What to do if you have lost the meaning of life? Easy but proven tips. How to help a person who has lost the meaning of life


Life has lost its meaning - what to do, how to live on? Psychologist's advice

December 20, 2016

Each person has his own meaning in life. His search is traditionally defined as a spiritual and philosophical problem, the essence of which tends to determine the purpose of existence of each of us. If we think more globally, then to the destiny of all humanity. This is important. And if life has lost its meaning, then it’s unlikely that anything worse will happen.

About the problem

This usually happens during depression. Although most often it is the loss of the meaning of life that causes this condition. During which you don’t want anything. A person is depressed, he does not experience joy, does not show interest in anything, and constantly feels tired. His speeches are pessimistic, he does not want and cannot concentrate, sometimes thinks about death or suicide, sleeps constantly or does not do so at all. And most importantly, there is a feeling of worthlessness, accompanied by feelings of fear, anxiety and even guilt.

Life has lost its meaning... There is so much pain in this phrase. And what is the reason for this problem? With a shortage of what a person needs most. For some, it’s a job and an opportunity to make a dizzying career. For others - a loved one, spending time together, tender feelings and passion. For the rest - a family with a bunch of children. For others, the meaning of life is immeasurable wealth. For others, it’s an opportunity to travel and develop. There can be countless examples. But it all comes down to one simple truth. Fortunately. Yes, this is the meaning of life - to be happy. Or, as they say, to be in a state of complete satisfaction with the conditions of one’s existence and being. This is the meaning of life. This phenomenon, by the way, is actively studied by occultism, theology, psychology and philosophy.

Eternal search

It’s a paradox, but many people understand that life has lost its meaning while... trying to find it. Such cases are not uncommon. Indeed, people who constantly think about the meaning of life are the most unhappy. They actively try to understand their desires, their own character and themselves. And many are not satisfied with the notorious answer to the eternal question, which assures that the meaning lies in happiness.

And then a person tries to find it in esoteric, philosophical and religious teachings, which, of course, do not give a clear answer to this question. Therefore, a person begins to look for it in music, literature, lyrics and even natural sciences.

And in the overwhelming majority of cases, disappointment comes to him. He seems to have everything he needs for a fulfilling life - a job, close people, friends, a significant other, a good salary. But this no longer makes sense. Because the person was convinced: everything is decay. And slowly but surely he loses interest in everything. Begins to experience headaches, struggles with insomnia, and experiences chronic fatigue. And it’s very difficult to live like this. Trying to get distracted begins. In the best cases, a person gets carried away computer games. At worst, he drowns in alcohol and drugs. The most serious consequence is suicide. In general, real depression.

Video on the topic

What to do?

If life has lost its meaning, then you don’t want to do anything. For the first time, the turning point, so to speak, this is permissible. But then you need to act. Either yourself, or at the suggestion of someone close and caring. Many people turn to psychologists. Of course, there are effective tips. But there is no universal recommendation that helps everyone equally.

So what to do if you have lost the meaning of life? Start looking for answers. To begin with, it is important to determine what is happening. After all, the essence lies not just in a bad mood, parting with a loved one or accumulated fatigue. The loss of the meaning of life cannot be compared with any sadness.

And we also need to remember that we are all controlled by desires. And they need to be satisfied. What could be worse than not having what you want? If you do not satisfy your own spiritual needs, you cannot avoid misfortune. And a void that needs to be filled. To begin to gradually get rid of hatred towards yourself and your body, those around you and the world in general, you need to remember what a person has always wanted. Let's say, as an example, this is a trip to the sunny Dominican Republic, to the gentle sea. Through force, you need to re-ignite this desire. Start planning your trip, packing your things, choosing a hotel. There is a saying: “Appetite comes with eating.” And in this case too. The person will be inspired in the process. And the result will be the satisfaction of his main desire, which entails a feeling of fulfillment, self-sufficiency and pleasure.


Everyone knows that this is a research method in which the object being studied is divided into separate parts for better understanding. Analysis is relevant not only to mathematics, programming and medicine. But also to the topic under discussion. What to do if you have lost the meaning of life? Analyze the current situation.

You need to evaluate your actions and identify mistakes. Nothing just happens. And the reason why a person found himself on the brink also has roots. But the most important thing is that you should never judge yourself. Everything has already happened. What has happened has passed. And now we need to find out why everything happened this way, so as not to repeat our mistakes in the future.

It is very important not to feel regret. This is a bad feeling that once again depresses a person. He must accept the moment as it is. And even in the most terrible, wild situation, try to find the positives. At least that life goes on. And in the future there is a chance to achieve success.

And even if a person has an incredibly difficult life, the story of which can bring tears to the most callous person in the Universe, there is no need to feel sorry for yourself for a long time. Yes, everything collapsed. The bottom is already, there is nowhere to fall further. Therefore you need to rise. With difficulty, through pain and torment. It can help to realize that the perception of everything around you is just a matter of adjustment. Yes, it is easier to reason than to worry about everything, but the person himself will come to this conclusion when he gets out of a deplorable state.

Release of emotions

If a person is overcome by the question “Why am I living?”, then it’s time to get a beautiful, clean notebook with a pen and turn it into a diary. This is a very powerful technique. And you shouldn't underestimate him.

“And what should I write in it?” - a person mired in depression will ask sluggishly, but with a grain of skepticism. And the answer is simple - everything. Absolutely anything. Thoughts can begin with any phrases and expressions - there is no need to structure and order them, because this is not an essay. A diary is a way to express your emotions. As a rule, a person who constantly asks the question “Why am I living?” does not want to come into contact with anyone. And emotions accumulate. So it’s better to reflect them on paper. Over time, this will become a habit. And then the person will notice that in his head, as well as on paper, there is no longer such confusion as was observed at the very beginning.

And then in your diary you can begin to note the results of your work on yourself. Is anyone stopping me from sketching? small plan for the future?

By the way, when you feel better, you need to find something you like. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person is alive as long as he is interested in living. You need to find a hobby that not only brings pleasure, but also instills at least minimal optimism and joy. Maybe start breeding parrots? It will become great idea, because everyone knows that our little brothers give boundless positivity, joy and help us get through life’s trials. After all, they love their owner infinitely. And love gives us strength.

For whom should one live?

People, having fallen into powerlessness and tired of looking for the reasons why they found themselves on the brink, begin to ask this question. Look for a reason from the outside, so to speak. Some, through force, begin to live for a loved one, parents, beloved pet or children. Maybe it helps. But the key phrase here is “through force.” Because the problem that affected a person directly and in the most immediate way remains unresolved.

You need to live for yourself. Selfish? Not at all. And even if yes, there is nothing wrong with healthy, productive selfishness. You need to stop thinking about what you can do for others. And finally, put yourself first.

By the way, often the cause of deep depression lies precisely in this. The fact is that man has never lived for himself. He did what was customary. Did what needed to be done. I tried to live up to the expectations of my parents or boss. I tried to meet generally accepted standards, so that “everything is like people’s.” Although deep down I wanted something completely different. And the realization of this usually comes at the moment when he is standing on the edge. But there is no need to despair. We must remember that there is enough time for everything that you really want to do. That's true. Because desires always subjugate time. And you don’t need to wait - you need to start implementing them right away. And then questions about why life has lost its meaning will fade into the background.

Forget everything

Therein lies another one effective method. He is able to help. Anyone - be it a man drowning in depression, or a woman who has lost the meaning in life. The psychologist's advice is as follows: you need to sweep away the past. Forget him. Throw it out of your memory forever. The past often pulls a person down, like a stone to the bottom of a river, tied to the foot of a drowned man.

We need to burn all bridges. Break contacts with unpleasant people with whom the person was forced to communicate. Quit with hated job. Was your boss oppressive? So you can finally express to his eyes everything that has accumulated in your soul. Divorce your legitimate “other half”, with whom there is no longer any chance of establishing a life. Move from a boring and hated city to another place. In general, we are talking about the beginning of a truly new life. The one that everyone loves to talk about today.

And here’s what’s most important: with every action a person performs, he must pass through himself the awareness that he is becoming a new person. Not who he was. You can even consolidate this with visualization - change your appearance (haircut, hair and contact lens color, image, tan, etc.). All this may not be taken seriously by some. But, again, it only seems so from the outside. After doing all of the above, a person will look around, look at himself in the mirror, and understand that he is already different. And he has no right to return to his old life.


When thoughts like “What am I doing?” begin to appear in a person’s head. and “What am I doing with my life?”, it’s time to pause. Preferably long term. In order not to completely wallow in despondency and not fall into real depression, you need to urgently take a vacation, rent a house by the lake or in the forest and go there. A sharp change in the situation and unity with nature saved a considerable number of people.

What after? Then you will need to give yourself answers to the notorious questions “What am I doing?” and “What am I doing with my life?” Realize what exactly causes discomfort. Why exactly is there dissatisfaction and when did these questions actually arise? And then - find solutions to problems. Maybe find a new meaning in life. As a rule, people who take a break in time and deal with the oppression that has begun to accumulate do not reach the edge and do not fall into deep depression.

By the way, a break is not complete without planning the near future and setting goals. They, like the meaning of life, should be in every normal person who wants to be an accomplished person. Goals do not have to be global (buy a villa in Spain, change from a Lada to a Mercedes, do investment business etc.). They must be feasible. And the kind for which I would like to wake up in the morning. It is desirable that the goals be long-term. Three is enough. It’s better to write them down in the notorious diary. It might look like this: “Goal No. 1: save up for a year to vacation in Greece. #2: Do 5 minutes of exercise every morning. No. 3: tighten up English language to a conversational level." Goals should be motivating and positive. life changes. This is the main principle of their production.

Help your neighbor

It's not easy for a person on the edge. But the depressive state he experiences also affects people close to him, who begin to think: how to help a person who has lost the meaning of life?

This is very difficult question. There is no universal answer. It all depends on the individual psychological characteristics. What helps one person may not lift another out of depression.

One thing is certain. Someone who knows him well has a chance to help a person. A person who is well acquainted with the specific characteristics of his loved one can roughly guess what actions need to be taken to make him feel better. The main thing is to avoid standards that usually demonstrate nothing but indifference, even if the person really wanted to help. These are phrases such as “Everything will be fine”, “Don’t worry, life will get better”, “Just forget!” etc. You need to forget about them. A person faces a problem: the meaning of life is lost, how to live on? No “Just forget it!” out of the question.

So, you can quietly turn on his favorite music or TV series, bring his favorite food and drinks, and start talking about the topic that interests him the most. Little things? Perhaps, but they will, at least a little, help restore a person’s taste for life.

Methodology of the last day of life

This is the last thing I would like to talk about. When a person is depressed and no longer sees the meaning in his existence, it does not hurt to think: what if this day of life was the last? The thought of the imminent disappearance of all reality will cheer everyone up. Of course, when a person is alive and well, he has enough time for depression, sadness and despondency. It sounds exaggerated, but it's true. But as soon as he thinks about the fact that he only has 24 hours left, everything takes on a different meaning, not to mention the fact that a rethinking of values ​​occurs.

And when there is no desire to exist, it is worth using this technique. Live this day like it’s your last. Perhaps after this the desire to exist will flare up again.

Losing the meaning of life is the worst thing that can happen. And it would be better if no one went through this. But in any case, the most important thing is to hope for the best in the depths of your soul. And act. After all, as the great American writer Jack London said: “Man is given one life. So why not live it properly?”

The meaning of life is lost... reading this phrase, you involuntarily shudder. What is she hiding behind herself? Perhaps this is the beginning of a note from a suicide? Or the thought of someone doomed to prolonged suffering? There is so much pain and torment in this statement: after all, if life is meaningless, then why is it there at all? Sadness, depression, melancholy. What to do with this feeling? If nothing has meaning, then what exactly is the meaning of life? Is it even possible to ever find him?

Why and when do we feel that the meaning of life is lost?
How dangerous is a state when it seems that the meaning of life is lost?
What to do if you have lost the meaning of life?
How to find the meaning of life and become a happy, cheerful person?

If you look around and take a close look at people, it is not difficult to notice that the phrase “the meaning of life is lost” is literally in the eyes of many of us. Sad old women and old men, whose whole meaning of life was concentrated in children, and they suddenly fled into their own, completely separate life. Offended middle-aged people, who do not have the opportunity to succeed as professionals, sit on their sofas and wait for this life to end and a new one to begin - with clean slate. Teenagers hiding behind headphones, absorbed in hard rock or pulsating sounds, they live as if with only one desire for the outside world: “leave me alone!” Looking into the eyes of all such people, we can easily read in them this painful feeling of loss of the meaning of life, and therefore depression, melancholy, and faintness from life itself.

On the other hand, at the same time we can observe completely different people. Someone is cheerfully chattering on the phone, reporting good news, another is busy with the children, a third is laughing heartily in the company. These people are obviously not depressed about the meaning of life. And, one of two things, either they simply do not think about their meaning in life, or they already have it.

Attention question! What is the meaning of the life of one individual? And is it true that each of us has a separate, different meaning in life? And in general, is it possible for someone to irrevocably lose the meaning of life and their life to be completely unnecessary?

I have lost the meaning of life, what should I do now?

The answer to this question seems to lie on the surface. Everything seems simple - you need to understand what the meaning of life is and find what is lost. But here we usually become victims of imposed stereotypes, other people's desires, and general attitudes. We reach for one, shy away from the second, and develop complexes about the third. And, in the end, we often just walk in a vicious circle of our lacks and suffering. And all that is needed for happiness is to find where it lies - this cherished meaning of life.

Find the lost meaning of life, bring it back!

Attention answer! If you take an individual person, cut off from society, the meaning of his life is really in question. A man lived, and then he died. Time passed, everyone forgot him, the story ended. All. Life makes sense only if we look at it from the angle of the general, not the specific. And we understand exactly what our specific role is in this general matter.

If it seems to you that your separate life has some meaning, then this is an illusion and nothing more. It is even more mistaken to believe that you personally can lose this very meaning of life. By confining ourselves to ourselves or a narrow circle of our family and friends, we easily get the feeling that the meaning of life is lost: the children have grown up and moved away, I lost my job, I got sick, I don’t mean anything - that’s exactly how we think. But by including yourself in the community, understanding your role not in particulars, but in general, you can understand that the meaning of life cannot be lost. And every person who lives in this world has his own meaning in life, you just need to find yourself, occupy your niche, realize yourself for the whole.

It is especially important for sound engineers to understand this, because when asking the question “what is the meaning of life?” It seems to him that “life is meaningless” and “the meaning of life is lost forever.” And this is true for his individual, privacy. But if you correctly ask yourself the questions “what is the meaning of our life? What is the meaning and design of the universe?”, then the answers to these questions can lead to stunning results.

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To start a meaningful life filled with new colors again, you need to leave the past in the past. Meaning must be sought in the present and future, and the events of the past are simply a storehouse of experience. We must forgive grievances, stop blaming ourselves for the mistakes of our youth and think “but it could have been...”. Remember, it couldn't have been any other way. Smart people still haven’t invented a time machine and are unlikely to invent it in the current era, which means nothing can be fixed. Everything happened the way it happened. And is it worth reliving the same negative thoughts every day? Of course, it is impossible to forget the past, and it is not necessary. Let it teach you not to repeat previous mistakes, to be wise and prudent, to set new goals, but let it be the past.

Next, you should objectively evaluate your present. Every area needs to be assessed: work, family, relationships with friends, material wealth, opportunity for entertainment, etc. If something doesn’t suit you, you need to either change this aspect of your life or change your attitude towards it. Ignore or friends - break contacts, people still don’t change! Your husband does not understand and does not support you - discuss the problems with him and do not forget to support him. The job does not bring satisfaction - get another specialty. You don't have enough money - think about whether you spend it wisely or strive to earn more. When you realize that everything in your life depends only on you, it will be easier to find new meaning.

One of the first ways to find new meaning in life is to search for an object of care. If you are ready to become parents, it's time to think about children - for most people, children represent the most important meaning in life. Some become volunteers and help the sick, elderly or homeless. Someone gets a kitten or a puppy, and in order to return meaning, it is better to pick up a stray animal and give it care, warmth, and a real home. The pet’s reciprocal feelings will not keep you waiting, and then the warming warmth in the soul will return the former positive attitude to life.

Another way to make your life meaningful is gratitude. Thank life, the Universe, God, parents, people around you, nature - everything that gives rise to warm feelings in your heart. Give thanks for everything, for global things and minor little things: for the present moment, for a bright future, for pleasant people around you, for a lucky ticket on the bus, for a timely call from your partner, for a beautiful sunset. Moreover, express this gratitude openly, especially to close people. At the same time, we must not forget about the reasons negative emotions. If they are easy to fix, do it without hesitation. Does the vase remind you of an unpleasant time you spent with someone? So break it! This will help you get rid of anger and prevent self-destruction.

Very effective technology, which helps you understand your life and its purpose, is considered a technique of “living your last day" It can be done orally, but it is better to write down the answers. All you need to do is answer the question: “What would I do if I found out that this day of my life is the last?” Describe this day in great detail. Whatever appears in your thoughts, these are your true desires. It is also useful to think about the questions: “What will I regret most on the last day of my life?”, “What will I be proud of?”, “What can I leave behind?” This will be a great help in understanding your true goals and values.

The main thing that should not be deprived under any circumstances is self-love. Accepting yourself as you are, loving not only your strengths, but also your shortcomings, perceiving yourself holistically - this is self-love. If suddenly the love for this main person in your life has passed, return it immediately. Auto-training, positive affirmations, lifestyle changes - whatever you like, but love yourself again! Having recognized and understood yourself, the realization of the main values ​​in life will not take long to occur. When you love yourself, you will not let your desire to be yourself die out. Show your creativity, change what doesn’t suit you, take risks and travel for the sake of getting new sensations, because you deserve the brightest life and, what’s important, it goes exactly according to your scenario.

What to do when your life is going to hell? Business is collapsing, work cannot be found, long-standing relationships are breaking up, friends are leaving... Are you increasingly overwhelmed by bewilderment, fear, panic, which are gradually replaced by powerlessness and emptiness?

A year and a half ago, quite strange things began to happen to me. In almost a couple of months, all my clients left me one by one. Then friends, girlfriends, and acquaintances gradually began to disappear. Moreover, we did not quarrel, did not swear, we simply stopped communicating, calling and meeting each other. There were no new clients to be found (even with my vast work experience, connections and excellent portfolio). The money was melting away.

My enthusiasm and optimism too. At first, I blamed everything on the notorious financial crisis, which began exactly at the same time when my last client left me. However, this was far from the first financial crisis in my life (to put it mildly, there were worse ones), and each time I managed to find a job and never suffered from lack of money. Something strange was happening here! The usual strategies for achieving goals did not work. My commercial offers, meetings and negotiations did not bring the expected results. Gradually, I began to get the feeling that I was hitting my forehead against a wall, and it was unlikely that I would be able to break through it. And only one question loomed in my head: “What is going on?”

And then one day I accidentally came across a video lecture by Isset Kotelnikova “Levels of Spiritual Development” on the Internet. It was this lecture that immediately answered a question that had been tormenting me for a long time, and in general radically changed my understanding of human spiritual development. According to this theory, there are as many as seven levels of spiritual development. Conventionally, they are named according to the colors of the rainbow: “red”, “orange”, “yellow”, “green”, “blue”, “blue”, “violet”. The lowest level of spiritual development is “red”, the highest is “purple”. “Blues” and “purples” are not represented in society.

Therefore, the maximum level of spiritual development for a “mere mortal” is blue. I won’t write about all levels in this article. I’ll only talk about the third and fourth, since it is the transition from the “yellow” level to the “green” that can be especially painful for a person. So, people are of the “yellow” level of spiritual development. What are they? Ambitious, vain, assertive, strong-willed and purposeful. Once they have set a goal, they will achieve it in every possible way.

Obstacles and obstacles do not frighten them, but rather spur them on. They clearly know what they want, plan well, set deadlines, and distribute tasks to subordinates. Workaholics to the core. Power and influence, in their opinion, are the main things to strive for. At this level the ego is greatly inflated.

For “yellows,” a sense of self-worth, uniqueness, and originality is important. Great value for them it has status, position, position in society, the impression they make on the people around them. Their vocabulary is replete with the words “professionalism”, “efficiency”, “success”, “reputation”, “image”. They sincerely believe that they are the ones who rule the world and the outcome of the work they have begun depends only on them.

It would not be amiss to say that such a worldview of the “yellows,” in addition to external success, also rewards you with a rather uncomfortable internal state: constant worry about your own image, the obligation to meet certain standards, the fear of not being up to par, the fear of losing influence and power, the need to constantly be competitive and in demand. Enough large number people live precisely on this level and do not think of leaving it.

However, there are also those for whom “life in character” and the eternal pursuit of success begins to weigh down. And then higher powers come to their aid. And at first, carefully, and then more harshly, they begin to guide them to the next level of spiritual development. The “green” level is the level of ego grinding. When what becomes more important for a person is not himself, but what he does.

He begins to ask questions: “Who am I really and why did I come into this world?” This is where the theme of service comes in. The system of values, the idea of ​​the world order, and life in general are changing. Personal interests, benefits and ambitions fade into the background, the main thing becomes the fulfillment of one’s destiny. Illusions are shattered, stereotypes are destroyed, lies are exposed.

The voice of the Soul becomes louder. The ego gradually becomes silent. The search for the real self, real relationships, real business begins. At the “green” level, control goes away, trust in the universe appears, and a feeling that everything is happening as it should. People of the first three levels of spiritual development (“red”, “orange”, “yellow”) come to this world in order to work out their own tasks. The task of people, starting from the “green” level, is to awaken other people and change the world around them.

The “green” level is divided into three parts. In the first part: people are still quite “yellow”, they learn to humble their ego and submit to the will of God. Next comes “point zero.” This is exactly the point I came to a year ago. And that’s what I’ll tell you about in more detail. "Point zero."

According to my observations, “point zero” is a period of lessons, without which a person cannot move further along his path. We so often complain about higher powers, saying that they are stingy and do not give us what we ask for. But in fact, it is not the higher powers who are stingy. It is we who are unable to accept what they send to us due to our fears, illusions, limiting beliefs, and addictions. Therefore, at “point zero” a person is taken away from everything to which he is strongly attached or with which he associates himself, leaving him with only the most necessary things.

If the status of a businessman is important to you, then most likely your business will collapse. If you cannot live without your beloved man, they will take this man away (and not necessarily to another world. He can simply go to another woman). At this stage, a person learns to live without the fear of loneliness, without the fear of being left without money, without the fear of “losing face,” of being rejected, of being funny, of being strange.

Image, reputation, brands, show-offs and other dregs disappear as unnecessary. And in its place comes inner freedom from any stereotypes and opinions, awareness of one’s own purpose and meaning in life, the desire to follow one’s own path, a feeling of security and comprehensive support from higher powers.

It is at this stage that new strategy life. There is no longer a mindless race for achievements, no goal setting and strict adherence to the assigned plan. There is no screaming ego, but there is a quiet voice of the soul. Suddenly you get the feeling that there is someone wiser and stronger who is guiding and admonishing you. And all you have to do is relax, listen to the voice of your higher self, follow it and trust it.

As I already said, “point zero” is the passage of unlearned lessons. This is all that slows us down, stops us, limits us. In Isset Kotelnikova’s lecture, these lessons are called “tails,” but I call them “weights” that dangle on your feet, constantly pulling you down, and do not leave a single chance for climbing to a new, higher peak. Now I will tell you about my “weights”.

I managed to get rid of some completely, and some - partially. The heaviest “weight” for me was the fear of being left without work and without money. He has always followed me, from the very moment I started working. And it was this fear that prevented me from changing my field of activity and starting to do what I loved.

For the last few years, I have simply earned my living, not seeing much meaning in what I do, and only dreaming that someday I will do what I really like and receive pleasure and decent remuneration from it. Finding myself at “point zero,” I was left without a single client and practically without money, but at the same time I had a lot of free time to realize my old dream.

I began to collaborate as a freelance writer with various publications, writing articles on psychology and self-development. They started paying me fees (albeit small ones). But, as I already wrote above, at “point zero” everything is taken away from a person, leaving him with only the essentials for a decent life. And it is precisely when you find yourself in this position that you simply begin to feel with your skin how higher powers take care of you and your well-being.

It is at this moment that trust in the Universe is formed, a clear conviction appears that the fears of lack of money and poverty are the product of our ego, nothing more. And that when a person really takes his own path, he receives great support from God and he really has nothing to fear. You can safely take risks, experiment, change, fulfill your destiny.

At this stage, another of my heavy “weights” fell off - my total control behind everything that happens in my life, and in the world around me. I suddenly felt that many of my desires, plans, judgments were simply ridiculous compared to what events and opportunities life had in store for me. Therefore, I let go of my expectations, stopped thinking about guarantees and insurance, relaxed and began to respond to the offers that the Universe throws at me. Another multi-ton “weight” of mine is the fear of “losing face.”

This is my long-term habit of creating the impression of a successful and sought-after professional and maintaining an appropriate image. But when starting a new business or mastering new profession, it is impossible to become a professional right away. First you need to learn, gain experience, make mistakes, fall, rise and go again. It was this “weight” that turned out to be a stumbling block in my desire to change professional sphere activities.

Plus a bunch of social beliefs, such as “it’s a shame to be unemployed”, “at 35 years old it’s stupid to start everything from scratch”, etc. Now I already understand that “image” is a completely “yellow” word. When you begin to accept yourself, hear yourself, feel yourself, then it becomes absolutely unclear how others perceive you, whether you meet any standards, whether they consider you “ effective employee” or “a cool professional.”

Your well-being and sense of self become more important, your inner world, the value of yourself, your time, energy and life in general. The next “weight” that falls off is waiting for inspiration. For some reason, it seemed to me that one should write easily and quickly, when letters fly out from under the “pen” and form words and sentences themselves. “The pangs of creativity” did not appeal to me. Of course, writing while in a flow is wonderful and, perhaps, the best works come out precisely when you are in such a state. But, as it turns out, inspiration is not always kind to me.

And sometimes you just have to work hard. Having realized this, I finally started blogging and try to do it regularly. Still, discipline and hard work are an excellent legacy of the “yellow level”, which can also be used at the “green” level. In general, it is worth noting that a rather interesting and contradictory situation has developed. On the one hand, there is a lack of work and a severe lack of money, which in theory should greatly darken life. And on the other hand - a feeling of incredible happiness, lightness, the joy of living every moment of your life and a clear feeling that you are cared for, that you are loved, that you are expected...

If reality is good and positive, we don’t wonder what to do if life has lost all meaning. But happiness cannot be guaranteed and eternal: a person sometimes has to experience tragedies, losses, and failures. All this negativity leaves an imprint on his psycho-emotional state, and similar thoughts arise.

How to stop “burying” yourself and cope with the feeling of being doomed to failure? Professional psychologists are ready to give everyone some advice.

First of all, it is advisable not to bring yourself to a depressive state, but to begin timely therapy for dark thoughts. You need to take care of your mood from the moment when you first thought that the colors of life are no longer the same as before. A few simple ones psychological exercises will help you distract yourself and direct your mood in the right direction.

1. Living the last moment. Allow yourself a few minutes of silence and try to imagine that you only have one day of life left. Introduced? Now answer three main questions for yourself: what would I like to hear about my personality after death, what missed opportunities do I regret, and what reason for pride do I have in my life? These answers will help you better understand and feel yourself and the depths of your subconscious. Now think about how you would spend your last 24 hours in this world? Make a list of things that are important to you, sort those that you can complete within the next 24 hours and start implementing them.

3. Take a time out. Just allow yourself to relax, be in silence alone with your own thoughts. Start personal diary, make it a habit to write down every day the good and bad of the day. By re-reading what you have written, you will be able to understand what really has value in your life, and what is just farce and tinsel.

4. Lend a helping hand. As popular wisdom says, if it seems to you that difficulties in life are insurmountable, find a person with greater problems than yours and help him. It could be a disabled person, a child from an orphanage, old man etc. By supporting him, you can compare your life with his existence and give him the opportunity to feel a little needed and happy.

5. Experiment with a new role. Dedicate yourself to something you have dreamed of for a long time, but for a number of reasons could not afford. Maybe you will find a calling in growing zucchini in the garden, creativity, playing sports, dancing, working with children.
