Endoprosthesis from Smith and Nephew Inc. Smith and Nephew - innovative materials and technologies. Cost of prosthetics abroad

Smith Nephew hip endoprostheses have a wide range of products, allowing you to choose the right implant for each patient. These are high-quality and durable products with certified production technology and materials. Sold in many countries and recommended by doctors as a convenient, effective and safe means of replacing damaged joints.

Characteristics of Smith Nephew endoprostheses

Designed for the following functions:

  • relieve stress on the hip joint;
  • speed up the process of traditional therapy;
  • relieve pain syndrome;
  • restore limb mobility;
  • improve patient comfort;
  • stop the deformation and development of the disease.

Smith Nephew hip endoprostheses are created by leading manufacturers in this field. With their systematic wearing, the load on the injured joint is reduced and mobility is restored to the patient. Made from materials certified by a safety certificate, we constantly improve manufacturing technologies. They are mobile, highly durable and lightweight.


POLARSTEM endoprosthesis from Smith & Nephew.

The femoral endoprosthesis from Smith & Nephew is produced in the following types:

  • XLPE;
  • Birmingham Hip;
  • REDAP.

You should choose the type of endorotesis based on the doctor’s recommendations, and not the price of the product. All Smith Nephew products have quality certificates that must be checked before purchase.


Made from an oxidized alloy of zirconium and niobium. It is more reliable and durable than cobalt-chromium alloy and is lighter. The development allows us to reduce the coefficient of friction and make it suitable for people who are allergic to nickel or hypersensitive to this material. The head, legs and swivels are made from the same material.

XLPE implant

The main material is cross-link polyethylene. It is produced through an irradiation process. It has medical confirmation that wear products are produced in smaller quantities. When combined with cobalt, knee and hip implants are called VERILAST. Recommended by doctors for patients with joint deformities.

SMF implant

Femoral head replacement with OXINIUM.

This is a short product that is 20% shorter in length than similar implants. Has a cementless installation core. Due to the successful shape, the bone tissue of the pelvis and hip is preserved and is less depleted. In this case, increased resection of the femoral neck may be allowed. After wearing an SMF prosthesis, the chance of having a more successful surgical operation increases.

Birmingham Hip

Used for superficial prosthetics of an injured joint. Due to this technology, the head of the femur is retained and does not require replacement with an implant due to grinding and enclosing the product in a shell. Patients wearing Birmingham Hip can safely perform loads of varying difficulty. It has a low risk of prolapse and a high rate of bone preservation. The material used to manufacture all parts is high-carbon cobalt-chrome-molybdenum alloy.


About Smith & Nephew.

The Smith & Nephew company was founded back in 1856 in London by Thomas James Smith. Initially it was a small pharmacy. Thanks to skillful management, the business rapidly developed, first into a chain of pharmacies, and then into a fairly large company supplying military hospitals with dressings. In the post-war period, Smith & Nephew opened its own production.

The first adhesive plaster was created in the laboratory of this company. In 1998, the main areas of activity of the concern were endoprosthetics, sports medicine and dressings. Since 2014, the production of sophisticated cold plasma equipment for otolaryngological and neurosurgical operations began.

Today, Smith & Nephew is the largest pharmaceutical concern producing medical equipment and medicinal products, which are sold in 120 countries. More than 15,000 employees work productively to improve people's quality of life. The headquarters is in the UK. The main production facilities are concentrated in Hamburg. However, the company's branches also operate in other European countries. Product output covers several areas of medicine: orthopedics, endoscopy, and wound therapy. Each area employs highly qualified specialists and uses the latest technologies.

An innovative approach to the development of new types of products has led to the fact that orthopedic prostheses, dressings and antimicrobial drugs for wound regeneration often have no analogues. In particular, Iruksol ointment, which you can order on our website, is the number one remedy in Europe for healing wounds of any etiology! There is also a variation designed specifically for diabetics - Noruxol.

When purchasing Smith & Nephew products, you can be 100% confident in their highest quality.

The company's orthopedic products provide high-quality prosthetics for hip, knee and shoulder joints, as well as bone tissue after bone fractures. The use of fundamentally new materials has led to the fact that such prostheses and materials will maximize the function of joints. This allows patients to active life after prosthetic surgery.

Wound treatment drugs are saving patients from limb amputation due to diabetic complications.

Today the company's products are a model high quality and an innovative approach to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and wounds. On our website you can order Iruksol ointment, which has no analogues in wound healing! And also a variation for diabetics - Noruxol.

Detailed information about the company's activities can be found on its official website

One of the largest joints in the human body is the hip. Bearing a constant load and being a support for a person when running or walking, over time it wears out. Various pathological processes in the form of arthrosis and other dystrophic changes lead to its gradual destruction. Drug therapy does not give the desired effect, and the pain syndrome becomes unbearable over time. The danger of such processes is not the wasted time or the lack of therapeutic effect from the drugs, but the risk of losing the ability to move independently and remaining disabled for life.

When all methods of conservative treatment have been tried, and none of them have yielded results, endoprosthetics is prescribed - replacing the destroyed joint with an implant.

Surgical intervention of this kind is complex orthopedic surgery, requiring experience and knowledge from the doctor. Don't forget about post-operative recovery. Rehabilitation in this case is no less important than high-quality prosthetics. Even with an expensive prosthesis and surgery in the best clinic, ignoring rehabilitation can lead to the operation being ineffective and wasted.

Implantation of an artificial joint is not one of the cheapest orthopedic interventions. Here it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the operation, the cost of the prosthesis, and the medical institution where the replacement will be performed.

When a patient is faced with a disease where it is possible to achieve a therapeutic effect only through prosthetics, the question arises: how much does such an operation cost, and where is the best place to undergo it, which country to choose?

The cost depends on the medical center, or more precisely, the state where the patient wishes to undergo treatment. The price calculation is individual and depends, first of all, on how much the pathological process affected the native connection. The full price includes the cost of the endoprosthesis, related medical tests and hospital stay.

The type of design and the name of the manufacturer are also important. Endoprostheses, which are secured using cement fixation, cost from $1000, cementless ones are more expensive, the price starts from $2000.

The first type of prosthesis is recommended for elderly people due to weakening of bone tissue: in almost all cases, the underlying disease is accompanied by osteoporosis. This prosthesis allows for early loading of the hip, thereby reducing the rehabilitation period.

The following type of design is recommended for a group of younger patients, for example, after injury, but with sufficiently strong bone tissue. The cost of such prostheses is quite justified - there is no abrasion of elements during use, and the possibility of dislocation is minimized. This allows you to lead a more active lifestyle in the future without fear of consequences.

Cost in Russia and other countries

Endoprosthetics in Russia is still underdeveloped, but surgical orthopedics has room for improvement. Implantation is offered by many clinics, and in many cases it is carried out at a very decent level. The cost of arthroplasty in Russia - for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg - depends on:

  • location of the medical center;
  • technologies used during treatment;
  • level and professionalism of personnel;
  • quality, implant brand;
  • availability of a rehabilitation center in the institution.

Superficial orthopedics in the Russian Federation will cost an average of 80-120 thousand rubles, total orthopedics is a little cheaper. This does not include a stay in a medical facility or additional medical procedures. All further necessary procedures will require additional costs. Total: prosthetics in Russia can range from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

The amounts are quite significant, so many people strive to receive treatment under a quota. It has a significant drawback - a long wait - a year or more. During such a period, the joint can fall into an extremely deplorable state, or even refuse to function at all.

Those with higher material income focus on having arthroplasty performed in foreign countries: for example, in Israel. Prosthetics in Israeli clinics are most effective due to the use innovative technologies, robotic systems. Here they prefer the use of minimally invasive techniques; surgery becomes more gentle. Every year, Israeli surgeons perform more than 25,000 joint replacement operations, and in 98% of cases they are completely successful.

Orthopedics in Israel remains in a leading position; exclusively the latest techniques are used, both in surgery itself and in subsequent rehabilitation.

The price of surgical intervention is $20,000-22,000, depending on the medical center and additional services. So, the amount may be slightly less due to the exclusion of a stay in the clinic and rehabilitation measures.

You will first need to undergo a series of tests, without which further surgery will be impossible. All such services are paid separately and calculated in foreign currency. The approximate amount of diagnostic measures is from $1500 to $5000.

Popular hip replacement in clinics in Germany. Treatment is carried out at the highest level according to all quality standards. Medical centers have in their arsenal an extensive technical base and qualified surgeons. Hospitals state type are not inferior to private ones, which makes it possible to undergo effective therapy and at the same time save a little.

When replacing a joint in Germany, they promise painless use of the implant for 20 years or more.

The cost of undergoing arthroplasty in German centers depends on many components. The amount is calculated using the DRG system - the basis for pricing for hospital inpatient services. The first price includes the cost of the prosthesis, the stay there and the operation itself - from 8,000 euros. This will be followed by doctors' fees - from 3,000 euros, preliminary diagnostics - from 1,500 euros and associated costs - 1,000-2,000 euros. The total cost of surgery in a German clinic is 14,000 or more thousand euros. If you wish to undergo subsequent recovery in rehabilitation center the amount may increase significantly.

Orthopedics in the Czech Republic is also known for its results: it has long acquired an international reputation, becoming one of the most qualified. A huge advantage is the possibility of further rehabilitation at resorts specializing in the recovery of patients after treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Medicine in the Czech Republic is not inferior in level to clinics in Israel, Germany or the USA. The following advantages of treatment in Czech centers can be highlighted:

More details

  1. The greatest experience in prosthetics. More than 40 years ago, the country was the only one producing implants. In the Czech Republic, more than 15 thousand orthopedic operations are performed annually using exclusively high-quality prostheses.
  2. The cost is less than in Israel or Germany. Thus, joint replacement in the Czech Republic will cost at least 25-30% less.
  3. An effective rehabilitation course. The country's specialists focus on high-quality recovery and are of the opinion about the importance of rehabilitation, without which full recovery is impossible.

The price list for hip replacement in the Czech Republic is significantly lower compared to other European countries and already includes a stay in medical institution and endoprosthesis. During the period of stay in the hospital, rehabilitation specialists will work with those staying, i.e. the initial course of recovery is included in the cost of the operation, when in other countries such a service is paid separately.

On average, a hip replacement costs 11,000 euros, which includes a 14-day hospital stay and initial stage rehabilitation.

Endoprosthetics has become a popular and popular treatment abroad. This is due to the use of the latest techniques and a higher standard of service. If patients wish, clinics can offer joint replacement using a minimally invasive method, which does not involve extensive soft tissue incisions, which significantly speeds up the recovery process and minimizes the severity of pain. Complications are kept to a minimum, which is important for older people.

Cost of prosthetics abroad

Video of hip surgery

The causes of the development of a pathological process in the hip joint can be various deforming diseases or injuries. Most often, people over 55 years of age and professional athletes need prosthetics. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner or attempts to cure the disease on your own only worsen its course. The patient is unable to move normally and even sit. All this is accompanied by severe pain and negatively affects a person’s physiological state and psychological background. Patients often noted a depressive state, because the opportunity to move normally and live a full life is not available to them.

Hip replacement is prescribed when conservative methods have not given the desired result, the disease continues to progress, aggravating the pathological process, and increases the chances of disability. A person constantly experiences severe pain that cannot be relieved by medications, which only confirms the process of destruction of the hip joint. Arthroplasty is the most effective method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and often the only one.

Treatment of joints

The preparatory stage begins after the doctor prescribes a replacement and the patient makes a decision. The coordinating doctor will tell you in detail; he will also help you choose a prosthesis and recommend the appropriate one. After clarifying all the nuances, you need to communicate with other specialists, determine possible risks, consequences. You will need to consult an anesthesiologist to determine the type of pain relief. It is important to detect a possible allergic reaction to anesthesia in time.

Preparation begins with a series of diagnostic tests approximately 5 days before surgery. The patient is provided with the entire list of tests necessary for taking the tests and a list of doctors who must first be visited. A standard examination includes the following:

  1. Consultation, examination by specialists (rheumatologist, orthopedist).
  2. X-ray examination, MRI of the joint.
  3. Visit to specialized specialists (cardiologist, anesthesiologist, gynecologist/urologist).
  4. Laboratory tests: detailed, general blood test, diagnostics of coagulation.
  5. Ultrasound examination of the heart, cardiography.
  6. You need to start visiting procedures 4-8 weeks in advance physical therapy to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus in order to quickly adapt to the prosthesis.

If the diagnosis does not reveal any contraindications, a date for surgery is set. In about a few days, the patient arrives at the clinic, where endoprosthetics will be performed. The procedure is performed with painkillers under general or spinal anesthesia - this is the name given to the introduction of an anesthetic into the subarachnoid space using a puncture. With the latter type of anesthesia, the patient remains conscious and can observe the progress of the operation.

How long does it take to install an implant? The duration of the manipulation ranges from one to several hours. After cutting the soft tissues and muscles of the thigh, the doctor removes the affected joint and then installs an endoprosthesis.

What is the process of replacing a damaged joint with an artificial one? Briefly described, the surgical intervention is carried out as follows:

  1. After the onset of anesthesia or anesthetic blockade, the surgeon treats the thigh area with an iodine solution and makes an incision until the articular joint is exposed.
  2. The second stage of the operation is the creation of a channel in the tubular element.
  3. Next, a hole is created into which the wedge-shaped leg of the prosthesis is placed, which should fit in all respects.
  4. The penultimate step is to prepare the iliac socket into which the implant will be placed.
  5. The end of the operation is the reduction of part of the prosthesis, placing it in its natural position and suturing.

In exceptional cases, bilateral prosthetics can be used - installing an implant on both sides. In practice, such surgical intervention is rare, since the risk of complications increases, and with it the rehabilitation period. If it is necessary to replace a joint on both sides, it is preferable to take a break between operations of 4-7 months.

Endoprosthetics, although it is effective method combating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but, like any other type of treatment, it has its contraindications. In surgical practice, it is customary to distinguish several types - absolute, when the operation clearly cannot be performed, and relative - the presence of diseases that require elimination, a more detailed examination.

Smith & Nephew- one of the largest international pharmaceutical companies, founded in 1856, whose headquarters are located in London.

The company ranks first in the world in the production and development of products for arthroscopy (invasive surgical procedures performed to diagnose and/or treat injuries to the inside of the joint). Second place in the world in importance in the development of treatments and wound healing. And the third place in the world in the development and production of rehabilitation means after severe injuries and the fourth place in the production of orthopedic structures and prostheses. The company's products are represented in more than 90 countries around the world. Included in the list of 100 largest companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
The “Wound Treatment” direction is one of the company’s priority areas, which is developing dynamically and offers the market advanced means of treating severe wounds.

In 1928 the company developed a product called Elastoplast, this product is used all over the world to this day under the name adhesive plaster.

Since 2000 Smith & Nephew, after purchase from Knoll AG BASF Pharma has a patent for collagenase and begins active production of the well-known drug Iruxol and other enzyme preparations.

Smith & Nephew has a wide range of products for the treatment of all types of wounds - dressings (Allevyn dressings are No. 1 in the world in terms of sales among foam dressings), medicines Iruxol (treatment of wounds of any complexity) and high-tech medical equipment(VersaJet - hydrosurgical system, V1STA - vacuum system). The vacuum systems market is the fastest growing segment in the wound care market.

Smith & Nephew has a long history of developing and bringing innovative products to market:

  • 70s of the last century - launch of the world's first dressing for wet wound management, OpSite;
  • 1973 FLAMAZIN (silver sulfadiazine);
  • 2000 purchase of S&N drug COLLAGENAZA (Iruxol) from BASF Pharma;
  • 2001 DERMAGRAFT - Human skin substitute obtained from fibroblasts using genetic engineering methods;
  • 2004 acquisition of rights and commercialization of VERSAJET (hydrosurgical system);
  • 2007 acquisition of private American company BlueSky - manufacturer of a high-tech vacuum system for the treatment of severe wounds.

More about Smith & Nephew:

Smith & Nephew was founded in 1856 and is one of the world's leading orthopedic companies. The company operates in 33 countries, employing more than eleven thousand people and having an annual turnover of more than $5 billion.

Through one of its four business lines, the Orthopedic Division, Smith & Nephew provides patients and physicians with one of the most best systems endoprostheses of large joints.

The Genesis family of knee replacements provides a complete range of instruments and implants for all possible clinical situations, from primary cruciate ligament-sparing replacements to complex revision situations requiring special attention.

Cemented and cementless hip replacement systems enable the clinician to efficiently and easily achieve excellent clinical results using convenient, multifunctional instruments, reducing operative time and improving postoperative results.

Smith & Nephew pays great attention to the search and implementation of innovative high-tech methods and materials in various systems endoprostheses. For the development of the OXINIUM material, the company was awarded the ASM International award in 2005. Among the companies that received this award are DuPont for the development of Kevlar fiber, General Electric, which received an award for its technology for producing artificial diamonds. Femoral components of knee endoprostheses and femoral heads in hip prostheses are made from OXINIUM material. The OXINIUM material is 2 times harder and more scratch-resistant than cobalt-chrome, has 2 times less friction coefficient than cobalt-chrome, and practically does not contain foreign impurities, which allows it to be used in patients with allergic reactions to metal. Endoprostheses using OXINIUM material can be expected to significantly reduce re-operations in the medium and long term.

In addition, Smith & Nephew offers a resurfacing hip replacement, the BHR system. This implant is a metal-to-metal friction pair and is intended for young and active patients who require maximum range of motion and who are seeking to regain full daily activity, including sports. The large diameter of the head in this system virtually eliminates the possibility of dislocation. After the end of the BHR implant's service life, revision surgery is performed using standard techniques and does not require complex revision implants.

Smith & Nephew is rightfully considered the most innovative company in the world and is committed to helping patients return to active, fulfilling lives.

The merger of Plus Orthopedics AG, the largest company in Switzerland, with Smith & Nephew in June 2007 significantly expanded the company's ability to provide high-tech care to patients and create a comfortable working environment for surgeons.

By combining the manufacturing and research facilities of both companies, consumers of Smith & Nephew products also gained access to unique information resources, training centers in the USA, Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium.

Manufacturers design implants based on average sizes. This usually narrows the choice down to 2-3 suitable prostheses. However, some companies, such as Zimmer and Biomet, make gender-specific models. According to them, the products allow us to take into account and correct anatomical differences between men and women.

An example of a “female” knee implant from Smith@Nephew. There are no visual differences from the usual one.

There is no conclusive evidence greater efficiency gender endoprostheses. Many experts are confident that this approach is nothing more than marketing ploy, designed to increase sales.

Features of devices and their manufacturers

According to WHO, partial knee replacement is suitable for only 10% of patients. The decision about the optimal treatment method for you is made by the surgeon.

Factors that determine the correct choice of implant:

  • available range of motion (maximum flexion, extension);
  • customizability (size, shape, gender differences);
  • stability;
  • patient's activity level.

Discuss important functions with the surgeon, clarify which type of device best suits the needs, anatomy, and type of disease. The decisive factors are the success of the endoprosthesis, the duration of its use in medical practice and the period of use.

A type of implant for partial knee replacement.

The most popular models and manufacturers

Total Mobile bearing Zimmer: The NexGen® LPS-Flex Mobile and LPS-Mobile Bearing Knees Both systems allow the artificial joint to flex and rotate freely. Metal components are used: attached to the end of the femur, replacing the upper part of the tibia. Endoprostheses include a plastic articular surface loosely attached to a base plate that acts as artificial cartilage. Provides 155⁰ active flexion and 25 degrees of unimpeded internal/external rotation. Bone cement is used for fixation
The Zimmer Gender Solutions® Patello-Femoral Joint Designed for active patients, positioned as an early intervention option. Allows you to preserve large areas of bone, requiring a smaller incision. The use of this implant requires the surgeon to be able to handle special instruments and have knowledge of minimally invasive techniques. The endoprosthesis takes into account gender differences; the special shape of its components more accurately reflects the characteristics of female and male anatomy. Offers 35 different sizing options
DePuy Sigma® Rotating Platform Knees It involves installing a movable bearing supported on a rotating platform, which allows you to simulate the natural movements of the knee. The design provides a reduction internal tension and wear, so it lasts longer than its analogues. According to statistics, about 1 million similar endoprostheses have been implanted in the world, 97% of which have been used for more than 20 years
Fixed support DePuy Sigma® Fixed-Bearing Knees Wear-resistant polyethylene and advanced metal components are used, which do not cause rejection in 99.6% of cases after 5 years of operation
Smith & Nephew OXINIUM® Prosthesis with a high level of wear resistance. Made from zirconium metal, which makes it more resistant to abrasion and scratching. During testing, an 85% reduction in wear of polyethylene was noted compared to cobalt-chromium materials used in other implants
Stryker Triathlon® Total Knee Replacement System This type of artificial joint is designed to work with the body. Gives good return results motor activity after surgery. The design of the device allows the implant to bend, expand, and rotate similar to a natural knee
Biomet Vanguard® Complete Knee System Device adaptable to specific features patient's anatomy. Assumes a high degree of flexion (approx. 145⁰), available in 90 sizes, 10 femur sizes


BioMet Oxford® Knee A device intended for patients with limited (medial) arthritis. The prosthesis uses movable plastic bearings and is implanted on only one side. Allows you to remove 75% less bone and cartilage, so the installation procedure is less painful and the recovery rate is higher. Clinical trials show 98% success after 10 years of wear and 95% after 15 years
DuPuy Sigma® High Performance Partial Knee Intended for active patients who require a high degree of flexion but are not yet ready for total arthroplasty. Allows you to kneel, squat, and sit cross-legged. The surgeon uses any of its components individually to replace the desired knee compartment. Preserves the maximum intact area of ​​the native knee.

Endoprosthesis service life

The service life of an artificial knee joint is 10-30 years. It depends on the quality of the material used, the type of prosthesis, the technique used, the period, the patient’s compliance with operating rules and doctor’s instructions, the presence of repeated injuries, and the patient’s weight. Best Reviews obtained titanium alloys; The warranty period for such prostheses is 15-20 years.

75% of patients use an artificial prosthesis throughout their lives without the need for replacement.

Oncological endoprosthesis

The femur and tibia often become sites for the development of tumors and oncological diseases. Previously, such a diagnosis was considered a clear contraindication to the endoprosthesis procedure, but manufacturers have developed oncological endoprostheses that provide outstanding results even in the presence of extensive bone defects.

The essence of oncological endoprostheses is a more extensive method of fixation in the bone, so they are more voluminous.

The bone sections are resected and replaced with artificial implants. If the patient’s disease is malignant, the devices can save his life and restore mobility.

Domestic prostheses

Talking about Russian practice endoprosthetics, we note the presence of a number of centers with experienced surgeons performing over 1000 operations per year. Such a breakthrough is guaranteed federal program financing operations. Therefore, the statement that good surgeons can only be found abroad is not true.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about implants. Despite ongoing developments, domestic endoprostheses are inferior to imported ones in terms of quality and reliability, although they remain in the same price segment.

Approach the choice of a suitable implant responsibly, study the information about the available models, and you will definitely choose suitable look. Consider the opinion of the operating surgeon, your own activity,
