Pasta production technology. Opening of a pasta factory (mini-factory) Sales revenue and net profit

Owners of patent RU 2430516:

The invention relates to the food industry. Composition for production pasta contains durum wheat flour, soft wheat baking flour and chickpea flour in the following ratio of components, wt.%: durum wheat flour 5, soft wheat baking flour 85, chickpea flour 10. The invention makes it possible to obtain a product with increased biological value, with improved organoleptic properties and structural and mechanical quality indicators. 2 tables

The invention relates to the food industry and can be used in the production of pasta of increased biological value.

The composition of the dough for the production of pasta is known, including durum wheat flour or premium soft wheat baking flour and water. In addition, flour from other crops, such as peas, is used as additives in pasta dough (Medvedev G.M. Technology of pasta production. - M.: Kolos, 1999, p. 7, p. 50-52).

The disadvantage of using only wheat flour in pasta dough is the high starch content, which leads to high calorie content finished product and low protein content. In addition, when adding flour to wheat flour legumes, for example peas, there is also an insufficient amount of protein.

The composition of the dough for the production of pasta is known (prototype - RF patent for invention No. 2289952), including wheat flour, water and protein-containing additives - legume flour, namely, either pea flour in the amount of 10% by weight of wheat flour, or lentil flour in the amount 10% by weight of wheat flour, or a complex additive consisting of bean flour in an amount of 2.5% by weight of wheat flour and rowan puree in an amount of 7.5% by weight of wheat flour, while the content of raw gluten in wheat flour should not be below 28%.

The disadvantage of the prototype is that when a protein-containing additive in the form of pea and lentil flour is added to wheat flour, the pasta dough contains an insufficient amount of amino acids and minerals.

The technical challenge is to create a composition for the production of pasta with increased biological value, with improved organoleptic and structural-mechanical quality indicators.

The technical problem is achieved by the fact that the composition for the production of pasta contains durum wheat flour, soft wheat baking flour and chickpea flour in the following ratio of components, wt.%:

chickpea flour - 10

The difference between the proposed invention and the prototype is that chickpea flour is used in the composition for the production of pasta, with the following ratio of components, wt.%:

durum wheat flour - 5

soft wheat baking flour - 85

chickpea flour - 10

The composition for the production of pasta is prepared as follows. Durum wheat flour in an amount of 5% is mixed with soft wheat baking flour in an amount of 85% and with chickpea flour in an amount of 10%. The amount of water per batch is determined by calculation, taking into account the moisture content of soft baking wheat flour, durum wheat flour and chickpea flour. The prepared mixture of these three types of flour and water is fed into the first trough of the dough mixer, after which the finely lumpy dough, uniform in moisture, enters the second trough of the dough mixer, connected to the auger chamber. Pasta presses are used to produce pasta. The pressed pasta is dried in cabinet dryers.

Table 1 shows comparative data on the protein content, essential amino acids and minerals in pasta prepared according to the prototype and the proposed composition.

Table 1
Indicators Pasta
Composition according to the prototype (with lentil flour) Composition according to the prototype (with pea flour) Proposed composition
Protein content, %
Content of essential amino acids, g per 100 g
13,02 12,44 14,26
protein, including 28,83 28,80 29,26
Lysine 2,97 2,85 3,26
Threonine 2,68 2,64 2,86
Valin 4,69 4,65 4,88
Leucine 7,03 6,76 6,99
Isoleiiin 3,66 3,64 3,74
Meteonine 1,65 2,13 2,87
Tryptophan 1,52 1,32 0,87
Phenylalanine 4,63 4,81 5,99
Mineral composition, mg
Potassium 382,2 388,1 410,5
Calcium 59,6 60,2 70,7
Magnesium 101,6 102,4 106,7
Phosphorus 406,5 399,7 419,1
Iron 5,2 5,8 5,9

As can be seen from Table 1, the content of essential amino acids in products with the addition of chickpea flour increased by 12%. The mineral content increased by 9% compared to the prototype.

The introduction of chickpea flour into the pasta recipe is explained by the need to enrich it with balanced essential amino acids and minerals, which chickpea flour contains more than pea and bean flour. The use of a protein-containing additive in the form of chickpea flour in an amount of less than 10% leads to a deterioration in organoleptic quality indicators and a decrease in biological value. The use of this additive in an amount of more than 10% worsens the structural and mechanical quality indicators.

Introduction to the pasta dough recipe of wheat flour in combination different types- wheat flour of durum and soft varieties, and at the same time baking flour of soft varieties in the highest quantitative ratio (85%) is explained by the fact that this type of flour is the most common and accessible in the food industry. In the recipe of the proposed invention, the flour quality improver is a natural additive in the form of durum wheat flour. When using durum flour less than 5%, the structural and mechanical properties of pasta deteriorate, and using more than 5% is inappropriate, because adding this flour in an amount of 5% is sufficient to achieve optimal structural and mechanical properties.

Table 2 shows the quality indicators of the cooking properties of pasta, the composition of which is prepared according to the prototype and the invention.

As can be seen from table 2, pasta prepared according to the invention have good cooking properties: the main indicator of cooking properties - the loss of dry substances into the cooking medium - is 7.8% lower compared to the composition made according to the prototype.

Example. To obtain dough for the production of pasta, soft wheat flour in the amount of 8.5 kg, durum wheat flour in the amount of 0.5 kg and chickpea flour in the amount of 1 kg are pre-mixed and the mixture is sifted. Carry out subsequent steps according to the above method for preparing the dough.

The resulting pasta with a protein-containing additive in the form of chickpea flour has a high content of protein, essential amino acids and minerals. Cooked pasta with a protein-containing additive in the form of chickpeas has the correct shape, elastic consistency and an attractive yellow tint.

Thus, the proposed composition for the production of pasta makes it possible to obtain products of increased biological value with improved organoleptic and structural-mechanical quality indicators.

Composition for the production of pasta containing durum wheat flour, soft wheat baking flour and chickpea flour in the following ratio of components, wt.%.

Pasta has long become commonplace in our country and popular view side dish The main advantages of pasta are speed of preparation and affordability. In addition, not without the participation of the manufacturers of these flour products, the “image” of pasta is gradually changing. If previously they were considered not the healthiest food and were not recommended for people on a diet, now they are gradually acquiring the status of a healthy product, thanks to the fashion for Italian cuisine. The demand for pasta especially increases during economic crises, when consumers stock up on products with a long shelf life.

The pasta production business was considered very profitable just a few years ago. Setting up a “pasta shop” requires several thousand dollars (a relatively small amount for a manufacturing enterprise). The technology for making pasta is relatively simple. The payback period for such a business is short, and the profitability is high (about 30% in normal times and up to 80% in “hard times”). Therefore, it is not surprising that every year the number of players in this market increases two to three times. It is all the more surprising that this soon led to a crisis of overproduction (about 30% of domestic production capacity quickly became redundant), which was due to the fact that pasta production volumes exceeded their consumption volumes.

Experts identify the following price segments in the pasta market:

  • economy class (lower price segment). This group includes weight category “B” pasta. Their share is over a third of the market (about 350 thousand tons).
  • mid-price segment. This group includes packaged pasta of group “B”. The market share of these products is about 25% (200 thousand tons). Such pasta is packaged in packages weighing from 400 grams to one kilogram
  • .
  • "average plus" This group includes category “A” pasta, which is made from durum wheat. Products in this category occupy about 35% of the pasta market share (300 thousand tons). It is these pasta, for the most part, that are packaged in polypropylene bags weighing up to one kilogram and sold under various brands.
  • premium segment. This includes category “A” pasta, mainly from Italian manufacturers (or Russian, but “masquerading” as Western in name and packaging design). Products of this group have a small market share - about 5% (45 thousand tons). The cost of a half-kilogram pack of premium pasta starts from 55 rubles.

In the pasta market, as well as in the food industry in general, the majority of consumers (from 70 to 80% according to various sources) prefer middle-class products. At the same time, consumers in this segment, as a rule, do not have clear brand preferences. On the other hand, if the price-quality ratio of a particular product suits customers, then they willingly show loyalty to this brand, continuing to buy its products in the future. During crises, it is mainly the mid-price and premium segments that suffer. However, it is the production of group “A” pasta, which is made from durum wheat using imported equipment and raw materials, that is considered the most promising direction among entrepreneurs. If the low- and mid-price segments have long been filled and the competition there is too high, then expensive domestically produced pasta (including a new brand) may well compete with Western products not only in quality, but also, more importantly, in price. Until recently, this segment consisted mainly of imported pasta, but recently the volume of their supply has decreased noticeably. The second most attractive segment is low-quality pasta made from soft wheat varieties. In just two years, their market share increased from 40 to 55%. True, since 2011 the pace of development of this segment has decreased somewhat, but it still accounts for the majority of sales. According to analysts, there are now less than 200 players in the pasta market, including small producers.

Let us consider in more detail the main trends in the development of the industry. An excessively large selection of different pasta products has led to the fact that manufacturers are gradually moving from price to non-price competition, creating own brands federal level. This tendency is inherent in more civilized market relations. The manufacturers' range consists mainly of medium-sized pasta price segment(costing from 35 to 125 rubles per pack). The development of the pasta industry directly depends on suppliers of raw materials. Since flour is the main component for the production of pasta, the cost finished products completely depends on pricing policy flour milling enterprises. This is especially critical for products in the mid-price segment. For this reason, large producers, hoping to receive guarantees of timely supplies of raw materials of appropriate quality, are beginning to create grain holdings. These mergers can significantly increase production profitability - up to 5% by optimizing logistics processes and reducing the likelihood of supply disruptions. On the other hand, it is obvious that these measures are not suitable for medium-sized and, especially, small-scale industries, and it is in these segments that competition is the highest. Under such conditions, analysts are confident that in a few years only about five will remain in the industry. largest producers. But the pasta production business has not yet lost its attractiveness for small companies. The average consumption of regular pasta in our country reaches over 7 kg per year per capita. At the same time, for instant noodles and noodles, this figure is almost 8 kg per person per year.

Pasta is dried unleavened dough made from specially ground wheat flour and water, which is shaped into tubes, ribbons, threads or other shaped products, and dried to a residual moisture content of 13%. Some pasta, due to low humidity, can be stored in appropriate conditions for a year without losing most of its consumer properties. The varieties of pasta depend on their composition, calorie content and nutritional value. Pasta of each grade, depending on the standard, can be one of four types: tubular, curly, thread-like and ribbon-like. Moreover, each of these types has its own subtypes and types, depending on the length, width and diameter of the product. Instant pasta products, which are classified as a separate group, have a porous structure and various enrichment additives in their composition, so they do not require cooking. As the main flour raw material used in pasta production, flour and water appear. The most suitable raw materials for the production of pasta are durum wheat flour (durum) for pasta, premium high-dispersity flour from durum wheat, flour from soft glassy wheat, baking wheat flour and premium flour (grains) selected during bakery grinding. In this case, the flour must be cleaned of metal impurities and in some cases can be additionally enriched with vitamins (for this, heat-resistant water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, PP are used). The moisture content of the flour used should not exceed 15.5%, and the gluten content in it should not be lower than 28%. Pasta products made from premium baking flour, as a rule, have a light cream color, while products made from first grade flour have a dark cream color with a gray tint. Drinking water, which is used to prepare the dough, must also meet certain requirements, be safe in terms of epidemics, harmless chemical composition and taste good.

In addition to the main raw materials - flour and water, in the production of pasta, various additional components are used to improve the taste and quality of the products: chicken eggs, egg melange, egg powder, dairy products (whole dry or skim cow's milk), vegetable products (concentrated tomato juices and pastes , natural juices with carrot and beet pulp). In addition, food colors can be used in the production of pasta - certified synthetic (for example, tartazine) or natural (for example, beta-carotene). Both tartazine and beta-carotene give the products a pleasant yellowish color.

Surfactants are used as improvers, which help improve the quality of pasta by preventing them from sticking together during drying and helping to better retain their original shape during cooking. In the production of pasta for dietary and baby food they may contain vegetable and fruit purees, iron glycerophosphate, etc. Pasta products of group “A” are made from durum wheat flour (durum) or premium flour of increased fineness from durum wheat, products of group “B” are made from soft flour glassy wheat, group “B” - from baking wheat flour.

Pasta of each variety is divided according to the standard into four main types, depending on its shape: tubular, curly, thread-like, ribbon-like. Moreover, each type is divided into subtypes, depending on length, diameter and width (pasta, feathers, horns). Pasta is a long tube with a straight cut. Their length can vary from 15 cm to 30 cm (short pasta) and from 30 cm (long pasta). In this case, the latter type of pasta can be double bent or single. Depending on the diameter, pasta is divided into straws (4 mm), special (4.1-5.5 mm), ordinary (5.6-7 mm) and amateur (over 7 mm). The feathers are tube-shaped pasta with an oblique cut. The length of the feathers from an acute angle to an obtuse one can range from 3 to 10 cm. The types of such pasta depend on their diameter (special, ordinary and amateur) and cross-sectional shape (round, square, embossed, etc.). Cones are pasta in the shape of short, curved tubes with a straight cut. Their length along the outer curve ranges from 1.5 to 10 cm. Depending on the diameter, there are straw horns, special, ordinary and amateur. Thread-like products include vermicelli, which can have different cross-sectional shapes: round, square, ellipsoidal, etc. Vermicelli is divided into the following types depending on the cross-section size: gossamer (0.8 mm), thin (1.2 mm), ordinary (1.5 mm), amateur (3 mm). Ribbon-shaped pasta is also called noodles. Noodles can be smooth or grooved with straight, paw-shaped or wavy edges of various lengths (long - from 20 cm and short - from 2 cm). Figured products are produced in the form of shells, letters, ribbons, stars, gears, etc.

The recipe for pasta dough depends on the quality of flour used, the type of pasta, how it is dried and other factors. When compiling a recipe, it indicates the amount and temperature of flour and water, humidity and temperature of the dough, and the dosage of additives, if any. The technology for producing pasta has some nuances. For example, there are two ways to store flour in warehouses manufacturing enterprises– containerized, in which flour is stored directly in bags, and bulk method, in which flour is poured into a bunker (silo). The bulk method of transporting and storing flour raw materials is considered better, since its use minimizes the amount manual labor and additional losses of flour associated with its spraying or residues in bags. In addition, the cost of packaging production (sewing bags) is reduced. Before the flour is sent to production, it is carefully sifted to separate metallomagnetic impurities, heated to 10 degrees Celsius, and samples from different batches are mixed to improve quality indicators. Then a given portion of flour is loaded into the dough mixer hopper, and then gradually introduced into it drinking water(sometimes water is pre-mixed with additives), in accordance with the recipe. Then the dough is kneaded for 8-10 minutes, fed to the matrix using a screw and pressed through its holes. The products leaving the matrix are blown with air from the built-in fan. Products are automatically cut into specified lengths, laid out on a tray, which is placed on the rack of the press machine table for pre-drying. Final drying is carried out in a drying cabinet that can accommodate thirty trays. Each tray allows you to store up to two kilograms of pasta. Pasta is dried for 50-60 minutes ( exact time depends on the type of product) until their humidity reaches 19%. Then the pasta is packaged in cardboard containers, where they are dried naturally at a temperature of 25 degrees in a ventilated room. When the humidity of the products reaches 13% (this takes at least four hours), they can be sent for packaging. But before that, they undergo an examination where their appearance, taste and smell. Inspectors check products for the presence of substandard (broken and deformed pasta), crumbs, evaluate the moisture content of the products, their acidity, cooking ability, the absence of barn pests and metal impurities, and strength. Pasta from batches that have passed the examination is packaged in polypropylene bags using special filling and packaging machines.

To organize the production of pasta, special lines will be required. You can purchase both a semi-automatic line with a productivity of about 100 kg of products per hour (about 500-700 thousand rubles), and fully automatic equipment with a productivity of approximately 500 kg of products per hour and costing from 375 thousand euros. The required set of equipment includes a press, flour sifter and drying line. High-capacity lines are usually equipped with conveyors and a stabilizer hopper. Presses are supplied with special dies (the exact set of them depends on your assortment). One matrix for the production of one type of product will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. It lasts for 500-2000 working hours, depending on the line load. In addition, you will need equipment for packaging finished products. Depending on your budget, you can choose semi-automatic, automatic equipment or a whole line (the latter option is suitable for large production volumes). As mentioned above, before packaging, finished products are kept for several hours in cardboard boxes. This stage can be significantly reduced by using special equipment using hydrothermal technology for the production of pasta. Such equipment cools the pasta and allows you to immediately proceed to its packaging. In addition to the lines, you will need racks for storing dies and finished products, carts for transporting raw materials, a device for sharpening dies knives (optional, but desirable) and a sink.

Minimum starting capital for organizing the production of pasta in the low and medium price category is from 950 thousand rubles (calculation by manufacturers and equipment suppliers). This amount includes the purchase of a production line, registration legal entity, rental of production and warehouse premises. The payback period for such expenses and the availability of sales channels for finished products does not exceed 1.5 years. But it is worth considering the fact that the business of producing and selling pasta is subject to seasonality. So, greatest demand for pasta is observed in the winter months, and in the summer - during the season of fresh fruits and vegetables - there is a rapid decline in sales.

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The demand for pasta is constant, so producing these products is quite profitable. As in any business, the settlement of production causes difficulties. You need to select the appropriate premises, purchase high-quality equipment and raw materials, and think about hiring qualified workers.

Beginners can start by opening a small single production line, purchasing domestic or foreign equipment. But when choosing, take into account the power of the units, productivity per hour, and cost. It is equally important to establish markets for finished products.

Necessary equipment for making pasta

Pasta production is not complete without automatic line. You may prefer inexpensive, budget options for lines with average power and production capacity of up to 150 kg/hour. But even with the most simplified manufacturing process, it is not possible to organize the purchase and installation of technological equipment.

Main types:

  • vacuum dispenser for dividing the initial raw materials into doses;
  • pneumatic conveyor loader for feeding products from the automatic press to the conveyor dryer;
  • conveyor dryer for drying finished products by applying high temperatures and the required humidity;
  • timer to monitor the time the products stay in the unit;
  • a press machine for dough production, equipped with a vacuum hopper to remove air bubbles from the total mass;
  • flour sifter for removing foreign particles and impurities from flour;
  • storage bunker for storing finished products;
  • bag holder with a packaging mechanism for packing products into bags and unloading into storage bins;
  • matrices for giving the desired shapes to pasta, taking into account the varieties of products.

Special attention should be paid production premises(workshop) to accommodate the line. The premises must be dry, heated and ventilated with all utilities connected. Approximate area – 150 m2. Separate premises will be required for storing raw materials and finished products. Beginners can rent from monthly payment at 15,000 rub. and making utility payments up to 10,000 rub.

Rating of manufacturers of quality inexpensive lines

  • Makis Ural;
  • Real Past.

Makis Ural of Soviet production with the ability to carry out any technological processes. This is a fully equipped mini-line with a productivity of up to 90 km/h, consisting of:

  • express machine;
  • pneumatic conveyor;
  • cooler-stabilizer;
  • storage bunker;
  • holder bag;
  • flour sifter.

BID from Russian manufacturers with the ability to process flour of any grinding, but will additionally require the purchase of a filling machine and matrix.

Real Past from Italian manufacturers with a power of 500–600 km/h and the ability to produce non-standard types of pasta (lasagna, beshbarmak).

Characteristics of the PMI 02 production line

To begin with, experts advise purchasing a production line type PMI 02 with the following equipment:

  • drying cabinets (2 pcs.);
  • hopper press for mixing, shaping, cutting and drying products.

The line is suitable for working with coarse and soft flour, as well as carrying out a step-by-step technological process: kneading, shaping, drying products. In addition to the unit, replaceable dies will be required with the ability to produce different forms of pasta and take into account national preferences.

The operation of the bunker press is carried out completely autonomously, which makes it possible to manufacture products in accordance with all GOST requirements. The main technical characteristics of the PMI 02 type production line include:

  • electric motor power – 4 kW;
  • operating voltage – 380 V;
  • weight – 250–270 kg;
  • eavesdropping fan power – 30 W;
  • Hopper capacity – 13 kg;
  • productivity – 80 kg/hour;
  • dimensions - 1100x 600x1700.

What to choose?

When purchasing equipment for the production of pasta, Russian entrepreneurs give greater preference to Russian, Chinese and Italian manufacturers:

  • Italian equipment with a line capacity of 250 kg/hour is expensive, but it is possible to produce elite varieties of pasta;
  • Russian models with a productivity of 250 kg/hour are reliable, inexpensive and acceptable for purchase by beginners in business;
  • Chinese analogues with a productivity of 200 kg/hour are low in cost and have proven their effectiveness in operation.

All equipment lines are fully automated. But if there is a shortage of budget, it is possible as an option to purchase used equipment from Russian manufacturers, who promise to have a variety of spare parts and parts in stock in case of breakdown of one or another unit.

Equipment cost

According to entrepreneurs, it is enough to have a capital of 450–500 thousand rubles to achieve success in the pasta production business by purchasing the initial equipment in full and starting production.

The production of pasta requires the purchase of exclusively special equipment. To open a small mini-workshop, an inexpensive line with a productivity of up to 150 kg of products per hour would be appropriate. Cost – $800,000.

If you need more powerful units, they will cost more – up to $24,000. Separately and taking into account the range of products, you need to purchase matrices - $50–70 per 1 piece. Taking into account rapid wear and the need for replacement, it is enough to have 5–6 varieties of matrix shapes. It is advisable to have molds in stock and purchase 2-3 additional identical molds at a time.

When purchasing an entire line for the production of pasta in the form of a plant, including almost all technological processes, the price will be approximately $27–28 thousand.

  • Matiz line - 300,000 rubles;
  • Italian equipment with production output up to 250 kg/h – $80,100 thousand;
  • used units from Russian manufacturers – $83,000–120,000, from Chinese manufacturers – $180–200 thousand.

Cost of individual production units

Approximate prices for individual types of equipment:

  • drying cabinet – 32,000 rub.;
  • pasta press – 160–180 thousand rubles;
  • flour sifter – 8000 RUR;
  • kneading dough - 25,000 rubles;
  • pasta press – 160,000 rubles;
  • packaging machine – 60–70 thousand rubles.

On average, the cost of a fully equipped line with a productivity of up to 100 kg/hour will be required in the amount of 300–500 thousand rubles. with the ability to produce over 500 items (shells, spirals, spaghetti).

Today, domestic and foreign manufacturers offer equipment with the ability to perform almost any operation in a complex.

Unlike imported equipment, you can purchase domestic analogues 2–3 times cheaper. Moreover, the provided assortment involves choosing units that are acceptable in price, performance and quality.

You can always select spare parts for Russian equipment and carry out repairs in the shortest possible time or buy a used line from Russian manufacturers.

Mini line price

Open if desired small cafe or a restaurant, you can purchase inexpensive models in the form of machines for making pasta at home. These are compact, inexpensive models that include a dough mixer for forming dough and are suitable for starting a home business. It is enough to purchase 1 professional dough forming machine costing $30,000. To prepare delicious dough and use the best recipes in the production of pasta, you must have in stock nozzles of different shapes and sizes.

The production process requires a competent and organized approach. Having invested money once, the payback period is 1 year. The profitability is quite high. But the disadvantage of pasta production is a lot of competition, which will have to be overcome by initial stage. It is important to decide on the sale of finished products at the stage of planning the development of your business and developing a business plan.

Pasta production: 5 product advantages + classification + 7 process stages + market analysis + selection of raw materials + 3 flour suppliers + equipment recommendations + 3 dealer companies + 6 methods of finding employees + 5 types of advertising + sales + calculation of income and expenses.

Pasta is especially popular in Italy and East Asia. However, this type of side dish is also in demand among the Slavs due to its long shelf life and availability.

Therefore, the production of pasta is a business idea, the implementation of which will bring good income. In addition, with relatively small investments, this type of small business quickly pays off.

Benefits of pasta

Pasta or pasta is a food product from a series of semi-finished culinary products, which is produced from specially ground high-grade flour (usually wheat) with water and a high protein content.

The origin of pasta dates back to the 4th century BC. The origin of the pasta industry in Russia dates back to 1797, when the Odessa Pasta Factory opened. Previously, their production was carried out using horsepower and water mills.
With the advent of technology, the production of pasta was simplified using steam units. By 1913, there were about 30 thousand pasta enterprises throughout the country. By 2013, this number increased to 950 thousand pasta factories, and production volumes increased 40 times.

As in Soviet times, today pasta is not in short supply, but this product is the basis of many dishes used in East Asian, European, even vegetarian and, of course, Italian cuisine.

Therefore, their production will not be unprofitable, and the supply, formed from such factors as the presence of substitutes and complements (substitutes and complementary goods), the level of technology, production capabilities, resource provision, consumer and inflation expectations, price - only increase demand.

Those. It is beneficial for a person who wants to start producing pasta products to implement this idea.

Also, the demand for pasta is determined by the advantages of products, including:

  • long-term storage;
  • trouble-free transportability;
  • ease and efficiency of cooking;
  • unique nutritional value;
  • fast digestibility.

Variety of pasta.

These food products can be made in different shapes and colors. Thus, it is possible to establish the production of semi-finished pasta products in the form of feathers, shells, threads, rings, etc.

In general, pasta products are classified into:

State standards define a separate classification:

The cooking method determines this class of semi-finished pasta products:

  • egg or fresh
  • dry.

Depending on the degree of readiness, eat regular pasta and bite-sized products.

Where does the production of pasta food begin?

Before opening a pasta production enterprise, it is necessary to research the industry, analyze competitors and the consumer market.

Even with the naked eye you can see that pasta products are found in all grocery supermarkets and other retail outlets. However, this does not yet mean that the market is oversaturated with pasta food products.

If a balance is maintained between price and quality, each product will suit its buyer. To receive good income, the optimal solution would be to produce products in the middle and budget price categories.

We will touch on market analysis in more detail in the next section, but now we will briefly consider step by step how to set up the production of pasta:

Let's pay attention to each stage.

No. 1. We analyze the pasta market.

When producing pasta, an analysis of the consumer market is carried out. This will allow you to correctly plan production and sales activities, rationally distribute production resources, select the best periods for implementation advertising campaign.

Marketers based on the results of studies conducted in 2010-2016. We found out that there was a rush for pasta products, and therefore the production growth rate was high. Demand for products depended on seasonality and decreased in January.

The dynamics of both production and consumption of pasta products is also influenced by the state of income of Russian citizens. When the financial situation of the population worsens, products are purchased better.

According to statistics, the determining factor when purchasing pasta products is price.

It is followed by:

  • quality,
  • variety,
  • manufacturer,
  • attractive packaging,
  • recommendations from friends.

35% falls on the budget segment, medium-priced pasta is purchased in the amount of 30%, and only 5% is allocated to the premium class.

Due to market saturation in 2016, pasta production is reduced by 5%. However, since 2015, export volumes have been increasing. Moreover, import substitution is taking place on the Russian market.

As a result of this, expensive foreign brands fade into the background, and more affordable domestic pasta comes to the fore.

An important aspect is the geography of production. The largest amount of pasta is produced in the Central Federal District. Over 1 quarter, it produces more than 100 tons of pasta products.

It is not advisable to open production in the Ural and Volga Federal Districts. Instead, you should pay attention to the following districts: Crimean, Far Eastern, Siberian, Ural, etc.

When analyzing, the future manufacturer must take into account the competitive environment.

The main market players are:

  • Limak (Lipetsk region),
  • Rolton (Moscow region),
  • MAREVEN FOOD CENTRAL (Moscow region),
  • Extra M (Moscow),
  • Makfa (Chelyabinsk region), etc.

And don’t forget about competitors at the regional level.

Some of the companies mentioned above are planning to make changes to their production process and product range by discontinuing unprofitable pasta products and introducing new products.

According to experts, there is a real prospect of production profitability. The pasta industry is expected to develop in the coming years, and this will be influenced by economic processes.

An increase in investment activity, consumer demand, intensification of production, and entry into the international sales market is also expected. In addition, the Russian Government intends to promote the development of the country's agro-industrial complex through various events and government funding.

No. 2. Where to locate a pasta production plant?

Standard premises requirements:

  • availability of electricity, water supply, sewerage;
  • ventilation and heating systems must be in good working order;
  • the building must be spacious, the minimum area is 400 square meters. m.

Of these 400 “squares”, half of the space will be occupied by the production of pasta products, 100 sq.m. necessary for warehouse and utility rooms.

The characteristics of the building must ensure the possibility of convenient placement of equipment and safe operation. The warehouse needs to have enough shelving to store pasta. If large volumes of production are planned, it is better to automate the warehouse.

When raw materials enter the warehouse, it is desirable that incoming quality control occurs, during which samples are taken and analyzes are carried out. If the parameters indicate non-compliance with standards, the raw materials are not accepted and must be returned to suppliers.

In a warehouse, a worker uses a reading device (terminal) to quickly find an order. You will also need a loader that will deliver pasta to the overpass. They also allocate space for the office of the manager and chief accountant, manager.

We also need an office for QC (organization of incoming quality control, control carried out during production and after it). It is equipped special equipment and consumables.

A workshop located outside the city costs less. But here it is important to provide easy access for vehicles, because raw materials will be supplied to the enterprise, and finished pasta products will be shipped from it.

One of the main parameters of a building's microclimate is dryness. If relative humidity causes sogginess, the quality of the pasta will decrease.

The presence of odors is another factor that should not be present in the room, because... pasta products are sensitive not only to moisture, but also to the absorption of odorous substances in the air.

The building must have high ceilings to provide multi-story storage. Due to this, you can rent or buy a premises with a smaller area. It is recommended to equip the room with equipment to maintain the microclimate at the required level, bird repellers, insecticidal lamps, and rodent traps.

No. 3. What raw material to use for the production of pasta?

The main components in the recipe are high-quality flour and clean water.

Pasta products will meet high quality standards if they meet the following requirements:

  • large sizes,
  • color (at least 50-60% whiteness),
  • gluten (within 30-40%).

These types of flour have significant differences from baking flour: wheat flour is characterized by a grainy structure. Products made by grinding durum wheat are sold at a premium price; as a rule, they are colored with tomato, spinach, dill, and beet juices.

They are not as high in calories as they say, and are well digestible, have a high gluten content, but less starch content, a smooth surface, and an even creamy/golden color.

The production of such pasta products is different high cost Therefore, such products are presented in small quantities on the market.

Most often on store shelves there are products made from summer wheat varieties. The Russian market is 85% occupied by this pasta product, as opposed to 15% of durum wheat products. It is less useful and sold at a low price.

During production, some add flour enriched with egg additives, vitamin groups E, H, B and P (thiamine, riboflavin, PP), dairy components, calcium, and iron.

To increase the content of microelements in pasta, 25% dry gluten, 3% wheat germ, and 10% bran are added. At the same time, pasta does not lose its usual taste.

Other additives in the production of semi-finished pasta products are:

  • buckwheat (increases iron content by 5 times, magnesium by 8 times, water-soluble B vitamins by 2 times, potassium by 2 times);
  • rice, peas, soybeans (increases the content of vegetable protein by 30%);
  • wheat cereal (triples the fiber content);
  • corn (improves taste, makes pasta yellow, improves cooking properties);
  • Jerusalem artichoke (enriches with calcium, inulin);
  • vegetables, fruits (adds flavor and colors to products).

Among the suppliers who have earned the trust of many manufacturers, we highlight:

You can find another list of suitable organizations on the website

No. 4. Flow of the pasta production process.

The following production phases are distinguished:

  1. Preparation of raw materials,
  2. Creating a test
  3. Molding (giving products a certain size and shape),
  4. Drying, packaging and packing.

The “rudiment” of production is sifting flour. Then the raw material in an airless space through a conveyor enters a sealed vacuum dispenser and a dough mixing machine (press).

At this stage, dough is produced by mixing flour with warm water (proportion 2:1). During kneading, air must be completely removed, otherwise bubbles will appear in the future pasta product. After 20-30 minutes a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Upon completion, under a pressure of 90-150 Bar, it enters the formation. A machine with dies and cutting mechanisms sets the required form and size of pasta.

The molding process can take place in 2 ways: pressing and stamping. If classical pressing occurs, the shape of the product is created by the hole of the matrix. When the matrices are equipped with liners, the pasta products are tubular in shape.

Solid round sections give thread-like products. The slot-like holes allow you to make pasta in the form of ribbons and different figures. A different technology is used in the production of noodles. The machine cuts the thinly rolled dough into long strips.

Figured pasta products are also produced using stamping technology. The form does not affect the value and composition, only the aesthetic perception and the speed of food absorption change.

Next, the pasta products are dried in a drying oven for 2-5 hours, maintaining the clear shape of the finished products. Drying is one of the most important production processes. The temperature at which moisture evaporates from the dough (84-110°C) affects the quality of the paste.

The drying cabinet is divided into 4 zones, in each of which for 60 minutes. Products are subject to the following actions in the order listed:

  • quick drying,
  • stabilization (when moisture from the center of the product flows to the edges),
  • again short-term drying.

The final action at this stage of production is additional stabilization. Dried to a humidity level of 12-13% and already cooled, the products come out of the machine and are checked for compliance with size, color, shape, and thickness.

Afterwards, moving along a vibrating conveyor, the pasta product ends up in a storage hopper. There is a separate tank for each form of pasta. There they are until the moment of packaging.

Storage silos have unloading belt conveyors that send the pasta to a vibrating screen that sifts out dust and defective products, and from there to a multihead weigher.

This is a device involved in last stage production - packaging. It is equipped with blades and a dispenser. When the pasta product reaches a certain mass, it is dumped into packaging, after which it is sent for manual control of the correctness of labeling and the integrity of the container.

If pasta products are produced in small sizes, they are packaged in bags, while large pasta is placed in a cardboard backing.

No. 5. What equipment should I buy for the production of pasta?

The production of pasta products is carried out using several machines, which are purchased separately or in one set.

Schematically, a traditional apparatus that produces products looks like this:

If your budget allows, it is better to purchase an automated line.

  • typographical(such as booklets, business cards, brochures);
  • audiovisual(express information, short videos on the Internet);
  • outdoor (advertisements on transport, electronic displays, company signs, staff clothing, shop windows);
  • direct mail (letter mailing).

The listed methods of positioning and increasing sales are characterized by good level perception, mass coverage, flexibility, high effect. However, they also have disadvantages: some are labor-intensive to implement, such as with print advertising. Others have a considerable price.

It is worth noting that the advertising campaign should not stop even when it seems to you that it no longer makes sense and sales of pasta are going up. This may be a short-term phenomenon, and advertising is also needed to perform a reminding and reinforcing function.

When deciding on a market, you need to rely on its characteristics (development trends, economic and geographical indicators, capacity, structure) and type. Thanks to market segmentation, you will be able to identify free niches, determine the group of consumers for whom production will be designed, and gain competitive advantages.

When conducting market segmentation, use production-priority attributes, since there is no universal formula.

Consider the following factors:

  • economic variables (personal income, etc.),
  • socio-demographic (living conditions, personal variables),
  • geographical,
  • psychological (perception of a new product).

Sales channels for pasta products can be:

Production of pasta.

Equipment for the production of pasta.
Advantages and disadvantages of a business idea.

No. 8. Calculation of preliminary expenses and possible income.

To find out the amount of capital investment required for the production of products, you should calculate all expenses. On average, the total costs for the purchase of new domestic equipment (in parts) will be about 275 thousand rubles.

Labor costs will result in 100-150 thousand rubles. + tax from 45 thousand rubles. You also need to take into account the costs of preparing the premises for production - 60 thousand rubles. To make 1 kg of pasta, about 960-1000 grams are required. flour.

If you produce 4730 kg of pasta per month (215 kg per day with 22 working days), and take the average price of flour (14 rubles per 1 kg), it turns out that the cost of raw materials will be: 4730 * 14 = 66220 rubles.

In addition, there are the following expense items:

  • paperwork – from 50 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - from 50 thousand rubles.
  • transportation costs – from 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of packaging – from 6 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses – from 30 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen and situational costs - from 15 thousand rubles.

Total minimum capital investment in the production of pasta products are equal to 86,7220 rubles.

Now let's calculate the projected income:

  • 1 kg of products retails for about 40 rubles,
  • if you subtract VAT, the revenue from 1 package of pasta will be: 40 – 20% = 32 rubles;
  • the total income from the sale of all pasta products produced in a month will be: 4730 * 32 = 151360 rubles;
  • the value of the net profit after taxation = 151360 – 15% = 128656 rubles;
  • find out the profitability of production = (151360/457220) * 100% = 33%.

Investments in business, if things go well, will pay off in 7-8 months.

The rate of profitability lies in the range of 8-25%. Our value exceeds the normal level by 8 points. This allows us to conclude that it is profitable to produce pasta products.

Pasta production is not the most profitable business idea, but with the right approach to organizing the process, a good advertising campaign, high quality products and an affordable price, you can significantly improve your financial situation and at the same time satisfy the needs of customers.

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In this article:

Profitable activity pasta business depends on two things - equipment and flour. The raw materials and pasta vacuum press must be of excellent quality.

The cost of production is minimal, the technology is simple, and the profit is significant.

Organizational aspects of business

When opening the production of pasta, the first thing you need to do is register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, having previously selected the most preferable organizational and legal form.

During the business registration process, you will need to provide the following code OKVED: 15.85— production of pasta.

Search for premises

The main requirement for a future production workshop is space - it should be enough for installation technological line and arrangement of a small warehouse for storing flour and finished products in proper conditions. It is recommended to allocate at least 90 square meters for storage space. After purchasing an industrial building (rent) and carrying out repairs in it, you can begin to resolve paper issues.


Before the start production process V mandatory you need to take care of obtaining a production certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological service, which will be permit document for the operation of premises for the purpose of manufacturing food products.

You should also collect a package of documents to obtain permits from the executive authority, environmental service and fire department. Specialists from these organizations will travel to the site of the future production workshop, study the compliance of the conditions with the approved rules and ultimately make a verdict.

The production of pasta must comply with GOST R 52378-2005. The certificate is provided on the basis of an expert opinion after the first launch of the production line and examination of samples of the manufactured product, which is completely ready for use.

After receiving all the documents, you can proceed to the main stage - the purchase of production equipment.

Equipment for the production of pasta

In our country, in order to organize mini factories for the production of pasta, some domestic machine-building plants produce devices that ensure the implementation of these operations. Compared to imported equipment (for example, popular Italian), it is several times cheaper. A wide range of units allows you to choose the model that is most affordable in terms of price, quality and performance. In addition, spare parts will cost less, and repairs will be carried out in a short time.

The mini technological line for the production of pasta products includes the following equipment:

  • flour sifter;
  • pasta press machine;
  • drying cabinet;
  • filling and packaging machine.

If you have enough money, you can purchase expensive Italian pasta equipment (for example, Realpast). This version of the production line will be preferable for large factories with a production capacity of up to 600 kg. per hour An undeniable advantage of the equipment is the ability to produce pasta products that are non-standard for our country. (beshbarmak, lasagna, etc.)

The estimated price of the pasta line will be 3-3.5 million rubles.

This equipment allows you to produce wide range pasta products: spaghetti, cones, shells, all kinds of spirals, etc. (about 500 varieties in total). The transition of a vacuum press to the production of another type of pasta is carried out by replacing the matrix within a few minutes. It is possible to purchase a fully equipped line with productivity 100 kg. per hour.

Features of the technological process for the production of pasta

The technological diagram of the production process is presented in the figure.

Preparing the flour

This stage includes weighing, mixing, sifting and magnetic cleaning of the main ingredient. Mixing different batches of raw materials must certainly be of the same grade; it is carried out in order to improve quality indicators. When storing flour in warehouses, it is not always possible to monitor the indoor microclimate. Therefore, mixing flour will ensure the necessary consistency of the raw material relative to humidity. Otherwise, malfunctions may occur in the operation of the vacuum press and the entire production line as a whole.


Foreign particles accidentally found in flour must be removed (lint, twigs, threads, paper, dried lumps of flour).

Magnetic cleaning

Using special magnets in the equipment, metal impurities are removed, which can sometimes get into the flour due to its production and transportation.

Preparation of pasta dough

In terms of its composition, pasta dough is the simplest variety of all possible options that are used in the production of flour products. Most often the only ingredients are flour and water. In the case of introducing various additives (eggs, dyes), the cost of production begins to increase, which significantly reduces the profitability of production.

During the process of kneading pasta dough, a minimal amount of water is added to the flour. Its initial appearance has a crumb-like structure, which, during further pressing, begins to transform into a homogeneous mass, completely suitable for forming the required shape of products.

Dosing and mixing ingredients

Kneading is done in continuous dough mixers, which are often part of vacuum presses.

It is important to note that they come in many trough types (used for production of more than 150 kg per hour). According to the recipe, flour and water enter the equipment through dispensers.

Compacting and shaping the dough

The process of compacting the dough and directly molding the products is carried out on screw vacuum presses. Flour and water are fed in a continuous stream into the inlet of the dough mixer and mixed with kneading blades. Through the through hole, the dough enters the screw of the pressing device, the rotation of which promotes its movement to the pressing head. Here it is compacted, turning into a dense mass.

To facilitate the process of molding and pressing, the temperature of the dough can be heated - this will make it more plastic and pliable. Vacuum processing involves removing air bubbles. After molding in a matrix, the output is finished pasta. To prevent the dough from overheating and damaging its elasticity, cold water is supplied to the press jacket.

Cutting raw pasta

The process is carried out after pressing out the finished dough, which is subject to blowing, cutting into individual products and laying them out.

The speed of the drying press, the quantitative consumption of raw materials and the appearance of the pasta depend on the quality of these operations. After this, the finished products are prepared for drying. Blowing is carried out to prevent pasta from sticking together and for more precise cutting.

Formed and dried pasta products are subject to prolonged drying on the surface of conveyor dryers.

The quality indicators of the finished product, namely strength, acidity level, structural integrity and appearance of pasta, directly depend on the correctness of this stage of production. An excessively intensive drying process often leads to cracking of products, too long - to them souring. If dried in layers, the pasta may become deformed.

Packaging and storage of finished pasta

Before packaging, the finished product must be kept for at least 4-5 hours in cardboard boxes, after which it can be packaged. Some models of modern equipment use hydrothermal technology - if a cooler is available, packaging can be started immediately. Pasta products can be produced packaged (no more than 1 kg) and by weight. In the first case, cardboard boxes, paper and cellophane bags are used as packaging.

Weighed products are placed exclusively in transport packaging: wooden or cardboard boxes that are pre-lined with clean wrapping paper. Packaged pasta is placed in boxes quite tightly, and the gaps are filled with paper. Finished products should be stored in cardboard boxes (paper bags) before direct sale to retail chains. It is not allowed to exceed the temperature in warehouses over 13 degrees, and humidity - over 12%. To store and transport the manufactured product, it is necessary to purchase racks and carts.

To achieve high quality products, it is advisable to hire an experienced technologist who will monitor technological process and product composition. After all, the competitiveness of the mini-plant and the profitability of the business as a whole essentially depend on his professional qualities.

Business plan for pasta production

Equipment costs

To organize your own pasta production, you need to purchase the following equipment:

  • flour sifter – 9,000 rubles;
  • dough mixer – 23,000 rubles;
  • pasta press – 180,000 rubles;
  • drying cabinet – 31,000 rubles;
  • packaging machine – 65,000 rubles.

The total cost of equipment is 308,000 rubles.

Personnel costs

For the effective functioning of the mini-plant, the following personnel will be needed:

  • manager 20,000 rubles;
  • 2 workers to service the production line - 20,000 rubles each;
  • technologist - 15,000 rubles;
  • driver – 12,000 rubles.

The total monthly payroll is 67,000 rubles.

The amount of tax on salary. equals: 67,000 x 30% = 20,100 rubles.

To save money cash, V job responsibilities manager-manager can include the formation and provision of accounting (tax) reporting.


Flour and water are used as the main ingredients for the production of pasta. For 1 kg. The finished product requires 950 grams of raw materials.

The planned volume of pasta production per month is 2200 kg: 100 kg x 22 working days, where 100 kg is the production rate per day, 22 days is the number of working days per month.

At wholesale price per 1 kg. flour at 12 rubles, we calculate the cost of raw materials that are necessary for the production of pasta: 11.40 rubles x 100 kg. x 22 days = 25,080 rubles, where 11.40 rubles is the price of 0.950 kg. premium flour;

Fixed monthly costs

  • premises rental – 8,000 rubles;
  • utility bills - 10,000 rubles;
  • raw materials – 25,080 rubles;
  • transportation costs – 12,000 rubles;
  • Payroll of personnel – 67,000 rubles;
  • salary tax – 20,100 rubles;
  • packaging bags – 4,000 rubles.

The total expenditure portion is 146,180 rubles + 308,000 = 454,180 rubles.

Revenue part

Retail price 1 kg. loose pasta is 30 rubles, and in a pack – 40 rubles. Taking into account VAT (20%), income from 1 package of pasta will be: 40 – 8 = 32 rubles.

Gross revenue assuming 100% sales of pasta produced per month: 2200 kg. x 32 rub. = 70,400 rubles.

Profit after tax (15%) – 59,840 rubles ( net profit).

Production profitability: (70,400 rubles/146,180 rubles) x 100% =48.2%

We will determine the effectiveness of current costs based on the indicator of product profitability: Sp = 25,080 rubles;

Pp = (70,400 rubles - 25,080 rubles): 2200 kg = 20.60 rubles

Rп = (20.60 rubles / 40 rubles) x 100% = 51.5%.

Thus, from the above calculations we can conclude that the pasta business is a profitable activity. With a production rate of 2,200 kg. per month of finished products, the gross profit from sales of products will be 70,400 rubles.

We set up sales of finished products

During the first months of work production capacity It is advisable to use it incompletely due to the search for your own consumer segment. As for the price, at first it should be intermediate between the competitive and actual cost of production. Only in this way (without compromising quality) can we win the trust of the population and gradually increase production volumes. As the products produced are fully sold, it is desirable to gradually increase the assortment of the finished product (spaghetti, various types of cones, etc.).

Let's consider possible sales options:

  • concluding agreements with food depots and large food and wholesale warehouses;
  • organizing supplies to retail chains;
  • sales of products to enterprises catering(restaurants, cafes, bars, cafes and canteens);
  • regular participation in tenders for the supply of pasta to various institutions (kindergartens, schools and summer camps).

You need to be prepared that a newly created enterprise will have problems with the sale and marketing of products. Wholesalers are reluctant to purchase products that are not recognized by consumers. In this regard, it makes sense to try to create your own dealer network or supply pasta for sale to retail outlets on the local market.

Pasta must certainly have high quality indicators in terms of composition, cooking and taste properties. The color and appearance of the packaging makes the first positive impression. The competitiveness of manufactured products and the level of profitability of the business as a whole will largely depend on such characteristics.

An advertising company can significantly increase sales volumes. Advertisements in the media, television commercials, billboards and other means of outdoor advertising will be especially effective in this case, as well as periodic conduct shares (if you buy two packs, the third one is free).

If you approach the organization of the production process correctly, the investment will pay off within one year. The profitability of this type of business is very high, but at the initial stage it is extremely difficult to overcome competition and organize sales of finished products.
