energy professions, from 40 thousand rubles. per month (USPTU, TSNU);
  3. Metallurgy, from 30 thousand rubles. per month (MMA named after Sechenov, Moscow State University, Russian State Medical University);
  4. Economics and finance, from 20 thousand rubles. per month (MSU, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, REA named after Plekhanov);
  5. Psychology and psychotherapy (MGPPU, MSPU, MSGU, MSU);
  6. Engineers, from 20 thousand rubles. per month (MADI);
  7. Logisticians, from 30 thousand rubles. per month (MIIT, MADI).

So we have looked at promising professions for the next 10 years in Russia. The choice of profession and university should always be approached with great responsibility. Budget higher education you can only get it once in your life, but you don’t want to put your diploma on the shelf after 5-6 years of sessions and exams. There are many professions, a lot of opportunities, but the decision is up to you. Whether you fly into space, save lives, or become a famous director - it's your choice. Your future is in your hands!
