Pantomime or comic skit. Pantomime script The Three Little Pigs (senior group). Pantomime for child development

This scenario is suitable for fans of the cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon” and is designed for children 5-9 years old.


  • host and dragon costumes
  • shields (according to the number of guests), cut out of a cardboard box and children's coloring books with images of Vikings or dragons (not painted) glued to them. The handle for the shield is made from adhesive tape.
  • face painting
  • modeling balls (swords)
  • blanks for Viking helmets (how to make them will be described below)
  • map of the road to the island with the names of the islands written backwards
  • jump rope
  • cards with words (+ with pictures, for those who cannot read)
  • a large sheet of paper with a drawn oval of a face, felt-tip pens.
  • large, thick trash bags (replaces race bags)
  • balloons with dragon names inside. The mouths of dragons are drawn on the balls.
  • dart with a sharp tip
  • clothespins


Leading: Dear squad, we are glad to welcome you on our drakkar (Viking ship). Today we have gathered here to properly celebrate the birthday of our leader Iron Hammer (child's name). And it’s also high time to raid Dragon Island, since according to rumors, a particularly terrible and dangerous dragon, the Fire Nibbler, has appeared on this island.

However, I see that many of you are not ready for such a glorious battle. And without a shield, sword, helmet and war paint, a Viking has nothing to do on this island.

First, children are given boards with coloring books, which they must color with felt-tip pens. After this, using face painting, we give all the children war paint.

Leading: Great, squad. Now come one by one to me and get your swords!

It is carried out according to the knighting scheme. The leader taps the child on the shoulder with a sword and names him with the name of a real Viking, for example: Deafening Thunder, Dragon Slayer, and so on.

Leading: Well, now you are real Vikings. And they, as you know, were brave warriors! Come on, try your martial art on me.

The leader fights off the Viking attack.

Leading: Eh, you are hot heads! You fight well, but I won’t let you go to Dragon Island without a helmet - as soon as the Dragon Nibbler breathes fire, you will perish there with your whole squad.

Children, with the help of adults, make their own helmets. For example, from pieces of wallpaper according to an origami pattern. Or from cardboard, like this:

Helmet blanks must be prepared in advance! (see props).

Leading: It’s time to board the ship and set off, we have a long way to go and there will be stops along the way. The Vikings are known to be good sailors, so let's chart the path of our ship. Hmm, our old cartographer Gremlik has done something clever here... I can’t read anything, everything on this map is encrypted.

With the help of clues, children read the correct names: Loki Bay, Shark Strait, Thor Island, Dragon Island, etc. A map with the names of stops written backwards (encrypted) must be prepared in advance (see details).

Leading: Let's hit the road! First stop: Loki Bay. Oho, what do we have here? Look at the whirlpool in the sea. Come on, which of the squad can hold out longer?

A regular game with a skipping rope to see who can jump how many times (twisted by two adults).

Leading: Great, here’s our first stop - let’s sit down and rest. The Vikings, by the way, were excellent storytellers, and could tell all sorts of tall tales without blinking an eye in order to surprise their friends and scare their enemies. Let's take turns writing a short story about our extraordinary adventures. Only in the story you will need to use the words that I will show you. Well, let's begin: “One night I opened my eyes and saw outside the window...”

Example words: bat, spoon, awl, pink elephant, fire...

Leading: It was a nice story. Well, well, let's sail on. Judging by the map, we are in Shark Strait. Only a very attentive navigator can cross it, since not only sharks, but also krakens, and just sea monsters are found here. I will carefully watch the sea and if I shout: “Shark,” you will have to jump from the ship to the right. If I see a kraken, you jump to the left, but if you notice a sea monster, then return to the ship! If anyone made a mistake, don’t blame me, you’ll have to wait here for the command!

A jump rope is placed on the ground - this is a ship. The leader shouts the names of the sea monsters until one of the Viking team remains.

Leading: Well done! So we arrived at the site of our second stop, Thor Island. Thor was one of the Viking gods and was known as a formidable and powerful warrior. Many artists tried to convey the appearance of this god, but not everyone succeeded. Let's try to draw his portrait. We will just do this blindfolded.

Each child must draw a feature of Thor's face while blindfolded. The team can give advice to the artist.

Children are given large, thick garbage bags, and they must jump in them to the designated shore.

Leading: Here we are. Let's rest before the glorious battle. And we will play the ancient Viking game “Menki”.

An “artifact” is placed on the ground and one of the children is appointed as its guard. The guard is armed with a sword (balloon for simulation). The other children are trying to steal this artifact. Whoever the guard hits with his sword becomes a guard. . An artifact can be any item. The ancient Vikings, playing this game, stuck a simple peg into the ground. There are no winners as such in this game. Children play until they get bored.

Leading: And here is the cave of dragons. Most of them are harmless, but somewhere among them hides the terrible Dragon Zubastic.


(theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions)

Prepared by:

teacher Nekhorosheva E.N.


Card index of pantomime games

Game – pantomime “Duck”

Target. Develop pantomime skills, fine motor skills;

The teacher reads a poem:

A motley duck sat on a stone, A duck scared a gudgeon in the river:

The duck honked into a thick pipe. “Quack, quack, quack!”

While reading, children stand with their hands behind their backs, rolling from side to side. The ducks say a line

loudly all together.

The teacher stands at a distance from the children and calls them, placing an imaginary bowl of food on the floor:

- My ducklings, come to me, I will feed you.

The teacher clarifies and shows how ducks walk, how they flap their wings, stretch their necks, and eat.

Pantomime game “Who Lives in Africa?”

Target. Learn to move freely, using all the surrounding space;

develop improvisation skills.

Before the game, the teacher displays illustrations of African animals on a flannelgraph.

(giraffe, elephant, lion, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, zebra, monkeys...).

- Are these animals familiar to you?(Children's answers.)

- Imagine that you find yourself in hot Africa and turn into these animals. You don't

tell me who you have become, and I’ll try to guess it.

The “Chunga-Changa” phonogram is turned on, the children imitate the movements of the selected animal, and

The teacher is trying to guess.

Pantomime game "Anthill"

Target. Teach to identify oneself with a given character, encourage independent

choosing a role.

Imagine that you are walking through the forest. The sun is hot, it’s far from home, your legs are tired,

and you decided to rest. And here is the stump!

Sit on a tree stump, stretch out your legs, close your eyes, and relax.

And suddenly... what is this? Someone is crawling along your legs... Oh, it's ants! You sat on a tree stump

anthill! Quickly shake off the ants and, carefully, so as not to choke them, jump into


The game is played several times collectively and, if desired, individually.

Pantomime game "Flies"

Target. Develop pantomime skills and creative imagination

Children are invited to listen carefully to the poem, then the teacher reads, and the children do not

uttering a word, they “show” the poem with facial expressions and gestures. Can be used

musical accompaniment.

There were eight pairs of flies dancing on the floor.

They saw a spider and fainted.


The poem is played several times. (You can change the music.)

Pantomime game “Greedy Dog”

The teacher reads the text, the children imitate movements according to the text:

Greedy dog ​​- kneaded the dough,

I brought firewood. Baked a pie

He lit the stove, sat down in the corner

He applied water and ate it himself! AM!

After each line, pause so that the children have time to improvise the movements of the task. If

If there are any difficulties, then join the game yourself or use leading questions to help the children achieve more

convincing game (How hard it is to carry firewood! A whole armful in our hands, we bent under their weight, etc.)

Pantomime game “The hare had a garden”(V. Stepanov.)

Target. Develop pantomime skills.

The teacher reads, the children imitate the movements.

The bunny had a garden. The bunny walked happily.

There are exactly two beds. But first everything will be dug up,

There he played snowballs in the winter, and then he smoothed everything out,

Well, in the summer - hide and seek. He sows the seeds deftly

And in the spring he will go to the garden and plant carrots.

Hole is a seed, hole is a seed,

And look, in the garden again

Peas and carrots will grow.

And when autumn comes,

He will reap his harvests.

And just like that, the story ends here!

Pantomime game "Snowdrift"

Goal: Develop pantomimic skills, imagination; cultivate communication skills.

Children imitate movements according to the text.

There is a snowdrift in the clearing. Big, very big. But the sun has warmed up. The snowdrift became quiet

settle down under the rays of the warm sun. And small streams slowly flowed from the snowdrift. They are still sleepy

and weak. But then the sun warmed up even more, and the streams woke up and ran quickly, quickly,

bending around pebbles, bushes, trees. Soon they united, and now a stormy river roars in the forest. Runs

river, carrying with it last year's leaves and branches. And soon the river flowed into the lake and disappeared.

Why did the river disappear into the lake?

Pantomime game "Bear Cubs"

But look, a mountain of old dead wood. Oh, this is a den! And the cubs sleep in it. But here

The sun warmed up and melted the snow. Droplets of water seeped into the den. Water got on the nose, ears,

paws of bear cubs.

The cubs stretched, snorted, opened their eyes and began to get out of the den. Spreading his paws

branches, they got out into the clearing. The rays of the sun blind the eyes. The cubs cover their eyes with their paws and

growl with dissatisfaction. But soon my eyes got used to it. The cubs looked around and sniffed the fresh

air and quietly scattered across the clearing. There are so many interesting things here! Further improvisation is possible.

Game - pantomime “Visiting a fairy tale”

Goal: To develop pantomime skills.

Children choose cards depicting fairy-tale characters.

Show how the Goat (Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.)

Looks in the mirror;

Trying your favorite dish;

Trying an unloved dish;

Listens to a compliment;

Listens to the remark;

Sits down on a chair.

Game - pantomime "Riddle"

Goal: To develop pantomime skills.

The players are divided into two teams: some make riddles, depict, and others answer

guessing. During the game, teams change tasks.

In a store (toy store, grocery store, grocery store, furniture store, etc.) - guess what product you need

to the buyer or what product is on the shelf;

At the zoo: guess who is sitting in the cage;

Guess the profession (based on characteristic movements and posture);

Guess how the trip took place (by boat, plane, train, etc.);

Guess the mood (by posture, facial expression, gait, etc.);

Guess what the weather is like outside;

Identify a passerby by his gait (ballerina, soldier, “tough guy,” very old person,

a fashion model, a person whose shoes are too tight, etc.).

Game - pantomime "If........"

Goal: Develop pantomime skills

1. Go to the table and look at it as if it were:

Royal throne

Aquarium with exotic fish,


Bush of blooming roses.

3. Pass the book to each other as if it were:


Piece of cake


Porcelain figurine, etc.

4. Take a pencil from the table as if it were:


Hot baked potato,

Small bead.

5. Walk along the line drawn in chalk, like a tightrope.

6. Perform various actions:

Peel potatoes

String beads on a thread

There is cake, etc.

Game - pantomime “Sculptor and Clay”

Target. Development of communication abilities.

Children are distributed in pairs and take an empty seat in the hall,

They agree among themselves which of them is the “Sculptor” and which is the


Sculptors sculpt from Clay: animals, athletes, toys, fairy-tale characters.

Then the players change roles.

Note: several experts are selected to guess what the Sculptor has sculpted.

After solving the puzzle, the Sculpture (Clay) becomes unenchanted and stops maintaining its pose.




Prepared by:

teacher Nekhorosheva E.N.


Card index of theatrical games

Target. Develop children's attention, observation and imagination.

Children greet each other using any name they come up with. fairy tale character(foxes,

hare, wolf), put on costumes (optional) and tell who they look like. Teacher

allows them to portray selected characters through expressive movements, facial expressions, and voice.

Game “Where we were, we won’t tell”

Target. Develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking in children.

The driver, whom the children choose, leaves out the door, and the remaining children along with the teacher

agree on who or what they will portray. Then the driver comes in and says: “Tell me where

you were there, what were you doing? The children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did” (if they

agreed to depict an action) or “We’ll show you who we saw” (if they depict an animal), etc. IN

During the game, the teacher helps children find the most characteristic features animals or objects and

convey them expressively.

Game "Imaginary Journey"

Target. Develop children's imagination, fantasy, and memory; ability to communicate in proposed


Teacher. Now we will go on a journey. I will describe the place where we will find ourselves, and you

you must imagine, see it in your mind and do what your imagination tells you. So, take it from

chairs, imaginary backpacks, put them on, go out into the middle of the room. In front of you is a clearing full

wild flowers and berries. Pick flowers for bouquets. Pick berries. But first decide for yourself what

is it a flower or a berry, because I can ask you: “What is this?” Please note that all berries grow in the grass, which means

They are not immediately visible - the grass must be carefully moved apart with your hands. Now we are moving further along the road to

forest. There is a stream flowing here with a board across it. Follow the plank. We entered the forest, where there are many

mushrooms and berries - look around. Now we will rest and have a snack. Take the breakfasts you need from your backpacks

Mom gave me some for the road and have a snack. And I will guess what you are “eating.”

Game "Grandfather Silent"

Target. Develop expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voice.

Children sit in a creative semicircle. The game “Grandfather Silent” is played.

Teacher. Grandfather Molchok will come to visit us today. When he appears, it becomes quiet.

Grandfather is very kind, he loves children and knows many interesting games.


Hello, grandfather Molchok!

Where are you? We want to play

Lots of new things to learn.

Where are you, good old man? Silence... Silence has arrived. Don't scare him away, look

Shhh, don't say anything.

The teacher asks the children very quietly, on tiptoe, to look for grandfather, with a gesture calling for compliance

He says that he was in a hurry to see the guys because he loves to play. Invites children to play the game “Find out

who speaks in another name." Using a counting rhyme, a driver is chosen. The teacher reads on behalf of the grandfather

text. The child to whom Silent is pointing answers the question by changing his voice. The driver guesses who

one of the children speaks under a different name.

A cuckoo sits on a branch

And the answer is...

“Ku-ku,” answers the child, to whom Grandfather Molchok points.

But the kitten in the corner, he meows like that... (Meow! Meow!)

The puppy barks back

This is what we will hear next... (Woof! Woof!)

The cow won't keep quiet either,

And he will moo loudly after us... (Moo!)

And the cockerel, having met the dawn, will sing to us... (Ku-ka-re-ku!)

The locomotive, having picked up speed, also sings merrily... (Oooh!)

If it's a holiday, the kids scream merrily... (Hurray! Hurray!)

Game "Shadow"

Target. Teach children to coordinate their actions with other children.

Children are divided into pairs. One child in a pair is a person, he “walks through the forest”: collects

mushrooms, berries, catches butterflies, etc. The other child is his shadow. Repeating human movements, shadow

must act in the same rhythm and express the same feeling.

The teacher explains to the children the meaning of the words “tempo” and “rhythm”:! “Pace is speed: fast_____(,

slowly, very slowly. Rhythm is the uniform repetition of certain sounds: one-two, knock-


Then the conditions of the game change. One child in a pair - mouse, frog, bunny, bear, fox,

a cockerel, a hedgehog (as chosen by the teacher), another child - his shadow. Children change during play

roles, and the teacher tells them, shows them! gait of animals.

Game "Recognize by the nose"

Target. Develop attention and observation.

The driver goes behind the curtain. The participants in the game take turns, slightly opening the curtain, showing him

arm, leg, hair, nose, etc. If the driver recognizes his friend immediately, he receives a forfeit. The game repeats itself

several times, the drivers change.

Game "Mirror"

facial expressions.

Teacher. Imagine that you are preparing for a performance and putting on makeup in front of a mirror. What's happened

makeup? This is face painting, the art of giving the face (using special paints, gluing

mustache, beard, etc.) appearance required by the actor for a given role. Stand in pairs facing each other

to a friend. One of you is an artist, and the other is a mirror. “Mirror” closely follows the artist’s movements and

echoes them in mirror. Try to predict any gesture, any facial expression. What can an artist do?

(Wear a wig, a mask; style your hair, apply tone to your face, fill your eyebrows, paint your eyelashes and lips;

smile, laugh, cry, be sad, etc.)Movements should be smooth and unhurried. Not

laugh at the same time! When do you feel happy? What moods do you know?

Game "Broken Phone"

Target. Teach children to recognize emotional states (joy, sadness, anger, fear) by

facial expressions.

All participants in the game, except the driver and one of the guys, close their eyes - “sleep”. The driver shows

to a child who has not closed his eyes, any emotion. The child, having “awakened” another participant in the game, transmits

the emotion he saw as he understood it, without words. The second participant conveys his version of what he saw

to the third player and so on until the last player.

After the game, the teacher talks with the children about what emotions they portrayed; on what grounds are they

It was the emotions that we recognized.

Game “Your Own Director”

Target. Give children the opportunity to compose animal scenes on their own.

The teacher explains to the children: “A director is a leader, organizer of a performance or performance, or

circus performance of artists." One child (optional) takes on the role of director. He's dialing

artists, comes up with a scene, uses props and costumes. The rest of the guys not involved in the scene

make up their own scenes.

Game "Guess who I am"

Target. Develop attention, observation, memory.

The game is more fun when many children take part in it. Using a counting rhyme, choose

driver He is blindfolded. Children join hands and stand in a circle around the leader. The driver claps his hands,

and the children move in a circle.

The driver claps again - and the circle freezes. Now the driver must point to a player and

try to guess who he is. If he manages to do this on the first try, then the player he guessed

becomes a driver. If the driver does not guess who is in front of him on the first try, he has the right

touch this player and try to guess a second time. If the driver guesses correctly

becomes a child who has been identified. If the driver could not guess correctly, he drives

for the second round.

Game option. You can introduce a rule according to which the driver can ask the player for something

pronounce, for example, portray an animal: bark or meow. If the driver does not recognize the player, he

drives again.

Game "Hot Potato"

Target. Develop reaction speed and coordination of movements.

Traditionally, the game uses real potatoes, but they can be replaced with a tennis ball

or a volleyball.

Children sit in a circle, the driver is in the center. He throws a potato to one of the players and

immediately closes his eyes. Children throw “potatoes” to each other, wanting to get rid of them as quickly as possible

get rid of (as if it were a real hot potato). Suddenly the presenter says: “Hot potatoes!”

The player who has a “hot potato” in his hands is eliminated from the game. When there is only one person left in the circle

ben, the game ends and that player is considered the winner.

Game “Which of us is the most observant?”

Target. Develop observation skills and memory.

All children love this game and play it willingly. Choose a driver who carefully

examines the players: their clothes, shoes, who is sitting or standing where, remembers the players’ poses. Driver

leaves the room. The guys change places; change positions, change shoes; exchange blouses,

handbags, ribbons, handkerchiefs, scarves. The driver enters and looks for changes. The more

changes he finds, the better, the more observant he is.

Game "Imagine"

Target. Develop imitation abilities.

Everyone needs the sun! Flowers, butterflies, ants, frogs. Who else needs the sun? (Children

list.) Now you will figure out who you will turn into, and to the music, portray this or that

They made a guess, and I’ll try to guess.

The recording is turned on, and the children imitate the movements of the intended character. It could be

flowers, insects, animals, birds, trees, etc. The teacher guesses and clarifies.

The sun disappeared behind a cloud and it began to rain. Hurry under the umbrella!

Game "Tender Word"

Target. Form a friendly attitude towards each other in children.

The teacher gathers the children in a round dance with the words:

In a round dance, in a round dance

People have gathered here!

One, two, three - you start!

Following this, the teacher puts on the cap and gently turns to the child standing next to him.

For example:

- Sasha, good morning!

The teacher clarifies what kind and affectionate words we can say when addressing our

friends (Hello, how glad I am to see you; what a beautiful bow you have; you have a beautiful

dress, etc.).

After this, the children again walk in a circle with the song. The teacher passes the cap to the next child,

who should, in turn, affectionately address the baby standing next to him, etc.

Game “Continue the phrase and show”

Target. Develop logic creativity; develop imitation skills.

If it's cold outside, what do you wear?(Fur coat, hat, mittens...)

If you are given a small kitten, what will you do?? (Let's pet him, cuddle him).

If you are left alone in the forest, what will you do?(Shout loudly “Ay!”.)

If mom is on vacation, how will you behave?(Walk on tiptoe, don't make noise...)

If your friend cries, what should you do?(Comfort, stroke, look into the eyes...).

If you see matches?(The children’s answers, which the teacher summarizes with the conclusion: matches

not a toy for children!)

Game “Doctor Aibolit” (K. Chukovsky)

Target. Develop logic and creativity; cultivate a friendly attitude towards

to others; develop imitation skills, articulatory apparatus

Good Doctor Aibolit! And the bug and the spider,

He is sitting under a tree. And a bear!

Come to him for treatment, he will heal everyone, he will heal

Both the cow and the she-wolf, Good Doctor Aibolit!

The role of the doctor is assumed by the teacher. He is wearing a white robe, a cap, and a pipe in his pocket. Children

they choose finger theater puppets and approach Doctor Aibolit. In the voice of the selected character

They ask you to treat your paw, nose, tummy...

As the game progresses, the teacher (Aibolit) asks questions, encouraging children to lively and emotionally

join the game.

At the end, the children arrange a concert for Doctor Aibolit ( game "Orchestra")

Game "Wandering Circus"

Target. Develop imagination and ability to improvise; encourage children to participate in

theatrical play, encourage creative initiative;

expand children's knowledge about the circus, enrich their vocabulary; cultivate friendly


To the rhythmic music (circus tune), the teacher reads a poem, the children walk in a circle and

wave in greeting:

A traveling circus has arrived for the children's joy.

Singing and ringing, everything in it is as in the present:

The gymnast flies and the horse gallops, the fox jumps into the fire,

The monkey hurries to the mirror, and the clown makes the audience laugh.

The teacher announces the numbers:

The first issue of our program"Rope walkers"!

The teacher places a tape on the floor. To the accompaniment of music, children, raising their arms to the sides,

walk along the tape, imagining that it is a rope stretched in the air.

The second issue of our program is"Famous Strongmen"

Boys lift imaginary weights and barbells.

The third issue of our program -"Scholarly Dogs"under the leadership of the famous

trainers... (The teacher says the girl’s name.)

Children-dogs squat down, the trainer gives tasks: dance; solve problems on

pictures; jumping through a hoop; sing.


During the intermission, the barmaid gives out an imaginary image to all spectators and participants in the performance.

ice cream.

Target. Teach children to pronounce the proposed phrase intonationally and expressively.

Children stand in a line. The driver stands with his back to them. The teacher silently points to any child who

says the phrase: “Skok-skok-skok-skok, guess whose voice!” If the driver guessed correctly, he stands in the general

Playing with imaginary objects

Target. Develop imagination and imagination; encourage children to participate in general theatrical


1. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the words of the familiar poem “My cheerful ringing ball”, and

everyone hits an imaginary ball on the floor.

2. The teacher throws an imaginary ball to each child, the child “catches” the ball and “throws” it back


3. Children stand in a circle and pass an imaginary object to each other. Starts the game and comments


Look, I have a big ball in my hands. Take it, Sasha (The teacher passes the “ball” nearby

standing child).

Oh, yours has become small. Give it to Nastya.

Nastya, in your hands a small ball has turned into a hedgehog. Its thorns are prickly, look, not

prick yourself and don’t drop the hedgehog. Give the hedgehog to Petya.

Petya, your hedgehog has turned into a big balloon. Hold him tight by the thread so that

damn, damn - into a ball of thread, thread - into a small kitten, you can stroke it carefully, kitten

turned into a ruddy bun).

Playing with an imaginary object

Target. Develop skills in working with imaginary objects;

develop a humane attitude towards animals.

Children in a circle. The teacher folds his palms in front of him: Guys, look, in my hands

little kitten. He is completely weak and helpless. I will give it to each of you to hold, and you

stroke him, caress him, just be careful and say kind words to him.

The teacher hands over an imaginary kitten. Helps children find what they need with guiding questions

words and movements.

Game “Me too!”

Target. Improve attention and observation skills.

The teacher says

what he does, and the children answer loudly on a signal: “Me too!”: In the morning I get up... (And me too!) I wash my face...

I brush my teeth... I put on clean clothes... I have breakfast... I go outside... I sit in a dirty puddle...”

Teacher. Who is our little pig who likes to wallow in puddles? One can only feel sorry for him

mommy Let's try again! I love watching the play. (And me too!) I don’t talk in the hall...

I'm the neatest... I walk on the street... I offend all the guys...

Teacher. Who is so brave here - offends the guys? It's not good to offend guys! But

I think that now no one will make a mistake. I love happy music... (Me too!) I dance along with

friends... (Me too!) Now show how you can dance.

Music is playing. Children are dancing.

Game "Funny Monkeys"

Teacher. Imagine that you are all monkeys and sitting in a cage at the zoo. One of you we

We choose to play the role of a zoo visitor. He will stand in the center and make various movements and

gestures. The “monkeys” imitate the visitor, accurately repeating his gestures and movements. By using

counting rhymes choose a “visitor”:

Above the rays, above the water

A torrential rain poured down.

And then it hung

There is a rocker in the sky.

Makes the kids happy

Golden rainbow.

(M. Lopygina. Rainbow)

“Visitors” change several times during the game.

Game "Cooks"

Target. Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

Children are divided into two teams (counted on first and second). The first team prepares the first

dish, and the second is a salad. Each child comes up with what product he will like: onions, carrots,

beets, cabbage, parsley, pepper, salt, etc. - for the first course; potatoes, cucumber, onion,

peas, egg, mayonnaise, etc. - for salad. Then all the children stand in a circle - it turns out

“pan” - and sing a song (improvisation):

We can quickly cook borsh or soup

And a delicious porridge made from several grains,

Chop lettuce and simple vinaigrette,

Making compote is a nice lunch.

The children stop, and the presenter (teacher) takes turns calling what he wants to put in

pan. The child who recognizes himself enters the circle. When all the “components” of the dish are in a circle,

The host offers to prepare another dish.

Game “We won’t tell you what we are doing, but we will show you”

Target. To promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction; learn to act on stage

agreed upon.

The room is divided in half by a cord. On one side there are 6 guys selected using

counting rhymes - “grandfather and five grandchildren.” On the other side are the rest of the children and the teacher; they will

make riddles. Having agreed on what the riddle will be about, the children go to their “grandfather” and “grandchildren.”

Children. Hello, gray-haired grandfather with a long, long beard!

Grandfather. Hello, grandchildren! Hello guys! Where have you been? What have you seen?

Children. We visited the forest and saw a fox there. We won’t tell you what we did, but we will tell you

we'll show you!

Children show an invented riddle. If the “grandfather” and “grandchildren” give the correct answer, the children

return to their half and come up with a new riddle. If the answer is given incorrectly, children

They name the correct answer and after the teacher’s words: “One, two, three - catch up!” run behind the cord to their half

rooms, and “grandfather” and “grandchildren” are trying to catch up with them before the guys cross the line.

After two riddles, new “grandfathers” and “grandchildren” are chosen. In riddles, children show how they

for example, they wash their hands, wash handkerchiefs, chew nuts, pick flowers, mushrooms or berries, play ball,

sweep the floor with a broom, chop wood with an ax, etc. The teacher praises the children for the correct actions with

imaginary objects that they are! shown in riddles.

Game "Birthday"

Target. Promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction. Learn to act on

stage consistently.

Using a counting rhyme, a child is selected and invited to the “birthday party.” Guests

They come one by one and bring imaginary gifts. With the help of expressive movements, conditional

During play activities, children must show what exactly they are giving.

It’s better if there are few guests, and the rest of the guys first play the role of spectators,

assessing the credibility of the display. Then the children can change roles. Gifts can be the most

various: a box of chocolates, chocolate, a scarf, a hat, a book, markers and even a live kitten.

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Target. Develop children's memory and imagination.

Children stand in a circle. Each child takes a certain pose and justifies it:

Stands with his hand raised (I put a book on the shelf, take out candy from a vase in the cabinet, hang up my jacket,

decorate the tree, etc.);

He is on his knees, his arms and body are directed forward (I am looking for a spoon under the table, watching the caterpillar,

feeding the kitten, polishing the floor, etc.);

Sits on his haunches (looking at a broken cup, drawing with chalk, etc.);

Leaned forward (tying shoelaces, picking up a scarf, picking a flower, etc.).

The teacher invites the children to repeat the game “Guess what I’m doing?” in motion.

Children walk freely around the hall to the music. As soon as the music ends, the guys stop,

take certain poses, then justify them (picking flowers, bending over to pick a mushroom, etc.).

Game "The same thing in different ways"

Children in a creative semicircle. One child comes up with his own behavior, and the children

must guess what he is doing and where he is (a person walks, sits, runs, raises his hand,

listens, etc.).

Same action in different conditions looks different. Children are divided into creative

groups, and each receives a specific task.

Group I is given the task of sitting. Possible options:

Sit in front of the TV;

Sitting in the circus;

Sitting in the doctor's office;

Sit at the chessboard;

Sitting with a fishing rod on the bank of a river, etc.

Group II receives the task to go. Possible options:

Walk along the road;

Walk on hot sand;

Walk along the deck of the ship;

Walk along a log or narrow bridge;

Walk along a narrow mountain path, etc.

Group III receives the task to escape. Possible options:

Run away, being late for the theater;

Run away from an angry dog;

Run when caught in the rain;

Running, playing blind man's buff, etc.

Group IV is given the task of waving their arms. Possible options:

Drive away mosquitoes;

Signal the ship to be noticed;

Dry wet hands, etc.

Group V receives the task of catching the animal. Possible options:

Catching a cat;

Catch a parrot;

Catch grasshoppers, etc.

The teacher and spectators note who completed the task correctly.

Game "Transformation of an object"

Target. Develop children's imagination and fantasy.

First, the teacher explains to the children: “In the theater, the spectator believes in what the actor believes in. Stage

attitude is the ability, with the help of faith, imagination and fantasy, to change one’s attitude towards a subject,

place of action or partners, changing their behavior accordingly, justifying the conditional


The teacher takes an object and places it on the table! or passes in a circle from one child

to another. Each child must act with an object in his own way, justifying its new

purpose so that the essence of the transformation is clear. Options for transforming various items:

Pencil or stick: key, screwdriver, fork, spoon, thermometer, toothbrush, brush

drawing, pipe, comb, etc.;

Small ball: apple, shell, snowball, potato, stone, hedgehog, bun, chicken, etc.;

Notebook: mirror, flashlight, soap, chocolate, shoe brush, game, etc.

You can turn a chair into a stump; in this case, children must justify the conventional name of the object.

For example, a large chair can be turned into a royal throne, a memorial, etc.

Game "Round the World"

Target. Develop imagination, the ability to justify your behavior.

Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher invites them to go on a trip around the world:

“Guys, you are faced with the task: to figure out where your path will take place - through the desert, through the mountains

path, through a swamp; through the forest, the jungle, across the ocean on a ship.”

Children propose a route for a trip around the world, using the scenery of a ship or a hut.

So, the route for a trip around the world is drawn up, and the children begin to play. The game uses

music of the peoples of the world, sound effects - thunder, rain, storm noise, storm, costumes and masks.

Game "King"

Target. Be able to act with imaginary objects, using memory of physical actions

(a variant of the folk game).

The performer of the role of the King is chosen using a rhyme:

Our Masha got up early,

I counted all the dolls:

Two Matryoshka dolls on the windows,

Two Arinkas on a feather bed,

Two Tanyas on the pillow,

And Parsley in a cap

On an oak chest.

(E. Blaginina. Counting book)

better remember them.

The king sits on the “throne” with a crown on his head. Children are divided into several groups. Each group

represents his profession to the King, acting with imaginary objects (cooks, laundresses, seamstresses, etc.)


The first group approaches the King.

Workers. Hello King!

King. Hello!

Workers. Do you need workers?

King. What can you do?

Workers. Guess it!

The king must guess the professions of the workers. If he guessed correctly, then the children run away, and he catches up

running away children. The first child caught becomes the King. During the game, the teacher complicates the character

The king is either greedy or evil. If the role of the King is played by a girl (Queen), then she can be kind,

frivolous, grumpy, etc. The main thing in this game is action with imaginary objects.

Game "Birthday"

Target. The game teaches children to be friendly, attentive and kind, to be able to act with

imaginary objects.

The teacher nominates a child to play the role of the birthday boy. He will receive guests on his birthday.

Guests take turns giving him imaginary gifts (doll, ball, construction set, etc.). The teacher must

pay attention to the correct actions of children with imaginary objects

Game "Riddles without words"

Target. Involve children in playing mini skits.

The teacher calls the children: I’ll sit next to you on the bench,

I'll sit with you.

I'll tell you riddles

I'll see who's smarter.

The teacher, together with the first subgroup of children, sit down and look at illustrations for riddles without words.

Children choose pictures that they can guess without saying a word. The second subgroup at this time

located in another part of the hall.

Children of the first subgroup, without words, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict, for example: wind, sea,

a stream, a kettle (if it’s difficult, then: a cat, a barking dog, a mouse, etc.). Children of the second subgroup guess.

Then the second subgroup makes a guess, and the first one guesses.

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with bows and arrows come out to do their job. An unusual scene where participants will need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to throw the men into the auditorium and enjoy the scene to the fullest.

This skit can be staged on March 8th and on a bachelorette party. The plot is already revealed in the title: best friends tell everyone the secret of how to make and not lose best friends. All, of course, with humor.

A skit for March 8, in which men will joke about typical feminine things. This sketch will be a good addition to the concert dedicated to International Women's Day.

It’s difficult not only for women before February 23, but also for men before March 8. Everyone is solving the most difficult problem - what to give?! This is exactly what we joke about in this scene.

This sketch can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8th, and at a corporate event at a beauty salon or store. Everyone wants to laugh at stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine that car designers finally decided to create a purely women's car. And even give it to women on March 8th. You understand that this scene is very funny.

A scene for a birthday or anniversary. It can be quickly shown on any free spot in a cafe or restaurant. For the joy of the birthday boy and for the amusement of the guests.

One more humorous skit on the topic of finding a birthday gift. Choosing a gift is especially difficult. And in this case, the problem seems completely unsolvable. Both the guests and the birthday boy recognize themselves in this story.

By the way, this scene is also suitable for an anniversary. From five to 10 people can participate in it. The more, the more fun the scene will be.

Sketch about school, studying

From the title of the skit it is already clear that it is the most school-themed one. The plot is this: the school director calls a meeting to prepare educational institution to the arrival of strict inspection.

It’s always interesting to imagine how children will be taught this way in forty or fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you will get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This sketch will look natural in a concert on the occasion last call or school graduation. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quit his TV shows and began working as a literature teacher. In the skit we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that, due to the crisis, it was decided to hold a summit of leaders from all countries of the world in one of the children's health camps. The skit is also good because it is popular, but everyone doesn’t need to learn the words.

New Year's scenes

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly - funny New Year's scene. The beginning is like this: Santa Claus reads the letters of the children and is completely disappointed in them.

Scenario for a New Year's party for primary schoolchildren. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Father Frost and Snow Maiden in one scenario. We guarantee humor!

Sketch-dialogues for two hosts of the New Year's evening. They will help out your concert and connect even the most disparate numbers with each other. The jokes are light, funny, New Year's jokes.

Anything can happen during the New Year holidays. The skit is about exactly this: the artistic director scolds the artists who performed at children’s New Year's parties. A sketch in the spirit of a Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

A new, up-to-date scenario for a children's New Year's party. Recognizable modern characters: Cashier of Pyaterochka, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new year 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been transferred to the walls of an ordinary office. The scene is suitable for corporate new year party. If your department is asked to stage a skit, take it and don’t suffer.

The plot of the sketch is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predicting the New Year for office employees. As you understand, you can weave all your intra-office joys and current events into the scene. Success on New Year's corporate party guaranteed!

Let's go back three hundred years and imagine how Russia switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do this in the form funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be simply bombastic.

Current New Year's scene on school theme. About how difficult it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

The plot of the scene is this: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for training Santa Clauses. How can they do without preparation?! You can show such a scene at KVN and at the New Year’s concert.

An actor does not always need words to convey his feelings and thoughts to the viewer. He can do this with the help of gestures, facial expressions, and plasticity. A form of performing arts where characters they express themselves without words, only through body language - that’s what pantomime is.

The art of pantomime has been known since ancient times. Its beginnings can be found in the pagan religious rituals of primitive cultures. In Rome, during the reign of Augustus, it emerged as an independent type of theater, becoming fashionable entertainment at the imperial court. In the Middle Ages, pantomime began to be persecuted, but it continued to live and develop in the performances of traveling comedians around the world.

There are 4 types of pantomime:

  • Dance pantomime originates in the culture of primitive society; some elements are still preserved in folk dances of people of various nationalities.
  • Classical pantomime - originated from the spectacular performances of ancient Greece and Rome, includes three components: poetry, music, action.
  • Acrobatic pantomime - originally from the theaters of the East, is accompanied by jumping and juggling.
  • Eccentric pantomime - based on a comic situation and using grotesque props.

The art of pantomime can be used in any genre: from tragedy to humoresque, from sharply satirical miniatures to dramatic novellas. It is very difficult to determine the boundaries between them; they are often closely interconnected and seem to penetrate each other. Pantomime can only be performed by one actor or whole group mimes. One thing remains unchanged: to convey a story to the viewer without a single word, to recreate a character, to make them laugh or excite.

Development of the art of pantomime in Russia

In Russia, the art of pantomime originates in folk rituals and holidays, which were not complete without games, dances and songs. People dressed up as animals and parodied various characters. The games were often accompanied by elements of pantomime, when the words of the songs were explained with movements and gestures. Such scenes were often found in rituals dedicated to holidays: Maslenitsa, Christmastide, Christmas. Examples of pantomime games can be seen in amateur performances dedicated to various events: the end of the harvest, matchmaking, weddings, etc. Gradually, elements of pantomime began to penetrate various areas of art:

  • to the Russian professional ballet theater;
  • on the farcical stages of theater squares;
  • circus arenas;
  • drama theatres;

Over time, moving from the square to the stage, pantomime acquires technical virtuosity, enriched with expressive techniques. Stanislavsky and his great students turned to the art of pantomime, among whom were the titans of the theatrical education system Vakhtangov, Meyerhold, Tairov.

Pantomime became widely used in the theatrical environment while training actors in the skill of impersonation. With its help, they learn to express thoughts and feelings without words, focusing on internal sensations.

During times Soviet Union pantomime went through a difficult path, sometimes even simply falling into oblivion. Because what ideology needed most was conversational drama. In the post-war period, there was practically one small venue at the All-Union Institute of Cinematography, where the traditions of pantomimic art were preserved.

Only in the 60s there was a tendency towards its revival. A striking example of this is the pantomime “The Girl, the Hooligan and the Ball” performed by artists Natalia and Oleg Kiryushkin. The performance was shown in 1973 at the gala concert of the World Youth Festival in Germany, broadcast live and was a huge success.

The pantomime lasted only 6 minutes, where a hooligan boy in red caulking and a fragile girl play a touching story about the eternal problem of good and evil. The audience applauded and did not let the artists leave the stage for 20 minutes.

Watching the video of the pantomime “The Girl, the Hooligan and the Ball” it becomes clear how expressive plasticity can convey feelings and thoughts without a single word. A fairy tale is born before our eyes: a young girl appears with an ordinary balloon in hands. The girl dances, enjoying life. Suddenly a bully appears, confident in his strength, and tries to take the ball away. But a miracle happens that even an old video shows well. The ball becomes heavy, and the guy is unable to even lift it from the ground. Then the girl explains that the ball needs love and care. Gradually, the bully realizes that the ball cannot serve evil and violence, but only good. They leave holding hands. The pantomime video was broadcast on screens for more than two years, and Soviet viewers still remember it well.

Thus, pantomimic art returned to the people, despite the fact that officials looked at it with some fear.

Pantomime for child development

Pantomime art has found wide application not only on stage. It is very important for the development of children: preschoolers and schoolchildren. Pantomime solves several problems:

  • develops creative thinking;
  • teaches the correct expression of feelings and emotions;
  • broadens children's horizons;
  • liberates, relieves stiffness;

Depending on the age of the children, tasks or scenes with elements of pantomime are selected. This could be a competition, a game, even staging an entire performance, which will be based on a pre-written script.

When the child does not attend kindergarten and his mother studies with him at home, it is especially important to spend his leisure time profitably. If it’s autumn outside, it’s cold and raining, and you’re tired of TV, a game of pantomime without words will come to the rescue. Children under 4 years old can be offered simple tasks, for example, show how mom does this or that job:

  • sweeps the floor;
  • hangs out laundry;
  • washes dishes, etc.;

For preschoolers, they offer more difficult tasks: act out individual scenes on a specific topic. On the theme “Autumn”, show how to pick mushrooms in the forest or hide from the rain. On a winter theme: skiing, playing snowballs, making a snowman. If there are a lot of guys, there is an opportunity to play pantomime funny scenes, for example, based on fables. An adult will read the text, and children will depict the characters and their actions.

Schoolchildren can already be asked to depict not only movements, but also feelings:

  • show a person who has received good news;
  • It’s cold outside, autumn, slush and rain;
  • when a huge dog rushes towards you;

For schoolchildren, teachers can give a variety of creative tasks:

  • depict what professions they know, or what they want to become;
  • show the gait of a chicken, turkey, goose, penguin, etc.

Children's holiday: birthday or New Year– another reason to play pantomime. New Year's pantomime for children may also include various collective scenes and tasks:

  • depict astronauts in orbit dancing around a Christmas tree;
  • pantomime a flashing garland of light bulbs;

You can come up with quite a lot of such tasks and competitions, it all depends on the imagination and desire of adults to make children’s leisure time useful and exciting. A talented teacher can create a pantomime theater for children.

In recent years, the popularity of pantomime art has been growing. A mime actor, like any dancer, needs to do exercises every day in order to have perfect control of his body. In addition, he must have great charm, a sense of humor and hard work.

Scenario competitive program"Dreamers"

Goals : develop logical thinking, creativity, ingenuity, dexterity of students; contribute to the unity of the class team.

Progress of the event

Leading . Today we are here to discover your talents!

In some competitions the whole team participates, in others one person from the team participates, so that everyone can participate. The team receives points for speed, originality, and correctness.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each team stands in a circle. Participants are given a piece of paper that is passed around the circle. Whoever makes the most circles in a certain amount of time wins this competition.

Competition "Writer"

Each team must write short story, in which all words must begin with a certain letter:


(Adventurer Andrei Arkadyevich Antoshkin rented a car. He corporatized the watermelon barn, and Andrei was arrested by the ataman of the aborigines.)

Competition "Nogopantomime"

It is only necessary to demonstrate the emotional state with the help of legs:








Competition "Pantomime"

It is necessary to use pantomime to depict a person who is in a hurry and therefore does two things at the same time:

irons clothes + blow-dries hair;

rocks a stroller with a child + draws a house project on paper;

stirs semolina porridge + picks ear;

fastens buttons + brushes teeth;

cleans shoes with one brush + cleans trousers with another brush.

Competition "Fairytale"

It is necessary to come up with new fairy-tale names for the following items:

pillow, blanket, sheet;

bag, briefcase, backpack;

trousers, T-shirt, coat;

armchair, chest of drawers, bedside table;

glass, mug, wine glass.

Competition "Linguistic"

It is necessary to say the sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning.

The fly landed on the jam.

There is a glass on the table.

The clock strikes twelve times.

A sparrow flew into the window.

The detachment was walking along the shore.

Competition "Pairs"

Perform the simplest actions from the point of view of a normal person. But at the same time, two participants need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. For example:

cut a paper circle with scissors;

Competition "Pictogram"

It is necessary to write, using drawings, like ancient people, a short letter addressed to a friend:

Call me today at 6 o'clock.

Let's go play football in the evening.

Let's do homework together.

Give me a puppy for my birthday.

Bring me scissors and colored paper.

Competition "Artistic"

Each team must dramatize the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” if it:
1. comedy

2. melodrama

3. horror movie

Competition "Patter"

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.

Competition “Bring the Picture to Life”

The teams are given the names of the paintings in the envelopes, which must be animated with silent pantomime so that the audience recognizes them.

"Barge Haulers on the Volga"

"A deuce again"

"Three Heroes"

Competition "Perform a Dance"

You need to perform a dance while reading, “rap”

Soaked brooms in the bathhouse,

The spindles are not crushed,

And the sponges are not dried.

Lady, lady,

Lady - madam!

Contest "Pantomime".

The presenter distributes sheets of paper with tasks. Participants need to pantomime their gait:

a person who has just had a hearty lunch;

a man whose shoes are too tight;

a man who got lost in a dark forest.

Contest “Sing an animal song.”
Each team is given a song. You need to sing it like an animal. Team “cats”, “ducks”, “crows”, “cows”, “dogs”.

Competition "Attention"

1) Who will be heavier than the first cannibal, who weighed 48 kg and ate the second one for dinner, or the second one, who weighed 52 kg and ate the first one?


2) What number must be increased by 15 times to get 15?


3) Two nuns went to church and walked 60 miles. How many miles did each travel if they walked at the same speed?

(60 versts).

4) Here are three pills for you, the doctor said, take one every half hour. You obediently agreed. How long will these pills last you?

(1 hour).

5) Boil the soft-boiled egg for 3 minutes. How long does it take to boil 3 soft-boiled eggs?

(3 minutes).

6) A father has 6 sons, each son has a sister. How many children does this father have?


Summing up. Awarding the winners.
