Original script for a woman's 55th birthday. Festive portal anniversary-na-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary. your guests will ask you to repeat the anniversary for an encore! “Dear Carlson” - a funny fairy tale adaptation

Anniversary celebrations, unlike wedding celebrations, do not have a clear canon and procedure. A feast with toasts quickly incapacitates all participants, and forces the host to talk incessantly. A costume party requires more thorough preliminary preparation from the organizer, but relieves the manager and host from every second attention to the leisure time of the guests. Stylization of an era or a famous film encourages participants to get used to the environment and roles.

Entertaining arithmetic

Come up with cool script a little more complicated than the program for the men's anniversary, due to the need to smooth out the theme of age. But almost every serious date can be played up humorously.

For example, what is 55?

  1. Two numbers that, when multiplied, give 25. The birthday girl is twenty-five again.
  2. 55 is two A's or double "excellent". You can play on the theme of studying by considering life as continuous process learning and receiving grades and points.
  3. Even a significant number can be presented in a humorous manner, puzzling guests by listing 55 talents and qualities of the birthday girl or pronouncing 55 compliments and toasts.

As a last resort, considering the anniversary from the point of view of the onset of retirement age, home scenario On the occasion of her 55th birthday, a woman can rely on the topic: what do a 55-year-old grandmother and a 5-year-old granddaughter have in common?

Both are at a great age:

  1. You can go to work, as well as to kindergarten, or not.
  2. Each has its own dolls that need to knit socks. The youngest has Barbie, the eldest has grandchildren.
  3. You can treat everyone with various tasty treats. The main thing is not to mix up the pots. The one with the sand and leaves is my granddaughter’s.

Knowing the biography of the birthday girl, you can associate periods and significant moments of her life with the number five - perhaps she was born in a city on five hills, drove a Pyaterochka, or lived at the crossroads of five corners.

Children, grandchildren and cats

Everyone, even the youngest grandmother, has a couple of girlfriends with whom she discusses news, shares impressions, or goes shopping.

What would the famous three girls under the window look like if they were 55? Gathering over a glass of red or white wine, what would they talk about? Probably about children, grandchildren, husbands, cats and dogs, gastronomic novelties, hot countries and colleagues from current or former work.

For the birthday of your beloved fifty-five-year-old relative, you can compose a fairy tale-sketch in verse based on the dialogue from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

To create a more vivid impression, you can print and bind the text in a printing house, providing it with photographs of the birthday girl that characterize the content.

Victoria and the Gods of Olympus

Very popular idea today is the anniversary script “55 years of a woman: an oriental fairy tale” - incense, carpets, luxurious fabrics, oriental sweets. The Asian flavor is very feminine and intricate, but Hellenic aesthetics are no less suitable for celebrating the fifty-fifth birthday.

The Roman numeral five graphically coincides with the sign "Victoria" (Victory) in sign language. Thus, the number 55 can be interpreted as a double victory by choosing the two most significant events in the biography of the birthday girl.

To stylize the holiday in an antique style, you need to decorate the interior in white and gold tones, and for the basis of the scenario, select one of the legends or invent a new one. For example, try to imagine how the gods of Olympus would celebrate their birthday.

A scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday with competitions as entertainment for guests may include:

  • oratorical competition for the best congratulation-wish;
  • debate in the style of the game “What to do if?” (an absurd or difficult situation is imagined, from which you need to find a way out: “What to do if nothing is ready for the table, but guests are already on the doorstep?”);
  • poetry marathon (the first one comes up with the initial phrase, the second one continues the thought, etc.).

For a stylized holiday, the moment of combining elements and their correspondence to the chosen theme is very important - people in jeans will look ridiculous in an antique interior.

Golden wreaths, togas and tunics for guests can be made from scrap materials and distributed at the beginning of the holiday or a mandatory dress code for participants can be announced in advance.

Soiree in Art Nouveau style

The birthday of a lady with artistic taste can be stylized according to the format of literary and musical soirees, popular at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Art Nouveau style has all the features that can fully express attention and respect for the birthday girl’s sense of style - floral and plant patterns, complex curves of lines and eclectic combinations of tones and textures seem to be a reflection of the harmonious, but contradictory female nature.

The interior can be decorated:

  • reproductions of Gustav Klimt, Antonio Gaudi or Alphonse Mucha (on paper, on fabric or as a projection);
  • candles in twisted candlesticks;
  • transparent flowing fabrics;
  • live or dried bouquets;
  • colored intricate branches of deciduous plants.

This is an original scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday at home, which involves a buffet with light portioned snacks and drinks in tall glasses and tea drinking, which saves the hostess and her loved ones from long hours at the stove and long gatherings at the table.

At the turn of the century, there was an increased public interest in mysticism and predictions, so as entertainment for those gathered you can:

  • perform comic fortune telling on a book, on coffee grounds or drops of wax;
  • hold a relay race of mysterious stories (by analogy with horror stories popular among teenagers about green hands, etc.);
  • play one of the popular games of that historical period among representatives of almost all ages (for example, “I was born a gardener,” “Ring, ring” or “Anyuta! What, lady? I’m here!”).

The musical setting can be based on the works of Strauss, Debussy, Ravel, romances by Vertinsky and Kozin.

Music and cinema

Knowing the literary, cinematic or musical preferences of the birthday girl and celebrating the anniversary in an entertainment establishment, you can order a performance by your favorite artist with congratulations or a musical program in the style of “Disco of the 80s” performed by a cover band.

You can make a holiday in the style of one of the famous films that came out when the birthday girl and her guests were 20-25 years old:

  • "The Taming of the Shrew";
  • "Bat";
  • “Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville”;
  • “The Same Munchausen”;
  • "The Three Musketeers";
  • "Grease."

A carefree mood, wonderful music and sparkling humor of films will help the organizer create an easy and win-win program.

All parts of the Marlezon ballet

In fact, the Merlezonsky ballet has 16 parts, not two, and is a complex theatrical production, and not just a ball.

Organizing an evening with dances and skits in the style of the 17th century is an original and time-consuming task. But she's worth it.

  1. We need to find a rectangular room that can accommodate all the couples standing next to each other at the same time.
  2. Lush costumes and wigs from the era of Louis XIII or Louis XIV can be rented from a theater studio or made to order.
  3. It is not difficult to find the original music of the work on the Internet or replace the theme of the Merlezon ballet with the court works of Jean-Baptiste Lully.
  4. At the balls there was a special manager who watched over the correct execution of the dances and suggested to the participants the order of movements - the dance master.
For an approximately correct performance of dances within the framework of the holiday, a couple (actors of the historical reconstruction theater) is needed who can perform the steps of that era - plies, skids, entrechat, attitudes, cabrioles, arabesques and jetes. The rest of the ball participants only need to repeat the movements of the leading couple.

The success of any action depends on its thoughtfulness and preparedness, therefore the development of the script, distribution of roles and the rest organizational issues one of the birthday girl’s close associates should take over. This will allow you to preserve the intrigue of the holiday as much as possible and save the hostess of the celebration from unnecessary worries.

In order to properly organize and celebrate beautifully important date in a woman's life - a 55-year anniversary, you may find this scenario of a fun and at the same time touching and beautiful holiday dedicated to one who has overcome a significant milestone in her life and is proudly called not only a wife and mother, but also a grandmother.

Anniversary script for a woman turning 55

(the granddaughter of the hero of the day begins the anniversary scenario)

GRANDDAUGHTER: Why is it in our kitchen?
Is it crowded in the morning?
Everyone is frying something, steaming
Adults and children.
Hurry up and peel the potatoes.
Put some milk here.
Because it's a birthday
My dear grandmother!
The table is set, the relatives are sitting
Together at the big table
For my beloved, for my grandmother
We will dance and sing"

(They sing a song to the tune of “A smile will make everyone warmer...) My grandmother’s birthday
I woke up with the first ray of light today
I ran to my grandmother quickly,
So that she would be the first to smile at me.

Birthday is your holiday
Have fun and sing songs,
Let caring hands rest,
For you we are the whole crowd
We baked a big pie.
All your children and grandchildren congratulate you.

You live, dear, for many years
You and I are not afraid even of ice and cold
We send you warm greetings.
We really, really need your wise advice.

May your days be long
In happiness, joy, love,
And health too often fails,
We will come to visit again,
Let's start the song again,
Let sadness bypass your house.

And for my beloved grandmother
We baked a loaf.
Grandma you are braver
Blow out these candles

(The hero of the day is presented with a loaf of bread, she blows out the candles.)

First toast to our birthday girl!

(Work colleague)

Today in this glorious hall
Relatives and friends are sitting
We all dressed up today
And it was not in vain that we prepared,
Today is not just a holiday here
Our Valentina has a choir of guests,
So let the song start now,
How the anthem sounds on your glorious anniversary!

(Song to the tune of “I’ll get up before dawn today”)

We got up before dawn today,
Everyone went to buy flowers together,
We were all waiting for the appointed hour,
To perform a song for you.

Our hero of the day is a beauty
We are all in love with her,
Our kindest friend and boss:
We are fair and square equals to her.

I ask my friends to raise a glass
For Valentina, our Valya!
May she always be happy,
We will overturn this cup!

Believe it or don't believe it.
Standing in a dense garden
Cheerful, kind home,
Not a house, a palace with children,
With snow on the porch,
How many children? In bulk..!
Like the grains in a cucumber,
Merry and not so much.
Pugnacious and in snot,
Whom they will drag in their hands,
Who is being carried in the sleigh?
Who pees in pantyhose
And who goes to the potty?
These dolls live
Let's just say it's good.
After all, they are fed here, sung,
Then they'll go to bed,
And they will tell a fairy tale,
And they will take you to bed,
Well, life is like raspberries,
Well, what else can I say?
This is the picture.

Let's continue to interpret
And who rules that kingdom?
You ask me, Queen Valentina,
Greetings, friends!

(The hero of the day is asked to rise, they put a crown on her)

A toast to our glorious queen.

And now the competition is for men.
Find your queen.
The man is blindfolded, and all the women are put on paper crowns; you have to find yours, if you haven’t guessed correctly, you will be fined in the form of an amateur performance number.

Our glorious queen
All you know friends
She will be born today
It was not in vain that I was lucky,
Life runs after her at a gallop,
Valya rushes ahead,
So that old age with shortness of breath
You can't catch up with her on the way.

Dear Valentina Ivanovna!
Dear queen, your subjects have prepared musical and not so musical gifts for you.

(Adults come out dressed as children.)

Congratulates Aunt Valya
Our favorite kindergarten.
Sends greetings to you, dear,
Junior, nursery squad.
We promise to listen to Valya,
Always go to the potty
When everyone has eaten the porridge,
We'll take the cups away.
Be healthy, Aunt Valya,
Many, many more days
We promise that we will come
To your hundredth anniversary!

(They sing to the tune of “Let them run, clumsy”).

Let him laugh today
The sun is a red speck,
Nightingales sing songs in chorus
We wish you health
We promise with love
Don't forget your instructions.

It's not just a birthday here
Our Valya's Anniversary,
Give us candy and cookies
And pour a little.

Dear Valentina, now my dear husband wants to congratulate you.

How much beauty is there in the world:
Sun, blue sky,
And spring flowers
They can't compare with you.
For many years we walked side by side,
It was all sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
Old age is already knocking on our door.
We won't let her into the house
Let him walk longer
When it blooms again later,
Let him not find us at home.
You are my good one
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with a lot of love.

Dear Valya, now your beloved daughter will congratulate you!

Dear Mommy,
You are no relative
What can I wish for you?
On this anniversary,
And what are the best words to choose,
What to tell you
How I love you.
Tied with a strong thread
We are with you forever
For me you are mommy
Main man
The most affectionate
I feel bright with you
And from the good heart
Quiet and warm
In sorrow and in joy
You were nearby
I want you forever
Mommy lived.

(There is noise outside the door, the sound of a guitar, gypsies appear)

(Sing to the tune of “Dear Long...”)

Bark, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.
Our gypsy camp has arrived
To order for your anniversary
So come on mistress don't be shy
Quickly pour vodka into the glasses

To make it fun
We'll all drink together,
And we’ll pour some more under the cucumber
Let's dance Russian
Then the gypsy one!
Well, then we’ll binge on romances

Allow me, madam, to congratulate you
Good health wish
We decided to glorify you now,
Tell me about a beautiful lady

Yes you are beautiful
And we all like it
How do you, my dear, live correctly?
And your pies are famous in the area,
You are for the guests
You bake them with joy.
Get up in a circle Valyusha,
We'll pick out a gypsy outfit,
And then we will open our souls,
Together we will dance and sing.

Let the whole house buzz
And he walks around
Pour us another glass,
Let everyone around know
We'll sing for you
After all, today is your anniversary!
Bark, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.

Dear guests, dear birthday girl, a Russian chanson ensemble has come to your holiday under the sonorous name “Zashibalo”, welcome! 3-4 people come out with improvised musical instruments (e.g. empty a bottle and a fork, spoons, two pot lids, etc.)


Here is the Russian street song ensemble “Zashibalo”!
You may ask why “Zashibalo”?
Because we walk on festive events and we make money, and we just make money...

(points to drink)

And so before you is the star of our ensemble, the incomparable Lucy!

But she just doesn’t work like that, she needs to gild her pen and name the person for whom she needs to sing or congratulate.
I will now approach each of those gathered, and you must give some money and call their name, and I will give it to the actress Lucy. And so let's begin.

(The entertainer goes to the guests, then returns to Lucy, leans towards her ear as if he is saying something in her ear)

Who? Name? Fee?
(Nods that everything is fine, sings to the tune of “Lyuba, Lyubonka”).

Once upon a time I walked around the city as a girl
Sweet girl of heavenly beauty,
I danced so hard at the disco,
That all the fans gave her flowers

Oh, Valyushenka,
I kiss you on your darling,
People admire you today
We got to you
For my birthday,
And since we are here,
No one will fall asleep from boredom


Applause, friends! Well, who wants to continue the concert? Please continue orders (again goes to guests, etc.)

Name? Again? Fee? Who ordered? Husband! Fine.

Once Valechka and Vityusha got married,
Valya was a bride of wondrous beauty
Her features haven't changed at all now.
Today Vitya gives her flowers again

Oh, Vityushenka, take care of Vityushenka
Give love, diamonds and flowers,
And if Currency is happy,
Then you will be next to her, you will be happy.


Storm of applause! Bravo Lucy! Shall we continue?

(goes back to the guests, takes the order, returns to Lucy)

The entertainer repeats the actions.

Who? Grandchildren? It's free.

Once upon a time Valenka was a barefoot girl,
She chased all the strange boys around the yard,
Now suddenly she has become a strict grandmother,
But still loves laughter and children

Valya, Valenka!
Throw away your socks and felt boots,
Let them retire
Well, we give you sandals,
Dance easily in them here today.


(continues working)

Who? Retired friends? Pensioners discount...

Once upon a time Valenka
Studied at the institute
She was a student of genuine beauty,
Now she has become a beautiful woman
And on her birthday they give her flowers again

Oh, Valyunechka,
How smart you are
How rich she set the table for us
I sing to you, my throat is already dry,
Drink wine, and then pickle!


Bravo! Bravo! All to the table.

Dear guests, dear hero of the day, a guest from neighboring countries has come to you with congratulations.

Meet the inimitable Verka Serduchka!


And I'm just coming out of the cold
I'll wipe the tears from my eyes
I came to congratulate you
And amuse people
Happy birthday friend
The holiday goes around in circles
So he came rushing to you
And stayed for a long time
Okay, everyone's good now
After all, we all drank and ate, I know
I'll be fine!

Oh, I feel like I'm going on a spree here,
Oh, I'll go on a spree!
We'll sing and drink until the morning today,
And then everyone will dance Chita-Drita together
Congratulations and wish you many long years,
And Valyukha suits you, such a lipstick color
The songs are flowing, the wine is flowing
And they knock, knock, knock glasses to the beat
Happy birthday Valentina Let's party for you!

Well, friends,
The anniversary is over,
And outside the window the moon is already rising,
The wax of hot holiday candles is melted,

So our life passes quietly,
But we will not regret the past,
We look forward to the coming day,
No wonder the wise have one piece of advice,
Only those who walk can overcome a difficult road.

Once again, happy anniversary, see you again.

**The appearance of the hero of the day.


Guests, all attention!

Everyone stand at attention! Equal to the queen of the celebration!

01.(Happy bezdey tu yu)

**Anniversary girl enters .

In chorus:


Presenter 1:

Our dear Verushka, an excellent student

Happy birthday to our birthday girl!

**We give flowers.

And it's time to honor these minutes

We can hear the anniversary fireworks here.

(clap firecrackers).

02.(Valevskaya. Happy birthday)

Vera (birthday girl):

And now, friends. I invite everyone to the table!

**Guests are seated

Presenter 1:

Many years have passed since then

When the miracle happened.

You came into the world

No one knows where.

Presenter 2:

Happens only once in a lifetime

Similar phenomena

We sincerely want to congratulate you

Happy birthday today.

Presenter 1:

And Verochka’s husband opens the evening of congratulations.

(Husband's toast).

Presenter 2:

I invite guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink while standing for the anniversary of our birthday girl. Three or four “Congratulations” (guests shout “Congratulations” three times). The clink of glasses.

09.I.Circle. A. Bryantsev. Happy birthday!


**Guests have a drink and a snack (10 minutes).

04.Lola. quietly and quietly

Presenter 1:

In a certain kingdom-kingdom-state, a daughter was born into the family of Victor and Catherine, who was given the glorious name Vera. Today we celebrate the anniversary of this wonderful young woman, an excellent student both in age and in life’s achievements. Mother Verushka Ekaterina Arkadyevna is not with us today. Let's remember her.

Presenter 2:

Thank you, mommy, for your childhood,

Your love and tenderness of hands!

You left me a legacy

A palette of feelings and a heartbeat!

Thinking about you makes me feel warmer

And my soul is happier

Thank you, dear, dear,

For the fact that I am on earth.

In memory of our mother, let's raise our glasses.


Presenter 1:

The word for congratulations goes to Vera's father

And in continuation of dad’s words, Verushka’s song “To my daughter on her birthday” is for you.

Lola sounds again (quietly, quietly)

Presenter 2:

And now her aunt will share her memories of Vera’s childhood years

Let's raise our glasses in honor of Verochka.


**Congratulations to relatives.

Presenter 1:

The years are passing, they are in a hurry

Everyone is in a hurry somewhere

They won't stop

They fly, they fly, they fly.

Presenter 2:

How long have you been a schoolgirl?

I went to first grade

And there were squares and streets

Great for us.

Presenter 1 :

Fell in love with secrets

We shared with you

And life seemed long

So big, so big.

Presenter 2:

But the years roll by quickly.

And they cannot be detained.

Verushka is turning

It's five and five today.

Presenter 1:

But isn't she beautiful?

Sitting here at the table?

We all like Verushka

Soul and face.

Presenter 2:

And life... Life goes on.

The colors don't fade in it.

And may you continue to be

Desires rule.

Presenter 1:

The desire to live, love, dream,

And admire the world

Bloom, create and create,

Climb to the peaks.

**Personal congratulations, presentation of a gift.

Presenter 1:

Yes, so time went by - went by

Presenter 2:

And our Verochka, our sweet chick, grew and grew and grew and grew and finally grew up.

Presenter 1:

What has grown?

Presenter 2:

But what has grown is what has grown. See for yourself.

Congratulations from the younger branch of the hero of the day’s family

**The son’s family comes out: congratulations to the son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter.

Presenter 2:

A musical gift from my son and his family in honor of Vera.

07. Malikov.


**Let's raise our glasses. Let's have a drink.

(1 presenter reads the words, the second depicts how a cat walks )

Presenter 1:

Green oak near Lukomorye

Golden chain on the oak tree

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain. (The second presenter portrays a cat)

He goes to the right - the song starts

Left (I said left, left! Do you hear?)

Presenter 2: (depicting a cat):

Left, left, but I won’t go left. I also found Pushkin! Right, Left! I walk wherever I want! I do what I think is necessary and say what I want.

Presenter 1:

Well, what do you want?

Presenter 2:

A fairy tale!

Presenter 1:

And what! This is an idea! Ruslan and Lyudmila!

Presenter 2:

Ugh! How sad.

Presenter 1:

Vera and Andrey!

Presenter 2:

But this is worth thinking about.

Presenter 1:

This is our Faith! And here comes Andrey! By the way, Vera and Andrey recently celebrated their 30th anniversary living together! So, dear guests, you and I are not just at the anniversary of our beautiful sister Verochka, but we are sitting at the wedding table of Vera and Andrey. And we celebrate the anniversary family life- 30 years

Presenter 1:

Let our life be like a moment,

To the shine of a star that flashed in silence.

And we are in mysterious excitement

We look at the stars shining in the night.

Presenter 2:

Let your star
Burns as brightly as possible

Attracting the eyes of all people.

And its flickering, beautiful light

May it last a hundred thousand days!

Presenter 1:

Happy anniversary, dears! Bitterly!

Presenter 2:

A word to the young husband of the hero of the day.

**Congratulations to Andrey. We have a drink and a snack.

Presenter 1:

And now we announce the dance of the newlyweds. Applause.

10. Logging. White swan on the pond.

**Everyone is dancing.

**Everyone sits down at the table, but Vera is not there.

Presenter 1:

Well, Andrey, Where is our Faith?

Why didn't you stop her?

Who stole Verushka?

Presenter 1:

In the fairy tale, do you remember Chernomor stole Luda from Ruslan?

Who are we? (Barmaley) Here he is! Catch it quickly!


So why are you sitting here?

And you don't drink? Don't eat?

Where, Andrey, is your wife?

Would you like to ask me?

I stole your faith

I've been dreaming about her for a long time

Only Vera cries, cries

My blood pressure is going up

The mood is creeping down

And I have no luck in anything!

Because I'm sorry

I'm returning the hero of the day

What are you standing there, you guys?

Bring faith into the hall. (introduce Vera)

Well beautiful soul

I apologize to everyone

For such a phenomenon.

Presenter 1:

Well, shall we forgive our Barmaley?

Presenter 2:

We'll forgive Barmaley! But what about Andrey? I couldn’t hold Verushka.

Presenter 1:

Let's give him an exam. We'll blindfold Andrey. We will ask him questions. Vera will silently write the answers on the sheet, and Andrei, after our signal, will name his own. Let's see if the answers match or not. This will tell us how well Andrei knows his wife.


  • What is Vera's favorite flower?
  • What's your favorite treat?
  • Favorite song?
  • Favorite movie?
  • Favorite time of year?
  • Tell me the date you met
  • Your first kiss
  • Who was the first to declare their love? When?

Presenter 1:

Well. Well, Andrey, you’re great! Over the 30 years of marriage, I learned a lot about my wife! So let's drink once again to the happy long life of the young!

Presenter 2:

For the further prosperity of the family!!!

11.E.Vaenga.I wish.

Presenter 1:

Don’t you think, sister, that by using family ties with the hero of the day and our official position, we are greatly infringing on the desire of friends Vera and Andrey to congratulate our Verochka on her holiday?

Presenter 2:

Yes, no, excuse me (answers the phone call) “Hello, everything is clear...” There (points to the door) the pensioner squad is eager to congratulate.

Presenter 1:

Well, you know, we, of course, honor pensioners, but young people are treasured everywhere. Vera, quickly accept congratulations from friends. Please. Tell us what Verochka is like.

**Congratulations from friends

Presenter 1:

Here, dear, I heard - live in peace, country - SHE is the only one we have. And there is even a song about her.

13. A. Pugacheva. Live in peace, country.

Presenter 2:

And yet, the detachment of pensioners is already here and before I give him the floor, I want to know

And which of the guests can list who Vera worked with?

So, the stages of the labor path:

Presenter 1:

And finally, our Verushka has reached the time when you can work, or you can not work, but receive a pension.

Presenter 2:

A pension is free government assistance to people who have reached the age of majority.

Presenter 1:

And finally - the pensioner squad. Over to you, comrades!

Squad leader:

Once! Once! Left! left!

The squad stay put! Once! Two!

Presenter 1:

Young pensioners! Are you ready to congratulate the hero of the day?

Always ready!

Presenter 1:

Congratulations begin!

**Song to the tune of the bonfires

Light up the blue nights with fires.

We want to congratulate you on your anniversary.

We are taking Vera into the pensioner squad.

And we sing this song for Vera.

We all raise our glasses together.

We wish Verushka everything she needs.

Know that this is just the beginning of the journey.

Pension is the financial help of fate.

Now you can work, be lazy.

The pension will flow into your pocket.

Do you want to spend it, Do you want to save it.

Pension is a gift from the country.

We present you with a pensioner's card.

We strictly instruct you to keep it.

He is the most important paper ticket.

There will be benefits with it, but not without it.

**We present a pensioner's ticket

Squad leader:

Young pensioner! Are you ready to continue the celebration?

Faith :

Always ready!

Presenter 1:

So let's raise a glass to the new young pensioner of our country! Hooray!

Presenter 1:

Verochka has now sworn that she is ready to continue the celebration - so accept the congratulations of your friends.

Let us give the floor for congratulations...

**Congratulations guest.

Presenter 1:

Once upon a time there were three girls,

Beautiful sisters,

And now meet them

Young and naughty.

**The sisters come out, and between them is a life-size doll with the face of the hero of the day. They sing.

The moon is shining, the moon is shining clear

The scarlet dawn is shining

Vera, Masha and Natasha

They came here to dance.

Our Faith is a wonder to everyone

Tall, slim, beautiful

And also smart

She drove all the men crazy.

Vera loves to dress up

Loves to celebrate holidays

And besides, she knows how

Work only for five

We love our Verushka

She's the middle sister

Together with her in the evenings

We chat instead of sleep

It's Vera's birthday today

Glorious holiday anniversary

Raise all your glasses

Let's quickly drink to Vera

(We leave a life-size puppet as a gift)



Presenter 1:

Let's continue the anniversary!

Presenter 2:

We are today this glorious day

We sincerely congratulate you!

Be happy, loved, desired

The best ever!

Presenter 1:

Let fortune be friends with you often,

Let luck be near,

May your family love you deeply,

Any friend brings only joy to the house

Presenter 2:

Year of the Dragon walks on the Earth,

I'm in a hurry to wish you Happy Birthday.

May the Dragon give happiness to Vera,

Your angel is flying nearby.

Presenter 1:

Look who came to visit us! Our favorite unique Dragon!

**The dragon sings a song. The dragon is three men in New Year's hats, with a green blanket in front

to the tune of the song “I won’t brag, honey”

I won’t brag, dear ones.

I know what I'm saying.

Congratulations on your anniversary

Verochka my love.

Look at Veruschka.

How good it is!

So similar to the princess -

And he sits, well, barely breathing.

For such behavior

Loves Verochka Dragon

And today, happy anniversary

Sends congratulations to Vera.

Sends wishes to Veruschka

Happiness, joy, victories

And, of course, some money.

Without them there is still no happiness.

And also a maiden soul

Accept the new title!

Mrs Charm

(puts on a crown and ribbon)

**Vere puts on a crown and a ribbon over her shoulder with the inscription “Mrs. Charm”

In parting, please allow me

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

Bright years, great happiness

And remember the Dragon

Presenter 1:

Let's drink to the new Mrs. Charm!

Oh, what a woman...

**Have a drink

Presenter 1:

And again Verochka, and now also crowned Mrs. Charm, accept the congratulations of your friends.

**Congratulations to guests

Presenter 1:

Attention! Attention! Welcome a new guest!

(Gypsy melody)

The gypsy dances and congratulates Vera:

Rearrange it this way or that way

There will only be number five!

Good in white light

Don't notice your age!

Is the hero of the day ready?

Answer questions?

(The guests have questions, and Vera pulls the answers out of the gypsy’s hands)

Sample questions for cards.

Vera, does Andrei carry you in his arms?

Vera, does Andrey serve you breakfast in bed?

Vera, do you declare your love to your husband?

Vera, Andrey is talking about love?

Do you like sex games, Vera?

Are you jealous of your husband, Vera?

Do you, Vera, hit your husband on the head with plates?

Do you respect alcoholic drinks, Verochka?

Are you, Vera, hiding your ill-gotten earnings from your family?

Do you use obscene words in conversation?

Verochka. Are you capable of noble deeds?

Vera, do you consider yourself a well-mannered person?


Every Thursday after the rain

As soon as the cancer on the mountain whistles

I don't start the day without this

Always after charging

Only if he really asks

YES, but only after a shower

Only mentally!

Of course, otherwise life would be uninteresting.

Only half asleep and in slippers.

This is the most pleasant thing for me.

When kicked out of the house.

I allow myself this pleasure once a day.


**Congratulations to guests

(Congratulations to Baba Yaga):

Hello everyone, killer whales!

The hero of the day too!

And my name is Yaga.

Isn't it similar?

I won’t tell you how old I am.

Let your back bent

Stings in the side, teeth in the mouth

I see it's missing.

I only see a man

I don’t know what’s wrong with me!

The eye is burning, my back

It instantly became straight!

And the walk is easy,

I hear my heart beating!

Know instinct works,

What is called the main one?

I will say to the hero of the day:

Years are no barrier!

Let instinct work

Until the end of time!

And I also give you

I am these medicines.

It will be warmer to live with them,

More fun in the world.

Here's the cure for the blues (chocolate)

It's for colds (honey)

Well, this is from trouble

And any adversity (small bottle of wine, cognac)

You, Masha, save them.

If you need it, take it!

Remember the old lady



1. clothespins

2. egg

3. light my mirror

4. third wheel (there is no chair for one)

5. fishing

6. dancing on the newspaper

Final words

Presenter 1:

Happy anniversary, Verushka, congratulations to you

And from the bottom of our hearts we repeat to you

We are glad to be with you today -

For us, you are a beloved person.

Presenter 2:

You are a role model for us!

You're not a woman - just a dream

And with all our hearts we wish you

Always remain like this!

Two fives is the date
But seriousness is not for you!
You are a beauty and of course
We congratulate now.

You are like a young girl
Whose eyes are on fire.
I already have a lot behind me,
More to come...

Be happy, healthy,
Both smart and funny.
Never frown
Don't bow your head.

And on that cheerful note
Let us say together at this hour:
"You are only 18,
The rest is experience!”

Are you celebrating today?
Interesting anniversary:
You get two A's
Put the diary in your briefcase.

The music is playing loudly
The mood is just great!
Two A's are not your age,
You are an excellent student with us.

“Five” - for the past years,
For a happy family.
"Five" - ​​for your invaluable experience
And for your beauty.

For the love that you gave,
For your care, for your hard work.
I got two A's.
Well, you can be proud.

Such a wonderful anniversary
One can only wish
So many more times
Celebrate birthdays.

Previously, this age gave the right to a pension, now everything is different! Now even the state has recognized that you are still young, beautiful, full of strength and health! Congratulations on your anniversary birthday! I wish that beauty does not fade, kindness does not dry up, joy does not pass, and happiness and love fill the heart to the very brim. Love to you from your children and grandchildren, all your relatives and friends, respect from your colleagues and highly appreciated from the authorities!

Great age - 55,
Life begins again.
We want to live like a queen,
Don’t infringe on yourself in any way!

To raise wonderful grandchildren,
Go to the sea often.
And always look great
That’s how it is now - to the number “5”!

Wonderful age, anniversary...
Please accept our congratulations.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
On a wonderful holiday - birthday!

For women, age is like a diamond:
Sparkles, pleases, plays.
And don't be sad about the years -
Age only adorns you!

Live happily, without troubles.
Let love inspire with song.
On a wonderful holiday, anniversary,
We sincerely congratulate you!

An important date today -
It's your anniversary!
And we sincerely wish
Many bright, bright days.

May your health be good,
Let spring sing in your soul,
Let loved ones, relatives
They just make you happy!

Always be irresistible
And happy as now
Guardian by your angel.
Let goodness knock on the door!

Today you are not just a birthday girl -
Anniversary girl, twice excellent student!
We would like to wish you today:
Love, inspiration, health
Energy, strength, optimism,
More pleasant surprises,
Happy moments, prosperity
And may your life be sweet!

The smartest and most beautiful
We wanted to wish
Become shamelessly happy.
The highest age is 55!

She raised her children
Created comfort in the house,
Lighted up the world with a smile...
Let all matters wait.

This age is for dreams!
Take everything from life.
No matter how many wishes you have,
Let them be fulfilled.

This date is for discoveries!
Let the light submit
Life will be full of events.
And we wish you many years to come!

Two A's - a super date!
Everything that has been passed is a “five”.
So exciting today
Happy anniversary.

I wish you a fabulous life,
Moods, victories.
Fulfillment of desires
Keep the light green.

Shines brighter every day
Guiding Star.
Bogatyrsky health
Never fails.

Optimism, positivity,
Long and happy years,
To be desired and loved.
Know that there is no one more beautiful than you!

The anniversary is so wonderful
Two numbers five met.
And there are a lot of guests today,
To congratulate you here.

May happy moments
Multiply by five times.
Let your eyes sparkle with light
So that the laughter does not fade away.

Let them love you five times more,
And they wait five times harder,
Let the people dear to your heart
They walk next to you.

Regarding age, it is worth saying:
Great years - half a century plus five!
For wisdom - “five plus”, “five plus” - for intelligence.
Everyone must understand that for sorrowful thoughts
In reality, I have neither time nor energy,
This means that no matter who asks about the years,
You answer everyone: “I’m eighteen in my soul!”
Be open and always smile,
It’s like a balm is pouring into your soul,
... you should always, and we wish you
Dawns of pleasant, peaceful nights
Hooray! Congratulations! It's your anniversary!

Decided to celebrate your anniversary at home? This great idea, with which we will help you. After all, we know new competitions and games, jokes and skits for your anniversary. For an anniversary at home, we have an excellent scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday. And with its help you will amuse the guests and surprise the hero of the day. So let's start getting acquainted with the script and choosing the best moments.

If you still don’t know what to give a woman for her 55th birthday, then our option for gifts for her 55th birthday.

Meeting the hero of the day.
How to organize a meeting of the hero of the day at home? Easy and simple! For this you will need three men. And it is desirable that there is a husband among them. If there is no husband, then any three men. They need to be dressed up as actors, like in the film Prisoner of the Caucasus. After all, they will perform a song based on the tune - if I were a sultan. Let them learn the words in advance and practice with them.
And now, when everyone is assembled, we let in the hero of the day. She stands in the circle that all the guests have formed. A familiar melody begins to play and three men appear. They perform a song to the tune of the song - if I were a sultan...

The main holiday.
After meeting the hero of the day, you can sit down at the tables and begin the celebration.

Do you know what phrase is the most popular among all women? This phrase sounds like this: I’m so tired of all this!
Our dear hero of the day! We know that you have done a lot of things in your life, helped many, and said this just as often. But time after time you still moved on, not looking at the fatigue. Today is your anniversary. And we all tell you to relax and enjoy life. Now you have a completely different life, in which there should be time for relaxation and time for friends.
I propose to drink to our birthday girl, who will now only rest!

The game is a plane of wishes.
How nice it is to hear addressed to you beautiful words and wishes. But it’s even nicer to receive a whole plane full of wishes! Let's give our hero of the day such a plane.
Each side of the table gets one paper airplane and one pen. At the command of the host, the first guests write their wishes on the airplane. Then they pass the airplane and pen to the second guests. They also write their wishes. Then they pass everything on to third guests and so on.
Whichever party was the first to deliver its airplane with wishes to the hero of the day wins. Then both airplanes are given to the birthday girl as a lasting memory.

A toast to the guests and to those who are always nearby.
At holidays, people always raise their glasses and toast to the hero of the occasion and to the people close to him. Aren't guests close people? Let's say, or rather show, a toast to our closest guests and friends.
This toast will be in the form of a skit, so it is better to prepare in advance and change the clothes of those who will participate in the skit. And so, here is the toast scene:

Game block for invitation to dance.
We all know that getting guests to dance is a difficult task. Most people prefer to sit and watch two or three guests dance. That's why we have this game block.
We need to dress one girl as a nurse. A nurse comes out, holding a huge syringe in her hands. She says:
- Well, who should get vaccinated here?
The presenter then says:
- don’t be scared, the syringe is not real, and it’s empty. But tell me, which of you have been vaccinated? Yes, everyone did them. But these are vaccinations against diseases. Would you like to get vaccinated against bad mood? What about a vaccine against sleep deprivation? Let's name what you would like to vaccinate yourself against.

Guests name different options for what they would like to be vaccinated against.

Then the presenter says:
- unfortunately, we do not have a single such vaccination. But our nurse has magic vitamins. And she will distribute them to everyone.

The nurse gives everyone magic vitamins (ordinary ascorbic acid).

- vitamins will start working only when you dance. So come out and let's dance.

The guests come out and dance. After the dance the leader says:
- you see, the vitamins are magical - they made you dance!

A comic lottery for guests.
Now it's time to present gifts to the guests. But how to do it beautifully? Hold a comic lottery that will help you with this.
This lottery is carried out simply - you prepare beautiful cards on which you write poems. Place all the cards in a bag. Guests take turns taking out one card and reading the verse. And whatever gift we are talking about is what he receives.
