The most profitable business in agriculture is the most risky and stable areas of activity. Business Ideas in Agriculture Most Profitable Business

The agricultural business is based on the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, herbs, farm animals and poultry. It is difficult to say which is the most profitable business in agriculture. It is all based on food production. Therefore, whether it is a dairy farm or a greenhouse for growing greenery, there will always be a buyer. Profitability vary depending on the type of activity.

Promising business for the village

Recently, there has been a tendency for urban residents to move to the countryside. This is due to the fact that in big cities it is difficult to find a decent job due to strong competition, the cost of housing or rent is very high, large investments are required to start your own business.

In rural areas, all these issues are resolved much easier and faster. Do not think that it is impossible to establish your own business in a village or village. The countryside makes it possible to implement a large number of successful business ideas. At the same time, a stable income is provided even at a significant distance from large cities and towns.

Let's get acquainted with a small but interesting list of profitable enterprises for rural areas:

  1. Carp breeding in a pond;
  2. Growing greens in a greenhouse;
  3. Breeding poultry for meat and eggs;
  4. Breeding of pigs, cows, sheep, rabbits and other animals;
  5. Cultivation of ecologically clean agricultural crops;
  6. Growing seedlings, seedlings, flowers and more;
  7. Sawmill and woodworking;
  8. Preparation of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants;
  9. Production of canned cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetables.

This list can be continued indefinitely. The countryside involves focusing on a specific area of ​​activity - the cultivation and production of food. But no one will forbid the entrepreneur to organize rural tourism or engage in the production of elite wines.

The most stable business in agriculture

Some enterprising businessmen manage to make money out of thin air. But in agriculture, this method will not work. This will require not only long-term investment, but also a lot of experience, knowledge, strong nerves and serious labor costs. Only resellers can get easy money on agricultural products. A person who decides to grow animals or vegetables will have to “sweat” very much before the first profit appears.

The most stable activities include:

  • Processing and storage of agricultural products;
  • Growing elite seeds;
  • Fertilizer production;
  • Trade in agricultural products.

The most risky business in agriculture

Due to certain features and the impact of a huge number of factors beyond human control, many activities in agriculture are very risky. Growing plants outdoors is at greatest risk. Incomprehensible weather conditions do not give any guarantee that the funds invested in growing plants will even pay off. With the same sowing and care, you can get a completely different harvest every year. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly maintain crop rotation, otherwise the next year you can completely lose the harvest.

Animal husbandry also belongs to the unstable areas of earnings. Prices for meat and milk are constantly changing, and raising animals is expensive, both for the acquisition of young animals and for their maintenance. But this does not mean that this business is not worth investing in. There are many examples where agricultural farms flourish and bring a lot of income to their owners.

What are the difficulties in organizing an agricultural business?

The organization of entrepreneurship in agriculture requires colossal material, physical and energy costs. Based on the all-Russian statistical indicators, despite the cost, such a business is highly profitable.

An entrepreneur has to deal with the following main problems and difficulties in doing business:

  • Changing the environmental situation for the worse;
  • Constant change in climatic conditions;
  • Epidemiological diseases of animals and birds that lead to pestilence or the need to exterminate the population;
  • Extermination of plant crops by insect pests;
  • Natural disasters: drought, hurricanes, heavy rains and more;
  • Increased state standards for products;
  • Constant control by the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • Bureaucratic problems associated with obtaining certificates of quality, conformity and other documentation.

Officials very beautifully and promisingly describe all the delights of doing business in the agricultural industry. In fact, one has to face endless bureaucratic delays, lack of subsidies and assistance to small businesses.

Most Profitable Business

The profitability of a business can be determined based on several indicators. One of them is the presence of increased demand from the population. These indicators correspond to: poultry farming (breeding of chickens, quails and geese), growing fodder products, growing grain crops and pig breeding.

A profitable investment would include opening a dairy plant, provided milk is purchased from local farmers for a small fee. Buying milk for a penny, the plant receives a double profitability by selling packaged and processed products.

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One of the least costly and profitable business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs is the agricultural activity.

In this industry, every product produced is in demand by the buyer, so you should not be afraid of competition.

Farming as a business idea for beginners will be a great start that requires a small financial investment, but requires focus and attention.

Choice of activity

Farming or agriculture can be divided into two areas:

  • crop production;
  • animal husbandry;

A resident of a city or a rural area has equal opportunities to start a business.

There is no need to buy a large plot of land or rent premises. At the initial stage, you can organize a mini-farm in a private house or in the country.

Things to do:

  1. Animal husbandry - breeding pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, sheep, cows.
  2. Poultry farming involves growing turkeys, chickens, broilers, geese, ducks.
  3. Beekeeping for the purpose of selling honey.
  4. Fish farming - breeding carp, pike, sturgeon.
  5. Gardening - growing fruits and berries.
  6. Mushroom growing - growing mushrooms, champignons.

Some activities bring a double benefit to the owner. For example, the maintenance of a rabbit farm makes a profit from the sale of dietary meat and valuable skins.

Where to start your business

First you need a ready-made business plan for the economy. First of all, you should decide on the direction.

Animal husbandry does not require a large plot of land if you raise poultry or small animals.

With crop production, things are more complicated, the larger the plot, the greater the yield. This is a seasonal activity, plants can only be grown during the summer season.

In order to grow and sell plant products year-round, greenhouses are needed.

The cost of building greenhouses is quite high, and the starting capital should be more than one million rubles.

It is better for a novice inexperienced entrepreneur to start small. A good example is a home poultry farm.

Sources of financing

Even a small business requires material costs for the construction of cages, the purchase of animals or plant seeds, feed or fertilizer. Not everyone has the necessary amount of money available.

There are several options:

  • Save up or borrow from relatives. In the first case, you will have to wait a long time, in the second, you need to warn the lender that money from the sale of agricultural products will not appear immediately.
  • Bank loan. But in this option, the same thing: the loan must be paid regularly, and the profit will appear after some time.
  • Governmental support. The government provides loans to start-up farmers for business development. The amount is small, only 50,000-60,000 rubles.
  • Search for an investor. This is not such a difficult task if you provide a competent business project.

There is a very long, but less expensive way - it is to start a business from scratch, for example, grow greens or strawberries at home.

The proceeds from the sale of funds to invest in development. Thus, after 2 years, you can safely go through the state registration procedure and expand the scale of production.


The farm must be registered with the tax office.

It is much easier for an individual entrepreneur to sell his products than for an ordinary farmer.

The registration procedure is quite simple: you need to contact the tax office at the place of residence, fill out an application, submit notarized copies of personal documents and pay a state fee of 800 rubles.

After receiving the registration document, it is necessary to register with the insurance and pension funds, open a bank account.

Financial questions

In addition to the initial investment, regular expenses should also be taken into account.

Initial expenses are those funds that are necessary for organizing business activities: registration, equipment, construction of premises, purchase of seeds or a tribe.

Fixed costs are fertilizer, feed, utility bills.

It is necessary to draw up a detailed plan with calculations.

Income from activities can only be received after the completion of the cultivation process.

Although some activities, such as a quail farm, pay off very quickly. It will generate income from the sale of eggs almost immediately after the purchase of adult birds.

When drawing up a plan with calculations, you need to take into account income and expenses in two versions: favorable and unfavorable.

After all, plants and animals are not always able to meet the expectations of the farmer, the harvest may not be as rich as planned, the animals get sick, which entails additional costs for the services of a veterinarian. There are a lot of options for difficulties that can be encountered.

Any enterprise requires constant development in order for a small business to become larger.

For example, you can purchase additional land that can be equipped with greenhouses or animal pens.

Your entrepreneurial spirit is your success

And the last point is the assessment of competitiveness. It is better to take care of the sales market in advance.

For a particularly large farm, it is more expedient to open your own store or rent a place in the market.

It is a bit more difficult for small farms to sell their products, wholesale buyers and stores prefer to conclude contracts only with large suppliers.

Therefore, if there are a lot of small farms in the region, it will be difficult to capture your part of the market. You can come up with new ideas for farming that are not developed in the region.

Farming as a business idea for beginners depends only on the entrepreneurial spirit of the businessman.

Starting a business from scratch is hard. Each step should be planned in as much detail as possible.

At the same time, agricultural activity in Russia today is not so well developed, so every newcomer has every chance to organize a profitable enterprise.

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Abroad, farming is considered a profitable and promising activity. In our country, this type of small business is just beginning to develop, so the state provides comprehensive support to entrepreneurs who open their own business in the agricultural industry. Farming as a business idea for beginners attracts not only beginners, but also experienced businessmen. How to organize your own farm, we will talk in this article.

Where to begin?

Many aspiring entrepreneurs often ask the question, how to start farming in Russia in order to quickly promote their business and reach a net profit? In addition, many doubt whether it is worth farming in difficult economic conditions?

Risk is present in all types of business. No one will guarantee that your business will turn into a highly profitable enterprise. Therefore, before that, it is necessary to carefully calculate all costs, determine the level of competition and find markets. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand how profitable and promising this or that business is. After that, you should draw up a business plan for farming and include all expenses in it.

Since the agricultural business requires not only financial, but also labor costs, be prepared for the fact that you will have to work hard physically. If you are not afraid of this, feel free to open your own farm.

What is profitable to breed and grow?

So, you have firmly decided that I want to start farming, where to start? First of all, you need to choose a direction of activity. According to experts, mixed farms that are engaged in animal husbandry, crop production and product processing work most efficiently.

If you are interested, consider the following options:

  • A pig farm with a population of 100 pigs will bring good profits. To open such an enterprise, you will need from 2 to 5 million rubles;
  • Poultry farming does not require large financial investments. In addition, hired labor can not be involved in this area. This is a great option for those who are interested in how to open their own farm from scratch;
  • Fish farming, with a skillful approach, brings an excellent income from the sale of fish and the organization of paid fishing;
  • Beekeeping is very popular in our country, as there is always a high demand for fresh natural honey. Investments in such a business pay off in the shortest possible time.

The choice of the direction of activity largely depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

In crop production, you can do:

  • Growing grain crops. There are no problems with the sale of such products in our country. It is used in the textile, food and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, grain is the main food for birds and animals;
  • Growing vegetables and berries. This is a promising line of business that allows you to get a good profit during the season. To reduce the seasonality factor, you can start growing vegetables, flowers or berries in greenhouses;
  • Gardening. This type of business is highly profitable. Investments in this type of activity are considered long-term, since the initial investment pays off only after 3-4 years. Over time, you will get a business that requires virtually no maintenance costs.

Activity registration

If you decide to start farming, where do you start? Of course, with the registration of the enterprise. With large volumes of production, it is impossible to do without it.

There are different forms of conducting this type of entrepreneurial activity:

  1. Own farm. In this case, the types and scales of manufactured products are limited, but on the other hand, sanitary checks are not carried out at such an enterprise;
  2. Farming. This type of business involves a larger scale. It has no restrictions regarding the volume of sales of products. Private farms are periodically checked by various regulatory authorities.

After you decide on the registration form, take care of the design, and also register with the tax office. If you plan to open a processing plant on the basis of your farm in the future, it is better to register a legal entity right away.

So, how to register farming in Russia?

To do this, you need to obtain the following documents:

  • Permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • SES permission;
  • Permission from local authorities.

After you go through all these instances, you can get to work.

What is needed to create a farm?

Let's see what it takes to start farming? First of all, you need to choose a location for the future farm. If your farm is located near a big city, this will significantly save on transporting products to customers. It is also desirable that it be an ecologically clean area. After you decide where to farm, you should deal with financial issues.

Many have probably heard that farming as a business is supported by the state, so they hope to receive such assistance. In fact, it is not so easy to apply for a subsidy. To do this, you will have to fulfill many conditions, which not all novice farmers can do. Of course, you can take part in one of these programs, but you should not rely solely on this help. Therefore, if you are interested in how to start farming without money, first carefully study the legislation, and only after that proceed with the implementation of the business idea.

Choosing a direction of activity

Let's see what kind of farming is profitable? According to experts, the following areas of activity are most suitable for start-up entrepreneurs:

Goose breeding

In order to do this, you need to have certain skills. In addition, for growing geese, a room and special areas for walking birds should be equipped. It should be noted that with a competent approach, it can bring excellent profits. Even beginners can do this, but for this you need to study special literature in order to gain the necessary knowledge.

Geese quickly gain weight. At the age of two months, it can reach 4 kilograms. This is an unpretentious bird that does not require special conditions of detention. For one adult goose, you can get 600–1200 rubles on the market. In addition, you can sell fluff. It costs a lot. From one bird you can collect 600 g of down. Dealers give 200 rubles for 100 g of such raw materials. If you perform simple calculations, you can understand whether it is profitable to engage in farming, and in particular, breeding geese.

goat breeding

Modern people are worried about their health, so organic food has recently become very popular. Many consumers began to give preference to goat's milk, which is completely absorbed by the body and has medicinal properties. Such a product is also often bought for children who are allergic to cow's milk. Experts predict that in a few years it will become one of the most profitable areas of activity.

Pheasant breeding

It has not yet become widespread in our country. Few farms are engaged in this business, so you can easily take your place in this market. If you follow all the rules for breeding these exotic birds and invest decent money in your business, over time it will bring excellent profits.

Pheasant meat and eggs can be sold to restaurants, individuals, and large supermarkets. If you find a few repeat customers, the business will thrive.

partridge breeding

Many residents of small towns and villages need additional income. Most often they are engaged in poultry farming, for example,.

Since the development of farming in Russia is at an early stage, few entrepreneurs are engaged in this business, so there are no problems with the sale of such products. This is a low-cost and quite promising business that can be organized in a country house or in a private house.

Breeding laying hens

For start-up entrepreneurs, this is the easiest and most affordable idea for organizing your own farm. Such a business does not require large labor or financial costs and at the same time allows you to quickly get a good result.

Experienced businessmen usually specialize in breeding bird breeds that are highly productive. This allows them to receive a stable high income all year round. The main advantage of such a business idea is the minimum financial investment, high demand for products and excellent development prospects. Over time, a household can turn into a large enterprise that brings excellent profits.

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Advantages and disadvantages

To understand whether farming in Russia is profitable, you should first of all familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of entrepreneurial activity.

Despite the problems of farming in Russia, many entrepreneurs move from the city to the countryside to start such a business. And this is not surprising, since in cities almost all market niches have been occupied for a long time, so it is not so easy to achieve success in such conditions. The lack of much competition is one of the main advantages of the farming business. If you have a small capital, you can start growing vegetables and gradually develop your business. You can organize your own form literally from scratch, and this is another important advantage.

Among the shortcomings of such a business, I would like to highlight the long payback period and the high risks that are present in all areas of agricultural activity.

Decide for yourself where to start farming and in what direction to develop your business. Love your business, and it will surely please you with a good profit.


Now you know how to become a farmer from scratch. Before choosing a business idea, carefully research the market and identify possible distribution channels for finished products. In addition, you need to draw up a competent plan in order to properly distribute cash flows. Remember that this type of activity involves a long-term investment, so be prepared for the fact that you have to work hard to achieve a positive result.

Sooner or later, the moment X comes, at which a person begins to think about what to do next. It is not so important that he came to this idea on his own or under the influence of external factors (loss of work, low salary, job dissatisfaction). One of the options for what to do next can be the answer - start a business, but how?

There are not so many options for starting a business from scratch, in this article we will analyze one of the most effective ways (from my subjective point of view) to find an idea in a rural business.

In fairness, I can say that I myself am now organizing such a village business project, I think that in the near future I will describe the areas that I have mastered, do not forget to subscribe to the blog. I personally think that this is the best way to create your own business with a future perspective.

Within the framework of this block, we will talk about breeding, that is, animal husbandry. There is a misconception that you can start breeding any animals from scratch and immediately reach a big profit.

To be honest, in reality you can really breed anything, up to hippos (they are bred in the zoo), but in practice, not all types of such cultivation are profitable, and even more so, they will give a return in a relatively short period (a year or two).

Breeding as a village business from scratch

The first place is predictable. Alas, in Russia there is no more profitable livestock breeding direction for a small business in the village. Of course, I will seem banal, but to open a profitable village business, it makes sense to go into pig farming. It is worth noting that there are two directions (although they can be combined) - growing for meat and selling piglets. It is the sale of piglets that is an order of magnitude more profitable, but also a more labor-intensive direction.

  • - high payback rate. The normal growth period for a pig to marketable weight is 6 months.
  • - the highest meat yield per square meter in relation to feed consumption (with normal technology). Higher only when breeding rabbits, but they have a whole bunch of their own nuances.
  • - high level of manual labor or the need to invest in mechanization
  • - the need for initial investment in the construction of premises
  • - high feed costs, no possibility of diversification

The second place is occupied by nutria. By most measures, nutria farming can be classified as one of the most attractive for starting your village business from scratch. You can make cages and pens for them from improvised materials, animals tolerate cold well, relatively fast growth, strong immunity, the presence of both meat (dietary) and skins. Practical experience shows that a family of nutrias (3 females and a male) in one year (with offspring) fully pays for the construction of pens, feed, and even make a profit.

  • - high yield of meat per square meter
  • - consume food that can be grown on their own, which makes maintenance very cheap
  • - do not get very sick (in relation to rabbits, they are just lively)
  • - low space costs
  • - rather unstable demand for meat. Not everyone is ready to buy nutria meat

Third place - ducks. Growing ducks as a business in the village has only one big advantage, if you start from scratch, then they will help you earn quickly, maybe not very much, but they can guarantee a profitability level of 30-40% in 2.5-3 months.

  • - high turnover rate. Ducks grow very quickly, with a good breeding, they reach marketable weight for 3 months.
  • - stable and good demand
  • - high feed costs, to ensure high profitability, you can use various tricks, such as adding green mass to the feed, sand, and so on.

The fourth place is beekeeping. In terms of profitability, one of the most profitable business ideas in the village, but in terms of the level of “headache” and nuances when keeping bees, it also ranks first. In fact, breeding bees is quite a troublesome business, it is also important to have “blooming” fields, large farms in the area (with friends last year, after treatment with herbicides, half of the bees fell), care (so that the swarm does not fly away), wintering (top dressing) and so Further. Breeding experience has shown that there are both very successful seasons and complete failures, it all depends on the owner and approach.

  • - Opportunity to run the entire business
  • - a wide variety of conditions

Fifth place - quail breeding. The main advantage of this village business idea is the minimum requirements, both in terms of space and the level of investment. Actually, you can successfully breed quails in a room with an area of ​​​​20-30 squares for 500-700 pieces, getting 150-200 eggs and 2-3 kilograms of meat (in carcasses) every day.

  • - high turnover rate. Quail quickly reach marketable condition, both in live weight and for laying eggs
  • - low start-up costs
  • - stable demand for products
  • - high feed costs
  • - the need to create special conditions (maintaining temperature, silence)


Working in agriculture, it is worth knowing that there is one big and pleasant surprise, in fact, for a mini-business in the village, the most preferential system has been established in which you will not need to pay taxes, and quite officially.

In the legislation there is such a thing as private subsidiary plots (personal subsidiary plots), which allows all those working on this system to work officially without paying taxes. . Now I’ll just remind you that all of the ideas listed are subject to the law on subsidiary farming and you can sleep peacefully.

Myths of individual popular business ideas

I must say right away that other ideas in the field of animal husbandry are also cost-effective and profitable, but in terms of payback speed and ease of doing business, they are much inferior to those listed above. And now about the cons of the advertised ideas:

KRS (cattle) - for successful business in this branch of agriculture, large areas (for pastures), plus premises and time are needed. As an example, a bull-calf is grown for meat for at least a year, with a carcass yield of 45%, and a pig grows for 6 months and a yield of about 70%. Regarding the dairy direction, from the moment of birth until the moment of receiving milk, the cow grows for 2 years! And it is far from the fact that it will be dairy. Affordable, but very long.

ostriches- you need large expenses for the arrangement of pens, plus large areas. So for one family of ostriches (1 male and 2 females), the corral must be at least 4 meters wide and 40 long. As for ostrich meat, the ostrich grows for at least a year, again, it is profitable, but you can earn faster.

- the problem is in the marketing of products, if it is possible to independently allocate skins and make fur coats, then the business will be just golden, if not, then it is necessary to carefully calculate the maintenance costs. The main problem is the high cost of feeding.

Sheep, goats- the problem is large areas for grazing animals, if there are pastures, then you can try to do business, but it is worth remembering that in most regions of Russia this type of meat is not very popular, which reduces their attractiveness for the market. It is from the point of view of attractiveness that pig breeding looks more promising.

rabbit breeding- in all respects, a very good business, but the rabbits themselves are very flimsy animals, if an epidemic starts, then the death rate can be 90%. To organize an effective rural business, it is necessary to organize the closure of barns with a strict quarantine system. Such premises cost money and are not suitable for all novice entrepreneurs.

Other blocks of the most successful business ideas in the countryside

Video example of a village business

Business idea for the village!!! HOW TO EARN IN THE VILLAGE!!!

about how people have succeeded selling natural food

Considering farming as a business idea for beginners, many future entrepreneurs do not always understand that this work is for those who are ready to literally live on it. But, if such a prospect does not scare you and, despite all the difficulties, you are ready to think about your own, then our further recommendations on how to start farming from scratch are for you.

What will you get with farming?

As already indicated, farming is hard work, where you need to be patient, responsible and ready for all sorts of surprises. But, having made a decision for yourself - to become a farmer, you, without even knowing it, get a lot of positive things:

  1. Your life will be transferred to the countryside, where the air is cleaner and the food is fresher, which has a very good result for health;
  2. By organizing a family farm, you get a huge chance to achieve success together with your family and friends, which will definitely strengthen the family;
  3. Working with the whole family, you will save on hired workers who would have to pay wages;
  4. By choosing several directions at once, you can avoid the risks of being left without profit (for example, potatoes did not ugly, but strawberries pleased);
  5. Having set a goal and asking the question, “I want to start farming, is there any help from the state?”, You can always count on tax benefits, and if you ask, you will find out that the state is very supportive of such businessmen and in every possible way contributes to the development of their business.

Although there are some disadvantages:

  1. When planning to open a large farm, you will have to fork out, so until you have made a final decision, you need to weigh your options very well;
  2. In the agricultural business, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will begin to receive profit only after a few years, so you may have to get into loans;
  3. Not a single farmer can foresee natural disasters, epidemics, which at all times have been the main enemies of farmers (of course, you can insure livestock, property, but you can’t insure everything) and this is the main disadvantage of farming.

But if there is a goal and a desire to achieve it, all problems can be solved. After all, in what business is everything going smoothly?

What does it take to become a farmer?

If agricultural work is something new for you, then considering farming as a business from scratch, you will have to learn a little, or at least:

  • Conduct study tours to existing farms, it is desirable that they are close in nature to the business that you plan to do. Chat with their owners, try to work in their mode (perhaps you will understand that such work is not for you?);
  • Visit thematic fairs with the participation of local farmers' products, where you can both communicate with experienced producers and find out what products local farmers produce (perhaps this information will affect the definition of your business idea);
  • Engage in reading books that contain the necessary information on issues related to your chosen farming specialization; to understand how to start farming in Russia, to determine what skills you need to master in order to successfully run a farming business, to participate in forums on the topic of farming;
  • Attend seminars and other classes to be able to navigate the agricultural economics and politics at the farm level, which will be very useful in future work.

Choosing the direction of farming

To make it profitable for you to engage in farming, and it began to make a profit in the shortest possible time, you need to choose the right business ideas. Moreover, in farming this business is not difficult. After all, any agricultural specialization can belong to one of only two types of activity:

  1. Agriculture;
  2. Livestock.

In the first case, the farmer relies on growing different crops. These can be cereals, vegetables or fruits, fodder, etc. In general, the demand for a particular product will also prompt an idea of ​​what to grow, but the availability of land is a prerequisite for this specialization.

In the case of animal husbandry - the same pattern. You study what is in demand in the market and form your business idea. The main thing here is to determine as accurately as possible whether it is profitable to engage in farming in your chosen specialization. After all, on the one hand, you can keep a large herd of dairy cows (you will need large land plots for grazing them, forage harvesting) and always have milk sales, but at the same time work with not very high profitability, and on the other hand, you can have a small herd of ostriches, and earn much more income.

In addition, there are several other factors that may affect the choice of the farming industry as a business:

  • Climatic conditions. This is perhaps the most important factor in determining the direction of future farming and the amount of investment. For example, speaking about the development of farming in Russia in the northwest, we understand that due to the harsh and very changeable climate, the most profitable agricultural business can be breeding geese, cows, goats. In addition, there are just a lot of pastures and reservoirs;
  • Distance from the road transport structure. If the farm is located far from the sales market and there are no normal road connections, this leads to an increase in the cost of farm products. And this significantly affects the possibility of its implementation. So, when choosing a place for future farming, consider this nuance;
  • The nature of the terrain and the quality of the land. If your land is on a flat area, the soil is sandy, then to your “I want to start farming, where to start?” there is a great idea - to start growing carrots or strawberries. These crops grow with pleasure in such land. For those who are interested, I won’t even say anything about black soil, because everything grows in such a land. And a farmer who has such a plot can only be envied. Well, if the area is swampy, of course, you will have to work on its cultivation and invest a lot of money. Although, if there is no money, there are some business ideas for such an area. But we will talk about them further;
  • Ecology. It is very important that you grow your crop in an environmentally friendly place. The presence on your farm products of the mark "environmentally friendly" is a guarantee that it will have an advantage and quickly find its regular buyer.

Where to find money for business?

Despite the fact that farming in Russia enjoys state support, the issue of financing start-up farmers is not always easy to solve. Banks do not provide a loan for organizing their own business (it can only be taken by an existing entrepreneur). So only the most realistic options remain:
  1. Attracting an investor (you will have to find him, convince him to give money and guarantee the profitability of the business);
  2. Take out a loan as an individual by pledging property;
  3. Borrow from wealthy friends or relatives;
  4. Contact the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation or regional offices and try to get a grant to start your own business. But for this you need to have a ready-made business plan that you can write yourself (you can easily find instructions on the Internet) or contact specialists.

Activity registration

The next step on the way to the goal is the question - how to arrange farming? After all, the solution of land issues depends on this. Having a document on the registration of your business, civil services will be much more active in assisting you in solving them. What is needed for registration?

First you will need to create a package of documents, consisting of:

  • Applications for registration of a farm in the form P21002;
  • Agreement of partners (if there are several founders) on the creation of a farm;
  • A document confirming the payment of the state duty;
  • A copy of the passport of the head of the farm;
  • Application for the transition to a single agricultural tax special regime (this is the most profitable taxation option if you intend to engage only in agricultural activities or if its turnover will be at least 70% of the total business activity).

To get answers to questions about how to start farming from scratch, what to do and what direction to give preference to novice farmers, we advise you to listen to the recommendations of experienced farmers - start with growing vegetables.

organic vegetables

If you like to work on the land, then a good project to start farming from scratch is a business idea for growing vegetables with minimal use of nitrates. Those who lead a healthy lifestyle and pay special attention to their diet are even ready to overpay for such products.

And to start such a production, you have to take care of:

  • About a land plot for the construction of greenhouses (in the village this is not a problem);
  • About a greenhouse (preferably with heating, for the possibility of growing early vegetables);
  • Seeds (it is recommended to buy them in specialized stores in order to have a quality guarantee);
  • Organic fertilizers (from which you can prepare directly on the site or buy or take from those who keep chickens, cows).

Of course, all this will require a certain amount of money. But given that the profitability of such a business is quite high, this farming business idea is worth it. It is only necessary to carefully study the recommendations for growing vegetables, the demand, which is best sold and has a high price. And start work.

Growing remontant strawberries

With the right organization of work and adherence to technology, this idea of ​​​​farming at the end of the first season can give a clear answer to the question - is it profitable to farm? After all, having processed a plot of only 15-16 square meters, you can earn about 100 thousand rubles per season. This can be verified by making simple calculations: one bush of strawberries can produce up to 2 kilograms of berries, which are packaged in glasses of 200 grams and sold from 10 rubles. It turns out that from one bush we have a profit - 100 rubles. On one square meter, you can put 60 bushes (this is 6,000 rubles).

Another advantage of this idea is that you can start with a small plot of land. But, as you understand, even in this area you will have to work a lot. Strawberries require good care - otherwise crop loss is inevitable.

Growing melons

Considering this idea as a farming business, you first need to find out if the climatic conditions of your region are suitable for this crop. Although, modern breeders have bred varieties that can produce a good harvest in any conditions. In addition, you should carefully study the technology of its cultivation and purchase a suitable variety. For example, to sow a plot of 100 square meters, you need 250-300 grams of seeds (approximate cost - 800 rubles). To this add the amount to purchase the necessary tools.

If the weather conditions do not fail, and the farmer adheres to all the rules of growing technology, then even by selling the goods at a wholesale price, you can earn from 20 to 40 thousand rubles per 100 square meters.

Growing hazelnuts

The advantage of this idea for farming is that with a very high demand for products, it is characterized by almost no competition. In addition, hazelnuts are very resistant to weather fluctuations, they do not require much space and, most importantly, they are unpretentious in their care. So, if you have just begun to be interested in the question of how to start farming, we advise you to take a closer look at this idea.

But, having decided to purchase a land plot for this crop, first do a soil analysis. It should be rich in magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus, and the pH level should be in the range of 6.8-7.2 units. Otherwise, it will affect the yield of hazelnuts.

When choosing seedlings (about 600 pieces per hectare of land with a planting interval of 3-4 meters), try to focus on 2-3 varieties. So, they will pollinate better.

You can sell hazelnuts in several ways:

  • With shell (at the lowest price);
  • Purified (the price is much higher);
  • Packed fried.

True, there is one minus in this business: for three years, while the hazel grows, there will be no harvest. Therefore, you will have to think about what can be grown in the aisle so that it can be sold during this period. It can be onions, garlic, beets, greens.

oyster mushrooms

This idea for novice farmers may be interesting because it does not require a large start-up capital to implement it. To , you will need:

  • The presence of a small room;
  • Mycelium of oyster mushroom;
  • Bags;
  • Straw.

The room should be provided with a temperature of 17-18 degrees, high humidity, complete darkness during the germination of the mycelium and 12-hour lighting when the mushrooms begin to grow.

Cultivation of oyster mushrooms, according to experts, is one of the most profitable agricultural types of business. In addition to the sale of mushrooms, a farmer can successfully sell fruit bags from straw. They can be used both as fertilizer and animal feed.

Vine cultivation

This idea is ideal for those who, having a plot of land, are thinking about how to start farming without money. Indeed, the cultivation of vines for weaving baskets, laundry baskets, the production of trellises, arbors, hedges and other products can be started without any money at all, because planting material can also be harvested on “wild” plantations growing near rivers or lakes.

The vine is very unpretentious and grows excellently on any soil, even unsuitable for agriculture. They are very good for growing plants with long, flexible, strong rods, which are used to weave the most beautiful products. If the soil is rich in humus, the twigs grow very long and thick. They are suitable only for frame sticks, for example, in the manufacture of furniture and hoops.

To have a good product, the plantation must be properly looked after. First of all, it is the correct landing. In particular, if the soil is moist, seedlings are planted in rows from north to south, if dry - from west to east, on a soil prone to waterlogging - in the direction of the flow of the nearest reservoir, and across the planting area on the slopes. We plant the cuttings according to the scheme 60 X 40 cm. To get thin rods, the seedlings are placed closer, according to the scheme 30 X 40 cm.

The first production can be obtained in a year. And in one place, a plantation can produce a vine for 15 years.

Livestock as a farming business

One of the most relevant and promising sectors of the agricultural business is animal husbandry as a business idea, which remained profitable even in times of crisis. It is clear that this business cannot be done without certain investments, but with a competent approach, they pay off in a short time and in a few years a novice farmer can become a rich and financially independent businessman.

Growing bulls for meat

In rural areas, it is quite possible to organize farming almost from scratch, especially if it is possible to buy young animals cheaply. But in order for the result of the activity to be positive, it will take both time (about two years) and strength to feed him, go out. Then everything is simple - you sell finished meat products in bulk to restaurants, supermarkets, or sell them on the market. After all, beef is always in great demand.

Raising pigs

Pig breeding in the Russian Federation is developing very slowly due to low profitability. Therefore, the state has recently begun to pay more attention to the development of pig breeding and, most importantly, to provide financial support to entrepreneurs who have expressed a desire to engage in it. Therefore, if this business idea interests you, you can safely prepare documents and contact your local agricultural department to find out the nuances of obtaining a state subsidy for.

Pedigree geese production

If you didn’t like the business ideas already listed, you should like the farming of young thoroughbred birds, because this is a troublesome, but very profitable business. Thoroughbred geese are valued in the market. They are constantly in demand, and not only in rural areas, but also among urban residents. There are breeds that cost even 100 thousand rubles. And if a couple of such geese bring offspring in the amount of about eight goslings, then it turns out that in a season you can earn 800 thousand rubles. A big plus of this production business is that the maintenance of geese in the summer almost does not require cash investments for feed. Geese feed themselves by eating grass. And for them you need to equip a small pond for swimming. The theory of how to care for babies can be easily found on the Internet. Read more about, read on our website.

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Demand for turkey meat, which has high dietary qualities, is always in high demand despite economic conditions. Accordingly, farmers almost never have problems with the sale of products.

Of course, it has its own characteristics, one might even say - difficulties. But despite this, the turkey farming business brings farmers good profits, and in very short terms. All investments pay off already in 8–10 months, when the weight of an adult bird reaches 20–25 kg.

Snail breeding

This business idea is not considered traditional in Russia. But, this is probably because the farmers do not yet know that it is a very profitable business, moreover, it does not require much investment and effort to care for the wards. This function is reduced to feeding and protection from possible predators (hedgehogs, lizards, shrews, etc.).

In order for snails to be in demand, for example, in high-end restaurants, certain standards must be taken into account when growing them. For example, at a price of 3-5 euros per kilogram, you can sell 20-gram snails, 5 cm long. But you need to be prepared for a lower price.

The payback of a snail farm is 1.5 years, provided that 100 kg of broodstock can produce four tons of product in 1.5 years (this is 360,000 rubles). The main condition is that you need to take care of sales in advance.
