Which training to choose? Psychological trainings: how to choose yours? "Million for the Lady"

With the current wealth of choice, how can we distinguish good training from bad or, even worse, harmful, and what is good training in general? Venerable professionals of the NERS.ru forum share their opinions on this matter.

Mammoth hunting

As you know, training is not a dry lecture at a desk, not a seminar in which participants strive to indulge in a sweet slumber after a couple of hours. Training is an active form of learning, a complexly organized process during which theory, as they say, without leaving the cash register, is supported by practice for better assimilation of what has been learned. The training is not about hammering home scientific-theoretical, abstract gobbledygook, but rather about adjusting the knowledge and skills students already have with the help of intelligible additional information.

In general, training in one form or another has existed since time immemorial. Perhaps from those glacial times, when prehistoric shamans with tambourines, rattles and spells taught their fellow tribesmen how to effectively hunt mammoths. Our infinitely distant ancestors even then understood that influencing a group of people can be much more effective than influencing one specific person. And those tribes where the shamanic practice of influence was more successful had a greater chance of surviving the ruthless process of natural selection.

Posted by: Andrey Gusev

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If issues are resolved in a working manner, training is not needed. At all.

It’s another matter if some task has been a task for so long that it’s already a problem. The faucet has been leaking for years, the staff is stealing, the husband is cheating, there is no work for six months, women ignore charisma... “And the caviar does not go down the throat, and the compote does not pour into the mouth.” Obviously, outside help is needed. Or just a kick in the ass. And training can come in handy here.

It may be more useful to consult a specialist, but here we are talking about training. By the way, consultants often recommend trainings. Specific. For the task.

All trainings have a drawback - people choose them themselves. This means that sometimes they mistake the door. Any training has its own goals and objectives. And no matter how flexible the trainer is, it is not always possible to teach the participant to correctly write a resume in cutting and sewing courses. We want to be given exactly what we need. Therefore, you need to choose the right training.

What do you need to decide? What problem are you going to solve with the help of training? Or what goal can be achieved with it. Stop being afraid of the audience, learn to control your weight, become a great negotiator, recruit staff wisely...

By the way, it is worth remembering that the objectives of the training are educational. They don't treat there, they teach. Practice skills. Therefore, the most correct questions when choosing training are “What do I want to be able to do?”, “What do I want to learn?” However, there are trainings where consultants are trained. There you can solve your problems. Along the way.

Having chosen a task, evaluate it. Decide how much you are willing to pay to solve it. Money, time, other resources. Because for some trainings it’s not a sin to fly thousands of kilometers. And it’s a pity to even spend a weekend on others.

Then you can start looking. The Internet is here to help. You can look for training in your city. It’s possible – all over the world. The radius is determined by how much you estimate the need for the corresponding skill to be. Sometimes, by the way, it turns out to be more reasonable to invite the right coach to your city than to go to him.

There is a ton of information online. It’s rare that a trainer or training center cannot afford to maintain its own website. Just log in search engine and search by keywords. For example: “Uryupinsk training dating seduction.” There will be many links.

Reviews of the trainings I have completed can be read in my Training Guide.

Then simply choose according to the parameters that are important to you. For some, the gender of the trainer is important, for others the absence of the word “manipulation”, for others it is based on price, for others it is important how much training is on the market. But this is worth talking about in more detail.

Who's at the helm?

Personally, it is usually important to me who will conduct the training. I would like the coach to be an experienced person. Both in terms of coaching experience and in life. The coach must be at least somewhat more successful than me. Not everything is necessary. Yes, and it’s difficult.

I look at the coach's photo. I'm reading the coach's resume. I get acquainted with his articles and books, if there are any. I'm interested in how he communicates on forums or blogs. I'm looking for feedback about him and his training. Sites like Odnoklassniki are also good. And if you’re lucky enough to communicate with graduates, it’s just a celebration! A lot becomes clear.

Some trainers arrange presentations of their programs - it is useful to attend.

What is the price?

I won’t lie, the price of the training is not at all important to me. Still, I like to get more for less. But I always try to view training fees as an investment. I invest to receive.

You can pay one euro if you know how to get ten with the help of training. However, two will also do. The effect can be anything. In health, in improved relationships, in self-esteem, in professional skills, in improved working conditions, in income, finally. If desired, all this can be easily expressed in numbers.

Other training costs are also expressed in numbers. Time, travel, accommodation, refusal of other trainings, missed opportunities to work on your own.

In short, what is important is not how much it costs to participate in the training, but how the price of the training relates to the cost of solving your problem. And the more you earn, the more advantageous this ratio becomes.

What do they teach?

This is, of course, the very first question. But, in addition to the promised knowledge and skills, I am interested in what technology is used as the basis for training. NLP, hypnosis, psychoanalysis, stalking, Gestalt therapy, cold dynamics, “the struggle of the Nanai boys,” psychodrama, acting?.. At one time I purposefully studied in trainings based on technologies unfamiliar to me. And now I try to try new things.

Sometimes it happens that the technology is so interesting that even the personality of the presenter seems not so significant. Then I walk without looking. But this is already my coaching professional deformation.

Separate food

If you go (or plan to go) to trainings quite often, you should remember that not all trainings combine well with each other. Tough confrontation training does not fit well with empathy training. NLP training is not very good when combined with explosive personal growth training. Mindfulness training is the opposite of trance training.

Those. All this is well absorbed separately. And even by one person. But it is important to remember that every training has a trace. And it takes time to integrate new habits into life. And while they are embedded, they are vulnerable. Therefore, it is better not to learn something opposite at this time.

What goes well together? The trainings of one course are ideally combined. They are often called steps, segments, cycles. They complement each other, strengthen and build upon each other. As a rule, the programs of the same trainer are combined well. By the way, I prefer to go through everything with the trainer I like. Or at least the maximum. If the trainings do not combine, the trainer will warn you.

In any case, I try to give myself a break after studying. Or after training. Or after the course. But after the course there is a longer pause. This way the benefits are maximized.

What to expect from the training?

We learn in hopes of getting a return. What do we have a right to hope for? For drastic changes in life? To increase income tenfold? To the sudden attraction of others towards us? There are some patterns.

Firstly, the effects of the very first training in your life are inevitably brighter than the results of the last. The simplest metaphor. If your car has a broken tire, no gas, and dirty windows, it’s easy to perform a miracle. Replaced the wheel, filled it full tank, wiped the glass and - lo and behold! The driver has seen the light! The car has moved! Thanks to the Great Magician! What if the car drives like that? Then the finest adjustments will “only” improve some driving characteristics, reduce wear and fuel consumption. Good, of course, but not a miracle.

Secondly, even the most advanced technologies radically improve your life only when you use them. And preferably regularly. And rarely do any trainings provide completely automatic integration of a skill. We must use it. We need to train. Must be used regularly. “You can lead a horse to a pond, but you cannot force it to drink.”

Thirdly, a person is too complex a machine to really change much about him during training. The training can be perfect, but you shouldn’t expect speed reading training to change your entire life. Something will change. And the changes will be significant. There are simply millions of programs in our unconscious. And even after the best training of our lives, we are still us. Still people. But that's probably a good thing.

How choose training?

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Life is the best training,

Only very expensive...

Today on the service market there is huge amount proposals for the provision of psychological services. In addition to individual counseling, there are many offers that are designated as training.

How to make sense of this variety of offers? What's happened training? How choose exactly that one training which one is right for you?

These are the questions I want to talk about in this article. I'll tell you what trainings exist, and I will try to help those who want to go to training decide which training will better satisfy their needs.

I'll start with a definition. Training(psychological) (from the English train - to train, train) - in the most general sense it is considered as a method, more precisely, a set of various techniques and methods aimed at developing in a person certain skills, abilities and the acquisition of special knowledge. Training(T) is aimed at developing skills of self-knowledge, self-regulation, communication, interpersonal and intergroup interaction, professional skills, and increasing the general cognitive competence of each member training groups.

Trainings there are different types:

1. Psychocorrectional therapy is aimed at changing the psychology or behavior of a healthy person in need of psychological assistance through methods psychological impact on it, with the ultimate goal of improving self-awareness, behavior or professional activities people or groups."

2. Psychotherapeutic therapy is aimed at resolving intrapersonal conflicts and crisis states of a person (changes in self-awareness). Compared to a psychotherapeutic group, this is a more active and more structured form of work, including a variety of exercises.

3. Educational T. is aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in certain areas of a person’s social and professional activity;

4.Organizational T. (business training), aimed primarily at improving the joint activities of teams, developing professional competencies and obtaining an organizational effect (improving the structure, organization, improving the socio-psychological climate, increasing the professional competence of employees, etc.).

5. Methodological training is aimed at training professional specialists in a certain field.

6. Children's T. - included in this group trainings aimed at working with children and adolescents. Since in children and adolescents the intellectual, emotional and physical levels can differ greatly, it is customary to divide children’s trainings by age categories (7-8 years old, 9-10 years old, 10-12 years old, etc.)

So there are different types trainings, I do not pretend to have described all types here, I only highlighted the main ones and those that I myself carry out. At the same time, I note that the content of each of these trainings determined by the specific goal and tasks facing the leader.

But how do you figure out which one? training, what does it contain? Which training will be useful to you, and which can harm you? What is the benefit training? And what needs to be done to get the effect? training was it long term? About all this and we'll talk.

First. If you are taking an individual course with a psychologist or psychotherapist, consult him. Knowing your personal history, your individual psychological characteristics and needs, he will give informed advice. For example, if it is difficult for you to refuse people anything, you practically do not know how to say “no” and suffer from this, then training, aimed at developing confidence, is what will help you acquire the necessary skill. On training, in group exercises you practice exactly the skill you want.

Of course, a psychologist or psychotherapist may also individual work help a person develop this skill, but, as experience shows, in a group process this happens faster and more efficiently.

Second. Assess the risk of falling into a sect or destructive psychocult. It is difficult for a person who does not know the basics of psychology, the dynamics of group process, methods of influencing a person, to distinguish a good training from various kinds of destructive psychocults, sects, pyramids, etc. This ignorance is used by various kinds of “specialists”, offering various seminars, spiritual practices, trainings leadership, etc.

Distinguish good training from destructive, you can carry out the following analysis. Before passing training meet in person and chat with the host training. Ask what the goal is training what he can give you personally. You can ask any clarifying questions, ask about the method of work, education and qualifications of the specialist. In addition, in a personal conversation, you can feel whether you have contact with the psychologist and whether he inspires confidence in you. If they start promising you and convincing you that this is for you training is necessary like air, that it helps everyone, and from everything, then at a minimum, you need to think about how a person who doesn’t know you can guarantee a solution to your problems.

Also, if they start telling you that their training so good that everyone needs to go through it, to become a member of one big happy family, this should also alert you, a good specialist will never involve you in training, and even more so, create a “family”. It should be no less alarming if they start talking about what after training everyone becomes successful, a leader, talks about fabulous ups, etc.

Other warning signs: if the presenter claims that his technique is the only one that “works.” When asked which psychological school they belong to training activity, such “specialists”, as a rule, cannot refer to any generally recognized psychological school, and often hide behind Eastern teachings or say that this is an American (English, Dutch, etc.) method. If they start rushing you to sign up for a group, they don’t give you time to think, they offer to recruit you for training a couple more participants - all this suggests that they are simply trying to lure you in to achieve their goals. Participation in training- yours free choice, and you yourself are able to make an informed decision.

Professional specialist will never force or rush you, he is no less interested in preliminary acquaintance, so before training he always holds a personal meeting, or general meeting. At the meeting, the presenter tries to understand, to see with whom he will work, so he will ask you questions to clarify your situation, make sure that he has enough qualifications for this, and evaluate whether the proposed methodology is suitable for the participants. Good specialist interested in the ball group being formed from people who react adequately and have a common interest that corresponds to the goal training. He is aware that it is the coach who is responsible for the effectiveness of the group, so a good coach will never recruit everyone indiscriminately. Remember, psychological training can only be conducted by a person with a higher psychological education. You have the right to obtain from the organizers (before registering for training and payment for participation in it) information about vocational training presenter To reduce the risk of error, find out what the reputation is training organization, leading

I would especially like to mention the group trainings under the general name " Trainings personal growth." Firstly, you need to understand that personal development does not occur through training, but when a person explores himself, his inner world, identifies its resources, the mechanisms for blocking them, and works through all this. Therefore I think that trainings personal growth (development) is more correctly called psychological groups personal growth. At the same time, I note that during the thematic training a person experiences personal growth, but this is rather a “side” result, and the main one is the one stated in the goal training.

How to determine which training do you need it?

In a matter of choice training Your needs should play a major role. Having decided to go to training, determine what you want to get from training or something to get rid of. For example, if you experience difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, then, accordingly, training, aimed at working through this issue, is what will suit you best. Or if you feel insecure and see how it interferes with your life, then training aimed at developing confidence for you will be the right choice. Once again I want to note that the main criterion when choosing training are your needs, and that’s where you need to start. However, remember that the name does not always accurately reflect its content, and in order not to be disappointed, first get acquainted with the program, reviews of those who took training. The more information you have, the more complete your understanding of training, which means it will be easier for you to make a choice.

Training and psychotherapy.

People often confuse classes with training with psychotherapy. I remind you training is an active form of learning certain skills, while psychotherapy is a more in-depth process aimed at exploring the various mechanisms by which a person does not allow himself to freely and naturally satisfy his needs and desires. At the same time, I note that there are psychotherapeutic trainings, in which the process of establishing new forms of behavior takes place, and individual sessions are held where participants are helped to understand the causes of their symptoms and work through them. The goal of any training is to turn on, start the process of behavior change. These changes, as a rule, begin to appear very quickly and are noticeable to others. The results of psychotherapy are not so quick, they appear gradually and they are more profound, i.e. relate not only to changes in a certain behavior pattern, but also to life in general. Therefore, the process of psychotherapy is longer, but the effect is longer lasting.

Main plus training.

The main advantage training is that a person gains knowledge through his experience. No book, no film, no theoretical material received by a person, but not lived, not felt by him, can give what his own experience gives. No matter how much we tell the child that “ah-ay, niya”, the child, until he gets burned (gets experience), acts in his own way. Likewise, adults, although they understand everything perfectly well with their minds, often cannot change anything in their behavior. On training provides an opportunity to gain new experience. Training- this is a specially created favorable safe environment where everyone can try something that doesn’t work out in everyday life. Support, attention and good atmosphere training give participants strength and confidence. Doing something new, participant training I am sure that no matter the result, no one will laugh at him, scold him, etc. The same cannot be said about real life, where any experiments can lead to undesirable consequences. By learning new behavior through experience, a person thereby assigns himself a new model of behavior. A model that he will later polish in a different environment, in life.

Long-term effect training.

The man passed training, has acquired new experience, he begins to feel differently, and accordingly, his behavior becomes different. It becomes more confident, free, in general, the way he formed it on training. This, of course, pleases the person, and he wants these changes to be long-term and become his normal state. But what does long term depend on? Wouldn't it turn out that in a week or a month everything will return to its previous place? First of all, long-termism depends on how ready a person is for changes and whether he is ready to further strengthen them. Pass training- this is only the first step in changing what did not suit you. Next, you will have to independently practice those skills that you developed at training. It is important to understand that the previous model of behavior was formed over many years, and in order to new model to assimilate and become a part of you, it takes not only time, but also systematic training.

Another point to consider is that training the person not only gained new experience, but he also experienced various strong feelings and experiences for several days. The degree of experience depends on the topic and the involvement of the participant. In one case, when self-immersion occurs superficially, the degree is not so high, in the other, on the contrary, the immersion is deep and the degree of experience is high. At the same time, it is important to remember that at work, at home, as well as in the entire environment around us, everything is the same (the same temperature). Therefore, when “returning” to society, it is important to understand that everything is the same there, changes have occurred only among the participants training.

From here you need to comply certain rules security. How we take care when there is a large difference in temperature indoors and outdoors. When it’s cold outside, we dress warmer so as not to freeze; when it’s hot, we also think about making ourselves comfortable. So after training it is worth taking into account the difference in emotional state, so you should not attack your loved ones, friends and acquaintances with burning eyes, talking about how great you are, about the benefits training, and even more so, there is no need to “drag” anyone, saying that they need it.

I believe that within a month after training, as after a therapeutic group, it is better not to make important decisions in your life, and especially not to try to change the lives of your loved ones. The emotional state during this period is unstable, internal restructuring is taking place, so you should not immediately go to a new one. training or to psychotherapeutic groups, start studying serious psychological literature, all this will only complicate the process of “digesting” the experience and knowledge gained. It is better to give yourself the opportunity to more fully assimilate the acquired knowledge, skills and realize the changes that have occurred in you. And then the effect of the past training will be long term.

You may think that it is better not to attend any training at all. But it is clear that charlatans are not everywhere, only thinking about how to get you hooked on their classes and pump more money out of you.

There are many really useful psychological trainings that can help you deal with your problems and improve your quality of life. For example, there are public speaking trainings, communication trainings, self confidence etc.

Usually the purpose of the training is to solve a specific problem, and if you are offered everything at once, then you should think carefully before giving money, but more on that later.

How to determine whether you need training at all or not? Obviously, everyone has problems and difficulties of a psychological nature, but some people easily cope with them, while others cannot get off the ground for a long time, replaying the same scenario over and over again.

The most common example is that you can’t cope with your fear of speaking and every time you need to read a report at work, you panic, your voice trembles, and you feel like you’re on the verge of fainting. Of course, there is a lot of literature devoted to this topic, but reading and analysis alone helps very little.

Training is also not for everyone, but if a problem interferes with living and working normally, then why not try? In addition, some problems are more effectively solved in a group, since this allows you to practice behavior in specific situations, develop appropriate skills, test them on other training participants and analyze people’s reactions to your actions.

In addition, participation in group psychotherapeutic training will cost less than individual consultations, which is important, because not everyone can afford full-fledged psychotherapy.

Choosing training: instructions

Types of trainings

Psychological trainings

There is no clear classification that allows all psychological trainings to be sorted into groups, but several categories can be roughly distinguished:

1. Trainings that develop a specific practical skill (for example, the same public speaking skill).

2. Communication trainings, aimed at solving problems related to communication and social life(for example, this includes various women’s trainings).

3. Psychotherapeutic trainings, or group therapy. They are used to work with various psychological problems. This could be, for example, training to help cope with a specific phobia.

IN separate category can be endured personal growth trainings - this is a completely separate topic. The problem is contained in the name itself, because by and large there is not even a clear and precise definition of the concept of “personal growth”.

That is, everyone understands what they work on in the training to increase self-confidence or develop communication skills, but what is personal growth training? You must become more confident, decisive, learn to say “no” or all together in one day? After all, firstly, everyone is under personal growth implies its own, secondly, it is impossible to embrace the immensity and “build up” a personality in a few days or weeks.

Moreover, the organizers of these trainings often promise that after completing the course, your life will change radically, you will see the light, become a different person, and all your problems will be miraculously resolved.

Of course, it is obvious to any adequate person that these promises have little relation to reality, except perhaps after thorough brainwashing, you may have the illusion that your life has changed and you now know exactly how to live correctly. This is usually typical for various psychocults, so be careful, especially if you know that you are easily suggestible.

One of the dangers of such trainings is primarily that during their implementation various psychotechnics are used aimed at manipulation of consciousness and the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

What should the correct training be like, and what results can be expected from it?

How to avoid falling into a psychocult?

How to choose a training

Psychological trainings

Of course, the first thing you need to do is clearly and clearly formulate for yourself what problem you want to solve. The most ideal option is when the training is recommended by your psychologist: in this case, you can be sure that you will get to where you need to go.

But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit a psychologist, even if the problem is really serious, so training can sometimes be good option, although, of course, it will not completely replace therapy.

Also, before going to the training, it is advisable to at least formulate for yourself what you want to get in the end, what you want to learn.

So, let's say you've decided what you need, and even found several centers offering the training you're interested in. How to really choose good program and not make a mistake? Please note the following points:

Feedback from participants

Don’t be lazy and look online (and not just on the center’s website) for reviews of those who have completed this training. Not all of them will be positive, but this is just normal - it is extremely rare for the training to help absolutely everyone, if only because not everyone is ready to put in the effort and work on themselves.

But any feedback is useful - this way you can understand how exactly this training (method of delivery, approach) suits you.

Trainer personality

This is one of the most important points, because the result directly depends on it. First of all, make sure that the trainer has a psychological education, and this is not just a person who has undergone crash course psychology in 2 months, and his main education is generally technical (and this, by the way, happens quite often).

The human psyche is very complex, and good psychologist learns all his life. Don't let non-professionals pick your brain - a good trainer must understand the consequences of his actions and manipulations, and this requires years of experience and very good theoretical training.

So don't hesitate to ask about education trainer, and if they answer you “What difference does it make, the main thing is that our method works,” then it’s definitely not worth going to such a center.

If the course description indicates specific techniques used by the trainer, then this is a big plus, and you can trust this training center. Vague descriptions should alert you.

Good training is based on proven and scientifically proven methods. In this case, the trainer can predict the consequences and determine which exercises you can do and which cannot.

Training objectives

As has already been said many times, training should be aimed at solving a specific problem, be it developing a skill cope with stress or developing speaking skills. Moreover, the narrower the focus of the training, the better.

Availability of preliminary testing
or interviews

Unfortunately, this is quite rare, but if the training includes a preliminary interview with a psychologist (and not just an employee of the training center, who has one task - to sell the service), then this speaks only in his favor.

Some techniques can negatively affect a person with an unstable psyche, and the task of a trainer or psychologist conducting interview - understand whether you personally can complete this training.

As for the results, if you do not immediately feel like an enlightened and changed person, this does not mean that the training does not work. Major changes take time, and sometimes the effects can be gradual. It is important how well the result obtained corresponds to the goals given in the description of the training, but some progress must still be made.

Besides, no training on its own will change your habits - you need to make an effort and put into practice the acquired skills even after completing the program.

Also remember that the goal of the training is not to change your personality (this is not necessary!), but to help you solve a clearly defined problem. That is, do not expect that, for example, after training aimed at combating aerophobia, your communication skills will dramatically improve. Expectations must be adequate, then the result will be adequate.

In general, we can talk about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of training only after some time has passed - several weeks or even months, when there is no feeling of novelty.

One day you feel the need to grow up personally. Become faster, more collected, bolder. How and what training to choose?

It makes sense to go to training if you are faced with a common problem that does not require a detailed analysis of the causes, unraveling of family history, or delving into the subconscious. You just feel some lack in yourself that needs to be compensated. Uncertainty, stiffness, lack of communication skills. It is important to understand that trainings do not reveal the underlying causes of the problem, but only correct your behavior.

We choose

There are many training companies, in fact all the advertising is the same, they all promise the best. Therefore, you need to choose a training only on the recommendation of those people who have personally completed it. And choose not so much a company as a specific specialist. The effectiveness of training in most cases depends not on techniques or techniques, but on the trainer.
What else is important to consider? Firstly, you need to understand that if two months ago a friend excitedly talked about how she was taught to accept herself as she is, and a month later she equally excitedly talks about a training that will make her better and slimmer, then probably she is too suggestible - it is better to listen to the opinion of someone else. Secondly, the effect of the training can be short-term - you should focus not on the person’s recent impressions, but on distant reviews and results.

For memory

When you are at the training, everything seems simple and clear. So you go out and start using it. But actually implementing skills outside of training turns out to be unexpectedly difficult. Information disappears in whole blocks. Therefore, it is important to immediately, that same evening, apply it to real life. You need to repeat each exercise many, many times before the skill becomes automatic.
Within the training, barriers and frames are removed, you become more relaxed, more confident, stronger. But as soon as you find yourself outside the established team, one on one with a boss, a young man, a stranger, all the acquired skills can immediately evaporate. Therefore, it is important to continue communicating with those you met during the training. Meet in a cafe and share experiences.

And if it doesn't help

There may be several reasons. It happens that a person does not perceive the group form of work. It happens that in order to achieve an effect, it is necessary to unearth the underlying causes of the problem, which is impossible to do during training.
Sometimes you understand what needs to be done, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. How is that healthy eating: everyone knows everything, but only a few eat right. There is no need to force yourself. Don't set global goals. Don't promise yourself to improve for the rest of your life. Decide that you will only live by the new rules for three days. Three days is not scary at all. And during these three days you will get a little involved, because according to the law feedback the world around you will react to your new behavior. And it’s much easier to get involved when you’ve seen at least a little bit of the desired result.
