Beautiful names for hairdressing salons. How to name a hairdressing salon so that it is successful and profitable

Quite often in our lives we come across cases where a salon that was successful at first glance began to make losses for unclear reasons.

Many argue that the essence of this phenomenon is the imbalance of any energies, and the name of a hairdressing salon according to Feng Shui will help to avoid this. How to choose it correctly and how effective it is – we’ll talk in the article below.

Feng Shui Enterprises

First, let's figure out why it is necessary to follow the rules of Feng Shui when doing business.

This teaching itself is based on the concept of energy flows. In our Universe, everything consists of them, and we ourselves stand as if in the middle of an invisible giant ocean with many undercurrents. Some of these flows bring harmony into our lives and completely balance it, while others bring chaos and discord. But this is natural, because in the East, where this teaching came to us, they adhere to the idea of ​​​​the duality of the world, therefore without black there would be no white, and vice versa.

Since there are equal amounts of positive and negative energies in our world, this is what helps maintain balance, it is important to be able to attract the first type into your life.

In addition, attraction alone is not enough; you also need to properly build your defense against negativity, otherwise it will break into your quiet abode and transform all positive energy into a force similar to itself. Feng Shui is all about tuning into positive flows and protecting against negative ones.

Although the rules for home and business have some common points, for the most part they are still different. The fact is that for a home we, first of all, need to ensure normal saturation of all rooms Qi in order to harmonize various areas of life.

In the case of the premises where the enterprise is located, we need to build the entire space in such a way that the flow of this energy, firstly, goes inside, secondly, is very powerful and, thirdly, falls exactly into the zone that we need. necessary. Only in this case can you count on any commercial success.

Quite often, entrepreneurs do not pay due attention to choosing a name for their company. What’s strange is that this applies to beauty salons and hairdressers to a greater extent, since there is real chaos going on here.

People think that by concentrating on one specific area, such as quality of service or low prices for services, they will ensure large number clients. Very little attention is paid to the name of the enterprise. Of course, this approach is partly correct, and only in that everything is done for the future client, but how will he know about this if he doesn’t even go inside?

Remember, we mentioned just above the three stages that you need to go through to achieve success. So, the choice of name relates to the first stage, namely the direction of flow inward.

The name of your beauty salon or hairdresser is a kind of sign, both in the literal and figurative sense.

It depends on him how much energy will go inside and whether it will get there at all, and with it the clients.

A well-chosen name for a beauty salon allows you to attract a very large flow of customers. For this type of business, this is simply necessary, because the profitability of the enterprise, and therefore its ability to function in the future, depends on the number of people who ordered this or that procedure.

How often have you seen salons that looked simply great, excellent renovations were done inside, the workers were real certified professionals, but the company went bankrupt in just a month. In this case, the fault was due to incorrect feng shui, as well as a name that was chosen without knowledge of the matter.

Conversely, a salon that is located on the ground floor of a residential building, somewhere in the courtyard or even in the basement, attracts a large number of clients and soon brings its owner a huge income. If, while reading this paragraph, you immediately remembered a hairdressing salon and said its name to yourself, then this is the clearest example of the correct name for a Feng Shui business.

Imagine that someone comes to your salon at the same time huge amount customers, through which doors will it be easier for them to get inside - wide or narrow?

A good name is exactly the same wide doors, only invisible.

The better it is selected from a Feng Shui point of view, the more clients will be able to miss. And after they got inside, their loyalty and desire to return will depend on internal construction premises, but this is a separate topic. Now we will talk about the basic rules of Feng Shui that should be followed when choosing a name for a beauty salon.

Choosing a name according to Feng Shui

There is a saying, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that any object or undertaking will carry within itself the energy that you yourself endowed it with, calling it by some name. This position is a direct reflection of the principles of Feng Shui regarding the name for a company or enterprise.

Ever since Soviet Union, in the countries that were part of it, as well as those bordering it, there is a tradition of calling beauty salons after women’s names. IN modern world It looks quite ridiculous, and from a Feng Shui point of view it’s hard to think of a worse option. Naturally, in this case there is no need to talk about any powerful client flow - at most a few new visitors come to such a salon, who never return to it. The main small group are people from nearby houses who are simply convenient to the close location.

The very first and most important rule, as you already understood, is the meaning of the name. If the owner of a salon calls it by her own name, this is not a sign of meaningfulness, but simply a very bad decision. You need to think about how your salon differs from all others in the city. Perhaps the greatest emphasis in the activities of your beauty salon is on the services of a hairdresser, then you need to think in this direction. Think about all the associations that arise in your head when you think about the type of service presented.

A person passing by and seeing a sign with this word will subconsciously perform the same operation, but in reverse order. The associative range of all people is approximately the same, so it will not be difficult to trace the client’s path of thought.

When a person sees an unusual name for a beauty salon, which, at a minimum, is not a woman’s name, thought processes begin to occur in his subconscious part of the brain, invisible even to him. Until the subconscious builds this entire chain, from the name of the salon to its focus, this process will occur in the brain all the time. When the associative series is built, it will be deposited somewhere in the brain and will remain there forever.

This will also have a positive effect on the salon, since mental activity creates a directed energy flow, which will enter your enterprise, making it stronger and more successful. In the case when the mentioned associative series turns out to be quite complex, the memory of this thought process goes beyond the subconscious.

This happens in cases where the name of the salon is truly original and there is not enough subconscious power to understand the reason for this. That's why successful companies and the enterprises have original names, which also contributed to their formation.

The next important point when choosing a name for the salon is its sound. All words have a certain sound structure. Some of them fade towards the end, while others, on the contrary, become more sonorous. There is a third type of words; their voiced part is located somewhere in the middle.

For the name, it is best to choose words with increasing sonority.

Only in this case will the name leave a fairly vivid trace in the brain of a potential client. In the same case, if a word with a different structure is chosen, there is a high probability that reading it on a sign or in any other place will give absolutely no response in the person’s head.

That is why choose words that have voiced combinations of vowels and consonants in the last syllables. Say the word to yourself or even out loud several times, note in which part the peak of sonority is located, and mark those options that do not fit. Only such a selection will allow us to identify the most successful option, attracting the maximum number of clients and allowing the energy flow to grow.

Keeping the salon name short is also very important. Long names are very difficult to understand and remember. In the modern world, every second is important and therefore there is a high probability that a person simply will not read the full title after briefly seeing its impressive size.

In addition, a long name is more difficult to remember. Remember the language and writing of the state from which Feng Shui came to us. Hieroglyphs contain a huge amount of information, while looking compact. Short words also carry more energy, since the flow in this case becomes much more concentrated.

A capacious and biting word remains in the client’s mind for a long time, and sometimes never disappears from him, and this is exactly what we strive for.

The last point that needs to be mentioned is color. Shades in Feng Shui are given great importance and the selection of colors must also be approached with the utmost seriousness. There is a so-called Bagua grid; it divides space into cardinal directions and assigns each of them its own element and corresponding color.

If you created an associative series in the first stages, then think about which element is associated with the primary source, which became the initial link in this chain. If this is hairdressing services, then the element will be metal, and the color should be silver or gold. A common mistake is that the name carries the energy of one element, but it is written in the color of another. Such energetic dissonance has an extremely negative impact on the name and on the enterprise in general.

As you can see, naming a Feng Shui hairdresser or beauty salon is not such a simple matter. Following the rules described above when choosing a name for your salon will provide you with a constant and fairly powerful flow of energy. Along with it, you will notice an increase in the number of clients.

After this, it will only be a matter of correct distribution of the flow inside the room. If you cope with this task successfully, then the salon will reach incredible heights, and you yourself will feel how your own life including.

I decided to launch a series of conversations with naming experts, where we discuss everything related to naming.

The first interview was recorded...

My guest is Yaroslav Kramskoy, CEO and creative director of the YaCREATIVE studio and the Accessible Naming Project, author of more than 130 titles and slogans. More than 11 years of experience in naming.

Yaroslav, if you take any provincial (and not only) city and look at its hairdressing and beauty salons, then the lion's share of names will turn out to be women's names - "Svetlana", "Olga", "Natalia", etc.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such names? Should namers come up with other options, and in what direction is it better to move?

This is a relevant and “living” question. And a fairly typical approach to “naming” or pseudo-naming small businesses, especially in the provinces. But even the smallest hosiery department can and should be called worthy, since this will really distinguish it from competitors and with minimal costs will add additional cost to the product. And the business itself, and the services/products it offers, and customer loyalty.

The main thing, of course, is not to reach the point of banal absurdity, dirty vulgarity and the slightest hint of negative meaning. And here it is not at all necessary to develop a name “for registration”, that is, the entrepreneur will additionally bear the costs of primary and secondary verification of the future / potential trademark.

It’s enough to find a professional namer, trust a thorough search and deep check of priority name options in open sources(Google) and stock up on 2-3 backup options if the first brand name is taken or pre-registered.

The rule is simple: any business must be unique. And it's easy to do. If we are talking about sincere business, sincere service and sincere naming. The main thing is to select competent naming specialists who will offer accessible and effective naming, understandable and logical word building tools that correspond to the conditional or actual brief.

Sometimes the namer should offer something special outside of the brief. “Ekaterina”, “Svetlana”, “Annette” - bad. There are several hundred such hairdressing salons throughout the country and, perhaps, almost a thousand throughout the CIS and throughout Russian-speaking Europe and the USA.

Yes, that's true. What should a woman do, for example, who decides to open a hairdressing salon and come up with a really good name?

Eat good example of what you can do to both get insight and surprise.

Hairdressing salon "Strizhanna": here you can find a haircut, the female name Zhanna, compactness with speed and ample opportunities for original visualization. And the name can become popularly accessible and understandable.

In the case of "Strizhannaya" - easily. “Where should we look” for our virtual hair salon owner to choose a good name?

- Option #1. A beginner or experienced businesswoman should find a professional with an impeccable reputation who performs naming work, for example, for 10,000 rubles (three submissions of 10 options, 30 options in total) and, say, for at least 1,000-2,000 rubles, ask him to do it 5-7 worthy options according to his proven scheme.

This scheme can be followed in case of a “classic” lack of funds for a figurative startup of an abstract individual entrepreneur.

- So she shouldn’t be involved in this matter herself? Will the chances of success be slim?

- Option #2: use unfortunate namers from the “school environment”, who fill her with “heaps of slag” and transfer her precious time to freelance discount sites, where all services are 100 ₽ / 300 ₽ / 500 ₽ / from 1,000 to 2,750 ₽.

As you understand, the second option is very doubtful. And it is fraught with additional costs without a guarantee of a successful investment in the name and return of funds in the future.

There is a chance that you can find a river pearl in a slag heap. But is it worth the time? Rhetorical question.

Option #3: independent development. Everything here is extremely simple. You should start with an analysis of your closest competitors, and ideally with competitors at the district/city/regional level.

Important: the namer (real/professional) does not invent or search for names. A naming specialist creates, develops, and generates names.

- Here our heroine will encounter numerous “Olgas”, “Natalyas” and “Snezhannas”.

- In the third option, the businesswoman studied her closest competitors. What should she do next?

You don't need to read anything about naming. Let's be pragmatists and realists. She won't become a namer in five hours. If the option of turning to specialists is not for her, then let her use her imagination, because a hairdresser is still creative business, and will connect friends for help. Let it be" brainstorming" and a focus group in one.

- Will your friends do any harm with their advice? After all, they are still “professionals”!

Right. Their advice is needed only as a free collection of information. Perhaps the individual entrepreneur has a creative pseudonym from her youth, when she was just starting to work, or a current nickname that can be used comfortably. Or they will come up with a good idea for further development. The goal is information gathering, not "great-expert-opinion."

- So our heroine needs to listen to everyone and make her own decision, based on common sense?

The free association search method is good. Especially with pu-erh. People who know will understand. For example, if they offer 50 names or phrases, let her filter and “comb her hair”, then trust her intuition and facts: if there is no such hairdresser (Google showed), then ideal.

It’s worth studying “trends on the Internet” - whoever calls it what they call it - and highlighting its advantages: maybe offering instant coffee? Or positioned as a “family hair salon.”

Or use the actual address of the hairdresser. Perhaps it will sound: Mira, 3 - “Miratri”.

You can use the abbreviation: Mironova Inna Anatolyevna - MIA.

If this is an economy segment, then simply make noname and focus on the brand name / logo:

"Economy hairdresser number 1"

Here are more options:

  • "Quick haircuts from Darishka" (playful motives).
  • "Anna on the neck" (allusion).
  • "StrizhAlla".
  • "Good by Frosya."

Developed in 3 minutes. I'll take the names into the archives. My gift to your subscribers. Let it come in handy.

Yaroslav, thank you. This was a comprehensive answer to the question posed. It’s very nice to know how professionals act in such a situation.


The day after the interview, I was driving along Rachmaninov Street in my native Penza and looked at how in one row, at a distance of no more than 30 meters from each other, the following were located:

  1. Hairdresser "BESTia".
  2. Beauty salon "Abaston".
  3. Hair salon "Barber shop".

Everyone who is faced with creating their own enterprise comes across a certain problem - they have to choose a name for this business, because without it there is nowhere. For some this is not a problem, the same grocery store or a stall is easier to name, but to name a hairdresser or beauty salon is much more difficult, here you will have to show certain creative skills. Such important point cannot be overlooked, so give this point important attention.

A lot depends on the name of the hairdresser

General information

When choosing a name or establishment of this type, take into account information regarding this event. If you follow these simple rules, you can avoid many common problems. The rules for naming a beauty salon fit into the following list:

    The name chosen is adequate and clearly matches the direction of the establishment; in no case should the name have a double meaning or cause negative associations;

    Use modern words, do not choose a name that no one can understand;

    The name should be easy to pronounce and have a melodic sound;

    When choosing banal names, avoid simply calling a hair salon a beauty salon - you shouldn’t do that.

The last thing you should pay attention to is literacy: when choosing a name of a complex type, consisting of a whole sentence, do not forget about language norms. There is always a possibility that people will regard your bold move as a mistake and will just laugh.

How to name a salon or hairdresser to make it successful

Let's start listing the options for the name of a hairdressing salon with the most simple and obvious options for a person. One of these good and winning options on both sides is to use the names of mythological characters or people.

At the same time, take into account the following indicators:

    Celebrity name;


    Associative series.

If we talk about names of this kind, we will immediately say that using religious names and other such names is not an option: they will disgust someone, and someone will pass by and not understand what we are talking about here. In this case, names and words from the mythology of the countries of Greece and Rome are considered to be advantageous; in this case, choosing the name of a hairdresser could not be easier.

The use of beautiful female names brings profit

Often, when choosing a hair salon name, owners underestimate good Russian names and tend to choose something foreign. In fact, a simple and at the same time catchy “Svetlana”, “Marina” or “Nadezhda” will be an excellent option: people will easily remember the place and, out of habit, will want to come here again.

If the owner of the establishment is a woman, then it’s even easier - perpetuate the name by naming a hairdressing salon in her honor. Of course, it is necessary to take into account that the name is justified. Any non-standard word or rare name will ruin the effect.

Topographical names for economy class

Another example of a coup is associating the name of the hair salon with the location where it is located. Names of this type are both memorable and at the same time carry a certain message of information for the person who reads it. For example: “Hairdressing salon on...” and the name of the street or avenue will simply become a marker for people passing by. Then the person will begin to remember where he last saw a hairdresser and will definitely remember your option. Yes, an advertising campaign here won’t work out very well, but the potential of such a salon itself is much higher than that of other classic options.

Banal beautiful names for adults and children's hairdressing salons

For those who have little imagination, this option is also suitable, including words that are trivial, but words that are pleasant to the ear. Use the names of precious stones as a name: “Amethyst” or “Emerald” and such words will also become remembered by people around you. Yes, the information content here is lame, but advertising company be able to make it so that competitors from neighboring streets will benefit from your success. But choosing another beautiful word do not forget to check the meaning, in case there is a negative connotation.

More complicated options: all according to Feng Shui


Another method of selecting a name is choosing or creating a phrase. But at the same time, do not follow in the footsteps of mysterious companies that have absurd words on their signs. Various “1000 little things”, “Light-light” and other funny options are suitable here. Here the name itself screams about the insolvency of the owners and it is unlikely that an intelligent person will deliberately want to visit this place.

Be careful with the name of the beauty salon

Therefore, always think through such options in advance so as not to get into trouble. Keep in mind that a loud and clear name will attract people, while a couple of vague words will repel the general public and various unpleasant individuals will begin to wander in to you.

When planning to open their own business, most entrepreneurs pay attention organizational issues, search profitable suppliers, formation client base, but rarely does anyone really think about how to correctly name their beauty salon or hairdresser. A successful name is one of the factors that directly influences the establishment’s reputation and the influx of customers. If you prepare, study the materials of professionals in the field of semantics and naming, you will be able to correctly name your project without outside help. If necessary, you can always turn to experts who will offer several options for names and help you present them correctly.

What is the name of the beauty salon?

At first glance, coming up with a name for the project is quite simple. It seems that it is enough to choose some sonorous word on the topic of the services provided, but in practice many nuances arise. The name of a beauty salon must necessarily form a positive image in the client’s mind, evoke positive emotions and be easy to remember.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a name for a beauty salon:

  1. It is necessary to check the selected options through the Unified State Register of Legal Entities to avoid duplication and troubles in the future.
  2. You need to create a name taking into account the interests and needs of potential consumers of beauty salon services.
  3. After selecting 2-3 best options, it is advisable to conduct testing to determine the best one.
  4. The name should attract attention, evoke positive associations, be easy to remember, and not contain negative phonetic and semantic relationships.
  5. It is necessary to avoid situations where the name provokes false associations - the name should create an image associated with beauty, aesthetics and pleasure.
  6. The name should not contain clusters of sounds that are difficult to pronounce; it is important to achieve euphony and comfort when voicing.
  7. It is important that the name is not very similar to the name of a competing salon in the region and clearly identifies a specific company.

Name for a beauty salon - options

When choosing a name for a beauty salon, it is important to take into account all the factors that may affect the formation of the enterprise’s image, the number of potential clients and competitiveness. According to statistics, names associated with the following concepts are most often chosen for beauty salons:

  • personal names;
  • names of colors;
  • terms that relate to the work of beauty salons, fauna, standards, geographical objects, mythology;
  • associative concepts, images, playing on words in a foreign language;
  • unmotivated names;
  • emphasis on the universal nature of services.

Entrepreneurs often call salons after women's names. This is mainly due to the fact that the majority of the target audience is women. In addition, representatives of the fairer sex more often choose the beauty industry for business activities, using their name, the names of loved ones and relatives for the name.


When choosing a name for a men's salon, it is necessary to focus not only on concepts traditionally associated with beauty (perfection, magic, mystery, temptation), but also on what is characteristic of the character of the stronger sex, for example, specificity, precision, rigor.

Criteria for choosing a name for a men's beauty salon:

  1. Emphasis on the standard of beauty: “Persona”, “Image”, “Respect”.
  2. Playing off a foreign word, writing it in transcription format in a foreign language: “C.R. CLUB”, “Favor” (patronage, good location), “DЯGILEV”, Just Men”, “MAN ON”, “Gentlemen’s club”.
  3. Unmotivated names (but you need to choose or create them very carefully, not all options are good): “Adeline”, “Sante”, “Accent”, “Wall Street”.
  4. Playing off first and last names: “Bandeross”, “TONY BARBERSHOP”.


Despite the fact that, according to statistics, female names are most often used as names, it is still not worth choosing this approach. It has long been outdated and can no longer attract and retain the attention of service consumers at the proper level. In addition, such names are poorly remembered, becoming confused in the mind with other female names. If you wish, you can pay attention to unusual sonorous options, for example, Marlene, Lizzi.

What can you take as a criterion when choosing a name for a women's beauty salon:

  1. Foreign unadapted words, most often used in English and French: “Beauty”, “Aqua Vital”, “Fashion life”, “La bouclette” (la booklet - curl). As practice shows, in the minds of many people living in the CIS, everything foreign is perceived as something better, more prestigious, although in Europe, on the contrary, there is a noticeable tendency to perceive everything original as a value.
  2. Words associated with beauty standards: “Style”, “Harmony”, “Relax”.
  3. To attract success, they often use the names of mythological goddesses, women who left a bright mark on history. But this must be done very carefully, because such names are used too often. It is worth analyzing how many similar names there are in a region or city, and whether a specific name fits the concept of a beauty salon. If desired, you can choose such as Aurora (in Greek mythology - the goddess of the dawn), Aphrodite (goddess of beauty and love), Venus (goddess of gardens, beauty, love), Cleopatra, Nefertiti. But it is very important to take into account not only the euphony, but also the meaning of the name and personality characteristics. For example, calling the beauty salon “Mata Hari”, who was a courtesan and engaged in espionage activities, “Rosemary” (associates with a famous horror film) or “Ophelia” (the heroine of Shakespeare’s tragedy, who went crazy and died) would be inappropriate, despite because the names of these beauties are known to many people and are often heard by people.
  4. Terms, words related to professional activity: “Curl”, “Care”, “Curler”.
  5. The name of a type of flower, flowering trees (but it should not be banal), sometimes they are played on in a foreign language: “Sakura”, “Magnolia”, “Azalea”, “Iris”.
  6. Geographical names: “Malibu”, “Malta” (such names are perceived as a stereotype of exoticism, beauty and often attract the attention of clients, but banal, uninteresting options should be avoided).

Advice: an approximate list of names for salons and hairdressing salons can be found on the Internet, professional publications, or use the “Maps” function from the Google search engine and enter a query in the search bar, for example, “beauty salon Moscow”, assessing the preferences of other entrepreneurs and seeing their mistakes in choosing titles.

What is the name of the hairdresser?

As criteria for the name of a hairdressing salon, you can consider options for beauty salons. But here it is better to make a brighter and clearer emphasis on the specifics of the services provided, taking into account the needs of the target audience and the presence of similar names in the region.

Name for a hair salon - options

When choosing a name for a women's and men's hairdresser, you need to be guided by different principles. An unsuccessful name can cause unpleasant, ambivalent associations among clients, negative emotions, evil laughter or disdain. In this case, it will be much more difficult for the owner to create a good reputation for the establishment, even if the quality of services and service are at a high level.


When choosing a name for a men's hairdressing salon, you can use the same nuances as when choosing a name for a beauty salon. But it is still worth emphasizing not only on the standard, positive emotions, status, but also on originality, good character traits, and exoticism. What should you name a hairdressing salon to make it successful? To do this, you should focus, for example, on the following approaches:

  • we create a sonorous neologism (a new word, phrase): “BRAZOR” - from the English “blade, razor, trim”, in addition, there is a consonance with the word brother - brother, which introduces a note of confidence, trust;
  • we use a foreign transcription or simply a suitable word in another language: “Barbershop” (hairdressing salon), “TOPGUN Barbershop”, “Boy Cut” (guy getting a haircut), “Mr. Right Barbershop";
  • emphasis on quality, professionalism, advantages of services: “Master”, “Elegance”, “Original Profile”, “Tsiryulnik”.


Choosing beautiful names for a women's hairdresser, you can take as a criterion concepts associated with beauty, perfection, evoking positive emotions and associations. It is advisable to focus on the features and advantages of the services in this particular establishment. At the starting stage, it is worth checking for the presence of similar, similar names in the region, locality, avoid similarity and consonance in names. If this is not done, you may suffer as an entrepreneur (a competitor who was the first to register his establishment under a specific name may file a claim demanding compensation material damage), and clients who will confuse different hairdressing salons will waste time searching, because the name will be more difficult to remember and identify.

Examples of names for a women's hairdressing salon:

  1. Related to beauty, style: “Annie Hall”, “Women’s Club”, “Glamour”.
  2. Evoking positive emotions, emphasizing tenderness, fragility, and the characteristics of female nature: “Birdie” (from English “bird”), “Caprice”, “Cutie”, “Coquette”, “Divine” (from French “divine”) .
  3. Terms and concepts related to work: “Curl”, “Curler”, “Bare”.
  4. Neologisms, play on words: “Studio S”, “Alla Bella”.

What names should you avoid?

An establishment that will provide cosmetology and other procedures for men should not choose a name associated with what is close to women: tenderness, beauty, love, playful tone (“Kapriz”, “Caramel”, “Secret”, Planet of Beauty) . Not the best options are the choice of a personal name (“Antoine”, “Alexander”), a very strong emphasis on certain qualities, character traits, status, age (“Etoile”, “Casanova”, “Kutuzov”, “Al Pacino”, “ Emperor", "Pharaoh", "Chameleon", "Egoist", "Youth"). It is worth considering the names of historical figures very carefully, since everyone has their own opinion about their role and status (“Napoleon”, “Dumas”, “Pushkin”, “Caesar”, etc.), geographical names (they often evoke ambiguous associations ): “Canaries”, “Alaska”.

When choosing names for a women's beauty salon, you should not rely on the designations of fauna representatives, for example, “Tigress”, “Panther”, “Butterfly”. For most visitors they will cause ambiguous or even negative associations. It is better to choose something more related to specific and unambiguous semantics (meaning). You should be careful when considering names without a specific motivation: “Tissot”, “Plasticine”, “Satori”.

When choosing a name for a men's hairdressing salon, you should avoid banal, boring names that would easily suit women's hairdressing salons or generally an establishment of a different profile: “Your Style”, “Your Line”, “Men’s Haircuts”, “Men’s Salon”. It is better not to use words that can cause ambiguous associations, that focus attention on a character trait, certain features of the position, appearance (“Mr. X”, “Agent No. 1”, “Favorite”, “Mustache”, “Bearded Man”, “Uncle”) , personal names (“Max Style”, “Valentin”). They don't always give positive effect sonorous short words, including those without semantic load, despite the ease of pronunciation and originality (“Chop-Chop”, “FIRM”). The names of mythological characters, literary heroes, and historical figures are not always appropriate; this approach must be used very carefully: “Pygmalion” (in Greek mythology, a sculptor who created a beautiful statue of a girl and fell in love with her), “Chapaev Barbershop,” “Calypso” ( the nymph who seduced Odysseus).

When choosing a name for a women's hairdressing salon, you should not use ambiguous words, those that can be interpreted philosophically, as well as banalities (“Beauty”, “Good”, “Smile”, “Best friend”, “Girlfriend”, “Female gaze” , “Enchantress”, “Veil”, “Nuance”, “Mirror”), names of seasons (“Summer”, “Spring”). Very carefully you need to consider options related to animals and nature - “Bagheera”, “Oasis”, “Sahara”.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

Finding a name for a beauty salon or hair salon is one of the most important aspects in the process of starting a new business. This detail should not be underestimated. An unsuccessful choice of name can significantly affect competitiveness, the size of the client base and the profitability of the business. It is quite possible to come up with or choose a name for a beauty salon that generates income and profit on your own, and if necessary, it is better to seek advice from professionals in the field of naming.

The beauty salon is almost ready to open, but there is one more, not the last, detail left. Name. I want it to catch the eye, to be beautiful and unusual. This article will help you find answers to the question of how to come up with such a name for a beauty salon.

You will learn:

  • What should the name of the beauty salon be?
  • How to come up with a name for a beauty salon.
  • Which interesting names beauty salons can attract potential clients.
  • Is it possible to use the original names of beauty salons?
  • What names should not be used for beauty salons.
  • Why you shouldn’t choose too creative names for a beauty salon.
  • What should be the logo of a beauty salon?
  • Which logo to choose for a beauty salon in accordance with its name.

What should be the name of a beauty salon?

A significant role in the popularity of a beauty salon can be played by the so-called “naming”, which is also the process of creating sonorous and memorable names. From the popular cartoon we remember that “whatever you name a yacht, so it will float,” and therefore it is very important that the name of the salon is sonorous, catchy, and memorable. Since there are now a lot of beauty salons and there are more and more, original and good name it's not so easy to come up with. But every salon owner strives for exactly this - for his salon to be the best and unique. When coming up with a name, it is important to approach it with all seriousness and responsibility. Indeed, often, in an effort to stand out from the crowd, advertisers are capable of making ridiculous mistakes, and at times even spelling errors. It’s easy to guess how such oversights will affect the success of the establishment. To avoid such a fate, you should follow a number of rules. The following keyword requirements can be identified.

  • Associativity and adequacy- the name of the organization should reflect its specialization, while the associations evoked among potential clients should be adequate. Words related to the sphere of beauty are suitable as a name.
  • Functionality- the name will start working only when the potential client understands what you wanted to convey to him.
  • Viability- in the title you should not use outdated expressions, as well as expressions that have not yet become familiar in the language of ordinary people.
  • Sonority and ease of pronunciation- the client should easily read and remember the name, and with grammatical changes it will not lose its euphony. When coming up with a name for your salon, avoid words with a lot of hissing and whistling sounds, pay attention to the even alternation of vowels and consonants.
  • Semantic non-triviality- do not stop your choice on platitudes that do not carry an advertising and distinctive load.

In order for the name of a beauty salon to generate income, it must be short, understandable and easy to remember. Such a name should characterize and evaluate the business and its specifics, and be clearly emotionally charged. When working on it, you need to pay attention to how easy it is to read and remember, whether it is easy to pronounce and decline.

If you are planning to purchase an existing salon, you should carefully consider all incoming offers. Clients are mostly conservative, so changing the name of the salon may not be the best idea.

Let us repeat once again: the main purpose of the name of a beauty salon is to attract the attention of potential clients. It should reflect the essence and concept of the salon, it should meet the needs of the target audience, be easy to pronounce, memorable, and understandable.

How to come up with a name for a beauty salon

When choosing options for names of a beauty salon, you can turn to myths, literature, and history. But it must be borne in mind that in order for such a name to achieve its purpose, the name used must be well-known, recognizable and evoking certain associations. At the same time, you need to remember about hidden nuances that may appear when using lexical material. The names used must necessarily have a positive emotional connotation. It is unlikely that the sad image of the Little Mermaid from Andersen’s fairy tale of the same name will attract numerous clients to your salon. You should be wary of names like “The Swan Princess”, “Aphrodite”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”. Today there are a lot of salons of the same name, and there is a high probability that your salon will get lost among them.

Often, in an effort to meet the standards of Western style, owners call their salons by foreign names: “Greta”, “Amalia”, Romero, “Leila”. Russian names in the names of salons are rather exceptions. Although the desire of any salon owner to see her name on a sign is natural and understandable, it will be justified when her name has already become a popular brand or trademark. In this case, a recognizable name will attract the attention of customers.

Salon names are widely used based on their geographic location. On the one hand, they are more informative and, if located well, for example, “Beauty Salon on Mokhovaya”, “Studio on Tsvetnoy Boulevard”, “Salon on Taganskaya”, they can tell a city resident about the prestige of the chosen establishment. However, the advertising potential of such names should not be assessed highly, because not all salons are located in places that you can be proud of.

When choosing a name for a salon, you should not be guided only by the euphony of the word. Some, such as “Ansel”, “Gemantus”, “Hanvit”, sound beautiful, but do not carry the proper semantic and informative load, which in turn will negatively affect their advertising potential. By the way, hemanthus is a poisonous plant.

IN separate category complicated names can be distinguished. The logic of their formation is not always clear to the average person. For example, “Something Else”, “Light-light”. The pretentiousness of such names is striking, but due to the difficulty of perception, it is this that reduces their advertising potential. The likelihood that a name that is difficult to understand or simply incomprehensible will contribute to the creation of the desired image is not very high. It is better to use those names that are directly associated with the activities of the salon. For example: “Hairpin”, “Charm”, “Pretty Woman”. Successful name options include those in which the name includes words that indicate the status of the institution: “Beauty and Health Center”, “Manicure Studio”, “Beauty Salon”.

When choosing the name of a beauty salon, you need to think about the fact that it forms the image of the establishment, is part of advertising, and therefore affects future income. The name is the basis on which all forms and types of advertising will be strung. The name is placed on all types of advertising media - from advertising structures to business cards. When choosing a name, it is better to analyze the market, find out all possible information about competitors, and determine what the main differences between your salon and others are. It is advisable to come up with many options, and then analyze them from the perspective of the above requirements. Having settled on a name, it makes sense to consult with experts and pay attention to semantics and phonetics. Do everything in your power to avoid being accused of illiteracy.

The practitioner tells

The name of the beauty salon is chosen not by the owner, but by the audience

Kurbetyeva Ksenia,

director consulting company Business Compass

Before you come up with the coolest possible name for your studio or beauty salon, you should decide on your target audience. This is the guideline when choosing a name for your project. How? To do this, you need to formulate two adjectives that characterize the establishment that is ideal for your target audience. Will your clients choose “expensive and elite”? Or maybe they need “affordable and modern”? Don’t forget about practice - find out from 6-8 people from your target audience which salons they prefer, what, in their opinion, an ideal salon should be like, what determines their choice of a particular salon; ask to tell about your visit to the salon. It is important for you to get as complete and detailed information, highlight from it the most important points for a potential client, and then determine one or two main criteria.

Before you even start choosing a name, it's worth considering whether you'll be expanding your business in the future. This is important because if you intend to create a network of salons, sell a franchise, or register your trademark, the name of the salon should have no analogues, since you can only obtain a patent for a unique name.

In the second step, you will have to remember your creativity and come up with the largest possible list of name options for your salon. What name should you give the salon so that it guarantees success? Be guided by the fact that you cannot use words that are difficult to pronounce or have opaque semantics. Of course, if your target audience is Hare Krishnas, then the salon may well be called “Lakshmi” or “Parabrahman”, but it is worth considering that most of the residents will not understand the meaning of the name, or perhaps even the fact that we are talking about a beauty salon, not a shop selling oriental goods. In addition, the name of the salon should not cause difficulties when writing it, so that when typing the name of the salon in a search engine, the client would not have to correct spelling errors, and search engine I provided a link to your salon’s website. In the case where it is important for you to have a 100% match between the website domain and the name of the salon, you need to check the availability of an unoccupied domain with the same name.

Titles approximately 70% most famous brands consist of one word, and in most cases these are non-existent words-neologisms.

Having decided on a list of names and defining key characteristics, you must re-appeal to the people included in your target audience. You need to ask them to determine on a ten-point scale the relationship between the selected names and the main characteristics of the future salon. You can compare the answers using a graph on which the ideal name will occupy the highest coordinate.

4 “NOT” in the names of beauty salons and hairdressing salons

  1. You should not use a synonymous name of an already existing well-known salon, unless this is done deliberately for the purpose of copying the brand.
  2. There is no need to resort to widely used everyday non-fiction words if this is not part of your concept.
  3. Don’t get carried away by the popular prefixes: “economy-”, lux-, vip-, super-.
  4. Don't use provocative names.

What interesting names of beauty salons will make your establishment attractive?

  • Names of characters from myths and books

You can turn to this option if you know that the hero is easily recognizable, is popular, and evokes positive associations. It is unlikely that the Abel salon will be popular with those who know the biblical story about the murder of Abel by Cain. “Vasilisa the Beautiful” has a better chance of success, because what woman would refuse to look like an incredibly beautiful and charming girl.

  • Foreign words

Statistics and practice tend to suggest that foreign words in the beauty environment are more widespread than Russian ones. It is believed that a foreign name is a guarantor of the quality of services provided. When turning to foreign words, it is worth asking not only their most well-known meanings, but also additional ones. Yes, word nail translated from English it can mean not only the familiar “nail”, but also “nail”, so nail salons use it in context with other defining words, for example, Nail-design, NailArt.

  • Beautiful sounding names

Despite the fact that the name of the salon should sound beautiful and attract clients, it is absolutely wrong to be guided only by these criteria. As already mentioned, names such as “Ansel”, “Gemantus”, “Hanvit” are beautiful names of beauty salons, but they do not carry much information for your future clients, whose heads already take in too much information every day, and few will It is interesting to know that hemanthus is a poisonous, albeit beautiful plant. Research by marketers has shown that such little things may not have the best effect on the profit of the future salon.

  • Names that justify themselves

It’s great when the name of the salon uses simple words with the necessary associations. “Hairpin”, “Charm”, “Pretty Woman” - such names are perfect for a hairdresser. And by adding them with the name of the establishment “beauty salon”, “studio”, “manicure and pedicure center”, you can get a complete set. However, in this case, it is important to be able to distinguish your establishment from others with similar names, otherwise, you can get lost against the background of analogues.

The best names of beauty salons: TOP 10

  • Bon salon
  • Ile de France
  • Empire of Color
  • Club Beautiful People
  • Beauty Embassy
  • Stylish little thing
  • Hair theater
  • Beauty point
  • Dream Factory
  • Sense of style

How justified are the original names of beauty salons?

An interesting, original, bright name for a beauty salon is the key to its future success. And although most understand this, not everyone is ready to work on creating a worthy name for their business. In any city you can find a huge number of different hairdressing salons, salons and manicure studios, but few of them are widely known and popular. What is the reason? Let's think about what name to come up with for the beauty salon to ensure its success.

During the Soviet era, there was no need for original names for hairdressing salons. The reason for this was the complete lack of competition. In any city there was the number of hairdressers that was considered necessary. In such conditions there was no need to worry about an original and beautiful name. Hairdressers did not lack clients, and if this happened, there was nothing to worry about, because all the establishments were state-owned. Almost all the names were the same: the inscription “Barbershop” was supplemented by its number. Although occasionally one could see different names, like “Barbershop on Kutuzovsky”.

The lack of competition is a thing of the distant past, and the name is the most important attribute that determines the status of an establishment, its target audience, style and other parameters. The name is now a brand, the task of the sign is to attract attention, to distinguish your salon from others, only in this case can you count on a flow of customers. The name of the salon is an opportunity to meet future clients, especially for places designed for a specific target audience and providing a narrow list of services. Thus, under the sign “Bogatyr” the male part of the population is more likely to be welcomed, while the “Eva” salon will attract primarily women.

The same principle applies to names indicating pricing policy. It is unlikely that the cost of services at the Social Hairdressing Salon will be high. The target audience of such an institution is more likely to be students, retirees, and people with low incomes. Thus, a successful name alone can resolve the issue with the clientele.

Let's take a closer look at how to enhance the perception of the name of a beauty salon. First, the name should not be limited to just the sign. If your task is to turn the establishment into a branded one, then mandatory you need to design and print business cards, it makes sense to think about branded capes and employee uniforms, maybe decorate the inventory with the salon logo. In this case, you need to be guided by a sense of proportion: a name that is too conspicuous can irritate customers.

Some tips on how to choose a trendy beauty salon name

  • Since it is important that the name of your establishment is catchy, easy to remember and easy to hear, you should focus on short, succinct options. The ideal name would be one or two words, the length of which will not exceed eight letters.
  • The name should be easy to remember - try it on your friends.
  • The name should reflect your individuality, the specific differences between your salon and the neighboring one. For example, if your establishment’s clients, in addition to hair and beard trimming, are offered excellent whiskey, the name “Barber Bar” would be an excellent option. Look for the “zest” of your salon and make it distinctive feature names!
  • An interesting move would be a polysemantic name, when the client himself is looking for a meaning that is closer to him.
  • It is very important to pay attention to the associations that your name evokes; the same word can evoke different emotions in different people. It makes sense to collect statistical data on this issue and, based on them, choose best option titles.
  • When choosing from many different options, focus on the target audience you want to see among your clients - as mentioned earlier, the name should attract certain group population.
  • Great value from a legal point of view, the name of the owners you have chosen does not have. What does it mean? Brand, in any case, is subject to official registration, so before settling on the final version, it is worth sending a request to the patent office for several of the names you have selected. In this case, it will be protected by copyright, and no one except you will be able to open salons with similar signs.
  • If you still find it difficult to decide on the best name for a beauty salon, it makes sense to seek the help of acquaintances and friends. Brainstorm, write down a list of names you like, divide it into three groups: those that you really like, less attractive ones and neutral ones. After this, ask those gathered what associations this or that name evokes in them. With this information, it will be easier for you to make your final decision.
  • Before you name your salon, linking it geographically to its location, think about what you will do if you move to another location or expand your network of salons, because in this case the name will no longer be appropriate.
  • You should not refer to names that have a specific stylistic connotation. Egoist, Stervochka, Playboy have become a thing of the past, and there is a high probability that not the most pleasant guests will flock to your establishment.
  • Not best idea name the studio or salon after yourself. This option is justified only if you or the best salon master are widely known and are branded individuals in your own right. For comparison - the hair salon "Oksana Kozlovskaya" or "Beauty Studio of Marina Vashchuk" - the difference is obvious. In addition, if the master after whom the salon is named leaves, you will have to resolve the issue with a new name.

What name of a beauty salon will turn off potential clients?

  • Excessive creativity is useless

Try to be less “creative”. Creativity sometimes crosses all boundaries. You can find salons with such creative names as “Baba Yaga”, “Bald Hedgehog” and “Mamati Style” (Mamati is a village in Georgia).

Yes, such names will not get lost among others. And even quickly remembered. Such names certainly have a strong emotional connotation, but the question is what emotions and associations they evoke. It is unlikely that a crowd of people will line up to the studio where they promise the service of the Georgian village. And they will not have the opportunity to find out what the service in your establishment really is.

Why can excessive creativity play a cruel joke on the image of an establishment? The fact is that it is initially assumed that the level of service and services offered in the salon will be higher than in a regular hairdressing salon. The beauty business itself is positioned as elite. The same applies to salons aimed at the middle class. Creative names for hairdressing and beauty salons will be more appropriate for businesses in the middle and low price categories, or will suit a young target audience. When choosing options for the name of a beauty salon that will be successful, you should not chase too much creative thoughts.

  • Use names carefully

Names are a serious problem for establishments in the beauty industry. Most women, consciously or not, have a negative attitude towards salons named after other women's names. And it doesn’t matter whether your salon is called “Elena” or “Julia”. Cleopatra is also not held in high esteem now due to the fact that there are too many salons with that name. But this does not mean that names like “Valentine” or “Veniamin” will increase your profits significantly.

A name used as the name of a profitable beauty salon will only come forward if it is widely known in the beauty industry. For example, a salon named after Sergei Zverev will be successful because Zverev’s name is a brand. At the same time, “Marina Popova Beauty Salon” will not gain widespread success. In addition, you should not write absolutely Russian names in Latin letters.

The use of the names of world-famous stars has become widespread, which involves creating a certain atmosphere and the general tone of the salon. Often the names of world stars are used in the name, which should create a certain atmosphere and set the general tone of the beauty salon. For example, BRANDO, Tiffany or Marilyn.

  • Mythology is not always the best solution

There are a huge number of options for wonderful names for beauty salons, when choosing which you should not turn to mythology.

The names of ancient Greek goddesses have long been widely used in the names of beauty salons. In every city in Russia you can find more than one Artemis, Athena, and Aphrodite. Recently, the number of salons with such names has decreased, but mythological names still occupy the minds of entrepreneurs, while their clients are confused with Valkyries, Cleopatras, Helios.

  • Stop words in stop titles

There are words that should never be used in the names of beauty salons. These include outdated and inappropriate words.

  • First of all, these are relics of the past. Most ideas have long since outlived their usefulness, but sometimes you can come across a new name on an old topic. All variations on the theme of haircuts or beauty look sad and are reminiscent of the post-Soviet space.
  • Secondly, you should refrain from various attachments designed to demonstrate the high class of the interior. These include such as “Exclusive”, “Lux”, “De Luxe”, “Bohemia”. Such names can play a cruel joke, because they evoke associations with very budget establishments with unfounded claims.
  • Thirdly, some entrepreneurs, in an effort to individualize their salon and draw attention to the unusual name of the beauty salon, may get too carried away. And then salons with mysterious, intricate and unpronounceable names appear. After reading, they will be immediately forgotten. And if the brand cannot be remembered, then it will not see customers.

Will similar names evoke in you the necessary associations and positive emotions: “Ultimate”, “Ottone”, Solisun, Etesal?

  • Caution, Latin

Words in English, Italian, French the words sound beautiful and mysterious. However, we must take into account that such names may be difficult to pronounce or have, in addition to the well-known ones, several more not so suitable meanings. When intending to give your salon a name in English or another language and referring to foreign words, you need to make sure that the name of the salon will not cause difficulties in pronunciation and memorization, and its meaning will be clear to potential clients. Well, check all the meanings that the word has so as not to name the salon, for example, Le Chantage, which in French means “to blackmail.”

There is another extreme that entrepreneurs like to go to - writing Russian words in Latin. Theoretically, this approach should give the name significance, but in practice it can only cause misunderstanding: Rai, SAXAR, CosmosSPA, SEREBRO.

  • Magic in names

And here we want to talk not about the secrets of witchcraft naming, but about the use in the names of salons of words that are more suitable for establishments where they tell fortunes by hand or on cards. But it is unlikely that in the beauty salons “Mystery” or “Magic” clients will also be told the future while coloring their hair.

Why is this point made separately? Still, I would like to once again draw attention to the adequacy of the name, its correspondence to the essence of the services provided and the concept of your salon. Because the lack of relationship between it and the services that the salon provides can only cause bewilderment. As, indeed, is the entire salon.

  • Fashionable, but in the past

If you decide to use fashionable name for your beauty salon, think that what is popular today will become outdated and lose relevance tomorrow. Just look at the numerous “Aphrodite” and “Cleopatra”. Indication in the name of the field of activity is only an imitation of the seriousness of the establishment. There are a huge number of similar names in the Moscow beauty industry. And instead of making your salon stand out, you will put it in line with many other “Beauty Academies” and “Hairstyle Studios”. Another trend that was previously very popular is the use of the names of various fruits and desserts. This includes all kinds of “Chocolates”, “Oranges” and “Vanillas”.

How not to go overboard with a creative name for a beauty salon

Preparing to open her salon and deciding to take the issue of choosing a name seriously, one business lady decided to turn to a professional namer. The professional valued his services at ten thousand rubles.

For this money, he gave the owner a list of about three dozen names. And most of them can be considered as an example of very unsuccessful naming. The options that the namer presented to the salon owner can be divided into several groups.

  • The first group includes borrowings. Italian words sound beautiful, but are difficult to remember. This group included: Tocco (“Touch”), Pelle (“Leather”), Velluto (“Velvet”).
  • In addition to Italian, options in German were offered. Here things were much worse: “Schoenheit” (“Beauty”), “Seydehout” (“Silk Skin”), “Seydepo” (“Silk Butt”).
  • The next sentence is “DermAlice”, and the rationale states that it is derived from the Latin word derma, that is, “skin”. However, upon first reading, the name evokes slightly different associations.
  • Another group includes names derived from the word “wax”. “Waxx”, “Waxigirl”, “Vvoosskk”. The name Waxissimo deserves special attention. The specialist explained his choice as a neologism derived from the English wax, consonant with the Italian Belissimo, with a deeper emotional connotation. In our opinion, such a name is more appropriate for a cat hair salon - “Voxy-x-x”.
  • The name “Wax Figures” was the most successful, according to the namer, since it “gives rise to a convex image in the head.” The specialist did not take into account that there was also a horror film of the same name.
  • Another equally “suitable” one is “The Frog Princess”. The author explained his choice by saying that any woman with cellulite, at the subconscious level, will pay attention to a salon with that name. Perhaps so, but only from a literal reading of the name does it turn out that upon entering the princess’s salon, the client will come out as a frog?
  • The namer also suggested touching names like “Pink Petals” and “Kisses of Tenderness”, as well as cool, cheerful and perky names for the beauty salon - “Krasotulechka” and “Krasopetka”, since they are able to make the client smile.
  • At the end of the list is the name "Palmacatholis". According to the specialist, clients will definitely remember this name as something related to a palm tree. It’s not clear what employees will have to explain to clients if they have a question about the origin of such an original name.

Logos and names of beauty salons are inseparable

  1. When choosing a logo for your salon, choose a simple, concise, memorable option. Please note that popular brands prefer brevity and restraint. For example, the Nike logo is just a swoosh. When creating a logo, do not get too creative; an image that is too complex is difficult to perceive and will be poorly remembered by customers.
  2. If you can link a company's logo to its activities, it will be a winning move. Although this point is not mandatory, it is still worth thinking about. For the most part, people react first to graphic images and then to texts. However, when working on creating a logo, think about your future plans in advance. If you now have nail salon, but with plans to transform it into a salon with a wide range of services, the logo with nail polish will no longer be very appropriate.
  3. It’s great if the image on the logo is related to the name of the establishment. When creating a logo, you can use images and graphic elements. It is appropriate to use an image of water, waves, etc. in the logo of a spa center.
  4. Please note that the logo should look not only in color, but also in black and white. This point is very important because sometimes the logo on official documents printed in black and white looks repulsive. In addition, a poorly designed logo may not be perceived by people with color vision problems.
  5. When designing a logo, you should focus on your target audience. If your salon is aimed exclusively at the female half of the population, then a logo with the image of a young girl will be appropriate. However, if the clientele is not limited to women, then such a logo will no longer be suitable.
  6. When creating a logo, try not to use small details - your logo should look good in both large and small formats. Sometimes the logos on business cards look blurry.

Trends in creating logos for beauty salons

  • Calligraphy. Calligraphy can be considered a major trend in logo creation. Such logos will always be appropriate and will not go out of fashion.
  • Texture logo. Logos with the effect of wear and scratches are no less popular.
  • Line art of high complexity. To create such a logo, you will need a real professional craftsman, otherwise such a logo may be difficult to read on a business card.
  • Multilayer gradients. In most cases, a logo created using multi-layered gradients looks good both in large format and on business cards.

When starting to create a logo for a beauty salon, it is worth taking into account fashion trends, but you should not blindly follow fashion. Because fashion tends to change, while you create a logo for a long time.
