Create a print online. Free online stamp designer Making personal stamps

Stamp is a program for developing a stamp layout. The utility is a graphic editor with which any user can create a layout of stamps of any complexity in just a few minutes. The created template can be printed on a printer or taken on external media to a specialized organization involved in the production stamp products for making a seal. You can download the Stamp program for free on this website.

The Stamp program allows you to create and save templates of any shape and complexity, including oval, round, rectangular, relief, and triangular stamps medical institutions. Using the utility, you can make mock-ups of impressions of sealants and fillings. The created layouts are fully consistent state standards and GOST requirements. The utility catalog contains ready-made templates. In addition, it is possible to edit the templates available in the database: you can increase or decrease the font size and line size.

Creating stamps using this utility is not difficult and resembles assembling a construction set. Its database contains a set of shapes, fonts and various elements that need to be placed in the right place. Next ready-made template can be printed on a printer. If necessary, it is possible to give the print a more natural look. To do this, you need to use the smear and blur function. Only a specialist using special equipment can distinguish a manufactured impression from an impression of a real stamp.

The main advantages of the Stamp program

  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Availability of an extended catalog.
  • Ability to adjust font size.
  • The presence of smearing and blurring effects.
  • Compliance of prints with GOST.

The created layout can not only be printed, but also saved in an archive and processed in any graphic editor. Using the Stamp program, you can independently develop a stamp design for an enterprise various shapes property, including CJSC, LLC, OJSC, as well as PBOLE. The functionality of the program allows you to accurately display even such small details as microtext and raster field found on the original stamps.

The OQ company website presents designer/generator of seals and stamps online, its use is free for our clients.

Create a stamp in online constructor This is not possible without the services of a designer and a visit to a copy center. In this case, it is important to take into account the requirements for the form, font sizes and cliches, the presence or absence of a coat of arms, the legality of indicating the OGRN, etc. Experienced Copy Center employees will advise on this issue and clarify the list of required documents for ordering the product.

Using the online stamp generator, create a design for free. This layout is suitable for individual entrepreneurs, whose cliche design is less limited, as well as LLCs, which are allowed to place their own logo, emblem and contact information on the cliche.

Don’t forget about the design of souvenir products with an inscription in a comic form, which are designed without standards. Such a thing will be an original holiday gift, the main thing is to show your imagination.

Constructor/generator of round seals and stamps online

The online designer/generator of round seals and stamps will be useful in having the necessary external and internal borders, texts and standard stamp diameter sizes. Required for products that are made in accordance with GOST and with protection against counterfeiting.

Round products: stamp, which is used only government organizations; notary; LLC, CJSC and OAO. Standard sizes - for a doctor, the diameter of the impression is 30 mm, for the identification one, 40-45 mm.

How to make a print layout online?

Anyone can make a print layout online without leaving home or office. To create, use logo templates and sketches on the copy center website or upload your personal one. The location and dimensions of the image are edited in the editor and you will definitely be able to draw the necessary sketch. In the menu on the left, use the fields to fill in the required information. After confirmation, the order will appear in the product basket. Choose a delivery method - pickup or delivery. Additional information place it in the comments field when ordering.

Previously, it was possible to make a stamp only in state stamp workshops, but since the end of the last century, production has been possible without any questions at any enterprise.

Depending on the tasks they are divided into:

  • simple - contain text and logos of the organization
  • coat of arms - in the center contain an image of the state coat of arms.
Based on the material, there are two types: metal and rubber. The first ones are made for relief-colored and relief prints, the second ones produce only painted ones.

Stamps and seals are integral elements in maintaining documentation of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership. They are used to confirm the authenticity of a document and are mandatory for government agencies and private companies; no one can do without them. large corporations, nor small firms. By current legislation many types of documentation are invalid without such details.

Use of modern equipment

Today, for the production of stamps, the laser engraving method is used, in which the necessary fragments on rubber or plastic are drawn with a thin laser beam, allowing you to obtain a highly accurate image of increased complexity, spending a minimum of time on work.

The latest equipment of our printing house allows us to guarantee that we can cope with even the most difficult task and be able to offer a unique print with reliable protection against counterfeiting. We can choose products of any type, they can be:

  • on automatic equipment or manual;
  • round or triangular shape;
  • with data imprint or facsimile.

In addition, we have different development options. You can contact us to create a unique design layout according to individual wishes or order products in accordance with GOST, this can be a completely new solution or a duplicate. When developing a new stamp, we recommend that you protect yourself by choosing a more complex layout with microtext, hidden images, special marks, and decors.

Urgent order in Moscow

Unfortunately, many people face the problem of losing a copy of a seal, and often there is simply no time to wait for its return - this can lead to significant losses for the company. What to do in this case? – Contact Poly Print Service.

Once upon a time, in ancient times, only royalty and noble nobles had a personal seal. You can use the author’s advice below and make such an unusually interesting thing for personal use. You will find it useful for sealing hand-made wedding or anniversary invitations, and you can also use it in decoupage and other types of hand-made needlework. For people involved in on a commercial basis it is generally irreplaceable - you don’t need to make name tags for your works, just take jute twine and hang an imprint of your personal seal on the product instead of a tag on the product.

To work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:
1. A small piece of flat wooden stick. The author advises using a small piece of a shovel handle, which can be bought in construction supermarkets.
2. The tape is not wide.
3. Simple pencil.
4. A picture of the future print printed on a printer.
5. A collet knife or a small, thin, sharp knife.
6. Wood burner.
7. Sandpaper.
8. Soft rags.
9. Napkins.
10. Vegetable oil.
11. Drying oil.
12. Brush for applying drying oil.
13. Matches.
14. Sealing wax or wax candle.

1 step.
First, we thoroughly sand the piece of stick using sandpaper. We will especially carefully polish the end side on which we plan to place the seal. Then, using a collet knife, we very carefully cut out the image of the previously printed seal.

The author recommends printing the blank on thick paper. Making a template for future printing is a painstaking job that will require your full concentration. This is roughly what a neatly cut blank for printing should look like:

Step 2.
Then we apply the cut out design to the end side of the previously prepared stick, secure it with tape and paint over it with a pencil wooden surface through a cut-out design on paper. It is very important not to forget that the template blank must be applied in a mirror image, otherwise you will end up with an incorrectly positioned seal.

This is what you should get as a result of painting:

Step 3.
Then, using a burning device, we carefully burn the wood according to the drawn template, while trying to burn the wood to the same depth.

Step 4
Now you need to process the blank for printing using drying oil. Then thoroughly dry the workpiece with a rag and leave it to dry for 24 hours.

After the drying oil has completely dried, your seal is ready for use. You can put your personal stamp on sealing wax, wax, paraffin and even use hot glue from a hot glue gun for these purposes. This glue comes in different colors, so try and experiment. But keep in mind that sealing wax will be the strongest and most durable. To make a seal imprint on wax, light a candle and drip hot wax where you want your personalized seal to be.

The wax should be given a little time to cool slightly. This time is approximately 15-20 seconds. At this time, dip the seal in vegetable oil and carefully blot off excess oil with a napkin.

Then press the seal tightly onto the slightly cooled wax and leave it until it hardens completely.
