Technology for setting up automatic lines and aggregate machines. Aggregate machines. Unified units of aggregate machines

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Part No. 2 of Issue No. 2 of ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645)

Adjuster of automatic lines and modular machines

§ 31. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Adjustment of single-sided, double-sided, single-position, multi-position, single- or two-support aggregate machines with fixed and rotating horizontal and vertical tables, single-support multi-spindle aggregate machines and two- and four-sided machines (drilling, thread-cutting, milling for processing parts of medium complexity), milling and boring , drilling and boring and other similar machines for processing complex parts. Setting up special automatic machines for milling drill grooves, automatic machines for sharpening drills and countersinks, broaching horizontal, vertical and other similar machines for internal and external broaching. Adjustment of the same type of electric pulse, electric spark and ultrasonic machines and installations, generators, electrochemical machines according to the technological or design map and passport of the machine. Performing calculations related to setting up serviced machines. Participation in machine repairs. Establishment of technological sequence and processing modes. Installation of special devices with alignment in several planes. Adjustment of machines, control machines and transport devices for full cycle processing simple parts with one type of processing. Processing of trial parts and submitting them to Quality Control Department. Adjustment of the main mechanisms of the automatic line during operation; participation in the current repair of equipment and mechanisms of the automatic line; adjustment of grippers of industrial manipulators (robots) with program control.

Must know: device, rules for checking the accuracy of aggregate and special machines, interaction of automatic line mechanisms, process with one type of processing of parts on automatic line machines; arrangement of similar industrial manipulators; rules for checking manipulators for operability and positioning accuracy; methods of installation, fastening and alignment of complex parts; design and rules for using universal and special devices, instrumentation and instruments; fundamentals of metal technology within the scope of the work performed; mechanical properties of metals; geometry, rules of heat treatment, sharpening, finishing and installation of normal cutting tools made of tool steels, and tools with inserts made of hard alloys or ceramic; rules for choosing cutting modes; range of metals and semi-finished products used; system of tolerances and landings, degrees of accuracy; qualities and roughness parameters.

§ 32. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Setting up double-sided, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines with an arbitrary or associated feed cycle for each support, with a circular rotary table for processing large complex parts or with a ring table for processing small complex parts. Adjustment of electric pulse, electric spark and ultrasonic machines and installations various types and power, electrochemical machines of various types and power with troubleshooting in the mechanical and electrical parts. Perform complex calculations related to setting up machines. Setting up machines, automatic control devices and transport devices for a full cycle of processing simple parts (bushings, pistons, rollers, sleeves) with various types of processing (drilling, milling, turning, etc.). Adjustment of individual units of industrial manipulators (robots) with program control. Processing of trial parts and submitting them to Quality Control Department. Monitoring the operation of the automatic line. Adjustment of the main mechanisms of the automatic line during operation.

Must know: kinematic diagrams and rules for checking the accuracy of machining of single-sided and double-sided, multi-support, multi-spindle and other complex aggregate and special machines; interaction of automatic line mechanisms; design features of universal and special devices, equipment; rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation and instrumentation; rules for calculating gears, eccentrics, copiers and cams; geometry, rules of heat treatment, sharpening and finishing of normal and special cutting tools; device of various industrial manipulators.

§ 33. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Setting up multi-sided, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines with an arbitrary or associated feed cycle for each support for processing complex and large parts. Adjustment of vacuum pumps and pumps. Performing complex calculations related to setting up serviced machines. Adjustment of machines, control machines and transport devices of an automatic line for a full cycle of processing (drilling, milling, turning, etc.) of complex and large parts (engine cylinder blocks, housings, crankcases, gearboxes) with a large number of transitions and operations. Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the automatic line. Adjustment and adjustment of equipment and mechanisms of the automatic line during operation. Setting up and adjusting manipulators (robots) with program control.

Must know: design of multi-sided, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines and automatic line mechanisms; rules for checking modular machines for processing accuracy; methods for identifying and eliminating problems in the operation of machine tools; methods of installation, fastening and alignment of complex parts and the universal and special devices necessary for this; rules for determining cutting modes using reference books and machine data sheets; fundamentals of the theory of metal cutting within the scope of the work performed.

Average required vocational education.

§ 34. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 7th category

Characteristics of work. Setting up and adjustment at idle and in operating mode of automatic lines consisting of multilateral, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines for processing complex and large parts with adjustment of electromechanical, hydraulic and other power drives, control and measuring systems and automatic lines for producing castings wet and dry molding method. Carrying out diagnostics and prevention of malfunctions of all systems and equipment components and performing work on their repair.

Must know: arrangement of various automatic lines for processing parts and assembly units; arrangement of control and measuring instruments and instruments; techniques for performing work on diagnosing and repairing faults of all equipment systems.

Secondary vocational education required.

§ 35. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 8th category

Characteristics of work. Complex adjustment and adjustment at idle and in operating mode of automatic lines with flexible production connections, consisting of multilateral, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines for processing parts and assembly units, and their semi-automatic and automatic casting machines and units with the repair of complex units, units and systems.

Must know: design of various automatic lines, special devices and other equipment for processing high-precision, unique parts and for processing castings; techniques for repairing and assembling components, mechanisms and devices of all equipment systems.

Secondary vocational education required.

  • 1.4. Manufacturability of product design, examples of analysis of manufacturability of design for certain types of products (case parts, shafts and axles, bushings).
  • 1.5. The concept of basing and base, the basic principle of basing and securing products during machining (the six-point rule), examples of basing and securing solid bodies.
  • 1.6. Classification of bases according to GOST 21495-76
  • 1.7. The concept of roughing, finishing, tuning, checking and artificial bases.
  • 1.8. Schemes for basing and installing workpieces on machines and devices.
  • 1.9. Recommendations for choosing draft databases.
  • 1.10. Selection of finishing bases. Principles of consistency, combination (unity) and constancy of bases.
  • 1.11. Accuracy and error during machining, types of errors.
  • 1.12. Factors influencing the accuracy of products during machining.
  • 1.13. Methods and stages of mechanical surface treatment. Indicators of accuracy and roughness at various stages of machining.
  • 1.14. Methodology for analyzing the accuracy of machining using the method of distribution curves.
  • 1.15. Methodology for analyzing the accuracy of machining using the dot diagram method.
  • 1.16. Calculation of allowances for machining.
  • 1.19. Classification of technological processes of mechanical processing. Single, standard, group technological processes. Group processing. Complex detail.
  • 1.20. Types of descriptions of technological processes. Types of technological documents.
  • Part 2. Machine production technology.
  • 2.1. Basing of body parts during machining, structure of the technological process when processing body parts.
  • 2.2. Processing of flat surfaces of body parts, methods, equipment.
  • 2.3. Machining of main holes in body parts, tools, equipment.
  • 2.4. Finishing of main holes in body parts
  • 2.5. Machining auxiliary holes in body parts
  • 2.6. Methods for obtaining blanks for stepped shafts, materials, basing, structure of the technological process
  • 2.7. Thread cutting. Machining of keyed and splined surfaces in the manufacture of shafts.
  • 2.8. Shaft grinding methods
  • Hole honing
  • 2.9. Finishing processing of external surfaces of shafts
  • Polishing
  • 2.10. Materials, heat treatment of gears, methods for obtaining blanks, basing, structure of the technological process when processing cylindrical gears.
  • Typical technological processes for manufacturing cylindrical gears.
  • 2.11. Cutting methods Teeth cyl.Tooth. Wheels. Rolling of teeth.
  • 2.12. Methods for finishing the teeth of cylinders.
  • Part 3. Dimensional analysis of technological processes
  • 3.1. Methods for achieving the specified accuracy of the closing link in an assembly dimensional chain, their choice.
  • 5 Methods:
  • 3.2. Calculation of assembly dimensional chains using the maximum-minimum method. Basic calculated dependencies. Direct and inverse problems of calculating dimensional chains.
  • Verification calculation
  • Design calculation
  • 3.3. Principles of drawing up a dimensional diagram and features of calculating technological dimensional chains (show with an example).
  • Part 4. Selection and effective use of automated equipment
  • 4.1. Typical layouts and selection of the type of drives for the main movement and feeds of multi-purpose machines (MC) for processing body parts.
  • 4.2. Typical layouts and selection of the type of drives for the main movement and feeds of CNC and OC machines for processing rotating bodies.
  • 4.3. Automatic lines from modular machines.
  • Application of auto. Lines
  • 4.4. Rotary and rotary-conveyor lines.
  • 4.5. Reasons for the increased accuracy of processing parts on CNC machines.
  • 4.6. Modern cutting tools and methods for selecting cutting modes.
  • 4.7. Economic efficiency of CNC machines.
  • Part 5. Selection and design of technological equipment.
  • 5.1. Systems of machine tools, their main characteristics and scope of use.
  • Based on their intended purpose, devices are divided into the following groups.
  • 1 Machine tool systems, their main characteristics and scope of application
  • 5.2. Basic elements of devices. Standardization of devices and their elements.
  • 5.3. Methodology for designing devices (initial data, sequence of design stages, calculations performed).
  • 5.4. Methodology for calculating and selecting mechanized drives (using the example of pneumatic and hydraulic ones).
  • Part 6. Automation of technological design.
  • 6.1. Methodology for automated design of a part processing route.
  • 6.2. Methodology for designing a database for the selection of technological objects and a mechanism for two-criteria automated selection of metal-cutting tools.
  • 6.3. The main stages of development work according to GOST 15.001-88. Ways to increase the labor efficiency of designers of mechanical engineering products.
  • 6.4. Composition and structure of a middle-class 3D graphic system.
  • 6.5. Methodology for computer-aided design of drawings and sketches in middle-class 3D graphic systems.
  • 6.6. Methodology for designing assembly operations of mounting and clamping fixtures in middle-class 3D graphic systems using “bottom-up” and “top-down” methods.
  • Part 7. Ways and methods of achieving high quality and efficiency of mechanical engineering production.
  • 7.1. Basic conditions ensuring the cost-effective use of CNC, GPM and GPS machines.
  • For the processing of large cabinet clamps, single-position speakers connected to a conveyor are most often used. For smaller zags, ALs consisting of multi-position AS are appropriate. AL is a system of automatic machines located along the TP, which are united by transport devices and general control systems. The disadvantage is one-subject.


    Possibility of implementing optimal TP; - the reliability of agricultural nodes increases, because there is repeated use;

    Increase your production; - repeated use of elements of agricultural units; - simple solution to transport issues; - short terms of commissioning into production; - increased economic efficiency.

    Main components: ag-e power heads. Other components: rotary power tables, beds.

    AL layouts:

    a) single-threaded last action(Figure 5.4.1);

    b) single-threaded //-th action(Fig. 5.4.2) is used to perform one operation when continuing it means. exceeds the required rate of release.

    c) multi-threaded(Figure 5.4.3): designed for performing several operations, each of which is longer than the specified production rate.

    d) mixed(with branching flow) (Figure 5.4.4): 1-working units, 2-distribution devices.

    Typical layouts of automaticlines from aggregate machines and areas of their application.

    Automatic lines in their simplest form are assembled on the basis of modular machines connected by a transport system. Automatic lines from modular machines can be divided into two main groups: lines with direct movement of workpieces from machine to machine (Group I) and lines with movement of workpieces in satellite devices ( II group).

    Group I lines, depending on the method of moving parts between machines, can be divided into lines with through or direct-flow transport and with remote transport. In the first case, the parts conveyor passes directly through the working positions and the parts move in the same direction. In the second case, the parts conveyor is located behind the machines and the parts, in addition to moving from one position to another, additionally move perpendicular to the main conveyor, which is necessary for feeding them into the machine tools.

    Processing schemes for automaticlines from aggregate machines.

    1 Diagram of an automatic line of four machines with the same position of the part on the machines; processing is possible only on both sides; 1 loading of parts; 2, 4, 6 and 8 - working positions; 3.5 l 7 - intermediate positions; 9 - unloading parts

    automatic line with intermediate rotation by 90°, processing of parts is possible on four sides

    Lines of aggregate machines are lines with a rigid connection, and the downtime of any machine causes downtime of all machines in the line, which significantly reduces the technical utilization rate of the line, i.e. its actual productivity. To increase the utilization rate of lines consisting of a large number of machines, they strive to divide the lines into sections and introduce parts storage between the sections, i.e., create automatic line systems. 3 Diagram of a two-section systemautomatic lines: /-loading parts; 2 - 4, 6-3, 12 -16 working positions; 5 - rotary table; 9 - intersectional conveyor; 10 - intermediate storage; // - rotary drum; 17 - unloading parts 3rd section II section

  • § 31. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category

    Characteristics of work. Adjustment of single-sided, double-sided, single-position, multi-position, single- or two-support aggregate machines with fixed and rotating horizontal and vertical tables, single-support multi-spindle aggregate machines and two- and four-sided machines (drilling, thread-cutting, milling for processing parts of medium complexity), milling and boring , drilling and boring and other similar machines for processing complex parts. Setting up special automatic machines for milling drill grooves, automatic machines for sharpening drills and countersinks, broaching horizontal, vertical and other similar machines for internal and external broaching. Adjustment of the same type of electric pulse, electric spark and ultrasonic machines and installations, generators, electrochemical machines according to the technological or design map and passport of the machine. Performing calculations related to setting up serviced machines. Participation in machine repairs. Establishment of technological sequence and processing modes. Installation of special devices with alignment in several planes. Setting up machines, automatic control devices and transport devices for a full cycle of processing simple parts with one type of processing. Processing of trial parts and submitting them to Quality Control Department. Adjustment of the main mechanisms of the automatic line during operation; participation in the current repair of equipment and mechanisms of the automatic line; adjustment of grippers of industrial manipulators (robots) with program control.

    Must know: device, rules for checking the accuracy of aggregate and special machines, interaction of automatic line mechanisms, technological process with one type of processing of parts on automatic line machines; arrangement of similar industrial manipulators; rules for checking manipulators for operability and positioning accuracy; methods of installation, fastening and alignment of complex parts; design and rules for using universal and special devices, instrumentation and instruments; fundamentals of metal technology within the scope of the work performed; mechanical properties of metals; geometry, rules of heat treatment, sharpening, finishing and installation of normal cutting tools made of tool steels, and tools with inserts made of hard alloys or ceramic; rules for choosing cutting modes; range of metals and semi-finished products used; system of tolerances and landings, degrees of accuracy; qualities and roughness parameters.

    § 32. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 5th category

    Characteristics of work. Setting up double-sided, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines with an arbitrary or associated feed cycle for each support, with a circular rotary table for processing large complex parts or with a ring table for processing small complex parts. Adjustment of electric pulse, electric spark and ultrasonic machines and installations of various types and power, electrochemical machines of various types and power with troubleshooting in the mechanical and electrical parts. Perform complex calculations related to setting up machines. Setting up machines, automatic control devices and transport devices for a full cycle of processing simple parts (bushings, pistons, rollers, sleeves) with various types of processing (drilling, milling, turning, etc.). Adjustment of individual units of industrial manipulators (robots) with program control. Processing of trial parts and submitting them to Quality Control Department. Monitoring the operation of the automatic line. Adjustment of the main mechanisms of the automatic line during operation.

    Must know: kinematic diagrams and rules for checking the accuracy of machining of single-sided and double-sided, multi-support, multi-spindle and other complex aggregate and special machines; interaction of automatic line mechanisms; design features of universal and special devices, equipment; rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation and instrumentation; rules for calculating gears, eccentrics, copiers and cams; geometry, rules of heat treatment, sharpening and finishing of normal and special cutting tools; device of various industrial manipulators.

    § 33. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 6th category

    Characteristics of work. Setting up multi-sided, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines with an arbitrary or associated feed cycle for each support for processing complex and large parts. Adjustment of vacuum pumps and pumps. Performing complex calculations related to setting up serviced machines. Adjustment of machines, control machines and transport devices of an automatic line for a full cycle of processing (drilling, milling, turning, etc.) of complex and large parts (engine cylinder blocks, housings, crankcases, gearboxes) with a large number of transitions and operations. Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the automatic line. Adjustment and adjustment of equipment and mechanisms of the automatic line during operation. Setting up and adjusting manipulators (robots) with program control.

    Must know: design of multi-sided, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines and automatic line mechanisms; rules for checking modular machines for processing accuracy; methods for identifying and eliminating problems in the operation of machine tools; methods of installation, fastening and alignment of complex parts and the universal and special devices necessary for this; rules for determining cutting modes using reference books and machine data sheets; fundamentals of the theory of metal cutting within the scope of the work performed.

    Secondary vocational education required.

    § 34. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 7th category

    Characteristics of work. Setting up and adjustment at idle and in operating mode of automatic lines consisting of multilateral, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines for processing complex and large parts with adjustment of electromechanical, hydraulic and other power drives, control and measuring systems and automatic lines for producing castings wet and dry molding method. Carrying out diagnostics and prevention of malfunctions of all systems and equipment components and performing work on their repair.

    Must know: arrangement of various automatic lines for processing parts and assembly units; arrangement of control and measuring instruments and instruments; techniques for performing work on diagnosing and repairing faults of all equipment systems.

    Secondary vocational education required.

    § 35. Adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 8th category

    Characteristics of work. Complex adjustment and adjustment at idle and in operating mode of automatic lines with flexible production connections, consisting of multilateral, multi-position, multi-support, multi-spindle aggregate machines for processing parts and assembly units, and their semi-automatic and automatic casting machines and units with the repair of complex units, units and systems.

    Must know: design of various automatic lines, special devices and other equipment for processing high-precision, unique parts and for processing castings; techniques for repairing and assembling components, mechanisms and devices of all equipment systems.

    Secondary vocational education required.

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    [Job Title]



    [Name of organization]


    "____" ____________ 20__


    Installer of automatic lines and modular machines of the 4th category

    1. General provisions

    1.1. Real job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

    1.2. An adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position as established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

    1.3. An adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

    1.4. An adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category is responsible for:

    • timely and high-quality performance of tasks as intended;
    • compliance with performance and labor discipline;
    • compliance with labor safety measures, maintaining order, compliance with fire safety rules in the assigned work area (workplace).

    1.5. A person with secondary vocational education in this specialty and at least 1 year of work experience is appointed to the position of operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category.

    1.6. IN practical activities The operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category must be guided by:

    • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
    • internal labor regulations;
    • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
    • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
    • this job description.

    1.7. An adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category must know:

    • device, rules for checking the accuracy of aggregate and special machines, interaction of automatic line mechanisms, technological process with one type of processing of parts on automatic line machines;
    • arrangement of similar industrial manipulators;
    • rules for checking manipulators for operability and positioning accuracy;
    • methods of installation, fastening and alignment of complex parts;
    • design and rules for using universal and special devices, instrumentation and instruments;
    • fundamentals of metal technology within the scope of the work performed;
    • mechanical properties of metals;
    • geometry, rules of heat treatment, sharpening, finishing and installation of normal cutting tools made of tool steels, and tools with inserts made of hard alloys or ceramic;
    • rules for choosing cutting modes;
    • range of metals and semi-finished products used;
    • system of tolerances and landings, degrees of accuracy;
    • qualities and roughness parameters.

    1.8. During the period of temporary absence of an operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category, his duties are assigned to [deputy position title].

    2. Job responsibilities

    An adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category performs the following labor functions:

    2.1. Adjustment of single-sided, double-sided, single-position, multi-position, single- or two-support aggregate machines with fixed and rotating horizontal and vertical tables, single-support multi-spindle aggregate machines and two- and four-sided machines (drilling, thread-cutting, milling for processing parts of medium complexity), milling and boring , drilling and boring and other similar machines for processing complex parts.

    2.2. Setting up special automatic machines for milling drill grooves, automatic machines for sharpening drills and countersinks, broaching horizontal, vertical and other similar machines for internal and external broaching.

    2.3. Adjustment of the same type of electric pulse, electric spark and ultrasonic machines and installations, generators, electrochemical machines according to the technological or design map and passport of the machine.

    2.4. Performing calculations related to setting up serviced machines.

    2.5. Participation in machine repairs.

    2.6. Establishment of technological sequence and processing modes.

    2.7. Installation of special devices with alignment in several planes.

    2.8. Setting up machines, automatic control devices and transport devices for a full cycle of processing simple parts with one type of processing.

    2.9. Processing of trial parts and submitting them to Quality Control Department.

    2.10. Adjustment of the main mechanisms of the automatic line during operation; participation in the current repair of equipment and mechanisms of the automatic line; adjustment of grippers of industrial manipulators (robots) with program control.

    In case of official necessity, an operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category may be involved in performing duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

    3. Rights

    An adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category has the right:

    3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

    3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.

    3.3. Inform your immediate supervisor about any issues identified during the execution of your duties. job responsibilities shortcomings in production activities enterprise (its structural divisions) and make proposals for their elimination.

    3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

    3.5. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to them (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

    3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

    4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

    4.1. The operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

    4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

    4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of your labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

    4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

    4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

    4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

    4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

    4.2. The assessment of the work of an adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category is carried out:

    4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

    4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

    4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of an operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

    5. Working conditions

    5.1. The work schedule of an operator of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

    5.2. Due to production needs, an adjuster of automatic lines and aggregate machines of the 4th category is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

    I have read the instructions on __________/___________/“____” _______ 20__.
