Dwarf hare. Breeds of decorative rabbits with photographs and names. Breeds of dwarf rabbits - description with photos

Rabbits live next to people for a long time. The ancestors of these cute creatures are wild rabbits. Back in the Stone Age, wild rabbits were caught for the purpose of domestication.

Mass domestication of rabbits began in the Iberian Peninsula, and over time, rabbits appeared on almost all continents. Today, there are not only industrial breeds that are bred for meat and skins.

Decorative breeds of rabbits are no less popular than industrial ones; they are kept as pets, which is very convenient in an apartment.

Today there are about 200 breeds of rabbits. Basically, classification is carried out according to body weight, coat length and productivity. Decorative rabbits belong for the most part to the skin group, the representatives of which have very beautiful fur and magnificent color. Decorative rabbits are mainly bred in nurseries or in amateur farms.

Rex rabbits

These are short-haired rabbits originally from France. The body weight of Rex rabbits does not exceed 4 kilograms. The body shape is elongated, the head is slightly convex, the ears are of medium length, and the front legs are very gentle. The antennae are short and may be crooked.

The fur is dense and thick, its length does not exceed 2 centimeters, it is very pleasant to the touch and resembles plush. Rex rabbits can be black, white, beaver or chinchilla in color. Also, rabbits of this breed can be dwarf.

Rabbits of the Belka breed

These rabbits were bred in Germany. The squirrel was obtained by crossing a Havana with a Vienna blue rabbit. The fur color of the Squirrel rabbit is gray-blue. The physique is strong, the body shape is slightly elongated. Weight does not exceed 3 kilograms. The ears are small and erect.

Pygmy hare

This is a very popular breed. Dwarf hares have white fur and red eyes. The muzzle, paws, ears and tail of these rabbits are black, brown or blue. In children, the pattern is weakly noticeable or may be completely absent, and it appears later. Most often there are individuals with a black pattern. Previously, dwarf hare were called “burning noses”.

Rabbits of the Ram breed

This breed has an unusual ear shape. The ears of Ram rabbits do not stick out like their counterparts, but hang on the sides of a fairly large head. The fur of representatives of this breed is thick. The color is uniform, the most common colors are white, gray, black, yellow and brown. The weight of these rabbits reaches 5 kilograms.

Rabbits of the Ram breed are quite large and have thick, soft, white-brown fur.

Rabbits breed Butterfly

The homeland of Butterfly rabbits is England. The breed got its name due to its unusual color: black spots of varying sizes are scattered on the white fur, which look like butterfly wings on the head. Butterfly rabbits have a strong build, a small head and a body weight of about 4.5 kilograms. These are strong and hardy rabbits.

Dutch breed of rabbits

Rabbits of this breed are small in size, their average weight is about 3.5 kilograms. On the head there is a pattern in the form of a butterfly in a contrasting color in relation to the rest of the body. The body of Dutch rabbits is short, and the length of the ears reaches 10-12 centimeters.

Fox dwarf rabbits

These rabbits are long-haired. Adult fox rabbits weigh from 800 to 1500 grams. The length of the fur of these beauties reaches 7 millimeters, while their faces are always smooth-haired. The fur of fox rabbits is not downy, but guard fur; it requires care - combing once a week.

The most popular colors are blue, black chinchilla havana and white. White rabbits can have red or blue eyes. The ears of fox rabbits are small, protruding, and well covered with hair.

Ermine rabbit

Rabbits of this breed are also called Polish rabbits or Hermelins. This is the first breed of dwarf rabbit to receive recognition. Initially, they were raised to obtain fur that was not inferior to ermine.

They have erect short ears about 5 centimeters long. The fur is dense and soft. Body weight is approximately 1.2 kilograms. The fur color is pure white. Eyes can be blue or red.

Based on ermine rabbits, the following breeds were developed: dwarf foxes, dwarf rexes, colored dwarfs and satin dwarfs. All these breeds differ in the type of fur.

Black-fire rabbits

These are medium-sized rabbits, originally from England. The breed got its name due to its black color with yellow markings. Black fire rabbits have shiny and soft fur. The length of the ears reaches 10 centimeters. Representatives of this breed weigh approximately 3 kilograms.

Breed dwarf laughter

These are quite rare and beautiful rabbits. Representatives of this breed are small, weighing approximately 1.3 kilograms. The birthplace of dwarf rabbits is Germany. A distinctive feature is a compact body, an almost invisible neck, short ears and thick, shiny fur. The color is white with a black stripe around the eyes, but color variations can also occur.

The Dwarf Gull is a miniature breed of rabbit.

Lion head rabbit breed

Rabbits of this breed are very beautiful. These rabbits, however, resemble miniature lions in appearance. There is a mane on the face, so the head appears larger, making the rabbits look very cute. On the rest of the body the hair is much shorter. But there are species that have long hair also on the sides.

Angora dwarf rabbits

A distinctive feature of this breed is short fur on the head and long fur throughout the body.

In this case, there are 2 types of fur:
Shiny smooth fur, about 3-5 centimeters long, which is almost tangle-free;
Real Angora fur, extremely fluffy and soft, which feels like cotton wool. This fur requires constant care, combing and cutting out tangles.

Angora rabbits are incredibly funny, looking like a ball of fluff.

British miniature rabbits

These are small rabbits weighing 1.1 kilograms. The body is thin, curved, reminiscent of a hare. The miniature British rabbit breed was developed in England over 100 years ago. These rabbits are one of the smallest among decorative breeds. The most common color is white, but color variations can also occur.

Keeping decorative rabbits

All these breeds were bred specifically for decorative keeping in apartments. Many people will want to have such a cute pet. You can buy a decorative rabbit at a pet store, but often animals purchased in stores have health problems, so it is recommended to purchase them from nurseries.

Rabbits are quite neat and clean. In addition, they are very smart, if they are trained correctly, they remember their name and respond to it, go to the toilet in a certain place and even know the “no” command. But for a rabbit to be so “well-mannered”, you will have to devote a lot of time to training it.

Since the ancestors of decorative rabbits are wild individuals, they inherited “wild” instincts. One of the main problems may be the rabbit’s habit of chewing everything that is given: books, shoes, furniture, wallpaper, and the like. Therefore, where the rabbit walks, there should not be any things that it can spoil.

The rabbit's cage is washed twice a day. If your rabbit walks around the room freely, you can teach him to use the litter box. After each use of the toilet, it must be cleaned, since a clean rabbit will not go into it. It is advisable to train your rabbit to sleep in a cage at night to keep it safe.

There are several rules for keeping decorative rabbits:

The rabbit's cage should not be in a draft or near heating devices, and it should not be placed next to the TV;
It is recommended not to bathe rabbits unless absolutely necessary;

There are many breeds of decorative rabbits, they are all different in appearance, size, and disposition. All of them are united by one function - to be in the house as a pet.

Since ancient times, wild rabbits have been caught to keep them at home. Over time they became domesticated. They began to be raised for the purpose of obtaining valuable fur and dietary meat. But thanks to the unpretentiousness of these animals and easy care, they began to be kept as decorative pets. They live on average 6 years. But if they receive quality care, supervision and love, they can live longer.

Why do we need decorative rabbits?

The purpose of these breeds can be judged from their name. These animals are not used for breeding for fur and meat. They serve as pets. Especially if there are children in the house. Thanks to the wide variety of breeds, everyone can choose a pet to their liking.

It is necessary to distinguish a decorative rabbit from a dwarf one. Dwarf rabbits have strict size standards. There are no such clear standards for decorative products. It can come in different sizes, shades and breeds.

Types of breeds of decorative rabbits

Today, about 200 breeds of these rodents are known, which can be classified by weight (small, medium, large), length of pile (short-haired, with normal-length hair, long-haired).

Let's look at the most famous breeds of decorative rabbits with photographs.


This decorative breed was bred in Holland. Drawings from the 15th century have been found depicting similar rabbits. But official data dates the origin of the breed to the mid-19th century.

The distinctive feature of this rabbit is that its color matches the color of its eyes. The animal's ears, part of the muzzle, and the back of the torso with hind legs are the same color. All other parts are white. If you observe the Dutch rabbit from the side, it is visually divided into 2 parts by color contrast. His face is round, his ears are miniature, located at the top of his head. The disproportion between the large eyes and the head with the rest of the body is striking. Weight adult reaches 2-2.5 kg.

The dwarf breed of Dutch rabbit is similar in appearance to its large relatives. The weight of the animal is 0.5-1 kg. It was bred at the beginning of the 20th century from small Polish rabbits and miniature wild ones. In 1948, the breed found its way to Britain, and in the 60s to the USA.

Back in the 80s, due to the fact that the ancestors of the Dutch rabbit were wild, the animals behaved quite aggressively. Domestication was difficult. After several generations, the breed became more friendly, obedient, and sociable. Unlike other breeds, the Dutch rabbit is more energetic.

Dutch Fold

This is the most popular breed among folds. He was bred by the Dutch breeder Adrian de Kock. He set the task of breeding a dwarf copy of the French ram, and many did not believe in the effectiveness of his work. After all, there was one obstacle during the work - a decrease in the size of a lop-eared rabbit leads to a decrease in ears. That is, due to lack of length, the ears do not droop. After working for 12 years on breeding the breed, the breeder officially registered it in 1964.

The length of the ears of a modern Dutch ram is 22-27 cm. A rabbit's ears do not begin to droop immediately; this process lasts about a month after birth. Sometimes the hanging lasts up to 2 months.

When breeding, such a nuisance may occur as the animal outgrowing its dwarf size and approaching the parameters of an ordinary rabbit. Colors may vary. Over time, the color range of Dutch Folds expands. The standard weight of the animal is 1.5 kg. The number of rabbits in the litter is about 6.

This breed is very suitable for keeping in homes where there are children, due to the friendly and fearless nature of the animal. They do not require special coat care.

Shorthaired Dwarf (Colored Dwarf)

Outwardly, they are similar to a wild rabbit, the only difference is in size. The animal has a stocky build, resembling a cylinder. According to the standard, the length of the ears is 5.5 cm. The rabbit weighs 1-1.5 kg. The variety of colors of the colored dwarf is more than 50. In the process of selection work, it was developed white rabbit without inclusions of black fibers. A very popular breed is the white Oto - present on the white skin dark spot, framing the eye with a continuous stripe.

The breed has a short neck and limbs, which makes it stand out from others. The length of the coat is short. The character of the animal is friendly, but during puberty there may be a manifestation of unreasonable aggression. It goes away after a while.

This is a decorative breed with normal coat length.

Like all sheep breeds, the dwarf has characteristic drooping ears. They are friendly and balanced. There is an opinion that this is due to the constitution of the ears - they cover the auricle, as a result of which rabbits have difficulty hearing.

Unlike other dwarf breeds, a ram can reach a weight of 3 kg. His physique is stocky, with a beautiful line of the spine. The rear is rounded. The thickness of the paws is average. The shape of the head resembles the head of a real ram - with large eyes and a massive forehead. The drooping ears, rounded at the edges, are covered with hair. Under the thick soft pile there is an undercoat. The coat is thick, not harsh, and has an undercoat. The color of the animal is varied.

"Lion" breeds

Lion head- rabbits that were born in Belgium by mating the Swiss fox and Belgian dwarf breeds. It was officially recognized in 2002.

The animal's constitution resembles a small lion - a mane framing the head and short ears (up to 3 cm). The wool grows 6-7 cm in length. This breed is distinguished from others by the difference in the length of the pile on the head and the rest of the body. It practically does not roll or gather into lumps, which makes caring for the animal easier. Some lionhead subspecies have black rims around their eyes. There are no standards for colors.

The rabbit has a small but stocky body, as well as small and strong limbs. The average weight of the animal is 1.2 kg. It does not scratch or bite, gets along well with its owner, and is therefore suitable for families with children.

Angora lion – long-haired rabbit. Its hair can obscure the eyes, so many owners trim it. The common color is similar to that of a lion - reddish-brown. The character of the animal is very balanced. They do not fuss and do not like excessive activity.

Fox dwarf

Their second name is dwarf fox. The head is covered with short hair, and the rest of the body is long. According to standards, the length of the pile should be within 0.4-0.7 cm. The body has a stocky structure, the neck is practically invisible. The head is large, but short.

Straight ears are located close to each other. The correct length of the ears is 5.5 cm. If they grow more than 7 cm, then this is a significant flaw. Standard weight 1.3 kg. Wool colors have many options. The most common are chinchilla and brown. The pygmy fox needs careful care. They are different in character - some are calm individuals, others are restive.

Angora rabbits were among the first to be domesticated. Turkey is considered the birthplace of this breed. Ankara was formerly called Angora, and Angora cats and goats originated from there. In the 18th century, the breed was brought to France, where it quickly gained popularity.

Previously, the Angora dwarf was used to obtain wool from which warm clothes were knitted. Later they began to breed it as an ornamental animal.

Their equipment is tiny, and due to the long pile the body practically does not stand out. It resembles a ball of fluff. Animals weigh 1-1.6 kg. The common color is white. Breeders are now working on developing Angora dwarf rabbits of other colors. The ears are straight and short (6 cm). The head is round, the neck is almost invisible.

When purchasing this breed, you should keep in mind that the coat requires special care. She needs to be brushed constantly. If lumps have formed, they should be cut off. A breed with fur no longer than 6 cm is suitable for keeping. It practically does not clump, making it easier to care for your pet. The Angora's diet must contain fiber (hay, grass). Such food helps to poison your own fur that has entered the stomach.

Pygmy hare

This is a common white breed with a dark tail, ears and paws (the colors of the spots may vary). The eyes are red. The rabbit is built proportionally and has a slightly elongated torso.

When a rabbit is born, the spots on the fur may be almost invisible. After a certain period they become more pronounced. This breed was once also called the “burning nose.”

This is a breed with characteristic external signs. The patterns on its skin resemble the shape of a butterfly. Hence the name of the breed. The body has a cylindrical shape, the body is stocky. Correct back line and rounded butt. The head is massive and the ears are close to each other. The rabbit's weight reaches 1.-1.8 kg.

The butterfly's pile should shine. If there is no shine, this is a deviation from the standard. Nails should be colorless. The ornament must be symmetrical in shape. There is a dark continuous border around the eyes. There is a dark wide line along the spine. The chest, belly and paws must be free of spots, otherwise it is considered a deviation from the norm. There should be no spots on the chest, belly and paws - this is a deviation from the breed standard. The dwarf butterfly is very rare in our country. Typically, large individuals are bred on farms to extract valuable skins and meat.


This breed is also commonly called the Polish rabbit. Its habitat is Scandinavian countries, Britain. This is the smallest decorative rabbit. A maximum adult animal reaches a weight of 1 kg. Occasionally there are specimens weighing 1.5 kg. The color is white, the eyes are blue or red. Sometimes a yellowish tint to the coat is allowed. The rabbit's body is proportional, the abdomen is retracted. The fur is no more than 2 mm long and fits tightly to the body. The head resembles the shape of an egg. The ears are thin and short.


This breed is medium in size and was developed in the early 20th century in Germany. The body of the animal is dense and proportional. The back is massive. An adult animal weighs on average 4 kg. The hair is of medium density, gray-blue in color. The abdomen and underside of the tail are a lighter tone than other parts. The head is medium-sized, the eyes are grayish.

The squirrel breed is highly fertile. In one litter, a female rabbit can give birth to about 6 babies. Unfortunately, this breed is not popular in our country.

The article describes only the most common types of decorative rabbits. But the information provided makes it possible to form an understanding of the characteristics of these animals. If you want to have one pet It will be easier to make a choice.

Every year more and more people choose to have rabbits as pets. They are less demanding to care for than dogs, more friendly than cats, and at the same time have a much more pleasant size and suitable for human interaction than hamsters or guinea pigs. There are 2 main groups of rabbits suitable for keeping as pets: large and dwarf breeds. This article will discuss the dwarf breeds of these animals, the rules for keeping and caring for them.

Origin story

It is difficult to say exactly when, and also as a result of crossing which breeds, the first representative of the group of dwarf domestic rabbits was first bred. According to the unspoken agreement of breeders, it is generally accepted that the first such animal was obtained by crossing a white downy and silvery small breed of rabbit.
At the end of the 19th century, the first documented variety was obtained in England domestic rabbit, corresponding to the parameters of modern dwarfs and called the Polish breed.

Did you know? Female rabbits have a specific and very unusual structure of the reproductive apparatus. Due to the presence of a bifurcated uterus, they are capable of carrying 2 different litters, conceived during 2 different intercourses.

At the beginning of the 20th century in this direction German breeders were actively working, the result of which was the birth of the Hermelin breed, distinguished by an extremely unusual appearance. And in the 30s of the same century, Dutch rabbit breeders actively worked on breeding dwarf rabbits with different colors and hair lengths.

Today there is a very wide variety of breeds of these animals with a wide variety of colors, patterns and long hair. The average life expectancy of a modern domestic rabbit is 5–7 years, but certain conditions they can live up to 10–12 years.

Breeds of dwarf rabbits

Today there are about 70 different different breeds these animals differ not only in appearance, but also in character, the degree of their attachment to their owners and their potential tendency to be trained.

In this article we will pay attention only to the most common and most suitable representatives of the dwarf rabbit breeds for home keeping, since many of them exist only in nurseries due to poor susceptibility to domestication. Below you will find a list of such breeds with a short description of each of them.

Basic distinctive feature These animals have drooping, rather long ears. The size of rabbits of this breed, in comparison with other representatives of the dwarf group, is average, weight reaches 1.5 kg. There are several subspecies of this breed, differing slightly in appearance and country of origin.
There is an American variety that has a rather large, square-shaped head, short ears compared to other representatives of the breed, and very powerful hind legs.

The Dutch subspecies of the breed is very popular, representatives of which have a more rounded head, large expressive eyes, ears that are very dense to the touch and powerful hind and forelimbs.

Did you know? The maximum length of rabbit ears ever officially recorded by humans is about 80 cm.

But the classic representative of lop-eared rams is the German subspecies, which has a fairly large head, almost always slightly tilted forward, and very large ears hanging down on the sides in the manner of ram horns.

Video: Ram rabbit

A distinctive feature of this breed is the curved, rather small mustache, which can be noticed immediately after the birth of the rabbits. Animals belonging to the Rex breed are quite large in size compared to other dwarf rabbits.

Their weight can sometimes reach up to 3 kg. They have very short, rather fragile-looking paws. The ears are erect, have slightly curved tips, the length of which is 10–13 cm.

Another distinctive feature of the breed is its short, pleasant-to-touch fur, very evenly distributed throughout the body, with the exception of small curls in the back of the head and lower abdomen.


Japanese rabbits have the greatest external resemblance to soft toys of all the other breeds described in this article. They have very thin, extremely pleasant to the touch fur, which in its softness and fineness resembles silk, and its color is most often either black or completely yellow.

According to breed standards, stripes or spots of ash, red or white must be present on the body. The weight of an adult varies between 800–1500 g.

The Japanese breed was developed in France and was first presented at an animal exhibition in 1887.

This breed has a strong-looking build, but their paws and neck tend to look quite fragile. The tail is always pressed tightly to the body. The animals have a fairly large head, even compared to the background of their body. Their ears are one of the smallest among all dwarf breeds (up to 5.5 cm).

The standard weight of an adult representative of colored dwarfs ranges from 1100 to 1250 g. They have very thick fur that shimmers in the light, which can have almost any of the existing colors. Pure white is considered the rarest and most expensive color.

Fox dwarf

These animals, as the name implies, have a vague external resemblance to representatives of the fox family. First of all, the similarity is due to the nature of their hair, which in length, color and thickness resembles the fur of a fox. The weight of representatives of this breed varies from 800 to 1500 g.

The head is small and neat, like the whole body as a whole. The ears are erect and have less pronounced fur than the rest of the body. The front legs are quite short, the hind legs are longer, but do not have much power.


The main distinguishing feature of this breed of dwarf rabbits is the presence of a specific hair thickening around the neck and lower part of the head, which resembles a lion's mane. The weight of a standard representative ranges from 700 to 1400 g. The body is very short, compact, the legs are of medium length, and quite strong.

The head of a lion-headed rabbit is medium in size, with straight, well-furred, short ears set quite high on it. The color of the fur varies from snow-white and gray to black and brown.

Video: lion-headed rabbits


The body of this rabbit is shaped like a small dense ball. The head is large in size, slightly skewed towards the back of the head. The ears are set quite far on the head and are small in size (up to 5 cm). The legs of short-haired dwarf rabbits are very short, weak and thin in appearance.

The tail is also short and always pressed tightly to the body. The coat is uniform, quite thick, shimmers a little in the sun, and the variability of colors is extremely high. The ideal weight according to breed standards is 1.1–1.25 kg.

Dutch dwarf

This rabbit is an exact copy of its larger brother (which is simply called the Dutch one), only significantly reduced in size. The weight of representatives of this breed varies from 1 to 2 kg. The coat of the classic Dutch rabbit is white and black, quite short and pleasant to the touch.

Did you know? Rabbits run much slower than hares. The speed of a rabbit reaches only 56 km/h, while the hare reaches up to 75 km/h.

The body is strongly built, especially the well-developed hind legs. The ears are small and set vertically. A distinctive feature of the appearance of these animals is their plump, prominent cheeks.


A distinctive feature of Angora rabbits is their very thick, long (up to 6 cm) and pleasant to the touch coat, which evenly covers all parts of the body of any representative of the breed. The body and paws are practically invisible under a thick and long layer of fur, but they have average strength parameters.

The head is very short, but at the same time wide, the ears are set quite deep, erect, measuring up to 7–10 cm. Angoras have eyes of only two colors - red or blue.

These animals were called butterflies for the characteristic pattern on their faces, consisting of wool that differs in color from the main one. As a rule, dwarf butterflies are white and black in color. Tri-color is also possible - black-white-yellow shade of hair. Rabbits of this breed have a fairly strong build and powerful hind legs.

Their head is large, but their neck is rather poorly developed. The ears are erect, of medium length, oval in shape, up to 9 cm long. The weight of an adult representative of this breed ranges from 1500 to 1800 g.


This is the smallest of all existing modern dwarf rabbit breeds. The weight of their representatives does not exceed 1 kg, but more often ranges from 500–700 g. The body is quite short, compact, the front legs are very short and straight. The head is small in size, but at the same time quite wide and has a round shape.

The ears are erect, slightly rounded at the ends, their length reaches 7 cm. The coat is short, soft, fits tightly to the body, absolutely any color is allowed by breed standards.

How to choose a dwarf rabbit

When choosing a dwarf rabbit, you need to focus primarily on its health status and potential problems that it may have in the future. If you are planning to buy a rabbit primarily as a pet, then choose the first rabbit you like and has a healthy appearance.

Important! It is not recommended to buy dwarf rabbits, especially very small ones, at spontaneous markets or from private sellers, as they may sell you an animal that is sick or does not correspond to the declared breed. It is better to make a purchase in large nurseries.

If you intend to use it for breeding and/or participate with it in various exhibitions and competitions, then it would be a good idea to ask the seller to provide you with a passport, vaccination card and information about the pedigree of this animal.
When choosing your future pet, observe a little the behavior of the entire litter as a whole.

Pay attention to how the baby you chose behaves with its brothers and sisters, how it expresses itself during feeding, whether it moves quickly enough around the cage, how actively it explores the world around us and how he reacts to the approach of strangers.

Important! These animals, despite their natural timidity, over time adapt to the constant presence of people next to them, begin to respond to their nickname, go to hand, and sometimes even begin to demand attention to themselves with loud sounds and defiant behavior.

This will help you protect yourself from acquiring an overly aggressive or, conversely, passive pet.

Features of keeping dwarf rabbits

In general, keeping dwarf rabbits at home is no different from keeping representatives large breeds. In order not to describe all aspects of the process of keeping these animals at home, we will limit ourselves to only a list of the most important, in our opinion, features this process. Here is the list:

  1. The cage in which the animal will live should not be placed near windows and doorways, since the influence of excessive sunlight and drafts is detrimental to them.
  2. The mangers, trays, drinkers and feeders in the cage must be secured, since rabbits love to be active and will turn them over very often.
  3. The bottom of the cage must be covered with straw or hay, which must be changed at least 3 times a week.
  4. Tray with bedding made of sawdust needs to be changed every day - dwarf breeds love cleanliness and most often are disdainful of going to the toilet that has already been used several times.
  5. These animals need daily exercise, so try to let them out of the cage more often to explore their surroundings. But at the same time, make sure that there are no objects in their path that they could damage with their teeth.
  6. The comfortable temperature for keeping dwarf breeds is +15–20 °C, and the most suitable air humidity is 50–70%.
  7. Due to the fact that most rabbits are active mainly at night, it is necessary to organize in their cage a kind of additional house in which they could hide from excess sunlight.
  8. At night, these animals often lay aside and eat caecotrophs - feces that have many useful components vital for normal functioning their organisms.
  9. When walking around the house, you need to carefully monitor the rabbit so that it does not crawl into any gap, for example, between furniture and a wall, from which it will then be extremely difficult for it to get out.

What to feed

The list of products suitable for the daily diet of this type of animal is somewhat different from that typical for other rabbits. This is due primarily to the peculiarities of their digestive tracts, which have low throughput food and sometimes having a very imperfect structure.

List of foods suitable for dwarf rabbits:

  • the main product in the diet is hay;
  • dried fruits (apples and pears);
  • porridges like “Hercules”;
  • buckwheat;
  • flakes;
  • white bread croutons;
  • green grass;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • branches of fruit trees;
  • pasta (boiled and dry);
  • compound feed;
  • wheat;
  • rape;
  • millet;
  • rye;
  • oats.

Any food other than hay, which should be available to rabbits in unlimited quantities and at any time, should be given to rabbits in strictly limited quantities. For example, animals should be given no more than 25–30 g of grain per day.

All food products new to rabbits must be introduced into the diet gradually, taking all necessary precautions, so that they can be quickly and painlessly removed from the diet in case of such need.

In addition to direct food products, the diet of dwarf breeds must include a variety of specialized vitamin and mineral supplements, which can be purchased at almost any veterinary store.

Important! Dwarf rabbits have a very pronounced appetite: almost all the time when they are not sleeping, they absorb food. Therefore, in order to avoid overeating, it is necessary to remove excess feed from them, leaving only the manger with hay.

You can also place a variety of mineral stones in the cage, which are designed to equalize the mineral balance in the animal’s body, as well as to grind down their teeth. In winter, it is advisable to add a variety of branches and needles of coniferous plants to the food.

What diseases are dangerous for rabbits?

There are no diseases that exclusively affect toy breeds. For the most part, all the diseases that can happen to them are formed as a result of insufficiently attentive attitude of the owners towards them.

Among the ailments, there are various diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system, mucous membrane of the eyes, heat injuries, injuries, as well as various specific lesions, for example, rickets, pododermatitis, myxomatosis, pasteurellosis and dermatophytosis.
Let us analyze in detail the symptoms and methods of treating specific diseases, since the analysis of each of the nonspecific diseases will take a lot of time. once already

Many people like to have unusual animals, such as rabbits, as pets. Currently, the most common is the dwarf rabbit. A domestic dwarf rabbit will not require special care or maintenance.

Of course, breeding dwarf rabbits in industrial scale will require certain knowledge. But domestic dwarf breeds will not create trouble for their owners.

What does a dwarf rabbit need? He needs fresh food and space, and therefore it is better to keep them not in an apartment, but in a private house. There are many varieties of the dwarf rabbit breed, but they are all small in size, eat almost anything, and the life expectancy of dwarf rabbits is quite long. Everything about dwarf rabbits will be discussed in this article.


The dwarf rabbit got its name because of its small size. Weight varies from 800 grams to 3 kilograms. Body size can be up to 50 centimeters. Depending on the breed, a rabbit may have fold ears or erect ears. They differ from each other in the length of their fur.


Since there are different types of this breed of rabbits, they all differ from each other in character, and also have their pros and cons for breeding a rabbit at home.

Before purchasing such a pet, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the characteristics of its character. Currently, scientists have identified about 10 different types dwarf rabbits, which differ from each other in character and appearance.

Lop-eared ram

These dwarf rabbits differ from others in that they have drooping ears. The weight of an adult can be about three kilograms. These animals have a good-natured character. They are cheerful and easy to get along with. This animal will need attention. It loves affection and quickly becomes attached to a person.

Colored dwarf

This dwarf rabbit has short hair and small ears. The size and weight are also small. May have fur different shades. The appearance is strong, but the character is unpredictable. The rabbit can be either calm or aggressive. When a pet has a bad character, it needs to be neutered. He will become good-natured after this.

Pygmy fox

Different this type long hair and small ears. The body is strong. The length of the ears reaches 6-7 centimeters with a small body size.


The size of this animal is average. The rabbit looks beautiful. Character traits include phlegmatism and constant demand for attention.


They have thick and long fur. Therefore, such animals will require constant care. They need to periodically comb their fur and clean it. Character varies.

Above are only the most popular types rabbits of this breed. In fact, there are many more of them.

Caring for dwarf rabbits

It is recommended to buy rabbits in special stores. You should not do this at the market, as you can buy a sick rabbit. Before purchasing, you need to ask the seller everything about the animal. If an animal is aggressive, this may indicate both the presence of a disease and a bad character.

You also need to prepare the cage before purchasing. You need to select it according to the size of the rabbit. The structure of the house must be strong so that the animal cannot damage it and escape. It is advisable to choose a cage with metal bars.

It is not worth painting the cage, as the enamel can enter the animal’s body and cause poisoning of the body. Also, there should be no sharp protrusions or edges in the house, as this can injure the rabbit.

IN mandatory The cage should have a feeding bowl, a watering hole and a place for excrement. The cage can be placed on the table in a place in the room where the sun's rays do not reach and there are no drafts. Loud sounds can also frighten the animal, and therefore there should be no TV or acoustic installation in the room.

Keeping dwarf rabbits

How to care for a rabbit? It's easy to do. You just need to pay more attention to him. Many also believe that a pet will cause an unpleasant odor in the house. Yes, but if you care for your dwarf rabbit correctly, this will not happen.

The cage must always have fresh bedding. You can use hay or torn newspapers for this. This material absorbs moisture well.

When cleaning the house, you do not need to use products that have a strong smell. The tray is cleaned as it is filled, and the cage should be cleaned 2-3 times a week.

Important! You need to constantly ensure that there is always water in the cage.

Caring for rabbits of this breed does not involve bathing them. This procedure can only be carried out with those species that have long hair. The animal must be washed with a special shampoo and dried after the procedure. You also need to comb his fur after bathing.

Your rabbit's nails need to be trimmed regularly. The procedure should be carried out once a month.


What to feed a dwarf rabbit? There should always be fresh hay in the cage, as the rabbit must chew something all the time. This is how their body works. A rabbit can eat about 30 times a day.

Many people also don’t know how to feed? You can make hay yourself or buy it. Before putting the hay in the cage, you need to salt it a little. You should also give branches from raspberry trees or bushes.

What else can I feed? You need to periodically give your rabbit store-bought food with vitamins. Barley and wheat will be good for the stomach.

You can feed dwarfs with vegetables and fruits. Rabbits also love cabbage. It is worth adding a little chalk to the food.

Scraps should be thrown away immediately, and food should be added in small portions and often. Hay should be placed separately from the feeder. During the feeding period, the animal should not be distracted. A healthy rabbit will eat almost everything.

Lactating females can be given mineral complexes separately. During this period, it is better to move the rabbit to a separate cage.

Diseases of dwarf rabbits

For rabbit breeding, it is important that all individuals grow healthy and produce healthy offspring. These points are also important for those who have a rabbit at home. Therefore, animals must be given injections.

Diseases in rabbits can be very different - from gastrointestinal disease to conjunctivitis. It is also important to protect your rabbit from constant exposure to the sun. He may get heatstroke and die.

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

With proper care, a rabbit can live quite a long time. There are individuals in rabbit litter that live an average of 6 years. How long a rabbit lives depends on the correct maintenance and care of it. Therefore, a lot depends on the owner. How many years can rabbits live if kept properly? They can live a maximum of 12-13 years.


This breed of rabbit can also be bred on an industrial scale. Female rabbits are very fertile and can produce 10-12 babies at a time. The meat of these animals is tasty and juicy. The female takes care of the baby rabbit for an average of 30 days. This period is sufficient for the animal to be able to live independently. Over the course of a year, a female can give birth 5-6 times.


As you can see, the description of rabbits of this breed is quite interesting. You can easily breed such animals even at home. It is important to spend a lot of time with your pet and play with him.

Facts about Rabbits


dwarf rabbits

Decorative rabbit - Let's run around and test everything

Rabbit-ram - All about the type of rodent | Type of rodent - Ram rabbit

Small rabbits are cute animals of different breeds, whose weight rarely exceeds 1.5 kilograms. They are used as pets. More than 60 ornamental and dwarf breeds are known. Before buying a miniature animal, you need to get to know the most prominent representatives.

Distinctive features of small rabbits

It is worth learning to distinguish decorative rabbits from dwarf ones. Both the first and second were bred by breeders for home keeping. However, decorative eared monkeys do not have the dwarfism gene. These breeds include:

  • rabbit butterfly;
  • French and German rams;
  • rex;
  • fire;
  • Angora, etc.

The listed varieties can be used both for the purpose of obtaining meat, skins and fluff, and as pets. Based on these breeds, dwarf rabbits were later bred. The dwarfism gene was added to their genotype. The size of these animals is impressive - they often fit in the palm of your hand. The average weight of mini rabbits is 1.3-1.5 kg.

Popular breeds of mini rabbits:

  • fold-eared ram;
  • dwarf rex;
  • lion's head;
  • colored dwarf;
  • hermelin;
  • Angora dwarf.

Attention! The smallest breed of rabbit is the Idaho or Pygmy. Their body length is 22-24 cm, and their weight does not exceed 400 grams.

Lop-eared ram

There are several varieties of lop-eared dwarf rams:

  • English;
  • German;
  • Dutch.

Their distinctive feature– a large head with wide-set eyes and soft ears hanging below the chin. The length of the ears is 21-28 cm. The weight of these animals is 1.3-1.5 kg.

Attention! Newborn rams have erect ears, but by the age of two months they droop.

The animals have a strong build, the neck is not visible, the frontal part is wide, the limbs are short and dense, the croup is rounded. Pets of this breed are affectionate and smart, and get along well with people.

Dwarf rex

The breed was bred in 1919 in France. In those days, it was given the original name “king of the beavers” because the animal’s fur resembled that of a beaver. Characteristic feature miniature rex is the absence of whiskers in newborn rabbits. As they grow older, they appear, but remain underdeveloped.

The physique of the dwarf rex is strong, the body is elongated and cylindrical in shape, the tail and limbs are short. Females have no dewlap. The fur is short, hair length 1.4-1.7 cm, thick, smooth. The weight of the pet, according to approved standards, is 1.2-1.4 kg.

Attention! A disadvantage of the breed and a reason for rejection is that the guard hair is too thin. This is easy to check - just run your palm against the growth of the animal’s fur. If the hair returns to its original position, its thickness is normal.

The length of the ears of dwarf rexes is 5.5 cm. The maximum permissible value is 6.9 cm. The ears should be evenly covered with short hair. This breed can have different fur colors - blue, amber, black, white, etc.

Lion head

The mini lion head rabbit is distinguished by the presence of a luxurious mane that resembles a lion's. The length of the fur in the head and neck area reaches 7 cm, while on the rest of the body it is short.

The weight standard for this breed is 1.3-1.6 kg. The animal's fur can be white, fiery red, or sand. The auricles, 5-6 cm long, are located vertically on the head.

Attention! Lion's mane requires good care. It needs to be combed out daily, otherwise tangles will appear that will have to be cut off.

Colored dwarf

Colored dwarfs come from Holland, their ancestors are Polish red-eyed rabbits and wild counterparts. According to the approved European standard, these pets should weigh from 1.1 to 1.25 kg. Miniature animals have a playful character and are trainable, but sometimes they are capricious.


  • strong physique;
  • neck and limbs are short;
  • the head is large;
  • ears are erect and set vertically, their length is 5-7 cm;
  • six smooth, shiny and thick;
  • color – gray, blue, silver, chocolate, Havana, Russian.


The Hermelin breed appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and the ancestors of these animals were wild Polish rabbits, miniature silver and Dutch. The pet is distinguished by pure white fur, and its skin and claws are the same color. The eyes are most often red, but blue are also found.


  • weight – 0.8-1.5 kg;
  • ear length – 4.5-6 cm;
  • strong physique;
  • the neck is not visible;
  • large round head;
  • the fur is white, thick;
  • forelimbs shortened.

Attention! Hermelins have a wayward character and often show aggression, due to the presence of wild ancestors in their pedigree.

Angora dwarf

Based on Angora decorative rabbits, several varieties of fluffy dwarfs were bred. Their fur reaches 7-20 cm in length, so the animal resembles a ball of fluff. Miniature pets weigh up to 1.5 kg.


  • body knocked down;
  • the head is small, the muzzle is pointed;
  • the eyes are expressive, and their color depends on the color of the coat;
  • the ears are short - 4-6 cm, located close to each other on the head;
  • limbs are shortened.

When purchasing such a pet, you need to be prepared to comb its fur daily. Downy fibers often roll off, causing discomfort to the animal. The animals have a calm disposition, making them suitable for families with children.

Pygmies are the smallest rabbits

IN wildlife Pygmy rabbits live in some states of America, and purebred animals obtained by selection were bred in the British Isles. These pets have a pretty appearance. Due to their miniature body size, they are popular all over the world. Their weight does not exceed 400 grams, and their body length barely reaches 24 cm.

Attention! The smallest rabbit in the world is the Pygmy or Idaho rabbit. It fits easily in the palm of your hand.

Small rabbits are popular as pets. Their advantage is that the cage does not take up much space in the apartment. Such pets need to be treated with care, their homes clean, and fed properly, as their immunity is vulnerable. Having decided to buy a decorative mini-rabbit, it is better to contact trusted breeders who will provide documents for the pet.
