How to become an employee of the company. How I worked as a recruitment manager in a recruitment agency. Develop excellent human qualities

Top managers of Baltic Leasing held the first meeting with economics students from leading universities in St. Petersburg as part of the “Start Your Career” project. Colleagues told the guys about priority areas development of the company, about the skills required for an employee, as well as how you can come to Baltic Leasing at permanent place work.

The first speaker the students met was the head of the directorate for product development and relations with partners at Baltic Leasing, Andrey Volkov. He invited the guys to think about how attractive the leasing industry is for them, as an industry with which they can connect their lives after defending their diploma.

“I think that not all senior students already have a formed idea of ​​where and how their career will be built. And even if a direction is chosen, knowledge about it is usually theoretical. I assume that at our meeting you experience the same feelings: you have already received some part of the knowledge, you know approximately what leasing is, but you don’t understand whether you want to work with it or not. That is why we decided to give you the opportunity to clarify this for yourself by getting to know our company better,” Volkov noted in his welcoming speech.

The guys were interested not only in questions of internships and subsequent employment, but also in the prospects for the development of Baltic Leasing and the stability of the company.

“We are fully responsible for all the numbers and indicators published in the RAEX and Fitch ratings. The company is stable, all our growth plans, which at first glance may seem too ambitious, are real, this year we can exceed the plan by 40%, said Valentin Karnaruk, director of business development at Baltic Leasing. – Taking this opportunity, I’ll give you a little advice: when choosing an employer, you need to pay attention to how diversified his business is. If a company confines its activities to a limited circle of clients or suppliers and has a mono-industry focus, then there is a high risk that the collapse of one partner could seriously undermine the employer’s business.”

Most often, students asked questions about how to finally join the company. In his speech, the head of the St. Petersburg division of the company, Andrey Bugrov, gave several recommendations on this matter; he also emphasized that the company needs young specialists who want to learn how to work specifically taking into account the specifics of the company.

“We have seen from our own experience that no one can prepare young specialists for us better than ourselves. That’s why you are here today, and the less your head is filled with some practical skills, the better, because we understand the profile of an ideal employee, we have a clear system by which we can train you,” Bugrov said.

The head of the HR department, Tatyana Onilova, told the guys about the company’s specific proposals. Among the possibilities they were offered intermediate and pre-diploma internships, individual writing consultations graduation papers. The PMO will also consider several candidates for internships in the company's departments. “I would like to emphasize that no one prohibits candidates without experience from applying for our vacancies posted in open sources. We believe that among you there are talents that can amaze us at an interview,” she concluded.

Let us remind you that “Start Your Career” is a unique project of the Baltic Leasing company, which will help graduate students of economic faculties to get acquainted with the leasing mechanism on the Russian market. At the end of the first meeting, held at the Sokos Hotel, the guys received a link to a test to test their general financial erudition. The organizers also invited them to fill out questionnaires that would become a channel feedback with the participants.

We thought about it how to become an indispensable employee of the company? Is this as necessary for you as it might seem at first glance? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

Non-replaceable units

The main rule for subordinates of any company is: do not become irreplaceable. In fact, an irreplaceable employee is a headache for the company and especially for management.

Since sooner or later such an employee begins to set his own conditions, such as: increasing wages or creating individual working conditions, a bonus package, employers strive to get rid of such people, and the sooner the better.

And if an organization nevertheless takes upon itself the responsibility to hire such people, it carries certain risks. And big ones when such people leave the enterprise.

Far-sighted employers try to find a replacement for such an employee at any hint of such a departure. It is assumed that new employee will find himself without the same requirements as the employee who is leaving (plans to leave). It’s very bad for the company and for the boss himself when irreplaceable employee does his work for him.

Will the next one do such work, and what losses will the enterprise suffer when he leaves? Will the law on non-disclosure of confidential information apply even if it goes to competitors?

It is clear that such questions are very sensitive and important. Hence the conclusion: is he really needed, this employee who considers himself indispensable?

Is it profitable to be indispensable?

The principle of any enterprise is how sustainable system, is that each unit is equally important for the enterprise, and any employee must be replaceable.

Become an indispensable employee Can. You can, for example, know certain information with the help of which you can manage a certain part of your employees. At a minimum, when analyzing the database, you can capture the part that carries more income. It is clear that when one leaves, another can be found to take his place. But only people (or potential clients) get used to working with one person... And if you take on the functionality of a boss, send him on vacation to “rest a little,” and at this time perform his duties well. Of course, everything depends on the boss himself and on the activities of the enterprise, but it may happen that, having rested and coming to work, the boss realizes that he simply cannot do without this employee, since both time and information have been lost.

Many people begin to feel like “stars” and go to their bosses for bonuses or promotions or salary increases. If the boss is experienced, then such an irreplaceable employee may ultimately receive a refusal. So you should go to your boss with such demands only when there is somewhere to leave the organization.

Of course, there are cases when a compromise is found between a boss and a subordinate. It can arise when either there are significant arguments for what is required, or simply the boss also sets his own conditions in response to the fulfillment of the subordinate’s conditions.

It may also happen that an irreplaceable employee is a person hired for a newly opened new position in the absence of healthy competition in the enterprise. Such an employee must properly stand out from the rest. Then everyone will feel competition and strive for self-development.

It is better to be not indispensable, but valuable and effective

Anyone can truly become an indispensable employee. It is necessary to constantly improve your personal and professional growth, strive for all-round development related to the field in which he works. When he becomes a professional in his field, it will be very difficult indeed to find a replacement for him.

The effectiveness of an employee is determined, first of all, by the fact that he works in his place, he is comfortable and interested, he is ready to constantly increase the level of knowledge, skills and abilities. The main thing is to be willing to take responsibility for your actions. If there is a right to make a mistake, then it must be voiced, and why this happened must be proven. This even applies to managers of large companies. After all, in fact, the manager is the most irreplaceable person. And he must prove his indispensability to his subordinates by his actions.

Irreplaceable employee- one who is ready to grow professionally. If there is no desire to learn or improve the level of one’s skills, such an employee can quickly find a replacement. It turns out that rather than becoming an indispensable employee for the company, it is better to become valuable and effective.

Define yourself correctly

To become an indispensable employee, you need to fit into the system of the organization in which you work. If it is customary to work intensively, then you should work intensively and vice versa. If you are used to being responsible, working well, and the organization needs people who work “anyhow,” you will find yourself unnecessary for such an enterprise.

When you go for an interview, try to find out whether the system of this organization suits you. Do the requirements for employees of this organization correspond to your principles? Of course, you can be flexible and adapt to the organization’s system, but if it doesn’t suit you, you will soon realize after employment that you will not be able to work in such conditions.

So, irreplaceable employee- the one who is effective and valuable as a unit of the company, the one who cannot be replaced due to the fact that he knows what others do not, due to the degree of professionalism, character or outlook on life and work. Irreplaceable employees are characterized by high dedication, complete integration into the team, manifestation of responsibility for all their actions and acceptance of his authority by employees.

If you are planning become an indispensable employee, set yourself the goal of working for this company. It makes no sense for a company to waste a lot of effort, time and money on an employee who plans to stay for a short time.

In HR, the best position to start is a recruiter. How to get this position, what kind of education is needed, how recruitment agencies work, and how much you can earn - this is what our material is about. In today's report IQR Alisa talks about her experience working as a recruiting manager in a staffing company.

Student's first job

At that time I was studying and completed my third year. I was interested in trying myself at work. The right time for this was the summer holidays. I had no idea where to go, it was a blind choice. My passion for psychology played a role. I selected several professions where you could gain skills professional communication with people - to hone the techniques of persuasion, presentation and the like.

I surfed websites with job advertisements and chose 6 vacancies for myself, where they invited me without work experience. The first vacancy was called recruiter. The next day after the call I was invited. It turned out to be a small office in the attic of a mansion in the center of Moscow. The interview was short; they were mainly interested in why I chose this profession. The answer that I was interested was enough. I didn’t call or go anywhere else.

Training to become a recruiter

In fact, it was a recruitment agency, but the owner called her brainchild nothing more than HR consulting company. And I was taught to introduce myself to candidates like this:

“Hello, my name is Alice, I represent recruitment company XXX, I’m calling based on your resume...”

As I later found out, recruitment agencies have a bad reputation, and no one wants to go there because it’s a waste of time. This is partly true, I’ll tell you why below.

I was assigned to a girl who had been working for a year. This workload was unpaid for her. What did the HR training consist of:

  • register accounts on all job sites or connect to company accounts;
  • study the resume database for the real vacancy provided;
  • post the vacancy wherever possible, including specialized forums;
  • call every single person who was at least somewhat suitable and invite them for an interview;
  • those who did not answer calls should be sent an invitation by mail;
  • The meeting with the invitees was conducted by a girl, I listened attentively;
  • it was necessary to outline typical questions and compare them with the expectations of employers.

This went on for 3 days, then they told me that I was ready and gave me 3 real vacancies to work. Our company was mainly looking for engineers for construction specialties and programmers.

Some vacancies were completely incomprehensible to me. Technical supervision specialist - what is this, what kind of technical supervision, what does this person do in general, how will I talk to him? It turned out here two key points in the work of a recruiting manager:

1. The personnel officer must understand only the most important aspects of the candidate’s profession. basic fundamentals . There is absolutely no need to know how to program on Bitrix in order to be a candidate for a programmer vacancy. For this there is test task and a subsequent interview with a specialist. The recruiter’s task is to assess the candidate’s personal qualities, match the set of existing skills with the required ones, and weed out obvious inadequacies. The black list includes mumblers, neurotics, hysterics, obvious liars, and, of course, slobs in greasy sweaters. The resume of any visually normal person who calmly answers questions in recruitment agency, will definitely end up on the employer’s desk.

2. The recruiter must look at all more or less suitable candidates . When I began to understand a little about construction specialties, I was surprised why we invite everyone, even those who clearly do not fit the vacancy. For example, a minimum experience of 5 years is stated, but the candidate has just over a year. There are two reasons here:

  • A recruiter should talk to candidates simply to gain experience and to learn more about the position. It was unpleasant for me to invite people “just to talk” when I understood in advance that they obviously would not qualify for the advertised position. But that's part of the job. This is precisely why they don’t like recruitment agencies - a lot of people have had time to go to interviews in vain.
  • A recruitment agency makes money from concluded employment contracts. Most people can afford such a service large companies. Large companies have a constant shortage of specialists, so our task is to “sell” the maximum number of candidates, even those who are not in the application. Sometimes it worked, and contracts were concluded with promising young specialists, for example, and we received a commission. The success statistics are the same as in any aggressive sales. Basically it was “empty”.

Working day of a recruiting manager

Telephone conversations

The basis of the work is calls and meetings, everything else is related small things. Occupied telephone conversations and there is not much time for interviews. They worked strictly on a five-day workday - 8 hours a day. Attempts to leave 10 minutes early were strictly suppressed; I didn’t like it. If I have already done all the work, why should I sit, will new resumes really appear in 10-15 minutes? I compensated for such injustice with one and a half hour lunches, or rather walks, which no one tracked by time. In general, there was little work, more surfing the Internet.

You post a vacancy once, call all resumes once, then just look through the responses, and look for new resumes once a day. A day - 2-4 interviews for half an hour.

Sometimes we had to stay late because candidates were working and didn’t make it until 6 pm. They weren’t allowed to come later the next day, and this was annoying.

On Friday evenings and sometimes Saturdays there were voluntary-compulsory seminars where theories were taught (organization of the day, negotiation tactics) and business games. Many quietly complained among themselves that this was not according to the Labor Code, but I thought it was useful.

Working with customers

I accompanied a few of the candidates to whom I sent resumes, who were invited to view by the final employer, to an interview. I often had to blush; they could not answer specialized questions, although everything was beautiful on the resume. Sometimes it seemed to me that the employer was unfairly picking on me. Either he won’t like the fact that the candidate had a period of working for himself as an individual entrepreneur, or the person is too old. I remember one incident.

I found a girl for the vacancy, she passed the test perfectly, had work experience and met all the stated requirements. Young, pretty, pleasant to talk to. It seemed to me that I would close my first contract with her. The employer was represented by an old grandmother-accountant. She immediately began to harass her on some strange narrow issues - something about the moment of accounting for goods during loading and unloading and some other theoretical nonsense. The girl could not answer most of the questions and reasonably asked: “Why know this, I watch such rare moments in “Consultant” when a question arises (it was difficult for me to disagree with this approach).” The accountant must know and respond instantly and that’s it. They didn't take her.

Then I found out that they might not hire you because the “recruiter” didn’t like the person personally, and because they stupidly didn’t want to pay a commission to the recruitment agency, so they changed their mind and recruited the staff themselves. It’s also interesting that she had a bunch of diplomas from different courses and two higher education. This strengthened my opinion that an abundance of diplomas does not make you an ideal specialist.

A couple of weeks later I was given a job absolutely new vacancy from a new employer with whom you recently entered into an agreement. It was necessary to go to the employer, ask everything and take notes. You will immediately find out everything about the company, you can ask all the stupid questions about your specialty and no longer blush at mistakes in the dialogue with candidates. This helps a lot in my work, it’s easier to work with such a vacancy, I subsequently closed it.

How much do recruiters get paid?

My salary is 6 thousand rubles a month. When I left, they escorted me new set and they already gave 10 thousand. This was 2008, now, perhaps, the salaries are more substantial, but the principle has not changed - the whole real earnings comes with interest. For the concluded contract, 20% of the payment goes to the recruiter (tough specialists were given up to 40% when fulfilling an exorbitant plan, but in the beginning everyone had the same percentage). The cost of the contract is one monthly salary; for rare specialists there may be several salaries. Another 20 percent was taken by the contract specialist, the rest - minus office maintenance and taxes - was the owner's profit.

Over the course of a month and a half in summer, I managed to conclude 2 contracts, one of which fell through on the last day. In general, I managed to get a woman with extensive experience to work at a design institute that belonged to a system integrator. For this contract they gave me 14 thousand. In total, it turned out to be less than 20 thousand per month, but this is without work experience.

In total, 7 people worked in the personnel selection department. All had closed vacancies. The leaders earned really decent money - from 100 thousand a month. For 2008, 3.5 thousand dollars in “white” salary was pretty cool. At the same time, everyone’s education was different; no one looked at him. So it’s possible to make money.

HR Director

It is also possible to build a career. For the position of head of the personnel department, large companies willingly hire people with at least two years of experience in recruitment agencies. Already at 23 years old, a purposeful girl can take the chair of HR director. The salary is stable - from 80 thousand, while you can complain about the heavy workload and hire recruitment agencies for the company’s money (that is, do nothing and take kickbacks - blue dream any Russian person).

I failed to build a career. Classes began in September, and it was not possible to combine them with full-time studies. I offered to work as a remote recruiter, they discussed this idea, but decided to part with me, the office worked according to a conservative scheme with strict control over employees. In conclusion, I would like to say that recruiting work is really for students if you don’t mind interacting with people. Traditionally, during a crisis, dozens of satellite companies go bankrupt and close, and businesses are the first to refuse their services. When I left, a crisis began, and non-payments began for already filled vacancies. However, in stable years people earn good money here. It can be assumed that this will happen again in 2016-2017 good option For my first work experience, my review of working in HR is generally positive.

The Art of Recruitment (video)

HR manager is a complex profession that requires not only specialized knowledge, but also the ability to build communications with people. different levels education, social status, temperament. A recruiter simply must be a bit of a psychologist, analyst, marketer, and PR specialist. What other qualities and skills do you need to have to succeed in the profession of a recruiting manager?

1. Follow business ethics

In the work of an HR specialist, one of the most important points is his position. The position of a recruiting manager can be compared to a conscience. The HR function in a business is responsible for the tasks set by management and for the legality and ethics of labor relations on both sides in the implementation of these tasks.

It is important to understand that an HR specialist in his work must take into account both the interests of employees and the interests of the company. Often you will have to defend one side or the other. At these moments, there is no possibility of friendship with individual employees; the position of an HR specialist should be as objective as possible and comply with the company’s development strategy and business ethics.

It often happens that HR manager becomes an informal advocate for some employees, and indeed in this profession it is important to be able to build trusting relationships with employees. HR is an important supporting function, the activities of which determine the success of the company in the future.

2. Build trusting relationships

Both the manager and the employees HR specialists should see and feel fair support and support. It is important to learn how to maintain a delicate balance, respect the personal rights of employees, and also understand that most of the information that an HR manager owns is confidential.

3. Don’t look for people like yourself - every task requires a certain type of person

A person is designed in such a way that he is always impressed by people similar to him. We try to find similarities with those with whom we communicate. This is especially true personal qualities. Personally, I made such mistakes at the beginning of my career and relied on sympathy. But life and experience quickly corrected this.

Choose for yourself some kind of personality assessment method for the task, I use DISC.

The technique will allow you to abstract from your like/dislike for candidates and objectively assess the personality of the applicant, the extent to which he can perform a particular task.

4. Don’t be afraid to try new HR tools at work

Today there are enormous opportunities to obtain information from professional magazines Colleagues share their successful cases and company experiences on websites and at specialized conferences.

Don't be afraid to try new tools in your work, of course based on the goals that you and your department have in mind. Most of the tools were invented to improve work efficiency. Of course, there are risks - 80% of the tools will not take root in your company, but the 20% that will take root will give 80% of your results.

5. There are no bad companies or employees, just unsuitable ones

When selecting candidates or conducting certification, an HR specialist needs to focus not only on the competence of the candidate and employee, which is an undeniably important aspect, but also on how much this candidate/
the employee is ready to share the company’s values.

I often had to part with those people who did not correspond to the stage of development of the company or the tasks that the company faced. It is especially disappointing when a strong professional joins a company and after a few months he or the employer realizes that they are not suitable for each other. But money and time are spent on searching, interviewing and hiring an employee.

6. Be flexible, adapt to the situation, take into account the capabilities of your team

In these times of constant change, in order to remain effective, an HR specialist needs to be flexible.

Even if you are an expert in your field, it is far from a fact that you will succeed in your career. Perhaps you only have the role of the most experienced employee in the team. No new positions or salaries. Read the article to find out what else you need to succeed in your career.

Today there is huge amount professions in which you can achieve great success, developing professional skills and gaining experience. But at the same time, we must not forget about work ethics - an important component when building a career.

With the advent of new technologies, people became ignorant, which, of course, led to unpleasant consequences. No matter how much we have progressed professionally today, if we don't value our work, then we won't be valued either. Jenny Merran in her article talks about the main qualities that every employee who is committed to a successful career should have.

Be punctual

Punctuality today is one of the most important qualities, to which we were taught as children. Unfortunately, most of us have never learned not to be late and ignore the importance of every minute. Any manager would like to have a punctual, experienced and honest subordinate for whom commitment to work is everything. Time is money, and every minute you waste ultimately results in lost profits for your company. A loyal employee will never allow this to happen.

Avoid absenteeism when you're not feeling well

"I have a headache. I think I’ll take today off.” If you've ever done this, try to remember real reasons absenteeism from work. Surely you just wanted to take a break from work, and the headache served as some reason. In any case, you do not know about that personal and professional hazard, which you can apply without suddenly going to work. An ideal employee, regardless of his well-being, will try to do everything in his power so that his absence does not affect the work of the company. Even more - he would rather make an appointment with a doctor after hours.

Don't leave work early without a good reason

It is important to think about the global goals and objectives that you set for yourself. You didn’t come to this company to sit from morning to evening and receive a salary twice a month - you want to climb the ladder. career ladder? There's no point in working where you don't like it. If you love what you do, you will never leave early “just because.” Only people who are dissatisfied with their work, who work for a salary, and not for progress, take advantage of the opportunity to take additional breaks at work or leave early. The ideal employee concentrates on their tasks, keeping them on their toes all day long.

Never point fingers at others

One of the main signs that you are an ideal employee is the ability to listen to everyone's opinions without trying to jump straight to conclusions and take action. You cannot undermine the authority of your colleagues - by doing so you undermine the authority of the entire company. In addition, you should not place blame on your colleagues - by doing this, you create an atmosphere in which employees feel awkward and discouraged. You must give yourself and others some time to think about the decision, build certain conclusions and taking action. Always remember one thing: no one likes " private clubs like-minded people” at work, as well as overly aggressive people. A great employee shouldn't become like that.

Be hardworking

Basically, there are two types of workers - those who sit in a chair all day and get to work only when given a task, and those who are constantly researching new techniques and coming up with different ideas that can be useful for the development of the company. You don't necessarily have to become a workaholic, you just have to love working. You should try to do everything possible for the company to develop - “what goes around comes around.”

Lead others

As an ideal employee, you should begin to take responsibility for the activities of the team and for the implementation of the project. Participate in planning the development strategy, be a strong leader for your team: guide them, be responsible for the results of their activities. Be a source of inspiration to them, not disappointment.

Develop excellent human qualities

Financial and human resources are in the main risk zone when it is impossible to obtain feedback from colleagues and management. Employers are always on the lookout for employees who can express themselves well, both verbally and verbally. in writing. This quality comes with experience, especially when you put yourself in positions of authority.

If you develop all these qualities in yourself, you will not only rise to a qualitatively new level, but will also be successful in any company, no matter where you work.
