Anti-plagiarism entry. Anti-plagiarism online - review of online services for checking text for plagiarism

The success of its online promotion depends on the quality and uniqueness of the content that fills the site. Uniqueness is also required from educational works, such as abstracts, coursework, diplomas, author's works, etc.

    • How to make text unique: 4 steps
    • How to make text unique: 6 honest ways
    • How to deceive the anti-plagiarism program: dishonest methods
    • Methods that will NOT help to uniqueize text

When it is impossible to write a completely unique text, resort to rewriting, or rewriting (from the English rewrite, rewrite). Rewriting is somewhat reminiscent of a school presentation, when the source text is retold (rewritten) in your own words. However, rewriting can also be different - sometimes it is necessary to study not one, but several sources, change the structure of the text (the so-called deep rewriting), sometimes it is enough to simply replace some words with synonyms.

The uniqueness of the text is checked using special anti-plagiarism programs and measured as a percentage. If the text is completely or partially stolen from another resource, the program will show a low percentage of uniqueness, and will also highlight non-unique passages and show their source.

Below are useful tips how to achieve uniqueness and deceive anti-plagiarism. We hope that these tips will help you create an original text that is loyal to the customer and search engines.

How to make text unique: 4 steps

So, here is an approximate algorithm on how to bypass anti-plagiarism and achieve a unique result.

Step 1. Select a service to check

First we need to decide on a service that will check our work. There are many anti-plagiarism programs. If the customer has not specified a specific program, then it is better to check the uniqueness with 1-2 programs of your choice.

Some of them (like etxt, advego) require downloading and installation on your computer. Others, for example, are available to users in online mode.

At the same time, you should be prepared for the fact that different services show different percentages of text uniqueness. The difference in readings can reach 50%!

The fact is that each of them has a built-in own algorithm counting and analyzing text material that is inaccessible to most users.

Step 2. Save all text variations

The next step on the path to how to bypass anti-plagiarism is to save all versions of the text: both the original and all others.

The main thing is not to get confused and consistently change the structure and content, achieving the desired indicator of the anti-plagiarism program.

Step 3. Making the text unique

How to achieve this - read below. If 98-100% uniqueness is not required, it is better to play it safe and make the uniqueness 5-10% higher than necessary to pass verification on any service.

If free applications show a good indicator, then a paid one may underestimate it, and as a result, the uniqueness will not be what the customer required.

Knowledge is power! Or how to use shingle rules

A shingle is a small piece of text consisting of several words, which is used to check the uniqueness of what is written. If the shingle “3” is specified, this means that three words will be checked. Such data is set in the parameters of the program itself. It is easier to deceive the anti-plagiarist if you know this meaning.

The larger the shingle value, the easier it is to achieve original author material. But the optimal value for the customer and performer will be 4-5 words. Replace the first or last word in a phrase, and the text will immediately become original.

Step 4. Save the finished text

Once the required percentage of originality is obtained, the text must be saved and sent for verification.

All ways to bypass the anti-plagiarism program can be divided into honest (when the uniqueness of the text really increases) and dishonest (when the text remains the same, but the program perceives it as unique). Let's look at them.

How to make text unique: 6 honest ways

Below are working tools that will help make any source material unique for search engines.

Method 1. Deep processing of the source material/retelling in your own words

This is what is called rewriting, which literally means “rewriting” in English.

Method 2. Using synonyms

Do you want to know the answer to how to pass anti-plagiarism? Use synonyms. It is important to understand here: despite the fact that synonyms often make the material unique, the author is forced to constantly search for certain substitute words. As a result, he becomes fixated on this, which causes the meaning of the text to suffer.

Another interesting feature is to insert formulas and tables in the form of pictures. This technique allows you to increase the uniqueness of the text.

If the selection of synonyms goes poorly, use synonymizers. Synonymizers - special applications, which allow you to quickly select words that are different in spelling, but similar in meaning to the original query. They are provided for a fee or free of charge.

They can request not only individual terms, but also entire phrases. This is convenient, but still does not make it possible to completely edit the previous material in a few seconds.

Method 3. Translating text from sources in another language

Translating text from sources in another language is a great way to fool etxt anti-plagiarism and any other program. The result is a completely unique work, because the source text for the rewrite was published in another language.

The problems are that

  • you need to find material that is suitable in content, written in a foreign language. Obviously, you will have to find several sources to obtain the required content.
  • you need to be able to translate it correctly.

translations themselves pay much better than rewriting. Read more in the article: “ How to make money by translating articles».

Method 4. Replacing frequently repeated words

Often these are some kind of conjunctions or words that are meaningfully related to the keys. We replace 1-2 synonyms that are close in meaning.

Method 5. Reworking the sentence from the end

Many sentences used in articles and other materials are complex. That is, they have two parts, one of which is subordinate to the other. It is enough to swap them in order to achieve not 100% uniqueness, but a good coefficient.

Again, a lot will depend on the size of the shingle. But in many cases, the meaning of a particular phrase can be conveyed to the reader in reverse order.

Method 6. Using words like “directly”

It is believed that using this or similar adverbs twice per 1000 characters will make the text more authorial, that is, original. With more frequent use, it may become noticeable. But here a certain skill is required in order to correctly and correctly enter these adverbs.

How to deceive the anti-plagiarism program: dishonest methods

In addition to honest (or relatively honest) methods, there are also dishonest methods that help to deceive the plagiarism program, forcing it to evaluate a non-unique text as unique.

  • Adding automatic transfers

On the one hand, a very simple way from the field of how to cheat anti-plagiarism for free. On the other hand, not all works welcome this.

For abstracts this may be a suitable solution, but when writing articles for publication on websites, customers will not accept work with transfers, and their removal will immediately reveal the true state of affairs. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss all technical nuances in advance.

  • Use of material not indexed by search engines

As a rule, search robots analyze material taken from a site and enter data about it into storage. The indexed text is thus the one that has already been checked by the search engines Google and others.

  • Using Word macros

Macros are convenient for the user in that he can record the key combinations he most often needs and then access them as many times as needed in a second. This makes it possible to simplify frequently used actions or their combinations.

Working with text fragments works in a similar way, which makes it possible to increase its uniqueness.

  • Visual Basic Macro Help

A method for programmers who know how to use Visual Basic, how to deceive anti-plagiarism and other programs. Everything is very simple: after each word or character, depending on the volume of text and the complexity of the task, a small dot of the 1st font is added.

It is almost impossible to see it visually. But in order to run this process for all words, you need to write a macro, and this will require knowledge of the basics of VB.

  • Replacing Russian letters with Greek ones

Here's another one for you interesting technique, which not all copywriters use - many do not even know about its existence.

The fact is that systems do not yet recognize the Greek symbols micron and omega, which successfully replace the letter “o”, since they look almost the same, but for anti-plagiarism programs it is a completely different symbol. And just as replacing one letter in a passport makes you a different person, replacing one letter in each word can make the text unique to search engines and anti-plagiarism programs.

Hi all. Today I will tell you about how to check text for anti-plagiarism online. To start talking about it, you need to have a general understanding of plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying someone else's thoughts without citing the author.

In works that you write yourself, plagiarism is simply unacceptable, be it a coursework, dissertation, or article. If someone else’s thought is used in the work, then you can simply make a link to it. Anti-plagiarism refers to a service that, so to speak, fights non-unique information.

Anti-plagiarism systeminteresting thing, and many people don't like it. The fact is that many people don’t like to write something of their own; it’s easier for them to take it and copy it. This will not work with such texts, which is why not everyone loves him so much. In fact, there are quite a lot of such services on the Internet. They check the text and give out a certain percentage of originality.

How does online anti-plagiarism work?

This system searches all information on topics from all existing sources. All data is taken from sites that publish articles, coursework, dissertations, etc. Such data is subject to processing, after which, in the future, the provided work is reconciled.

The system checks both small and large text. The search algorithm is thoroughly processed. This has led to the fact that it has become impossible to deceive anti-plagiarism, if you don’t believe me, watch the video!

Anti-plagiarism online - ways to check without registration

It is possible to check your work for uniqueness using 2 methods: through specialized programs; through sites that provide this opportunity.

As a rule, on services for checking texts for uniqueness, it is possible to use the services both online and by downloading the program. Now you will understand everything yourself.

Advego Plagiatus

One of the most popular services is Advego Plagiatus. Official website of the service: The program shows the most accurate result.

The program also has its advantages:

  • Provided free of charge;
  • Non-unique areas are highlighted, which allows you to quickly increase the originality of the text;
  • Convenient to use;
  • All necessary buttons are located on the toolbar.

Plagiatus not only reveals the percentage of uniqueness of the text, but also the sources where partial or complete copies were found.

If you decide to check for anti-plagiarism using this service, then download the program and double-click on the downloaded file. In the window that appears, click and select the folder where you would like to save Advego. If you are happy with the default folder, click Next.

In Start, the program will create shortcuts that will be saved in the “Advego Plagiatus” folder. The user can also specify another folder at his discretion. After that, click "Next".

If you need additional icons, then after completing the required items, check the box and click “Next”.

Now you need to click “Install”.

After successful installation, clear unnecessary checkboxes and click “Finish”.

That's it! The program is ready to use.

Tech. ru

In my opinion this is the most best service , here you can work and buy and check both texts and sites. If you want to check text online, you can use another popular service - On it you can check for free text and document.

By the way, this service allows you to check large texts without registration.

Checking on happens quite quickly, despite the fact that the site is sometimes loaded. You can check the text for both registered and unregistered users. When you go to the main page of the service, you will see an empty space where you need to enter text, and then click “Check for uniqueness.”

To check a document for uniqueness, you first need to register, and then select “Document uniqueness” in the third column.

Then upload the document and wait until “Update data” is displayed. Click on this item.

Check the document and click “Check for uniqueness.”

Etxt anti-plagiarism

In principle, Etxt is an analogue of Advego, although the verification will take a little longer. I often notice that this service has a lower percentage of text uniqueness than other services. Everything is similar here, the program can be downloaded for free. If there are some restrictions online, then by downloading the program you will be able to check the text without restrictions.

To check the text, you need to download and install the software, then start downloading the dictionaries.

Now all that remains is to insert the text into the working window and click the “Deep” button.

Depending on the size of the text, uniqueness will be determined within a few minutes.

Anti-plagiarism mrsu

Another reliable service. To check you need to register. However, it is not publicly available, since to obtain a login and password you need to contact the administration of the educational institution.

Anti-plagiarism. ru

Antiplagiat ru official website: /.

Usually, students use. With his help University and the students themselves check their coursework and dissertations. It is prohibited to use the site without registration.


This service deserves special attention. Back in 2016, it was a crude, unfinished system for searching for borrowed text and it could very easily be deceive. Soon everything changed. The developers have done a considerable amount of work.

Of course, you cannot use the service for free, but the checking rates in Rucontext are not too high. If you compare it with, you can see that they are much more loyal to students - on the portal you can check an unlimited number of works for free, but the text is checked only using the “Internet” module.

Antiplagiarism ru check the text

I decided to pay special attention to this service, because this is what many students work with. Anti-plagiarism is provided free of charge. Many universities work with him, including Ranhigs, Urgaeu, and Miep.

Let's figure out how to use the site one by one. To check the text, register in the system or log in using social networks.

Through the "Copy-Paste" function or loading a text document, you can, for example, check coursework for uniqueness.

Once you have inserted the text, click the "Check" button. All you have to do is wait a couple of seconds.

As you can see, anti-plagiarism program It quickly and accurately checks the text for uniqueness.

How to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism yourself?

Previously, all people loved to study, write their thoughts, in principle, they still do this, but not in the same way as it was before. In the age of technology, everything is simple - you don’t need to think. You can simply go online, open the desired page and download the material. However, as we have already found out earlier, all material can be verified.

Let’s imagine that you stupidly took material from the Internet, took it for verification, and since you have zero material, 0% originality. What then? To avoid such a situation, let's look at ways to increase uniqueness.

  • Lack of complex structures and revolutions.

Try to write in short sentences, do not use complicated phrases, change the structure of the text. If the sources use the words: firstly, secondly, etc., then it is best for you to replace them with bulleted or numbered lists. In the text, use as few revolutions as possible. As an example, you can give sentences with the words “like”, “seemingly”. If the construction of such words occurs in a sentence, then they need to be replaced with one whole sentence. Paraphrasing text will help you increase the percentage of originality.

Important: sentences must be changed in such a way that the meaning remains the same.

  • Own structure.

You need to study all sources, materials, books, creating your own structure. Write about little-known facts.

Tip: use various tables, diagrams, pictures. This will make your work interesting.

  • Epithets and synonyms.

Each word has many synonyms. The anti-plagiarism synonym program can help you find a specific synonym for a word. The meaning and readability should not change.

Advice: the article will be of no use if you use text synonymizer, so I don’t advise you to use such methods.

  • Phraseology.

Phraseological dictionaries, for example, like, will help increase the percentage of uniqueness. A successful replacement is the path to success.

  • Text volume.

Of course, this option is not suitable for everyone, because large text is not always appropriate. But by increasing the volume, you can reduce the percentage of plagiarism in some parts of the text.

How to pass anti-plagiarism?

  1. The second way to deceive anti-plagiarism is to use technical services. If you decide to use this method, then, firstly, you can make the text area invisible. In parts of the text with low uniqueness, blocks invisible to humans are inserted unique text.
  2. Secondly, there is the option of replacing characters from one language with another. For example, the English letter “a” is very similar to the Russian letter “a”. As you can see, there is no difference. However, you will be able to bypass plagiarism, but not quite the checking person. The fact is that the words will be underlined in red.
  3. Thirdly, you can insert pictures instead of letters.

Important! It must be taken into account that such methods will help to deceive the system, but not the person checking. In general, I do not recommend using them!

How to bypass anti-plagiarism using programs?

Currently, there are many services that help you circumvent plagiarism. How to get around anti-plagiarism using these services? Let's figure this out together.

Anti-plagiarism express

Given paid service quite popular. He does his job well. Now you can see this for yourself. Select the system for which you would like to process the text. In my example, this is

Specify the required percentage of uniqueness, in my case it is 78%. Take any non-unique text with zero plagiarism and upload it.

After payment, download the text and send it for verification. The result is obvious.

As you can see, before processing the text was zero, but now it has become unique - 82.98%. What this service definitely lacks is free test page. In the same way, you can complete an anti-plagiarism coursework.

Magician anti-plagiarism

If you wondering“how to pass anti-plagiarism of a diploma”, then this method may suit you. Yes, the originality enhancement service is provided free of charge. Simply upload your work in .docx format and select the required options.

Anti-plagiarism killer

“Killer” makes it easy to increase the percentage of originality. You just need to press one button. The percentage of originality will reach 80-90%. The program allows you to bypass 40 verification programs. Using the program you can get effective results.

The program independently removes unnecessary words, breaks the sentence, that is, it completely corrects the text.

Antiplagiarism Fox

What is immediately pleasantly surprising is that it is possible to process the text and check it in free mode. To check the text, you just need to add a document of 10 pages in size, select the system, university, and indicate your email.

The site developers claim that they work with the document code without touching the text itself in Word.

That's it! Now you know what online anti-plagiarism is and how this system works. Of course, there are quite a lot of services for checking the uniqueness of text, but after analyzing them, for me anti-plagiarism is the most reliable and fast service. Advego is not far behind.

You can download anti-plagiarism for free and without registration. Yes, there is a service for each purpose. Thus, is used to check student work. It operates in an online version.

Many people try to bypass anti-plagiarism, and even, as you understand, there are many ways to do this, but in my opinion, it is better to use methods of manually raising uniqueness, because technical method can lead to disastrous results. I hope that I have helped you understand the main points regarding the issue of anti-plagiarism. Thank you all for your attention, don’t forget to ask questions in the comments!

Uniqueness is a parameter that shows how different the text being checked is from others posted on the Internet. It is checked in special programs and is measured as a percentage.

For reference! The first service for checking uniqueness in Russia was Antiplagiarism. It was created in 2005 by Forecsys by order of the rector of MIEMP Artemy Nikitov, who was outraged by the fact that students blatantly downloaded works from the Internet.

Other similar programs followed, but Anti-Plagiarism remains the main service for checking the uniqueness of student work.

Why do you need to check coursework for anti-plagiarism?

The coursework is checked for anti-plagiarism to find out whether the work was completed independently or copied. Non-unique text is not allowed to be protected. But universities, realizing that it is impossible to prepare 100% original coursework, set uniqueness requirements of 50-70%.

Requirements for originality of course work

The percentage of uniqueness of course work is not regulated by any GOSTs. Each educational institution independently sets the intervals within which this indicator should fit. Also, the required percentage of originality may differ at different faculties of the same university and even at different directions the same faculty.

Required uniqueness of coursework in different areas:

  • technical specialties – from 50%;
  • humanitarian specialties – from 75%;
  • natural science specialties – from 65%;
  • social specialties – from 70%;
  • medicine – from 50%.

At the same time, universities use different verification programs.

Where to check coursework for anti-plagiarism

Checking coursework for anti-plagiarism can be carried out both offline and online. Let's look at popular services.

Online ways to check coursework for anti-plagiarism

This is the most common program for checking the uniqueness of student work. This is what is used in most universities. The service checks for plagiarism by assessing the matches of words from the text being checked with materials on the network.

Another popular uniqueness checking service in universities. Finds obvious plagiarism, but it is less strict than As a rule, the uniqueness of well-revised texts here is high.

The service is available on the content exchange of the same name. The checking algorithm finds low-quality rewriting, word rearrangement, and other attempts to bypass anti-plagiarism, which you don’t need to bother with.

This service for checking the originality of text also belongs to the content exchange of the same name. When checking texts, the shingle method is used here. The principle is that anti-plagiarism looks for matches with other texts, taking 4-5 words at a time. So, if 4 words in a row in the text being checked are similar to words in another text, this fragment will be non-unique.

Another online program owned by the Copywriting Exchange. It also takes the shingle method as a basis.

Offline ways to check coursework for anti-plagiarism

You can check the originality of your course work without the Internet by first downloading the Advego or Etxt programs from the sites of the same name.

Advego plagiatus

Advego – checks uniqueness offline. At the same time, the check is more in-depth, and the result may differ from its online counterpart.

To see the percentage of uniqueness, simply insert the text of the course work into the appropriate field and click the check button.


Etxt – checks uniqueness offline in four ways – standard, deep, express check and rewrite search. To display the result on the screen, you need to insert text into an empty field and click on the button indicating the verification method.

How to check a coursework for anti-plagiarism: step-by-step instructions for dummies

To check the uniqueness of work on any of the services, you need to follow a simple sequence of actions:

Step 1. Open any of the listed verification services.

Step 2. Copy the text of the course work (CTRL+C).

Step 3. Paste the copied text into the appropriate field (CTRL+V) and click the check button.

After the process is completed, the verification result will appear on the screen (the level of uniqueness of the text, which is calculated as a percentage), and non-original sections of the text will also be highlighted.

Important! Quotes (links) made by you specifically should not be taken into account when calculating the uniqueness of the text. However, programs cannot detect citations automatically. To exclude citations from checking, delete them or tell the anti-plagiarism system not to check a given section (may not be available in all systems).

Where is the best place to check your work?Comparing anti-plagiarism systems

Despite the fact that some services for checking texts for uniqueness use similar algorithms, the result of checking the same text differs.

To find out which service checks more strictly and which works faster, a comparative test was carried out. The same text is checked in different anti-plagiarism systems.

Screenshots of checks

Test results

As can be seen from the table, both the verification time and the given percentage of uniqueness do not coincide anywhere. It must be remembered that the processing time of information depends on the volume of text and the workload of the service. That is, when checking an entire course work or with a large queue of texts, for example, can complete the process in the same 5 minutes, and may need more than 2 minutes.

The same is true with the percentage of uniqueness. Thus, when checking coursework, may give a lower percentage than, for example,

If you don’t know what service the teacher uses, it’s better to rely on the most stringent check –

TOP 7 ways to increase uniqueness when checking coursework for plagiarism

TOP-1. Rewrite text

To achieve 70% or more originality in your course work, you need to rewrite it in your own words. To do this, you can replace several words in one sentence and insert introductory structures.

TOP-2. Using the shingle method to your advantage

If you know in advance that the coursework will be checked by a service that uses shingles, it will be easy to increase originality. At self-check coursework on anti-plagiarism, a report with non-unique fragments will appear. To achieve originality, you need to add 1-2 extra words to each such fragment or simply replace the last word of the fragment. So, if the text is checked with shingle 4, it is enough to replace the fourth word.

TOP-3. Using a Translator

If you translate the text of your term paper using an online translator into another language, and then again into Russian, you can achieve uniqueness. In this case, instead of the original words, their synonyms appear in the text, and the fragments become different from the version entered into the translator.

TOP-4. Use of foreign sources

If you add fragments of text from foreign sources translated into Russian to your coursework, you can increase the originality of the material. When checking the uniqueness of a program, as a rule, only sites in Russian are monitored. This means that a fragment taken from a foreign site and translated into Russian without replacing even one word will be unique.

TOP 5. Presentation of information in tables

Each coursework, as a rule, contains tables, diagrams and other similar elements. If some of the information is summarized in them, the text will not only be easier to perceive, but will also become unique.

TOP 6. Adding hyphens

When automatic hyphenation is configured, some words in the text are cut off so that the system perceives them as 2-3 words at once.

TOP 7. Independent coursework writing

This is the most effective way, since coursework written independently, and not copied from an already finished work, presented on the Internet, simply cannot fail to pass the anti-plagiarism check.

Let's sum it up

Thus, term papers are checked for plagiarism in special programs. Each teacher chooses a service depending on his preferences, so we recommend that you find out in advance which program will be used for testing when submitting your coursework.

Despite the existence of ways to process texts to turn them into unique ones, it is recommended to write term papers and other student papers yourself. This way, the information will be saved not only on paper, but also in your head. And the plagiarism check will be passed successfully.

P.S. Using the services listed in the article, you can check plagiarism of any work: abstract, essay, diploma and even dissertation.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Many of you, of course, know what is plagiarism Plagiarism is the deliberate use and appropriation of authorship of someone else's work of art or science, inventions or ideas. Plagiarism violates copyright, thereby entailing legal liability. More often, plagiarism occurs in the publication of other people's works and ideas under one's own name. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prove plagiarism in Russia. which, unfortunately, can be found very often in our everyday life. In this article I want to talk about useful programs with which you can check the text for uniqueness .

For any Web master and author who writes articles on various topics, text plagiarism checker- an essential tool. Accordingly, the material in this article will not be of interest to advanced Web masters and authors. Who should first know about the existence of such programs and why they are needed:

Users who decided to create their own website to make money on the Internet or just for fun. And they began to proudly call themselves novice Web masters from the minute when they came up with the idea of ​​​​creating their own free website.

For users who want text writing to bring good earnings. Such users are called novice authors.

So, meaningful and unique text Unique text is text that has no analogues in other sources, which is posted on any Internet resource, serves as the main content Content is any information that is located on an Internet resource (for example, a website) that can be copied or downloaded to a computer, usually for personal use. This can be: Texts, graphics, multimedia, files of various formats. And the quality of content directly affects the website’s promotion in search engines. Say in simple language, if, for example, you copy text from any site and paste it onto your site, then search engines will never show this copied material based on user requests. For such “brazen” plagiarism, search engines can generally put your site under a filter and no one will visit your resource for a long time. A novice Web master needs to know about this. And for beginning authors who want to make money by writing and selling their articles, program for checking the uniqueness of text will be the best assistant and main tool in creating a unique author's text.

As a rule, all programs with which you can check text for plagiarism, very simple and easy to use. The only difference between them is the quality and speed of text checking. Let's take a look at some publicly available free programs for checking texts for plagiarism.

Checking the text for uniqueness using the Advego Plagiatus program.

Among the authors and Web masters who work on the Advego content exchange, Advego Plagiatus program, which you can check texts for uniqueness, perhaps the most popular. To download and install this free program on your computer, just go to the Advego content exchange. The program is very easy to use. It is enough to copy the text from any file and paste it into the main window of the program interface. Then, in the “Uniqueness Check” menu, select “Deep Check” (if this is important to you). The program will search the Internet for similar text and give you the result in the form of a percentage of uniqueness. Similar phrases and phrases found by the program will be marked in yellow, and the lower window will list the addresses of sites where similar text is located. To edit the text, just switch to the “Text Editor” between the top and bottom windows. As a rule, when editing text, phrases, word endings, or synonyms are replaced. After editing, text uniqueness check repeats and does this until the percentage of uniqueness suits you. And, of course, don't forget check text spelling .

As you can see in the screenshot, after checking the initial text about Advego Plagiatus, this program produced a uniqueness of 88%. This did not suit me, and after small changes and several checks, I stopped tormenting the program for 99% uniqueness.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the developers of the Advego Plagiatus program are constantly trying to improve the application. And at the moment it's out new version Advego Plagiatus 1.3. with improved functionality and unique opportunity check the text for originality, which you can read about in this note .

Anti-plagiarism program from the Etxt exchange.

Essentially Etxt Anti-plagiarism program no different from Advego Plagiarism. The main difference is the difference in the percentage of uniqueness of checking the same text and the multi-colored underlining of similar matches found. To download for free and check text uniqueness Etxt Anti-Plagiarism program, just go to this resource.

As you can see in the screenshot, when checking the same initial text about Advego Plagiatus with the Etxt Anti-Plagiarism program, it turned out to be 91% unique. I would like to note that the settings of both programs for search quality were almost the same. But I cannot say that the Anti-Plagiarism program is worse than Plagiatus Advego. Each program works in its own algorithm and finds matches of various text fragments on different resources. To reliably obtain unique text, I use both of these programs.

Check for plagiarism online for free in the Findcopy Internet service.

In general, Findcopy used to be called Miratools and was partially paid internet a service that provided a number of additional features for a small amount, checking texts for uniqueness. Now this service has changed and allows any user check text for uniqueness for free, but with restrictions. You can check text up to 18,000 characters without registration and approximately 40 thousand for a registered user. I think that it would be simply unreasonable not to use this opportunity. Of course, this service also has its drawbacks. For example: you cannot make text corrections directly in the scan result window. A check for plagiarism online the corrected initial text in Findcopy (formerly Miratools) produced from 52% to 100% uniqueness. All results were not stable.

How to bypass anti-plagiarism - online program ANEXP

In conclusion, I want to say that achieving 100% uniqueness of the text is simply impossible by definition. And if any program gives you 100% unique text, look at the program settings and make adjustments. But this is a different topic.

And at the end of this article I would like to wish myself and all readers success and good luck..

One of the main criteria for evaluating content, both for webmasters and online text authors, is uniqueness. This value is not abstract, but more than specific and can be determined as a percentage using a number of programs or online services.

In the Russian-language segment, the most popular solutions for checking uniqueness are the eTXT Anti-Plagiarism and . The development of the latter, by the way, has already been discontinued, and its replacement is an online service of the same name.

The only program of this kind that has not lost its relevance is eTXT Anti-plagiarism. But more convenient and effective for many users are web tools that allow you to correctly check the uniqueness of any text.

In addition, online solutions are constantly supported by developers who introduce new functions and improve content processing algorithms. Thus, unlike programs installed on a computer, anti-plagiarism services can quickly adapt to changes in the operation of search engines. And all this without the need to update client-side code.

Almost all resources for checking content for plagiarism are free. Each such system offers its own algorithm for searching for duplicates, as a result of which the results obtained in one service may differ slightly from those of another.

However, it cannot be stated unequivocally that some resource performs text checking faster or significantly more accurately than a competitor. The only difference is which one is preferable for the webmaster. Accordingly, the only thing that will be important for the contractor is what service and threshold of uniqueness the customer has defined for him.

Method 1:

The most popular tool for checking the uniqueness of text online. You can use the resource absolutely free - there are no restrictions on the number of checks.

To check an article of up to 10 thousand characters using, you do not need to register. But to process larger material (up to 15 thousand characters), you will still have to create an account.

Using to determine the uniqueness of content, the author can exclude possible borrowings from the texts he has written. In turn, the webmaster receives an excellent tool for preventing the publication of low-quality rewriting on the pages of his site.

The service algorithm takes into account such techniques for uniqueness of materials as rearrangement of words and phrases, changes in cases, tenses, spot replacements of phrases, etc. Such text fragments will be highlighted in colored blocks and marked as non-unique.

Method 2: Content Watch

The most convenient service for checking text for plagiarism. The tool is different high speed data processing and recognition accuracy of non-unique fragments.

In the free mode of use, the resource allows you to check texts of no more than 10 thousand characters in length and up to 7 times a day.

Even if you do not intend to buy a subscription, you will still have to register on the site to increase the character limit from three to ten thousand.

This solution looks more attractive specifically for owners of content platforms. Content Watch offers the webmaster a number of tools to determine the uniqueness of the mass of articles on the site as a whole. In addition, the resource has the function of automatically monitoring pages for plagiarism, which makes the service a serious option for SEO optimizers.

Method 3: eTXT Anti-plagiarism

At the moment, the resource is the most popular content exchange in the Russian-language segment of the network. To check texts for plagiarism, the creators of the service developed their own tool that most accurately identifies any borrowings in articles.

eTXT anti-plagiarism exists both as a software solution for Windows, Mac and Linux, and as a web version within the exchange itself.

You can use this tool only by logging into account eTXT user, no matter the customer or the performer. The number of free checks per day is limited, as is the maximum possible text length - up to 10 thousand characters. By paying for article processing, the user gets the opportunity to check up to 20 thousand characters with spaces at a time.

eTXT Anti-plagiarism is definitely not the fastest tool for identifying borrowed content, but it is considered one of the most reliable solutions of its kind. Where other services unconditionally identify the text as unique, this one can indicate a number of matches. Taking into account this factor, as well as the limitation on the number of checks, anti-plagiarism from eTXT can be safely recommended as the final “authority” when searching for borrowings in an article.

Method 4: Advego Plagiarism Online

For a long time the service existed as computer program and was considered the standard for checking the uniqueness of articles of any complexity. Now, the once free tool is a browser-only solution and also requires users to shell out for symbol packs.

No, the original Advego utility has not disappeared anywhere, but its support has almost completely ceased. The quality and outdated algorithms of the program no longer allow it to be used to search for borrowings.

However, many people prefer to check the uniqueness of texts using the tool from Advego. And only thanks to the plagiarism search algorithm that has been developed over the years, this solution is definitely worthy of your attention.

The Advego resource, which, like eTXT, is a popular content exchange, allows only authorized users to fully use its functionality. Therefore, to check the text for uniqueness here, you will have to create an account on the site or log into an existing account.

In the article, we looked at the best and most convenient web services for checking the uniqueness of articles. There is no ideal among them; each has both disadvantages and advantages. We advise webmasters to try all the tools described above and choose the most suitable one for themselves. Well, for the author in this case, the determining factor is either the customer’s requirement or the rules of a specific content exchange.
