Selling goods along the roads: how to open a business. Is it possible to sell agricultural products on the roadside according to European schemes? A simple example of how a highway helps to earn money not only on a national scale, but also

The development of roadside infrastructure is catastrophically behind the level of motorization. Even on federal highways there is clearly a lack of gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones.

Now there are a huge number of cars in the country, and the fleet increases by hundreds of thousands of cars every year. Think about this number. A real car boom. But in terms of the number of cars per thousand inhabitants, we are still far from Europe and, even more so, from the level of the USA (where there are almost 2 cars for every family). But still.

Development roadside infrastructure catastrophically does not keep up with the level of motorization. Even on federal highways there is clearly a lack of gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones. Basic parking lots with toilets and water. I often travel to other cities and see sections of roads of 50, 80 and even 100 km where there is no hint of civilization. And this is in the European part. Beyond the Urals, I think the picture is even sadder...

Amazing situation. There are a lot of cars. There are also a lot of people who want to go somewhere. Freight and passenger flows are colossal. But almost no service or roadside maintenance not offered. Only a few cafes and exclusively close to the city. Some roads carry tens of thousands of cars a day - hundreds of thousands of people. Most of those who travel and would be happy to leave money in roadside cafes, but there is nowhere! And those cafes that exist are mostly some kind of BAM trailers. It’s even surprising: in the cities all the cafes and shops have been renovated for a long time, and on the roads there are some kind of construction sheds...

A separate conversation about summer period. Half the country is heading south. Giant car migration. Millions of people go on vacation and spend money. And along the entire road they are offered almost no infrastructure.

Just for an example. The road from Moscow to the Black Sea (this is approximately 1,500 km). For most drivers, this journey takes two daylight hours and requires an overnight stay. And in this entire area there are no more than 5 hotels, so that you don’t have to leave the highway. People sleep in cars. Anyone who has traveled will confirm: at night, any traffic police post on the highway means hundreds of cars with sleeping people. Most of those who sleep in a car with their family would readily pay for a hotel. But This service is not offered...

Another example. Anything can happen on the road. Breakdown, for example. The nearest workshop may be 100 or even 200 km away... And if you need a tow truck... I read in a well-known automobile magazine. Editorial staff travel from Moscow to Kazan. On the way, the automatic transmission breaks down. We need a tow truck. The only one possible option- call from Moscow, 500 km away. People live in a car for a day and a half. If we omit the technical details about the car and the machine gun, we get the impression that this is the 17th century, the exploration of Siberia...

And another example. I have gas equipment in my car, I drive on propane-butane. Just like another 1 million cars. There are sections of 200-300 km along the route where no gas stations. It's not even funny.

Everyone who has traveled around Europe by car has seen: motels, campsites, gas stations, cafes, etc. on every corner. This is very simple and obvious - if people travel (with money), it means that they will definitely need some goods and services along the way. And the market offers them.

And the conclusion is more than obvious. Offer goods, services, some kind of service on the highway. Here's what will be in demand:

A plot of land along the highway is a “golden” asset that will help its owner with an entrepreneurial spirit earn money. How to open your own store on the road, make it profitable and not get a fine during the first inspection by the Ministry of Emergency Situations or Rospotrebnadzor.

The concept of a roadside business is simple - to provide the value that people passing by need. This type of business is not focused on regular customers, however, service is important.

Thanks to the constantly renewed flow of customers, demand at the store on the open highway is stable. A client in comfortable conditions and a client on the go are two different buyers. If the first allows himself to be rational in his choice, then the second is a hostage to circumstances.

The ability to show empathy, to think as the client thinks, helps to differentiate from competitors and truly open useful store on the track. Make sales, even if the small business is surrounded by gas station giants or large chain stores.

Formats and types


Shop 20-100 sq. m, located along the highway, which is able to satisfy the demand of travelers. Products, household chemicals, goods for children. Everything that may be useful on a trip. Special attention to competitors. A chain store growing nearby can kill a small business.

For motorists

Shop for drivers. It is located on the highway, usually next to car washes, service stations, and gas stations. The most popular assortment includes light bulbs, glass brushes, small consumables for cars, and accessories for travelers. Free toilet or shower will turn random clients in loyal ones.


A store whose offer is aimed at a narrow client segment. Depends on location. Along the routes leading to the sea or resorts - swimming equipment, mattresses, circles for children. On the road to the mountain resorts - warm clothes, equipment for tourists, sleeping bags, equipment. Even a well-placed tent along the pilgrims' path can bring profit.

Business hack. Since about 2014, a healthy lifestyle and farm products have been especially promoted, and after the imposition of sanctions, there has been a special demand for “our own”. Specialty store farm products“from the garden” along the highway - a competitor to large chain stores and gas stations.

Fast food

Roadhouse. Pancake or pie. You can prepare takeaway burgers, hot dogs or shawarma. It works at a bus stop. It is easier to differentiate yourself from your competitors than when trading standard products. In public catering, a catchy sign, the smell and taste of the prepared dish decide.

Business hack on the road. Experienced traders install several warning banners at 50-200 meters so that the driver has time to react, think and turn to the store in time.

How to open

  1. Decide on a location. 70% of business success depends on this. Experienced entrepreneurs do not strive to become an “oasis” along the road, but, on the contrary, locate themselves at the points of contact of potential clients. For example, near a car service center, gas station or car wash, they open grocery store.
  2. Preparation of documents. If the lease is the conclusion of an agreement. Ownership - obtaining permits.
  3. Purchase of equipment and hiring of personnel.
  4. Business registration.

Permits for trading along the road

  1. Registration of any form of entrepreneurship is mandatory for any type of business. . An individual entrepreneur is suitable for beginners - there are fewer sanctions and fines, reporting is simpler. The advantages of an LLC are the sale of alcohol (not necessary for beer). Table 1. Comparison of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

    To register an individual entrepreneur:

    Application to the tax office (issued on site).

    Receipt with paid state duty (800 rubles)

    Application to the tax office.

    The decision to create an LLC (if there are more than 1 founders).

    Paid state duty 4000 rubles.

    2 copies of the charter.

    Passports of the founders.

    Letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises at the registration address (if the owner at the address is not the founder)

    The output document is a registration certificate individual as an individual entrepreneur and assignment of OGRNIP

    At the exit, within 5 days:

    LLC registration certificate.

    TIN for legal entities faces.

    Registered Charter.

    Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Reference. OGRNIP - main state registration number entrepreneur.

    Businessmen who have already opened their own business call the registration procedure the easiest step on the path of an entrepreneur. Employees tax service They are friendly, advise on basic issues and help with filling out forms.

  2. After receiving legal status You can enter into contracts, hire employees, and maintain official document flow.
  3. Preparing the premises for work:
  4. Before opening the store doors, the entrepreneur notifies Rospotrebnadzor using the form. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2010 No. 245, dated December 26, 2011 No. 1132). Sent through government services from electronic signature, by mail or in person.


After the opening of the store, the next scheduled inspection date is in 3 years. Having signed the notice and sent it to Rospotrebnadzor, the entrepreneur stated that his premises, staff and equipment meet all standards.

Advice. Schedule scheduled inspections can be seen on the website of Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor.

When receiving complaints from competitors, customers or employees supervisory authorities may conduct an unscheduled inspection by sending a retrospective notification. Moreover, even if the premises are rented, the lease agreement specifies the fire safety conditions of the premises on the landlord, the inspector will be able to fine you for the fact that there are no people responsible for the fire safety conditions or the staff are not trained to act in case of emergencies.

Beer trade

A separate direction for opening a store on the highway is. According to Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995, trade strong alcohol can legal entities faces. This ban is not imposed on beer, poiré, mead, cider and other “stray” products, but only in retail trade.

Interesting. It is still possible to sell wine and champagne under the IP flag. This is allowed for individual entrepreneurs - agricultural producers who have produced a strong drink from their own raw materials.

The point of sale of beer must have a foundation; stalls and tents are not suitable. It is prohibited to sell near:

  • children's, educational and medical institutions;
  • military, sports and cultural facilities;
  • stops, train stations, gas stations.

Living close to a federal highway, you can seriously think about organizing your business on the highway. Here are just some ideas: this includes trade in agricultural products, you can open a cafe, store or toilet, car service center, gas station, motel, etc.

Trading on the highway

The easiest way to make money is by trading your own grown products. Residents of the southern regions successfully trade in melons, watermelons, peaches, and grapes. Ideas depend on the specifics of the region. In one area there is a thriving trade in fish, in another in strawberries or dishes, ceramics, etc.

As a rule, products at roadside markets have an attractive price, and passing people buy them with pleasure. This type of business does not require large financial investments, business plan, registration with the tax service.

The second way to trade on the highway is to sell hot drinks and food prepared in your own kitchen. This business is very profitable because these people usually do not pay taxes. To implement the idea you need to be able to cook well. Typically, merchants offer salads, dumplings, hot borscht, and meat dishes. The business plan includes small expenses. This is the purchase of thermoses, disposable tableware, products for cooking.

The third option to trade on the federal highway is to open a store. The profitability of such an event depends on the congestion of the highway, distance from the city, and the presence of competitors. An auto parts store can be opened near the city, this will attract additional buyers from among local residents. To implement an idea, you need to draw up a business plan. This will allow you to calculate the amount of initial capital.

It is better to open a grocery store away from the city. In addition to products, you can sell hygiene products, alcohol and cigarettes. This will require licenses. In order for the store to attract the attention of drivers, a large sign is needed! You should pay attention to the following factors: availability and convenience of parking.

How to open a store?

Reopening Action Plan point of sale is as follows:

  1. find a good place;
  2. rent or buy territory;
  3. build and equip a store;
  4. register with the tax authorities;
  5. purchase licenses if you plan to sell cigarettes or alcohol;
  6. conclude agreements with suppliers.

To implement the idea, significant capital will be required. If your own funds are not enough, you can attract investors. A well-written business plan will help with this.

Power points

Get good income you can by opening cafes and snack bars on the highway. A cafe located in a good location can give more profit than a restaurant in the city center. Ideas such as opening a kebab shop, a pizzeria, fast food, a cafe with home cooking are the most optimal on the highway!

There are several rules to ensure that roadside eateries generate maximum profit:

  • It is better to place eateries at a distance of at least 30 km from the city;
  • a cafe does not require a large area;
  • Convenient access and parking are required;
  • 24/7 operation.

The business plan, in addition to expenses, should also reflect the menu of the establishment. As a rule, road cafes serve food that takes no more than 20-30 minutes to prepare. Therefore, you will need refrigerators for preparing salads, etc. Food that you can take with you is also in demand.

There are several successful tricks to attract customers. Drivers and tour guides are offered free lunches. And for this they will bring passengers to your cafe. Truckers can become regular customers if the cafe offers free boiling water.

There are other ideas to attract visitors. For example, you can open a toilet near the establishment. In addition, this will allow you to receive additional profit. Don’t forget about a large sign, a memorable name, and the neatness of the surrounding area. There is no need to skimp on the quality of the dishes you prepare!

To open a roadside cafe, you will need to register as an individual labor activity. Personnel are required to have health certificates. Whatever type of earnings you choose on the highway, it’s worth remembering that roadside business involves certain risks, so it’s a good idea to insure your property.

Legal business on the highway has been around for hundreds of years. As soon as the first roads appeared, the first entrepreneurs appeared who wanted to make money from travelers - taverns, inns, intoxicants - here is a list of the first successful business projects of past centuries. Has the picture changed in the 21st century? Now you'll find out.

The presented list does not pretend to be complete, because, as in any other business, there are no universal instructions, following which you can achieve success in two days. In any business you need to think, take into account many factors, your capabilities and have the desire to succeed. In addition, every day old ones appear and combine with each other in incredible proportions.

When opening a “business on the highway”, you need to understand and take into account the seasonality of road traffic, the typical identity of the majority of travelers, the location and capabilities of the road, the proximity of city and other infrastructure, geolocation, and other local features and factors that affect your final profit. But, let's talk about everything in order.

We recommend that you consider ideas not separately, but synthesize and combine them into one idea - your idea for business. By the way, most businesses require a piece of land next to the road - either owned or long-term leased.

1. Construction and repair of roads and other road facilities

One of the most expensive, but also the most profitable types business “on the road” is its construction, maintenance and repair.

There are two troubles in Russia, and one trouble repairs the other. Remember this joke? In fact, road construction and subsequent repairs are a serious and very intensive business. It is quite difficult and expensive to get into such a business. We are not even talking about bureaucracy, but about the cost of all the equipment that you need. As a rule, the construction, maintenance and repair of roads and federal highways is played out in various tenders, where all necessary conditions. In addition, you must have knowledge; your company must have design engineers and technologists, complex specialized road equipment.

After all, road construction means not only laying asphalt, but also geological exploration, laying and moving communications, and building complex road junctions, bridges and tunnels. Don’t forget to include in this list the construction of various roadside facilities - gas stations, hotels, parking lots and parking lots, and much more. This is also a very profitable line of work.

And be prepared to work all over the country, since there are roads not only in your region.

2. How to open a gas station on the highway

Opening a car gas station on the road or highway it has an undeniable advantage - a constant demand for fuel.

The construction of gas stations on the highway is somewhat different from its urban counterparts. First of all, the quantity of products consumed. If in the city they rarely fill up, but often. That gas station clients on suburban routes they refuel - “to a full tank” - and the majority of travelers have a tank of 200 liters or more.

Additional service at gas stations is also welcome and is either an attractive factor or additional profit. A spare parts and auto chemicals store, overnight parking, a toilet, a cafe, a motel, and other things that can be built on your site.

The cost of opening a gas station is quite high and the opening must be approached with all responsibility. With the right pricing policy It may happen that residents of a nearby city will also come to you for fuel.

3. How to open a hotel near the highway

The construction and opening of a road hotel carries with it a unitary moment. You need to clearly understand why and for whom the mini-hotel is being organized. The target audience and functionality of the room stock should meet several main points - comfortable sleep, quick rest. There is no need to expect people to stay at your hotel for a day - 6-12 hours, this is the time frame in which your guest will stay and hot water and clean linen are more important to him than a beautiful view and breakfast in the room.

Follow this plan, first provide the guest with a comfortable stay, and only then expand the room service further.

By the way, now there are good franchises for creating these types of hotels, and if you are new to business, you can buy a ready-made franchise that will allow you to start a business correctly from scratch.

4. Opening a catering facility on the road

Any type of sale of prepared food can be considered a catering facility - kebab shop, bistro, dumpling shop, pancake house, cafe, restaurant and everything else. The advantage of such a business on the highway is the absence of close competition. Even if someone opens his own cafe on the opposite side of the road, he will serve his own passing traffic. And you will serve your passing traffic.

A few secrets for cafes on the road:

— focus on your regular customers, truck drivers who constantly drive past you. But, don’t forget about people just passing through, they will leave reviews about you after using your services once.

— study the passing traffic. If you open a cafe on a highway where intercity buses often travel long distances, that is, their journey is more than 4 hours, then you should think about some kind of agreement with their drivers or company. So, by organizing for them a 30-minute stop, where passengers can rest, go to the toilet (free), use mobile equipment charging (paid), get a hot express lunch (paid, but very cheap, or at the expense of the carrier company) — you will receive a daily cash register.

Such a business can be scaled up into a mini-hotel, car wash, car service center and gas station.

There are also ready-made franchises with a proven operating system for roadside catering outlets, which will allow you to open a successful business in record time.

5. Opening a car shop, car service, tire service, car wash on the highway

Related products are always in demand. The format of selling necessary things on the highway goes deep into history; back in the USSR, projects of auto complexes were built on the highway, where the car could be serviced. Despite this, opening a car shop, a car service for minor repairs, a car wash, a truck tire service and other things is profitable business. The route imposes only some specifics - your target audience will be different from target audience in the city, due to the predominance of other cars on the highway and the demand for other products, you will have virtually no demand for expensive spare parts, car chemicals, lamps and other small items - the demand will be very stable.

The undoubted advantage of such a business is that the cost of opening, compared to previous ones, is clearly lower, does not require special knowledge in the matter, the main thing is to clearly understand what to sell and what services are in demand.

Peter  Fabricushki for cars.

Colognes, Cases, Hangers, etc.

Pavel  from berries and mushrooms to cafes and spare parts

Stanislav  Nothing is allowed, this is interpreted as trading in a place not intended for this.

Petr  all sorts of trinkets for children Sergey
and from products honey milk Dima
people are also very fond of cranberries and berries and mushrooms in general

Alexey  Imagine that you are driving somewhere along the highway with your family... what might you need?... a snack Kirill, a toilet, a washer for the car, a motor - gear oil, brake fluid, light bulbs, tire inflation, tire fitting. Or what your area is famous for, crayfish, fish, berries, mushrooms.

Eduard  Checks and receipts for hotel, fuel, etc.

Gennady  Can be sold GAISHNIKOV Vadim
You can take away their weapons and drugs and sell them too.
You can make a pit and after 100 meters tire service
And I sell canned food (((

Route 101 from 07/09/14

What is profitable to trade on the market? There is an opportunity to open a point in the market. Which product is more in demand? | Topic author: Boris

Leonid  go around and see who lives more successfully and what they do, this is a win-win option

Denis 1. no
2. yes
3. Vodka

Artem)  vegetables are always needed

Konstantin  confectionery

Ivan  Power tools. That is, grinders, drills, welding, compressors, generators, etc.

Yaroslav  Products.

Roman  sausage-meat - if the prices are normal, there will be money like in a mausoleum) They are amateurs where it’s 10 rubles cheaper to buy.

Boris  Charitable health sessions with subsequent sale of any products on this topic

Nikita  Food and clothing are always in demand.

Alexander  There is a demand for a product that is not available at this market. Sometimes you look for something and no one has it! They all have the same assortment. Sometimes you even think, I’ll give as much money as I want, just so that this product is here now, so as not to look for it and not have to go anywhere.
To do this, you need to study the assortment of the market where you are going to trade, study the surrounding stores, look through local forums on the Internet, almost everywhere there are sections like “Buy and sell” or “Flea market”, look for questions “Where to buy this and that ". And you will see what people are looking for.
For example, there is a swimming pool in the city, but there is no sports store, or this store does not have swimming goggles or fins. Or is there Ice skating rink, but you can’t buy skates in the city.
Very often people complain that clothing sizes are sold mainly to thin people. And plump women always spend a long time looking for clothes. But there are a lot of them! The same applies to large size underwear - sometimes it’s simply not available anywhere.

Georgy  tea

Traffic ticket No. 14 with Answers - Questions from 11 to 15 ...

In this situation, driving downhill, you: Answer: Must give way. Comment: If there are signs 1.13 “Steep descent” and “Steep climb” when...
