Presentation of who you see yourself in the future. Presentation on the topic "How I see the future." last name students first name

Department of Education of the Irkutsk region

Municipal educational institution IRMO Listvyanskaya secondary school

Class hour script

« How do I see my future?

Developed by: Svetlana Samoilova

Evgenievna is cool

Head of 10th grade

Listvyanka village. 2014

Target - socialization of the student, that is, his integration with society, the formation of positive outlooks on life and value orientations of the future graduate.
- create conditions for the formation of social needs, motives, and interests among high school students;
- promote the development of skills to plan your own future.

Formation of the desire for moral and personal self-education.Form of conduct : lesson-debate
Participants: 10th grade students, class teacher.
Preparatory work :
Students are offered:
1. Write a mini-essay “How do I see my future?”

2. Read letters from A.V. Sukhomlinsky to his son
3. Homeroom teacher together with the librarian and 10th grade students, prepares an exhibition of books and other printed material (letters, booklets, posters).
4. The class teacher is preparing a presentation for the lesson.
Design, equipment and inventory.
1. Music is selected school theme;
2. Blank sheets of paper - “bricks”;
4. Projector, screen, tape recorder;
5. A statement by A.V. is placed on the board. Sukhomlinsky:

6. Decorated book exhibition "A GOOD BOOK IS A WRITING EXPERIENCE"

Class progress .

Teacher : Our lesson today is not accidental. You are high school seniors and will soon graduate. It depends on you whether this life will be difficult or whether you will live it joyfully and happily.
But our life is so short! It has no drafts or duplicates. Not a single day can be returned, not a single day can be lived again. Even a day... And if many days, whole years fly by unconsciously and thoughtlessly, as if they never happened at all?
You guys have already felt that life is not only about entertainment and joy. This is not easy work either. This is also sorrow. Therefore, those people who prepared in advance to meet life, as a rule, lived it interestingly. It’s worse for those who get used to living on everything ready-made, behind the backs of their parents and other people. They have to take on all obstacles “with a fight.” And who enjoys fighting all their life?
Therefore, our task is to promote the right choice what can be useful in life for each of you in modern society. Give wise advice and instructions.
So, we will call our lesson today “How do I see my future?”
(Key words can become: knowledge, work, experience, life...)
In social studies lessons, you have already received various information about what a person needs to know about life in society. Therefore, what “bricks” should be put into the foundation first? own life you probably know.
A mast open to all winds and storms. And she would have collapsed a long time ago if it weren’t for the stretch marks that keep her upright. The more stretch marks, the stronger it stands in the wind.
So is man. The more supports he created for himself, the stronger and better his life. The easier it will be to withstand the storms of life.
Listen to the parable.
“God molded a man from clay, and he was left with an unused piece.
-What else do you need to make? - God asked.
“Make me happy,” the man asked.
God did not answer anything, and only placed the remaining piece of clay in the man’s palm...”
So I will also put this piece in your palms ( blank sheets paper) and let's try together to give names to those “props” that support a person in life and make him happy.
Everyone present is invited to write words on the “bricks”, the meanings of which can be turned into “props that support a person in life.” And then explain their meaning for a person.
I. Discussion.

Students speak up and prove that their choice of a particular “prop” is justified and deliberate.Explain the significance of the selected words in a person’s life and arrange them in a certain sequence. Students can complement or contradict each other. When the performances are over, we contact you againto one parable:
“Three people look into a puddle.
One sees himself.
The other is the moon and stars.
The third is dirt.
Everyone has their own vision..."
That’s why you ended up with different “supports”. But there are also the same ones, let’s highlight them:
The first one can call "GOOD GENERAL EDUCATION "In fact, if a person is well educated in various fields of knowledge, then he will be needed everywhere. It is interesting to communicate with him. This means that interesting people will appear next to him. He will always be invited to high paying job. Any organization needs educated people. It is much easier for an educated person to start his own business.
Uneducated or poorly educated people are also needed. But for doing uninteresting work. In addition, there are more poorly educated people. This means that they will have to constantly compete for the right to take their place in the sun. Education is a very strong support in life!
Second "support" can be called "TARGET "
Third could be"KNOW YOUR RIGHTS ". It’s good if a person knows exactly what he can count on in life. Will he then have to stand bent over in front of someone? He will use his rights, he will be able to protect them. Or he will turn to the court for protection, to others government agencies. And so on.
"Bricks" proposed by students for pawningfoundation:
constitution and laws;
foreign languages;
strong will;
physical health;
absence of bad habits (smoking, drinking, drug addiction, etc.);
real friends;
knowledge of people;
second profession;
general culture;
sense of responsibility.
II. Methodology for encouraging self-education “My best self.”
Think about which people are your idols, whom you admire and respect the most. Perhaps it is an artist, an athlete, a relative or acquaintance - any one specific person. You don’t need to say his name out loud, just think and remember.Fill out the table of five columns.The title of the first column is “Character Qualities”; the names of the rest remain empty for now. Write down eight character traits of this person in the first column, numbering them. To make it easier to fill out this column, use a list of personality traits and character traits. (the list of qualities is written on the board in advance)List of personality traits Activity, accuracy, carelessness, thoughtfulness, politeness, loyalty, attentiveness, quick temper, rudeness, kindness, discipline, cheerfulness, envy, arrogance, rancor, initiative, sincerity, collectivism, gullibility, slowness, suspiciousness, vindictiveness, courage, perseverance, nervousness, indecision, lack of restraint, resentment, responsibility, optimism, patriotism, integrity, suspicion, swagger, decisiveness, intelligence, courage, modesty, compliance, contempt, determination.

Teacher : Think about which of the qualities you wrote down are inherent to you, and then mark with an asterisk in the desired column. If you think that this quality always manifests itself in you, put an asterisk in the “Always” column; if usually, often - in the “Usually” column, etc.After completing this task, the teacher leads a discussion on the questions.1. What kind of person would you like to become? 2. How would you like to be in the eyes of others? 3. Have you ever acted against your conscience just because you are afraid of being judged and ridiculed? 4. Imagine that you can become anything you want. Who do you see yourself as?

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky is a great teacher and innovator. He wrote such works as“I give my heart to children”, “Birth of a citizen”, and also “Letters to my son”.

These works are thematically interconnected and form a kind of trilogy in which the author raises current problems raising a child, teenager, young man.

Excerpts from the work “Letters to my Son” are read. Students are invited to discuss what Vasily Alexandrovich said to his son, what he wanted to teach.

Vasily Alexandrovich told his son that you cannot raise a person, and you need to give him everything he wants with early childhood to teach the child to work, to benefit society, to help it, and if he helps society, then it will respond in kind. After all, if a person is not accustomed to work, he does not know what bread is, and if he does not know either one or the other, then he simply rots inside. Vasily Alexandrovich thought so.

Sukhomlinsky also explained to his son what the ideal of a person is, because his son did not believe that in our time it was possible to find an ideal. Vasily Aleksandrovich said that the ideal of a person is that milkmaid who milked 1000 liters more than the norm, because her life is not full of meaning, she has a goal, to make her society better, and that if all people were like this milkmaid, then society would be would be perfect today.

Sukhomlinsky helped his son understand how to study in such a way that he had enough time to finish other things during the day. He said that in order for you to have enough time, you should not take notes at home, but take notes during the lecture, and not leave memorizing all the material before the tests, but study it for 2-3 hours every day. And the most important thing is not to waste time, not to gather somewhere and not to chat idlely.

The son also asked what true love is, to which the father replied that real, genuine love is the love that arises before marriage and prevails in itspiritual-psychological, moral-aesthetic element, that is, love must first of all be spiritual, not physical, and how strong spiritual love will depend on whether people are happy in marriage or not. And about marriages made by people of different intellectual levels, he said that the intellectual level does not affect the marriage at all, and in marriage, a person lagging behind in intellectual level should try to increase it in order to complement each other. And he gives an example when a wife with an 8th grade education married an agronomist, and simply read magazines every day and scientific literature related to agronomy.

Sukhomlinsky believed that not only parents, but also society should educate a person, a child should be taught to work from early childhood, work is beauty, and a person who works is beautiful in itself,that a person needs to be made a real communist, and that he needs to honor and remember his heroes, he must be ready to take care of a patient bedridden for years, so that, having heard the groan of a lonely old man on a dark night, he can come to to help him without anyone’s call - simply at the behest of his heart. He must be a loving, sincere, sensitive, caring son of his own mother - without this he has no moral right to be called a person, a son of his Socialist Motherland.He must be able to read the human soul, be able to see, understand, feel with his mind and heart the grief, sadness, and excitement of his compatriot, and come to his aid. This is the highest human diploma, expressed in the majestic words of our principle: man is friend, comrade and brother to man.

Teacher : Summing up the class hour.

In your essays, you wrote what you want to achieve in life, one way or another you formulated the goal of life. Students are offeredmake a plan life strategy for the next 5 years. What do you need to do to achieve this goal - tomorrow, in a month, a year.

I would like to end the class hour with the words of Sukhomlinsky.

In his last parting words to young men and women entering life, Vasily Sukhomlinsky, already terminally ill, said:“There are no limits to human fortitude. There are no difficulties or hardships that a person cannot overcome. Not to endure silently, to suffer, but to overcome, to emerge victorious, to become stronger. Most of all, fear the moment when the difficulty seems insurmountable to you, when the thought appears to retreat, to take the easy path.”

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My future – what is it like? My picture of the world. ?

My future and me. What does the future mean? What are you talking about? “Now” is understandable. Now I go to school, help my parents at home, and hang out with friends. “Yesterday” is also clear to me - yesterday there was rain and a holiday - we didn’t go to school and were very happy about it. What is the future? Is it “tomorrow” or “the day after tomorrow”? ?

My future and me. No, the future is something we don’t know yet. But tomorrow is Saturday, and I know it, and I also know that I will go to the Hermitage. And the future is a mystery. And each person has a personal secret that will be revealed only to him and not the day after tomorrow, or in a year. And then, when the time comes.

What do you think is a picture of the world? When answering this question, think about how you see the world? What is he to you? Your city? Your country? The continent you live on? Or the entire planet with its diversity, rivers, oceans, people and animals? ?

The world is... ?

The world is... ?

The world is... ?

The world is... ?

Each of you has decided how he sees the world. And now the fun begins! It turns out that we ourselves decide what awaits us ahead. We reason, think, dream, believe, and sooner or later we come to certain conclusion: to achieve something, you don’t have to sit idly by. ?

How does my worldview work? It seems to me that nothing will change in the city where I live and study. The most important thing is that I will remain in it. I won’t go anywhere, after school I’ll go to university and then find a job. ? 1

With such a picture of the world, the goals that we set for ourselves are achieved quite quickly. Very little time passes from the moment you graduate from school and enter adulthood. Before you know it, your future is already at your doorstep. Here is the long-awaited diploma with higher education and yours new job. The goal has been achieved and the future has been determined.

What if you think that your homeland is a huge world that you need to visit? Russia is a huge and magnificent country. Your goal is to explore the most hidden corners and travel around the country. To do this, you receive a diploma in a specialty, for example, a guide-translator. ? 2 Each of you has decided how he sees the world.

And you go with friends or tourists to work, which becomes the meaning of life for you.

But suddenly the desire to see the world spreads to other continents and countries? You freeze with delight when you hear familiar words and names: “Canada”, “Australia”, “Arizona” and “London”. What is needed for this purpose? ? 3 Each of you has decided how he sees the world.

For such a future you need patience and determination! To travel to other countries, you need to know their languages, cultures and traditions. And for this you need to study a lot. Without this, there is no way to achieve our plans. ?

But why does our view of the world affect our future? It's simple! Our life depends on what we see. Our sense of life, our idea of ​​it “now” determines the future. And we must think about him. To stop one day and say: “Wait, this is what I wanted!” This is my dream and it has become a reality. I did what I set out to do. I'm proud of myself."

Get a higher education diploma.

Conquer Everest.

Win the World Championship...

Or the UEFA Cup.

Of course, the goal may change over time or return to the original one. But this only indicates that you take your life seriously, think about your future and believe in it. If there is a goal, aspiration, then life becomes bright, filled with significant elements and actions.

My profile. What am I dreaming about now? How do I see myself in the future? means for me? Why is it important to think about your future now? My portrait of the present and future.

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Essay on OTD: “How I see my future in 5 years”

dreams life paths

If you ask someone what their future will be like in 5 years. Of course, not everyone can answer this question specifically, because we are not fortune tellers or clairvoyants, but our desires to be happy pull us forward. But I will answer because I have the very best cherished dreams, who guide me through life, who help me choose the right paths to achieve the tasks I have set, to their implementation. My future for me is a very serious mission that I must certainly fulfill, otherwise, why was I born into the world, because there is a lot of light and pure in the world. And for this you need to love and create.

First of all to modern man Nowadays, in order to become successful, you need a profession. One day in seventh grade, I discovered that I could draw. I liked this hobby so much that my inner world I began to change my attitude towards life, I understood why I live and why. Having fallen in love with art, I decided in the future to become an artist with the highest spiritual culture; designer and simply a sought-after architectural specialist.

I see myself at 25 years old as a more successful person in life. By this time I will have already finished some educational institution in artistic direction. And maybe by that time I will have a family in which I will be a faithful companion to my husband and a loving mother to my children. What could be more pleasant than giving love and receiving it, because each of us is worthy of love. But, I would not like to start a family early, like some, because this may be wrong. I think everything has its time.

Therefore, every person should have faith in himself and should go through life according to the call of his heart. Posted on


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Target: spend an hour communicating with students in the form of a dialogue about whether their own future depends on them.

Tasks: the development of creative thinking, imagination, the desire to make a dream come true, the desire to learn, to complete the work started, to cultivate a kind attitude towards each other.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, seven-color paper flowers for students, blackboard, magnets.


Teacher: Guys, I think that you, like probably every person, are thinking about what future awaits you, who you will become, whether you will be happy. Raise your hands for those for whom this issue is relevant and interesting.

– Thank you, I see that there are no indifferent people among us. Everyone is interested in how his life will turn out... Remember the famous Russian proverb: “A man is the architect of his own happiness.” And also: “What goes around comes around.” Much depends on how we live now, how we think, how we act. And today I would like to talk to you about this. I hope that we will work together.

1st verse of Krylatov’s song “Beautiful Far Away” sounds

Beautiful, don't be cruel to me

We begin our journey into the beautiful far away.

Teacher: Guys, what is this song about?

Children's answers:(approximate) about a person who dreams of a wonderful future

Teacher:“You need to live in the present, and work for the future.” I would like to offer you a poem from. Baruzdina.

There are children in the world
There are dreams in the world.
Children grow up -
They dream big.
If I'm dreaming
If you're dreaming
If we dream
This is good.

Teacher: Guys, what is a dream? (Children's answers)

Teacher: And the dictionary says this: A dream is what a person strives for. You must always be confident in yourself, have a goal in life, strive for something. If all this is not there, then there is no life. It’s stupid to live in vain, to waste time on things, deeds, and actions that are unnecessary either to you or to those around you. Let's get creative. This is a seven-flowered flower. Of course, you remember everything, he is able to fulfill several of your desires. I suggest you write down your wishes on the petals of a flower.

Students write down their wishes, and the song “Dot, dot, comma...” sounds.

Period, period, comma.
A crooked face came out.
Hands, legs, cucumber -
A little man appeared.
What will these dots see?
What will these pens build?
How far will these legs take him?
How will he live in the world?
We are not responsible for this
We drew it -
That's all.
But believe me, it's important
So that he grows up brave,
So that I can find my way,
Calculate the run.
It's hard, it's hard
But it’s impossible otherwise.
Only like that from a little man
A man will come out.

Children read and attach petals to the board - it turns out to be a bouquet of flowers.

Teacher: Guys, what needs to be done to make your dreams come true? After all, each of us is capable of setting a life goal and achieving its implementation. The future is not built all at once, not like in a fairy tale, it is built like a huge house - brick by brick. Bricks also don’t lie on the road, they need to be collected throughout your life: studying at school, communicating with friends, helping adults. Only then will we be able to understand what life is. If you don’t value your life, you will never know why you came into this world, what good you can do. Let's try to derive some rules to make our dreams come true.

Teacher: But first, let's listen to B. Zakhoder's poem

If soap came to my bed in the morning
And it would wash me all by itself. That would be nice!
If we say, a wizard gave me such a textbook...
So that he would always answer any lesson himself...
If only I had a pen so I could solve the problem,
Write any dictation - all by yourself, of course!
If only life would come then, just go for a walk and relax!
Then my mother would stop saying that I’m lazy!


– What does B. Zakhoder’s hero dream about?
- Why does he dream about this?
– What gave birth to his dream?
– Do you have similar dreams?
– How do you deal with them?

Children’s answers, from which the basic rules are gradually formulated and written down or pinned on the board:

– Don’t be lazy, but work.

I hear a voice from a beautiful place far away
He is not calling me to heaven
I hear a voice, the voice asks sternly
And today what have I done for tomorrow?
Beautiful, don't be cruel to me
Don't be harsh with me, don't be harsh with me
Far from pure source to beauty
We begin our journey to beauty far away

Teacher: Guys, but if we just dream and do nothing for it, will our dream come true?

Children's answers: Not only dream of good deeds, but also do them. Study a lot.

Teacher: How to achieve a good profession in the future, what needs to be done in the present for this?

Children's answers: Good to study.

Teacher: Now look at our flower of desires and remember all the rules that we have derived, they will help us fulfill our dreams.

The song “Beautiful Far Away” sounds, verse 3

I swear that I will become cleaner and kinder
And I hurry to answer the call quickly
And I will never leave a friend in trouble
I hear a voice and hurry to answer the call
On a road with no trace

Teacher: We talked today about your future, which undoubtedly depends on you, on your dreams, on your perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goal. I wish that all your dreams come true. Man is the builder of his life, and his future depends on what material he chooses. If this is good and justice, then his future will be happy. And if these are bad habits, laziness, evil, rudeness, all he can do is blame others for the fact that he is not satisfied with his fate. You ask: “who is to blame?” - of course he himself. Just in right time and at the right time he followed the wrong principles. Let's wish each other the fulfillment of their cherished dreams. Stand in a circle and say kind words to each other, wish them a happy future. And remember: our future depends only on us.

The last verse of the song.
