Secrets of reincarnation: ways to remember who you were in a past life. Practical numerology: who I was in a past life Adme who I was in a past life

It is probably difficult to find a person who would not like to understand himself and his character more deeply. There are many ways to “dig” into yourself, but one of them is to find out who you were in a past life. Reincarnation experts say that the past life has a strong influence on the present, as well as on a person’s habits and phobias. You can take the “who were you in a past life” test in a relatively short time, and it will reveal to you the secrets of the subconscious that you had no idea about.

With the help of such tests you can also find out your purpose in real life. This is useful if you are currently at the selection stage future profession. The test will help you determine your basic predispositions and hidden talents and will guide you in the right direction when choosing a future field of activity. However, if you have known what to do for a long time, testing can also be useful. With its help, you can find something you like that can brighten up your routine days.

The test was compiled by professionals in the field of reincarnation, working in detail on each question and the answers to it. Analysis of various combinations of answers provided them with the opportunity to fully give the most accurate information regarding a probable past life. You can take the “Who were you in a past life and where did you live” test for free, without SMS, and get an accurate result instantly.

Take the Who were you in a past life test online for free

The only thing that unites them is the so-called causal body. These are character traits, predispositions and talents that you do not notice in real life. They can be developed, but to do this you first need to learn about them. By passing the test, you will be able to penetrate the secrets of your subconscious and find the information you need. There are many tests available that will tell you who you were in a past life, even based on your date of birth. Some tests show an animal that characterizes you in a past life. One thing is for sure: a past life test will reveal the psychological secrets of your conscious and subconscious mind, and this can play a big role in your life.

No one can prove the existence of the soul, but almost everyone believes in the existence of karma. When you do something stupid, it seems like some higher power is trying to stop you, and later you feel remorse.

It also happens that you try to help a stranger when he doesn’t ask you. Esotericists call all this the influence of karma.

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Karmic debt

Supporters of numerology (a system in which there is a mystical connection between numbers and physical objects) are confident that the fate of each person is predetermined, and you can find out it by determining your karmic number. It directly depends on the person’s full date of birth. Once you recognize him, you will recognize yours. karmic debt.

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There is nothing complicated in such a calculation; it is enough to know the date of birth and be able to add simple numbers: add the number of the month to the number of the birthday and add each digit of the year of birth.

For example: date of birth February 11, 2001. Then karmic number It is calculated as follows: 11 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 16.

In addition to determining fate, this number also means karmic period. In this case, dramatic changes will occur in a person’s life every 5 years.

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Using this formula, calculate karmic debt won't be difficult. But how can you decipher your destiny? To do this, let us again turn to numerology, which explains what this or that karmic number means. You can also roughly determine who a person was in a past life.

First level

These people are destined to engage in ordinary earthly affairs. All attempts to change the world will not lead to anything good, so avoid soul-searching.

Probably in a past life you committed a crime or betrayed loved ones. There will be many obstacles on your life's path. Reliable people will not be easy to find.

You were a noble schemer and now you are paying for your tricks. Don't get involved in intrigue. Avoid participating in political organizations, because it will not bring success. There may be difficulties in the family, mutual disrespect, quarrels.

In your past life, you were a poor man with many bad habits. Now you will not be left alone, and good luck will accompany you in life and career.

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Second level

These people will become role models, so they should pay attention to intellectual and physical improvement.

In a past life, you had wealth, but you acquired it dishonestly. Now you will have to develop a love of humanity and deal with the constant adversities of life.

You worked hard before and remained faithful to one woman all your life. You have good karma and good luck in your business. You rarely rest, but if you are lazy even less, you will achieve success in all your endeavors.

In a past life you were an unlucky woman from working environment and traded in theft. Now you are characterized by gullibility and kindness, which others take advantage of. Be careful.

Previously, you were a beautiful, but very lonely woman. Now fate favors you. You can build a good career with enough effort.

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In a past life, you were involved in art and were part of a strong family. If you do not do evil, your life path will be easy and happy.

You were a woman of noble blood, forced into marriage. Now you know how to learn from mistakes and not repeat past mistakes.

You happened to be a doctor who made fatal mistakes. You will have to go through a lot of disappointments in this life. People around you will try to deceive you, so be careful.

Was a scientist or representative local authorities, however, no significant success was achieved. Was in a happy marriage. Good luck will accompany you in business. A penchant for productive work and high intelligence also add to optimism.

In a past life, you committed suicide because of a loved one. Now you have a troubled fate. You want to confront not only society, but everyone you meet.

Previously, you were a dishonest businessman. Now many challenges await you. Dishonest people will be found at every turn. Try to find your soul mate as soon as possible, otherwise you may suffer alone all your life.

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Third level

Representatives of this level are destined to teach other people and pass on their experience to them. Therefore, they need to devote a lot of time to training.

In a past life, you suffered from serious addiction (alcohol or drugs), while being a representative creative profession. Now your happiness directly depends on your actions, so think not only about yourself, but also about the people around you.

You used to be an actor or musician, but in this life you can become a famous public figure. But it’s difficult to hope for happiness in your personal life.

You were a traveler who never started a family. Now you have a good chance of building successful career. You have many friends and acquaintances, but stop sharing your plans with them, otherwise there will be no chance of success.

In a past life, you were a warrior who died in battle without having time to start a family. Now until about 35 years old you will struggle with difficulties, but then everything will get better. You will be able to become financially secure.

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In a past life, you happened to be a stage star, but without happiness in your personal life. Now you expect disappointment and betrayal from potential partners. There may be problems with alcohol and drug addiction in the family. Also, be wary of lending money, as there is a high probability that it will not be returned.

You were previously a prison guard or a convict. Now you are destined to achieve everything in life on your own. You shouldn't expect help from loved ones. With proper effort, you can build a good career.

You had the opportunity to earn a reputation as a loving mother and an excellent housewife, so you did not retain karmic debts from your past life. Now you will have happiness in love affairs and many good friends.

In a past life, you lived constantly in a remote village and farmed. Now there will be many problems on your way, unreliable friends and difficulties in business.

You were a swindler or a gambler who was constantly lucky. In this life you have a powerful intellect, but poor health.

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Fourth level

These people are destined special role- they must become spiritual leaders and mentors for many. Understanding the foundations of the universe, finding the meaning of life and helping others gain knowledge.

Early on you were engaged in literary activities and were successful in love affairs. But in this life you are less lucky: problems with others, frequent lack of money. This is largely due to selfishness and reluctance to make contact with people.

Being a charming woman in your past life, you managed to capture the hearts of many men. Now you are also successful in society. However, your susceptibility to the evil eye, coupled with your love of bragging, constantly creates problems.

In a past life, you were a loving man who loved feasts. For this, your wife often beat you. Now you can count on success in any matter, except relationships with the opposite sex.

You were previously executed. Now you are atoning for past sins. There will be many difficulties along the way. The more good you do, the sooner you will clear your karma.

In a past life, you experienced your wife’s infidelity and liked to spend money on all sorts of stupid things. Now you are inclined to cheat on yourself, but this will only lead to problems and troubles. You have exceptional intuition.

You had a reputation as a loser, but you were very benevolent and flexible. In this life, it will not be easy at first, but everything depends on hard work and the desire to develop. With proper effort, you will succeed.

In your past life, you were everyone's favorite, and your heroic death only added to your respect. Now you have no problems in relationships with people. However, beware of arranged marriages. Such a step will ruin your life.

The head of a sect, a monk or a hermit - that's who you were before. Now you love noisy events and always strive to go where there are a lot of people. Insincerity and betrayal come across every path.

You were closely associated with weapons. In this life you have high intelligence and are drawn to money. There are leadership qualities. You can succeed in both sports and politics.

You have often performed in public and enjoyed great fame. In this life, success matters little to you. You strive for a calm and measured life.

If your karmic number does not exceed 10 or more than 49, then we have good news for you - astrologers consider such people to be free from karmic debts. This means that you yourself are the creator of your own destiny. Do good, work hard on yourself and you will succeed.

At all times, people have tried to predict fate and at least look a little into the future. This is how Buddhists find a connection between the year of birth and a certain purpose in life. But representatives of numerology insist that a person’s fate depends on the exact time of his birth.

But can't a person be stronger than the twists of fate? After all, we always have a choice of how to act. What if it is character, perseverance and willpower that determine our successes, and what is destined by fate comes true only when we resignedly go with the flow? What do you think?

Idea eternal life inherent in almost all religions, the human brain is not able to comprehend the category of non-existence, so it is not so difficult to believe that you will live forever.

Only some religious ideas are associated with the transition of the soul to another world, different from ours. Others insist that a person again makes the transition to this world in order to learn to live righteously. According to the ideas of the ancient Indians, the soul can go from a stone to incarnation in a person.

And being in a person, it goes through the castes (conventionally, from a servant to a clergyman). Only being in the highest caste (Brahmin) the soul has the opportunity to stop the cycle of rebirths and comprehend the state of eternal bliss.

The desire to find out who you were in a past life is not always generated by simple curiosity. A person may ask this question because he often experiences the effect of déjà vu.

  • Antique objects or events seem familiar to him.
  • Or you have strange dreams with scenes from the past that did not happen to the person in this life.

Knowing who you were in a past life can help you find answers to questions that haunt you in your current incarnation. The events of this life are closely connected with the actions of a person in a past incarnation, which is why this knowledge is so important and useful.

How to find out the secret of your past incarnation

There are several ways to find out who you were in a past life. These are meditative practices, holotropic breathing, astrology. One of the most simple ways find out your incarnation - numerology.

To calculate, the minimum required is to know the person’s date of birth. The keepers of the secret knowledge of the East left ancient tables from which you can find out all the information about your past life by the date of your current birth.

To calculate and determine your past using numerology, prepare. Take a piece of paper and a pencil.

Let's take for example the date of birth September 29, 1992. Let's look at table No. 1. On the left we find the first three numbers - 199. On top, the last number is 2. At the intersection we see the letter X, fix it.

Man or woman?

In the next tablet we look for the month of birth. In our example, this is September. Here all months are indicated twice. You need to find the letter that was recorded in table No. 1, in our example it is X.

  • If you find the letter in the first part of the mention of the month, then in a previous life you got the role of a man.
  • If in the second case - a woman.

When you have found your letter, look at the table header. It is indicated there character type. We have the letter X, a symbol of type IV, profession number 4. Next to the month is indicated letter of profession. September – B. We record all the data received on a piece of paper.

Place of residence

In table No. 3 on the right we look for a symbol of type (IV). Then in this block, we look for the birth number (29) and see which planet the number belongs to. For us this is the Moon. On the left we look at the same line, where the number (29) in the “men” column is the number 26 (seat number). Let's write it down.

In table No. 4 we look for the number 26 and find out the country where we lived. It turns out Austria.


In table No. 5 you can find out your previous profession. To do this, remember the number of the profession (we have 4) and the letter (B) and see what numerology says. Our example in a past life was a warrior, a butcher, a fisherman, a hunter, a person who performed sacrifices (one of these options).


In table No. 6, numerology will allow you to find out what this incarnation gives you. To do this, you need to remember the planet under which your date of birth was located (the Moon) and look at the meaning of your planet, taking into account the date of birth.

Having this information on numerology, you can change your life, making it more perfect. Analyze the picture of your past life, find common ground with your current incarnation - this is the key to many issues relating to your life.

Pay close attention to your purpose; this applies not only to your profession and self-realization, but also to your attitude towards others. After you shed light on the picture of your life, start analyzing the incarnations of your loved ones and relatives by their date of birth. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

What was your past life like? What is your main purpose in life today? These and other mysteries of your personality will help you reveal the tables compiled by the ancient sages of the East.

The tables presented in the article are simplified and adapted for modern man. Nevertheless, they allow you to lift the veil of secrecy over the distant past and find out what your past life was like, as well as find out your purpose in your current life. You are offered six tables, working with which certain rules You can get valuable information about yourself without turning to clairvoyants or fortune tellers.

So, let's start getting answers to the questions posed:

- What was your past life?

— What is your main thing? purpose in life current?

Find the letter of your year of birth in table No. 1. For example, a person was born on January 14, 1933. In the first column we find the three initial digits of the year of birth - 193, in the top - the last, the fourth digit - three, and at their intersection - the corresponding letter. In our example – T.

Table No. 1.

Year of birth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
192 P U T Z R W V U M Y
193 X W O T Z Y Q V U T
194 S X W V N Z Y X P U
195 T Z R W V U M Y X W
196 O T Z Y Q V U T S X
197 W V N Z Y X P U T Z
198 X W O T Z Y Q V U T
199 Z Y X W O T Z Y Q V
200 U T S X W Y N Z Y X

Then, in table No. 2, find the letter of your year in the line where your birth month is indicated. It is at the top of the table, which means you were a man in a past life. If it were at the bottom, then you would be a woman. In the same table, at the top of the column with the letter of your year, the symbol of the type and number of the profession are indicated, and next to the month of birth - the sign of the type of profession (A, B, C, D). In our case, these will be Symbol Type II, 2 and C.

Table No. 2.

Type symbol Type I symbol Type II symbol Type III symbol Type IV symbol Type V symbol Type VI symbol Type VII symbol
Month Profession type sign

Profession number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
January C V T W Z X Y U
February D R P S O M N Q
March B Y W Z V T U X
April A O M P S O R N
May D W U X T Y Z V
June C M R N Q O P S
July A U Z V Y W X T
August B R P S O M N Q
September B T Y U X V W Z
October A P N Q M R S O
November C Y W Z V T U X
December D N S O R P Q M
January A O M P S Q R N AND
February C Y W Z V T U X
March D S Q M P N O R
April B U Z V Y W X T
May C Q O R N S M P
June A Z X T W U V Y
July B O M P S Q R N
August D X V Y U Z T W
September D N S O R P Q M
October B V T W Z X Y U
November C S Q M P N O R
December A T Y U X V W Z

In the right column of table No. 3, find the symbol of your type, and in the columns of numbers located under the names of the planets, find your date of birth. The type symbol in our example is “Type II Symbol”. And the number 14 is in the second line of the adjacent column - under the planet Saturn. In the leftmost column under “Men” or “Women” is the number of the place of your past life. In our example, this number is 58 (in the “Men” column in the block with the Type II Symbol and in the same line as the date of birth).

Table No. 3.

Men Women Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Type symbol
Seat number Seat number
5 22 1 2 Type I symbol
46 17 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
37 36 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
48 59 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
65 51 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
6 9 31
26 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Type II symbol
58 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
10 64 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
38 56 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
41 35 29 30 31
29 19 1 2 3 Type III symbol
53 67 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
30 13 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
69 32 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 11 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
74 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type IV symbol
4 49 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
37 17 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
20 39 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
26 33 28 29 30 31
23 42 1 2 3 4 Type V symbol
21 60 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
44 24 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
16 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
43 52 26 27 28 29 30 31
34 18 1 2 3 4 5 Type VI symbol
27 25 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
14 57 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
41 45 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
50 62 27 28 29 30 31
73 8 1 Type VII symbol
63 55 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
66 70 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
34 68 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
61 71 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
72 7 30 31

Table No. 4 will tell you where exactly you lived in a past life. Let’s look into it: number 58 is Eastern Australia. In addition, above the column with the date of birth in table No. 3 we find the planet of purpose in this life. In our case, the planet Saturn.

Table No. 4.

Place of birth Place of birth
1 Alaska 38 Hungary
2 Canada (East) 39 Yugoslavia
3 Canada (North, center) 40 Romania
4 Ontario 41 Bulgaria
5 Quebec 42 Israel (Palestine)
6 Labrador 43 Tibet
7 Newfoundland 44 Burma
8 Greenland 45 Thailand
9 Northwestern USA 46 South China
10 Southwest USA 47 Mongolia
11 North central USA 48 North of China
12 South central USA 49 Korea
13 North eastern USA 50 Northern Japan
14 Southeastern USA 51 South of Japan
15 Arctic 52 Sumatra Island
16 Scotland 53 Islands of Borneo and Kalimantan
17 North of England 54 Philippines
18 Center of England 55 New Guinea
19 South of England 56 North of Australia
20 Wales 57 Western Australia
21 Ireland 58 East of Australia
22 Northern Europe 59 South Australia
23 France 60 North of New Zealand
24 Spain 61 South New Zealand
25 Portugal 62 Pacific Islands
26 Austria 63 North India
27 Germany 64 Center of India
28 East of Russia 65 South India
29 Italy 66 Egypt
30 Türkiye 67 North Africa
31 West Russia 68 West Africa
32 Siberia 69 Center of Africa
33 Center of Russia 70 Mexico
34 Greece 71 Atlantic Ocean Islands
35 Iran 72 Cyprus
36 Saudi Arabia 73 Northern South America
37 Poland 74 Southern South America

Now you can get additional information about your past life in table No. 5, finding the sign and number of your profession. Remember, the profession number in the example was 2, the sign was C. Select line C-2. We read: “Ataman, ruler, gunsmith, mentor, ship captain.” You were one of them in your past life.

Table No. 5.

A-1 Digger
A-2 Philosopher, researcher
A-3 Inventor, designer
A-4 Chemist or perfumer, alchemist, poison maker, priest
A-5 Sailor, carpenter, cook
A-6 Jeweler, watchmaker, collector
A-7 Medic, surgeon, herbalist, healer, chiropractor
B-1 Builder of roads, bridges, houses; psychiatrist researcher, spellcaster, shaman
B-2 Cartographer, astrologer, astronomer, road builder
B-3 Craftsman, mechanic, harpoon maker, house builder
B-4 Warrior, hunter, butcher, fisherman, in religion - performer of sacrifices
B-5 Artist, magician, fortune teller
B-6 Shipbuilder, navigator, shoemaker
B-7 Builder of temples, cathedrals; artist who paints talismans
C-1 Shepherd, trainer, hunter; person dealing with animals in a natural setting
C-2 Ataman, ruler, gunsmith, mentor, ship captain
C-3 Librarian, Temple Abbot, Keeper of Tribal Relics
C-4 A person who entertains a crowd; musician, poet, temple dancer, performer of temple chants, actor in mystical plays
C-5 Sailor, merchant, small businessman, reseller
C-6 Hermit monk, a person who seeks to escape public life for various reasons, beekeeper, winemaker, solo traveler
C-7 Writer, comedian, showman, playwright, stage sound effects specialist, stunt coordinator, temple ritual organizer
D-1 Teacher; worker caring for young animals at the zoo; Keeper of small animals, birds, insects
D-2 Preacher, printer, bookbinder, man deciphering ancient inscriptions on stone
D-3 Farmer, livestock breeder, weaver, tailor. Inventor, technologist in food and other light industries
D-4 Playwright, director, musical director, traveling minstrel
D-5 Banker, moneylender, gambler, appraiser, judge, historian. Possibly adventurer, mercenary
D-6 Mathematician, geologist, teacher, glassblower
D-7 Dancer, singer, actor; a person who is good at implementing other people's ideas

And finally, from table No. 6 we will find out what the main purpose in this life has been set for you by higher powers. The planet of destination in our example is Saturn. Let's look at which of the three sections the fourteenth number - the date of birth - falls into. This is the last line of the second section: “Your purpose in life is to do everything in your power to reduce violence and disharmony in the world, at least by understanding and revealing the reasons that give rise to them. All the world's problems have a common root."

Table No. 6.

Planet of Destination Birthdays from 1 to 11 inclusive
Sun Your purpose in life is to solve problems of environmental pollution, waste use, misuse material resources, eliminating radioactivity, including psychological methods.
Moon All your life it seemed to you that you perceived the world differently from the people around you. Your purpose in life is to figure out why this happens. Your gut feeling should be your guiding light in everything you do.
Mars Your purpose in life is to develop a benevolent attitude towards others and strive to understand them, as well as to help those who are sad and in misfortune.
Mercury Your purpose in life is to develop feelings of love, happiness and enthusiasm, and to awaken these feelings in those around you.
Jupiter Your purpose in life is to learn to love and believe in the Creator of the Universe. Think, study, reflect - develop spiritual wisdom.
Venus There are many lonely and sick people in the world. Your purpose in life is to help those who are less fortunate than you.
Saturn Your purpose in life is to study, practice and use the wisdom found in the psychological sciences as well as in ancient manuscripts. If you believe and work carefully (without bias), you will find your true calling.
Planet of Destination Birthdays from 12 to 21 inclusive
Sun Your purpose in life is to learn humility and fidelity to spiritual principles. Many great people in history knew how to humble their pride because they believed in the existence of a Supreme Guide.
Moon Your main purpose in life (meaning the work of the soul) is to do everything you can to make the world more beautiful in every way. Deserts, physical and spiritual, await your touch.
Mars Your purpose in life is to develop and expand your consciousness to expand the boundaries of the world you perceive. Find yourself a good guru, spend some of your time and energy on what the teacher will reveal to you. Your efforts will not be in vain.
Mercury Your purpose in life is to develop the ability to instill hope and peace in the hearts of others. Curb your ambition. True wealth lies in your soul.
Jupiter Your purpose in life is to learn determination and perseverance. Every trial and tribulation must bow to the strength of your spirit.
Venus There is an invisible connection between the material and spiritual spheres. Using this connection, you need to look for and find a unified approach both in terms of worldview and in relation to others.
Saturn Your purpose in life is to do everything in your power to reduce violence and disharmony in the world, at least by understanding and revealing the reasons that give rise to them. All the world's problems have a common root.
Planet of Destination Birthdays from 22 to 31 inclusive
Sun Your purpose in life is to teach people patience, understanding, and the ability to face life's challenges with a joyful heart. While helping others, try to maintain peace of mind.
Moon Your main purpose in life is to develop generosity and brotherly feelings among people. Try to be less attached to material values ​​and learn to own only as much as you give yourself.
Mars Your purpose in life is to help the old or the very young. If you learn to do this, your strength will grow.
Mercury Your purpose in life is to overcome jealousy and prejudice within yourself, and then help those who see you as their mentor to do so. You must understand that the sources of these weaknesses are fear and self-pity.
Jupiter Your purpose in life is to overcome shyness, unsociability and self-confidence, and then help others do the same.
Venus Your purpose in life is to become more reasonable and not selfish towards people. Your life will be happier and more purposeful when you help others correct these shortcomings.
Saturn There is magic all around you, in everything that seems the most ordinary, in the most ordinary events. Your purpose in life is to comprehend this magic and help others see it, for the magical gift lies within you.

Well, now, having figured out how to work with tables, check yourself and your loved ones.

And, finally, an interesting video “Reincarnation. Past Lives."

Esotericists believe that the soul can be reborn, that every person has past incarnations that leave an imprint on the current existence. I believe in this, and therefore I decided to find out who I was in a past life. There are several tests to determine your past incarnations and your current purpose. I want to talk about them in this article.

Numerology test

This is the simplest, but not very accurate test for determining your past incarnation. It is based on calculations based on date of birth. You only need to know the date, month and year.

For example, you were born on September 25, 1982. Add up all the numbers in this date: 2+5+0+9+1+9+8+2= 36. You get a two-digit number, so continue adding until you get a single-digit number: 3+6=9. Therefore, your birth number is 9. Using the list below, find this number and find out what you were in a past life.


You were involved in art and creativity. Your activity could be related to painting or writing. Perhaps you were even a famous person. But creativity is a hobby, but your main activity was applied work. You could be a craftsman, an inventor, a builder.


This number influential people, for example, politicians. But you were different in that you tried to make this world a better place. Besides, you owned oratory, and therefore your activities were very successful. Another option is an actor or dancer. You were attracted to fame, but these activities could only be hobbies.


This number is also the number of a lover of fame and fame. You could equally be a writer or actor, as well as a military man or politician. And your hobbies were magic, esotericism and everything unknown and supernatural.


In your previous incarnation, your entire life was devoted to exact sciences. A developed and tenacious mind, together with good intuition, allowed you to make discoveries and invent new devices. However, you failed to achieve financial well-being. Becoming rich is your current destiny.


In a past life, your activities were aimed at complying with laws. You could be a judge or a lawyer. However, it is possible that you were engaged in trading.


This is the number of spiritually developed people. You devoted your entire past life to selflessly helping people. Perhaps they were a priest or a doctor. They could have become rich, as they received good fees, but they spent most of them on charity.


This is the number of births of the insane (in in a good way words) scientists who devoted their entire existence to science, self-development and inventions. But at the same time, you needed luxury, and therefore all your life you strived for it.


Birth number of careerists. Having set a goal for yourself, you literally walked over your head. Your motto is “to achieve the goal, all means are good.” Violations of state, divine and human laws - this was natural for you. Therefore, in the current incarnation you will have to work off a lot of karmic debts.


In a past life, you most likely were a socialite, close to those in power. You loved beauty in all its forms and sought to bring it into the lives of those around you. Art and creativity are your past hobbies. At the same time, you had no desire for wealth and power.

This test is quite vague, but general characteristics your past incarnation indicates. There is also a more accurate test, by passing which you will not only find out your past activities, but will also be able to determine your place of birth and your current purpose.

Accurate test for past incarnations

For this test, you also only need to know the person's date of birth. It is best to prepare a piece of paper and a pencil, as you will have to write down a lot. Use the table below to determine your birth letter.

In the following table, find your letter by finding your birth number. Please note that there are two tables - one for men, the other for women. This way you will recognize the type symbol, number and sign of the type of profession. Be sure to remember this information.

In the table below, use the type symbol to find the number of the place of birth and the planet. You will need the latter in order to find out your current purpose.

You can find out your profession from the following tables by comparing its number and type sign. For example, if you have AI, then you were a navvy, miner, miner or farmer. In any case, your profession was related to excavations.

Your current purpose is closely related to your activities in past incarnations. If you behaved incorrectly, then you have accumulated karmic debts that need to be repaid. If you were a military man and killed people, then in your current incarnation you should bring only peace and goodness.

In the tables below, find the third of the month you were born in and the planet. For example, you were born on the 25th, so you need to search in the third ten days of the month.

Be sure to analyze the knowledge you have acquired and choose an activity that would allow you to repay karmic debts and live a happy life. Past incarnations leave an imprint on your current existence, and if something doesn’t work out for you, then you have again chosen the wrong path.


In conclusion we can say:

  • you need to know who you were in a past life in order to live correctly in your current incarnation;
  • every person has past incarnations;
  • Hobbies that you had in a past life may remain in the present.
